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Stanford 5 Around the world, we find ourselves facing global epidemics of Beginner
Introduction to obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and other predominantly diet-related
Food & Health diseases. To address these public health crises, we urgently need to
(Stanford explore innovative strategies for promoting healthful eating. There is
University) strong evidence that global increases in the consumption of heavily
processed foods, coupled with cultural shifts away from the
preparation of food in the home, have contributed to high rates of
preventable, chronic disease.
In this course, learners will be given the information and practical
skills they need to begin optimizing the way they eat. This course
will shift the focus away from reductionist discussions about
nutrients and move, instead, towards practical discussions about real
food and the environment in which we consume it. By the end of this
course, learners should have the tools they need to distinguish
between foods that will support their health and those that threaten
it. In addition, we will present a compelling rationale for a return to
simple home cooking, an integral part of our efforts to live longer,
healthier lives.
Child Nutrition 10 Eating patterns that begin in childhood affect health and well-being Beginner
and Cooking across the lifespan. The culture of eating has changed significantly in
(Stanford recent decades, especially in parts of the world where processed
University) foods dominate our dietary intake. This course examines
contemporary child nutrition and the impact of the individual
decisions made by each family. The health risks associated with
obesity in childhood are also discussed.
Participants will learn what constitutes a healthy diet for children
and adults and how to prepare simple, delicious foods aimed at
inspiring a lifelong celebration of easy home-cooked meals. This
course will help prepare participants to be the leading health
providers, teachers and parents of the present and future.
Living with 18 Health professionals and students, family caregivers, friends of and Beginner
Dementia: affected individuals, and others interested in learning about
Impact on dementia and quality care will benefit from completing the course.
Individuals, Led by Drs. Nancy Hodgson and Laura Gitlin, participants will
Caregivers, acquire foundational knowledge in the care of persons with
Communities Alzheimer’s Disease and other neurocognitive disorders.
and Societies
(John Hopkins
Myocardial 13 Cardiovascular diseases are – according to the WHO – the number Beginner
Infarction one cause of death globally. Myocardial infarction (heart attack) is
(University of the most prominent under the Cardiovascular diseases. In
Zurich) Switzerland alone, the risk to develop a coronary heart disease
during lifetime is around 25% for men and 18% for women.
Most cardiovascular diseases can be prevented by addressing
behavioral risk factors, the understanding of these risk factors, their
mechanisms and impact on the cardiovascular system. In this context
our course aims to approach the complex field of myocardial
infarction in two respects: medical education and awareness of a
broader audience.
Weight 16 Across the globe, more people are suffering from obesity than at any Beginner
Management: other time in our history. Why has obesity become so common and
Beyond so challenging?
Balancing In this course, we will look at the root cause of obesity, as explained
Calories (Emory by the latest science. We will see how our food environment has
University) evolved over the last half-century, and how it is altering our biology
to over-consume calories and resist sustained weight loss. We will
also see how stress, a sedentary lifestyle, and inadequate sleep
disrupt our appetite control system to promote gaining weight. By
developing a better understanding of the physiology behind obesity,
you will learn how to work with your body to prevent and manage
weight gain. This course will also provide practical tools and
strategies for creating a long-term, sustainable weight management
plan to leverage your habits and your surroundings.
Traditional 32 This course is presented with short lectures offering a wide range of Beginner
herbal issues related to the principles and practice of herbal medicine in
medicine in cancer care. The course includes interviews with leading world
supportive experts from the field of Integrative Oncology, from the U.S. and
cancer care: Canada, as well as Europe, the Middle East, China and Japan.
From By the end of the course, you will: • Understand core concepts in
alternative to Integrative Oncology, as they relate to the supportive/palliative
integrative cancer care setting • Acquire effective communication skills which
(Technion - will foster a better understanding of patients' views on herbal
Israel Institute medicine, while providing guidance on the safe and effective use of
of Technology) these products • Be able to design, together with patients, caregivers
and healthcare providers, a patient-tailored and cultural-sensitive
integrative oncology treatment program, including the use of herbal
medicine • Be acquainted with leading "players" who can share their
experience in creating and implementing an integrative oncology
program The course has been specially designed to provide
information and guidance at a level appropriate for patients and non-
medical participants, as well as medical professionals interested in
receiving evidence-based guidance on the safety and effectiveness of
herbal medicine in cancer care.
Diabetes – the 9 Across the world more than 420 million people are living with Beginner
Essential Facts diabetes. Two thirds of these have not yet been diagnosed. When
(University of discovered late or managed incorrectly, diabetes can damage your
Copenhagen) heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves, leading to disability
and premature death. In fact, more people are dying of diabetes
related diseases than of diseases as HIV/AIDS, malaria and
tuberculosis combined.
