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12 Present simple: affirmative and negative

Present simple affirmative Present simple afirmativa Present simple negative Present simple negativa
I live yo vivo I don’t live yo no vivo
you live tú vives you don’t live tú no vives
he lives él vive he doesn’t live él no vive
she lives ella vive she doesn’t live ella no vive
it lives (ello) vive it doesn’t like (ello) no vive
we live nosotros/as vivimos we don’t live nosotros/as no vivimos
you live vosotros/as vivís you don’t live vosotros/as no vivís
they live ellos/as viven they don’t live ellos/as no viven

El present simple se usa para hablar de estados o

acciones habituales. 2 Completa las frases con las palabras del
1 Completa el texto. Usa la forma afirmativa watches  goes  don’t watch  don’t go  lives 
(✓) o negativa (✗) de los verbos entre read  doesn’t play
She lives in London.
1 I TV after school.
2 They to bed late.
3 He DVDs at the weekend.
4 We books at school.
5 Emily to school every day.
6 He basketball at school.

3 Escribe frases incluyendo un verbo en

afirmativa (✓) o negativa (✗).
I / to bed late. ✗
I don’t go to bed late.
1 You / books after school. ✓
This is Joe. He reads (read ✓) books every

day. He (1) (read ✗) magazines. He
2 Helen / basketball with her friends. ✓
(2) (like ✓) books, but he (3)

(like ✗) magazines. He (4) (like ✗) TV,
3 He / to school at the weekend. ✗
but he (5) (watch ✓) DVDs at the

weekend. He (6) (go ✓) to bed late!
4 They / English magazines. ✗
Afters school, Joe (7) (play ✓)

football with his friends. They (8)
5 I / TV every day. ✓
(play ✗) basketball. They (9) (surf ✓)

every day in summer.

Vocabulario clave
after  después de  ​at the weekend  los fines de semana  ​basketball  baloncesto  ​book(s)  libro(s)  ​
DVD(s)  DVD(s)  ​English  inglés  every day  todos los días  football  fútbol  friend(s)  amigo/a(s)  go  ir 
go to bed  acostarse  ​late  tarde  ​like  gustar  ​live  vivir  ​magazine(s)  revista(s)  ​play  jugar  ​read  leer  ​
school  colegio  ​speak  hablar  ​summer  verano  ​surf   hacer surf  ​TV  televisión  ​watch  ver  ​with  con

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