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1. Background

College is the highest point of the level of formal education where

student's will prepare their abilities before entering real life. Procedurally,

students' abilities and readiness will be tested with a final project in the form of a

thesis as a condition for obtaining a bachelor's degree. Thesis is proof of student

integrity as a form of implementation of the knowledge that has been acquired in

higher education. In addition, the thesis is the highest work of undergraduate (S-1)

students which involves feeling and intention as well as intelligence and

emotional abilities (Wakhyudin, 2020), this is because students are required to be

able to write scientifically properly and correctly, accompanied by proper writing

and data collection methods. As proof of integrity and theoretical implementation,

the thesis is useful to dedicate to the community with all the knowledge that

students have acquired while in college.

According to Mansnur (2009) defines that a thesis is a scientific work

written by undergraduate program students that discusses certain topics or fields

based on the results of literature studies written by experts, field research results ,

or development results (Wakhyudin, 2020). Thesis writing is a scientific work that

teaches students to learn to criticize a phenomenon that occurs in human life

scientifically in accordance with the knowledge gained in their respective

disciplines. In addition, thesis writing is also very useful for educators and

students to find out the level of knowledge and understanding of

students about the knowledge gained during the lecture period. Basically, in

writing a thesis, students will carry out a thesis guidance process to the supervisor.

Based on the results of interviews, problems that often arise in the thesis process

include students who do not focus on the title of their research and still have

difficulty in preparing background problems. In addition, low knowledge of

research theories and methods is also the main obstacle for final year students in

compiling a systematic and structured thesis.

According to Ramaiah (2003) Anxiety can appear alone or combine with

other symptoms of various emotional disorders (Yulian, 2017). Basically, anxiety

is a natural thing that has been experienced by every human being. Anxiety is

considered a part of everyday life. Students should be able to overcome the

anxiety they experience so that the thesis preparation task can be carried out

properly, in fact, not all students are able to overcome anxiety. As a result, many

students get delayed in completing their thesis on time. The existence of obstacles

in the thesis process can cause feelings of anxiety. Most of the problems in the

field are caused by the students themselves, among others, delaying delays in

working on theses, pressure from people around them who demand to complete

the thesis as soon as possible and the difficulty of finding reading sources

(literature) related to the research title.

At this time at the PGRI Palembang university, precisely in the English

education study program for 2017 , one of the factors that hindered students in

compiling their theses was anxiety, consulting with supervisors was the most

appropriate thing to do during thesis writing and face problems. which exists. This

problem not only tests students 'intellectual intelligence, but also tests students'

emotional intelligence. Given these conditions, thesis guidance is the right method

to achieve maximum and quality results from student scientific research .

From the above background, the researcher found a phenomenon that

often occurs among final year students of English Education Study Program who

are anxious about working on their thesis. Students who experience stress due to

procrastinating on their thesis. Students realize that they cannot do the thesis, but

are embarrassed or do not want to ask questions, during the guidance

process. Departing from this background, the researcher is interested in revealing

about "Student's Anxiety in Writing Thesis in English Education Department,

PGRI University of Palembang"

2. Focus And Subfocus Research

A. Focus

Based on the background of the problem, in order to explain the problem

and be able to achieve the objectives studied, the focus of the problem in this

study is the anxiety felt by English education students of class 2017 .

B. Subfocus

In this research, the research sub-focus is writing a thesis in

the English language education department of the PGRI Palembang University .

3. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background of the problems above, the problem formulations

in this research are:

1. What is the student’s anxiety in writing thesis in English education

department, PGRI University of Palembang?

2. How could the student’s overcome the anxiety on writing thesis English

education department?

4. Research Objectives

Based on the problem formulation above, the research objectives are:

1. To find out the anxiety experienced by student’s in thesis writing in the

department of English education, PGRI University of Palembang.