This course will provide you with an introduction to the most recent
research in the field of prevention and treatment of diabetes as well
as a broader understanding of the situation in different communities,
rich and poor, across the world, where diabetes threatens public
health. What kind of disease is diabetes, who has it, and who is at
risk of getting it? And what are the roles of medicine, exercise and
nutrition when trying to prevent, delay or treat diabetes? During the
course you will meet researchers and experts from Imperial College
London, Emory University in Atlanta, Steno Diabetes Center in
Copenhagen as well as the School of Global Health and the Center
for Basic Metabolic Research at the University of Copenhagen. They
work with very different aspects of diabetes, from microbiology to
global public health, but what ties them together is the belief that it is
a global responsibility to combat diabetes, and this fight can only be
won through new knowledge and global collaboration.
Sit Less, Get 5 Physical inactivity and sedentariness are “silent killers”. Do you feel Beginner
Active like you spend too much time sitting? Do you feel like you would
(The University like to be more active? Are you unsure about how to incorporate
of Edinburgh) physical activity into your daily life? We are here to help.
Join us on a journey to learn about how to sit less and become more
active. Use this FREE course to learn how to monitor your own
activity and set physical activity goals. We will feature various
examples of how physical activity could be increased in different
settings, such as your neighbourhood, home or work, to give you
ideas of ones that could best fit your lifestyle. Are you a health
professional? Use this opportunity to learn how to incorporate
physical activity into your daily routine and also how to empower
your patients to be more physically active. If time with a patient is an
issue, you can simply “prescribe” this course to your patient. This
course offers you a unique opportunity to receive weekly physical
activity health messages and monthly video-reminders on how to
increase physical activity in various settings for 6 months after the
initial 3 week course.
Hacking 10 Renowned exercise physiologists Martin Gibala and Stuart Phillips of Beginner
Exercise For McMaster University teach the surprising new science of cardio
Health. The fitness and strength-building—and then provide you with hacks to
surprising new get fit and strong (and healthy!) in less time than you ever thought
science of possible. What’s the right mix of exercise between cardio and
fitness. strength? How do you know if you’re working out hard enough?
(McMaster What’s better, heavy or light weights? These questions and more are
University) addressed through a course designed to provide even the most
inexperienced of exercisers the tools you need to design time-efficient
workouts that can be done virtually anywhere, from your own home
to a city park or even at your workplace.
Marty and Stu are good friends and colleagues who just happen to be
two of the world’s most passionate scholars in the science of fitness.
They aim to entertain you while they’re describing the relationship
between exercise and health. Marty is a pioneer in the field of
interval training, the technique of varying your workout intensity to
get fit faster than anyone ever thought possible. Stu’s studies proved
that lifting lighter weights can be a highly effective strength-building
technique—plus he’s a leading expert in dietary protein and muscle.
In Hacking Exercise for Health, you’ll follow Marty and Stu as they
teach you the basics about the way your body boosts its fitness and
strength. Next, they’ll apply that theory, providing you with a series
of do-anywhere workouts and, most importantly, teaching you what
you need to know to design your own sessions. Filled with
inspirational practical tips, fun quizzes, interactive community
participation and assignments designed to help you remember your
lessons, Hacking Exercise for Health will give you the tools and
techniques to incorporate exercise into your life, no matter how busy
you are.
The Science of 21 Learners who complete Science of Exercise will have an improved Beginner
Exercise physiological understanding of how your body responds to exercise,
(University of and will be able to identify behaviors, choices, and environments that
Colorado impact your health and training. You will explore a number of
Boulder significant adjustments required by your body in order to properly
respond to the physical stress of exercise, including changes in
carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism, nutritional considerations,
causes of muscle soreness & fatigue, and the effectiveness and
dangers of performance enhancing drugs.
Active learning assessments will challenge you to apply this new
knowledge via nutrition logs, heart rate monitoring, calculations of
your total daily caloric expenditure and body mass index (BMI).
Finally, learners will examine the scientific evidence for the health
benefits of exercise including the prevention and treatment of heart
disease, diabetes, cancer, obesity (weight loss), depression, and
Healthy 4 In this course you will find a comprehensive overlook of healthy Beginner
Practices: practices in public schools in the USA, including physical activity
Nutrition, and nutrition in the school setting. We will review the basics of some
Physical of the regulatory programs found in the United States that support
Activity, and healthy students through nutrition education and nutrition
Community programs. You will be able to explain some of the nutritional
and Family components such as, alternatives to the use of Sugar-Sweetened
Participation Beverages. Many of these principles can be applied to students in
(University of schools throughout the globe.
Colorado You will understand how the schools can support physical activity
System) throughout the day and how they can effectively offer physical
education. Learners will be able to explain MVPA, or moderate to
vigorous physical activity. They will identify this as the newest
method for measuring and evaluating what counts as physical
activity in terms of METs. Participants in the course will be able to
explain the science behind the recommended "60 minutes of Physical
Activity" and what counts toward MVPA both during and outside of
the school day. Learners will be able to evaluate and explain how
what students eat and how they exercise impacts student success. We
will provide you with information to help you to promote the
teamwork that it takes to implement successful nutritional and
physical activity programs. Our discussion will include where to find
and how to develop community support and encourage family
participation. Later in the course you will understand how
attendance impacts student success. Together we will look at real-life
examples of programs in a school setting and this will help you to
recognize what impact you can have on improving the health and
success of students in your own community.
