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Living Design:
Basic Concepts Workbook
Bettina Mahler
Ra Uru Hu

Basic Concepts Workbook Bettina Mahler Editing and Illustration Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2000
Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000

Basic Concepts Workbook Bettina Mahler Editing and Illustration Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2000
Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000

Introduction ............................................. 5
The Scientific Origin Of Human Design ....... 6
The Mystical Origin Of Human Design......... 7
The Human Design Mandala .................... 9
The Rave Body Graph And Its Components ........ 14
The Individual Calculation ........................... 16
The Personality Calculation ................... 16
The Design Calculation......................... 17
Definition ............................................... 19
Lack Of Definition............................... 21
Defined / Undefined............................ 23
The Purpose Of Human Design ................ 24
The Throat Center..................................... 26
Primary Function: Communication ........... 28
Secondary Function: Action ................... 29
Defined Throat .................................. 30
Undefined Throat ............................... 32
The Sacral Center ..................................... 36
The Defined Sacral Center..................... 37
The Undefined Sacral .......................... 39
The Heart Center ...................................... 41
Undefined Heart Center ....................... 43
The Defined Heart Center ..................... 44
The Head Center ...................................... 45
Undefined Head Center ........................ 47
Defined Head Center ........................... 48
The Root Center ....................................... 49
Undefined Root Center......................... 51
Defined Root Center............................ 52
The Splenic Center .................................... 53
Undefined Splenic Center ..................... 56

Basic Concepts Workbook Bettina Mahler Editing and Illustration Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2000
Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000

Defined Splenic Center......................... 59

The Ajna Center ....................................... 61
Undefined Ajna Centers........................ 65
Defined Ajna Center ............................ 66
The Solar Plexus Center .............................. 67
Undefined Solarplex Center ................... 70
Defined Solarplex Center ...................... 71
The G Center ........................................... 74
Harmonic Structure Of The G Center ........ 75
Undefined G Center ............................ 78
Defined G Center ............................... 79
Type And Strategy..................................... 81
How To Classify A Type ........................ 81
The Manifestor ......................................... 83
Gift And Handicap .............................. 83
Strategy........................................... 84
A Manifestor In Relationship .................. 85
The Generator ......................................... 90
Gift And Handicap .............................. 90
Strategy........................................... 92
Difference Between The Two Generators... 94
A Generator In Relationship ................... 94
The Projector .........................................100
Gift And Handicap .............................100
A Projector In Relationship ...................104
The Reflector .........................................110
Gift And Handicap .............................110
A Reflector In Relationship ...................113
Final Comment........................................119

Basic Concepts Workbook Bettina Mahler Editing and Illustration Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2000
Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000

Human Design is not a belief system but a logical, empirical system and there-
fore you can prove it for yourself. Human Design is about showing you a con-
crete map of your own nature. It gives you the mechanics of how you can be
yourself and thus it opens up a completely new experience for you, because you
understand and accept your own nature and stop fighting against yourself and
hating yourself.

The purpose of the three day Basic Training is to give you the keys of Human
Design: the calculation, definition and specifically type and strategy. After
these three days you have all the necessary background to experiment with liv-
ing your design. This is an absolute prerequisite before you go any deeper into
the knowledge. Anything of value in this life has to be practical. If something is
not practical, there is no use knowing it. The Basic Training gives you an insight
about working with your own chart, it will not teach you how to do an analysis
of a chart.

The single aspects we will talk about are:

1. The scientific origin of Human Design

2. The mystical origin of Human Design
3. The Human Design Mandala: the inner wheel, the outer wheel, the relation-
ship between the inner and outer wheel, the Body Graph and its components
4. The individual calculation: The personality calculation, the design calcula-
5. Definition and Lack of Definition, Defined/Undefined
6. The purpose of Human Design

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Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000 5


Big Bang
Yin Yang

6 Quarks 6 Leptons
Up, Down, Strange, 3 Types of Electrons
Charm, Beauty, Truth 3Types of Neutrinos

Neutron - Proton Electron - Neutrino

The Atom The Neutrino

10% of the Mass of the 66'000'000'000 per sec-
Biverse (Universe) ond per cm² every-
where, all the time

Some time around 15 billion years ago, according to the physicists, an event
took place that they call the big bang. This was the beginning of what we call
the universe. The most extraordinary thing about that moment is that every-
thing that has mass existed in an object that was smaller than a single atom.
That is very difficult to imagine. Something ignited that and so the universe be-
gan to expand. As it expanded, it divided up into a duality. The beginning of the
universe is dualistic. And the first thing that you notice in the illustration, in
terms of the big bang, is that it is immediately divided into two families of
things - a Yin family and a Yang family.

The Yin family is fundamentally material. The Yin family is made up of 6 quarks.
Scientists gave them nice names. Up, down, strange, charm, beauty and truth
(sometimes also called Bottom and Top). Two of these 6 quarks, namely Up and
Down, come together in two groups (Up, Up, Down and Down, Down, Up respec-
tively) and they form what we call the Proton and the Neutron. The other side,
the other family that was created, is a Yang family. This was considered to be
pure energy. This family is called Leptons (leptos gr. thin) and you notice that

Basic Concepts Workbook Bettina Mahler Editing and Illustration Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2000
6 Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000
there are six of them as well - 3 different types of electrons and something
called Neutrinos, three types of Neutrinos. The Electron, the proton and neutron
come together, as we learned in school, and form the atom.

The stars, the trees, the birds, you and me, we are all atomic in nature. There
is a joke to that. Because if you count all the atomic universe - the stars, all the
galaxies and super clusters and everything that is us - you are going to discover
that it only represents 10% of the mass of the whole universe. It is only 1/10 of
the material of the universe, only a 1/10 to what is physical. The rest of it is
called dark matter. That is what the scientists have been looking for. And here
we come to the Neutrino.

