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Department of Computing
End Term Online Examination Fall 2020 Semester
Course Name: Professional Ethics General Course Code: SS-4411
Program: BSSE Exam Duration: 3 Hours
Semester: 7th Section: ----
Teacher’s Name Dr. Muhammad Tahir Date of Examination 23-01-2021
Exam Duration 3 hours (9:00 am to 12:00 pm) Total Marks 30

Name: _________Musheeza Liaquat _______________________________________ SAP ID:


INSTRUCTIONS (Read them Carefully):

 It is an open book test; students can look at relevant resources and notes.
 Attempt all questions; marks of each question/part is duly mentioned.
 Write your name and SAP ID on all answer sheets and embed your signature on all answer
 Write page numbers on all sheets.
 Make a pdf file of the answer sheets and rename the file with your name & SAP ID.
 Upload pdf file on Moellim within the given time.
 Please be analytical and specific in answering questions.
 The image must be readable.
 The students should retain the answer sheet until the announcement of the results.
 Answer the questions critically and creatively.

Question 1: [5+5=10 Marks]

Highlight the role of five good qualities in the management of the personal life of a
believer. How can you improve your professional life with these qualities?


Role of good qualities in the management of the personal life

Department of Computing
End Term Online Examination Fall 2020 Semester

1. Justice:

Justice is an important trait to manage one’s personal life. For example, if an individual is not just he/ she may
not succeed in life both in this as well as life hereafter. The very simple fact is that Allah, who is “the
Just,” commands justice to believer in every phase of human personal life. As Allah says,

“O you who believe! Stand out firmly for Allah and be just witnesses and let not the enmity and hatred of
others make you avoid justice. Be just: That is nearer to piety, and fear Allah. Verily, Allah is Well-
Acquainted with what you do.” (Al-Maidah: 8)

The Qur’an warns Muslims against personal emotions leading to deviate from the path of justice. As I tried to
do Justice in my personal dealings it allowed me finally to see my mission in life and to understand how all
my life experiences have shaped in good and peace. We should be just because injustice fractures the
brotherhood and sisterhood of the Muslims, which is a vital element of an Islamic society.

How Professional Life can be improved

A person who is just in his/ her personal life is also just in professional life, one who can is just with his
family will be just with colleagues in his/ her work place. For example, a boss who is practicing
justice will also do justice with his employees, if an employee asks for leave for some important
issue he will give him leave because of his god-fearing and justice quality. In this we can live in
peace as humans in the society. The Holy Qur’an commands,

“Allah commands justice, the doing of good, and liberality to kith and kin, and He forbids all shameful deeds,
and injustice and rebellion: He instructs you, that ye may receive admonition.” (Al-Nahl 16:90)

2. Forgiveness

Islam is a realistic religion. It recognizes the reality of human weakness of human beings. Those who are
injured are allowed to take revenge but they are reminded at every turn that it is better to forgive and it is
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End Term Online Examination Fall 2020 Semester

good to reconcile. The Muslims are commanded to return good in return of evil, thus breaking the vicious
circle of revenge.

When something in life is not as we expected, for example, a friend or a colleague misbehaves with us then
we should not be angry, we should prefer forgiving, in this way the one doing wrong may also get inspired
with our forgiving and return to say sorry. As one time in life, I experienced this as well, a friend misbehaved
with me and I instead of revenging preferred to forgive her then after two she returned and asked apology.
Then I realized why Allah said Muslims to forgive because of its power to improve the evil.

In the Prophet’s dealings with the unbelievers, who tried every means to destroy him and his community, he
practiced rule of forgiveness and reconcile, forgiving even the most dangerous of his enemies, giving them
with gifts so that their black hearts might be softened and peace might prevail after the years of conflict.
Therefore, I try to practice the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) and forgive even the most envious of the

How Professional Life can be improved

We should try to forgive others in our professional life as well. We should try to ignore the bad behavior of
others in our professional environment for example my professional life is my university at this time; I try to
forgive and move on because there is no point of getting angry. As mentioned that,

“Anger burns up good deeds just as fire burns up dry wood.”

