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Patriarchal Blessing Final

Our attendance reflects the desire of you and youth leaders alike to experience. I love to look into your
faces and consider the power you represent. Indeed, you are a mighty army. You are being prepared to
go forth into the world—even into its more remote corners—to perform a mighty work. You are not
here by chance or by fortuitous circumstance. I hope you recognize that you have been given a very
special opportunity, one that will bless you, your family, and your generation.

Brother Butch invited me to share about the Patriarchal Blessing. Experience has taught me that there is
much that we can learn about these blessings that will cause us to treasure them and learn from them
even more than we might at present.

(Insert story sang nagkadto sa Cajuillan Ideas Positive Baranggay Canauilian, Janiuay, Iloilo, 3 hours to
walk nearest Health Center )

Our journeys of life are hikes. We each choose our destination and path. However, after the judgment at
the end of this life, we will be assigned a place to live and things to do based on our decisions and
actions here. Choose wisely the best path as described by the plan of salvation. Map your course by
learning as much as you can, setting your checkpoints, and following your plan.

Before hiking, we studied the guidebooks, the maps, and the trails we would hike. We asked or talked to
those who had already hiked the trails. Over time we learned which books and people were most
accurate and gained confidence in using and following them.Knowledge of the areas in which we would
be hiking led to better decisions and outcomes. You must do the same with your journey of life.

Nowadays Google is the go-to source of information when someone has a question, but it is not
necessarily an automatic source of reliable and trustworthy information. The information returned to a
query is ranked by how much someone paid for it or the frequency with which something has been
referenced. The order of information is not recommended by its accuracy, its value, or the reliability of
its source. There are many sources that will give you false information. This is one of Satan’s tactics.

The gospel of Jesus Christ—“the plan”—is found in the scriptures, in the words of the living prophets,
and through the Holy Ghost. These are the reliable maps, guides, and compass you need for life’s

The Scriptures, the Prophet and apostles, and the Holy Ghost Are the Maps, Guides, and Compass. There
are all the blessings but we have the choice to follow it or we can just neglect it and wants to go to the
path that we want.

As we open the scriptures its Heavenly Father’s message to the Children, like a roadmap that we have,
we can have different interpretation based on what we needed but What if we have our own roadmap,
its really for us like our Patriarchal Blessing is a personal letter of our Heavenly to us. It is personal
Patriarchal Blessing Final
scripture to you. It declares your special lineage. It reminds you of your linkage with the past. And it will
help you realize your future potential. Literally, you can lay claim upon the Lord for fulfillment of those
blessings through your faithfulness. . Every blessing given is subject to the worthiness of the person and
the Lord will fulfill every promiseS made. A liahona. In a sense based on your worthiness that the
patriarchal blessing will give you answers and direction you are needed.

I. In order to really know where our destination we should read about it,
right? Know where it is? Is it good or Bad?

An essential component of each patriarchal blessing is a statement of lineage that generally

connects us to God by designating for us a place in the family of Israel a descendant of
Abraham, belonging to a specific tribe of Jacob.
These divine declarations are known as the Abrahamic covenant.

All the covenants and promises that Abraham received from the Lord are called the Abrahamic
covenant. It is an everlasting covenant that extends to all of Abraham’s seed (see Genesis 17:7).
Abraham may bata si Jacob then So important were these promises that the Lord personally appeared
again to Jacob and reconfirmed that same covenant a third time to a third generation (see Genesis 28,
35:9–13, 48:3–4). Jacob’s name was changed to Israel (see Genesis 35:9–10), so we may use the terms
Jacob and Israel interchangeably.

“For as many as receive this Gospel shall be called after thy name, and shall be accounted thy seed,
and shall rise up and bless thee, as their father” (Abraham 2:10).

Your patriarchal blessing may also describe any related blessings that accompany your particular tribe.
For instance, many members of the Church belong to the tribe of Ephraim, a tribe that has the unique
responsibility to spread the message of the restored gospel to the world

I won’t focus on this one but I encourage you to study the Twelve Tribes of Israel because it is really
interesting and you will really understand why it is important to know our lineage

Next, When we know the place. We should prepare. That’s why I have a lot of Body ache because I
didn’t prepare na balda ako. What are the things we can do :

How old do you have to receive the patriarchal blessing? What is the age limit?

There’s no age limit. When a person is ready and a strong desire for the will of the Lord. He wants to
have roadmap usually the spirit works on them. A patriarchal blessing is a roadmap and it has
instructions given to know what to do in order to get there, spiritually mature. Actually this is the first
Patriarchal Blessing Final
How do you prepare to have patriarchal blessing?

- The desire to find out the will of the Lord and the commitment to go and do it so faith

-The person have the desire and willing to work for it to make all the efforts or the blessing will be
Living the commandments

-Pray and fast

-Clean your act/ Repentance/ Things that you do that the spirit be with you.

(Story an gang 1st pagkuha sang patriarchal blessing)

In your Patriarchal blessing few words, recorded on perhaps a page or more, are remarkable. Their
prophetic utterances have great power. They speak to our uncertainties, our abilities, our gifts, our life’s
experiences—all in the interest of assuring us of God’s love and of His willingness to help us face the
challenges and trials of our lives and to sustain us safely through what we must face.As we think about
our patriarchal blessing and about the Lord who has given it, I hope we will recognize and value our
blessing as a gift from God.

