LO.2 Guidance and Counseling

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History and Development of Guidance

What are in store for you?

1. Pseudoscientific Techniques in Guidance

2. Guidance, The Result of Scientific Study
3. The Status of Guidance
✔ Guidance in the U.S.
✔ Europe
✔ Philippines (*RA 9258)

Duration: 3 Hours


Guidance just like any other disciplines has its own roots and history. The roots
of any given discipline can come from the most tribal sources as proven by historical
account and findings. Guiding people in the olden days was treated using some
pseudo-scientific techniques which were found to be uncertain and inconsistent. Hence,
the need for a more scientific and factual form of assistance came into existence.

Historically, guidance is a young

discipline which started only in the 20 th
century. The Americans and other
European countries started the
research, investigation and studies that
led to the discoveries of scientific ways
of helping people, individually or as a
group. These earlier initiatives
encouraged the formation of
movements in other countries and
continue to spread up to this date.

What you should know? (Main Objective)

At the end of this module, it is expected that you can trace the History and
Development of significant events in “Guidance” in education using research- based
information from literatures.

Specifically, you should be able to:

1. Identify pseudo-scientific approaches to guiding people;

2. Name personalities who have contributed to the development of guidance
3. Cite salient provisions of Republic Act No. 9258

What do you already know? (Pre-test)

As part of procedures for determining your prior knowledge on the topic

presented in this module, I want you to answer the following activity. Your honesty is the
key to success in achieving the intended learning outcomes of this module for you.

Check whether the technique is a pseudo-scientific or scientific one. Place your

answer by checking the appropriate space.

Direction: Tick whether the technique/approach is a pseudo-scientific or scientific

techniques applied in guidance.
Technique/Approach Pseudo- Scientific
1. Behavioral Technique
2. Palmistry Reading
3. Astrology Vibration
4. Numerology Approach
5. Cognitive Technique
6. Humanistic Approach
7. Phrenology Technique
8. Personality Test
9. Person-centered Approach
10. Occultism


Ano ang Pamahiin Mo?

1. List down five superstitious beliefs that you know.

2. Tick the level of your agreement for every belief that you have listed.

Superstitious Beliefs Strongl Agree Disagre Strongly

y Agree e Disagree






Processing of activity follows.

You finally did it, you already completed the first two tasks. Before you begin I
would like you to reflect on what you have done and experienced in your recent activity
because that is the key to moving forward. You can do that by completing each clause

The activity above made me remember


It made me think and realize that


I therefore commit to


By this time, you are very much prepared to learn more about pseudo-scientific,
scientific study and history of Guidance.

Psuedo-Scientific Techniques in Guidance

The following are non-scientific means used as guidance techniques before by

some non-specialists in the field of guidance:

1. Numerology – is the predicting of future

outcomes or events in terms of lucky or
unlucky numbers.
2. Astrology – is associating one’s fate with the
course of the stars and other heavenly bodies
3. Graphology – is analyzing one’s character in
terms of one’s penmanship pattern.an
individual’s personality is analyzed on the
basis of the strokes, the shape, size and slant of
the letters.
4. Palmistry – is the belief that lines on one’s
hand tell the fate and destiny of an individual, still
has a place among us.it is also believed that form and shape of one’s hand revel
the personality traits or types.
5. Phrenology is the belief whereby an individual’s traits, such as honesty,
sympathy, love, mental ability or musical talent can be determined by the size
and shape of the head, the form of the forehead and so on.
6. Physiognomy – which is allied to phrenology, predicts personality traits through
facial characteristics, bodily structure or muscular set.
7. Occultism and spiritualism. (Espiritistas/ Ouija board)

Guidance, the result of scientific study.

Guidance is an outgrowth of several movements which are focused on human

behavior patterns. First is psychology, there appeared a movement – an increased
interest in the essence of man and life expressions. Psychology, which originally meant
study of the mind, was therefore introduced. The study led to more research,
investigation and experiments on the why of human behavior, inasmuch as no one
could know precisely what was in one’s mind.

Early in the 20th century, educational psychology –

that deals with the development of an individual as he
progresses from birth to old age – was added to the teacher
– training curriculum. Further studies in this field aroused interest for the welfare of
human beings in all ages and therefore the need for guidance, guidance programs, and
guidance techniques.

Here is the list of scientific approaches in guidance and counselling:

Person Centered Approach

Person centered approach is totally based on

derivations from humanistic psychology. It is
mandated personally by providing the person with a
growth-promoting environment. The counsellor treat the
individual with empathetic understanding,
genuineness and unconditional positivity which most of
the people crave for. The main objective is to assist
people in the growth process.

Cognitive Behavioral Approach

This approach synthesizes that the emotions arrive from beliefs, interpretations
and generalizations in Life. Having this in mind, counsellors assist the person learn
belief identification which plays a vital role in recoiling emotions and behavioral
situations in life. Using focal therapy counselor helps the client dig out their negative
thoughts and beliefs and fill up the void with their positive core beliefs.

Behavioral Approach

An action-oriented approach that deals with current

problems faced by people while they fail to realize their past.
During the session, people will learn facing such problems and
practice certain skills where instructions, modelling and
performance feedback is provided by the counsellors.

Gestalt Approach

This therapy spreads awareness amongst people what they’ve been

experiencing since people have the capacity for self-control and regulation once they
understand what’s happening with and around them. While emphasizing the direct
experience of feelings, people confront feelings like pain, resentment, anxiety, grief and
abandonment which is unexpressed by them.

The Status of Guidance

The progress of guidance has been slow because of lack of trained personnel
and sympathetic administrations, lack of funds, and misconceptions about guidance.
But guidance is quite definite, and the problems can be hurdled. As a newer field of
educational psychology, guidance has come to stay. The guidance movement has
spread in some countries, including the Philippines.

