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11/11/2020 Deep Inside: A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars

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Deep Inside: A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars and Their Careers

February 14, 2013

641k 78.2k 39.6k 5.6k 393k


For the rst time, a massive data set of 10,000 porn stars has been extracted from the
world’s largest database of adult lms and performers. I’ve spent the last six months
analyzing it to discover the truth about what the average performer looks like, what
they do on lm, and how their role has evolved over the last 40 years.

‘Without any mental deliberation, picture the average female porn star. Just let her spring into your mind’s eye looking however
she looks. Can you see her?’ 1/16
11/11/2020 Deep Inside: A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars

  had bumped into a friend who I’d not seen in a while and this was the rst question I asked him. He didn’t realise at the time that I
been in self-imposed smutty exile for an untold number of weeks, working on the largest study of porn stars ever undertaken, and
now I was out and eager to spread the news.

‘Erm, yeah, I suppose,’ he said.

‘What does she look like?’ I asked, struggling to hide my smile.

When he replied by saying ‘a blonde with big boobs’, I must admit I relished the opportunity to lean in, let the grin spread across my
tired face, and say ‘That’s what everyone says. And in fact, it’s wrong’.

 ‘Oh,’ he said, after I explained how I knew what the average porn star actually looks like, as well as what her name probably is, how
many lms she’s most likely done and the probability of her having a tattoo or body piercing.

‘So you’ve spent all this time watching hundreds of porn movies?’

‘No,’ I said. ‘I’ve spent all this time analysing the demographic pro les and lmographies of ten thousand adult performers. There is
a difference.’

‘I see’, he then said. ‘And how, dare I ask, does one go about doing that?’

I can’t recall how I rst heard about the Internet Adult Film Database—the self-proclaimed ‘premier resource for information about
the American porn community on the web’, but for the longest time I knew I wanted to plunder its treasure trove of juicy information.
It holds the records of over 120,000 porn lms and 115,000 adult performers and is the adult equivalent of the Internet Movie
Database. In a nutshell, if you’re a fan of porn or porn stars and want to look up almost anything to do with either—whether it’s the
release date of Dude, I Banged Your Mother 6, or the rst time Courtney Cummz had sex on lm with a black man—you go

The database started out as a labour of love for Dutchman Peter Van Aarle, who in 1981 began keeping records on index cards about
the porn lms he watched in his home town’s adult cinema. By 1999, he’d teamed up with other X-rated record keepers to form IAFD—
a place where a handful of international contributors compile masses of information on porn stars and their lms, while site visitors
are welcome to submit corrections and suggestions—the Wikipedia of porn, if you will. In 2011, it was visited by 20 million people1
(, one of whom was me.

Fast forward a year and I’d found a way to (somewhat nefariously, but with honourable
intentions) extract thousands of records from the database. Now the treasure trove
‘…the largest infographic I’ve
was split wide open and reams of information was spilling forth into my Excel
ever created plus a 5,000 word
spreadsheets—names of performers, their heights and weights, their races, the sex
acts they perform on lm…everything. Finally I was able to scrutinize adult performers
in a way no man, despite regular attempts to do so, had ever managed before, and nd
out once and for all which stereotypes about porn stars are true, which are bogus, and
stars/#report) containing
what these men and women have been doing for the last forty years. The results of my
every single result…’
analysis, apart from the article you’re reading now, are the biggest infographic I’ve ever
created (de nitely check out it out if you’d like a colourful overview of every single
result) and a pretty comprehensive report on the whole endeavour, both of which you
can see at the bottom of this page (

Now, on with the show. 2/16
11/11/2020 Deep Inside: A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars

A brunette with a B-cup named Nikki

Here’s what a typical porn star’s record looks like in the IAFD database. My data set combined 10,000 of these—7,000 female and 3,000
male. By ltering and averaging the metrics I’ve highlighted on the image, I got the facts and gures you’ll read throughout the rest of
this article.

The average male and female performer are the same height as the average American man and woman: 5’10″ and 5’5″ respectively.2
( However, porn stars are quite a bit
lighter. At 117 pounds, the average female performer is a considerable 48 pounds under the national average for women, and the
average male, at 167.5 pounds, weighs 27 pounds less than the national average for men. So, just how were these porn stars’ weights
determined when they were typed, probably with one hand, into the database?

