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Question: In the ‘The Bangladesh Bank Heist’’ explain how

to avoid accident in compromise data.

Most have been following the story about the Bangladesh Bank Heist. If you
haven’t, here is the scoop and timeline. On May 15, 2015, three bank accounts were
opened at the Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC). Each of these accounts
would lay dormant until Feb 4, 2016. Only later did authorities discover these accounts
were all fake. It turns out cyber criminals who attempted to steal nearly $1 billion from
the Bangladesh Central Bank had been planning the heist for nearly a year. Thanks in
large part to a spelling error, however, the attackers made off with “only” $81 million
of the total attempted amount.

100% of advanced cyber attacks exploit privileged accounts, and that’s true for
this bank heist. Let’s take a look at the role of privileged accounts in this breach. After
breaking through the perimeter, the attackers were able to successfully capture local
administrative credentials from infected machines. Using the stolen privileged
credentials, the attackers continued to escalate privileges and move laterally  throughout
the environment until they ultimately reached the SWIFT-connected systems.

The attackers used local admin rights to install monitoring software on the
SWIFT-connected systems. This enabled them to gain persistent access to the systems,
learn how the secure message platform worked and gain access to the SWIFT-issued
digital certificates required to authenticate to the SWIFT network. With this access, the
attackers used the stolen SWIFT credentials to send financial messages, thus initiating
35 fraudulent transactions. To stay hidden, the attackers used their admin privileges to
remotely execute a specific advanced malware that was developed to hide tracks when
attacking SWIFT systems. One of the malware’s actions disabled the printer that was
configured to automatically print all sent and received messages in order to prevent
employees from discovering the fraudulent transactions.

There have been a number of industry reports highlighting the dangers of not
locking down privileged accounts. Following are some best practices that could have
mitigated the breach:

1. Standard business users should never have full local admin rights . Solutions,
such as CyberArk Endpoint Privilege Manager, enable organizations to remove local
admin rights while enabling users to elevate privileges when needed for approved tasks.
Without local admin rights, it would have been difficult for the attackers to break in,
move throughout the network and install malware.
2. Secure privileged account credentials. This includes the credentials for the
remaining local admin accounts on endpoints, domain admin credentials, privileged
SSH keys and any other credentials that provide access to a sensitive account or system.
This also could have included the SWIFT user credentials needed to access the digital
certificates. By centrally securing privileged credentials, controlling access to these
credentials based on role, and enforcing multi-factor authentication before granting
access, the attackers would likely not have been able to get the credentials needed to
laterally move through the environment, reach the SWIFT-connected systems or execute
the fraudulent transactions. Even if attackers were able to harvest the credentials using
keylogging malware or by stealing the hash, proactive credential rotation would
invalidate the compromised credentials, making them useless to the attacker.
3. Segment off highly sensitive systems from the rest of the IT network . This is
often seen in retailers who have separate PCI environments, in utilities who separate
and airgap their ICS systems, and it should be seen in central banks in their SWIFT-
connected environments. For administration purposes, once these systems are separated
from the standard IT network, remote access should only be permitted via a designated,
secure and hardened jump server. Using this approach, organizations can tightly control
access to these system, better protect against credential harvesting techniques and
prevent malware from jumping from user endpoints to sensitive systems. This
separation also adds a valuable monitoring component, in that all administrative access
to SWIFT-connected systems can be recorded.
4. Monitor and analyze all privilege account activity. Privileged accounts protect
the most sensitive data and assets, and as a last line of defense, security teams need to
be able to quickly identify anomalous activity that could indicate an attack is in-
process. In this case, had the Bangladesh Bank been monitoring SWIFT account
activity, they could have been alerted to the abnormal login patterns, investigated what
was going on, and stopped the attackers before they were able to execute 35
5. Lastly, by controlling applications on endpoints and servers, organizations
can apply application whitelisting policies that meet their risk tolerance . By doing
this, organizations can proactively prevent unknown and malicious software from
infiltrating the environment and detect when new applications enter and spread
throughout the environment. In this case, Bangladesh Bank could have recognized the
malware during the earlier stages of the attack. For example, SysMon (the monitoring
software) and the Evtdiag.exe (the malware that hides malicious tracks) could be
blocked from running on the SWIFT-connected machines.

While this attack had a serious outcome and required advanced planning, the attack
methods used were not very sophisticated. With the proper tools and policies, this likely
could have been prevented. For example, CyberArk’s proactive privileged account
controls could have helped make it far more difficult for the attackers to get into the
SWIFT environment to begin with, and advanced detection capabilities likely would
detected the anomalous login activity and alerted the security team that something was

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