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Republic ofthe Philippines DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENSE ‘Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo ‘Quezon City APR 6 2000 epartment Circular No. Oa jeies 2000 IMPLEMENTING GUIDELINES FOR SELECTION (OF DND CANDIDATES TO FOREIGN SCHOLARSHIPS AND TRAININGS | STATEMENT OF POLICY ‘the Department of National Defense (DND) commits itself to the development and retention of a highly competent workforce, dedicated to see iienest levels of integrity, professionalism, and service 10. clientele by maximizing human resource development (HRD) opportunities abroad. Wy Mus end, the institationalization of a highly competitive and objective selection process is hereby established. I, DEFINITION OF TERMS Scholarship/training grant - refers (0 HRD opportunities abroad which wramiPfevant to the promotion of an effective and efficient workforce are ve Department including scholarships, trainings, seminars, ip ferences, grants, observation tours, or similar activities; Selection Committee - refers to the DND Foreign Scholarship and on sing Selection Committee created to screen and evaluate Training eer any scholarship or training grant, and recommend the Department's official candidate to the Secretary of National Defense for approval; Nominny Peers to an applicant vying for a slot in any HRD opportunity abroad; Candidate - refers to a principal or alternate nominee recommended by ‘he Selection Committee to avail of the HRD. grant; Grantee - refers to a candidate who has satisfactorily complied with all ee Telefemic and non-academic requirements set forth by the sponsoring institution; Service Requirement - refers to the number of years of service a grantee fe obliged to render to his/her bureay, after completion of a scholarship/training grant; whe Bureas. refers to the agencies of the Department of National Defense ‘nchuding the Armed Forces of the Philippines, Government Arsenal, including ‘Mfense College of the Philippines, Office of Civ Defense, watt the Philippine Veterans Alfairs Office. For the parpose, of this, and ine. the Office of the Secretary of National Defense shall he considered as one bureau. gi. COVERAGE 1 Scope. This circular prescribes the procedure, criteria and administrative requirements in the competitive selection of a candidate for scholarships, trainings, seminars, conferences, grants, observation tours, or similar activities. Applicability. The provisions of this circular shall apply to all education and training selection procedures. Existing circulars with provisions inconsistent herewith are hereby modified or rescinded as may be applicable. Provisions of GHQ Circular Number 10, dated 21 June 1993, governing selection and utilization of students trained in foreign schools, which are inconsistent with the specific criteria for selection enunciated herein are modified. Limitations. These guidelines shall not cover the following foreign schooling programs of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, which shall be governed by existing policies and regulations on the same: a US International Military Education and Training Program (US- IMETP); a Australian Defense Cooperation (ADC) Program; and the Q Other Allied Countries (OAC) Foreign Exchange Program. Permanent personnel. Personnel with permanent appointment who have rendered at least two (2) cumulative years of government service shall be given preference in the selection and nomination of candidates for scholarship and trainitg grants. Non-permanent personnel. Non-permanent personnel who have been personally invited by a sponsoring institution may be considered for nomination provided that the [a] nominee has been directly invited by the foreign institution to avail of the training/scholarship grant and {b] the nominee has been favorably endorsed by his/her bureau pursuant to paragraph 4, Sectiori 15, Rule VIII of CSC Rules and Regulations Implementing Book V of EO 292. Disqualification. The following personnel shall be disqualified from attending any foreign scholarship, training, seminars and the like: @ Those with pending administrative or criminal case; @ Those who obtained a poor academic/scholastic performance or a grade below 75 during the last preceding scholarship/training grant attended; a Those who are over 45 years old for grants with a course duration of one (1) year or more and those who are over 50 years old for grants with a course duration of less than one (1) year. @ Those who have less than one year of service prior to retirement for grants or seminars with a duration of less than one month. 