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Report on the Batanes Integrated Natural History Research Initiative

(BINHI) Fieldwork
30 October to 14 December 2012

National Museum Team

1) Ms Erika C. Robis, Project Assistant

(Separate reports to be submitted)

2) Mr John Rey Callado, Researcher I, Botany Division (16 October – 14 November 2012)
3) Ms Vivian Ang, Researcher II, Zoology Division (27 October – 14 November 2012)
4) Ms Zenaida Salazar, Researcher II, Zoology Division (27 October – 14 November 2012)
5) Mr Venancio Samarita, Senior Researcher, Zoology Division (27 October – 14 November
6) Mr Danilo Tandang, Researcher II, Botany Division (31 October – 14 November 2012)
7) Dr Wilfredo Vendivil, Curator II/Chief, Botany Division (31 October – 14 November 2012)
8) Mr Roberto De Ocampo, Curator II/Chief, Geology Division (17 November – 7 December
9) Mr Benjamin Naungayan, Researcher II, Geology Division (17 November – 7 December
10) Ms Priscila Ong, Curator I, Geology Division (17 November – 7 December 2012)
11) Dr Luisito Evangelista, Curator I, Botany Division (23 November – 7 December 2012)

Preparation for the fieldwork

This fieldwork is the continuation of the Batanes Integrated Natural History Research
Initiative (BINHI) Project, in collaboration with the Local Government Units of the Province
of Batanes and the Batanes Heritage Foundation Inc. (BHFI), from the July – August 2012 trip
with Assistant Director Cecilio Salcedo and carcinologist Ms Marivene Manuel-Santos. In
addition to working towards a systematic and scientific documentation of the flora and
fauna of Batanes, the BINHI Project mainly aims to physically establish the natural history
reference collections for the Batanes NM and generate basic data pertinent for its
nomination as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Originally, the NM Natural History researchers’ BINHI fieldworks were scheduled on the
March and September of 2012, with Project Leader Dr Ana P Labrador and Project Assistant
Ms Erika Robis. The unique weather system (October – February, winter; March – May,
summer; June – September, monsoon; “little summer” in September) in the province was
the primary consideration for the schedule, since more or less it dictates the accessibility of
the target sites in the province, particularly in the other islands; the availability/obtainability
of and access to supplies; and this also serves as the reference for the appearance and/or
nonappearance of some species, particularly in zoology.

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As indicated in the project proposal submitted for funding, among the main activities of the
NM Natural History researchers is to conduct geological, botanical and zoological survey and
sampling in representative areas around the province. If possible, identification of
specimens is to be conducted in Batanes, and analysis continued in Manila.

Between February and March 2012, NM sent out letters to concerned agencies and offices
informing them of BINHI, including the Department of Education (DepEd) Batanes Division
Office, the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Batanes Engineering District
Office, Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office (PENRO) Batanes and the
Uyugan LGU, the host municipality of the Batanes NM. With the passage of RA 10066, the
letter for PENRO addressed to OIC George Reyes was mainly to inform them about the
project; NM researchers would be bringing along with them the standard Authority to Travel
and Permit to Collect and Transport Specimens from the NM Cultural Properties Division as
supporting documents. Also, with Batanes declared as a Protected Landscape and Seascape,
an inquiry about whether there will be any other requirement for NM to be fulfilled for
specimen collection would be needed was made. The temporary use of the former Rural
Health Unit (RHU) building in Barangay Itbud, Uyugan for specimen storage was also granted
by the Office of the Provincial Governor through Uyugan Mayor Oliva Valiente-Blackburn.

Preparations for BINHI began in earnest around May 2012, with NM linked to the Batanes
Heritage Foundation, Inc (BHFI) who does the local general coordination for the UNESCO
World Heritage Site Nominations of Batanes. It was agreed with Mr Walter Estamo (Chief-
of-Staff, Office of Batanes Representative Henedina Abad) that part of the funding for the
proposed estimated costs for BINHI will be coursed through the BHFI, in addition to assisting
NM with the local logistical needs, such as courtesy call schedules to local agencies and
LGUs, accommodations, vehicle (land and boat) hires, local resource persons, dive
equipment availability, acquisition/purchase of additional supplies, and maintenance of
specimens in the interim while the Batanes NM has yet to be formally instituted.

Measures regarding disposal of the waste that may be generated from the processing of the
specimens were also discussed with BHFI, since the former RHU building is adjacent to a
river and near the sea, which are primary sources of drinking water and food in the
municipality and barangay. In addition, these measures also serve to facilitate early on the
establishment of curatorial health and safety standards practices not only for the Batanes
NM facility but in the aspect of biodiversity conservation as well.

The NM Team met with several offices and agencies, and local government officials late July
2012, and was able to explain further the general nature of NM’s work. In addition, the
Team also met with the UNESCO Local Documentation Team composed of LGU
representatives (Sangguniang Bayan members), agency and office heads and officials about
the nomination as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. With BHFI, the members of the Local
Documentation Team would help in informing their respective municipalities about the
BINHI project, particularly the collection and preservation of specimens in their respective

Fieldwork generated initial data and specimens on carcinology, as well as additional

specimens for ichthyology, conchology, echinoderm studies and marine flora, serving as the

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initial installment of the Batanes NM Natural History Reference Collection. During this
period, the team was also able to verify how much weather/season-dependent the activities
in the province are, which would greatly affect tentative fieldwork schedules and site
accessibility. In the aspect of collections management, the complexities of managing and
dealing with natural history collections have been initially assessed in such a setting and on
a more particular level, for the monsoon season. A preliminary working database was set up
and the route map of the visited sites has also been documented.

Recommendations for the subsequent BINHI trips, as well as in preparing the next projects
in Batanes, were also made based on the July-August 2012 fieldwork. General
recommendations include separate itinerary for public meetings; transmission of a copy of
the RA 10066 and its approved Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) for reference
purposes of relevant offices and agencies; natural history fieldwork for detailed studies
should be scheduled during the summer months to be able to access the other islands,
however, with the pronounced seasons winter and monsoon months should also be covered
to complete the data cycle; protocol for the use of the collections in the schools and
integration of the generated data with the localization of the DepEd curriculum; and
establishment of a Curatorial/Environment Health and Safety Protocol and Standards, as
well as an Emergency, Risk and Disaster Management Plans for the collections and museum
facility, adapted to the local environment and practices.

Relevant to the ongoing BINHI Project include the shipment of specimen duplicates to NM
Manila in terms of risk and disaster management of collections; addition of NM Zoology
Division Collections Manager to the team for specimen registration and reinforce/reassess
the preservation needs in the local environment; addition of NM Zoology Division Scientific
Illustrator, in anticipation of the doubled number of zoology researchers in relation to the
immediate need for specimen color documentation; and training of potential staff should
soon start, considering the funds needed if collections maintenance will be depend on the
NM Manila staff.

Due to the delayed release of funds to NM (early October 2012), and the limited seat
availability in the only airline flying Manila-Basco-Manila (19-seater SkyPasada, since July
2012), the July-August fieldwork was cut short and rescheduled on mid-October 2012
onwards. With the need for the Batanes natural history data for the UNESCO Nominations
and the onset of the winter season by mid- to late November, all researchers were
scheduled to go to Batanes within the period of mid-October to early December 2012, for a
maximum stay of 21 days. Airline reservations were made as early as mid-September 2012,
with the only commercial plane flying to Batanes having only 19 passenger seats, with flights
limited to twice a week; reservations were occasionally requested from Sky Pasada to be
extended in relation to the release of airfare allotment from the NM BINHI funds for the
researchers. Several supplies and equipment were transported through Sky Pasada cargo,
addressed to BHFI. Fixing and preservation chemicals will be shipped to Basco via the
Batanes Multi-Purpose Cooperative, Inc (BMPCI) cargo ships, pending their loading

Necessary equipment for documentation has also been purchased for each natural history
division through the funds coursed through BHFI; digital SLR cameras, handheld GPS units,

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and video camera. The rest of the equipment would be purchased in Manila, to be brought
by the researchers in Batanes, such as the dive computer and underwater camera housing
and its compatible camera unit. Supplies for collection, processing and storage were
purchased in Manila and supplemented by purchases in Basco. Researcher-divers Mr Don
Dumale and Mr Joseph Comendador were put in touch with Dive Batanes owner and master
diver Mr Chico Domingo to assess what other diving gear should they bring to Batanes.
There have also been earlier discussions with Mr Domingo through email and SMS about
dive sites that would be of particular interest to Mr Dumale and Mr Comendador, and BINHI
as a whole.

Reports were anticipated to be completed for submission to Dr Florentino Hornedo and the
Batanes Local Documentation Team by the end of December 2012.

The projected outputs of the project are the following:

1) Systematic survey and documentation of the geology of Batanes and establishment of its
geological history;
2) Systematic survey and documentation of marine and terrestrial flora and fauna of
Batanes, including migratory species;
3) Documented and preserved botanical, zoological and geological specimens, establishing
the Batanes NM reference collections, following the standard international protocols for
collecting and preserving natural history museum collections;
4) Establish a collections management system, to include the aspects of conservation and
specimen maintenance, most appropriate for the local conditions and cultural practices
in Batanes;
5) Published preliminary technical report and survey database containing preliminary
ecological data, inventory and analysis of rock types, fossils, flora and fauna, for use in
the UNESCO World Heritage Site Nomination efforts;
6) Published project report based on submitted field, laboratory and collections
management documentations and reports; and
7) Recommendations for prioritizing and programming of the subsequent projects in the
province, particularly considering its specific weather patterns.