The scientists for a very long time thought the Neutrino, just like the photon
was just energy, but they discovered and what they proved in 1995 was the Neu-
trino bear an infinitesimal mass. What we know now is that the largest of the
Neutrinos are about one millionth the weight of a proton. That is very light but
nonetheless it is material. The other fact known about the Neutrino is that it
travels slower than light, which means that it cannot be pure energy.

Neutrinos are only made in stars. They are the breath of stars. Our sun is a star.
Out of that star comes an endless stream of Neutrino information and the Neu-
trino information is material information passing through us. There are more
Neutrinos than anything else in the universe. For every square inch of space on
our earth, 3 trillion Neutrinos pass through that place, every second all the
time. These tiny bits of information are penetrating us every second all the
time, which means that we are in a vast information feed. Neutrinos could be
regarded as the modern equivalent of what the ancients used to call 'chi' or


In 1987 an extraordinary event took place on this planet. It was seen with the
naked eye on a mountain top in Chile. It was the first time in recorded history
that human beings witnessed a supernova. A supernova is the death of a star, a
vast explosion of an incredible intensity. That star now known to scientists has
bombarded our planet with a deluge of subatomic information with its dying
breath. When it actually reached us, for fourteen minutes, everybody on this
planet received three times as many Neutrinos as normal.

Around the same time on a Mediterranean island called Ibiza, a man had a deep
shock experience on January 3 of that year. He described that event as being
penetrated by a voice. This mystical experience lasted eight days and eight
nights and he was told by that so-called voice how the universe functions and he
was given the Human Design system. After that experience, he changed his
name and became known as Ra Uru Hu. Several years of experimenting with the

Basic Concepts Workbook Bettina Mahler Editing and Illustration Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2000
Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000 7
revealed knowledge followed and since 1992 Ra Uru Hu has been the transmitter
of the Human Design System.

According to the voice, the universe started in a different way. According to the
voice, the universe was not born at the big bang; the big bang was a conception.
That means that the entire universe is one single living entity and it is not born
yet. Therefore, there are many things that we cannot know. The voice told that,
in the beginning, there was a Yin egg and this yin egg, this cosmic egg contained
in it all the material of the universe just like the physicists who think that all
the potential material of the universe was compressed into a tiny little object
about the size of an atom. The voice mentioned that inside of this yin egg was
something that could be described as crystals. It is not really a crystal, but it
helps us to understand how it works. There was also a yang seed and within the
yang seed there was also this crystal-like structure. When the two of them met,
those crystals shattered into zillions of aspects and they spread throughout the
expanding universe. Everything that we can imagine, all forms of life on this
planet and even inanimate objects, are endowed with crystals of consciousness.
In a human being those crystals of consciousness, the personality crystal, an as-
pect of the original yang personality crystal, sits up in what we call crown head
chakra, the head center. In the illustration, you can see that it is the center at
the top. This personality crystal manifests who you think you are.

In what is known as the Ajna center- the second center from above - where the
so called third eye is, the design crystal is located and this design crystal mani-
fests your biogenetic vehicle, the body.

The voice mentioned also a third component, which sits here in the sternum in
what is called in Human Design the G Center, and it is called the magnetic
monopole. The magnetic monopole has two different functions. The first func-
tion is that it holds us together in the illusion of our separateness. It is a
m o n o pole. It is a magnet that only attracts and it holds us together, but it
doesn’t stop. It keeps on pulling and we call that love. The second aspect of the
magnetic monopole is like the arm of a streetcar that hooks up to the wire. It
connects us to our movement in space. It guides us along our path of geometry,



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Trainingpoole Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000
what we call destiny. It moves us in our correct direction in life.

Imagine that we have a limousine. This limousine can be compared to the design
crystal, which manifests the vehicle. It is the limousine that we ride in and be-
hind the wheel of that limousine is the driver.

The driver knows precisely how to drive the vehicle, he knows the roads, he has
the maps and he knows where to go. The driver is the magnetic monopole. It
knows exactly where it is going. It knows exactly what the geometry is and it
drives the vehicle along that path of geometry.

The personality crystal, who we think, we think we are, is not the vehicle nor is
it the driver. The personality crystal has no idea where it is going. It is the pas-
senger in the back seat of the car. And you know what a passenger is supposed
to do. Look out the windows.


The illustration shows the mandala of the Human Design system and as you can
see, there are various parts. We will discuss what the inner wheel and the outer

Basic Concepts Workbook Bettina Mahler Editing and Illustration Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2000
Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000 9
wheel are about, we will see the relationship between the two wheels and we
will talk about the graphic in the middle of the wheel, the body graph and its
components. The Human Design system is a synthesis. It brings together many
different aspects.

The Inner Wheel

If you take a look at the mandala, you see that there is a wheel and on the in-
side of this wheel, you find the twelve signs of the Western zodiac like Aries,
Taurus, Gemini etc. These twelve signs are there, because we use astrological
calculation in Human Design. In order to verify why astrological calculation is
valid, you have to understand that the wheel is a graphic that represents the
universe. All around us we have this enormous star field, which generates the
neutrino field, the neutrino stream. This stream of neutrino information is al-
ways penetrating from this star field. The moment something gets in the way,
the moment e.g. the planet Mars comes along and gets in the way, that neutrino
field has to go through Mars. The neutrino stream is material, it bears infini-
tesimal mass and this mass is going to interact with the material of Mars.

