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(SOLVED) Many U S retailers include in their contracts with

suppliers do
Many U.S. retailers include in their contracts with suppliers domestic and foreign, a requirement
that the supplier agree not to violate any local labor laws or the contract can be terminated. Yet
the illegal use of child labor is common in many countries, especially in carpet making in
Pakistan and […]

A textile mill in Bangladesh bought a large quantity of cotton from a broker in Tennessee. The
contract stated that any problems with quality had to be resolved by arbitration at the Liverpool
Cotton Association in England.Complaints had to be filed within two months, or the matter would
not be […]

Marquette agreed to provide all cement that Norcem would need for over two years. The
quantity and sales price for the first two shipments were specified in the contract. The third
shipment, according to the contract, was to be negotiated for a price “not to exceed $38 per
short ton.” […]

GE contracted to provide kitchen appliances for an apartment complex for $93,500. Several
months later, GE discovered that a mathematical error had been made in the bid and that the
bid should have been for an additional $30,150. GE demanded rescission of the contract. Did it
get it? [General Electric […]


A builder constructed a house according to plans provided by the owner. The contract specified
that only Reading brand pipe was to be used in the plumbing. After the house was completed,
the owner discovered that another brand of pipe had been used. The owner refused final
payment and demanded […]

Copenhaver contracted to put pay washers and dryers in an apartment complex owned by
Berryman. After Copenhaven had installed the equipment, and with four years to run on the
contract, Berryman kicked Copenhaver out.Within six months, Copenhaver had put all
equipment back into service in other locations. He sued for […]

Smith contracted to build a gymnasium for Limestone College. About the time the building was
finished, an “extraordinarily heavy rainfall” caused the sewer system to back up into the
gymnasium, doing damage that cost Smith $37,000 to repair. Smith billed the city sewer system
for the work done. The city […]


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