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Proposed itinerary
Date Activities
27 July 2012 (F)
0600H ETD, MLA-BSO flight (Sky Pasada)
Old Domestic Terminal 4, Pasay City
Erika Robis (Coordinator)
Dir. Cecilio Salcedo
Mr. Danilo Tandang (Botany - Flowering plants)
Dr. Wilfredo Venidivil (Botany - Seed-bearing & medicinal plants)
Ms. Marivene Manuel-Santos (Zoology - Carcinology)
Ms. Vivian Ang (Zoology - Conchology)

0900H ETA, Basco Airport (meet with BHFI & CDO representatives)
Drop off baggage, DepEd and DPWH Guest Houses; courtesy calls to DE
Nola & Superintendent Gonzales

1000H Courtesy calls to Gov. Vicente Gato, BHFI President, CDO, Basco
municipal officials
Early lunch

1300H Courtesy calls to PENRO, Dr. Florentino Hornedo

Initial meeting with the BHFI/UNESCO World Heritage Documentation

1400H onwards Team
- Orientation regarding Batanes
- Briefing re Batanes' nomination as World Heritage Site
- Expected output from NM for nomination dossier

28 July 2012 (Sa)

Ocular for possible study & collection sites; equipment tests &
0830H onwards calibration
Courtesy calls to municipal officials
- Mayor Blackburn & council in Uyugan for Batanes NM site &
temporary storage (finalize arrangements for this)

1400H Meeting with Documentation Team

- Discuss/choose possible/target study & collection sites, schedule
- Discuss process of technical documentation & specimen collection;
fixing & preservation; storage
- Work schedule for July 30 - August 4; delegation of tasks
Finalize arrangements re transportation needs, guides & local resource

29 July 2012 (Su)

ETD, BSO-MLA flight (Sky Pasada)
Dir. Cecilio Salcedo

Preparation of equipment, supplies; purchase of additional materials &

Finalize arrangements re transportation needs, guides & local resource

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Date Activities
1600H NM team meeting re July 30 - August 4 targets; process of data (photos,
GPS readings) downloading, storage, safekeeping & processing

30 July - 4 August 2012 (M-Sa)

Researchers in study & collection sites with documentation team &
0800H onwards guides
Processing of data & specimens collected, in preparation for long-term
Cataloguing/registration to Batanes NM collections of specimens
Further facilitation of other requirements of NM researchers, as

1500H (Sa) NM team meeting, with Documentation Team re past week's progress
and assessment, targets for August 6-11

1 August 2012 (W)

0600H ETD, MLA-BSO flight (Sky Pasada)
Old Domestic Terminal 4, Pasay City
Mr. John Rey Callado (Botany - Ferns)

3 August 2012 (F)

0600H ETD, MLA-BSO flight (Sky Pasada)
Old Domestic Terminal 4, Pasay City
Mr. Roberto de Ocampo (Geology)
Ms. Priscila Ong (Geology)

0900H onwards ETA, Basco Airport

Drop off baggage, DepEd and DPWH Guest Houses

- Orientation regarding Batanes

- Briefing re Batanes' nomination as World Heritage Site
- Expected output from NM for nomination dossier
Purchase of additional materials; ocular for possible study & collection

5 August 2012 (Su) Rest day; purchase of additional materials & supplies
Processing of data & specimens collected, in preparation for long-term
storage; cataloguing/registration

6-11 August 2012 (M-Sa)

Researchers in study & collection sites with documentation team &
0800H onwards guides
Processing of data & specimens collected, in preparation for long-term
Cataloguing/registration to Batanes NM collections of specimens
Further facilitation of other requirements of NM researchers, as

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Date Activities
1500H (Sa) NM team meeting, with Documentation Team re past week's progress
and assessment, targets for August 13-16

8 August 2012 (W)

0600H ETD, MLA-BSO flight (Sky Pasada)
Old Domestic Terminal 4, Pasay City
Mr. Don Dumale (Zoology - Ichthyology)
Mr. Rolly Urriza (Zoology - Ornithology)
[Nelson Aquino (RED, for LORAN retrofitting)]
Mr. Noe Gapas (Biology - Marine flora)

12 August 2012 (Su)

1330H ETD, BSO-MLA (Sky Pasada)
Basco Airport
Ms. Marivene Manuel-Santos (Zoology - Carcinology)
Ms. Vivian Ang (Zoology - Conchology)
[Nelson Aquino (RED, for LORAN retrofitting)]

Rest day; purchase of additional materials & supplies

Processing of data & specimens collected, in preparation for storage;

15 August 2012 (W)

(or earlier date): flight bookings for 2nd batch of researchers

13-16 August 2012 (M-Th)

Researchers in study & collection sites with documentation team &
0800H onwards guides (optional)
Processing of data & specimens collected, in preparation for long-term
Cataloguing/registration to Batanes NM collections of specimens
Further facilitation of other requirements of NM researchers, as
necessary; flight booking & ticket purchase

17 August 2012 (F)

0900H NM team meeting, with Documentation Team re past week's progress
and assessment; preparation for the presentation of preliminary data

18-19 August 2012 (Sa-Su)

0800H onwards Collation of data for presentation (preliminary results)
Processing of data & specimens collected, in preparation for long-term
Cataloguing/registration to Batanes NM collections of specimens
Preparation & packing of specimens for shipment (lab analysis); cross-
check of specimen documentation & cataloguing (files vs items)
Preparation of presentation of preliminary data
Arrangements for shipment of specimens for lab analysis

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Date Activities
18 August 2012 (Sa)
0600H ETD, MLA-BSO flight (Sky Pasada)
Old Domestic Terminal 4, Pasay City
Dr. Ana P. Labrador (Batanes NM Project Leader)
Dir. Jeremy Barns
Dr. Arvin Diesmos (Zoology - Herpetology)

20-22 August 2012 (M-W) Presentation of preliminary data to local officials and stakeholders

23 August 2012 (Th)

1330H ETD, BSO-MLA (Sky Pasada)
Basco Airport
Dr. Ana P. Labrador (Batanes NM Project Leader)
Dir. Jeremy Barns
Mr. Danilo Tandang (Botany - Flowering plants)
Dr. Wilfredo Venidivil (Botany - Seed-bearing & medicinal flora)
Mr. Noe Gapas (Botany - Marine flora)
Mr. Roberto SP De Ocampo (Geology)
Ms. Priscila Ong (Geology)

Specimen transfer to NM (storage & security)

23-25 August 2012 (Th-Sa) Processing of data & specimens collected, in preparation for storage;
Cataloguing/registration to Batanes NM collections of specimens
Preparation of specimens for shipment (lab analysis); cross-check of
specimen documentation & cataloguing (files vs items)
Arrangements for shipment of specimens for lab analysis

26 August 2012 (Su)

1330H ETD, BSO-MLA (Sky Pasada)
Basco Airport
(Option 1: seat availability) Erika Robis (Coordinator)
Mr. Don Dumale (Zoology - Ichthyology)
Mr. John Rey Callado (Botany - Ferns)

27 August 2012 (M) NM BINHI Team (trips 1 & 2) meeting

Data processing; technical report writing

30 August 2012 (Th)

1330H ETD, BSO-MLA (Sky Pasada)
Basco Airport
(Option 2: seat availability) Erika Robis (Coordinator)
Dr. Arvin Diesmos (Zoology - Herpetology)
Mr. Rolly Urriza (Zoology - Ornithology)

3 September 2012 (M) Deadline of first draft for editing

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Date Activities
10 September 2012 (M) Final draft for printing & submission to Batanes officials & stakeholders

27 August - 15 September 2012

Preparation of Trip 2 researchers

19 & 26 September 2012 (W) Target departure dates for 2nd batch of researchers (flight days)

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30 October 2012, Tuesday
I arrived at the Manila Domestic Terminal 4 at 5am, slightly delayed due to the pre-All
Saints/Souls’ Days rerouting scheme in the Makati-Pasay area. The Sky Pasada plane to
Basco left Manila approximately around the xpected time of departure of 6.45 to 7am. We
landed in Tuguegarao for refueling 20 minutes before 9am, leaving for Basco after just 15 to
20 minutes. We arrived in Basco at about 10am.

I was met at the airport by Batanes Heritage Foundation, Inc. (BHFI) staff Ms Amelia Fadriga
with Batanes National Commission for Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) Director Mr Ed Delfin. We
were also expecting the arrival of the equipment and additional supplies for researchers Mr
John Rey Callado (Ferns, Botany Division), Mr Rolly Urriza (Ornithology, Zoology Division)
and Ms Ma Josefa Veluz (Mammalogy, Zoology Division) sent through cargo. Unfortunately,
these were offloaded in Tuguegarao, and would be reloaded in one of the subsequent
flights during the week. We proceeded to the BHFI office and the Ivatan Lodge.

Four of the NM researchers were already in Batanes when I arrived; Mr Callado since
October 16, and Zoology Division’s Ms Vivian Ang (Conchology), Ms Zenaida Salazar
(Enchinoderms) and Mr Venancio Samarita (Entomology) since 27 October 2012; all four
were due to return to Manila on 7 November 2012, Basco-Manila tickets already purchased
and issued. Ms Veluz and Mr Urriza were expected to arrive on 6 November 2012.

Messages have also been sent earlier in September to heads/individuals of offices and/or
agencies both indirectly and directly connected with the Batanes NM Project informing
them of this second round of fieldwork for the BINHI Project, including Uyugan Mayor Oliva
Valiente-Blackburn and the Sangguniang Bayan (SB) through Vice Mayor Jonathan Enrique
Nanud; Department of Education (DepEd) Batanes Division Superintendent Wivina
Gonzales; and Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) District Engineer
Alexander Nola and Assistant District Engineer Rommel Fabi.

Ms Ang, Mr Callado, Ms Salazar and Mr Samarita were collecting specimens in the island-
municipality of Sabtang (located south of Basco; see maps attached), and Ivuhos; they left
the previous day for Sabtang via Ivana.

The rest of the afternoon was spent in Basco, receiving updates on the BINHI activities,
specimen collection status in Uyugan and the LORAN retrofitting from BHFI, and the NM
researchers in Sabtang (through SMS), also finalizing preparations for the arrival of the rest
of the NM Team.

Partly overcast skies in Basco.

31 October 2012, Wednesday

I visited BHFI again at around 9am to copy the filled in database in FileMaker Pro software
from their staff Ms Rebecca Asa. We also briefly discussed the anticipated needs and the
day’s schedule of the botany researchers arriving that morning, Botany Division Chief Dr
Wilfredo Vendivil and Mr Danilo Tandang, and the BHFI staff who would be assisting them.

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Upon hearing the engines of the arriving plane, Ms Fadriga and I went to the airport to meet
Dr Vendivil and Mr Tandang at around past 10am. We returned to the BHFI office to meet
with Executive Director Ms Catherine de Mata, after leaving their things and registering at
the Ivatan Lodge. It was agreed that Dr Vendivil and Mr Tandang would pay a courtesy call
to Governor Vicente Gato at the Provincial Capitol, after which they would have their lunch
and plan their activities for the next few days with the BHFI staff that would assist them.