If you have a black car and a white car bang into each other, you will get a little
black paint on the white car and a little white paint on the black car. This is

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called communication and this is what happens when the stream goes through
Mars. It is changed by Mars. After being filtered by Mars, the stream comes
through all of us. As you will see, we are all in the same program, but we mani-
fest that program uniquely and the way we do that is through these crystals of
consciousness that are within us. To understand how these crystals work, imag-
ine two diamonds that are cut differently and have different shapes, different
facets to them.

If we take them and you put the same source of light through each of them,
what will come out are different patterns on the other side. That is what we
are. We are all in the same neutrino program, we are all being affected, but we
are all translating that program through our crystals and we are doing that
uniquely. This is why we have the astrological wheel. What astrological calcula-
tion can do for Human Design is to find the position of planets at two different
dates, as you will see.

The Outer Wheel

The outer wheel is full of numbers. It is divided into 64 sections and this division
relates to the ancient Chinese wisdom known as the I-Ching or as the Book of
Changes. What makes the I-Ching so extraordinary is certainly not what it says,

Basic Concepts Workbook Bettina Mahler Editing and Illustration Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2000
Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000 11
because it is dated, patriarchal and sexist. What makes it so extraordinary is its
mathematics. It is based mathematically on the 64.

In the I-Ching, they are called hexagrams and a hexagram is basically an arche-
type of information. It is like a dictionary. There are 64 different bits of infor-
mation and each of these 64 pieces is subdivided by 6 and this subdivision is
called lines. There are 64 hexagrams and each hexagram has 6 lines. So the
wheel is made up of 64 hexagrams, of 384 lines. What makes the I-Ching so fas-
cinating is the fact that in the 1950's when Watson and Crick discovered the
principle of the genetic code, what they found out was that the genetic code
has exactly the same mathematics as the I-Ching. That means that the genetic
code has exactly the same binary structure as the hexagrams of the I-Ching, be-
cause the DNA is made up of two strands of nucleotides, one strand being a per-
fect reflection of the other.

The basic binary of the I-Ching is Yin and Yang . There is a relationship between
these 64 numbers and our genetic code, which is made up of four bases, which
are arranged in groups of threes. Each of these chemical groupings relates to an
amino acid and forms what is known as a codon. There are 64 of these codons in
our genetic code. In Human Design, these 64 numbers are there, because the I-
Ching is a tool for us to understand our own genetics and to see how we are im-
printed genetically.

5° 37' 30"

This illustration shows you that every hexagram constellation has a specific
place and measurement of arc in the wheel. The wheel is a circle of 360 degrees
and each hexagram covers a space of 5 degrees, 37 minutes and 30 seconds of

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12 Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000
The Relationship Between
The Inner And The Outer Wheel

The inner wheel is important because we use astrological calculation to find the
position of the planets, because the planets do impact on us through interfering
with the neutrino stream. When we have located the positions, we are trying to
find their corresponding position in the outer, the I-Ching wheel. So we take the
position of the planets of the inner, astrological wheel and we are looking for
their correspondence in the hexagram wheel. In the illustration, we have an ex-
ample of a calculation. We have somebody who has their sun in the zodiacal
constellation of Aquarius, in the middle of Aquarius.

There is a corresponding division in the I-Ching wheel, which is 13th hexagram.

So what we do in Human Design is: we bring the astrological calculation to its
corresponding position in the I-Ching wheel. We are looking for the correspond-
ing I-Ching position, because we do not use the astrological wheel. The astro-
logical wheel is not used, because we are not looking at aspects like astrologers
do. Human Design is about bringing the information into the body and therefore
the I-Ching wheel is what matters. In other words, we use the I-Ching wheel,
because what we are looking for is the ability to take the information and the
imprinting from the outside and bring it inside, into the body graph. In other
words, we look for the genetic imprinting.

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Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000 13


The body graph in the center of the two wheels is the most important thing
about Human Design. It is a human body graph. The voice called it a Rave, which
was its word for human. The body graph allows us to see how we are imprinted
within us. It is made up of three different components, of three different an-
cient sciences. The body graph is the synthesis of these components and like any
synthesis it is greater than the sum of its parts.

The first component you notice are these shapes. They are based on the Hindu-
Brahmin tradition and are known as chakras. In Human Design, we call them
centers. In Human Design, we have 9 centers and not 7 as in the chakra system.
Please notice that Human Design is not the chakra system anymore than it is not
astrology. It is a synthesis. According to the voice, when W. Herschel discovered
the planet Uranus in 1781, we went from being a 7 centered to a 9 centered
being in our evolutionary process.

Each center has a different function.

Head - Inspiration

Ajna - Conceptualizing

Throat - Communication Action

G- Identity Direction

Heart - Ego Will Power

Spleen - Solar Plexus - Emotions

Immune System Sacral - Generation Sexuality
Root - Pressure Adrenalin

Between these centers, there are channels that connect them. This is the sec-
ond component. The channels are rooted in the Tree of Life in the Zo-

Basic Concepts Workbook Bettina Mahler Editing and Illustration Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2000
14 Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000
har/Kabbala tradition. These channels act as connecting forces between the
centers. Basically the channels are about bringing together the energies of two
different centers and thus generating something new, a third thing. They repre-
sent the quantum principle. The 64 hexagrams are connected with each other
through channels. Each channel has a name and description related to its func-

Where the channels go into the center, you notice that there is an opening here
at either end and this opening has a number. These openings are called gates in
Human Design. There are 64 of these gates in the body graph matching the 64
hexagram constellations going around the outer wheel. The sequence of how
they follow each other on the arc has been revealed. It has not been made up.

