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Summary of BoQ
Package -1: Teku Dovan Area

Items ID Estimated cost(NRs) Remarks
1 General Items
2 Karki Sattal 1
3 Manandhar Sattal 2
4 Shiva Temple 5
5 Munsi Ghat Sattal 6
6 Sattal Tekudovan 9
7 Lakshmeshwor Sattal (Chaughera Sattal) 14
8 Lakshmeshwor Temple 14
9 Rajbhandari Sattal 21
10 Pujari Sattal 26D
11 Purohit Sattal 36
12 Sattal West 37

Subtotal of Bills
Bill 13 - Day works
Specified Provisional Sums 14,974,000
Total of Bills plus Provisional Sums
Value Added Tax (@13%)

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Bagmati River Basin Improvement Project -AF

Package -1: Teku Dovan Area

Specified Provisional Sums

S. No. Description of Items Amount (in NRs.) Remarks

1 Insurances of Works, Contractor's Equipments, 'against persons & damage to 1,614,000

property' and for 'Clients, Consultants & Contractors Personnel'.
2 Sanitary works 6,600,000
3 Electrical works 2,760,000
4 Supply and install nepalese stone sculptures representing gods and goddess 1,000,000
5 Ressettlement/rehabilitation works 1,000,000
6 Cost of restoration of service infrastructure 1,000,000
7 Off-site Verification Testing 1,000,000

Total 14,974,000

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Bagmati River Basin Improvement Project -AF

Package -1: Teku Dovan Area

Bill 1 : General Items
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
Provide and install Signboards Refer to
1 No. 11
specifications "Notice Boards"
Prepare and submit monthly progress report with 50
2 color photographs (digital) to the satisfaction of Months 30

Provide digital site videos (HD Quality) of Initial Site

condition (before construction) and after completion
3 No. 2
of construction works of the entire site with audio
description having duration of at least 20 minutes.

Site Protection - Provide CGI sheet barricade around

4 the border of the site with necessary entrance as per sq.m. 2,500
the instruction of the Engineer
5 Laboratory with Engineers accomodation
Provide fully furnished laboratory with all required
5.1 equipment as per specification and instructed by LS 1
5.2 Maintain laboratory Months 30
5.3 Lab Technician Months 30
5.4 Lab helpers Months 60
Total of Bill 1

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Bagmati River Basin Improvement Project - Additional Financing

Bill 2:- ID NO-01, Karki Sattal
Location- Teku Dovan, Kathmandu
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
1 Site clearances, layout and preparation of site area. job 1

Dismantling of the roof tiles including properly

stacking of dismantled material at site and disposal of
2 sq.m. 113.43
unusable materials as per the approved conservation
note and instruction of Engineer, all complete

Dismantling of the mud wall including properly

stacking of dismantled material at site and disposal of
3 cu.m. 137.12
unusable materials as per the approved conservation
note and instruction of Engineer, all complete

Dismantling of joist, rafter, post, beam meth &

wooden objects including properly stacking of
4 dismantled material at site and disposal of unusable cu.m. 10.15
materials as per the approved conservation note and
instruction of Engineer, all complete

Earthwork in Excavation in foundation manually in all

types of soil in accordance with the requirements of
lines and grades including shoring, trimming and
5 dressing of side slopes, stacking suitable materials for cu.m. 55.44
reuse and disposing unsuitable/surplus materials to safe
disposal areas for all leads, lifts and hauling distances
all complete as per the drawings and specifications.

Brick soling on flat work, as per the drawings and

6 sq.m. 224.09
specification, all complete

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Bill 2:- ID NO-01, Karki Sattal
Location- Teku Dovan, Kathmandu
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
Lime Concreting (1:2:4) lime, sand and aggregate on
7 floors, Ground define etc. all complete as per drawings cu.m. 10.61
and specifications.
Maapa brick work in LSS mortar (1:1:2) for
8 foundation and Ground floor as per the drawings and
specification, all complete
a) using old recovered Ma apa brick cu.m. 43.71
b) using new Ma apa brick cu.m. 65.56
Maapa brick work in LSS mortar (1:1:2) above
9 ground floor as per the drawings and specification, all cu.m. 58.55
Nepali Sal wood work for door, window, post, rafter,
10 joist, purlin & beam etc. as per the drawings and
specification, all complete
a) using new timber cu.m. 18.69
b) using old timber (re-use) cu.m. 6.23
1" thick Nepali Sal wood planking works for Floor
11 and roof as per the drawings and specification, all sq.m. 255.48
Laying Two layer plastic felt on roofing with bitumen
12 works as per the drawings and specification, all sq.m. 136.89
Jhingati (8-3/4"*4") laying on roof works with 3"
13 clay works as per the drawings and specification, all sq.m. 136.89

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Bill 2:- ID NO-01, Karki Sattal
Location- Teku Dovan, Kathmandu
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
Dhuri Chang (horizontal or vertical) works as per the
14 rm 15.85
drawings and specification, all complete
1.5" thick Eaves Board of Sal wood with three side
15 plaining as per the drawings and specification, all sq.m. 6.31
38 mm thick Doors and Window shutter (Dilakhapa)
16 works all complete as per drawings and specification, sq.m. 20.88
all complete.
Teliya brick paving with LSS mortar(1:1:1) with
17 (1:1) lime surkhi pointing as per the drawings and sq.m. 177.89
specification, all complete
Peti Stone work in (1:1:1) lime, surkhi, sand mortar as
per the drawings and specification, all complete

a) using old recovered peti stone rm 12.86

b) using new (5" thick & 9" wide) peti stone rm 12.86
20mm thick lime, surkhi plaster in 1:2 ratio works
19 on internal walls as per drawings and specification, all sq.m. 253.35
1" thick Lime surkhi plaster work in 1:2 ratio on
window face, triangular portion above window, wall
20 sq.m. 30.32
corner portion & carnics portion as per drawings and
specification, all complete

