Swadesh Foundation

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Course Code: MKT514 Course Title: Rural Marketing

Course Instructor: Dr Pawan Kumar Class/Section: Q2E39

Academic Task No.: CA 2 Academic Task Title: Swadesh

Date of Allotment: Date of submission: 15-01-2021

Student’s Roll no: A063 Student’s Reg. no: 11916697

Learning Outcomes:

I declare that this Assignment is genuine work completed by myself. I have not copied it from
any other student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made
explicitly in the text, nor has any part been written for me by any other person.

Student’s Signature: Kunal Raj

Evaluator’s comments (For Instructor’s use only)

General Observations Suggestions for Best part of assignment


Evaluator’s Signature and Date:

Marks Obtained: Max. Marks:


Swadesh foundation is a non- profit organization founded by Ronnie and Zarina

Screwwala, in the initial it was started as SHARE (Society to Heal Aid Restore Educate)
15 years ago. Today SHARE has transformed into the Swades Foundation with a
mission to empower 1 million lives in 5-6 years through 360-degree development across
Health, Education, Water & Sanitation and Economic Development.

Basically the aim is to create a model for development that can

be replicated at scale across India and the world. If we talk about the vision and mission
of the organization, the vision of swades is to create a permanent, irreversible change in
the lives of 1 million people in rural India in the next 5-6 years, and mission is to bring
together the best global practices, corporate thinking and accountability, the highest
standards of corporate governance to create a model of sustainable development,
which is a benchmark in the industry.

The mainly current impact area is in:- Raigad District, Maharashtra. If we talk about the
work reach so they have reached 4,71,000 lives across 2000 villages in 354 gram
panchayats in 6 taulaks (Blocks) and now they are expanding to 7 th block sudhagad.
Swades Foundation tackles every issue that concerns more than 2% of the population
in the Raigad district. The six blocks of Raigad in which Swades currently operates have
an annual household income of 25,000 INR on average, which is around 1-2 USD per
person per day. In 2015, three years in, Swades Foundation has already directly
touched 4,71000 people and is well on its way to reach out to the other half million now.

If we talk about the themes which is core to the Swadesh foundation and which they
work upon are:

 Water and Sanitization (WATSAN):- Swadesh foundation build 25000 personal

toilets & ensure each of our households have 200 liters of potable water a day
round the year and a sustainable drinking water with taps in 29,502 homes
impacting 145000 lives via rain-water harvesting & distribution.

 Education:- This foundation empower all students and teachers in the villages,
holistically transform schools. During this period the foundation were impacting
more than 123000 children in 1,275 schools,806 Anganwadis and 39 junior
colleges. They also provide leadership training to 1,148 principals and in-service
training to 3,726 teachers. If we talk about infrastructural part then they have
build toilets & drinking water, libraries etc in 1,233 schools. They have given
different scholarship; 146 in Excellence (Professional courses)+ 3,302 in Mass
(Grade XI-XII) Programs. They have given career counseling for better prospect
to 46,112 students. for Children with special needs (CWSN), trained 323
teachers and set up 1 learning Resource centre.

 Health and Nutrition: The organization mainly focus on Eye care, Maternal &
Childcare, Nutrition & Anemia control + ensuring strong government linkages.
1056 highly trained community health workers serving 371,000 people. They
have Screened 271,704 people for vision category and 55,076 spectacles+
11,423 cataract surgeries were done at free of cost. Visual Aids and hearing
aids were given to Children with special needs to 348 and 125 operations were
supported. For Anemia they have screened & tested 30,548 children for further
care and for cardiac care for children the operation of 102 children were
successfully done.
 Agriculture & Livelihood:- Swadesh foundation also focuses on agriculture
and livelihood as they uplift and enrich lives of 200,000 farmers and target an
annual income of INR 2 lakhs per Households. For capacity building, exposure
trips + training for 24,298 and for teaching new farming technologies (enhance
yield at low cost).Advanced paddy cultivation were done and for this 12,050
farmers were rained for progressive increase in yield+ income. If we talk about
water irrigation, they have cultivated 1,551 acre of land for rain water harvesting,
construction of smalls dams/water structure + use of drip infrastructure. They
have planted more than 100,000 trees + more than 689,088 new saplings (fruit
bearing tree) planted for horticulture.
Poultry farms were also build and they have 38 brooding units and 4,199 HHs
supplemented. 4,320 entrepreneurs were created for dairy farm with 5,047 milch
cattle, Goat rearing were also done and they have engaged 793 HHs with 3,276
animals. They have skilled 1613 youth which were placed informal employment
and trained 908 elected gram panchayats members, they have opened 2 large
community centers for adult education and training. They have launched a rural
BPO employing over 250 youths that has facilated the retention of young talent
within the villages itself.