Easing the 14 This course is multidisciplinary in nature, and aims to equip the Beginner
burden of global audience of interested lay people, people with chronic disease,
obesity, public health researchers, health clinicians, students, administrators,
diabetes and and researchers to reflect on the overall impact of the burden of
cardiovascular chronic disease. It shows how all chronic diseases (obesity, diabetes,
disease cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and
(The University cancer) are related by a set of common causes, and that such diseases
of Sydney) should be tackled, not individually, but as part of a complex system,
with interrelated contributing factors. These factors are genetic,
environmental, psychological, economic, social, developmental, and
media related.
The Charles Perkins Centre at the University of Sydney is a unique
interdisciplinary education and research hub which seeks solutions
to chronic disease through a complex systems approach. Academics
in many disciplines (in Science and Medicine, but also in
Architecture, Humanities, Law etc) work in a collaborative fashion to
produce novel solutions to the problems of chronic disease. All
contributors and participants in this course are members of the
Charles Perkins Centre and will speak from the unique
interdisciplinary perspective that this Centre affords. The course will
describe a complex systems approach as the most productive way to
ease the burden of chronic disease. It then describes these diseases in
detail, their risk factors, and the environmental and biological factors
that have led to the current epidemic of obesity, diabetes and
cardiovascular disease. Finally, the solutions – and more importantly
the process for finding solutions- is the subject of the last module. No
one approach by itself can ever be the answer, and certainly not a
simple diet and exercise approach. The entire course consists of 5
content modules, plus an extra module for completing assignments
and discussions, and takes about 6 weeks to complete. Completion
certificates are issued on the basis of participation in all 6 modules.
What you'll learn: - How the Charles Perkins Centre recruits
interdisciplinary teams to ease the burden of chronic disease - How a
complex systems approach is necessary to provide solutions to a
complex problem - The fundamentals of chronic disease research and
where it is heading - The biggest risk factors for chronic disease and
their global incidence - The biological, genetic, social, regulatory, and
other influences that have inflated these risk factors - How to provide
solutions globally for the reduction of chronic disease
Measuring 15 Epidemiological research is ubiquitous. Even if you don’t realise it, Beginner
Disease in you come across epidemiological studies and the impact of their
Epidemiology findings every single day. You have probably heard that obesity is
(Imperial increasing in high income countries or that malaria is killing millions
College of people in low income countries. It is common knowledge that
London) smoking causes cancer and that physical activity is protective against
heart disease. These facts may seem obvious today, but it took
decades of epidemiological research to produce the necessary
evidence. In this course, you will learn the fundamental tools of
epidemiology which are essential to conduct such studies, starting
with the measures used to describe the frequency of a disease or
health-related condition. You will also learn how to quantify the
strength of an association and discuss the distinction between
association and causation. In the second half of the course, you will
use this knowledge to describe different strategies for prevention,
identify strengths and weaknesses of diagnostic tests and consider
when a screening programme is appropriate.
Feeding The 19 This course will explore the concepts driving current food Beginner
World production science (population growth, urbanization, emerging
(University of affluence, resource constraints, and underlying biological limits) with
Pennsylvania) the main focus on livestock production. Each of the major food
animal species (dairy, swine, beef, and poultry) will be covered in
terms of their universal life cycles, constraints to production and
emerging societal issues.
Throughout the course, we will tackle some difficult and important
questions: What are the major health benefits and potential concerns
regarding the production and consumption of animal products? How
does animal production affect the efficient use of resources and
impact our environment? Can cost of production be reduced to meet
growing demand for animal products around the globe while
maintaining health and safety for both animals and consumers?
What are the different types of animal food production systems?
Myths and misconceptions surrounding the animal food systems will
be discussed. We’ll also look closely at some of the global issues,
problems, and challenges in these food systems which scientists,
farmers, and veterinarians, are attempting to solve through
Unravelling 16 Our society depends on the availability of food and accessibility to it. Beginner
Solutions for According to the United Nations nearly 800 million people are
Future Food hungry and on the other hand, over 650 million people are obese.
Problems While many people in developing countries experience food
(Utrecht shortage, in industrialized countries people are throwing food away.
University) These facts show how paradoxical and complex the world’s food
problem is. ln this course, more than 10 food researchers from
Utrecht University will address the main issues of food consumption.
They will handle two interrelated themes; Food shortage and
Healthy choices.