I took the 11am jeepney to Uyugan to see the collection status in the temporary storage
area, and to meet the researchers coming from Sabtang there. They were set to leave
Sabtang in the 2pm boat, arriving at the storage area around 3pm.

I arrived at around 12nn, shortly going to the storage to see the current physical state of the
specimens collected by Ms Marivene Manuel-Santos (Carcinology, NM Zoology Division) just
this July and August. Opting to wait for the BHFI staff, Ms May Beronque and Ms Katrine
Balderas, left in charge of the storage when I left for Manila last August, I proceeded at
around 1.30pm to the Long Range Navigation (LORAN) Station site to take some photos of
the status of its structural retrofitting as Batanes NM, as earlier arranged with Arch Nelson
Aquino (NM Restoration and Engineering Division).

Several workers were at the site that time, working on the windows of the building
designated as the exhibition hall in the Batanes NM facility. I introduced myself to one of
them and that I would be taking photographs on behalf of Arch Aquino. I was told to go
ahead with the photos, and that the foreman has just left, but would be returning later on.
While taking the photos of the then ongoing works on the exhibition hall, I also observed
what the BHFI staff was telling me previously regarding one portion of the roof of the
building formerly housing the LORAN generators (Building 3) that has partially collapsed
when they began working at the site. They supported the entire length of the roof with
coconut trunks as braces, from floor to ceiling.

After taking photos and taking my leave, I returned to the former RHU building (temporary
storage) to meet with the researchers and BHFI staff.

Dr Vendivil and Mr Tandang was with Mr Callado, Ms Ang, Ms Salazar, Mr Samarita and BHFI
staff, as part of their ocular tour in Batan. Ms Beronque and Ms Balderas and I assisted Ms
Ang and Ms Salazar in processing the specimens that they had collected in the islands of
Sabtang and Ivuhos, while Mr Samarita and Mr Callado accompanied Dr Vendivil and Mr
Tandang to the LORAN Station to see the Batanes NM site. While working, Ms Beronque and
Ms Balderas informed me of their observations on the specimens since we last
communicated about these through SMS while I was in Manila.

Ms Beronque also reminded me about having the building blessed, since it has been left
unused and unoccupied for several years. It is generally believed that anyitu (spirits) may
have taken up residence in such structures or places; hence it is a basic prerequisite to have
a traditional offering/dialogue ritual with the anyitu or a blessing before putting it to use.
This was somewhat similar to what was done prior to the groundbreaking ceremony last 7
January 2012 at the LORAN Station. Residents of homes adjacent to the former RHU
grounds, as well as Itbud Barangay Chairperson Joseph Ybay, have recommended that the

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blessing should be accomplished, added Ms Balderas. Regarding this, I told Ms Beronque
and Ms Balderas that we only have to inform the Uyugan LGU, Itbud Barangay Council and
BHFI; Dr Ana Labrador (Batanes NM Project Leader and NM Director III) and I have already
considered the possibility that rituals similar to what was done during the groundbreaking
may have to be conducted in some instances for the BINHI Project. The matter was also
discussed already with Fr Roy Maliglig, Itbud Parish Priest, and has agreed to it. We agreed
that I will personally inform Ms de Mata upon our return to Basco, as well as meet with OIC
Vice-Mayor Nanud in Uyugan Sentro once regular work days resume after the Undas
holidays, and Chairperson Ybay and Fr Maliglig later that afternoon.

Crabs, fish and seaworms were among the specimens collected in Ivuhos and Sabtang, in
addition to shells and echinoderms that were deposited at the temporary storage. The
collected shells were placed in black seedling bags with holes, covered with sand and labels
placed inside, and buried buckets and/or sack of sand in one corner of the storage building.
Insect and fern specimens collected by Mr Samarita and Mr Callado, respectively, will be
processed in Basco where improvised dryers have been assembled. I stayed overnight to see
to the need of transferring several specimens to and/or from formalin for air drying, in
preparation for dry storage.

Sunny and warm in Basco that morning; rained in Itbud-Imnajbu area in the mid-afternoon
and remained overcast.

1 November 2012, Thursday

At 6.15am, I transferred the “relaxed” starfish (immersed overnight in seawater with drops
of White Flower) to formalin solution after rinsing with tap water. I also photographed the
crab specimens left in a relaxant solution overnight to expire, and then later transferred it to
ethyl alcohol for preservation.

I was able to talk to Fr Maliglig about the blessing at the former RHU building later that
morning. He immediately agreed to this, telling me that I should just inform him about the
date, after I talk with Chairperson Ybay (who was in the cemetery) and OIC/Vice Mayor

Between 11am to 12nn, I transferred the sea cucumber specimens from formalin to ethyl
alcohol after rinsing with tap water, noting in the logbook that it was less than 24 hours
since its immersion to formalin solution for fixing.

I took the 2pm jeepney to back to Basco. The researchers had also just returned from one of
the slopes of Mt Iraya, with BHFI staff, Mr Emerson Cabugao and Mr John Paul Castillo.
Terrestrial snails were collected by Ms Ang, and butterflies by Mr Samarita.

Overcast in Uyugan; sunny in Basco.

2 November 2012, Friday

I took some photographs of Mr Tandang and Mr Callado processing botanical specimens for
drying and/or long-term storage and transport to Manila. Multiple copies of specimens for
each species were collected, Batanes NM collection, NM Manila collection and for the

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standard international identification and documentation. Samples for DNA identification
were also taken; placed in small plastic bags, sealed with silica gel inside.

With Ms Ang, Ms Salazar, Mr Samarita, Dr Vendivil, Mr Tandang and Ms Beronque, on a

hired van owned and driven by Mr Baltazar Cariaso, we left Basco for shell and echinoderm
collection in Uyugan at around 10am. It was estimated that the tides would go down at
around lunch time. In Uyugan Sentro, we picked up Ms Balderas and another BHFI staff, Mr
Darwin Nanud, then proceeded to the storage in Itbud.

While lunch was being prepared, Ms Ang and Ms Salazar set out to collect specimens in the
intertidal flats of Itbud, moving west from the village proper, towards Sitio Songsong. Dr
Vendivil and Mr Tandang collected specimens along the sandy coast adjacent to the river-
sea junction. I went to look for Chairperson Ybay to ask permission for us to stay overnight
in the barangay hall, and to inform him of the plans to have the former RHU building blessed
by Fr Roy. The latter was a necessity, since the Uyugan Barangay Chairpersons were set to
leave the following day for Manila for a workshop. Chairperson Ybay granted us his
permission, and agreed about the blessing, telling me to just inform him when it will be. I
also informed him that the NM researchers are currently collecting specimens at the Itbud
intertidal flats.

I went back to Ms Ang and Ms Salazar at the intertidal flats where they were collecting. Ms
Salazar has with her a small bottle of White Flower as a relaxant for the echinoderms. A
specimen, a brittle star in this case, was carefully taken out from its home and placed inside
a bucket with seawater, after which she puts a few drops of White Flower on it. The same
procedure was done with the sea urchins and cucumbers. Around 1pm, we decided to head
back to the storage area to begin processing the specimens; mollusks and a mantis shrimp
were also collected in this instance.

After lunch, as planned, we headed back to Motchong area, part of Barangay Kayvaluganan,
generally located in the 5-kilometer distance between Uyugan Sentro and Itbud. With Ms
Ang, Ms Salazar, Ms Beronque, Ms Balderas and Mr Nanud, we went down to the intertidal
flats in Motchong and walked towards Sitio Songsong, also part of Kayvaluganan, collecting
specimens along the way. The winds were quite strong, hence the waters’ surface was not
steady; we had a bit of difficulty locating the organisms. Echinoderms and mollusks were
collected; photos of corals along the area were also taken.

Mr Tandang also went to Motchong with us, staying and walking along the coast to collected
botanical specimens.

We arrived at around 4pm at the storage area, including Mr Tandang, and immediately
processed the collected specimens. It was decided that Mr Tandang and Dr Vendivil would
return to Basco using the hired van so he could process the collected botanical specimens;
we were to sleepover at the Itbud Barangay Hall and would just take the 6am jeepney back
to Basco the following day. Mr Samarita also returned to Basco.

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We continued to process the specimens until about 6pm, taking as much photographs of the
specimens and the processing activites as possible. After helping prepare and having dinner,
we went to the barangay hall for the night.

Partly overcast in Basco; overcast with occasional light rain going south; overcast and
occasional light rain in Uyugan.

3 November 2012, Saturday

We arrived in Basco at around half past seven in the morning via the 6am jeepney.
Chairperson Ybay and Imnajbu Barangay Chairperson Ezekiel Valiente, with two other
members of the Itbud Barangay Council were also on their way to the airport that morning.
We had our breakfast with the rest of the team at the St Dominic’s College (SDC) Canteen
near the Basco Municipal Hall.

As planned, around 10am, we again took off to collect with Ms Beronque, Ms Balderas and
Mr Nanud, this time at the eastern side of Batan Island in Sitio Diura, Barangary Uvoy in
Mahatao. Dr Vendivil and Mr Tandang went with Ms Ang, Ms Salazar and I.

We arrived in Diura at past 11am. Most of the residents in Diura were in the Mahatao town
proper helping out prepare and/or preparing for the town fiesta the following day.

Mr Tandang and Dr Vendivil went on their way to collect botanical specimens after agreeing
that we meet back in Diura at around 3pm. Ms Ang, Ms Salazar and I, with Ms Beronque, Mr
Nanud and Ms Balderas went a little further down south to Racuaydi while waiting for the
seawater level to fall. The plan was to return to Diura from Racuaydi through the intertidal
flats while collecting the specimens.

About 2 species of freshwater mollusks were collected in Racuaydi. Probably due to the
overcast weather, the tides did not fall that much, so we just collected specimens at the
intertidal flats in Racuaydi at around 2pm, then returned to Diura through the road/trail we
took earlier going to Racuaydi.