2. To find out how to do it so that student’s majoring in English language

education at the PGRI University of Palembang are not anxious in writing


5. Benefits of Research

The uses of this research are:

A. Theoretically

1. The results of this study are expected to be useful for developing

science in English education regarding the discussion of student anxiety in

completing the thesis which is caused by factors and how to overcome

anxiety in completing the final project of study.

2. As a study material for other researchers who have the desire to discuss

the same problem .

B. Practically

1. As a contribution of thought and at the same time input in improving the

quality of English Language Education Students at PGRI Palembang


2. Useful for readers to increase knowledge about solutions to overcome

anxiety in the perspective of English Education.

3. As a requirement to take a Bachelor of Education (S.Pd) degree at

the Teaching Faculty of Education, English Education Study Program

6. Theoretical Basis

A. Literature Review

1. Anxiety

According to White & Watt ( 1981 ) Anxiety is a condition that has been

experienced by almost all individuals, it's just

different levels and levels . There are individuals who can solve their

problems so that the anxiety they experience is not prolonged, but not

infrequently this anxiety causes confusion for those who experience it

( Mu'arifah , 2005) . Anxiety or anxiety is an individual response to an

unpleasant situation experienced by all living things. The anxiety experienced

can lead to certain objects, these objects can be objects but can also be

situations. Anxiety can also be experienced even though the object is unclear

or cannot be recognized. Individuals may suddenly feel anxious but do not

really understand what they are worried about (Si Swanto, 2016 in Rafni,

2020). Anxiety is a condition that has been experienced by almost all

individuals, it's just that the levels and levels are different. There are

individuals who can solve their problems so that the anxiety they experience is

not prolonged, but it is not uncommon for that anxiety to cause disturbances

for those who experience it (White & Watt, 1981 in Mu'arifah, 2005).

Anxiety can be defined as an unpleasant emotional state, which is

characterized by subjective feelings such as tension, fear, worry and is also

marked by the active central nervous system (Mu'arifah, 2005). Stuart (2006,

in Marjan et al., 2018) mentions anxiety as an uncertain and pervasive worry,

related to feelings of uncertainty and helplessness. Anxiety is a feeling of fear

that is vague and unsupported by the situation. When feeling anxious, the

individual feels uncomfortable or afraid or may have a feeling of a catastrophe

even though he does not understand why these threatening emotions

occur (Amir 2013, in Diferiansyah, 2016) Anxiety disorders are a group of

conditions that provide an important picture of excessive anxiety,

accompanied by behavioral, emotional, and physiological

responses. Individuals with anxiety disorders may exhibit unusual behaviors

such as panicking without reason, unreasonable fear of living objects or

conditions, engaging in uncontrolled repetitive actions, re-experiencing

traumatic events, or feeling unexplained or excessive anxiety. . On rare

occasions, many people display one of these unusual behaviors as a normal

response to anxiety.

According to Syamsu Yusuf (2009 in annisa, 2016) argues that anxiety is

neurotic helplessness, insecurity, immaturity, and inability to face the

demands of reality (environment), difficulties and pressures of daily life. It is

confirmed by KartiniKartono (1989 in annisa, 2016) that anxiety is a form of

discouragement plus worry about things that are not clear. In line with that,

SarlitoWirawanSarwono (2012 in annisa, 2016) explains that anxiety is fear

that has no clear object and unclear reasons.

Anxiety is a condition where there is anxiousness, discomfort

accompanied by a sense of anxiety from within, this response is caused by

anticipation of danger or threat.

a. Characteristics of Anxiety

Men sort Nevid Jeffrey S., et al (2005, in annisa, 2016) there are

several characteristics of anxiety, namely:

1. Physical characteristics of anxiety include:

1) anxiety, nervousness

2) trembling or trembling hands or limbs

3) the sensation of a tight band that ties around the forehead

4) firmness in the pores of the skin on the abdomen or chest

5) sweating a lot

6) sweaty palms

7) dizziness or fainting

8) The mouth or throat feels dry

9) difficulty speaking

10) difficulty breathing

11) short breathing

12) a racing or racing heart

13) vibrating sound

14) fingers or limbs that become cold

15) dizziness

16) feeling weak or numb

17) difficulty swallowing

18) The esophagus feels blocked

19) stiff neck or back

20) a choking or choking sensation

21) cold, damp hands

22) there is an upset stomach or nausea

23) hot cold

24) frequent urination

25) flushed face

26) diarrhea

27) feeling sensitive or "irritable"