21 Double bamboo scaffolding works, all complete sq.m. 144

22 As built drawings job 1
Total of Bill 2

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Bagmati River Basin Improvement Project - Additional Financing

Bill 3:- ID No. -02, Manandhar Sattal
Location- Teku Dovan, Kathmandu
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
1 Site clearances, layout and preparation of site area. job 1

Dismantling of the roof tiles including properly

2 stacking of dismantled material at site and disposal as cu.m. 178.50
per the approved conservation note and instruction of
Engineer, all complete

Dismantling of the mud wall including properly

3 stacking of dismantled material at site and disposal as cu.m. 641.36
per the approved conservation note and instruction of
Engineer, all complete

Dismantling of joist, rafter, post, beam meth &

wooden objects including properly stacking of
4 cu.m. 13.88
dismantled material at site and disposal as per the
approved conservation note and instruction of
Engineer, all complete

Earthwork in Excavation in foundation manually in

all types of soil in accordance with the requirements
of lines and grades including shoring, trimming and
dressing of side slopes, stacking suitable materials for
5 cu.m. 106.47
reuse and disposing unsuitable/surplus materials to
safe disposal areas for all leads, lifts and hauling
distances all complete as per drawings and

6 Brick soling on flat work, as per the drawings and sq.m. 386.36
specification, all complete

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Bill 3:- ID No. -02, Manandhar Sattal
Location- Teku Dovan, Kathmandu
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
Lime Concreting (1:2:4) lime, sand and aggregate on
floors, Ground define etc. all complete as per
7 drawings and specifications, all complete cu.m. 19.64

Maapa brick work in LSS mortar (1:1:2) for

8 foundation and Ground floor as per the drawings and
specification, all complete
a) using old brick cu.m. 94.46
b) using new brick cu.m. 62.98
Maapa brick work in LSS mortar (1:1:2) for first
floor as per the drawings and specification, all cu.m. 74.21
10 Nepali Sal wood work for door, window, post, rafter,
joist, purlin & beam etc. as per the drawings and
specification, all complete
A) using new timber
a) timber of above 12' size cu.m. 9.75
b) timber up to 12' size cu.m. 14.93
B) re-using old timber cu.m. 8.23

1" thick Nepali Sal wood planking works for Floor

11 and roof as per the drawings and specification, all sq.m. 412.20

12 Wooden column (Post) carving works as per sq.m. 7.68

drawings and specification all complete

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Bill 3:- ID No. -02, Manandhar Sattal
Location- Teku Dovan, Kathmandu
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
Laying two layer plastic felt on roofing with
13 bitumen as per drawings and specification, all sq.m. 213.78
Jhingati (8-3/4"*4") laying works on roof with 3"
14 clay works as per the drawings and specification, all sq.m. 213.78

Dhuri Chang laying (horizontal or vertical) works

15 rm 22.48
as per the drawings and specification, all complete

1.5" thick Eaves Board of Sal wood with three side

16 plaining all complete as per drawings and sq.m. 8.55
specification, all complete

38 mm thick Doors and Window shutter

17 (Dilakhapa) works all complete as per drawings and sq.m. 27.25
specification, all complete.
Teliya brick paving with LSS mortar(1:1:1) with
18 (1:1) lime surkhi pointing, as per drawings and sq.m. 297.63
specification, all complete

Peti Stone work in (1:1:1) lime, surkhi, sand mortar

as per drawings and specification, all complete

a) using old peti stone rm 19.49

b) using new (5" thick & 9" wide) peti stone rm 19.49
20mm thick lime, surkhi plaster in 1:2 ratio works
20 on internal walls as per drawings and specification, all sq.m. 350.74

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Bill 3:- ID No. -02, Manandhar Sattal
Location- Teku Dovan, Kathmandu
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words

21 1" thick Lime surkhi plaster (1:2) works as per the sq.m. 48.48
drawings and specification, all complete
22 Double bamboo scaffolding works, all complete sq.m. 204
23 As built drawing job 1
Total of Bill 3

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Bagmati River Basin Improvement Project - Additional Financing


Bill 4:- ID NO-05, Shiva Temple

Location- Teku Dovan, Kathmandu
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words

1 Site clearances, layout and preparation of site area. job 1

Dismantling of the temple including peti as per the

2 approved conservation note and instruction of the cu.m. 25.85
Engineer and proper disposal, all complete
Sal Wood shoring works for bell shape part all
3 complete as per drawings, specifications & cu.m. 2.49
instruction of the Engineer.
Maapa brick work in LSS mortar (1:1:2) for
4 foundation and Ground floor as per the drawings cu.m. 26.58
and specification, all complete
Laying of traditional Nagol or Kassimo brick
5 work in (1:1:3) lime, surkhi, sand mortar as per rm 504.08
drawing and specification, all complete

6 Dachi apa bricks work in LSS (1:1:2) mortar as sq.m. 28.88

per drawing and specification, all complete
Nepali Sal wood work for door, window, post,
7 rafter, joist, purlin & beam etc. as per the drawings cu.m. 0.52
and specification, all complete

Properly fixing the bell shape part & new wall part
8 as per drawing, specification and instruction of the job 1
engineer all complete
Stone carvings door frame works as per drawing
9 job 1
and specification, all complete

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Bill 4:- ID NO-05, Shiva Temple
Location- Teku Dovan, Kathmandu
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
Fixing existing Toran through supply of skill
10 labour as per drawings and specification, all 4
Carving and fitting Mesh door including the Sal
11 wood cost as per the drawings and specification, all sq.m. 0.78

12 Peti Stone work in (1:1:1) lime, surkhi, sand mortar

as per drawings and specification, all complete
a) using old peti stone rm 30.42
b) using new (5" thick & 9" wide) peti stone rm 30.42