Mr Tandang and Dr Vendivil returned at around past 3pm. We took them back to Basco,
after which we went to the temporary storage site in Uyugan to process and deposit the
Racuaydi specimens.

On the way, we decided to push through with our plan to collect in the Ivana coastal area
that night. We dropped by the Honesty Coffee Shop to ask about fees for an overnight at
their rental cottages. We told them that we will be returning at around 7pm, since we still
have work to do in Itbud.

After processing and depositing the specimens at the former RHU building and preparing
our dinner, we returned to the Gabilo cottages in Ivana to wait out the low tide for the

Overcast skies; intermittent light rains late in the afternoon to evening.

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4 November 2012, Sunday
Mahatao Town Fiesta.

At around 2am, we prepared to go down to the intertidal flats. It began to rain however, so
it was decided that we wait for it to stop or settle down to a light drizzle before going down.
At about half-past 5am, we went down for the collection. With the recent rains however
and the partly sandy composition of the flats, the waters were murky; mostly small mollusks
were seen on the big rocks. Washed out mollusks along the coast which were still not
recorded from the other sites were collected.

Around 7am we prepared to return to Basco, while Ms Balderas and Mr Nanud would take
the jeepney to Uyugan Sentro. We waited at the Ivana port, fronting the Ivana church, in
one of the jeepneys as it waited for the arrival of the passenger boat from Sabtang. I caught
sight of the members of the Uyugan party supposedly off to Manila the previous day aboard
the 7.30am jeepney from Imnajbu-Uyugan, confirming the rumors that I heard late
yesterday in Uyugan that the Sky Pasada flight to Manila was cancelled due to mechanical

I suppose the driver of the jeepney where we had put our things must have asked someone
from Sabtang about the time the boat would be leaving there, and decided to just proceed
to Basco. On the way, we saw part of the procession of devotees and images from the
church Mahatao passing by the National Road. We arrived at the Ivatan Lodge at around
half-past 8am.

Partly sunny, partly overcast skies; cold winds in Basco in the afternoon.

5 November 2012, Monday

I went to the BHFI office with Mr Callado and Mr Samarita that morning. Mr Callado would
be working on the drying of his specimens, while Mr Samarita would also work on the
mounting of his specimens prior to drying. I talked to Ms de Mata regarding the possibility
that the researchers currently in Batanes may have to have their stay extended with
unconfirmed reports that Sky Pasada flights have been cancelled due to mechanical failure.

This was confirmed for Manila-Basco flights when I went to the Sky Pasada office from BHFI.
We were also expecting the arrival of Zoology Division researchers Mr Virgilio Palpal-latoc
(Curator II/Chief), Mr Don Dumale (Ichthyology), Mr Joseph Comendador (Poriferology), Ms
Veluz, Mr Urriza, Ms Evelyn Mendoza (Collections Manager), and Ms Anna Melissa Domingo
(Scientific Illustrator), and Botany researcher Dr Edwin Tadiosa (Fungi) in the next few days.
Mr Edgar Ugali and Ms Edna Cabrito of Sky Pasada told me that they were having the plane
repaired and checked with their mechanic scheduled to arrive that afternoon. They will
inform us about the schedule of Manila-Basco flights through SMS, flights that week
however were for refund without additional charges. Basco-Manila/Tuguegarao flights so
far were not yet cancelled. I just left all our mobile numbers with Ms Cabrito for updates
regarding the Basco-Manila/Tuguegarao flight on Wednesday.

I opted to wait for the rescheduled flights, considering that Sky Pasada is the only airline
that has flights to Manila, and that it would also be probably difficult to book flights to and

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from Tuguegarao with the number of expected local passengers going in and out of the
Province in such short notice. Plane seats are limited only for 8 to 10 passengers in airlines
Air Republiq and North Sky.

I also advised Mr Palpal-latoc and the rest of the researchers in Manila about this, and asked
them how their schedules were in the next few days, weeks at most, in preparation for the
need to have their flights rebooked.

After informing the researchers about this, we left for the temporary storage site in Itbud
around 11am, to collect specimens in the Imnajbu area. On our way we called on OIC/Vice
Mayor Nanud at the Uyugan Municipal Hall regarding having the former RHU building
blessed within the week. The SB was about to wrap up their meeting that morning when we
arrived, but they graciously accommodated us. We took this opportunity to introduce Ms
Ang and Ms Salazar to the Council, since they were not able to pay a courtesy call in the
municipality earlier in their stay; with BHFI, we agreed that their courtesy call in Uyugan, as
well as in the other local agencies, would be when Mr Palpal-latoc arrives from Manila.

We also briefly discussed with OIC/Vice Mayor Nanud and the rest of the SB members about
having the former RHU building blessed, as well as the date, for the time being agreeing that
Thursday (8 November). Ms de Mata would be informed, and Fr Maliglig’s schedule would
also be cleared first also. I would also be informing Itbud Chairperson Ybay of this, as well as
the OIC Barangay Councilor in Itbud with the barangay chairpersons in Manila and Tagaytay
that week.

After thanking them and telling them of our plans of maintaining the, and collecting more
specimens for the afternoon in Itbud and Imnajbu, respectively, we said our goodbyes and
went on to the temporary storage site.

We arrived at past 12pm, and immediately prepared lunch. We set off afterwards; I went to
look for and talk with Fr Maliglig and OIC/Barangay Councilor Jose Ybay; Ms Ang and Ms
Salazar, with Ms Beronque, Ms Balderas and Mr Nanud on to LORAN Station to Imnajbu.

After talking with OIC Ybay and with Fr Maliglig set to return later that afternoon in Itbud, I
went after the Team in Imnajbu to take photos and take note of the coordinates. I returned
to the temporary storage area afterwards, and had the opportunity to talk with Fr Maliglig
regarding the blessing on my way back. He agreed with the 8 November date, and just told
me to drop by the church convent on the day itself.

I took photographs of the specimens collected previously and had been previously left
drying. At around 4pm, the team returned from collecting in Imnajbu and we proceeded to
process and document the specimens.

We returned to Basco at around half-past 5pm. No news regarding the 7 November flight
back to Manila from our mobile phones.

Dr Vendivil and Mr Tandang left for Sabtang with BHFI staff in the 12nn passenger boat that

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Sunny, though slightly overcast with cold winds in Basco; sunny in Uyugan, winds slightly
colder late in the afternoon.

6 November 2012, Tuesday

I spent the morning checking with the Sky Pasada office regarding the incoming and
outgoing flights the following day and within the week. Around the time that I was in their
office, Mr Ugali informed me that they were finalizing arrangements for a chartered plane
from Basco but to Tuguegarao only late that week. Their main priority that time was to be
able to transport passengers in Batanes back to mainland Luzon first. They would inform us
about the developments on the chartered plane as soon as possible. I mentioned that I
would have to go to Uyugan that afternoon, so we agreed that they would directly contact
the researchers through SMS directly.

I dropped by the BHFI office to inform Ms de Mata about the developments on the Sky
Pasada flights and agreed on the necessary arrangements for the researchers’ extended
stay, as well as the blessing on the former RHU building in Uyugan on 8 November.

I proceeded to Uyugan after to continue taking photographs of the specimens, and to

finalize the blessing schedule with the municipal and barangay officials. Through SMS, I also
informed Itbud Chairperson Ybay in Manila about this.

Ms Balderas, Ms Beronque and Mr Nanud went to the temporary storage area with me to
deal with the necessary arrangements in terms of local traditions. We deemed it necessary
to ask a local healer to conduct a traditional rite, in addition to the Catholic blessing on
Thursday. For this, we talked with Mr Gerardo Adami, a resident of Itbud and one of the
acknowledged effective mediators with the anyitu in Uyugan, particularly in building

The rite was conducted later. We stayed the night at the barangay hall, after asking for and
being granted permission by OIC/Barangay Councilor Ybay.

Sunny weather, with slightly cold winds both in Basco and Uyugan; strong night winds.

7 November 2012, Wednesday

We took the 10.30am trip back to Basco, after we finished working on the specimens,
documenting, photographing, and transferring to ethyl alcohol and air drying. I was
informed by the researchers when I arrived at the Ivatan Lodge that they were informed
through SMS that there were no flights back to Manila, and even to Tuguegarao that day.
Through SMS, I informed Ms de Mata regarding this.

I proceeded to the Sky Pasada office after lunch to inquire about further developments
regarding the flight back to Manila and/or Tuguegarao that week. We agreed to have the
researchers booked to a flight back to Tuguegarao, tentatively scheduled that Saturday,
since arrangements regarding the chartered plane were still not yet finalized. Mr Ugali
authorized the refund of the rest of the fare paid without any additional charges; Basco-
Tuguegarao flights cost only Php 4,500.00.

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I informed the researchers about this through SMS. After I got the refunds, I returned to the
Lodge to give them their tickets and the refunded amount. We discussed that it would be
fairly possible for them to take the daily flight from Cebu Pacific or AirPhil Express from
Tuguegarao to Manila. The following week, they were also scheduled to immediately leave
for fieldwork in other sites. I also mentioned that BHFI is also working on the necessary
arrangements regarding their extended stay, and that I have also already talked with Ms Jing
Mernelo, in charge of the Ivatan Lodge.

We also finalized a working schedule until Friday, including the blessing in the former RHU
building in Uyugan the following day.

Sunny with slightly strong and cold winds in Basco; slightly overcast skies in Uyugan that

8 November 2012, Thursday

Ms Ang, Ms Salazar, Mr Samarita and Mr Callado left for the temporary storage area in
Uyugan around 8am in the morning, with BHFI staff staff Ms Beronque, Mr Paul Maduro and
Mr Ryan Robillos. After informing NM Manila and the concerned natural history researchers
regarding the developments on the flights, I followed in the 9.30am jeepney to Uyugan.

A traditional fare was prepared for the blessing that afternoon. Ms Balderas and Mr Nanud
took charge of preparing this, while I worked on mounting the brittle star collection with Ms
Beronque and Mr Robillos. Mr Robillos earlier was with Mr Callado looking for fern
specimens in the hills in the area. Later on, with Ms Ang, Ms Salazar, Mr Samarita, Mr
Callado and Mr Maduro, they traversed Itbud River to collect specimens.

