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Analytical Studies of Blowdown Thrust Force and Elastic-Plastic Behavior of

Pipe at Pipe Rupture Accident

Article  in  Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology · May 1986

DOI: 10.1115/1.3264766


2 354

2 authors:

Noriyuki Miyazaki Shuzo Ueda

Kyoto University Japan Society of Maintenology


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Reprinted from May 1986, Vol. 108, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology

Analytical Studies of Blowdown

N. Miyazaki Thrust Force and Elastic-Plastic
Associate Prolessor,
Department of Chemical Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering.
Behavior of Pipe at Pipe Rupture
Kyushu University, Fukuoka-shi,
Fukuoka-ken, Japan

When high-temperature and high-pressure water is ejected from pipe, a blowdown

S. Ueda thrust force will act on the pipe and it will cause pipe mouement. The analytical
Principal Research Engineer, methods of blowdown thrust force and pipe mouement are presented in the paper.
Department ot Nuclear Safety Research, The equation of momentum conseruation is used to calculate the blowdown thrust
Japan Atomic Energy
Research lnstitute,
force, together with the results of the thermal-hydraulic analysis code
Naka-gun, lbaraki-ken, Japan
RELAP4/MOD6. The finite element method is used to calculate the dynamic moue-
ment of pipe. The equations for calculating the maximum strain at the outer surface
of pipe are deriued by assuming the static equilibrium condition. The analytical
results are compared with experimental ones to uerifu the analytical methods
presented here.

In designing plant for LWR nuclear power stations, it is the
practice to take account of the possibility of a loss-of-coolant
accident (LOCA), assumed to be triggered by an instan-
n. I
taneous pipe rupture. If such an instantaneous pipe rupture I
occurs, it could cause the dynamic motion of pipe called pipe
whip because of the blowdown thrust force acting on the rup-
tured pipe. In current LWR nuclear power plants, pipe whip
restraints are installed to limit the movement of whipping pipe
ur i --_= ・u

and to protect such surrounding slructures as piping and con- +


tainment against pipe whip.
A blowdown thrust force and a dynamic response of pipe-
restraints system are calculated by a digital computer in the
︱ ︱

pipe whip analysis of piping of LWR nuclear power plant. A

blowdown thrust force can be computed from pressure, flow

velocity and fluid density which are provided by the computer

codes used to analyze thermal-hydraulic transients under
LOCA conditions. Finite element analysis codes can be used Fig. 1 Acontrol volume
to obtain a dynamic response of pipe-restraints system sub-
jected to a blowdown thrust force.
Although many studies [1-9] have been performed concern- and the results obtained from these equations are compared
ing the analyses of blowdown thrust force and dynamic with those of the experiment and the finite element analysis.
response of pipe-restraints system, the results of analyses are
not verified by experimental data. In the present paper, the Evaluation of Blowdown Thrust Force
methods of analyses for calculating a blowdown thrust force
and a dynamic response of pipe at a pipe rupture accident are Method of Analysis. The equation of momentum conser-
verified by comparing the results of analyses with experimen- vation for the control volume shown in Fig. I is written as
tal data obtained by the Japan Atomic Energy Research In- follows:
stitute (JAERI). The equations for calculating the maximum
strain at the outer surface of whipping pipe are also proposed Ar r
* ), oudv + Jr, pu'(u,.n1)dS,
Contributed by the Pressure Vessels and Piping Division for publication in the
JouRNAr oF PRrssuRr VEssEr TEcHNor-ocv. Manuscript received by th€
Pressure Vessels md Piping Division, Jdy 26,1984; revised manuscript received * Ir, n)dsr: - Ir, ,,n,",
July ll,1985. 'u,tu,'

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology MAY 1986, Vol. 108/ 175

‖ ≡]磁

u p ρ
u p

2 2
1可 X


(a) (b) (C)
Fig. 2 Control volumes-(a) straight pipe volume, (b) bend pipe volume, (c) open end volume

-I rrornro', - Jr, o'n'"' - Jr, "as'

+ el, odv
where I/is a control volume, 51, 52 and S, control surfaces, p
fluid density, u, u, and u2 flow velocity vectors, n1, n2 and n,
normal unit vectors, pr, p, and p3 pressures, r shear force at
the boundary of fluid, g unit vector orientation for gravita-
tion, and / time. The fluid force R acting on the pipe wall is
given by

*: J*
Ir, "ds,

Substituting equation (1) into equation (2) and neglecting the SUPPORT SUPPORT
term containing g leads to the following equation: Fig. 3 Schematic ligure ol pipe ruplure experiment

