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Tarheel Farm Inc TFI is a North Carolina corporation

involved #3068
Tarheel Farm, Inc. (TFI) is a North Carolina corporation involved in agricultural production and
has an October 31 fiscal year- end. It is not publicly traded, but it is required to prepare annual
financial statements complying with U. S. GAAP for its bank. TFI typically produces four
products: beef cattle, corn, winter wheat, and sugar beets. All four of these products have a life
cycle of less than one year. The following information is available as of October 31: • TFI had
400 acres of field corn planted. The corn will not be harvested until next month. The
accumulated cost of the corn is $ 95,000. The estimated selling costs are $ 4,500. The current
market value of land is $ 5,000 per acre. Although there is no current market value available for
land growing a corn crop on it, TFI is certain that this land would sell for more than $ 2,200,000.
• TFI had 6,000 bushels of winter wheat harvested and stored in its grain bins. The
accumulated cost of the wheat is $ 27,000. The current market price at the local elevator is $
6.10 per bushel. The market price of wheat has increased 10 cents per bushel since the wheat
was harvested. The transportation costs from the farm to the elevator are about 5 cents per
bushel. • TFI has a herd of cattle, including heifers and steers, that have not yet been weaned.
TFI does not antici-pate keeping any of the heifers for its breeding herd. The accumulated cost
of the heifers and steers is $ 50,000. The expected selling costs are $ 2,000. The replacement
cost and selling price for these heifers and steers is $ 70,000. • Finally, TFI has 200 tons of
sugar beets harvested. The accumulated costs are $ 25 per ton. TFI anticipates selling costs of
$ 3 per ton. Due to the rarity of the production of sugar beets in North Carolina, there is no local
market for sugar beets. TFI sold a few tons of sugar beets two months ago for $ 50 a ton;
however, the market is not stable at this time. Prepare a memo to the file regarding the
valuation of TFI’s products at year- end. Support your conclusions using the Codification.View
Tarheel Farm Inc TFI is a North Carolina corporation involved


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