The blessing was set at 3pm, conducted by Fr Maliglig and attended by OIC/Vice Mayor
Nanud with representatives of the Uyugan SB, Mr Bernardo de los Santos, Mr Juanito
Velasco, Mr Arthur Nanud, Mr Oscar Cobaria, and Mr Casiano Adami, and Mr Dante
Cabugao Uyugan LGU driver; in addition to Ms Beronque, Ms Balderas, Mr Nanud, Mr John
Paul Castillo, Mr Cariaso and I. Ms Ang, Ms Salazar, Mr Samarita and Mr Callado with Mr
Robillos and Mr Maduro arrived a bit later from collecting in the river.

This activity was taken as an opportunity to open our doors to the officials and locals, giving
them a peek on what will be going on in the soon-to-open Batanes NM, and to present more
clearly what NM has been doing in the province in these past few months. Fluid-preserved
and dry specimens, specimens still being processed for air drying and mounting, among
others were what has been seen by OIC/Vice Mayor Nanud, the SB and Fr Maliglig. During
the rest of the afternoon, we were able to briefly talk about what other activities were
involved in maintaining the collected specimens besides processing and preserving (e.g.,
temperature-relative humidity in long-term preservation specifically for the site, etc.) the

The NM researchers left for Basco that afternoon, while I stayed with the BHFI staff
overnight at the site.

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Sunny in Basco and Uyugan; slightly cold winds in Uyugan.

9 November 2012, Friday

We processed the freshwater shells processed the previous day; labeling and burying most
of them, while some were fixed and stored in formalin for their soft tissue structure. We
also continued mounting the dried brittle star specimens.

We prepared to leave for Basco on the 10.30am jeepney; it did not arrive however. We
were able to leave on the 2.30pm jeepney.

Checking with the Sky Pasada office that afternoon, as well as with the researchers, the
flight scheduled tentatively the following day, 10 November, did not push through.
Apparently the plane being chartered was not available in relatively such short notice that
week, but the following week. We had them booked on the 14 November morning flight to
Tuguegarao. I would have to return with the previously issued tickets on Monday to have
them changed. They also informed me that two seats were available on the afternoon flight
that would head back to Manila, and suggested booking Dr Vendivil and Mr Tandang,
scheduled to leave Basco on 15 November, on this flight instead of having their flight back
delayed by several days. The next flight that week would be on Friday and Saturday. I
reserved the seats for Mr Tandang and Dr Vendivil, for confirmation on Monday, 12

Late that afternoon, I received a call from the Sky Pasada Manila office regarding passenger
rebooking for Mr Dumale and Mr Comendador the following week. Apparently flights from
Manila were booked only at the Manila office, flights from Batanes at the Basco office only,
and flights from Tuguegarao at the Tuguegarao office only.

Sunny in Uyugan and Basco.

10 – 11 November 2012, Saturday & Sunday

I returned to the storage site early Saturday morning, anticipating the need to further work
on the tickets of the researchers’ Manila-Basco flights the following week. I continued
working on the detailed photos of the dry specimens, by then assessed to be in a stable
condition, and mounting the brittle stars for long-term storage. I also deposited and buried
the mollusk specimens Ms Ang and Mr Callado collected the previous day in Mt Iraya.

Sunny in Uyugan both days; slightly cold winds in the evening and early morning.

12 – 14 November 2012, Monday to Wednesday

I returned to Basco on the 6.30am jeepney, arriving before 8am, on Monday morning. That
afternoon, I confirmed Dr Vendivil and Mr Tandang’s 14 November flight back to Manila via
Sky Pasada. No additional fees were charged by the airline.

The rest of the time in Basco was spent communicating with the researchers in NM Manila
and the Sky Pasada Manila ticketing office. New bookings were not accepted, such as the
case of Dr Arvin Diesmos, previously booked passengers were still the priority in both
Manila and Tuguegarao take off points. Sky Pasada’s chartered plane was scheduled for

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Manila-Tuguegarao-Basco flights on Fridays and Saturdays of the next couple of weeks. I
was able to secure seats for the Geology Division researchers, Mr Roberto de Ocampo, Ms
Priscila Ong and Mr Benjamin Naungayan, Jr for 17 November (Saturday) from Manila, upon
agreeing with them. Dr Luisito Evangelista (Diatoms and Pollens) of NM Botany Division also
agreed to leave for Basco a day earlier than his booked 24 November flight. We agreed that
they were to be booked on the 7 December 2012 flight back to Manila.

Lunch with Mr Callado on Tuesday at the canteen in front of the Ivatan Lodge, we met Vice
Mayor Nanud, SB members Nanud and de los Santos, and Mr Marcelino Arca of Barangay
Itbud by chance. Among other things, they informed me that Mayor Blackburn has already
returned. I later apprised Mayor Blackburn through SMS of the NM presence in Batanes for
the BINHI Project.

We also finalized the documents needed for the reports and travel fund liquidation from
BHFI and the LGUs. Mr Callado, Mr Tandang and I agreed that I would arrange for the
documentation of plant growths on the traditional houses around Batan. I would do an
initial run in Uyugan to systematize the methodology for the other municipalities; initially,
the methodology would take into consideration the relative elevation, coordinates, type of
plant (through photographs), age and care of the structure, among others. Once it has been
systematized, through the assistance of some of the BHFI staff, we will proceed with the
other three municipalities in Batan Island: Basco, Mahatao and Ivana. This would help to
analytically determine in part the reason why particular plants have grown in the traditional

Ms Ang, Ms Salazar, Mr Samarita and Mr Callado took the 6.45am flight to Tuguegarao on
Wednesday morning, checking in at 5am. All of them were supposed to take the Cebu
Pacific flight from Tuguegarao to Basco, I reserved seats for them online. We had problems
with the payment however, even with the assistance of the Sky Pasada Basco and
Tuguegarao offices, with the Cebu Pacific (also AirPhil Express, we later learned) policy of
online reservations should only be paid electronically, through bank deposit or credit cards,
we later learned. I was referred by the Cebu Pacific call center agent to the list of banks and
LBC branches accepting ticket payments, however, he also told me that these were limited;
asking him to check which branches, it turned out that they were limited to selected
Mainland Luzon (for Region II) branches only. Mr Ugali offered that the Sky Pasada
Tuguegarao office initially pay for the tickets in cash at the Cebu Pacific Tuguegarao office,
which the researchers would later pay back when they arrive in Tuguegarao, which the
agents did not accept. Tickets purchased on the day of the flight itself cost twice the price at
least two days before the date.

I later learned that Ms Ang and Mr Callado took the plane back to Manila since they have
urgent and overdue matters to attend to. Ms Salazar and Mr Samarita took the bus to

Dr Vendivil and Mr Tandang checked in before 1pm. The plane left before 2pm. The
duplicate botanical samples to be shipped to Manila were left with me at the Ivatan Lodge.

I took the 4pm jeepney to Uyugan.

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Sunny morning in Basco; partly overcast with slightly cold winds noon onwards.

15 – 16 November 2012, Thursday & Friday

I took the 7.30am jeepney and got off at Uyugan Sentro with the municipal employees
residing in Itbud and Imnajbu. Accompanied by Ms Aisa Adami, I proceeded to the office of
Mayor Blackburn to pay courtesy on behalf of the NM Team coming and going in Batanes
for BINHI. Mayor Blackburn graciously received me, regardless of the fact that I was not able
to previously arrange for an appointment with her office, and we were able to discuss in
part the progress of both natural history and infrastructure projects.

She expressed her frustration with the delay of the retrofitting of the LORAN Station as
Batanes NM, only briefly, as she acknowledged that work is already being done despite of
the season (almost winter) and we moved on to discuss what other possible options that
could help hasten the project in the next few months. I also informed her of the transfer of
the funds to DPWH Batanes as retrofitting project administrator last October, as facilitated
by DPWH Batanes representative Engr Ronald Merin and District Engineer Alexander Nola
with Arch Aquino. She offered the use of her tonnage in M/V Transcend, one of the cargo
ships plying the Manila-Basco route, for the transport of materials to Basco.

Regarding the BINHI Project, I briefly recapped the activities done so far and those
tentatively scheduled in the succeeding weeks. She approved of having the former RHU
building blessed the previous week, and gave me permission to proceed on the systematic
documentation of the plant growth on the traditional houses in Uyugan. I also asked when it
would be convenient to drop by again with the NM Geology Division researchers arriving on
Saturday for a courtesy call, to which she told to just inform her first through SMS, since she
planned then to spend some time in her farm lot that weekend.

As we were about to wrap up, she asked after our accommodations in Basco and in Uyugan.
She told me to let her know through SMS if I would need to stay the night in Sentro during
the course of what I was to do there, and that maybe I would have the time later to meet
the new municipal doctor from the Doctors to the Barrios Program. After thanking her and
assuring her that I would, I went on around and mapped the southern part of Sentro (area
between the National Road and the Diversion Road), after also calling on and briefly
discussing what I was planning to do with the president of the Association of Barangay
Captains (ABC) and Chairperson of Barangay Kayuganan of Uyugan, Mr Juan Cobico. I was
able to document two traditional houses, now left unused, after informing two individuals in
houses adjacent to both buildings of what I was to do, and receiving clearance from them.

I finished at about past 11am and waited for the jeepney to Barangay Itbud along the
Diversion Road (the Uyugan Bridge, part of the National Road, is being repaired) while
following up flight schedules for Mr Palpal-latoc, Mr Comendador, Mr Dumale and Ms
Mendoza. Ms Judy Blacer of the Sky Pasada Manila office secured places for Mr Palpal-latoc,
Mr Dumale and Mr Comendador on 30 November, and, tentatively, 4 December for Ms
Mendoza. All four were booked to return to Manila on 14 December.

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Through SMS, I also asked Ms Beronque about the vehicle hire for the Geology Division
researchers set to arrive on Saturday. We agreed to set their courtesy call schedules to
Governor Gato and DepEd Superintendent Gonzales on a weekday the following week,
tentatively, when they arrive from their pre-arranged trip to Sabtang.

I arrived at the temporary storage area just before 1pm, and continued working on the
specimens. I planned to finish working on them by Sunday, 18 November, and continue
documenting the plants on the traditional houses for most of the following week, based on
that morning’s working system. After which, I would orient about two to three BHFI staff on
how to do the documentation for Basco, Mahatao and Ivana, and we would be working
simultaneously the next week.