Two coat Siltrate painting works all complete as

13 sq.m. 51.20
per the drawings and specification, all complete

Fixing the Gajur as per drawings and instruction of

14 job 1
the engineer
15 Double bamboo scaffolding works, all complete sq.m. 112
16 As built drawing job 1
Total of Bill 4

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Bagmati River Basin Improvement Project - Additional Financing


Bill 5:- ID NO-06 , Munsi Ghat Sattal

Location- Munsi Ghat, Panchanari, Kathmandu
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
1 Site clearances, layout and preparation of site area. job 1
Dismantling of roof CGI sheet as per the instruction of
2 Engineer and proper disposal of unsuitable materials all sq.m. 51.68

Dismantling of wall as per the instruction of Engineer

3 cu.m. 92.94
and proper disposal of unsuitable materials all complete

Earthwork in Excavation in foundation manually in all

types of soil in accordance with the requirements of lines
and grades including shoring, trimming and dressing of
side slopes, stacking suitable materials for reuse and
4 cu.m. 37.18
disposing unsuitable/surplus materials to safe disposal
areas for all leads, lifts and hauling distances all
complete as per drawings and specifications, all

Brick soling on flat work, as per the drawings and

5 sq.m. 137.74
specification, all complete
Lime Concreting works (1:2:4) lime, sand and
6 aggregate on floors, Ground define etc. as per drawings cu.m. 6.40
and specifications, all complete

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Bill 5:- ID NO-06 , Munsi Ghat Sattal
Location- Munsi Ghat, Panchanari, Kathmandu
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
Maapa brick works for foundation and ground floor in
7 LSS mortar (1:1:2) as per drawings and specifications,
all complete
a) using old brick cu.m. 17.60
b) using new brick cu.m. 41.08

Maapa brick works above ground floor in LSS mortar

8 cu.m. 20.28
(1:1:2) as per drawings and specifications, all complete

Dachi apa brick works in (1:1:2) lime, surkhi, sand

9 sq.m. 118.88
mortar as per drawings and specifications, all complete

Nepali Sal wood works for door, window, post, rafter,

joist, purlin & beam etc. including supply and selection
of materials, placing, fixing, nailing etc as per drawings
and specification, all complete

a) using new timber cu.m. 10.58

b) using old timber cu.m. 1.18
Post carving works (excluding wood cost) as per
11 sq.m. 4.32
drawings and specifications, all complete
Carving works of Window frames (excluding wood
12 sq.m. 4.56
cost)as per drawings and specifications, all complete

Carving and fitting Mesh door (highly carving)

13 including the Sal wood cost, as per drawings and sq.m. 3.50
specifications, all complete

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Bill 5:- ID NO-06 , Munsi Ghat Sattal
Location- Munsi Ghat, Panchanari, Kathmandu
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
Carving works of Door frames (excluding wood cost)
14 sq.m. 1.02
as per drawings and specifications, all complete
Carnics carving works (excluding wood cost) as per
15 sq.m. 6.23
drawings and specifications, all complete

Arch carving (excluding wood) for opening of front

16 sq.m. 1.13
portion as per drawings and specifications, all complete.

Teliya brick paving with LSS mortar(1:1:1) with

17 (1:1) lime surkhi pointing, as per drawings and sq.m. 88.17
specifications, all complete

1" thick Nepali Sal wood planking works for Floor

18 sq.m. 120.25
and roof as per drawings and specifications, all complete

Laying two layer plastic felt on roofing with bitumen

19 sq.m. 76.16
as per drawings and specifications, all complete

Jhingati (8-3/4"*4") laying on roof with 3" clay all

20 complete as per drawings and specifications, all sq.m. 76.16
Dhuri Chang (horizontal or vertical) works all
21 complete as per drawings and specifications, all rm 24.88

Providing Gongacha all complete as per drawings and

22 Nos 4
specifications, all complete
Peti Stone work in (1:1:1) lime, surkhi, sand mortar as
per drawings and specifications, all complete

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Bill 5:- ID NO-06 , Munsi Ghat Sattal
Location- Munsi Ghat, Panchanari, Kathmandu
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
a) using old peti stone rm 13.60
b) using new (5" thick & 9" wide) peti stone rm 20.40
Laying of vertical Nagol stone or Corner Stone as per
24 Nos 6
drawings and specifications, all complete
Traditional Nagol or Kassimo brick works in (1:1:3)
25 lime,surkhi, sand mortar as per drawings and rm 216.86
specifications, all complete
26 Double bamboo scaffolding works, all complete sq.m. 123.92
Two coat Siltrate painting works as per drawings and
27 sq.m. 118.88
specifications, all complete
28 As built drawing job 1
Total of Bill 5

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Bagmati River Basin Improvement Project - Additional Financing


Bill 6:- ID NO-09, Sattal

Location- Panchanari Ghat, Kathmandu
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
Site clearances, layout and preparation of site
1 job 1
Dismantling of roof including stacking of
reusable material and disposal of unsuitable
2 sq.m. 30.76
materials as per the conservation note and
instruction of the engineer, all complete

Dismantling of floor including stacking of

reusable material and disposal of unsuitable
3 cu.m. 10.05
materials as per the conservation note and
instruction of the engineer, all complete

Dismantling of mud wall including stacking of

reusable material and disposal of unsuitable
4 cu.m. 54.58
materials as per the conservation note and
instruction of the engineer, all complete

Earthwork in Excavation in foundation manually

in all types of soil in accordance with the
requirements of lines and grades including
shoring, trimming and dressing of side slopes,
5 stacking suitable materials for reuse and cu.m. 27.51
disposing unsuitable/surplus materials to safe
disposal areas for all leads, lifts and hauling
distances as per drawings and specification, all

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Bill 6:- ID NO-09, Sattal
Location- Panchanari Ghat, Kathmandu
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
Brick soling on edge, as per drawings and
6 sq.m. 25.01
specification, all complete