We should forgive our friends and colleagues and let Allah decide what to do the bad people.

In professional life, we experience many negative situations, we face provocations. How can we live among
all the negative experiences with positive behavior? How is this even possible? Allah says in Quran that
those who believe

“forgive when they are angry.” (42: 37).

Department of Computing
End Term Online Examination Fall 2020 Semester

This positive response of forgiveness in the face of provocation is a main source of cultivating a positive
personality in both personal and professional life.

3. Patience:

Our life is full with challenges. The solution lies in adopting the concept of Patience. It guides us that we
should simply have to learn the concept of problem management, rather than trying to eliminate problems,
which is impossible. Problems arise because of the differences in nature among people. Patience is another

name for the management of these differences. We should be patient in our dealings with people and when a
situation occurs when we have to face difficulty in life we should prefer to stay patient. The Quran says:

“Have patience, then, as had the steadfast Messengers before you.” (46: 35).

In personal relations, patience can save us from making big mistakes and regretting afterwards. One time in
life I remember, me and my best friend fight with each other, she got angry and we were fighting and then I
remembered that Allah and prophet commanded to stay patient then suddenly moved from that area and drank
a glass of water. Similarly, when we don’t get what we desire then we should be patient and think that Allah
knows best and plans best for us.

How Professional Life can be improved

We need to adopt this same principle of patience in our professional lives, too. Otherwise, there is no gain, no
success, and no achievement in life. The other way is destruction. So, when achievement in the world depends
on patience, one cannot underestimate its importance in every aspect of life: personal, and professional.
Another verse in the Quran says:

“Truly, those who persevere patiently will be requited without measure.” (39: 10).

Therefore, we should act patiently in our professional dealings, try to do Sabr when we don’t get what we
deserve, in this way we will remain both positive and our mind will at peace.

4. Kindness
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End Term Online Examination Fall 2020 Semester

Kindness is, I think, the most important fact in one’s personal life. Kindness is not only a matter of the heart.
Prophet Muhammad said,

“Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever is not kind has no faith.” (Narrated by Muslim.)

One who is not Kind is not respectable as well. Kindness rejects situations such as hypocrisy, feeling of
superiority, narcissism and self- indulgence. Therefore, we should try to be kind to the people in our
surroundings either we know them or not. Try to do good deeds of kindness to others even if we know they

can’t help us back. I try to help others for example I try to explain lectures to my friends, if someone wants
something from me I try to give as much as I can. As Quran says,

"Verily, Allah is kind and merciful to the people"

How Professional Life can be improved

Kindness is very important in one’s professional life as well. One should have sense of empathy with
colleagues and friends. In this way, we can create an environment that is full of peace.

5. Truth

We should try to be truthfulness in our daily life, if we speak truth then our place in society is respectable. On
the other hand, we speak lies people will not trust us neither will respects us.

"O you who believe, keep your duty to Allah, and be with the truthful people." (Surah At-Taubah,9:119)

We should strive in our daily lives to be true in our words as well as in our deeds. It is so easy to promise but
many times it is difficult to fulfil the given promises. So why promise unless we are very certain that we can
keep our words. One simple way to remain truthful is to speak little, but the truth, offer little but remain truth
to our offers. Make few promises, but keep every promise. May Allah open our hearts to the truthfulness and
let the truth remain our path in life.

How Professional Life can be improved

Department of Computing
End Term Online Examination Fall 2020 Semester

One who is truthful is very respectable and trustworthy in professional life as well. For example, if a person
speak only lies and do not keeps his promise, is not meeting given deadlines in work, I will believe him one
time may be two times but will not believe him third time because this is human nature. Therefore we should
speak only truth to remain respectable and trustworthy in professional life.

Question 2: [2+3= 5 Marks]

Discuss the role of consultation in the practical life of a believer. Why a believer needs
scrutiny steps in the process of consultation?

Role of consultation in the practical life of a believer

As humans, we think that we are enough by ourselves, and we don’t need anyone in deciding any action in
life. But, the truth is that our life would be a complete mess without the guidance of Allah. When faced with
difficult decisions, Allah has blessed his Muslims with a direct channel, the consultation “Shura”, through
which his guidance can be attained and executed in our everyday life in any matter of life.