I basically focused on taking detailed photographs of the mollusk specimens collected last
July and August with Ms Manuel-Santos on Thursday afternoon and Friday morning. Before
packing up, I also checked if the remaining brittle stars were already dry for mounting on my
next visit. Small white spots were on the surface of the plates of some specimens still
exposed for air drying, consequently I also checked the mounted specimens; they also have
these spots that may well be fungal growth.

I returned to Basco via the 2.30pm jeepney Friday afternoon to prepare to meet Mr de
Ocampo, Ms Ong and Mr Naungayan arriving the following day. I also checked with Ms
Salazar and Ms Mendoza through SMS on what to do with the brittle stars with fungi, in
addition to checking some references that I have with me.

Morning began with partly overcast skies and slightly cold temperatures on both Thursday
and Friday; sunny but cold, blustery winds in the rest of the day; overcast skies in Basco on
late Friday afternoon.

17 November 2012, Saturday

I was invited by Ms de Mata through SMS to go with her to the opening of the Basco
Ecclesiastical Museum at around 7.30am. She mentioned that she did not have a copy of the
program that moment and was not sure about the flow, but we agreed to just meet at the
BHFI office before going there.

We opted to wait for the program at the BHFI office, which would start after the mass at
church, in a building adjacent to it. While waiting, Ms de Mata and I were able to talk about
the other projects that BHFI is and will be involved in, particularly for the UNESCO World
Heritage Nominations. Among other things by next year, they would begin working with the
National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP) in putting up historical markers in
the Province. Besides the BINHI Project with the NM at that time, they were also working on
a livelihood project, based on the Ivatan local crafts, including basketry and vakul-making
(women’s headgear). We also partly discussed options for the BINHI Project delays due to
the flight cancellations, with particular concern on the project funds.

We headed out later to the designated place for the opening program. It was led by the
priests assigned in Basco, with Mr Jaime Castillo, head of the Parish Committee on Church
Cultural Heritage and DepEd Social Studies Supervisor. Also noted in attendance were

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Governor Gato, DepEd Superintendent Wivina Gonzales, and former Governor Telesforo

About halfway through the addresses of the guest speakers, a plane arrived. Ms de Mata
and I took off to the airport, wondering if this was indeed the plane chartered by Sky Pasada
with the NM researchers, since it was a little too early in arriving. Mr de Ocampo may not
have been able to receive the text that I sent around 6am that morning, asking if they were
on schedule so far.

At the airport, we found out that it was a private plane chartered by a team from National
Power Corporation. We were able to meet Rep Henedina Abad, who arrived on the same
flight and asked us what we were doing there. We told her that we were waiting for the Sky
Pasada flight with the researchers from NM, and in a little while, after bidding her goodbye,
we returned to the Ecclesiastical Museum opening program in the church grounds.

By the time we arrived, they were about to cut the ribbon and have the initial viewing of the
exhibit. Along with several guests, Ms de Mata and I went inside to see the display,
consisting mostly of paper, wood, textile and metal materials. The exhibited materials
evoked reminiscences from most of the guests, of their participation in church activities
during their younger years, the Spanish curates who served around Batan (Filipino priests
have since taken over as parish priests in most of the churches around Batanes around early
2000), the Spanish songs and prayers, among others. Based on what I heard, I gathered that
this was the first opportunity that these materials have been put on public display. Ms de
Mata also introduced me to Fr Zenki Manabat, who initiated the setting up of the museum,
and former Gov Castillejos. We were later asked to return outside to finish the program

The Sky Pasada chartered plane arrived several minutes after; Ms de Mata and I again went
to the airport. We met Ms Beronque, Mr Roger Hubayan and Mr Cariaso there, just before
Mr de Ocampo, Ms Ong and Mr Naungayan entered the airport building. While waiting to
claim their baggage, Mr de Ocampo told me that they were informed earlier in Manila that
some of the baggage loaded in this flight may have to be unloaded in Tuguegarao, probably
due to wind conditions. They were assured that these would be immediately forwarded to

Their box containing the supplies for collecting, as well as some equipment, was offloaded in
Tuguegarao. Ms Cabrito of Sky Pasada took note of this and assured us of its arrival the
following day. Mr Urriza’s packs previously sent through cargo arrived in this flight; I had
assumed that these have already arrived previously and stored temporarily at the BHFI
office, only that the BHFI staff forgot to tell me, to the same degree that I forgot to ask them
about it. Ms Veluz’ pack had arrived around the time I did, and Mr Callado’s old newspapers
about a week after my arrival.

We proceeded to SDC Canteen for breakfast/early lunch. Ms de Mata suggested that we

might as well return with them to the Ecclesiastical Museum, so that they would also be
able to meet the officials in attendance there. Gov Gato has already left when we arrived,
but we were able to introduce Mr de Ocampo, Ms Ong and Mr Naungayan to DepEd

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Superintendent Gonzales, Basco Vice Mayor Viola, NCIP Executive Director Delfin, and
DepEd Supervisor Castillo. At around 11am and arranging our itinerary for the afternoon
with Ms Beronque and Mr Hubayan, we proceeded to the Ivatan Lodge.

At 1pm, we took off to Uyugan with Ms Beronque, Mr Hubayan and Mr Cariaso, picking up
Mr Nanud and Ms Balderas in Uyugan Sentro. They also informed us that Mayor Blackburn
was at her farm lot that day; we agreed to have the courtesy call to Mayor Blackburn moved
on Monday, 19 November.

Our first stop was at the temporary storage area, after which we proceeded next to the
former LORAN Station. From there, we took the Interior Road going back to Basco, several
kilometers quicker than taking the National Road; some sections of it were yet to be paved.
We stopped shortly at the area where the canteen was located, viewed sections of the
eastern part of Batan Island that, most of which can be seen from this point, and took

Back at the Ivatan Lodge, Mr de Ocampo and I agreed that they should have another turn
around Batan the next day before leaving for Sabtang. Having considered the fine weather
the recent days, Ms de Mata and I earlier agreed to schedule the researchers to Sabtang
straightaway. That way, it would be assured that they would be in Basco for their flight back
to Manila, and that they would have been able to examine another (other) island(s) other
than Batan. We also put their trips to Itbayat on hold for the time being, since there was still
no airline flying from there and back that time. Three to four-hour boat rides were the only
means of crossing from Batan, via Basco, to Itbayat. Air Republiq and North Sky pilots
accustomed to the Itbayat Airport runway were still unavailable.

Overcast skies, approximately all over Batan Island; partly sunny in Itbud-Imnajbu area
around mid-afternoon.

18 November 2012, Sunday

I went to the airport the following morning, at around 9am to check the arrival of the box
offloaded in Tuguegarao. Originally, we arranged for Mr Cariaso and Ms Beronque to pick up
Mr de Ocampo, Ms Ong and Mr Naungayan at around 8.30am, but with the supplies and
equipment necessary for their collecting activities, we had it moved to 1pm.

The arrival of the plane from Tuguegarao was delayed to 11.30am. Having missed the
11.30am jeepney to Uyugan, I requested that they drop me off at the former RHU building
on their way south for their preliminary survey and to collect specimens, when I arrived at
the Lodge with their box at the airport.

It turned out that it was also well-timed that the researchers would leave for Sabtang the
following day, in terms of vehicle hires going around Batan. The novena masses for the feast
of the Miraculous Medal would begin that day, and Mr Cariaso informed Ms Beronque and I
that he would have to be back in Basco at around 4pm. He and his wife, along with several
other devotees, were attending the nine-day vigil in Barangay Itbud, and would leave Basco
at around 5pm for the 6pm prayer and mass. It was more or less a long-term pact between
his family and the passenger-devotees, since they have been doing it for a few years now.

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Ms Beronque confirmed that the same practice applies to the other vehicle-for-rent owners
and/or drivers as well, besides being devotees themselves.

On our way to Uyugan, Mr de Ocampo and I finalized with Mr Hubayan that they would take
the 12nn passenger boat to Sabtang the following day. The 6am trip in the morning would
be too early for them to prepare, as they also have to drop by the BHFI office for their travel
allowance. We had also arranged for them to drop by the Uyugan Municipal Hall for their
courtesy call to Mayor Blackburn.

At the storage, I continued photographing the shells, and later checked the brittle stars;
undoubtedly, these were fungal growths.

Overcast skies in Basco; light rain in Uyugan in the afternoon; cold winds in the evening.

19 – 20 November 2012, Monday and Tuesday

I alternated between photographing the shells and documenting the fungal growth in the
mounted brittle stars on Monday morning, returning to Basco in the 2.30pm jeepney.
Through SMS, I confirmed the fungal growth to Ms Salazar. She suggested brushing it off
once dry using soft-bristled brushes.

Tuesday morning was spent looking for the appropriate brush at the stores in Abad Street. I
also borrowed a tripod from BHFI office to use with the much smaller shells. With Ms
Beronque, I took the 11.30am jeepney back to Itbud to work on the brittle stars. She would
be extracting the mollusk specimens from the sacks for cleaning.

With the fungal growth on the brittle stars a rather pressing issue in terms of long-term
maintenance, as well as with the other dry-preserved specimens in the collection, I took
detailed photographs and observations on which particular specimens were affected;
recalling the fixing process, the drying period and where in particular was it placed in the
storage area, specimen size, as well as the mounting materials for those mounted. Mounted
specimens were taken off the paper mounts and out of the plastic zip bags; before and after
brushing off the fungi, photographs were taken; and specimens were relocated to shelves
better exposed to light.

These would be further observed later if fungal growths would still occur.

Overcast skies with light rains in both Basco and Uyugan; cold winds, particularly strong in
the evenings.

21 November 2012, Wednesday

I took the early jeepney back to Basco that morning. Most of the day was spent preparing
for Dr Evangelista’s arrival on Friday morning.

I checked with Sky Pasada Manila and Basco offices if the Friday flight would push through.
Ms Beronque and I did a preliminary itinerary for Dr Evangelista.

Overcast skies in Basco, with light rains throughout the day.

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22 November 2012, Thursday
I returned to the temporary storage building early that morning to continue working on the
brittle stars, also to check the condition of those already cleaned.