Lime Concreting works in (1:2:4) lime, sand

7 and aggregate on floors, Ground define etc. as cu.m. 2.50
per drawings and specification, all complete

Maapa brick works for foundation and ground

8 floor in LSS mortar (1:1:2) as per drawings and
specification, all complete
a) using recovered old brick cu.m. 27.05
b) using new bricks cu.m. 18.03
Maapa brick work above ground floor in LSS
9 mortar (1:1:2) as per drawings and specification, cu.m. 35.77
all complete

Nepali Sal wood work for door, window, post,

rafter, joist, purlin & beam etc. including supply
10 and selection of materials, placing, fixing, nailing
etc as per drawings and specification, all

A) using new timber cu.m. 1.08

B) using old timber cu.m. 9.68
Providing and laying of traditional Nagol stone
11 (below post) with skilled labour as per drawings 4
and specification, all complete
Brick soling on flat work, aas per drawings and
12 sq.m. 52.94
specification, all complete

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Bill 6:- ID NO-09, Sattal
Location- Panchanari Ghat, Kathmandu
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
1" thick Nepali Sal wood planking works for
13 Floor and roof as per drawings and specification, sq.m. 102.67
all complete

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Bill 6:- ID NO-09, Sattal
Location- Panchanari Ghat, Kathmandu
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
20mm thick lime, surkhi plaster in 1:2 ratio
14 works on internal walls as per drawings and sq.m. 125.99
specification, all complete
Laying two layer plastic felt on roofing with
15 bitumen as per drawings and specification, all sq.m. 49.73
Jhingati (8-3/4"*4") laying on roof with 3" clay
16 all complete as per drawings and specification, sq.m. 49.73
all complete
Dhuri Chang (horizontal or vertical) works all
17 complete as per drawings and specification, all rm 19.96
1.5" thick Eaves Board works of Sal wood with
18 three side plaining as per drawings and sq.m. 2.88
specification, all complete

Teliya brick paving with LSS mortar (1:1:1)

19 with (1:1) lime surkhi pointing works, as per sq.m. 53.51
drawings and specification, all complete

2" plain shutter for Door/ window with gand

20 works as per drawings and specification, all sq.m. 8.65
Peti Stone works in (1:1:1) lime, surkhi, sand
21 mortar as per drawings and specification, all
a) using old (existing) peti stone rm 7.38
b) using new peti stone (5" thick & 9" wide) rm 17.22

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Bill 6:- ID NO-09, Sattal
Location- Panchanari Ghat, Kathmandu
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words

22 Double bamboo scaffolding works, all complete sq.m. 115.50

23 As built drawing job 1

Total of Bill 6

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Bagmati River Basin Improvement Project - Additional Financing


Bill 7:- ID No. -14, Lakshmeshwor Sattal (Chaughera Sattal) reconstruction

Location - Pachali ghat, Kathmandu
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words

1 Site clearances, layout and preparation of site area. job 1

Dismantle of mud wall, Jhingatties, wooden

objects, & sheet of roof including stacking of
2 reusable material and disposal of unsuitable 200
materials as per the conservation note and
instruction of the engineer, all complete

Separating the carving objects & re-usable wooden

3 materials with skilled labour as per the instruction 40
of the engineer, all complete

Earthwork in Excavation in foundation manually

in all types of soil in accordance with the
requirements of lines and grades including shoring,
trimming and dressing of side slopes, stacking
4 suitable materials for reuse and disposing cu.m. 596.60
unsuitable/surplus materials to safe disposal areas
for all leads, lifts and hauling distances all
complete as per drawings and specification, all

Brick soling in LSS mortar(1:1:3) on edge, as

5 sq.m. 426.14
per drawings and specification, all complete

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Bill 7:- ID No. -14, Lakshmeshwor Sattal (Chaughera Sattal) reconstruction
Location - Pachali ghat, Kathmandu
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words

Lime Concreting (1:2:4) lime, sand and aggregate

6 on floors, Ground define etc. all complete as per cu.m. 99.85
drawings and specification, all complete

Maapa brick works for foundation and ground

7 floor in (1:1:2) LSS mortar as per drawings and cu.m. 1350.35
specification, all complete
Maapa brick works for above ground floor in
8 (1:1:2) LSS mortar as per drawings and cu.m. 548.95
specification, all complete
Dachi apa brick works in LSS mortar (1:1:2), as
9 sq.m. 2172.91
per drawings and specification, all complete

Nepali Sal wood works for door, window ,post

,rafter, joist, purlin & beam etc. including supply
and selection of materials, placing, fixing, nailing
etc as per drawings and specification, all complete

A) Above 12' long cu.m. 51.51

B) up to 12' long cu.m. 130.35
Carving work for carnics (excluding wood), as
11 sq.m. 57.89
per drawings and specification, all complete

Window carving frame works (excluding wood)

12 sq.m. 28.17
as per drawings and specification, all complete

Carved three bay windows works (excluding

13 wood) as per drawings and specification, all sq.m. 24.21

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Bill 7:- ID No. -14, Lakshmeshwor Sattal (Chaughera Sattal) reconstruction
Location - Pachali ghat, Kathmandu
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
Carved window frame works in round, triangular
14 and arch shaped (excluding wood) as per drawings sq.m. 72.17
and specification, all complete
Mesh carvingworks (including wood cost) as per
15 sq.m. 34.83
drawings and specification, all complete
Door frames (except khapa) works excluding
16 wood as per drawings and specification, all sq.m. 55.30
Carved mesh shutter (including wood cost)
17 works as per drawings and specification, all sq.m. 11.40
Post carvings (excluding wood) works as per
18 sq.m. 50.88
drawings and specification, all complete
Carved Nas 3"thick works excluding wood all
19 complete as per drawings and specification, all rm 468
1" thick Nepali Sal wood planking works for
20 Floor and roof as per drawings and specification, sq.m. 3024.45
all complete
Brick soling on flat work, as per drawings and
21 sq.m. 1318.21
specification, all complete
Teliya brick paving with LSS mortar (1:1:1)
22 with (1:1) lime surkhi pointing, as per drawings sq.m. 1318.21
and specification, all complete