IAFD’s data is culled from various sources, including performers’ modelling pro les and the information they give during interviews in
the porn lms themselves.3 ( So
presumably at some point the heaviest woman in my sample, who weighs 719 pounds (about the same as two giant pandas),4
( and the lightest woman, who weighs
10 times less, at 74 pounds (the same as the average American 10-year-old girl)5 (
a-study-of-10000-porn-stars/#sources), mentioned their weights, and an owl-eared fan heard them and rushed to the database to
pop them in.

I thought that maybe if the women are overestimating how light they are, they might also be a bit too generous when reporting their
measurements. It turns out they probably aren’t though, because the most common bra size for a female porn star is a surprisingly
handleable 34B. Not double-D, not even a D. Double-D actually came in 4th, behind B, C and D. The most common set of
measurements for the women was 34–24-34.

So, if the average female porn star is a 5’5″ woman who weighs 117 pounds and has B-cup breasts, what colour is her hair? Blonde,
presumably, if my friends’ guesses were anything to go by. 3/16
11/11/2020 Deep Inside: A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars

Apparently not. Dark-haired porn stars outnumber blonde ones almost 2-to-1.

Of course, the vast majority of the fair-haired performers dye their hair, because only 5% of Americans are naturally blonde,5
( but the fact that most female porn
stars don’t choose the blonde bombshell look is interesting, I think. The notion of most porn stars being busty blondes (as opposed to
brunettes with B-cups) must either be a carryover from a cultural stereotype (that the most sexually adventurous and available
women are blonde with big breasts), or an indication that when someone thinks of the average porn star, the vision they see is an
amalgam of a few of the most famous adult models, who do t the busty blonde mold: Jenna Jameson, for instance.

We’re slowly building the image of the true average female porn star. So what colour is her skin? I chose quite an elaborate method to
showcase the breakdown of female porn stars’ races: 5,000 of their headshots, each extracted from their IAFD pro les, arranged in a
colour wheel to show the proportion of each race in the porn star population.

Behold: the colour of porn. Click to view the expanded version, which is much more striking.

(↑ Click image to see full version (668 KB) 4/16
11/11/2020 Deep Inside: A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars

In actual fact, the proportions of each race match the general American population
almost exactly, despite the fact that race is still heavily fetishized in porn. Many
…the average age of a woman
women hold out on when they do their rst ‘interracial’ scenes until the time and
when she gets into porn is 22
money are right, and interracial scenes are given their own category at industry
years old…
award ceremonies.

Apart from differences in the average heights and weights of performers, race seemed
to make pretty much no difference to any of the other averaged stats. For instance, the data shows that the average age of a woman
when she gets into porn is 22 years old—and it has been for the last 40 years—and that’s the case for all women, regardless of race.
Men have been progressively getting into the business at a younger age, though: in the 1970s their average debut age was 29, but now
it’s 24. Porn stars of both genders have also been progressively retiring earlier: in the ‘70s, men stayed in porn for an average of twelve
years, and women for nine. Now men on average quit after four years, and women after three.

More basic than the question of how long performers stay in the business, is how they reach it in the rst place. 90% of legal
American porn is produced in California’s San Fernando Valley.6 (
10000-porn-stars/#sources) So from which of the other forty-nine American states are young women ocking to get there? 5/16
11/11/2020 Deep Inside: A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars

As you can see from the top ten rankings by state, there’s a conspicuous absence of porn stars who hail from the West-to-Mid-West
part of the country. California, on the other hand, is the birthplace of one-third of all female porn stars—that is, if the birthplaces porn
stars’ claim as their own are in fact accurate. I can imagine a lot of women, even when speci cally asked where they grew up, would
prefer to declare that they are from California because that’s where they’re now based, than hint at where their family and friends
probably still live. Or maybe the convenience of being on Porn Valley’s doorstep is enough of an incentive to explain why the vast
majority of performers are true Cali girls. 6/16
11/11/2020 Deep Inside: A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars

When I analyzed 5,000 reviews of escorts (

reviews/), I worked out that the most common name for a woman working in the sex industry in the U.K. (on the escorting side of it,
anyway) is Chloe. I was therefore pretty excited to nd out what the most common porn star names are, given that these too are self-
selected pseudonyms. Do adult performers use the classic ‘combine your rst pet’s name with the street you grew up on’ method?
(Pud Rutland—at your service!) Or is there another method to the creation of their alter-egos?