Let's take an example to see how that works. We have the sun in the middle of
Aquarius, in the 13th hexagram constellation; we can then take that information
and see where it belongs inside the body graph. We find the corresponding posi-
tion in the body graph, we find 13th hexagram in the yellow square center in
the middle. We know where this information belongs. Through that correspon-
dence, we can take any piece of information from the wheel and find its corre-
sponding position inside the body graph, inside of us.

Basic Concepts Workbook Bettina Mahler Editing and Illustration Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2000
Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000 15


This section is about explaining how a calculation is done. There are two differ-
ent calculations necessary to set up an individual design, one is called personal-
ity calculation and the other is called design calculation.

Design Calculation Individual Rave Bodygraph Personality Calculation


This is an illustration of how we calculate an individual body graph. You can see
that this is very unusual, because unlike astrology there are two wheels here.
The wheel on the right side with the black color coding, this is the wheel of your
personality crystal. This is the wheel of the personality. The wheel on the left
with the red coding, this is the wheel of your design crystal. This wheel is called
design information.

The personality wheel, coded in black, this is a calculation that any astrologer
will make for you for your natal chart and it requires exact time and place of
birth. With this information we have a whole set of planetary information in the
astrological wheel.

Basic Concepts Workbook Bettina Mahler Editing and Illustration Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2000
16 Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000
You can see that the natal North Node is in the middle of Taurus and the corre-
sponding hexagram is the 2nd hexagram. The first thing you see is that when
this information gets coded into the body graph, it gets coded by color. Every-
thing from the personality is coded over in black. So this North Node in the 2nd
hexagram gets coded to the second gate, which we find in the center in the
middle. It is colored in black but it is not colored all the way through the whole
channel. That is very important. The North Node in the position of the 2nd
hexagram can only affect one side of the channel. The other side of the chan-
nel, where the 14th gate is, there is no planet activating that. If you look at the
wheel with the black coding again, you can see that the 14th hexagram is in
Scorpio and there is nothing there to activate it. So when you have an activation
only half of the channel is colored in as an indication that that is active.


We have a second wheel. It is a prenatal calculation. It is calculation that is
made while you are still inside of your mother and it is exactly 88 degrees of the
sun before birth. That is approximately 88 or 89 days before you are born. The
calculation always starts with birth so it does not matter whether you are a full-
term baby or premature. It does not matter, because you always begin with the
birth calculation and then you go backwards.

The way this works is: the moment that you have a fertilization - the sperm and
the egg meeting- conception takes place and you have a design crystal with its
magnetic monopole. That design crystal inside of the egg takes the neutrino in-
formation and starts to design the body of the fetus, of the evolving human be-
ing. It will continue to work on that body until the neo cortex - the very special
brain facility humans’ have- is built.

The neo cortex is, metaphorically speaking, our back seat which means that this
is our capacity to look out in a self-reflected universe. When the design crystal
has built the neo cortex, the fetus and its magnetic monopole send out a signal
and they bring the personality into the body. The personality crystal, what

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Christians call the soul, enters into the body. This is always 88 degrees of the
sun before birth. The design calculation is like an astrological calculation but
done for this particular prenatal moment. The positioning of these planets are
coded into the body graph. For example, the planet Jupiter in the middle of
Sagittarius in the 26th gate. We find it in the Heart center above and you can
see that the channel is colored in half way and you notice that it is colored in
red, because it is coming from the design.

These two sets of information are different in terms of their values. The person-
ality wheel and all the information in black is what you have conscious access
to; you can work with this information. Having conscious access is like sitting on
the side of a hill and looking at a road in front. You can see the road, the traffic
on the road, the people in the cars and the direction they are going. In other
words, you can participate in the process. The personality data is what is famil-
iar to you. Who you think you are.

The information that comes from the red - and this is one of the most important
advances with Human Design - shows you the nature of the unconscious. Every-
thing coded in red, this is unconscious and it represents your genetic inheri-
tance. This is what you have in your blood as a theme from your mother, your
father but mostly from your grandparents. Genetically, we have more in com-
mon with our grandparents than we have with our parents. The information in
red is something that you have no conscious access to. This is the unconscious,
which is like being in a tunnel.

You don't know what is going on inside of the tunnel. We have no idea whether
there is traffic in it or which way the cars are moving. You can't see who's driv-
ing them and you don’t know whether they will come out of the tunnel or not.
You can only wait and see. It will always be a surprise. It is what you come to
recognize about yourself with age.

You can see that there are activations that are both red and black. That means
that that gate is being activated both from the conscious and unconscious side.

The two wheels represent the two crystals. The personality crystal, the wheel
on the right, can be accessed consciously. The design crystal, the wheel on the
left, is something you can only react to. The calculations are made at different
times and they have different effects: one is conscious, the other is uncon-

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Ajna / Mind
11 Peace

Throat / Speech 56 The Wanderer


When we take the two sets of information, the two calculations, and integrate
them into the body graph, the first thing that we are looking for in Human De-
sign is where gates are activated at either end of a channel. When there is a
gate activated at one end of a channel and a gate activated at the other end of
a channel, then the whole channel gets colored in and the centers that are con-
necting it, they get colored in. This is called definition.

Let's look at the illustration: The second center from above is called the ajna
center. This is the mind and it represents the place in us where we conceptual-
ize mentally. This person's mind is connected to the third center from above,
the throat center. The 11th gate is red which we know comes from the uncon-
scious and the 56th gate is coded in black and red, because this 56th gate is ac-
tivated both consciously and unconsciously. It is coming from both sides. You
see that a whole channel gets colored in, because the gates at either end are
colored in. When the whole channel gets colored in, the centers connecting
them get colored in.