New fungal growths had appeared on some specimens that had been cleaned. It appeared
that several things come into play in this issue: (1) specimen fixing process; (2)
environmental conditions of the storage; (3) physical characteristics of the specimens (e.g.,
size, thickness, etc.).

I took the 2.30pm jeepney back to Basco.

Overcast skies in Basco and Uyugan.

23 November 2012, Friday

Ms Beronque, Mr Cariaso and I met at the airport to meet Dr Evangelista. We had an early
lunch at the SDC Canteen, after which we proceeded to the BHFI office to meet with Ms de
Mata. We agreed to leave for Uyugan at around 1pm, and also to drop by the Municipal Hall
for Dr Evangelista’s courtesy call.

Through SMS and apologizing for the short notice, I informed both Mayor Blackburn and
Vice Mayor Nanud that we would be passing by Uyugan Sentro that afternoon with Dr
Evangelista, and requested for a brief meeting. Dr Evangelista’s focus would be slightly
different from the rest of the team’s research since he deals with microscopic organisms
that help indicate the overall health of the local environment. I assumed that they were
busy and maybe the communication signal tower in Uyugan was having problems, when I
did not receive a response from both Mayor Blackburn and Vice Mayor Nanud.

With Mr Cabugao, Ms Beronque and Mr Cariaso, we arrived in Uyugan before 2pm, and
decided to just drop by the Municipal Hall to check if we can be accommodated briefly.
Most of the offices were closed, and we found out from the SB office staff that the officials
were all at the Motchong Park for the groundbreaking ceremony of a fish hatchery project
with the Batanes State College. Since we would be passing by Motchong Park, they
suggested that we just drop by to talk to Mayor Blackburn. After thanking them, we just
proceeded to the storage area and the former LORAN Station. We were able to talk briefly
with the LORAN Retrofitting Project Foreman after we introduced ourselves. He basically
told us that they were still waiting for the project supplies.

In addition to showing Dr Evangelista the storage area, Mr Cabugao and Ms Beronque also
gathered up additional supplies and materials for Sabtang the following day. With Mr
Cabugao, Dr Evangelista would leave for Sabtang the following day to join Mr de Ocampo,
Ms Ong and Mr Naungayan. Additional supplies were also needed by the geology
researchers since they plan to extend their stay to several more days. Through Ms
Beronque, Ms Balderas informed us that they had yet to go to Ivuhos Island as Mr de
Ocampo, Ms Ong and Mr Naungayan decided to do a more detailed assessment of Sabtang.

We took the Interior Road going back to Basco.

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Sunny weather in Basco and Uyugan.

24 November 2012, Saturday

I met with Ms Beronque and Mr Cabugao that morning to borrow the BHFI copy of the
storage building key; they were buying additional food supplies for the Sabtang trip. Ms
Beronque and I talked about immersing the brittle stars in formalin for 24 hours and air
drying afterwards. Early on, I checked my notes on the fixing process Ms Manuel-Santos
taught us and had applied to the urchins that we collected last July and August, using
formalin. The urchin specimens were still in good condition so far, and without any fungal
growths, considering that they have thicker/bigger bodies and are in the same storage
environment. We agreed that I try it out later that day with just a few brittle star specimens
from those collected.

Mr Cabugao, Dr Evangelista and Mr Joseph Calma, a new BHFI staff, took the passenger boat
to Sabtang. I proceeded to the storage area after lunch.

I worked on brushing off the new fungal growth on the brittle stars, also using the same
documenting procedure in the previous days. I next chose five pieces of brittle stars, with
different physical characteristics, from different sites in the Province, and individual storage
situations (mounted and not mounted) to immerse on formalin for approximately 24 hours
the following day. After working on the brittle stars, I continued documenting the mollusk
specimens and also checked the batch disinterred if they were already free from decayed
flesh and fly larvae, for further soaking on powdered soap and water.

Skies mostly overcast in both Basco and Uyugan.

25 – 27 November 2012, Sunday to Tuesday

On Sunday morning, I immersed the five pieces of brittle stars to formalin, taking note of the
time. For the rest of the day, I worked on rinsing and checking for larvae the mollusks
soaking on powdered soap and water. I next immersed them on ethyl alcohol for 24 hours.

I rinsed the five brittle stars with tap water and laid them out on paper towels for air drying
the following day. I next worked on rinsing the alcohol-immersed shells for air drying. I also
prepared the next batch of brittle stars for immersion to formalin on the next few days,
after checking and making sure that there were no problems on the physical integrity of the
specimen after the immersion to formalin.

Sunny and humid in Uyugan on Sunday and Monday; cool winds with threat of light rain
clouds on Tuesday.

28 – 29 November 2012, Wednesday and Thursday

I took the 6am jeep back to Basco to check on the status of the 30 November Manila-Basco
flight of Sky Pasada, since rumors of its cancellation have been circulating in Uyugan the
previous day.

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Both 30 November and 7 December Sky Pasada flights were cancelled, according to Ms
Cabrito and Mr Ugali. I also received a text message from Ms Blacer from the Manila office
regarding this, due to a mechanical failure of the plane being chartered for the Manila-
Tuguegarao-Basco flights. I immediately checked with Mr Palpal-latoc, Mr Dumale and Mr
Comendador if they were already informed of this. Mr Palpal-latoc and I agreed that if there
were still no flights for this week, we would just suspend their trip. We informed NM Manila
of this decision.

I also informed the team in Sabtang about their cancelled flight back to Manila on 7
December. I reserved seats for them on the North Sky airline flight to Tuguegarao, however
the earliest flight available was already on 9 December. It cannot accommodate all the
passengers with its 8-10 seating capacity.

Mr Ugali also advised me to check with the new airline, SkyJet, since they had been
advertising special Manila-Basco-Manila flights before their 14 December official
commercial flight. He added that Seair may also be flying the Manila-Basco-Manila route
soon, through the Batanes Multi-Purpose Cooperative, Inc (BMPCI), and maybe I could also
ask them.

At the SkyJet office, I was informed by their agents that they have cancelled the 7 December
flight. I reserved a seat for 14 December for my flight back to Manila.

On Thursday, there were still no developments if the Sky Pasada flight would still be
rescheduled. Mr Palpal-latoc and I finalized our decision to cancel their trip for this year. I
would consult with the NHCP accountant, through Mr Erwin Sebastian from the NM
Director’s Office, regarding the validity of the funds. I also checked if Dr Evangelista, Mr de
Ocampo, Mr Naungayan and Ms Ong could be accommodated on a 7 November flight to
Tuguegarao; so far, there were no reservation withdrawals for that date.

Overcast skies in Uyugan at around 5am on Wednesday, sunny before 7am on our way to
Uyugan Sentro; sunny in Basco, slightly cold winds.

30 November – 2 December 2012, Friday to Sunday

I paid for my 14 December flight to Manila at the SkyJet office at around 9am, and then I
proceeded to the airport to check for earlier flights for the four researchers at the North Sky
office. They were due to arrive in the next couple of days from Sabtang.

On my way back to the Ivatan Lodge, I chanced upon Mr Ugali. He advised me that Sky
Pasada would be closing for the year, and that I should now inform Ms Blacer in Manila
regarding the refunds. We also agreed to meet at the Sky Pasada office at the airport on
Monday to get the fare refunds of Mr de Ocampo, Ms Ong, Mr Naungayan and Dr
Evangelista. I thanked Mr Ugali and proceeded to the Ivatan Lodge.

I took the 11am jeepney to Uyugan that Friday, after informing Ms Ong, Mr de Ocampo, Mr
Naungayan and Dr Evangelista on their flight schedule to Tuguegarao.

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At the storage, I worked on treating the brittle stars with formalin for 24 hours by batches,
particularly according to site.

Sunny day in both Basco and Uyugan; slightly cooler winds in Uyugan.

3 – 6 December 2012, Monday to Thursday

I arrived from Uyugan at past 8am in Basco. Again, I checked with the North Sky office for
the possibility of rescheduling the NM researchers to an earlier flight date to Tuguegarao;
the slots were still full.

As advised by Mr Ugali, I texted Ms Blacer to request the facilitation of the fare refund of Mr
Palpal-latoc, Mr Dumale, Mr Comendador, Mr Urriza, Ms Veluz, Ms Mendoza, Ms Anna
Melissa Domingo (Scientific Illustrator for NM Zoology Division), Dr Tadiosa and Dr Labrador
in Manila. Ms Blacer responded that she would ask the Sky Pasada accounting section to
have the money ready when I arrive from Batanes.

News that Seair will begin their flight on by the end of this week were circulating, and I was
advised to check with BMPCI as they would be handling the Seair flights in Basco. I texted
Mr Charles Ibañes of BMPCI, whom we have also worked with during the preliminary
meetings and the groundbreaking ceremony, who told me that they were still organizing the
approval from the Civil Air Authority of the Philippines (CAAP). They would advertise as soon
as they were ready. I assumed then that the Seair news may have been circulated partly
because of the presence of the Seair plane at the airport. Seair personnel were conducting
training sessions with the BMPCI at that time.

I also texted Air Republiq if their chartered flight plans to Manila would push through, and
again I was told no. The previous week, they were supposed to have a Basco-Manila flight
chartered, but was cancelled when an area in northern Luzon was declared as a no-fly zone
and fuel could not be flown in in Basco from Laoag.

The researchers were already back in Batan, and were scheduled to deposit their collection
from Sabtang at the storage. I asked Ms Beronque to see to the immersion of the brittle
stars to formalin by site/batch, after brushing off the dried fungus first, rinse and air dry

On Tuesday, I rechecked the seating reservation again with North Sky and still received a no.
From there, I proceeded to the BHFI office to turn over some receipts. Ms de Mata and
some of the staff advised me again to check with BMPCI regarding Seair flights. I told them
that I already asked Mr Ibañes about this and about his response.

With the news on Seair 7 December flight still persistent (Mr Cariaso and Ivatan Lodge staff
also mentioned this to me), I dropped by the BMPCI office to check. Ms Cabrito, now with
Seair, told me that they would know that afternoon if they would be able to fly on Friday.
She would just inform me through text later.