2. Behavioral characteristics of anxiety, including:

1) avoidance behavior

2) inherent and dependent behavior

3) shaken behavior

3. Cognitive characteristics of anxiety, including:

1) worry about something

2) feeling disturbed by fear or aprehension of something that

happens in the future

3) the belief that something terrible will happen soon, without any

clear explanation

4) fixated on bodily sensations

5) very alert to bodily sensations

6) feeling threatened by people or events that normally receive

little or no attention

7) fear of losing control

8) fear of inability to solve problems

9) think that the world is collapsing

10) think that everything is out of control

11) thought that the whole thing seemed insurmountably


12) worry over trifles

13) think about the same annoying things over and over

14) thinking that you have to be able to escape from the crowd,

otherwise you will definitely pass out

15) confused thoughts

16) unable to get rid of disturbed thoughts

17) thought he would die soon, even though doctors did not find

anything medically wrong

18) worried about being left alone,

19) difficulty concentrating or focusing your mind

b. Type -Type Anxiety

According to Hartono et al (in R afni, 2020) There are four types of

anxiety, namely as follows:

1. Normal Anxiety

Normal anxiety is an anxiety that is still mild in degree, and is a

reaction that can encourage individuals to act, such as: showing a lack

of self-confidence, and can also perform ego defense mechanisms.

2. Abnormal anxiety

Abnormal anxiety is an anxiety that is chronic, this anxiety can

lead to feelings and behavior that is inefficient. For example, a student

must repeat a proposal that he has worked on many times.

3. State Anxiety

Anxiety is called state anxiety when the symptoms of anxiety that

arise are considered a situation that threatens the individual. For

example, students feel threatened and are afraid of failing their thesis.

4. Trait Anxiety

Trait Anxiety is anxiety as a condition that persists in an

individual. This anxiety is related to the personality of the individual

who experiences it. An individual who has high trait anxiety is more

likely to accept a situation as a danger or a threat than someone who

has low trait anxiety, so they will respond to a threatening situation

with a greater intensity of anxiety.

c. Overcoming Anxiety

According to Frank Tallis (in R afni, 2020) To overcome anxiety,

it can be done in several ways , namely:

1. Recognizing anxiety, namely recognizing the cause of

anxiety. Anxiety arises without realizing it, so when negative

thoughts fill a person's mind it can change feelings to behavior.

2. Confess and express these anxious feelings. This can be done

by way of write in diary or share with people nearby.

3. Positive thinking, that is, if anxiety has been recognized because of

negative thoughts, then we should immediately replace it with

more realistic and positive thoughts because thoughts can influence


4. Sleep, namely by getting enough sleep for six to eight hours at

night can refresh the body.

5. Listening to music, namely by listening to soft music will help

calm thoughts and feelings.

6. Sports, to increase endurance and immunity both physically and

mentally, exercise is one way. Sports do not need to be expensive

even without the cost, even though people can do it.

7. Recreation, in order to free oneself from the saturation of work or a

monotonous life, taking time for recreation or seeking healthy

entertainment is very good for restoring physical and mental

resilience and immunity.

8. Association (Gathering), humans are social creatures. To increase

the body's resistance to anxiety, people should hang out a lot, have

lots of relationships and friends and expand social relationships

even just to share stories.