Nikki Lee and David Lee—the most common rst and last names of porn stars. A nice coincidence that they share the same last name.
It means if these hypothetical hedonists were to marry, a name change wouldn’t be needed.

Lee is only the 24th most common last name in the U.S.,7 (
porn-stars/#sources) which suggests that porn stars choose their stage names strategically. Veteran performer Annie Sprinkle (not
her real name) had this to say on the topic in an interview last year:

“The big trend was doing a takeoff on celebrity names like Angelina or Jennifer, but that came in the ’80s and ’90s. Many girls take
on celebrity names, funny names, super-explicit names, elegant classy names, or girl-next-door like ‘Sunny Leone.’ But all of these
names imply sexual fantasies.” 8 (

Indeed, female porn stars de nitely seem to choose last names that evoke notions of femininity, sexiness and sweetness (Love, Star,
Rose), while men go for stronger, more masculine ones (Steel and Stone). Arnold M. Zwicky, Professor of Linguistics at Stanford,
con rms my suspicion in some of his lecture notes: ‘[performers’] choices are very far from a random sampling of…names current in
the United States, or of current American family names.9 (

The two remaining jigsaw pieces when building the visual image of the average porn star, based on the information IAFD has to offer,
are tattoos and body piercings. It turns out porn stars of both genders have more of each than an average person of the same age in
the general population. 43% of porn stars have a body piercing (13% more than average) and 45.5% have at least one piece of body art 7/16
11/11/2020 Deep Inside: A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars

—9.5% more than average.10 (

We now have our average porn stars: Nikki and David. They’re of normal height, but both weigh less than the national average. Nikki
has smaller breasts than you might expect and she’s a brunette. She got into the business aged 22 and is originally from California—or
at least, that’s where she now lives. David got into the industry aged 24.

There’s more to them than their appearances, though. They’re porn stars for a reason—what they do on  lm.

‘Let’s talk about sex, baby. Let’s talk about D.A.P.’

Sometimes when I hear people railing against porn, declaring it as the downfall of
society, a poison infecting masculine minds and demeaning female ones, I wonder
Porn stars choose the sex acts
what kind of porn they’re talking about. To me, porn seems a lot like sport. I don’t
they do on lm strategically.
mean the sex in it looks like a sporting activity (maybe it sometimes does, but that’s a
separate point), but rather that there are as many types of sex in porn as there are
forms of sport. Take synchronised swimming. This could be seen as lesbian porn, or
‘solo scenes’, in which women casually masturbate for your viewing pleasure. Next consider a vigorous game of badminton: this might
be your standard boy-girl scene. Pretty vanilla stuff, with maybe a dose of anal sex thrown in if the match is really heated. How about
a gory mixed martial arts ght? That would be comparable to a 10-man midget gangbang, maybe. They’re all sports, all types of sexual
activity, but they differ wildly in who’s involved and what they’re doing with, or to, each other.

So when I hear somebody claim that porn is ‘degrading’, I can’t help but ask: which porn? Is an anal scene involving three men and one
woman more or less degrading than a scene in which three women have sex with strap-ons? How about a solo scene in which a
woman appears alone? And if they’re equally degrading because they’re all part of the same industry, is homemade porn that couples
sell on their own personal websites part of the same monster? Much like sport, or violence in lms, or cruelty to animals, I don’t think
you can really drill down into the topic on an intellectually respectable level until you’ve strictly de ned your terms.

Female porn stars dictate the type of sex they have by listing in their modelling pro les the acts they’re willing to perform on camera.

Notice that the two women above differ in what they’re up for. The lady on the right is pretty diverse while the one on the left is a bit
more discerning.