What definition is: if you imagine that the body graph is a circuit board, your
circuit board, the energy in a channel is always working. Definition is the open-
ing up of a flow of energy between two centers. This flow can never be stopped

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throughout the life. It is an energy that will always be functioning. It is always
there, every second of every minute or every hour of every day of every week of
every year until you are dead. This is why definition is the one and only thing in
your life that you are ever going to be able to rely on. You cannot rely on it to
be good or bad. You can rely on it to be you.

This is the chance for you to be yourself. What Human Design can do for you
through outlining where you are defined is that it gives you an opportunity to
remind you of what you already know about yourself, deep within your heart,
and it encourages you to live it out. Wherever you see color in your chart, that
represents a part of your nature that is always consistent, because it was fixed
at birth. Definition is the core of who you are. It is where you can find your reli-
able yes or no when it comes to decision making in this life.

Let's take an example to understand how definition works.

Ajna / Mind

Throat / Speech

Throat Split off

from active Motors

Here is somebody whose mind is always connected to their throat. This is some-
body that will speak their mind. The connection is made through the channel
11/56 which is called the channel of curiosity, a design of a searcher or a
seeker. The 11th gate is the gate of ideas and the 56th gate is the gate of stimu-
lation. Transferred to the example this means: this person always has ideas,
they want to share them and stimulate others with their ideas. The 11th gate is
colored in red. That means, the ideas come out of a tunnel and this person does
not know where they come from, they just constantly babble their ideas out.
With this kind of design, every dinner party is a success, because they talk to
anybody and keep everybody engaged.

If you gather all their friends and you ask them to comment on that person, they
all say at the same time: lots of ideas but they never do anything with them.

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The person knows that they never turn their ideas into action and are frustrated
about it. The reason why they have that dilemma is simple. The circuitry stops
at the throat center, the center of communication. If the throat center were
connected to one of the body’s four motors, then this person would have the
possibility to turn communication into action which means the person could act
on their ideas. But there is no connection. The energy does not get to motors,
but the person does not know that and does not know to deal with that. This
person is not meant to do anything themselves with their ideas. Sharing their
ideas with others and stimulating others verbally is what they are supposed to
do. That is fine and correct for their energy system.

Definition is fixed and is meant to be lived out. It is always operating and when
you see where the definition is you give it a meaning. All the channels have
names and keynotes. In our example, we have a fixed definition between the
mind and the throat. The mind can always speak and it will. The mind itself is
unconscious and the people with that definition don’t know where their ideas
are coming from but they constantly express them. You can’t tell these people
to stop that. Their voice is coming from their mind. They are always speaking
their mind. That is them. That is what they can rely on to be them. They can
rely on being a mental type.

You can see in the body graph that there are places where there is definition
and there are places where there is no definition. We are a binary of defined
and undefined areas. We know that definition is consistent throughout the life
and therefore reliable. Lack of definition, the centers that remain white, is in-
consistent and therefore not reliable. Wherever you see a center or channel or a
gate that is not colored in, you are looking at something that is deeply attrac-
tive to you for a very simple reason.

Human beings are only interested in what is different from them; only these
things turn them on. The white centers are not fixed; they are what you long
for. This phenomenon, this being attracted by what you are not, is the reason
why human beings do not live out what they have defined. They are always try-
ing to live out what is undefined, what they are not. This means that they try to
be what they are not. Because they are not interested in the same thing, in
something that is like them, they get lost in what they are not. They have this
false assumption that living out the open centers is what they are supposed to
be. The result of that is frustration and failure in life, because what is unde-
fined in you is not trustworthy, it is constantly changing and it is all dependent
on who you are with, on others who make the connections.

The fact that your open centers get defined by others who are in your aura is
called conditioning in Human Design. Think about what conditioning is: When

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Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000 21
you come into the world, your design is in the aura of your mother and father,
your family and you get deeply conditioned to all those things that you are not.
By the time, you are seven years old, that conditioning is locked in.

So when you start looking at the designs of your family members and of people
close to you, friends, colleagues, you will discover that you still have the same
energies in your life, people who make the same connections as your parents.

This is exactly what happens when certain people seem to be so familiar to you
even when you don’t know them. They bring you the same energy connections
as your parents.

In seeing what is open in you, you can trace back where you have been condi-
tioned. You can clearly name your soft spots, where you are open to be influ-
enced by others. So you are able to see where unhealthy conditioning took place
in your life. Please understand that you cannot escape conditioning. It is every-
where. Any life form - animals, plants - can connect to us and influence our na-
ture. We are all conditioned all the time, whether by the chemistry of those
around us or by the neutrino weather from the greater cosmic environment in
which we live.

The first step is to see where you are conditioned and then you have to start the
process of not identifying with these forces. That can lead to great wisdom and
a deep sensibility, but it is a task that takes time. You cannot be there tomor-
row, not until the knowledge gets under your skin and until every cell in your
body has been reprogrammed. It takes seven years. This is the time span for
your body to be physically renewed.

Let's see in our example how this person is being conditioned. Let see what is to
them, what they want to live out. Mechanically, we look at the open centers,
find out their name and look for their keyword. We refer to the graph showing
the centers and their functions. We find four open centers: the head center, the
G Center, the heart center and the solar plexus center. This person has four
places in them where they are pulled to. But they can never rely on these four
places to be themselves.

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22 Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000


open to Condi-
Conditioned tioning
Direction/Love Conditioned
Will Power


The open head center tells us that this person is attracted to inspiration but ex-
periences that he cannot fix it. What they are inspired with is dependent on who
they are with. Their potential gift is to know who is inspiring.