I remember, there came a time in life when I had to choose what subjects I should choose for my bachelor’s
degree. I was confused and puzzled. Then my parents guided me that you should take help from scholars, and
one scholar told me that you should offer two Rakkah’s and recite Dua that Allah guides you to what is best
in future for me. He also mentioned reference that what he was saying was authentic, He mentioned:

“'If anyone of you is deliberating about a decision he has to make, then let him pray two rak'ahs of non-
obligatory prayer. Then say: O Allah, I seek Your guidance [in making a choice] by virtue of Your
knowledge, and I seek ability by virtue of Your power, and I ask You of Your great bounty.”

And as the result I was able to draw conclusions and stand firm on that decision as well as I thought this is
what Allah has chosen for me. So, I realized how consultation is important for making important decisions in
life. We should definitely consult before making important decisions in life. As Allah also commands
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End Term Online Examination Fall 2020 Semester
“Those who answer to the command of their Lord and establish regular prayer and conduct their affairs by
mutual consultations; who spend out what we bestow on them for sustenance” (Qur’an, 42: 38).

It is highly beneficial for a Muslim to take advice before making a decision. By advice and consultation, we
can think the possibilities and consequences that maybe we were not able to think by ourselves. In this way,
we can make a decision that will not harm us in the future. As it is advised by Allah and Prophet (PBUH) we
will also be rewarded in this life as we will be guided towards what is best for us and in the hereafter as well.

Scrutiny steps in the process of consultation

In Islam, every decision needs to go through three major steps of scrutiny, which are as follow:

• Rights of Allah Almighty (Huquq-Allah)

It is important for a believer to remind to remain conscious of Allah because only through the conscious of
Allah, we would be successful in this world as well as hereafter. The consultation members should keep in
mind the rights of Allah. Before making a decision by consultation, we should make sure we are not
surpassing any of Allah rights and disobeying him, even if we do that we will not succeed in that decision we
have taken. For example, if I decide to start a new business than I should not be starting a business that are
forbidden for example a bar or wine etc.

• Rights of Self (Huququn-Nafs)

Rights of self are of great importance in terms that Allah ordered man to not overlook his rights. If a
consultation decision overlooks one’s personal rights then it is permissible to not go for that decision. For

• Rights of Human Beings (Huququl-Ibad)

The rights of human beings should also be catered in consultation process. If someone commits a sin,
regarding the rights of Allah, it can be forgiven with the help of repentance whenever one realizes his/ her
mistake. But rights of human beings are such that a mistake is not forgiven by Allah even if you repent, the
Department of Computing
End Term Online Examination Fall 2020 Semester
only way to attain forgiveness is to fulfill rights of the concerned or through earning the forgiveness of that
affected. For example, some decisions may overlook other rights like in the streets, some say there should be
security guards while other say we don’t need them then “shura” should give a balanced decision

Question 3: [5+5= 10 Marks]

Write down five strategies for promoting desired ethical values (Akhlāq Hasanah) and
five strategies for eradicating undesirable ethical values (Akhlaq Sayyiah) from society.

Strategies for promoting desired ethical values

Akhlāq Hasanah

1. Practice what you preach

Remember for promoting desired ethical values, it begins in the home. There is no point going out and urging
others in the society to change their words and actions if we haven’t first looked at our own stomping ground.

We should take our children, friends and family members involved, and keep them informed and educated
about desired ethical values and human rights, it will help to give them a global approach and perspective to
their schoolwork and their life, keeping in mind that they are the future.

2. Harness the power of social media.

Twitter, Facebook, and such social media websites have become powerful tools for sharing messages with
large audiences without leaving home. They provide resourceful ways to stay focused and organized around
important causes. From joining groups to posting articles and sharing personal experiences, they can help
facilitate awareness, and collaboration. If we use these platforms to raise awareness, it can be very helpful to
promote ethical values. For example, if there is some family who need financial aid, by posting about their
needs we can collect charity, in this way we can spread kindness and do justice with people as well.