9. Eating regularly and drinking enough water, low blood sugar levels

as a result of eating late can cause a person to feel emotional and

anxious. Lack of fluids in the body or dehydration can also make

the heart beat faster and worsen anxiety

2. Thesis

Thesis is a scientific paper, in the form of a written explanation of the

results of research that discusses a factual problem using scientific principles

that apply according to the direction being taken. Thesis is a scientific work

which in writing must refer to the provisions of scientific writing such as the

use of standard and efficient language , quotations that must be referred to ,

and conclusions made based on reasoning that follows the laws of logic,

especially in the field of psychology. Thesis is also an empirical work, namely

a report about something that has been done (research). Thesis is also a

scientific research in order to answer a problem or question (Compiler Team,

2016) The final project of a study or commonly known as a thesis is a

scientific work that must be done by students towards the end of their

studies. This paper can be in the form of the results of research activities,

literature studies, case studies and designs by conducting scientific analysis in

accordance with their respective disciplines. The final objective of the final

project of this study is to get a bachelor's degree (S1)

According to Rizkyanti (2019), a thesis is a scientific essay that must be

written by students as the final part of their academic education to obtain an

S1 degree. The process of completing a thesis is not easy, compiling a thesis

for some students is considered a very tough job. So that it causes students to

delay writing their thesis and some even decide not to finish their

thesis. Thesis has the same position as other courses with a weight of 6 credits,

which is carried out in three stages starting from the proposal seminar,

research results seminar and awareness examination and is an integral part of

the curriculum.

Included in the final project of the study if it is related to the anxiety felt

by students is starting from:

a. specifies the title

b. Thesis Title Endorsement

c. Proposal Guidance

d. Proposal Seminar

e. Thesis Research

f. Comprehensive examination

B. Relevant Previous Studies

1. Research conducted by Retno Basitotur Rizkiyati Nim.1522101039 IAIN

Purwokerto with the title of the thesis " Levels of Student Anxiety in

Composing Thesis in Islamic Guidance and Counseling Study Program,

Faculty of Da'wah Iain Purwokerto, Class of 2015 " , This research

discusses the worries and anxiety of final semester students in completing

the study. Based on the results of research and discussion, it shows that the

level of anxiety of the students of the Islamic Guidance and Counseling

(BKI) study program at the IAIN Purwoketo faculty class of 2015 in

preparing their thesis is moderate. This can be seen from the results of the

study which showed that there were 12 students (25.53%) who had anxiety

levels in the panic category, 11 students (23.40%) had severe anxiety

levels, 13 students (27.57%) had anxiety levels. moderate and 11 students

(23.40%) have mild anxiety level. The highest percentage was students

with moderate anxiety level, namely 13 students (27 , 57 %). The

moderate anxiety experienced by students who are writing theses is

marked by several manifestations that commonly occur during the thesis

preparation process such as crying easily when encountering difficulties

during the thesis preparation process, easily forgetting the explanations of

the supervisor after consultation, irritability when finishing the

consultation and impatience of wanting fast munaqosah trial. This is

because students do not understand the series of words that will

be included in the thesis script. In addition, students are required to know

the theory about the title taken to be but tid ak all books in the library

include all theories so as to make students irritable and cry.

2. Research conducted by Erwina Rafni Nim. 15 30 200036 IAIN

Padangsidimpuan university with the title " Student Anxiety in Completing

Final Projects and Solutions in the Perspective of Islamic Counseling

Guidance at the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences Iain

Padangsidimpuan ", Based on the results of research that has been carried

out in the field about the anxiety experienced by students in completing

assignments At the end of the study and the solution in the perspective of

Islamic Counseling Guidance at the Faculty of Da'wah and

Communication Science of IAIN Padangsidimpuan, it can be concluded:

The anxiety felt by students includes: First, mild anxiety, namely anxiety

felt by students is characterized by symptoms that still have a high

awareness of immediately complete the final project of study, stay

motivated to complete the thesis, and keep trying to complete the final

project of study until the final date. Second, moderate anxiety is the

anxiety felt by students which can narrow the field of students' perceptions

in preparing theses and make students unable to focus on other

things. Third, severe anxiety, namely the anxiety felt by students,

characterized by students often complaining of dizziness, headaches,

disturbed sleep, lack of appetite, irritability, irritability, feeling dizzy,

confused and having trouble sleeping. From all informants, it was seen

that around 44% of students felt severe anxiety and there were 27% of

students who felt moderate and mild anxiety.