These terms and acronyms are used by industry insiders, like agents, performers and directors, to decide what kind of sex happens in
scenes (with the more ‘out there’ ones paying considerably more)11 (
10000-porn-stars/#sources), and they’re also used by fans of porn to keep track of what their favourite stars are doing on  lm.

IAFD lists the sex acts each performer does in a lm next to the scene credit in their pro le. By stripping out these terms into a
separate spreadsheet, I was able to get a really good idea about how many women do certain sex acts at least once in their careers. 8/16
11/11/2020 Deep Inside: A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars

There are probably enough percentages there to write ve other articles, but the anal sex one is particularly interesting, because
unlike some of the others ( sting, I’m looking at you), anal sex is an act that gets talked about a lot in ‘real life’. Porn is often blamed for
warping men’s minds and making them believe that anal sex is better than vaginal sex, or that all women should do it. So, how does
the 62% of female porn stars do an anal scene at least once stat compare to the non-porn, real life equivalent?

Well, in 1992 a large national survey reported that only 16% of women aged 18–24 had tried anal sex. 12
( By 2010, another major survey,
published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, reported that the percentage of women who had tried anal by age 24 had risen to 32%,13
( and one third of those had done it
within the last month. So anal sex appears to be growing in popularity both in and out of porn—whether there’s a causal relationship
there, it’s tough to say. Women in porn have been doing anal sex sooner over the last few decades though. I noticed that in the 1980s,
they waited about two years after getting into the business before they did anal on camera; these days it’s more like six months.

I’m getting a little butt-heavy now, I know. So let’s give breasts a chance. To compare the
popularity of butts versus boobs in porn, I created two lists of synonyms: one for asses,
one for breasts.

I then searched the IAFD database to see what number of lm titles contained each word
from the lists (making sure to not include lms referencing anal sex in the butt count).

Here’s the volume of each graphed over the last 20 years. 9/16
11/11/2020 Deep Inside: A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars

It looks like the asses have it, although in 1995 butts and boobs almost converged—statistically, I mean.

I used the same method to also investigate which female sex roles have been most popular in porn titles.

Teens really wipe the oor with the rest, although one could argue that many of the other roles could be teen-aged (well, 18 or 19, in
legal porn). MILFs (Mothers I’d like to Fuck) coming in second place surprised me. They seem to offset the youth of the teens quite a
bit—or do they? Just how old is the average woman who appears in a MILF-themed porn ick? Well, I found out by sampling 100
movies from the database and viewing the pro les of the women who starred in them. The average age of a MILF in porn is thirty-
three. 20% of the ‘MILFs’ were 20–25 years old, 7% were over 40, and 4% were over 50.

I wasn’t sure what to think about that result, so I looked up the average age of a rst time mother in America. In 2006 it was 25 years
old (22.6 in Mississippi).14 (

So porn, for all its ludicrous lm titles and laughable plots, isn’t completely unreasonable when it comes to the casting of fuckable

It’s nice to see wife coming in third place, too, especially for fans of the institution of marriage. Unfortunately, on further investigation,
I discovered that without exception every lm title containing the word wife revolved around the concept of a man having sex with a
spouse who wasn’t his own. Never mind.

The concept of selectivity in sex acts doesn’t apply to men in porn. They either do boy/girl scenes or they don’t. Everything else is up
for grabs (and they do it for about a third of the women’s pay). Another big difference between men and women who do porn is the
ratio of each that regularly gets booked to do scenes. A relatively small pool of male stars, who are known as top woodsmen, get
booked to do a large majority of lms. I noticed two results from my analysis that back up this point.

First, of the 100 most proli c porn stars of all time (that is, the ones who have starred
in the most lms), 96 are men. Next, the ten most proli c male performers, on average,
The most proli c male porn star
have slept on-screen with 1,013 different women each (45 a year for an average career
has had sex with 1,127 different
length of 22.4 years). Whereas the ten most proli c women on average have slept with
women on screen.
148 different men (8 a year for an average career length of 17.7 years). Nina Hartley, for
instance, who made her porn debut in 1984 and has starred in more porn icks than
any other woman on earth (938), has slept with 199 different men on lm. Tom Byron,
on the other hand, who has more lm credits than any other man (2,549), and who made his debut only two years earlier than Hartley,
has slept with over ve times more people of the opposite gender than her: 1,127 different women. Men in porn—in an almost absurd
parody of the masculine stereotype—really get around.