The open G Center is an indication that this person is trying to hold on to love
and direction, trying to find a fixed identity to rely on. They feel lost and don't
know if they can find their way. Due to the openness, this person will never
know who they are and this is not a handicap. Love and direction will always
change for these beings. They are designed to know everybody else's identity.
Their potential wisdom is to know the way through sampling the different ways
and to know and taste what love really is.

The open heart center shows that this person is conditioned to be willful. This is
someone who constantly makes promises he cannot keep. Their potential wis-
dom lies in knowing who has willpower, who has a strong ego, who gets things
done on the material plane.

The open solar plexus center tells us that this person constantly tries to make
emotional decisions and constantly takes in emotional energies of others and
feels disturbed by constantly being torn between hope and pain, expectation
and disappointment. Their potential wisdom is to know how emotions work.

Students who get in touch with Human Design are inclined to think that defini-
tion is superior to lack of definition. This is not true. Defined/Undefined is just
a duality like day and night. The value of definition is that it is reliable and
fixed, but it is a very limited thin line. What is undefined is vulnerable to condi-
tioning. It is this vulnerability that makes students believe that definition some-

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how is better. The undefined, the open areas, have an enormous potential for
experience and wisdom. An undefined center is neither empty, nor broken nor
does it need fixing. Definition shows you what kind of student you are and the
undefined areas tell you where you will go to school in this life, what courses
are for you in this life and remember that you get your certificate from the uni-
versity of life through where you are undefined.

There is also another analogy for the duality of defined/undefined. Definitions

are like senders. In living out our definitions we send our energies into the
world. The open centers are like receivers. Through the open centers we take in
the energies of the world. In the open centers, we experience the energies com-
ing from the outside like through an open window. Because of the fact that it is
through the open centers that you experience the world, they are never of value
for your personal process but the potential of an open center makes you impor-
tant for other people. In your open centers, you can mirror the energy of others
in the sense that you reflect and magnify what you take in from others. When
you have an open ajna center, you can know mentally defined people by taking
in their mental field.


The purpose of Human Design is to show your uniqueness. First of all, by show-
ing you where you are defined. So the first step to knowing yourself is seeing
your definition. The first step in being yourself is relying on your definition. The
next step Human Design takes you to is to see what is open in you, so that you
recognize where you have been conditioned. Becoming yourself is first of all
about seeing the areas of conditioning and the next step is to stop identifying
with the open centers. It takes seven years to clean out the conditioning. It
takes seven years to ground the awareness down to your cells so that it begins
to come out of you naturally. Until it is natural for you to be yourself, you can-
not let go off your mind. Everybody can become themselves; it takes seven
years of hard work on yourself and for yourself.

The reward that comes in recognizing your own nature is worth the effort.
Knowing and understanding your design protects you from being a victim of your
conditioning. To be yourself is to be fundamentally healthy. If you are yourself
and you get ill, you get those diseases that you can manage. To be what you are
not, to live the conditioning, means that you are very likely to get ill, because
you constantly confront yourself with energies that you are not genetically
equipped to handle. Human Design is a tool that can tell you how your body is
designed and how it is meant to run properly.
Mystically speaking, what Human Design can do for you is that it can show you
your individual flow of energy and it gives you the possibility, through experi-
mentation with your design, to harmonize your individual flow with the greater
flow. This is what the ancients called 'being in harmony with the Tao'.

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24 Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000
It is obvious that hearing about your unique design and living it are two different
things. To live according to your nature takes great courage. You can learn to
understand your design intellectually, but living your design can only be learned
from life itself. There are no seminars, so you have to experiment. Human De-
sign is a logical system and logic requires repeated testing to verify the pattern.
It is wonderful that you don' t have to believe any of this. You can see for your-
self that it works.
Human Design knowledge is of great benefit to children and parents, since
knowing a child’s design means that they can be guided in the direction of their
nature rather than being driven away from it. Children can grow up with a feel
for their own true nature. For most of us adults, the road back to our true na-
ture is difficult due to lifelong conditioning. It takes courage and the determina-
tion to test it out.
After having outlined the origin of Human Design, its single components and the
calculation, we will move on and take a detailed look at each of the nine cen-
ters. We will discuss what it means to have them defined and we will see what
happens when they are undefined.

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1. The throat center is the center of manifestation (speech and doing)

2. Biologically, it relates to the Thyroid and the Para-thyroid gland and thus its
theme is metabolism.
3. The throat is the most complex of all the centers with 11 gates.
4. All energies lead to the throat center to manifest in words or in action.
5. The primary function of the throat is communication.
6. Communication leads to doing when the throat is connected to one of the
four motors.
7. The throat center is not motor. It is a gearbox.
8. A defined throat can always speak and/or act but is fixed in its communica-
9. An undefined throat speaks inconsistently and has their speech pattern con-

If you imagine that the bodygraph is a map of a town, then the throat center
would be the center of the town, because it is the most complex of all centers.
It has eleven gates and every single one of those gates has a voice.

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All the energy flow intends to get to the throat. All roads lead to the throat cen-
ter. By starting with the throat, we start with the essence of what it is to be a
human being. Everything about being a human being is about manifesting.

Two Aspects Of Manifesting

The throat center is the center of manifestation. Manifesting has two essential
aspects: verbal manifestation and manifestation as action. In other words, in
the throat center we find the capacity to communicate in language and the ca-
pacity to manifest activity.

