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Nama : Ernita Nababan

NPM : 18120089

GRUP : C' 18

5.Domestication implies here that the translator's aim is to give the readers of the Target Text’s (TT)
illusion that it was originally written in the Target Language (TL). It means that domestication demands a
closeness of the translation to the target or reader’s language. A domestication translation reads as if
the original text was written in the local language. Furthermore, domestication refers to the target
social-culture-oriented translation in which unusual expressions to the target culture are exploited and
turned into some familiar ones.Domesticating method is an ethnocentric reduction of the foreign text to
target language cultural values, bringing the author back home. It is closely related to fluent translation,
which is written in current, widely used and standard English. It is immediately recognizable and
intelligible, familiarized and domesticated. In short, standard target language rather than a variation is

Domestication (TT Emphasis)


Free Translation

Idiomatic Translation

Communicative Translation

So, Domestication is chosen due to a belief that the target text should be equal with the culture of the
target readers. A translator tends to be oriented to the target text readers. Therefore, the methods used
are communicative, idiomatic, free, adapted or translation.

foregnization is such a source-culture-oriented translation which strives to preserve the foreign flavor as
much as possible in order to transfer the source language and culture into the target language.
Therefore, the methods used in this strategy are word for word translation, literal translation, faithful
translation, and semantic translation.foreignization as a term used to represent the type of translation in
which a TT is produced which deliberately departs from target conventions by keeping something of the
foreignness of the original.

Foreignization (ST Emphasis)

1. Word for Word Translation

2. Literal Translation

3. Faithful Translation

4. Semantic Translation
So, Foreignization in translation can be used to keep the culture of the source language by involving
cultural aspects in the Source Language to the Target Language. It is hoped that intercultural learning
can be done through the translation. Translators who use this ideology tend to be oriented to the Target
Language. They will use word-for-word, literal, faithful, or semantic translation method.

4. Two Main types of Translation Shift

Example of Level Shifts

Source text: Jhon has stopped smoking

Target text: John sudah berhenti merokok

The translation shift experienced by the target text is the level shift from grammar to lexis. The source
text is present perfect of has + V3, "has stopped" ( the level is in the term of grammar ) . In the source
text, it is translated into lexis "sudah". The level shift of the source text is grammar. The level shift of
the target text is lexis. There is a shift between source text and target text in term of level shift.

Example of Category Shift

Category Shift divided into four sub types :

Example of Structure Shift

Source text: green lamp

Adjective Noun

Target text: Lampu hijau

Noun Adjective

From the example, it can be seen that the target text experiences structure shift. The green lamp in
the source text is a phrase. The structure in term of its word order is adjective (green) followed by
noun (lamp). In the target text, it is clearly seen there is a shift. The target text is translated into noun
(lampu) followed by adjective (hijau). There is a structure shift from adjective + noun (source text)
into noun + adjective (target text).

Example of Class Shift

Source text: She gives you a ring


Target text: dia menelpon kamu


verb. It is clear that there is a class shift between source text into target text: from

the noun into verb.

Example of Unit Shift

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