(insert Last 2016, We have a christmas party. Ging butang ko sa Secret Pal. Na pens preferrably Pens,
different colors kung maalwan ka set of G-tech pens. Then ) The perspective of a blessing as a gift
enables us to more fully appreciate what has been given to us. We have all had experience receiving
gifts. Perhaps you can recall times when you were given a gift that was exactly what you wanted. You
may have retained and prized such a gift for many years. Maybe there have been times when you have
received a gift that was not what you had hinted or pleaded for. Perhaps you overcame your initial
disappointment and eventually realized that the giver knew the value of the gift or understood your
needs and interests better than you knew yourself. (Si Kikay, hambal ni Nang Rogelyn na ya na amo
ni ang pina ka cheap kag bata2 pero as time goes by madula ni kag ako lang ang may limited edtion sang

Elder Faust about patriarchal blessings. He counseled:

A patriarchal blessing is a sacred guideline of counsel, promises, and information from the Lord. (on
and off spiritually because maybe I don’t know the why and value behind the activities) However, a
person should not expect that the blessing will detail all that will happen to him or her, or be an answer
to all questions. The omission of the blessing of a great event in life such as a mission or marriage does
not mean it will not happen. [Faust, “Patriarchal Blessings,” 54]

He added this reassuring thought: “My own blessing is short and is limited to perhaps three quarters of
one page on one side, yet it has been completely adequate and perfect for me”
Patriarchal Blessing Final
Besides affirming the source of the blessing and expressing the hope that they will value the Lord’s gift, I
usually try to teach them three additional points:

1. Patriarchal blessings help us understand our identity.

2. They provide prophetic promises that help us recognize God’s hand in our lives.

3. They convey to us the love and goodness of the Lord, assuring us of His ready and constant availability
in our lives.

Your patriarchal blessing can also mention spiritual gifts and talents that the Lord has given you to build
up His kingdom. If your blessing mentions a talent that is unfamiliar to you, this could be because you
may not yet have had the chance to discover or develop this talent. Through diligent seeking and the
help of the Lord, you can grow to embody this talent and many more.

Developing your talents helps you recognize the unique things you contribute to the Lord’s work.

He spoke of a patriarchal blessing he received as a boy of 11. "It is personal, and I will not read
extensively from it. However, it contains the statement: 'The nations of the Earth shall hear thy
voice and be brought to a knowledge of the truth by the wonderful testimony which thou shalt

Later, after a mission in England, he traveled for a time in Europe and was able to bear his
testimony in Berlin and Paris and then when he was in Washington, D.C. He felt this had
fulfilled the promise in his blessing, he said.

However, "That proved to be a mere scratching of the surface. Since then, I have lifted my voice
on every continent, in cities large and small, all up and down from north to south and east to
west across this broad world. ...

"It is," he said, "all a miracle."

I. But simply having a map isn’t enough. We must study, understand, and apply the meaning within the map. Likewise,
as you come to understand the language used in your patriarchal blessing —your own personal guide to life—you
will be able to discern who you are in God’s eyes and what you can become.

Read your blessing completely, then write down your feelings and impressions.

As you read, circle the words in your blessing that describe you, or underline phrases that
describe actions you should take.

Ask yourself, “What does my blessing teach me about the person God wants me to become?

Patriarchal Blessing Final
Last, but by no means least, these blessings are a testament of God’s love for each of His children. They
reveal the uniqueness of each of us, and they highlight the fact that God sees in us what we do not see
in one another or in ourselves. You will recall the experience of Samuel, the Old Testament prophet who
was commissioned by the Lord to find and anoint the future king of Israel from among the sons of Jesse.
Each of seven sons passed before Samuel, and the Lord still did not reveal the future king. Samuel asked
Jesse if there were other sons. He replied, “There remaineth yet the youngest, and, behold, he keepeth
the sheep” (1 Samuel 16:11). David was summoned and anointed. During the process of selection the
Lord told Samuel, “Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature, . . . for the Lord seeth
not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart”
(verse 7). ( illongoha) As we consider the things revealed to us in our blessings, we must remind
ourselves that even we do not see ourselves as the Lord sees us. Our blessings, given to us as an
expression of the Lord’s love for us as His children, are intended to help us see ourselves in a unique and
special way. No matter how unreal certain insights and promises might appear to us, we should not
Patriarchal blessings can’t make our decisions for us, but they can lead us to our own personal
revelation. Through our patriarchal blessings, we are shown how we fit into the Lord’s plan to gather
Israel by learning of our tribe; we are given personal counsel, admonitions, and promises; and we are
taught about the unique gifts and talents Heavenly Father has given us to serve Him. As long as you try
to live in accordance with all of these elements of your own patriarchal blessing, you can know that your
decisions have been within the Lord’s will for your life.In Jesus Christ said whatsoever we asked to God
in my name I shall be given and he said when you are purified and clean and free from all sin you shall
asked whatsoever and It shall be done and that means in between the line of your patriarchal blessing
you tell the Lord what you want to do He will give for you it will give us everything eventually. So, Gives
us the highlight. So we can fill the lines. They just not pertain only this life but the next life

Giving up our Will:

The Lord can perform many miracle (give examples) What he cannot do is make us do things, its our gift
to him so we have the laws, rules and commandments we express our love for him is giving him our
agency, by doing things for him.

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