Jhingati (8-3/4"*4") laying on roof with 3" clay

23 sq.m. 1706.24
as per drawings and specification, all complete

Page 24 of 48
Bill 7:- ID No. -14, Lakshmeshwor Sattal (Chaughera Sattal) reconstruction
Location - Pachali ghat, Kathmandu
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
Laying two layer plastic felt on roofing with
24 bitumen as per drawings and specification, all sq.m. 1706.24
Dhuri Chang (horizontal or vertical) works all
25 complete as per drawings and specification, all rm 160.56

Gongacha (Corner bird) fixing works as per

26 Nos 8
drawings and specification, all complete

1.5" thick Eaves Board works of Sal wood with

27 three side plaining as per drawings and sq.m. 35.40
specification, all complete
Peti Stone work in (1:1:1) lime, surkhi, sand
28 mortar as per drawings and specification, all
a) using old peti stone rm 94.40
b) using new peti stone (5" thick & 9" wide) rm 141.60
Traditional Nagol or Kassimo brick works in
29 (1:1:3) lime,surkhi, sand mortar as per drawings rm 944
and specification, all complete

Two coat Siltrate painting works all complete as

30 sq.m. 1416
per drawings and specification, all complete

31 Double bamboo scaffolding works, all complete sq.m. 1404

32 As built drawing job 1

Total of Bill 7

Page 25 of 48
Bagmati River Basin Improvement Project - Additional Financing

Bill 8:- ID No. 14- Laxmiswor Temple
Location- Pachalighat
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words

Providing, placing, fixing centering and

shuttering of plywood, plank or steel form work
for shoring on horizontal members, vertical posts
1 and other areas including nails, propping supports cu.m. 20.71
and removal of the same all complete as per
drawings, specifications & instruction of the

Dismantling of the ground floor wall including

stacking of material and proper disposal of
2 unsuitable materials as per the approved cu.m. 19.14
conservation note and instruction of the Engineer,
all complete

Providing and inserting new vertical post as per

3 the design and specification and per the cu.m. 1.04
instruction of the engineer, all complete
Refixing the old vertical post as per the
4 cu.m. 1.04
instruction of the engineer, all complete

Stone base (Vertical Nagolstone) for the vertical

5 post as per the as per drawing, specification and Nos 16
per the instruction of engineer

Page 26 of 48
Bill 8:- ID No. 14- Laxmiswor Temple
Location- Pachalighat
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words

Nepali Sal wood works for door, window, post,

rafter, joist, purlin & beam etc. including supply
and selection of materials, placing, fixing, nailing
etc as per drawing and specification, all complete

A) Above 12' long cu.m. 18.18

B) Up to 12' long cu.m. 11.17

Dismantling of the roof including stacking of

material and proper disposal of unsuitable
7 sq.m. 251.62
materials as per the approved conservation note
and instruction of the Engineer, all complete

Brick soling on flat work, as per drawing and

8 sq.m. 48.02
specification, all complete
Brick soling on edge, as per drawing and
9 sq.m. 48.02
specification, all complete
1" thick Nepali Sal wood planking works on
10 roof as per drawing and specification, all
a) using old planking sq.m. 125.81
b) using new planking sq.m. 173.83

1.5" thick Eaves Board works of Sal wood with

three side plaining all complete as per the
11 sq.m. 16.25
specification and instruction of the engineer, all

Page 27 of 48
Bill 8:- ID No. 14- Laxmiswor Temple
Location- Pachalighat
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
Maintenance of the carving portion by using
12 skilled labour as per the instruction of the 900
Maintenance of the carving portion by using
13 unskilled labour as per the instruction of the 700
Teliya brick paving works with LSS
14 mortar(1:1:1) as per the specification and sq.m. 48.02
instruction of the engineer, all complete
Stone paving works in (1:1:3) lime, surkhi and
15 sand mortar as per the specification and
instruction of the engineer, all complete
(a) using old pavement stone sq.m. 19.21
(b) using new flag stone 50mm thick sq.m. 28.81

Ma apa brick works in lss mortar (1:1:2) for

repairing dismantled wall during the maintenance
16 cu.m. 25.0
work in different place as per the specification
and instruction of the engineer, all complete

Laying two layer plastic felt on roofing with

17 bitumen as per the specification and instruction sq.m. 251.62
of the engineer, all complete
Jhingati (8-3/4"*4") laying on roof with 3"
18 clay as per the specification and instruction of the
engineer, all complete
a) using old jhingaties sq.m. 125.81

Page 28 of 48
Bill 8:- ID No. 14- Laxmiswor Temple
Location- Pachalighat
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
b) using new jhingaties sq.m. 125.81

Page 29 of 48
Bill 8:- ID No. 14- Laxmiswor Temple
Location- Pachalighat
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
Dhuri Chang (horizontal or vertical) works as
19 per the specification and instruction of the
engineer, all complete
a) using old dhuri chang rm 32
b) using new dhuri chang rm 32
Fixing the Gajur and bhangi as per the drawing,
20 specification and instruction of engineer all job 1
Dachi apa brick work in LSS (1:1:2) mortar as
21 per the specification and instruction of the sq.m. 108.30
Peti maintenance work using old peti stone in
22 (1:1:1) Lss as per the specification and rm 72.22
instruction of the engineer

23 Double bamboo scaffolding works, all complete sq.m. 601.60

24 As built drawing job 1

Total of Bill 8

Page 30 of 48
Bagmati River Basin Improvement Project - Additional Financing


Bill 9:- ID No.- 21, Rajbhandari Sattal

Location - Pachalighat
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
Site clearances, layout and preparation of site
1 job 1