You will learn to identify the key ingredients of the world’s food
challenges and to think about the solutions for enabling changes in
the current food system. We will also look at the possible sustainable
solutions for several acute issues: the demands of the growing
human population, the role of nutrition, and the need to understand
food choices in order to have healthier diet and consider the
possibilities of alternative foods. We invite you to join us on an
interdisciplinary journey through the world food problems. You will
gain new knowledge and insights that will help you form your own
opinion on these subjects and make better choices in your food
Data 15 This course presents research conducted to increase our Beginner
Collection: understanding of how data collection decisions affect survey errors.
Online, This is not a “how–to-do-it” course on data collection, but instead
Telephone and reviews the literature on survey design decisions and data quality in
Face-to-face order to sensitize learners to how alternative survey designs might
(University of impact the data obtained from those surveys.
Maryland) The course reviews a range of survey data collection methods that
are both interview-based (face-to-face and telephone) and self-
administered (paper questionnaires that are mailed and those that
are implemented online, i.e. as web surveys). Mixed mode designs
are also covered as well as several hybrid modes for collecting
sensitive information e.g., self-administering the sensitive questions
in what is otherwise a face-to-face interview. The course also covers
newer methods such as mobile web and SMS (text message)
interviews, and examines alternative data sources such as social
media. It concentrates on the impact these techniques have on the
quality of survey data, including error from measurement,
nonresponse, and coverage, and assesses the tradeoffs between these
error sources when researchers choose a mode or survey design.
Understanding 13 How can you tell if the bold headlines seen on social media are truly Beginner
Medical touting the next big thing or if the article isn't worth the paper it's
Research: Your printed on?
Facebook Understanding Medical Research will provide you with the tools and
Friend is skills you need to critically interpret medical studies, and determine
Wrong for yourself the difference between good and bad science. The course
(Yale encompasses propers study-design, research methods, and statistical
University) interpretation. It also delves into the dark side of medical research by
covering fraud, biases, and common misinterpretations of data. Each
lesson will be highlighted with case-studies from real-world journal
articles. By the end of this course, you'll have the tools you need to
determine if the scientific information you're reading is trustworthy
and, of course, whether or not your Facebook friend is wrong.
Understanding 26 If you’ve ever skipped over the results section of a medical paper Mixed
Clinical because terms like “confidence interval” or “p-value” go over your
Research: head, then you’re in the right place. You may be a clinical
Behind the practitioner reading research articles to keep up-to-date with
Statistics developments in your field or a medical student wondering how to
(University of approach your own research. Greater confidence in understanding
Cape Town) statistical analysis and the results can benefit both working
professionals and those undertaking research themselves.
If you are simply interested in properly understanding the published
literature or if you are embarking on conducting your own research,
this course is your first step. It offers an easy entry into interpreting
common statistical concepts without getting into nitty-gritty
mathematical formulae. To be able to interpret and understand these
concepts is the best way to start your journey into the world of
clinical literature.
The Meat We 14 The Meat We Eat is a course designed to create a more informed Mixed
Eat consumer about the quality, safety, healthfulness and sustainability
(University of of muscle foods and address current issues in animal agriculture in
Florida) developed and developing countries.
Gut Check: 22 Imagine if there were an organ in your body that weighed as much Mixed
Exploring Your as your brain, that affected your health, your weight, and even your
Microbiome behavior. Wouldn’t you want to know more about it? There is such
(University of an organ — the collection of microbes in and on your body, your
Colorado human microbiome.
University of
California San
Vital Signs: 19 The vital signs – heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, Mixed
Understanding respiration rate, and pain – communicate important information
What the Body about the physiological status of the human body. In this six-part
Is Telling Us course we explore the anatomy and physiology underlying the vital
(University of signs so that you will develop a systematic, integrated understanding
Pennsylvania) of how the body functions. Relevant body systems are reviewed
including cardiovascular and respiratory, followed by explanations
of how the function of these systems affects vital signs. We discuss
normal ranges, normal variants, and the mechanisms that underlie
changes in the objective measurement of vital signs. The course also
includes demonstrations of appropriate techniques for measuring
vital signs in yourself and others.

The course is designed for a broad, general audience but will be

particularly interesting for individuals working in healthcare, those
considering a career as a healthcare professional, lay caregivers,
those with an interest in personal health and fitness, or anyone who
simply wants to understand how the body functions.
The New 11 The New Nordic Diet is a new food culture developed in 2009-13 Mixed
Nordic Diet - with key emphasis on gastronomy, health, and environment. Major
from research in its effect on acceptability, behaviour and learning skills,
Gastronomy to and disease prevention have been conducted by the OPUS centre at
Health the University of Copenhagen and the people behind the award-
(University of winning restaurant Noma in Copenhagen.
Copenhagen) This course will give the participants the opportunity to experience a
healthy and palatable new food and eating concept diet “The New
Nordic Diet” and an understanding of how food and diets can affect
mental and physical health and ensure the foundation for a healthier
life style for future generations with a regional based diet and food
culture. In Denmark “the Nordic cuisine”, has expanded from food
eaten at the award-winning Copenhagen restaurant Noma to home-
made dishes of local ingredients of whole-grain rye bread, root
vegetables, berries, fresh fish and seaweed.