3. The research was conducted by Fauzi Marjan, Afrizal Sano and Ifdil,

students of Padang State University , with a journal entitled " The level of

anxiety of Guidance and Counseling students in compiling their thesis ".

This study used a descriptive qualitative method. The research subjects

were students of guidance and counseling at the Faculty of Education,

Padang State University. As many as 27 people with the criteria of

research subjects are students who have undergone the guidance process,

seminar proposals, compiled instruments and research

implementation. Data collected by way of administering student anxiety

instruments in his thesis to the respondent. Data were obtained from

students of guidance and counseling, Faculty of Education, Padang State

University. Data were analyzed using percentage techniques . Based on the

results of research that has been done regarding the level of anxiety of

guidance and counseling students in compiling a thesis based on

gender. The average level of anxiety of guidance and counseling students

in preparing their thesis is in the high category. The average level of

anxiety in terms of the guidance process, proposal seminars, arranging

instruments and conducting research is in the high category.

From the previous research above, it can be seen the similarities

and differences from research conducted by previous researchers . The

similarity is that they both study anxiety, both use descriptive qualitative

research methods. While the difference lies in differences in the title,

research subject, research location and research time

C. Thinking / Conceptual Framework

The following is the thinking / conceptual framework of this research:

PGRI University of

English education class


Thesis writing

Difficulties and obstacles Difficulty consulting with a

in writing a thesis adviser


7. Research Methodology

A. Place and Time of Research

1. The Place

This research took place at the PGRI Palembang University, on the road of

mutual cooperation, Plaju, Palembang, to be precise at the faculty of teacher

training in the English language education study program, but considering that

we are facing the Covid-19 pandemic, some student friends may not be found

on campus, the research was conducted online.

2. Research Time

The research will be conducted in February 2021

B. Objects and Research Informants

1. Object

In this research, the object of research is the anxiety experienced by

students who are writing their thesis.

2. Research informants

The research informant is someone who has information about the

research object. The informants in this study were from direct interviews who

were referred to as sources. In this study, the informants were determined

using a purposive technique, that is, they were selected with certain

considerations and goals, who really controlled the object that the researcher

studied. In this study, the informants of the study were English education

students class of 2017 who were working on their thesis

C. Research Methods

According to Sugiyono (2011) research method is basically

a scientific way to obtain data with specific purposes and uses. Based on this,

there are four key words that need to be considered, namely scientific method ,

data, purpose and use. In this study using qualitative research. While the

specification of this research is descriptive qualitative. Qualitative research is

research conducted by observing surrounding phenomena and analyzing them

using scientific logic . According to Sugiyono, the descriptive method is a

research method that examines the status of human groups, an object, a

condition, a system, thoughts or a class of events in the present. The data

obtained is described descriptively, which aims to systematically and accurately

describe the facts and characteristics about a particular population (Rafni, 2020).

Descriptive research in this research is trying to describe the current

problem solving based on the data, analyze and interpret it. With the aim of

knowing the forms and factors that cause anxiety in class 2017 English

education students .

D. Data and Data Sources

1. Data

Data is a record of a collection of facts, while the data obtained is the

number of English education students in 2017 who are currently undergoing

thesis preparation .

2. Source of Data

According to I bid (in Rafni, 2020), data sources are the subjects where the

data can be obtained. According to the source, research data is divided into

two, namely primary data and secondary data. The data sources in this study

consisted of two data sources, namely as follows:

a. Primary Data Sources

Primary data sources are the main data sources needed in this study,

namely data obtained directly from the research subjects using

measurement tools or direct data collection tools from the subject as the

source of information sought. The main data sources in this study were as

many as 63 students taken from English education students class of 2017

who are completing their final study assignments, who are competent to

provide data.

b. Secondary Data Sources

Secondary data sources or second hand data are data obtained

through other parties , not directly obtained by the researcher from the

research subject. So, the secondary data sources in this study are close

friends (friends), boarding friends and friends (a tutor ) from students of

class 2017 English education who are completing their final study


E. Data Collection Techniques

Data collection techniques are the most important step in research, because

the purpose of the study is to obtain data.

