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(SOLVED) Lucia has acquired one share of common stock

of a multimillion dollar
Lucia has acquired one share of common stock of a multimillion-dollar corporation with more
than 500,000 shareholders. Lucia’s ownership is so small that she is wondering what her rights
are as a shareholder. For example, she wants to know whether owning this one share entitles
her to (1) Attend and […]

Kora Nayenga and two business associates formed a corporation called Nayenga Corp. for the
purpose of selling computer services. Kora, who owned 50 percent of the corporate shares,
served as the corporation’s president. Kora wished to obtain a personal loan from his bank for
$250,000, but the bank required the […]

Suppose that Loft’s board of directors had approved Pepsi-Cola’s use of its personnel and
equipment. Would the court’s decision have been different? Discuss. In the 1920s, Loft Candy
Company (Loft, Inc.), based in Long Island City, New York, was a publicly held company with a
$13 million candy-and-restaurant chain. The […]

1. In the video, Laura asserts that she can fire Ray “For any reason. For no reason” Is this
true? Explain your answer. 2. What exceptions to the employment-at-will doctrine are discussed
in the chapter? Does Ray’s situation fit into any of these exceptions?3. Would Ray be protected
from wrongful […]


Discuss fully whether either of the following actions would constitute a violation of Title VII of the
1964 Civil Rights Act, as amended.1. Tennington, Inc., is a consulting firm and has ten
employees. These employees travel on consulting jobs in seven states. Tennington has an
employment record of hiring only […]

Denton and Carlo were employed at an appliance plant. Their job required them to do
occasional maintenance work while standing on a wire mesh twenty feet above the plant floor.
Other employees had fallen through the mesh; one was killed by the fall. When Denton and
Carlo were asked by […]

Calzoni Boating Co. is an interstate business engaged in manufacturing and selling boats. The
company has five hundred nonunion employees. Representatives of these employees are
requesting a four-day, ten-hours-per day workweek, and Calzoni is concerned that this would
require paying time and a half after eight hours per day. Which […]


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