The Science of 21 This course introduces a number of basic scientific principles Mixed
Gastronomy underpinning the methodology of cooking, food preparation and the
(The Hong enjoyment of food. All topics covered have a strong basis in biology,
Kong University chemistry, and physics application. Among others, they include the
of Science and consumption of cooked food, the physiological and evolutionary
Technology) implication of the senses, geographic and cultural influences on food,
and the rationale behind food preparation. We will also discuss
issues such as coupling of senses to improve sense stimulation;
altering flavor by chemical means; and modification of the coloration
to improve the appearance of dishes. Following the video
demonstrations of the scientific principles of cooking, you will learn
to recognize the key ingredients and their combinations for
preparing good healthy food. At the end of this course, you will be
able to:
- appreciate the scientific basis of various recipes; - develop your own
recipes by integrating some of the scientific principles into new
dishes; - recognize the influence of the material world on human
perception from the different senses; - appreciate the art of
integrating science into cooking and dining. Important Note: This
course is not designed for people with special dietary needs such as
vegetarian, diabetic, and gluten-free diets. If you feel uncomfortable
with any part of the assignments or activities of this course, you can
substitute some of the ingredients or ask friends and family members
to help with the tasting of your assignments. Alternatively, you may
skip that specific assignment provided that you have fulfilled all
other qualifying requirement to pass the course.
Nutrition and 10 Nutrition and Lifestyle in Pregnancy offers an overview of the latest Intermediate
Lifestyle in research findings and international recommendations on a variety of
Pregnancy nutrition-related aspects and outcomes of pregnancy. Ensuring a
(Ludwig- healthy nutritional status and lifestyle prior to and during pregnancy
Maximilians- is one of the best ways to help support the healthy growth and
Universität development of the unborn child. We will look at how a healthy diet
München and lifestyle should ideally be achieved prior to conception and
(LMU) provide recommendations for pre-conception counselling of women.
We will also look at the nutrition recommendations for a healthy
pregnancy to ensure optimal maternal and fetal outcomes as well as
focus on the most common nutrition-related pregnancy
complications; obesity and gestational diabetes. The learner will have
the opportunity to delve into the cutting-edge world of epigenetic
and metabolomic research and appreciate the enormous role that
these programming effects have in long-term health and disease
outcomes. Finally, we offer real life, everyday situations and
questions from pregnant women to aid healthcare professionals in
the nutrition-based counselling of pregnant women and their
Diabetes – A 28 Diabetes and obesity are growing health problems in rich and poor Intermediate
Global countries alike. With this course you will get updated on cutting-
Challenge edge diabetes and obesity research including biological, genetic and
(The University clinical aspects as well as prevention and epidemiology of diabetes
of Copenhagen) and obesity. All lectures are provided by high-profile scientists from
one the world's leading universities in diabetes research.
Essentials of 27 Essentials of Global Health is a comprehensive introduction to global Mixed
Global Health health. It is meant to introduce you to this topic in well-structured,
(Yale clear and easy to understand ways. Much of the course will focus on
University) five questions: What do people get sick, disabled and die from; Why
do they suffer from these conditions? Which people are most
affected? Why should we care about such concerns? What can be
done to address key health issues, hopefully at least cost, as fast as
possible, and in sustainable ways? The course will be global in
coverage but with a focus on low- and middle-income countries, the
health of the poor, and health disparities. Particular attention will be
paid throughout the course to health systems issues, the linkages
between health and development, and health matters related to
global interdependence. The course will cover key concepts and
frameworks but be practical in orientation.
By the end of the course, learners should be able to: • Articulate key
public health concepts related to global health; • Analyze the key
issues in global health from a number of perspectives; • Discuss with
confidence the burden of disease in various regions of the world;
how it varies by sex, age, and location; key risk factors for this
burden; and how the disease burden can be addressed in cost-
effective ways; • Assess key health disparities, especially as they
relate to the health of low-income and marginalized people in low-
and middle-income countries; • Outline the key actors and
organizations in global health and the manner in which they
cooperate to address critical global health concerns; • Review key
global health challenges that are likely to arise in the coming
Fundamentals 24 Fundamentals of Immunology: Death by Friendly Fire introduces Intermediate
of students to the basic functions of the adaptive and innate immune
Immunology: systems. The early lectures survey cells, tissues and organs using
Death by metaphors, cartoons and models to improve understanding and
Friendly Fire retention. After describing the form, function, origin and varieties of
(Rice antibodies, subsequent lectures provide details on the mechanism of
University) the generation of variation. The course provides animations of gene
rearrangement and class switching and descriptions of affinity
maturation correlated with detailed physical models of antibody
structure. The final lecture reviews these concepts in anatomical
context. Testing employs multiple choice questions testing facts,
concepts, and application of principles. Questions may refer to
diagrams, drawing and photographs used in lecture and reproduced
in the outline. What You’ll Learn: A survey of immune cells and how
they attack pathogens, with emphasis on the mechanism of inducing
apoptosis and details of Antibody Directed Cell-mediated
Cytotoxicity. The inflammatory response and mechanisms of
generating tolerance, presented in sequence to emphasize the
decision making involved in controlling attacks. A survey of
autoimmune disease, their characteristics, cause and treatment.