Biological Relationship
Each center has a biological relationship. In this case, it is the Thyroid and the
Para-thyroid gland. These glands are endocrine glands and they act as metamor-
phic agents. They are responsible for metamorphosis. It is called metabolism
and it is about how we metabolize our food, how we burn energy, whether we
are fast or slow, whether we digest quickly or not, whether we are big or small,

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skinny or fat. All of that is rooted in the Thyroid system. The fact that the
throat center is related to the Thyroid glands means that any metamorphic
process can only be initiated through the throat center. The throat center brings
change into our lives.

Primary Gates of
62 23 56

Primary Gate of Secondary Gates of

16 Action
35 Primary Gates of
Primary Gate of 20 31 8 33 12
Individual Com-
munication Ac- Primary Gates of 45 Primary Gate of
tion & Identity Identity Will


The throat center’s primary function is communication. The throat center is im-
portant to us because it opens up the possibility that we can communicate to
each other. This special gift human beings have is about the ability to articulate
in language. Communication is the most essential aspect in a human life. It is
the place in which we come to grips with what it is to be human. Through com-
munication we are able to share verbally with each other what our unique ex-
periences as human beings are about. Communication is not about telling people
what to do. It certainly is not there to tell yourself what to do. The doing comes
from other areas. The throat is not a motor. It is like a gearbox in a car. On its
own, it has no place to go, the throat center cannot set your car into motion.

Communication is the only tool we have to logically express our nature to each
other. We are not here alone. Through communicating before acting, we can
see beforehand, what is viable and what isn’t. The throat center’s primary func-
tion is to manifest speech and you can compare the throat center to a dia-
phragm of your stereo speaker. Anything connected to the throat will speak
through the throat.

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28 Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000


The first and foremost function of the throat is communication. The secondary
function of the throat center is action. The throat center can bring us to the act
of doing when the throat center is connected to one of the four motors.

The Four Motors

Heart Center

Solar Plexus Center

Sacral Center

Root Center

Even if doing is possible, the law is: Speak before you act. Communicate first.

Somebody who has a defined throat center can always speak and someone with
a defined throat center connected to a motor can always do. A person like that
speaks too much and does too much.

What the mechanics of a defined throat tells you is: be careful about how and
what you use your energy for. Don’t talk about everything. Don’t give your en-
ergy away to every impulse

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In a defined throat, the words can come from five different areas. Most of us
think that we speak out of our minds. This is what most human beings believe. If
you ask people where their words come from, they will tell you: they come from
my mind, they come from somewhere in my head. This is an important misun-
derstanding. We are conditioned to communicate from the mental plane. Design
shows us that there are five different places where our words can come from
and the mind is only one of them.

If you have the self connected to the throat, your identity is going to speak.
Anybody who has this kind of configuration in their chart, they have to realize
that when they speak it is coming from their true identity. These people can be
very vulnerable to criticism. When you criticize them, they take it very personal
and can feel hurt, because they speak out of their identity. Such a person may
be very uncomfortable with what they say and how they respond, because their
voice is not coming from their mind.

The person that has the identity - the self - connected to the throat but do not
have a defined ajna center, then their mind is always trying to write a script.
Let’s say this person has a problem with their friend and wants to talk about it.
Their mind will try to figure out what to say, when to say it, they work on the
problem. They come to the point where they say: I know exactly what to say to
them and I understand what the problem is. Then, they get to the friend and
their self speaks, not their mind. And their self says. "Hello, you look great. Let's
go out and have dinner." The mind inside is racing: "Why did I tell them that?
Why don’t you tell them what’s wrong? What is the matter with you? Are you
sick? Are you afraid? Do you have a problem?" This dilemma exists because peo-
ple think that their words come from their mind and in this case they don’t.
They come from the throat center.

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If you have the heart center connected to the throat, the ego is going to speak.
A person with the heart center connected to the throat will always say "I. Me.
Mine" You cannot tell them to stop, because that is their nature. You see now
that that is where their words come from. These people articulate their will-
power, their ego power. The feedback these people get from others is: "Why do
you always talk about yourself? You are so selfish, stop that. You are such an

The moment they take that seriously, and they try to suppress their ego voice,
that is the moment they get into physical problems and they can have distur-
bances with their heart and their stomach, because these are the organs associ-
ated with the heart center. If the person knows that they speak out of their
heart center, they are no longer made to feel guilty or ashamed. They can trust
their ego voice, because that is their way of speaking, and they can learn to re-
fuse to listen to people who try to condition them to be something else.

When you have the spleen connected to the throat, your words come from your
intuition, your taste. This is a very spontaneous voice and these people articu-
late their feel-good in the now. If they do not know that, they suffer from frus-
tration because they cannot say what they want to say. What actually comes out
of their mouth is never what they expect to come out and this gives them a
sense of inadequacy about the way their mind works. This is only because of
being conditioned to speak from the mental plane.

If you have the solar plexus center connected to the throat, you have somebody
who is going to talk emotionally, sometimes their words are full of hope and
sometimes they are full of despair. There always is drama in their words. Every-
body tells them not to be so emotional. Everybody tells them: "You have to con-
trol yourself. You cannot talk so emotionally." You can’t tell these people to be
different, they speak out of their emotional wave which is sometimes up and
sometimes down. Suppressing their emotions is a risk to their health.

When the throat is connected to the ajna center, to the mind, then the mind
will speak. Only those people who have this kind of configuration talk out of
their minds. They verbalize their thoughts, their mental concepts and they fit
into the cliché.

Knowing where your voice comes from makes an incredible difference in your
life. You can express yourself as you are and not feeling guilty in doing so. It
takes a burden off your shoulders. An intrinsic honesty goes with that, because
you are allowed to be yourself. We are full of prejudices and judgments, be-
cause we try to change people’s nature all the time, telling them to be differ-
ent. Seeing where your voice comes from enables you to recognize that we can-
not fix people and that we do harm to them by not respecting their voice.

