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7 questions to

ask about
Primavera P6

Use this guide to find out if you’re

asking the right questions and
ultimately end up with the right
training on Primavera P6 for you
or your team.
If you’re interested in learning But are you asking the right
Primavera P6 project management questions?
software, you probably already know
there are many options out there to get
This guide walks you through 7
trained up. Deciding on how to get
questions you should ask before
trained usually starts with a google
enrolling in any Primavera P6 training.
search. And the results can be
It will help you discover some of the key
differences between training providers.
Which training company should you Using it, you can make sure you are
choose? What training will be the best asking the right questions and
for you? You will definitely have some ultimately end up with the right training
questions to ask before you enroll. for you or your team.
Getting trained on Primavera P6 hasn’t always been easy.

For many years, if you wanted to learn Primavera P6 you would have to get
yourself to a 3-day classroom course usually run by a training company in a
large city --a big cost and requiring too much time away.
Do I have to travel
to take the Nowadays companies are providing online training that is just as good, and
training? often times better than the average classroom course.

The advantage of online training is clear. Not only do you save the
Or, Is the training travel costs but the convenience is too good to ignore.
offered online?
If you enroll in on-demand training (training that lets you learn at your own
pace), then you can learn from home, the office, on the train, in the park, or
anytime that fits your schedule.
Whether your training course happens to be online or in class, it’s a good

idea to ask if you can take the training again. Some providers do offer free

Is the course Research shows that we retain only 30% of what we have learned 30 days
repeatable? after we learned it. However, retention goes up significantly with regular

Can I take it Plan Academy’s On-demand training offers the learner the chance to repeat
lessons and review training content as often as they like.
more than once?
When you are evaluating Primavera P6 training providers, make sure you go
with a vendor that lets you repeat and review the training more than once.
In any Primavera P6 course, you’ll find much of your time is spent watching,
following and mimicking the instructor as he/she guides through the

3. software.

Are there However to try learn any piece of software, eventually you will have to take
the risk of trying it on your own, with no handholding.
assignments? A good training course will include longer and challenging exercises pulling
together a few concepts for you to practice your new skills.
Are my assignments
Plan Academy offers challenging homework assignments taking trainees
reviewed? through the entire project life cycle. What’s more, trainees submit their
homework online for review by one of our P6 experts and get feedback and
comments on their assignments. The successful completion of the
assignments will earn you a training certificate.
4. Make sure you know exactly what you’ll be learning in your training.

Will I learn just A good Primavera P6 training provider should not just teach you how the
Primavera P6 software works. Choose the training that will teach you Best
the Primavera P6 Practices in building & managing projects in Primavera P6.
software or will I
Like a pencil, Primavera P6 is merely a tool. It’s what you do with the tool
also learn best that’s truly important.
practices for the
real world? Plan Academy’s training incorporates industry-accepted Best Practices for
building and managing good project schedules. We aim to set you up for
success in the real world of project controls.
5. Although you might think that taking a Primavera P6 training course is
enough to be successful with P6, the truth is that it is a complicated
Is there ongoing software tool.
help & support
It can be disheartening to be in class for days with an instructor who
after class? answers your every question, only to find it’s radio-silence after the course
is done.

Choose a provider that will be there help and support you as you take your
new skills into the real world.
Taking a course is investment in your skills and career. You’ll want to

6. recognize that investment and achievement with a training certificate.

Will I get a The training certificate is recognition of your completion of the Primavera
P6 training. It’s important to keep your certificate as you may have to show
certificate? it in a job interview to prove your knowledge.

Most training companies do provide training certificates when you attend a

course. Plan Academy provides training certificates to trainees who
successfully complete our Primavera P6 curriculum and have successfully
completed the mandatory homework assignments.
Ask about your instructor’s experience and qualifications.

A preferred instructor should be experienced with the Primavera P6
software as well as have experience working on real-world projects. All
this, on top of being a good teacher.
What is the
instructor’s Certifications on Primavera P6 are nice to have, but they don’t necessarily
speak to an instructor’s real-world experience using the tool or to their
expertise? ability to teach.

Ask about your instructor’s qualifications and ask to see feedback and
reviews from previous trainees. Choose the training that is well taught by
proven experts with experience in project controls on real projects.
What is Plan Academy?
Plan Academy is a video-based, online learning platform that helps professionals learn Primavera P6
for project controls.

Our easy individual or team memberships let members have access to the Plan Academy video library of
top-quality Primavera P6 courses taught by recognized industry experts. We offer features such as:
Learn at your own pace Exclusive Members-Only Support Webinars
Access to our video library 24/7 Assessment Quizzes
Challenging homework assignments that we Training Certificates
personally review and comment on ….and much more.
On-going help and support with Primavera P6

Login to Primavera P6 CPM Scheduling Resource Progressing


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