Survey of hypersensitivity reactions, including allergy, anaphylaxis,
anemias, granulomas, and a variety of skin responses. This is
accompanied by identification, prevention and treatment. The final
discussion of preventing transplant rejection is preceded by a
detailed unit on antibody technology and the methods of testing for
Clinical 24 Kidney transplantation is a major advance of modern medicine Intermediate
Kidney, which provides high-quality of life for patients with end-stage renal
Pancreas and disease. What used to be an experimental, risky, and very limited
Islet treatment option more than 50 years ago is now routinely performed
Transplantation in many countries worldwide. The number of renal transplants is
(Leiden expected to rise sharply in the next decade since the proportion of
University patients with end stage renal disease is increasing.
Medical Center) Are you interested in clinical kidney, pancreas and islet
transplantation? If you are a (bio) medical student or a health care
professional who works in the (pre) clinical transplant field this
might be the course for you. This course is also for anyone interested
in the research and knowledge on clinical transplantation. The course
will be taught by a multidisciplinary team of transplant professionals
and will give you the state of the art updates. It is divided in 4
modules: 1) Before the transplant 2) The surgical procedures and the
challenged patient, including the patient with diabetes 3) Early
challenges 4) Late challenges after transplantation. The offered
modules will include lectures, interactive patient cases, 3D movies,
interviews with well-known experts and with patients and a donor, a
serious game to increase knowledge of the field and of course an
active forum. Become an expert and join us! The course is endorsed
by The European Society of Organ Transplantation (ESOT), The
International Society of Nephrology (ISN) and The Transplantation
Society (TTS).
Everyday 10 This course aims to serve as an education platform on Chinese Intermediate
Chinese medicine (CM) for the general public. Our primary goal is to
Medicine empower healthcare choices by promoting awareness and practical
(The Chinese application on CM diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, as well as
University of regulation on CM services and herbal products using international
Hong Kong) examples.
In the first part of this course, learners will develop skills in applying
basic theory of Chinese medicine (CM) for understanding health and
illnesses, and be able to compare and contrast views from Chinese
and western medicine perspectives. In the second part, learners will
be able to diagnose their own CM body constitution, and to apply
appropriate CM self-care practice including food therapy,
acupressure, Baduanjin and meditation. Learners will also be able to
identify commonly used Chinese herbs, and to describe the core
principle of acupuncture. Specific competencies include: 1. State the
basic theory of Chinese medicine and compare it with the principle
of western medicine. 2. Apply the diagnostic approach of Chinese
medicine and describe one’s body constitution. 3. Describe the core
principle of Chinese herbs and acupuncture, and to understand their
role in promoting health and wellness. 4. Develop self-care plan
according to body constitution, using the practice of food therapy,
acupressure, and Baduanjin.
Basic Statistics 45 Understanding statistics is essential to understand research in the Beginner
(University of social and behavioral sciences. In this course you will learn the basics
Amsterdam) of statistics; not just how to calculate them, but also how to evaluate
them. This course will also prepare you for the next course in the
specialization - the course Inferential Statistics.

In the first part of the course we will discuss methods of descriptive

statistics. You will learn what cases and variables are and how you
can compute measures of central tendency (mean, median and mode)
and dispersion (standard deviation and variance). Next, we discuss
how to assess relationships between variables, and we introduce the
concepts correlation and regression. The second part of the course is
concerned with the basics of probability: calculating probabilities,
probability distributions and sampling distributions. You need to
know about these things in order to understand how inferential
statistics work. The third part of the course consists of an
introduction to methods of inferential statistics - methods that help
us decide whether the patterns we see in our data are strong enough
to draw conclusions about the underlying population we are
interested in. We will discuss confidence intervals and significance
tests. You will not only learn about all these statistical concepts, you
will also be trained to calculate and generate these statistics yourself
using freely available statistical software.
Introduction to 13 The use of Excel is widespread in the industry. It is a very powerful Mixed
Data Analysis data analysis tool and almost all big and small businesses use Excel
Using Excel in their day to day functioning. This is an introductory course in the
(Rice use of Excel and is designed to give you a working knowledge of
University) Excel with the aim of getting to use it for more advance topics in
Business Statistics later. The course is designed keeping in mind two
kinds of learners - those who have very little functional knowledge of
Excel and those who use Excel regularly but at a peripheral level and
wish to enhance their skills. The course takes you from basic
operations such as reading data into excel using various data
formats, organizing and manipulating data, to some of the more
advanced functionality of Excel. All along, Excel functionality is
introduced using easy to understand examples which are
demonstrated in a way that learners can become comfortable in
understanding and applying them.