1. Observation

According to Sugiyono, observation is a complex process, a process

composed of various biological and psychological processes. Two of the most

important is the process of observation and memory (Rafni,

2020) Observations can be said also as a stage to obtain data by way of notice,

monitor, observe and inspect per ilaku, actions or events. In this study, the

observation used was participant observation, namely the researcher was

directly involved with the daily activities of the person being observed or who

was used as a source of research data. This observation the writer uses to

obtain data by directly observing the anxiety felt by English

education students in completing their thesis.

2. Interview

According to Sugiyono (2011) the interview is used as a data collection

technique if the researcher wants to do a preliminary study to find the problem

he wants to research and also if the researcher wants to know things from the

source . Interviews can be conducted in a structured or unstructured manner,

and can be conducted face-to-face or by telephone.

a. Structured interviews are used as a data collection technique, when

the researcher or data collector is certain about what information to

obtain. Therefore, in conducting interviews, data collectors have

prepared a research instrument in the form of questions that have been

arranged strictly.

b. An unstructured interview is an independent interview in which the

researcher still uses interview guidelines that have been arranged

systematically and completely for data collection. Interview guides

used only in the form of outlines of perma salahan that will be asked.

The type of interview used in this study is an unstructured interview or an

open interview, which is a type of interview in which the researcher still uses

a questionable guideline that can be developed and informants can freely

answer questions in order to obtain more in-depth information about the

respondent . And not all of the interviews were conducted directly,

considering that currently in the Covid-19 pandemic, some students cannot

come directly to campus and interviews will be conducted online.

3. Documentation

Documentation is a data source collection technique used to complement

research, whether in the form of written sources, films, pictures (photos),

monumental works, all of which provide information for the research process ,

the documentation taken in this research is photographs. students who are

having difficulty working on and looking for thesis literature.

F. Data Validity Techniques

In qualitative research, data is said to be valid if the data found is in

accordance with the reality. To obtain valid data, researchers used the

triangulation method. Triangulation method can be interpreted as checking data

from various sources in various ways , and at various times. According to Mo-

Leong (2001 ) In relation to data checking, triangulation means a technique of

checking the validity of data which is carried out by utilizing other things (data)

for checking or comparing data. In validity testing, the triangulation method is

most commonly used. The triangulation that the researchers used in this study

was the triangulation of data sources , Hadi (2016) . Triangulation is done

by way of checking the data that has been obtained through several

sources. This can be done in the following ways :

1. Comparing the observed data with the interview data

2. Comparing interview results with documentation

3. Comparing what is explained by the data source through the results of the

interview with the existing facts

G. Data Analysis Techniques

Data analysis is the process of simplifying data into a form that is easier to

read and interpret. After the required data is collected, data processing is

classified based on its type, while the steps for processing and analyzing data

are in qualitative form as stated by Lexy J. Moleong (in Rafni, 2020) as follows:

1. Analyzing all data collected from data sources The first step will

be carried out by searching for the required data against various types of

data and forms of data in the field and then carrying out records in the


2. Data Reduction If the first step of searching for data has been collected,

the next step is to reduce the data. Reducing data means summarizing,

choosing main things, focusing on important things, looking for themes

and sorting them and removing unnecessary

3. Data Presentation After the data is reduced, it will be continued with the

presentation of the data. Presentation of data in this study is presented in

the form of descriptive text or explanation.

4. Withdrawing Conclusions The fourth step in this data analysis is drawing

conclusions and verification, where after the data is presented, a

conclusion is drawn which is the core of the research so that important

points are obtained from the data that has been presented.

H. Work Schedule

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

No. Activities
month month month month month month


1 proposal


2 of title



3 of research





6 of research


Table. Thesis writing work schedule

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