Dismantling of the mud wall including

stacking of material and proper disposal of
2 cu.m. 50.36
unsuitable materials as per the approved
conservation note and instruction of the
Engineer, all complete

Earthwork in Excavation in foundation

manually in all types of soil in accordance
with the requirements of lines and grades
3 including shoring, trimming and dressing of cu.m. 36.88
side slopes, stacking suitable materials for
reuse and disposing unsuitable/surplus
materials to safe disposal areas for all leads,
lifts and hauling distances as per drawings and
specification, all complete

4 Brick soling on edge, as per drawings and sq.m. 23.64

specification, all complete

5 Brick soling on flat, as per drawings and sq.m. 75.43

specification, all complete
Lime Concreting (1:2:4) lime, sand and
6 aggregate works as per drawings and cu.m. 4.51
specification, all complete

Page 31 of 48
Bill 9:- ID No.- 21, Rajbhandari Sattal
Location - Pachalighat
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
Maapa brick works in (1:1:2) LSS mortar for
7 foundation and ground floor as per drawings
and specification, all complete

a) using new brick cu.m. 36.41

b) using old brick cu.m. 24.27

Maapa brick works in lss mortar(1:1;2) above

8 ground floor as per drawings and specification, cu.m. 30.50
all complete

Nepali Sal wood works for door, window,

post, rafter, joist, purlin & beam etc. including
supply and selection of materials, placing,
fixing, nailing etc as per drawings and
specification, all complete
a) using new wood cu.m. 7.71
b) using old wood cu.m. 0.86

Teliya brick paving with LSS mortar(1:1:1)

10 with (1:1) lime surkhi pointing works, as per sq.m. 75.43
drawings and specification, all complete

11 1" thick Nepali Sal wood planking works as sq.m. 118.15

per drawings and specification, all complete
Laying two layer plastic felt on roofing with
12 bitumen as per drawings and specification, all sq.m. 67.86

Page 32 of 48
Bill 9:- ID No.- 21, Rajbhandari Sattal
Location - Pachalighat
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
Jhingati (8-3/4"*4") laying works on roof
13 with 3" clay all complete as per drawings and sq.m. 67.86
specification, all complete
Dhuri Chang (horizontal or vertical) works
14 all complete as per drawings and specification, rm 19.45
all complete

20 mm thick lime surkhi plaster works in 1:2

15 ratio works as per drawings and specification, sq.m. 141.84
all complete

1.5" thick Eaves Board of Sal wood works

16 with three side plaining as per drawings and sq.m. 4.65
specification, all complete

17 Nepali Sal wood doors & window shutters 38 sq.m. 6.36

mm thick works for doors and windows, as
per drawings and specification, all complete
Laying of vertical Corner stone works all
18 complete as per drawings and specification, all Nos 4
Peti Stone (5" thick & 9" wide) work in
19 (1:1:1) lime, surkhi, sand mortar as per rm 25.30
drawings and specification, all complete
Double bamboo scaffolding works, all
20 sq.m. 141.84
21 As built drawing job 1
Total of Bill 9

Page 33 of 48
Bagmati River Basin Improvement Project - Additional Financing


Bill No. 10:- ID No.-26 D, Pujari Sattal

Location- Pachalighat, Kathmandu
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words

1 Site clearances, layout and preparation of site area. job 1

Dismantling of the roof as per the approved

2 conservation note and instruction of the Engineer 50
and proper disposal, all complete
Dismantling of the wall as per the approved
3 conservation note and instruction of the Engineer cu.m. 148.30
and proper disposal, all complete

Earthwork in Excavation in foundation manually

in all types of soil in accordance with the
requirements of lines and grades including shoring,
trimming and dressing of side slopes, stacking
4 cu.m. 67.2
suitable materials for reuse and disposing
unsuitable/surplus materials to safe disposal areas
for all leads, lifts and hauling distances as per
drawings and specification, all complete

Brick soling on flat, as per drawings and

5 sq.m. 412.16
specification, all complete
Lime Concreting (1:2:4) lime, sand and aggregate
6 works as per drawings and specification, all cu.m. 21.95

Page 34 of 48
Bill No. 10:- ID No.-26 D, Pujari Sattal
Location- Pachalighat, Kathmandu
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
Maapa brick work in LSS mortar(1:1:2) for
7 foundation & ground floor as per drawings and cu.m. 133.66
specification, all complete
Maapa brick work in lss mortar(1:1;2) above
8 ground floor as per drawings and specification, all cu.m. 83.66

Dachi apa brick works in LSS (1:1:2) mortar aas

9 sq.m. 222.92
per drawings and specification, all complete

Nepali Sal wood work for door, window ,post

,rafter, joist, purlin & beam etc. including supply
and selection of materials, placing, fixing, nailing
etc as per drawings and specification, all complete

A) using new sal wood cu.m. 26.39

B) using old wood cu.m. 6.60
1" thick nepali salwood planking works as per
11 sq.m. 438.50
drawings and specification, all complete
1.5" thick Eaves Board of Sal wood works with
12 three side plaining as per drawings and sq.m. 9.64
specification, all complete
Laying two layer plastic felt on roofing with
13 bitumen as per drawings and specification, all sq.m. 195.68