If we talk about the promotion for the different themes in the areas, for these they
organize different activities so that the people will come to know about it and it will be
known to that area. So here are some of the activities which were conducted by the
foundation for the promotional and engagement purpose:-

 Plantation Drives:- Different fruit bearing trees(saplings) were done so that will
yield income and also look after the environment.

 Sessions on career counseling in secondary schools: Awareness were done

on options for higher studies. Volunteers (Such as engineers/MBAs/CAs) can
address students as it will be aspirational for them.

 CV Building and Mock interviews: Arrangement of CV building and

Preparation of Mock interviews were done at the skilling centers.

 Personal hygiene for primary schools: Creative Awareness were done

followed by drawing competition and different prizes were distributed (1 volunteer
can mentor 1-3 students).

 Skit competition:- In this mentoring the small groups of children were done, Skit
can be on theme based such as Environment, Sanitization, Health & Nutrition
and hygiene etc.

 Painting:- Painting of teaching aids were displayed at Anganwadis/Primary/

Secondary School.
 Sessions:- Different sessions were taken on Personality development and also
Public speaking sessions were also taken.


If we talk about how the NGO they have a wide range of work and they distribute those
in such a manner that there will be no issue for error, because each person of the
foundation knows his/her duties that what to do and what not to. With over 300 full-time
staff, 1,300 volunteers and numerous partner organizations working on projects ranging
from drinking water to education to health,

Swades touches 500,000 people’s lives every day in multiple ways. Swades’ structure
comprises of five key verticals (Education, Health & Nutrition, Agriculture & Livelihood,
WATSAN and Community Mobilization) and a few support departments. While Swades
has an NGO approach, the organization has an efficient, corporate structure with full
transparency and is KPI and KRA compliant adhering to the highest standards. The
needs addressed by Swades Foundation influence the internal diversity yet unity of
human resources: bringing unique skills in each of their areas of expertise, they are
united by their professionals. They spends a considerable amount of time and money in
training its field staff. It identifies with the field staff as an “integral” part of the
organisation almost like its superstructure.

If we see, basically it is a NGO and these types of organization doesn’t have any kind of
prices for the service but they have funders and they give funds to these kind of
organization to run. Swades foundation is well-positioned to fund its goals. However,
to reach the scale and sustainability it predicts, financial and expertise partnerships are
critical. Swades has a strong belief that solutions lie in collaborations. There is much
that the For-Profit and the Not-For-Profit world have in common and there is much that
both can learn from each other. To these ends, Swades engages in a number of

Financially, a large partner is Tata Trusts. The Jamsetji Tata Trust funded a number of
projects in the Raigad district. It took two personal meeting with Ratan Tata, “multiple
field visits by his team, followed by a strong project proposal and finally a meeting with
the governing board of the Jamsetji Tata Trust”. While the financial support is
appreciated, Swades Foundation matches every Rupee invested in by its partners.

Another example of the collaboration between the NGO as Swades’ partnership with
Reckitt Benckisor (RB), one of the leading FMCG companies of the world, to create an
open defecation free society and the partnership encompasses building toilet structures,
bringing about behavioral change, including WATSAN curriculum in schools and a host
of other activities. Both RB and Swades are leveraging on their individual strengths and
working together for a larger impact.

In this analysis report we have studied about the Swadesh foundation, Swadesh
foundation is a NGO which was founded by Ronnie Screwwala and zarina Screwwala,
they both runs this organization, Basically this organization aim is to create a model for
development that can be replicated at scale across India and the world. If we talk about
the vision and mission of the organization, the vision of swades is to create a
permanent, irreversible change in the lives of 1 million people in rural India in the next 5-
6 years, and mission is to bring together the best global practices, corporate thinking
and accountability, the highest standards of corporate governance to create a model of
sustainable development, which is a benchmark in the industry.

As they have focused on Raigad district in Maharashtra and they work on Education,
Health & nutrition, water & sanitization, Agriculture & Livelihood in the whole district. As
they have done a various activities to uplift the personality of an individual in the
particular area. They work With over 300 full-time staff, 1,300 volunteers and numerous
partner organizations working on projects ranging from drinking water to education to
health, Swades touches 500,000 people’s lives every day in multiple ways.

If we talk about the investors or fund raisers so there are many companies who are the
funders of Swadesh foundation but primarily TATA trust and Reckitt Benckisor are main
funder. if we see they have a partnership with different known companies and
organization like Sun Pharma, Fortis Hospital, Pnb Housing, Mahindra, HDFC Bank,
HSBC, Government of Maharashtra, TATA Trust and many more. Swadesh
foundation aims to touch each human being's life right from birth to old age, so that their
lives, education and career path could be secured

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