To successfully complete course assignments, students must have
access to a Windows version of Microsoft Excel 2010 or later.
Data Analysis 15 In this course, you will develop and test hypotheses about your data. Mixed
Tools You will learn a variety of statistical tests, as well as strategies to
(Wesleyan know how to apply the appropriate one to your specific data and
University) question. Using your choice of two powerful statistical software
packages (SAS or Python), you will explore ANOVA, Chi-Square,
and Pearson correlation analysis. This course will guide you through
basic statistical principles to give you the tools to answer questions
you have developed. Throughout the course, you will share your
progress with others to gain valuable feedback and provide insight to
other learners about their work.
Presentation 16 Mumbling, stumbling, worrying, trembling, sweating and fearing are Mixed
skills: Effective the outcomes of the low delivery skills.
Presentation In this course, we are not going to teach you how to replicate the best
(National bits and traits of the acknowledged speakers. Dumb replication of
Research Tomsk someone’s successful behavior may help you only to an extent. That
State extent is the situation. When you are facing a different context, a
University) different situation such “skills” might not work at all. Instead, we try
to get to the core issues that stand behind the troubles with delivery
and start honing your skills from there. Topics we are going to cover:
1) Preparation — how to deal with fear and anxiety 2) Voice, pace
and gesture — how to speak, stand and move. 3) Getting live
feedback — how to interact with the audience. 4) Taking Q&A and
Improvisation So don’t meddle, start the course and make your
delivery better.
Presentations: 21 Do you have to give presentations in school or at your work? Is it Intermediate
Speaking So nerve-racking? Then you've come to the right place. Everyone gets a
That People little nervous when they think about having to stand in front of other
Listen people and speak intelligently. This course will give you helpful tips
(University of for making effective speeches and delivering them well in typical
California, American settings. You'll learn how to organize a presentation, how
Irvine) to make it memorable, and how to communicate clearly. In the
course, you'll have several opportunities to demonstrate the
presentation skills that you learn. This will help you gain the
experience you need to be more confident when you give a speech in
an American classroom or on the job. Learners will record several
videos of themselves giving assigned presentations and upload the
videos for peer feedback.
Job Success: 5 This course, Job Success: Get Hired or Promoted in Three Steps, will Beginner
Get Hired or prepare you to stand out in a crowded applicant pool so that you can
Promoted in 3 get hired or promoted.
Steps In three steps you will leave this course with
(The State 1. An upgraded social media presence (one that you can be proud of)
University of 2. A visual, infographic resume that will get you noticed
New York) 3. A professional pitch that highlights your strengths and skills
When creating this course, we listened to potential employers, took
the advice of recruiters, conducted informal research on best
practices and we drew from our own experiences as professionals
who have sought out and hired quality candidates.
Leadership and 14 The digital age is dramatically reshaping the rules for organizational Beginner
Emotional success. The new context demands renewal of your capabilities and
Intelligence development of different mindsets. In this course, you’ll learn the
(Indian School different components of emotional intelligence at work. For example,
of Business) you’ll learn how you can work effectively in teams, build cooperative
relationships with your key stakeholders, exercise effective influence,
handle difficult conversations, and create energy and enthusiasm to
foster meaningful change. Our modules will begin with powerful
stories that are illustrative of typical challenges faced by front-line
leaders. We’ll analyze the case illustration using the ideas from
emotional intelligence theory, and highlight the key lessons that you
should take away in terms of mindsets and skills that you should
master to distinguish yourself as a leader.
Effective 5 Critical thinking – the application of scientific methods and logical Mixed
Problem- reasoning to problems and decisions – is the foundation of effective
Solving and problem solving and decision making. Critical thinking enables us to
Decision- avoid common obstacles, test our beliefs and assumptions, and
Making correct distortions in our thought processes. Gain confidence in
(University of assessing problems accurately, evaluating alternative solutions, and
California, anticipating likely risks. Learn how to use analysis, synthesis, and
Irvine) positive inquiry to address individual and organizational problems
and develop the critical thinking skills needed in today’s turbulent
times. Using case studies and situations encountered by class
members, explore successful models and proven methods that are
readily transferable on-the-job.
Upon completing this course, you will be able to: 1. Choose and
apply appropriate problem solving and decision making processes
and methods 2. Identify common obstacles to effective problem
solving and decision making 3. Recognize the human variable in
problem solving and decision making 4. Assess major conceptual
blocks and significant situational challenges 5. Apply concepts to
enhancing personal development and organizational performance 6.
Explain the key elements of problem solving and decision making
and the barriers associated with them
Communicatio 6 In today's fast-paced business environment, employees at all levels Mixed
n in the 21st find themselves being asked to handle more tasks, meet more
Century deadlines, take on more responsibilities, and adapt to more change.