Jhingati (8-3/4"*4") laying on roof with 3" clay

14 sq.m. 195.68
as per drawings and specification, all complete

Page 35 of 48
Bill No. 10:- ID No.-26 D, Pujari Sattal
Location- Pachalighat, Kathmandu
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
Dhuri Chang (horizontal or vertical) works as
15 rm 32.62
per drawings and specification, all complete
Gongacha (Corner bird) fixing works as per
16 Nos 4.00
drawings and specification, all complete
Jhingaties nailing works as per drawings and
17 rm 56.20
specification, all complete
Carving works for carnics, as per drawings and
18 sq.m. 14.97
specification, all complete
Window frame carvings works for arch window
19 and ankhi window, as per drawings and sq.m. 14.96
specification, all complete
Three bay window frame carving works
20 excluding wood, as per drawings and specification,
all complete
A) using old carved wood sq.m. 0.63
B) using new carved wood sq.m. 2.52
Carving for door works, as per drawings and
21 sq.m. 3.52
specification, all complete
Carving and fitting Mesh door including the
22 wood cost as per drawings and specification, all sq.m. 17.73
Wooden Post carving works excluding wood as
23 sq.m. 7.07
per drawings and specification, all complete
Teliya brick paving with LSS mortar(1:1:1) with
24 (1:1) lime surkhi pointing, as per drawings and sq.m. 356.16
specification, all complete

Page 36 of 48
Bill No. 10:- ID No.-26 D, Pujari Sattal
Location- Pachalighat, Kathmandu
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
Peti Stone works in (1:1:1) lime, surkhi, sand
25 mortar as per drawings and specification, all
A) using old peti stone rm 15.45
B) using new peti stone (5" thick & 9" wide) rm 36.05
20mm thick Lime surkhi plaster (1:2) as per
26 sq.m. 447.52
drawings and specification, all complete
Two coat Siltrate painting works as per drawings
27 sq.m. 262.48
and specification, all complete
28 Double bamboo scaffolding works, all complete sq.m. 274.45
Carved Nas 3"thick works excluding wood as per
29 rm 99.80
drawings and specification, all complete
30 As built drawing job 1.00
Total of Bill 10

Page 37 of 48
Bagmati River Basin Improvement Project - Additional Financing

Bill 11:- ID No.-36, Purohit Sattal
Location - Puret Ghat, Kathmandu
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
Site clearances, layout and preparation of site
1 job 1

Dismantling of the wall including stacking of

material and proper disposal of unsuitable
2 cu.m. 102.61
materials as per the approved conservation note
and instruction of the Engineer, all complete

Earthwork in Excavation in foundation

manually in all types of soil in accordance with
the requirements of lines and grades including
shoring, trimming and dressing of side slopes,
3 cu.m. 100.43
stacking suitable materials for reuse and disposing
unsuitable/surplus materials to safe disposal areas
for all leads, lifts and hauling distances as per the
drawings and specification, all complete

4 Brick soling on flat works as per the drawings sq.m. 302.57

and specification, all complete
Lime Concreting (1:2:4) lime, sand and
5 aggregate works all complete as per the drawings cu.m. 13.95
and specification, all complete
Maapa brick works with LSS mortar(1:1:2) in
6 foundation and ground floor as per instruction of
the engineer, all complete

a) using new brick cu.m. 123.44

Page 38 of 48
Bill 11:- ID No.-36, Purohit Sattal
Location - Puret Ghat, Kathmandu
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
b) using old brick cu.m. 41.15

Page 39 of 48
Bill 11:- ID No.-36, Purohit Sattal
Location - Puret Ghat, Kathmandu
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
Maapa brick works with LSS mortar(1:1:2) in
7 above ground floor as per the drawings and cu.m. 89.63
specification, all complete

Dachi apa brick works in LSS (1:1:2) mortar as

8 sq.m. 285.35
per the drawings and specification, all complete

Nepali Sal wood works for door, window, post,

rafter, joist, purlin & beam etc. including supply
9 and selection of materials, placing, fixing, nailing
etc as per the drawings and specification, all

A) using new timber cu.m. 35.76

B) using old timber cu.m. 1.88

Caving window frame woks excluding wood as

10 sq.m. 14.52
per the drawings and specification, all complete

Window mesh carving works (including wood)

11 sq.m. 9.57
as per the drawings and specification, all complete

3 or more bay window carving works

12 (excluding wood) as per the drawings and
specification, all complete
A) using new timber sq.m. 7.52
B) using old timber sq.m. 1.88

Page 40 of 48
Bill 11:- ID No.-36, Purohit Sattal
Location - Puret Ghat, Kathmandu
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
Carving for door frame works (excluding
13 wood), as per the drawings and specification, all
A) using new timber sq.m. 6.79
B) using old timber sq.m. 1.70
Carving and fitting Mesh door including the
14 wood cost, as per the drawings and specification, sq.m. 7.85
all complete

Wooden Post carving works excluding wood as

15 sq.m. 28.80
per the drawings and specification, all complete

Providing carving work for carnics, as per the

16 sq.m. 16.09
drawings and specification, all complete

17 Carved Nush 3" thick works excluding wood as rm 72.00

per the drawings and specification, all complete
1" thick nepali salwood planking works as per
18 sq.m. 276.05
the drawings and specification, all complete

1.5" thick Eaves Board works of Sal wood with

19 three side plaining as per the drawings and sq.m. 9.68
specification, all complete
Laying two layer plastic felt on roofing with
20 bitumen as per the drawings and specification, all sq.m. 139.33
Jhingati (8-3/4"*4") laying on roof with 3"
21 clay as per the drawings and specification, all sq.m. 139.33

Page 41 of 48
Bill 11:- ID No.-36, Purohit Sattal
Location - Puret Ghat, Kathmandu
S. Rate (NRs.)
Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In words
Jhingattiies nailing works, as per the drawings
22 rm 40.62
and specification, all complete

Dhuri Chang (horizontal or vertical) works as

23 rm 39.48
per the drawings and specification, all complete

Teliya brick paving with LSS mortar (1:1:1)

24 with (1:1) lime surkhi pointing, as per the sq.m. 302.57
drawings and specification, all complete

25 Laying of vertical Nagol stone as per the Nos 10

drawings and specification, all complete
Peti Stone works in (1:1:1) lime, surkhi,sand
26 mortar as per the drawings and specification, all
A) using old Peti stone rm 20.11
B) using new Peti stone (5" thick and 9"wide) rm 20.11
Two coat Siltrate painting works as per the
27 sq.m. 534.32
drawings and specification, all complete