* : -;Jar vpludv- Jr,

r p,n'dS, - t ._
)rrPrnrds:. the blowdown thrust force acting on the piping system can be
computed from equations ( ), (5) and (6), ifthe flow velocity,
rf pu1(u1.n')dSr pressure and fluid density in each control volume are obtained
- JSr \ pur(u2.n2)dS,
- JJ2 from such a thermal-hydraulic analysis code as RELAp4 or
(3) RELAPs.
Comparison Between Analysis and Experiment. The
Now let us apply equation (3) to the straight pipe volume, the method for calculating a blowdown thrust force described in
bend pipe volume and the open end volume shown in Figs. the foregoing is applied to the pipe rupture experiment per-
2(q), 2(b) and 2(c), respectively. Then, R can be written for formed at the JAERI. The system of its experiment is shown
each volume as follows:
in Fig. 3. In the experiment, instantaneous pipe rupture was
(a) Straight pipe volume (see Fig. 2(a)) simulated by breaking the rupture disk attached to the end of a
AI 4-in. test pipe whose inner and outer diameters were 87.3 mm
R :R" = -j{ t <", + u) + p(i1 + i)l and 114.3 mm, respectively. The blowdown thrust force was
measured by the load cell installed at the elbow adjacent to the
AQtt - pr) + Ap(ur2 - ur2\
+ (4)
break end. The experimental conditions are summarized as
(b) Bend pipe volume (see Fig' 2(b)) follows:



The initial pressure of the system 15.40 MPa.

L r

#ル 1′ 2X"nψ 一

÷ llyl+α
2ソ dnψ
十 ″¢ψ +ψ 2の 湖 2ソ COSψ dnψ

― 絋 一あ Xttnψ ―ψ∞ 効 +И Q ttNnψ +И ズ綺 2+の dnψ


01+ν 2卜 hψ
#(綺 2ク 2り い―
nψ COSの

一Иrp(″ 1+″ 2)Sinψ +И 01-′ 2)COSψ +И ρ(“ 12_′ 22)cosψ

(0 0penend volumc(see Fig.2(c))

The initial temperature of water in the pressure vessel :
R=Rχ =― И 〔oθ ―′0)十 θ2● 。_ρ O)) (6) 319.4"C.

In equations(4)and(5),( )dCnOtcs the differentiation、 vith The initial temperature of water at the break end of the test
respect to time r.In the analysis,a piping systcm is divided in― pipe = 315.8'C.
to the control volumcs sho、 vn in Figs.2(α ),2(b)and 2(c).ThCn The break area ratio of the rupture disk : 78.6 percent.

176′ Vol.108,MAY 1986 Transactions ol the ASME

z150 Table 1 Experimental conditions of pipe whip experiments

EXPERIMENT RUN No 5507 5503 5604
] O C O L   卜の ⊃∝ 工 L   Z ≧′〇 〇 ≧′〇 コm


Pressure 15 6MPc 156M随 15 6MPa 15 7MPc
Te mperoture 320° C 320° C 320° c 321° C

首留よRng 250mm 400 m m 650mm 650mm
Gop 791mm 773mm 415mm 0 0 mrn

Rctio 794・l. 781° /。 389γ 。 775° ノ

RUN N0 5507(OH=400mm)

F:g.4 Comparison of biowdown thrust force between ana:ysis and

ID=873 Beom Element
0D=1143 \vw'w Truss Element

Fig. 6
' Concentroted Moss
A sample ot finite element model lor pipe whip analysis