7. Designation of alternates. Alternate candidates shall be designated in pesieiance with the presidential policy on equity of the alternate embodied in the President's letter to ‘the SND dated 18 January 1969. [OENERAL PROCEDURE AND GUIDELINES ‘The following proceduées shall be observed in the processing of application reign scholarship/training grant 1. Invitations. Invitations to foreign training, Moy be obtained from Taye tne government body mandated to regulate overseas training and development for government nominees, ‘All invitations to external trainings, seminars, conferences should be forwarded to DND-HRDD for dissemination to all training coordinators where the training is relevant 2. Nominations. Chiefs of offices shall submit the Sitr of their Nominees by filing a duly accomplished Poreign Scholarship and sorce Nomination Form (Form Sel 01) to. the Human Resource Darelopment Division, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Personnel, this Department. 3, Supporting documents. The nominating Dusests or offices must Sappe that the following supporting documents are prepared: Certification of employment status; o Certification of lack of pending administrative and/or criminal case filed against the nominee; a Genlification that the nominee obtained a performenis rating of Outstanding during the last two (2) consecutive rating periods; a Certification that the nominee has rendered at least two (2) years cumulative work in governments a emGseation that the nominee is not availing of simultaneous scholarship or training _ program, including seminars, conferences, and similar activities; and a Qhivication that the nominee is physically and psychologically fit to undertake the HRD grant. 4, Criteria for selection. Nominees shall be screened and ranked by the qritefion Committee based on the following factors: a Relevance of proposed scholarship/iraining to present work or projected work assignment Length of service; Relevant work experience; Number of foreign ‘scholarships/ trainings attended; and 2 Rocult of interview by the Selection Committee, coo ‘The distribution of points in accordance with the selection criteria is as follows: SELECTION CRITERIA Mehiasy ee Naser Ernie INTERPRETATION pelevance to present work or projected work assignment 4 Amount of working time devoted by the rec A Gandidate in performing the duties relevant to Aeabelevart Er Boareaoftaining. an Relevant 2 9 Degree of responsibilly exercised by the ne Reeve poate over the quality of his work outputs a uSreYat pe relevant tothe area of taining. Length of Service a. Total number of years in government service More than 2years | 10 Two @) years 8 Less than two (2) years 6 Relevant Work Experience More than one (1) year 20 : 1 year 48 FY Number of veers ofrejevant workexperfonce | Less than one (1) year 10 | Number of Trainings Attended No scholarship attended 10 12 Number of foreign degree scholarship and non- | 1 scholarship attended 8 secs Sholesnipsivainings avaied of nthe | 2 scholarships atended 6 last four (4) years Mare than 2 scholarships 4 attended Interview a ‘The candidate obtaining the highest score shall get the Department's nomination, Should there be a tie, the Committee chair shall vote to break the tie. 5. Scholarship obligation contract. ‘The candidate shall sign a contract with his/her bureau with the following obligations during and after the completion of the scholarship grant: 9 That the candidate shall fulfil all the academic and non- academic requirements of the scholarship/training; Q That the candidate shall observe proper decorum at all times; @ That the’grantee shall report immediately to his office upon the completion or termination of scholarship; a That the grantee shall submit a written report to his/her head of agency on his/her completed studies/training within 30 days after his/her return to duty, copy furnished CSC-DND Main Office; © That the grantee shall serve the Department the corresponding obligation for the training extended to his/her as provided for under EO 367, viz: SERVICE REQUIREMENT FOR FOREIGN SCHOLARSHIP/TRAINING Ns PMNs Siete Xceed Saye foisted NaTelN For every year or a fraction thereof For academic and non- academic programs | notless than 8 months 2 years ‘including extensions A fraction of a year less than 6 months but not less than 2 months dyear A fraction of a year less than 2 ‘months _ 6. Absconding scholars, Failure on the part of the candidate to comply | with his or her obligations shall be subject to disciplinary action pursuant to existing Civil service regilations on the same. 7, Violation of service requirement. Should the grantee fail to fulfill his or her service requirement due to transfer to a private entity, resignation or termination for cause, the grantee shalll pay back his or her bureau the full amount spent for the entire training or scholarship grant. IV. PRIVILEGES 1, The candidate shall be entitled to the following subject to the availability of funds and to the usual accounting and auditing regulations of the government: Payment of salary for the duration of the grant; 2 Monthly living allowance, inclusive of the amount provided by the donor country or institution; @ Clothing allowance; and @ Pre-departure expenses 2. A candidate shall be on full-time study status with all the privileges and restrictions accruing to such status, and shall therefore, not be given any other assignment for the duration of the grant, . POST TRAINING REQUIREMENTS 1. Grantees must submit copies of the certificate of attendance or completion to their respective training coordinators and to the DND- HRDD. 2. A liquidation report must be submitted to his/her bureau within 30 days upon return to his/her post. 3. The grantee, shall upon completion of the course, submit to the HRDD a copy of his official transcript of records, certificate of performance or its equivalent copy furnished CSC-DND Main Office. 