B1 PET Assignment 3 Count Uncount Nouns by Ei Thinzar Htun-581148258

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Ei Thinzar Htun M.A. English ( MU), B.A. English ( MUFL), Dip. English Language Teaching ( MU ), Cert.


B1 Preliminary (PET)

Assignment 3

Countable and uncountable nouns

1.Choose the correct option in italics.

1. I put a bit of / a few make-up on, but not many/ much.

2. It doesn’t take many/ much time to wash those clothes and it only takes a

lot of / a few hours to dry them.

3. I’ve got a bit of / a few video games but I can’t buy any more because

they cost much / a lot of money.

4. Those new light bulbs don’t use many/ a lot of electricity, so lots of /

much people are buying them.

5. I don’t use much / many shampoo, just a bit of / a few drops. My hair

always goes dry if I use a lot / a lot of.

6. There isn’t much / a lot space in my bedroom so I don’t keep a bit of /

many things there.

2. Choose the correct option in italics.

1. I have a big family and there’s always a lot of housework /

houseworks to do.

2. We’ve got a few / a bit of time before the film starts. Let’s get a drink.

3. It’s very dark and cold here in winter so I don’t go out a lot/ a lot of.

4. The living room is very big but there’s not many / much furniture in it.

5. Max usually spends a lot of time / times in his room.

6. I haven’t got much/ many work today, so I’ll go out.

7. Paula isn’t very well, but I think she can eat a few / a bit of food now.

8. My parents sometimes invite a bit of / a few people to have dinner

with us.

3. Underline and correct the mistakes in these sentences.

1. We haven’t got many time.

2. I drink a little waters when I wake up.

3. There are lot of things we need to talk about.

4. Can you help? I need some informations about train times.

5. How much friends do you have online ?

6. We have a lot of furnitures in our house.

4.Choose the correct option.

1. I’d like --------------butter on my toast, please.

A much B a bit of C a few

2. There aren’t -------------cushions in the living room.

A few B much C many

3. Has your mother got --------------friends from her childhood?

A much B lots C many

4. Only -------------people bought his record. It wasn’t very popular.

A a bit of B many C a few

5. I had to pay --------------- money for my new laptop.

A a few B a lot of C much

6. My sister sings ---------------- when she’s in the shower.

A a lot B lots of C much

7. I’ve got ---------------time if you want some help now.

A lots of B much C a few

8. The children didn’t have -------------- sugar on their cereal.

A much B many C a few

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