3. Seminars
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End Term Online Examination Fall 2020 Semester

We can arrange seminars in our neighborhood with different purposes, for example, we can arrange a seminar
where people who capable can give things like food, clothing etc. and people who are needy can take the
things they need without knowing who gave them. In this way, we can improve the society as a whole, people
will have a feeling that their needs are important and they will be provided with missing things and in this wat
they will not try to theft others for basic life needs.

4. Peaceful Protest

One very bad aspect in our society is that one who does not do protest does not get fairness in any matter. So I
think if there is someone who is being done wrong and needs justice, we should all be involved with him/ her,
so going with a few experienced friends or an activist group is a good idea. Make signs, or print information
to hand out, to let high officials get informed and take required action as soon as possible. Last month, an
innocent boy in Islamabad got killed by police and I wonder if his family would not had done protest with his
dead body, nothing would have been done but by the help of protest, the police who killed the boy are at least

arrested, Protests and demonstrations are therefore, great ways to practice active resistance and public

5. Awareness Programs

We should try to organize awareness programs in our society in order to teach people about the importance of
good ethical values. We can call scholars such as Zakir Naik, so that people learn from them and practice
good ethics.
Department of Computing
End Term Online Examination Fall 2020 Semester
Strategies for eradicating undesirable ethical values

Akhlaq Sayyiah

1. Punish Unethical Ones

There should be strong mechanism by which the people who do wrong are punished. I am not talking about
police or law, of course that is present, but for example in a small neighborhood, there is a person about
which everyone knows that he is thief or may be rapist or maybe some other undesired act, the people of that
neighborhood should punish him and try to get him caught and get what he deserves. I observed sometimes
we know about a person that he is involved some unethical act but we remain quiet and do not do anything.
Therefore, we should speak and punish such people and try to remove them from our society.

2. Hang the culprits in public

This is a long debate that culprits that are punished death should be hanged in public for others to learn and
not do the same. There was a case of Zainab’s rape, in my opinion, if the culprit was hanged publically it

should have made the others with the same intentions more cautious that this would be their end. By hanging
such culprits can reduce these type crimes from society.

3. Culprits Documentaries

We should make culprit documentaries about their stories and how they are punished and all that instead of
love stories that does no good to people. People should see what it’s like after doing wrong.

4. Police should raise awareness

Police departments should come in public to raise awareness that if people will do wrong what it can cause to

5. Hold accountable

We should hold accountable the one that are right even they from our family.
Department of Computing
End Term Online Examination Fall 2020 Semester

Question 4: [5 Marks]

Write down five strategies for the improvement of the professional environment.

Strategies for improving the professional environment

1. Honesty
Creating an atmosphere of honesty fosters a peaceful professional environment. It is vital to give each
other freedom to be honest, even if we don’t agree with their point of view. Making a colleague or
friend feel that his opinion is judged will not foster an environment where they feel open to express
their ideas or concerns. Non-judgmental and authentic listening is one of the best technique to foster

honesty in professional relationships. Giving another person your attention and space needed to
communicate will create a long way toward opening dialog.

2. Change what is wrong

Sometimes it is useful, but what if we strengthen what is already right? We should be open to
change and accept our shortcomings and try to improve them rather than think that we cannot be
wrong in this way we can excel in our professional life.

3. Don’t expect easy relationships

Relationships are sometimes difficult, even in the best of the environments, we cannot expect that
there will always be agreements, so it is vital to create a climate of tolerance so that we get reward
and respect in our professional life.
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End Term Online Examination Fall 2020 Semester
4. Change people, or pretend to
If we want to improve our relationships in our teams, then we must focus to improve working
conditions. We cannot change people; but we can only change situations and circumstances to be
favorable to create well-being, motivation in our professional environment.

5. Time management

We should manage our time to give equal amount of time to work and family. This is not a good
habit that we work 24/7 do not give time to our family, friends or hobbies. Then as a result we will
not be able to do justice with our work as well. We will do everything wrong. So we should try to
manage time according to our needs and preferences.

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