28 Double bamboo scaffolding works, all complete sq.m. 240.00

29 As built drawing job 1

Total of Bill 11

Page 42 of 48
Bagmati River Basin Improvement Project - Additional Financing

Bill 12:- ID NO- 37, Sattal West
Location - Puret Ghat complex, Kathmandu
Rate (NRs)
SN Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
In figure In words

1 Site clearances, layout and preparation of site area. job 1

Dismantling of the roof including stacking properly

and proper disposal of unsuable materials as per the
2 sq.m. 74.38
approved conservation note and instruction of the
Engineer, all complete

Dismantling of the floor including stacking properly

and proper disposal of unsuable materials as per the
3 cu.m. 16.43
approved conservation note and instruction of the
Engineer, all complete

Dismantling of the walls including stacking

properly and proper disposal of unsuable materials as
4 cu.m. 101.21
per the approved conservation note and instruction of
the Engineer, all complete

Earthwork in Excavation in foundation manually

in all types of soil in accordance with the
requirements of lines and grades including shoring,
trimming and dressing of side slopes, stacking
5 cu.m. 82.25
suitable materials for reuse and disposing
unsuitable/surplus materials to safe disposal areas for
all leads, lifts and hauling distances all complete as
per the drawings and specification, all complete

Brick soling on edge, as per the drawing and

6 sq.m. 51.41
specifications, all complete

Page 43 of 48
Bill 12:- ID NO- 37, Sattal West
Location - Puret Ghat complex, Kathmandu
Rate (NRs)
SN Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
In figure In words
Brick soling on flat including peti as per the
7 sq.m. 190.44
drawing and specifications, all complete
Lime Concreting (1:2:4) lime, sand and aggregate
8 works all complete as per the drawing and cu.m. 10.77
specifications, all complete
Maapa brick work with LSS mortar(1:1:2) for
9 foundation and ground floor as per the drawing and cu.m. 127.70
specifications, all complete
Maapa brick work with LSS mortar (1:1:2) above
10 ground floor as per the drawing and specifications, cu.m. 56.11
all complete
Dachi apa brick work in LSS (1:1:2) mortar as per
11 sq.m. 256.74
the drawing and specifications, all complete

Nepali Sal wood work for door, window, post,

rafter, joist, purlin & beam etc. including supply and
selection of materials, placing, fixing, nailing etc as
per drawing and specification, all complete

a) using new wood cu.m. 18.32

b) using old wood cu.m. 2.04
1" thick nepali salwood planking works as per the
13 sq.m. 272.96
drawing and specifications, all complete
1.5" thick Eaves Board of Sal wood works with
14 three side plaining as per the drawing and sq.m. 10.48
specifications, all complete
Laying two layer plastic felt on roofing with
15 bitumen as per the drawing and specifications, all sq.m. 146.00

Page 44 of 48
Bill 12:- ID NO- 37, Sattal West
Location - Puret Ghat complex, Kathmandu
Rate (NRs)
SN Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
In figure In words
Jhingati (8-3/4"*4") laying on roof with 3" clay as
16 sq.m. 146.00
per the drawing and specifications, all complete

Dhuri Chang (horizontal or vertical) works as per

17 rm 46.17
the drawing and specifications, all complete

Teliya brick paving with LSS mortar(1:1:1) with

18 (1:1) lime surkhi pointing, as per the drawing and sq.m. 190.44
specifications, all complete
Carving and fitting Mesh door including the wood
19 cost, as per the drawing and specifications, all sq.m. 1.60
Window mesh carving including wood cost as per
20 sq.m. 3.29
the drawing and specifications, all complete
Pannelled shutter for window, as per the drawing
21 sq.m. 1.78
and specifications, all complete
Carnesh carving works (excluding wood), as per
22 sq.m. 14.15
the drawing and specifications, all complete
Wooden Post carving works excluding wood as per
23 sq.m. 5.40
the drawing and specifications, all complete
24 Double bamboo scaffolding works, all complete sq.m. 251.16

Peti Stone works in (1:1:1) lime, surkhi, sand mortar

as per the drawing and specifications, all complete

a) using new peti stone (5" thick and 9"wide) rm 29.96

b) using old peti stone rm 12.84

Page 45 of 48
Bill 12:- ID NO- 37, Sattal West
Location - Puret Ghat complex, Kathmandu
Rate (NRs)
SN Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
In figure In words
20mm thick Lime surkhi plaster (1:2) works on
26 wall as per the drawing and specifications, all sq.m. 249.60
Traditional Nago or kassimo brick works in LSS
27 1:1:3 mortar as per the drawings and specification, rm 282.90
all complete
Two coat Siltrate painting works as per the
28 sq.m. 249.60
drawings and specification, all complete
29 As built drawing job 1
Total of Bill 12

Page 46 of 48
Bagmati River Basin Improvement Project - Additional Financing (BRBIP-AF)

Bill of Quantities (BoQ)

Bill 13 : DAY WORKS
Rate (NRs.)
Item No. Description of Items Unit Quantity Amount
In figure In words
Schedule of Day works Rates: 1 Labour
DW1.1 Labourer hr 500

DW1.2 Mason hr 500

DW1.3 Carpenter hr 500

DW1.4 Traditional Carving Craftsman hr 500

Schedule of Dayworks Rates: 2. Materials

DW2.1 Cost of Materials from Supplier 500,000

Schedule of Dayworks Rates: 3. Equipment

DW3.1 Hand Roller (up to 0.5 T) hr 200
DW3.2 Mobile crane (5 - 10 T) hr 50
DW3.3 Generator (30 - 50 kVA) hr 100

DW3.4 Other Plant (to be inserted by bidder) hr

Page 47 of 48

Bill No. 13 Item Description Amount (NRs.)


Total for DAYWORKS (Bill No. 13)

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