Crochet Cherry Pie Pattern Instructions

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Crochet Cherry Pie Pattern Instructions

Round 1: Work 6 sc into a magic circle. Join to first sc with sl st. (6)
Round 2: Ch 1. Work 2 sc into each st around. Join to first sc with sl st. (12)
Round 3: Ch 1. Work [1 sc, inc] 6x around. Join to first sc with sl st. (18)
Round 4: Ch 1. Work [2 sc, inc] 6x around. Join to first sc with sl st. (24)
Round 5: Ch 1. Work [3 sc, inc] 6x around. Join to first sc with sl st. (30)
Round 6: Ch 1. Work 1 sc in BLO of each st around. Join to first sc with sl st. (30)
Round 7: Ch 1. Work [4 sc, inc] 6x around. Join to first sc with sl st. (36)
Round 8: Ch 1. Work [5 sc, inc] 6x around. Join to first sc with sl st. (42)
Round 9: Ch 1. Work [6 sc, inc] 6x around. (48)
Fasten off with an invisible join and weave in ends.

Round 1: Work 6 sc into a magic circle. Join to first sc with sl st. (6)
Round 2: Ch 1. Work [1 sc, bb] in each st around. Join to first sc with sl st. (12)
Round 3: Ch 1. Work 2 sc in each st around. Join to first sc with sl st. (24
Round 4: Ch 1. Work [1 sc, bb in next st] 12x around. Join to first sc with sl st. (24)
Round 5: Ch 1. Work [1 sc, inc] 12x around. Join to first sc with sl st. (36)
Round 6: Ch 1. Work [1 sc, bb in next st] 18x around. (36)
Fasten off with an invisible join and weave in ends.

(Experiment: If you chose to have the bobbles on the front side of your work, you can join
the last bobble to the first st in the round, and join C2 directly to work the next round.
Otherwise, it’s easiest to fasten off, and then continue below)

joining new yarn seamlessly

(Optional: add safety eyes and sew on a mouth with a short length of black embroidery
thread onto the finished bobbles.)
Round 1.2: Work 1 sc through one stitch in both the filling and the pan.
Round 1.3: Work 1 sc through one stitch in both the filling and the pan.
Round 1.4: Work 1 sc through the same stitch in the filling, but the next st in the pan.
Pattern repeat is “Work 1 sc through each of next 3 sts in filling and pan. Work the next st
through the same stitch in the filling, but the next st in the pan.”
Repeat the pattern around, leaving a small gap to stuff the pie.
Stuff the pie with polyester fiberfill, and then continue the pattern to close, joining to first sc
with sl st.
For Round 2, you’ll want to work in the opposite direction as the previous round, so you’ll
work this round with the pan facing up. You can experiment with this, but I like having the
scallops point downwards.
Round 2: Ch 1, and then TURN. Sk same st as join, sk 2 more sts. Work 5 dc into next st. Sk 2
sts, work 1 sl st into next st. *Sk 2 sts, work 5 dc into next st. Sk 2 sts, work 1 sl st into next
st*. Repeat from * around, joining to the beginning of the round with a sl st.
Fasten off and weave in ends.

Make 4: Work 14 fhdc. Fasten off, leaving a tail to sew onto the pie.

Make 2: Work 17 fhdc. Fasten off, leaving a tail to sew onto the pie.

To assemble, sew each lattice piece to Round 1 of the PASTRY using both the beginning and end tails.

Start by making a cross with the 2 longer lattice pieces and sew them in place.

Add each of the smaller lattice pieces, 2 on either side of the center, for a total of 3 lattice pieces in
each direction.

Make sure to weave the pieces in for a basketweave look.

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