analysis method is applicable to predicting the behaviors of
pipe and restraints at the pipe whip. In the present paper, a
simplified analysis method is proposed to estimate the max-
imum strain at the outer surface of pipe.
In the JAERI, the pipe whip experiments shown in Fig. 5
were carried out by using a 4-in. test pipe fabricated from
Type 304 stainless steel with 114.3 mm in outer diameter and
Fig. 5 Apparatus for pipe whip experiment
13.5 mm in thickness, and restraints fabricated from mild
steel. The experimental conditions of the pipe whip ex-
Before calculating the blowdown thrust force, a thermal-
periments are summarized in Table l. Both finite element
hydraulic analysis was carried out using the RELAP4,/MOD6 method and simplified analysis method were applied to
analyzing the pipe whip experiments.
code [0] to obtain transient variations of flow velocity,
pressure and fluid density. In the analysis, instantaneous Model for Analysis
break of the rupture disk was assumed, and the Henry-Fauske (t) Finite Element Method. The dynamic response
model and the homogeneous equilibrium model were used as analysis of the pipe-restraints system was performed using the
the critical flow models in subcooled region and saturated general purpose finite element code ADINA [1].
region, respectively. Figure 6 shows a sample of the finite element model for the
Figure 4 compares the blowdown thrust force obtained pipe-restraints system shown in Fig. 5. The test pipe was
from the present method proposed in the present paper with modeled by an assemblage of the beam elements with isotropic
the JAERI's experimental result. Relatively good agreement is elastic-plastic material properties. A concentrated mass was
found between the analytical result and the experimental one added to the free end of the beam element to represent the
except just after the break of the rupture disk. The blowdown mass of a part of the pipe from the elbow to the break end.
thrust force is much smaller in the experiment than in the The restraints were modeled by the truss elements with
analysis just after the break. This is probably due to the reason nonlinear elastic material properties including gap effects.
that in the experiment the rupture disk did not break instan-
taneously but broke in the two-step mode. (tt) Simplified Analysis Method. The experimental data
of the pipe whip experiments shown in Table I [2] indicate
Evaluation of Elastic-Plastic Behavior of Whipping that the strain of the test pipe near the restraint location in-
creases gradually even after the first impact of the test pipe on
the restraints and reaches the maximum in the steady state. It
In piping design of LWR nuclear power plant, finite ele- takes a relatively long period such as 0.1Is to 0.25s to reach
ment codes are mostly used to evaluate the dynamic behavior the steady state. These facts concerning the dynamic strain of
of pipe-restraints system at pipe whip accident. Much com- the test pipe indicate that a static analysis is applicable to the
putational time are required in such an analysis because both whipping behavior of the test pipe.
geometrical and material nonlinearities must be considered in The equation for predicting the maximum strain at the outer
a time marching algorithm. It is therefore wise to employ a surface of the test pipe is now presented. Figure 7 shows a pipe
simple finite element model from the viewpoint of saving subjected to moment M. Two types of pipe cross section are
analysis cost. In the present paper, a finite element analysis considered here.
was performed using simple model, where a pipe and a
restraints were modeled by the beam elements and the truss (a) A circular cross section with inner radius r, and outer
elements, respectively. radius ro.
A finite element analysis of pipe whip takes high analysis (b) An elliptical cross section with inner major radius a;
cost because of iterative calculation, even if a simple model and inner minor radius b;, and outer major radius ao and
described above is used. It is very profitable if a simplified outer minor radius bo.

Journal ol Pressure Vessel Technology MAY 1986,Vo!108ノ 177

Table 3 Comparison of lhe maximum strain at lhe outer surlace of tesl
pipe between analysis and experiment

O <

。 m
RuN No oHi (ε x)s.mα (° /。 )

(mm) EXR FEMl FEM 2 SM
5506 25o 250 04 015 013
5507 400 400 07 1 43 036
5508 650 650 50 398 409 246-257
Circulor Ettipticol 5604 650 900 400 930 303 3710不

Cross-Section Cross-Section OH; - inilial overhang length

OHe - etleclive overhang length
(α ) "- value 2.46 is lower bound calculated from equation (17); value
2.57 is upper bound calculated trom equation (18)
** - value corresponds to ultimate strain obtained lrom tensile test
Fig. 7 A pipe subiected to bending moment-(a) circular cross sec.
tion, (b) elliptical cross section (b) Elliptical cross section
Table 2 Material constants used in the analysis
B= ρ
∬耐 蜀
Pi pe Restraint
■ Stointess Steel) (Mild Steet) The derivation of equation (13) for elliptical cross section are
Young′ sMOdulus(E) 1936X10° MPa 2.126X105MPc given in Appendix.
The strain at the outer surface of the pipe (e,)" can be writ-
Poisson's Rotio U) 03 o3 ten as follows, using equation (10):
Yield Stress (o,) 1 777XloZMPa 3296x101Ⅵ Pc (a) Circular cross section
出躍 Fenngに っ 2.837x 103t',tpo
湯 0 0MPa (e")r:ro/p (14)
(b) Elliptical cross section

Z〓︶ШOに〇﹂ 卜∽⊃に〓卜 Z≧′

(Cl)s=わ。/ρ (15)
The experimental results [2] show that the maximum strain at
the outer surface of the test pipe is caused at the location con-
strained by the restraints. Thus the moment M acting on this
location is written as

0           0

ν =F・ OHa (16)

where F is the blowdown thrust force acting on the free end of
the test pipe and OH" denotes the effective overhang length in-

cluding the increase of the overhang length due to the defor-

mation of the restraints.
0 50 100 150 200 250

Substitution of equations (ll) and (16) into equations (14)

TIME(ms) and (15) leads to the following equations for the maximum
Fig.8 Loading tunctions lor pipe whip analysis strain at the outer surface of the test pipe (e")",--:
(a) Circular cross section
(Cχ )s,max=′ οば・ OH。 /3)1/〃 (17)
The static equilibrium condition gives the following relation
between the moment Mand the axial stress o": whcrc equation(12)is usCd as B.

