Solved Many States Prohibit Their Lottery Tickets From Being Sold Out

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(SOLVED) Many states prohibit their lottery tickets from

being sold out

Many states prohibit their lottery tickets from being sold out of the state, so Pic-A-State would
have its agents buy lottery tickets in various states and hold them there; someone in
Pennsylvania would buy a claim on the tickets held in the other states. Congress passed a law
prohibiting interstate […]

Congress requires, via the Internal Revenue Service, that you report to the IRS any income
from illegal activities, such as drug dealing. If you report the income, you reveal your illegal
activities. If you do not report the income and the dealing is discovered, you can be charged
with income […]

Because litigation is so costly, many firms settle suits that they are quite sure they would win if
litigated. It is cheaper to settle for $10,000 or $50,000 than to consume management time and
litigation fees. While it is unethical to bring dubious suits that are largely intended to extract […]

Paranzino claimed she deposited $200,000 in a bank but was given a receipt for only $100,000,
but she did not notice the mistake until later.She sued the bank, but attended court-ordered
mediation. The mediation required parties to sign a confidentiality agreement. At mediation, the
bank offered $25,000 to settle the […]


People who borrowed money from Buckeye Check Cashing signed an agreement that included
a clause requiring any dispute to go to arbitration. Suit was filed by some customers against
Buckeye claiming their service violated the lending laws of Florida, which would make the
agreement invalid. The Florida high court held […]

Hammond, a mediator, assisted in negotiations between a union and a company. After

mediation, the union declared that an agreement had been reached. The employer denied that
an agreement had been reached and refused to sign the union contract. The union filed an
unfair labor practice complaint with the National […]

A franchise agreement between the parent company franchisor and the franchisees who
operated 7-Eleven stores said that any dispute between the franchisor and franchisees would
be settled by arbitration. A franchisee sued the franchisor in state court, claiming that some
actions of the franchisor were in violation of state law […]


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