I went to their office after lunch to check, and was told that they were still waiting for the
CAAP’s written approval. Ms Cabrito texted me at about past 5pm that they would have the

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Manila-bound flight on Friday. I requested a reservation for Mr de Ocampo, Mr Naungayan,
Ms Ong and Dr Evangelista, which I would pay the following day. I also asked about the next
probable flight to Manila, considering the possibility that they would still have many things
to do with the extended collection period. The flight rates were considerably higher than
the Sky Pasada fare rates.

On Thursday, with Ms Balderas, Mr Nanud and Mr Hubayan, Mr de Ocampo, Ms Ong and Mr

Naungayan went to the storage to prepare their specimens for long-term storage. Ms
Beronque also went with them, bringing along Mr Callado and Mr Tandang’s boxes of dried
botanical specimens for storage from the BHFI office. Dr Evangelista stayed in Basco, mainly
at the BHFI office working on his collection.

I waited for news from Ms Cabrito regarding ticket purchase while reviewing and checking
out old reference articles that may be applied to the collection situation in Batanes,
particularly in natural history. That morning, they were working on the system with the Seair
staff in Manila. Ms Cabrito told me that she would just text me once they were ready.

At 4.30pm, I went to the Seair office at the BMPCI building. Several passengers were already
there also waiting for the technical issues with the ticketing system to be resolved. Seair
Manila was still doing updates for the Basco office. We finished at around 8pm. I returned to
the Ivatan Lodge to give them their tickets for the next day. Earlier, through SMS, I informed
them of the check in time, and the ETD and ETA.

Overcast skies; heavy rains on Tuesday morning; intermittent light rain from Tuesday
afternoon to Thursday in Basco; sunny in Uyugan, according to Ms Beronque; cold winds in
both Basco and Uyugan.

7 – 9 December 2012, Friday to Sunday

Mr Cariaso arrived before 5am to pick up the researchers. We proceeded to the airport and
had their baggage checked in. The plane approximately left on time.

I left for the temporary storage area on the 11.30am jeepney, meeting the BHFI staff who
left on the 9.30am jeepney.

We worked on the mollusk specimens, rinsing and setting them up for air drying.

On Saturday, I opened one of the boxes containing the dried botanical specimens to check
them. I decided to open each pack (3 packs were in that particular box) to see the condition
of the specimens. I also took to photographing each specimen to show Mr Callado and Mr
Tandang later. I finished 2 packs that day, repacking and resealing as arranged by the BHFI
staff, and labeling the plastic bags with the collection numbers of the specimens. Then I
relocated to boxes on top of the shelves from the floor of one of the rooms in the building.

In between the 2 packs of dried botanical specimens, I rechecked the condition of the brittle
star specimens for fungal growth, especially with the change in the weather. I decided then
to transfer the brittle stars on one tray with holes, laid on tissue layers with labels, and the

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tray wrapped in plastic. I also began packing and sorting the mollusk specimens per site, in
preparation for long term storage.

On Sunday, I continued working on packing and sorting the shells, as well as taking photos,
repacking and labeling the last bag of dried botanical specimens. I also began taking samples
of the shells by site and type for identification in Manila by Ms Ang. I would have this sent to
Ms Ang through courier for documentation purposes also.

Overcast skies in Basco on Friday morning with light rain and cold winds; overcast skies in
Uyugan on Friday afternoon, also on Saturday and Sunday; light but continuous rain on
Saturday through Sunday; cold winds.

10 December 2012, Monday

I continued sorting the shells for Ms Ang that morning. The Grade 7 class of Itbud Integrated
School, under Ms Mary Joy Baldomar, also visited to see the collection that morning for
their science subject. During the weekend, I learned through Ms Baldomar that they were
already on the biology part of the Grade 7 curriculum, and I mentioned that they might be
interested in seeing the specimens. She told me that they would drop by before going off to
the river area to check on some fungal specimens as prescribed in the new curriculum.

I took the 10.30am jeepney back to Basco.

The rest of the afternoon was spent arranging for the maintenance of the increasing
number of specimens with BHFI staff, Ms Beronque. We also arranged for the transfer of Dr
Evangelista’s specimens to the storage site the following day. I also followed through the
certificates of appearance of the researchers from the LGUs from the BHFI administrative
staff. From the BHFI office, I proceeded to the SkyJet office to check if the Manila-bound
flight that coming Friday would push through; they told me that it would.

Back at the Ivatan Lodge, I prepared the first batch of shell specimens for courier transport
to Manila.

Electricity in Basco was turned off late in the evening.

Overcast skies with light rain in Uyugan that morning; overcast skies in Basco in the
afternoon; cold winds.

11 – 12 December 2012, Tuesday and Wednesday

With Ms Beronque and Mr Nanud, I took the 9.30 jeepney to Uyugan, bringing with me Mr
Urriza’s dissection and preparation kit to keep in the storage site. Electricity was still off
when we left Basco. Ms Balderas boarded the jeep in Uyugan Sentro.

We arrived before 11am in Itbud. I finished taking shell samples for identification at NM
Manila, and started taking photos of the rest of the specimens for inventory purposes. I also
secured Ms Veluz’s dissection kit, also for courier transport to Manila.

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The following day, Wednesday, was spent doing an inventory and documentation of the
current holdings, labeling cabinets, and doing a list of reminders, including what not to use
and may be used on labels, for Ms Beronque and Ms Balderas for specimen maintenance.

Electricity was on when we arrived at the site on Tuesday morning, but it was turned off at
around 4pm both Tuesday and Wednesday, most probably to coincide with the work hours.
Reports of a mechanical problem on one of the generators were circulating in Uyugan.
Repairs were then being done.

Both days sunny; cold winds throughout the days and nights however.

13 December 2012, Thursday

I took the 7.30am jeepney back to Basco. Electricity was still not turned on around that time
in Uyugan. We arrived in Basco before 9am.

I proceeded to prepare for the trip back to Manila, visiting the BHFI office to return the
tripod I borrowed several weeks back, as well as to pick up the rest of the Certificates of
Appearance left behind for signatures at the LGUs. Ms de Mata and I also arranged to have
some members of the BHFI staff pick up the botanical specimens from my room at the
Ivatan Lodge for loading later this month in the BMPCI cargo ship, expected to arrive
anytime this week in Basco. I also had the sample of shell specimens packed securely for Ms
Ang and Ms Veluz’s dissection kit, and had them sent via courier (JRS) to NM Manila that
afternoon. I also went to the BMPCI office to claim the Seair 7 December 2012 receipts for
Dr Evangelista, Mr De Ocampo, Mr Naungayan and Ms Ong.

Electricity was on in all of Basco that morning. Christmas parties in public offices and
agencies began that day. Ms Kay Zabala and Ms Asa picked up the botanical specimens at
around 6pm that evening for temporary storage at the BHFI office.

Sunny in Uyugan; light rain in Basco at around 8 to 9.30am; sunny the rest of the afternoon;
cold winds the entire day through the night in both north and south areas of Batan Island.

14 December 2012, Friday

I left the Ivatan Lodge at about 4.50am, anticipating that it would take quite longer to check
in about 90 passengers for the SkyJet flight. The flight was delayed for almost an hour and a
half, taking off at about several minutes past 8am. We arrived in Manila at about half-past
9am, but deplaning was made at around 10am already due to busy runway traffic.

Overcast skies in Basco; sun shone at around 7am; cold winds.

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Outcomes of the fieldwork
1) Additional zoological specimens, particularly echinoderms and mollusks, were added
into the collection, both dry and fluid-preserved;
2) Botanical and diatom, and geological and paleontological specimens have also been
3) Additional technical matters and issues on collections management for consideration
during the next stages of establishing the Batanes NM, including but not limited to the
a) Disposal of waste materials generated from processing the collected specimens;
b) Storage environment control (fuel supply availability, salt sprays, equipment repair
and spare parts acquisition) versus working towards adjusting specimen
maintenance practices;
c) Access to and availability of preservation fluids, its storage, proper use and
management; and
d) Access to and availability of museum standard materials (labels, bottles, etc); and
e) Plans for being self-sustaining later on; and
f) Preventive conservation of museum collections within the context of the Batanes’
4) Observation (also based on previous visits – August and October 2011, January, March,
and July to August 2012) on the extreme temperature and humidity levels in the
Province that may affect all types of collections (natural history, cultural materials and
5) Gradual dissemination about the establishment of the Batanes NM, of NM itself and its
role in cultural and biodiversity conservation, to members of local offices and agencies
and some members of the public were being done during the course of meeting and
working with them; and
6) Assessment about where the formal museological training would meet with the
local/traditional practices of conservation the Province.

Recommendations for the succeeding trips for BINHI and in preparing the next projects
1) In terms of Risk and Disaster Management of Collections, as well as the nature of
museum collections as evidence of material/organism presence at a given point in time
and place, shipment of duplicates to NM Manila should be considered and properly
2) Registration of the collection to the NM Zoology Collections should be done soon;
3) Transmission of a copy of the IRR of RA 10066 for reference purposes to relevant offices
and agencies;
4) Considering the pronounced seasons in the Province, fieldwork should be scheduled in
months covering all seasons, summer, winter and monsoon, to complete data on the
annual cycle;
5) Training for potential staff should soon commence, basically considering the distance
and funds needed to have NM staff from Manila flown in;
6) With the localization (“indigenization”) of the primary and secondary education
curriculum, use of the collection for the schools at the least and integration of the
collected data at the most should later be considered;

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1) Route maps of sites covered in the October to December 2012 fieldwork, generated
from GPS eTrex 10 and 20 handheld units processed in ArcGIS Desktop Explorer

a) Tracks in Batanes Province

b) Tracks in Batan Island from NM Botany, Zoology and Geology.

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c) Tracks in Sabtang and Ivuhos Islands from NM Botany, Zoology and Geology.

d) Tracks in Itbayat from NM Botany (October 2012).

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2) Photos of the structural retrofitting of the former LORAN Station as Batanes NM, as of
31 October 2012

a) Visitor Center Building (Building 3).

b) Close up of the propped up ceiling in Building 3.

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c) Exhibition Hall Building (Building 4).

d) Exhibition Hall Building (Building 4).

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e) Exhibition Hall Building (Building 5).

f) Exhibition Hall Building (Building 5).

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