(b) Elliptical cross section

M:fno.tdA (i)
(Cχ )s,max=わ οF° OH。 /3)1/′ (18)
where .4 denotes the cross-sectional area of the pipe. Next, let whcre equation(13)is usCd as 3.
us assume that the stress-strain relation of pipe material can be
written by The upper limit of (e,)",.", is the ultimate strain obtained by
the tensile test of pipe material. The flattening of the test pipe
o = oo€n (8)
reduces the bending stiffness. Thus the lower bound of
where o6 and n are material constants. The axial stress o" in (e")",.u, is calculated from equation (17) by using the initial
equation (7) is given as follows, using equation (8): circular cross-sectional shape of the test pipe. On the other
or: os le, l'sgn(e") (9) hand, the upper bound of (e")r,*"* is calculated from equation
(18) bV using the elliptical cross-sectional shape of the test pipe
where sgn (e") denotes the sign of e". The axial strain e" is writ-
measured as residual deformation after the experiment.
ten as follows, using a radius of curvature p:
e,: !/p (10) Material Constants and Loading Functions Used in the
By using equations (7), (9) and (10), M is expressed as Analysis

M: B(t/ p)' (l l)
(t) Material Constants. The material constants of the
pipe and restraints used in the finite element analysis were
where B is a constant corresponding to the bending stiffness determined by the bilinear representation of the stress-strain
and written as follows: curves which were obtained from the static tensile tests con-
(a) Circular cross section ducted under a temperature of 320"C and room temperature,
respectively. The results are summarized in Table 2.
+lφ 1攪
sin″ グφ (12)σ
O塩 獅11:I里:話器 i£ :::鑑 il讐 繋
1蹴 欝ξ

178′ Vol.108,MAY 1986 Transactions of the ASME

oo:527MPa, n:0.2054 tally obtained blowdown thrust force which is the same as Fig.
(ii) Loading Functions. A time-history of loading 4 and its approximations for the finite element analysis. A
failure mode of the rupture disk was taken into consideration
acting on piping must be specified in the finite element to determine the loading function used in the analysis. Name-
dynamic response analysis of pipe-restraints system. The ly, the two-step rupture mode of the rupture disk is considered
loading acting on the whipping pipe is a blowdown thrust in the analysis of Run Nos. 5507 and 5604, and the blowdown
force caused by the discharge of highly pressurized hot water
thrust force used in the analysis of Run No. 5508 is equal to 70
from the break end of the pipe. Figure 8 shows the experimen- percent of the one experimentally obtained, the percentage of
――― EXPERIMENT which was determined by the blowdown thrust force analysis
RUN N0 5506,XU l12
-― ‐
― ANALYSIS taken into account of the break area ratio of the rupture disk
tl3l .
■ き ︶ Z ︼< ∝ 卜 ∽

The value of F in equations (17) and (18) of the simplified

50 100 150 200 analysis method was obtained by averaging each blowdown
TIME(msec) thrust force presented in Fig. 8 from time 0s to 0.2s. This time
range was selected because the whipping of pipe settled down
RUN N0 5506,XU I15 at 0. I ls to 0.25s after the pipe break. The calculated values of
Fare as follows: 68.79kN for Run No. 5506, 63.05kN for Run
No. 5507, 48.l5kN for Run No. 5508 and 67.86kN for Run
し 0

No. 5604.
50 100 150 200
TIME(msec) Results of Analysis and Discussion. In Table 3, the max-
imum strains of the outer surface of test pipe obtained from
the finite element method (FEM.I and FEM.2) and the
simplified analysis method (S.M.) are compared with those of
the experiment (EXP.). The finite element solution FEM.1,
which does not take account of the reduction of the bending
stiffness due to the flattening of the test pipe, gives the smaller
maximum strain at the outer surface of test pipe than the ex-
periment for Run Nos. 5508 and 5604, especially for Run No.
(a) Run No.5506
5604. The flattening of the test pipe was observed in the ex-
periments of Run Nos. 5508 and 5604, i.e., bo/ao:0.976 for
NT RUN N0 5507,XUl14 Run No. 5508 and bo/ao:0.429 for Run No. 5604. The finite
____ i益 :躙 element solution FEM.2 was obtained from multiplying
FEM.1 by the correction factor CF which corrects the reduc-
tion of the bending stiffness due to the flattening of the test
pipe. The correction factor CF was determined as follows. Let
B. and B" denote the bending stiffness for the initial circular
ル ^

cross section of the test pipe and that for the elliptical cross
L ︵︶

section of the test pipe, respectively, which are calculated from

50 100 150 200
TIME(m sec)
RUN N0 5508,XU l15
RUN N05507,XUl17
含 お ︶   z ︼く に い ∽