Workplace Added to these challenges is the constantly shifting diversity of the
(University of workplace, where coworkers cope with generational, gender, age and
California, cultural differences. Communication, both verbal and nonverbal, is at
Irvine) the foundation of everything we do and say, and is especially
important in the 21st century workplace. The good news is that
communication is a learned skill, and can be improved upon with the
right training. The focus of this course is to heighten students’
awareness of workplace communication, and add new interpersonal
skills, with the end result of becoming a more competent
communicator overall. Target areas include: the process and
functions of communication, behavioral patterns, perceptions as
reality, verbal and nonverbal cues and behaviors, confidence,
assertiveness, tact, anger management, criticism and constructive
feedback, conflict resolution, team building, leadership, interviewing,
and communicating more effectively with technology (email, Skype,
texting, etc.).
Upon completing this course, you will be able to: 1. Define
communication and its role in the workplace 2. Describe benefits of
effective communication in the workplace 3. Identify and explain
most common audiences and techniques for communicating with
each audience 4. Identify and solve common obstacles to effective
communication 5. Summarize the 5 Step Technique and explain its
usefulness in communicating with your manager 6. Discuss the best
approaches and communication techniques for delivering bad news
to your manager 7. Describe ways to make positive connections with
your staff. 8. Discuss techniques for deciphering the communication
styles of executive managers 9. Discuss techniques for identifying the
characteristics and drivers of executive managers 10. Discuss
techniques for persuading executive management 11. Identify best
practices for working successfully with virtual/remote teams 12.
Apply proven techniques for effective conference calls and webinars
Leading Teams 16 In this course, you will learn how to build your team, improve Mixed
(University of teamwork and collaboration, and sustain team performance through
Michigan) continuous learning and improvement. Specifically, you will learn
best practices for composing a team and aligning individual and
team goals. You will also learn how to establish roles, build
structures, and manage decision making so that your team excels.
This course will also help you manage critical team processes such as
conflict resolution and building trust that have a profound impact on
your team’s performance. You will discuss some of the best ways to
harness the productive potential of teams while mitigating the risks
and traps of teamwork.
In modern organization, most of work is done in teams, yet the
results of teamwork are exceptionally mixed. Many teams are poorly
designed and structured, fraught with dysfunctional conflict,
experience coordination breakdowns and serious motivation
challenges. As a result, many teams fail to realize their potential and
frequently underperform even individuals working on similar tasks.
After completing this course, you will acquire a set of tools and
practices that enable you to effectively set up, run, evaluate, and
continuously improve your team. Such insights will both make you a
more effective team leader but also a standout contributor in team
Project 10 This course combines the essential elements of Project Management Mixed
Management: and Team Leadership into one course. Through class engagement
The Basics for and reflection, you will acquire further understanding of the
Success responsibilities of leadership and become better prepared to apply
(University of this knowledge to the project environment.
California, Upon completing this course, you will be able to: 1. Learn about the
Irvine) role of high performance teams and leadership in project
management 2. Learn about the tools and techniques for developing
and strengthening high performance teams and team members 3.
Learn about the stages in project cycle 4. Apply best practices to
develop competencies and skills in planning and controlling projects
to ensure successful outcomes 5. Learn how to monitor project
activities and assess progress 6. Learn to communicate proficiently to
report project status and performance to stakeholders and contribute
to organizational knowledge base
Work Smarter, 4 You will be able to gain and apply your knowledge and Mixed
Not Harder: understanding of personal and professional awareness, organization
Time and commitment, and use the tools, methods and techniques that
Management you have learned in goal setting, prioritization, scheduling, and
for Personal & delegation to overcome time management challenges and enhance
Professional productivity.
Productivity Upon completing this course, you will be able to: 1. Learn to plan
(University of effectively to achieve your personal and professional goals 2. Learn
California, to recognize and overcome barriers to successful time management 3.
Irvine) Identify specific time management tools and use them effectively 4.
Manage resources both effectively and efficiently 5. Keep your sense
of perspective to prevent and manage crises 6. Learn to delegate
effectively 7. Learn to manage expectations and say “No” when
Resilience 10 We are all facing different and difficult challenges as we confront the Beginner
Skills in a Time COVID-19 pandemic. In order to support you in this time of
of Uncertainty uncertainty, the University of Pennsylvania is sharing this free and
(University of unique version of Dr. Karen Reivich’s “Resilience Skills” course from
Pennsylvania) the Specialization Foundations of Positive Psychology.
Learn how to incorporate resilience interventions into your personal
and professional life with Dr. Karen Reivich. In this course, you are
exposed to the foundational research in resilience, including
protective factors such as mental agility and optimism. Several types
of resilience interventions are explored including cognitive strategies;
strategies to manage anxiety and increase positive emotions such as
gratitude; and a critical relationship enhancement skill. Throughout
the course, you will hear examples of individuals using resilience
skills in their personal and professional lives.

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