Guidance History

Guidance in the United States

The guidance movement (school) formally started at the turn of the twentieth century.

● Frank Parsons
• He is rightfully called the “Father” of vocational
guidance movement and of the guidance
movement in general. He worked as a
volunteer in the Civic Service House in Boston
to observe maladjusted young men and
● The US entry into World War I had brought the need for assessment of draftees,
and they performed psychological assessments on a large group of people who
have joined the call of the state, thus, beginning the standardized testing
movement in the early twenty-first century.
● Early vocational guidance counselors were teachers appointed to assume the
extra duties of the position in addition to their regular teaching responsibilities.
● The 1920s and 1930s saw an expansion of counseling roles beyond working only
with vocational concerns.
● After World War II a strong trend away from testing appeared. One of the main
persons indirectly responsible for this shift was Carl Rogers who was followed by
many with his emphasis on "nondirective" counseling. This new theory minimized
counselor advice-giving and stressed the creation of conditions that left the client
more in control of the counseling process.
Guidance Movements in Europe

• European countries and Great Britain developed guidance

movement similar to those in the United States at about the
same time.
• In Great Britain, guidance suffered a setback during World
War II because young workers could readily obtain
employment without vocational guidance.
• In France, Vocational Guidance was given national recognition
in 1922, when guidance services became established offices.
• In Germany, under the First Reich, vocational guidance
enabled boys to find jobs and aided the government to
relocate workers where they were needed.
• In Russia, the vocational guidance bureau handles counseling
Guidance Movement in the Philippines
History of Counseling in the Philippines
● The US had a significant impact on counseling because Filipino counselors and
psychologists often trained there.

Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP)

● The PAP (1962) endeavors to promote excellence, teaching, research, and the
practice of psychology. 1st annual national convention was held in January 1964.
● The PAP publishes the Philippine Journal of Psychology, an international
refereed journal that aims to promote psychological studies in the Philippines and
of the Filipino people.

Philippine Guidance and Counseling Association (PGCA)

The Philippine Guidance and Counseling

Association (PGCA) is a professional
organization for guidance counselors,
supervisors, and counselor educators started in
1964 by a group of educators, psychologists, and
counselors, some of whom were trained in the
● The most significant development in Philippine guidance and counseling is the
Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004 (Republic Act No. 9258). An Act intended
to professionalize the practice of guidance and counseling in the country.
● Prior to 2004, mental health workers did not need a license to practice nor was
there a regulatory board to ensure adequate training and ethical practice.
● Psychologists followed suit through the Philippine Psychology Act of 2009
(Republic Act No. 10029), which will regulate psychology and create a
professional regulatory board for licensing psychologists (Kabiling, 2010).

Laws affecting the Practice of Guidance and Counseling

1897 Philippine Constitution
Article XIV, Sec 3, par 2:
All educational institutions shall xxx, strengthen ethical and spiritual values,
develop moral character and personal discipline, encourage critical and creative
thinking, broaden scientific and technological knowledge, and promote vocational
BP 232 (Education Act of 1982)
Section 9. Right of Students in School
The right to school guidance and counseling services for decisions and selecting
the alternatives in fields of work suited to his potentialities.
RA 10533 (Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013)
SEC. 9. Career Guidance and Counseling Advocacy.
... the DepED, in coordination with the DOLE, the TESDA and the CHED, shall
regularly conduct career advocacy activities for secondary level students.
Career and employment guidance counselors, who are not registered and
licensed guidance counselors, shall be allowed to conduct career advocacy activities to
secondary level students of the school where they are currently employed;
Provided, that they undergo a training program to be developed or accredited by
the DepED.
Sec 27, RA 9258 (Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004)
Prohibition Against the Practice of Guidance and Counseling. -
No person shall:
a) engage in the practice of guidance and counseling without a valid Certificate of
Registration and the valid Professional Identification Card or a special permit;
b) make representations to the public or to third person as a licensed Guidance
Counselor during the time that the licensed has been revoked or suspended,
c) allow anybody to use his/her license as guidance counselor to enable such
unqualified individuals to engage in the practice of guidance and counseling.

Any unethical practice of guidance and counseling as may be defined in a Code

of Ethics and Code of Technical Standards, is prohibited.
RA 11036 (Mental Health Act of 2018)
Mental Health Services refer to psychosocial, psychiatric or neurologic activities
and programs along the whole range of mental health support services including:
promotion, prevention, treatment, and aftercare, which are provided by mental
health facilities and mental health professionals.
Mental Health Professional refers to a medical doctor, psychologist, nurse, social
worker, guidance counselor or any other
appropriately- trained and qualified person
with specific skills relevant to the provision of
mental health services.

RA 11206 (Secondary School Guidance

and Counseling Act)
1. National Secondary School Career
Guidance and Counseling Program
2. CGCP Centers
3. National Career Assessment Examination


Reflect on the selection entitled, Guidance and Counseling in the Philippines: A

Journey to Maturity. By Dr. Herman Lagon. Cite some of his thoughts in relation to the
maturation of guidance as a helping profession.


Enumerate 5 Scientific approaches/techniques and 5 Pseudo-scientific techniques used

in guidance.
Scientific Approaches

1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
3. _____________________________
4. _____________________________
5. _____________________________

Psuedo-scientific Techniques

1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
3. _____________________________
4. _____________________________
5. ____________________________

Final Requirement

Congratulations you are one step away from finishing this module. You have done so
much to come this far. As final requirement, I want you to do the following: Write a short
reaction on, The Scientific Approaches in Guidance: The Way to a Matured
Understanding of the Guidance Profession….

Suggested Readings

Guidance and and Counseling in the Philippines: A Journey to Maturity by Dr. Herman
M. Lagon

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