It’s not easy for a man to break into porn and join the ranks of the top woodsmen, mind you. To do it, you usually have to bring a
woman into the industry, or know a guy who knows a guy. It’s much easier for women to get into the skin business. However,
according to some anti-pornography websites, the majority of women who try porn get the hell out of it right away. 10/16
11/11/2020 Deep Inside: A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars

“Most girls who enter the porn industry do one video and quit. The experience is so painful, horrifying, embarrassing, humiliating
for them that they never do it again.”

– Luke Ford ( former pornography gossip columnist), speaking on CBS News.

That quote appears thousands of times on Google, used by people who believe porn is the devil’s work to get their message across: it’s
horrible and hurts women. But is the statistic it mentions even true? Do the majority (over 50%) of women who try porn leave it after
doing one lm because it’s so completely soul-destroying?

Using my data set I knew I could nd out. The actual number of single lm quitters is between 10% and 30%. It’s dif cult to settle on
an exact gure, because it differs depending on how you sample the women, but one thing’s for sure: most women don’t quit after one
lm—in fact, the majority (at least 53%) do three or more. So, to update the quote with the facts, do most women do three lms and
then quit because the experience is so humiliating and painful? Perhaps. Or maybe they just don’t like it and stop.

Questions like why men and women get into porn, why they get out of it, and if they’re psychologically different to non-porn people,
are beyond the scope of my analysis. Other people have tried to nd out though. A recent, well-publicised study that surveyed female
porn stars, concluded that they appear to have higher levels of self-esteem, social support and sexual satisfaction than the average
woman, as well as a higher chance of being bi-sexual and having tried 10 different types of drugs.15

Whatever the case, the IAFD’s goal of cataloguing porn stars will go on, even if my time scrutinizing them is—at least in this capacity—


Well, actually, not quite. I’d built up a pretty good mental picture of the average female porn star, but what does Nikki Lee actually
look like? She doesn’t look like anything of course, because she is a combination of 7,000 women. But maybe mixing the appearances
of ten of the most popular women in porn16 (
stars/#sources) would come close to giving her a face. Here she is.


The Visuals 11/16
11/11/2020 Deep Inside: A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars

I’ve created an infographic that combines all of the results from my analysis of porn stars (some of which I’ve not written about above).
It’s available to view below in various sizes. I’ve also included some blown up sections from it, like the ‘race wheel’ facial morphs, and
the birthplaces.

( Links:
• Small — 1000px wide (
• ( — 1300px wide
• ( — 1500px wide


Direct Links:
• Medium — 1000px wide ( 12/16
11/11/2020 Deep Inside: A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars

( Links:
• Small — 1000px wide
(• Large — 1300px wide
(• XXL — (Contact for higher
res images) (


Direct Links:
• Small — 1000px wide (
• Large — 1300px wide (


641k 78.2k 39.6k 5.6k 393k


Deep Inside - The Full Report

If you’d like to receive the expanded report PDF for this article when it becomes available, pop your details below. (I can’t
guarantee when it will be available, but if you’re on the list, I promise you’ll get it.)

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11/11/2020 Deep Inside: A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars


Also, a big thank you to the guys at The Scale Factory ( So far
this article has had over 1.5 million unique visitors, but if it wasn’t for their help right when
it spiked in popularity, there’s no way my server could have survived the traf c.

Get in touch with them if you need help scaling your web hosting to support a large audience.


The data used in this analysis was extracted from The Internet Adult Film Database (






6. Pitman, Joanna. On Blondes. New York, NY: Bloomsbury.






12. BMJ 1995;310 540.1




16. Based on the rankings found at at time of writing

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Tweets by @j_millward
Jon Millward
My pleasure. Didn't anticipate it being academically useful when I was
working on it, but so glad it is!

Jul 18, 2016

Jon Millward
Replying to @MarkMusashiH
.@MarkMusashiH Thanks, I'm looking into it now...

May 31, 2016

Jon Millward
Cool way to compare the size of countries. Emphasizes inherent trade-
offs in picking map projections in data viz:

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