■ お ︶ z ︼く ∝ 卜 の


100 150
TIME(msec) TIME (msec)
RUN N0 5507,XU119 RUN N0 5508,XU I18

100 150


(b)Run No.5507 (c)Run No.5508

Fig. 9 Dislribulion ol dynamic strain ol test pipe

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology MAY 1986,Vo:.108′ 179

equations (12) and (13). The average bending stiffness of the Equations (17) and (18) show that (e")",-* is proportional to
B- in the process of pipe deforrnation is given by
test pipe B-rln. Thus, considering that FEM.I gives the solution cor-
B″ =(Bc+Ba)/2 responding to the bending stiffness of ,B", the correction fac-
tor CF can be defined as

lo CF=oc/3″ )1/″ (20)

EXPERIMENT 2 5 msec Table 3 shows that FEM.2 gives better result than FEM.l for
― Run No. 5604 where very large flattening of the cross section
05 ―――
was found. It is also found from the table that the results of

the simplified analysis method agree reasonably well with

L O ′

0 those of the experiment.

1000 2000 3000 Figures 9 and 10, respectively, compare the distribution
10 along the pipe axis and the time variation of the dynamic
5 0 msec strain obtained from the finite element analysis with those ob-
05 tained from the experiments for Run Nos. 5506, 5507 and
→卜 ︶

ヘ 5508 where large flattening of the cross section of the test pipe
was not observed after the pipe whip experiments. Reasonably
Z ︻< α 卜゛

good agreement is found between the analysis and the

3000 experiments.

I 0O msec Concluding Remarks

In the present paper, the analytical methods for predicting
blowdown thrust force and elastic-plastic behavior of whip-
ping pipe were presented and the analytical results were com-
pared with those of the experiments. The following conclu-
10 sions are obtained:
――― EXPERIMENT 10 msec
00き ――
1000 2000 °°
R21 Rl13°
PIPE AXIS(mm) Res troin t
(a) Run No.5506
1000 2000 3000

3 O msec

︵Cし   Z ︼く α 卜 ∽

5 O msec

5 O msec
o︶Z ¨く ∝ 卜 ∽

iO 1000 2000 3000

75 msec

│∞ 0 2000 3000
PIPE A× IS(mml
Resirolni #*otn,
Loco1lon Locot ion
(b)Run No.5507 (c) Run No.5508
Fig.lo Dynanlic strain of test pipe

180′ Vol.108,MAY 1986 Transactions of the ASME

I A blowdown thrust force acting on a ruptured pipe can
be calculated using flow velocity, pr€ssure and fluid density
obtained from such a thermal-hydraulic analysis code as
2 In the analysis of elastic-plastic behavior of whipping
pipe, the reduction of the bending stiffness must be taken into
iccount when the flattening of the cross section of pipe is
3 The finite element analysis, in which the beam elements (21c.)21(Ylb)2=1
are used to model pipe, gives reasonably good results, com-
pared with the experiments, when the flattening of the cross Fig. 11 Solid elliptical region
section of pipe is small.

Acknowledgment Fig. 7 is derived here. The relation between the moment Mand
the axial stress ox, equation (7), can be expressed as the sub-
This work was performed under the contract between the traction of the two integrals over solid elliptical region as
Science and Technology Agency of Japan and the Japan follows:
Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) to demonstrate the
safety for pipe rupture of the primary coolant circuits in M: o,ldA = o.roo - o,rde (21)
nuclear power plants. I I o" Io
The authors would like to thank Dr. S. Miyazono, the chief ^
where ,4o arLd Ai, respectively, denote the areas of the outer
of the Mechanical Strength and Structure Laboratory of and inner ellipses as shown in Fig. 7. The stress-strain relation
JAERI, for his fruitful comments. and the strain-radius of curvature relation are, respectively,
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where l( “
) is the gamma function. By substituting equation
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響 (

Thus, the bending stiffness of the elliptical cross section
The bending stiffness of the elliptical cross section shown in shown in Fig. 7 is given by equation (13).

Journal ol Pressure Vessel Teehnology MAY 1986,Vol.108′ 181

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