4. Grantees are likewise expected to conduct echo seminar/s to effect sharing of knowledge and skills acquired. The training coordinators shall monitor compliance of this requirement. This Circular shall take effect immediately. ORLANDO 8. MERCADO = . Secretary 4 April 2000 RESTRICTED TRAINING/SCHOLARSHIP CONTRACT/UNDERTAKING (FOREIGN/IN-COUNTRY, 4 stationed at (Rank, Name, Position, AFPSN, Br of Svc) in consideration of the (Unit Assignment & Location) Authority for me to avail to the (Title of the Course or Type of Trng) effective for aperiod of___ days on official (Date) (No. of Days) Time with pay, do hereby agree to the following terms and conditions: INSTRUCTIONS: Check applicable conditions. L.That | shall keep on with the academic standards of performance required by the training/educational instruction; 2. That | shall conduct myself in such a manner as not to bring disgrace or dishonor to myself, my unit and/ or my country 3. That | shall submit to the head of Agency and to the DND Foreign Scholarship & Training Selection Committee, my transcript of records, school performance evaluation, or their equivalent within sixty (60) days after termination of training/ scholarship or at the end of each school year, whichever is applicable; 4, That | shall report to the Office of the Assistance Secretary of Personnel, for disposition; 5. That | shall not pursue another course, training or scholarship grant while abroad or in country other than what is state in this contract; 6. That | shall return immediately to the Philippines upon the completion or termination of m scholarship, fellowship, or training grant; 7. That | shall report for duty immediately upon completion or termination of my study unless my schooling/training is extended by competent authority RESTRICTED RESTRICTED 8, That | am willing to accept any assignment where maximum utilization can be made of the foreign training/schooling attended. 9. That | am going to abide with the existing policies and/or decision of competent authority concerning me in case | am dis-enrolled from the school by dropping the course or willful deficiencies; 410. That | shall submit to the Secretary of National Defense a Study/training Report copy furnished the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Strategic Assessment (OASSA) within sixty (60) days after my return to duty; 11, That | shall submit to the Assistant Secretary for Personnel a final report concerning the course upon completion/non-completion of the entire course/program, containing among the following: a} Evaluation and relevance of the course. b) Completion and/or non-completion of the course, the manner of completion and the reason for the non-completion €) Problems d) Recommendation 412. That | agree to serve the DND for an additional number of years reckoned from the date | report for duty as follow: DURATION NATURE OF GRANT/ SERVICE SCHOLARSHIP/TRNG. OBLIGATION For academic and non- For every year or a 2 years ‘Academic programs Fraction thereof not less Including extensions than 6 months A fraction of year less: lyear Than 6 months but not Less than 2months A fraction of a year less: 6 months Than 2 months 13, That | shall hold myself peculiarly liable for any authorized expense, money and property accountabilities | will incur during my training/schooling abroad/in country; and RESTRICTED RESTRICTED 14, tt is understood that my failure on my part to comply with the provisions as stated above through my fault or willful neglect, resignation, voluntary retirement, or other cause within my control shall constitute a breach of contract, hence, shall be subject to legal action against me, or | shall reimburse the DND, the appropriate amount to be determined as prescribed in DND Circular Nr. 2 dtd IN WITNESS HEREOF, | have hereunder set my hand this day of 20__at = (Grantee) Attested: HONORIO S. AZCUETA Undersecretary of National Defense (Head of Agency) Republic of the Philippines) City/Municipality of )ss. jig BEFORE ME. Personally appeared this__day of 20__ with His/her Res. Cert. No. issued at on known to me to be the same person who executed the foregoing instrument and that the same is his own act and deed, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my hand and seal this Day of 20__at Doc No. PageNo. Book No. Serial No. RESTRICTED

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