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The first thing to understand is that it is the throat that speaks and not the
mind. This is the first step in breaking prejudices about what is morally right or
wrong. Don’t be a victim of somebody else’s oppression. Somebody else telling
you what is right or wrong. Human Design is not moral. It has no inherent preju-
dices. It has no dogma. Human Design is about showing people their uniqueness
and giving them the dignity to be themselves.

The fact that the throat speaks, takes you to a neutral ground. Whatever is go-
ing to be connected to it will speak and you cannot change that, fix that or
erase that and you cannot make it better.



The undefined center operates exactly as the defined one except that it is in-
consistent. That means whether the themes of the undefined center come out is
dependent on when and how it gets hooked up. It means that a person with an
undefined throat cannot rely on their throat to speak their words, to tell them
their truth. That is why undefined throats end up speaking for others. The unde-
fined throat always wants to speak but is frustrated, because it is not up to
them what they say, or when they say it. This can be very confusing and disturb-
ing for them. Undefined throats are uncertain about their ability to express
themselves. They have to know that their throat center speaks inconsistently.
The undefined throat has the experience that with some people it is easy to
speak, it all runs smoothly and with other people it is difficult.

Every undefined center is under pressure from conditioning. If you have a group
of people with defined throats sitting together and one person has an undefined
throat, the undefined throat is doing the talking. An undefined throat has more
things to say than the defined throat, they are very talkative. This is the throat
center under pressure. Someone with an undefined throat has a Thyroid system

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that is under pressure. It means that their metabolism is under pressure. The
undefined throat is designed to be silent. It is its natural state. This is very im-
portant to understand: it is not designed not to speak. It is designed to be silent
until that moment that it is necessary to communicate, until that moment that
it can respond to communication. The moment that an undefined throat is trying
to control their speaking they are going to get ill.

People with undefined throats can have many difficulties in terms of articula-
tion. There you can develope speech problems, speech impediments. You find
people who have problems with their tonsils, their larynx, their vocal chords.
They can have sore throats, they suffer from hoarseness. It is healthiest for
them to have important conversations in public places where they can be pri-
vate, in a restaurant or cafe.

There they have people around them, many who can connect their throat, but
that do not want anything from them. The reality is that the undefined throat is
vulnerable and you need to recognize the nature of that vulnerability. The other
thing is that the undefined throat always has to come to grips with the fact that
anybody who has a defined throat who is in their life is conditioning their speech
pattern. Please understand that conditioning is not a negative. You cannot es-
cape it. It is everywhere. Human beings can connect to other life forms - ani-
mals, plants -. It is not about getting rid of it, escaping it, fixing it. It is simply
about seeing it. That’s all.

Potential Of The Undefined Throat

One of the gifts of undefined throat is that they can easily pick up different kind
of accents or dialects, all kinds of different ways of speaking. The speech pat-
tern is always being conditioned by who is around them. There is nothing wrong
with having an undefined throat. It is simply a mechanic and you can learn from
it. What an undefined throat learns through the mechanics is what is condition-
ing them when they talk or act, so that they are clear about what they enter
into. The undefined throat should not be in a hurry to speak and do. They have
to see for themselves that they have to learn to recognize what inside of them
they can rely on, because they certainly cannot rely on their throat to speak
their words. It is impossible. That does not mean that they cannot take advan-
tage of it. That does not mean that they cannot use it. They can rely on their
throat to speak inconsistently. They can tell a defined throat person whether
their words and actions are one.

The dichotomy of defined/undefined is just the two sides of one coin. One is not
better than the other. A defined throat is reliable but very fixed in its process of
communicating. It is limited to the defined aspect in the throat; they have a
fixed way of talking. If you have an undefined throat you can become very wise
about the nature of communication. You can recognize who can talk and who
cannot talk. You can recognize who gets things done and who can’t get things

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done. You can experience all the different voices of the throat center. There is
no limitation. This is the real gift of the undefined throat. All the open centers
are windows on wisdom. You become wise through what is not defined in you
and not through what is defined.

No Generalizations
It is very difficult to know somebody’s chart by just watching them. If somebody
in a group is dominating the talking, it can be someone who has the ego motor
connected to the throat. The throat is defined and they are talking out of their
ego and control the environment. It may just as likely be someone with an unde-
fined throat and an undefined ego, which is pumped up by everybody around
them, and is blasting that stuff out. The only difference is at the end of the
evening. At the end of the evening, the defined throat feels okay, because that
is the nature of the defined throat, to be able to release speech naturally. The
undefined throat and the undefined ego, at the end of the evening, suffers from
a sore throat. The undefined throat suffers, from the unnatural conditioned
pressure to speak.

Another example: When a defined throat is sitting with a person who has a to-
tally undefined throat, then it can happen that the defined throat gets a sore
You have people with undefined throats who are brilliant speakers. Bill Clinton
is a classic example of that. He is a master speaker, debater. The undefined
throat can be enormously capable of articulation simply because they recognize
the process of speaking in others and they learn from that. They can have great
language skills. They can be very good at being able to articulate. There are a
lot of famous singers with undefined throats: Elvis Presley, John Lennon,
Luciano Pavarotti. This illustrates that it is never easy to judge a design from
the surface. If you have someone with a defined throat and the connection that
defines the throat is unconscious, they do not speak consciously at all. They may
find it very difficult to articulate and are always surprised when it comes out
through the tunnel and suddenly they hear themselves saying something. These
are people that can be very uncomfortable with the words coming out of their
mouth and they may refuse to speak after that. If you are looking for a mute
you are just as likely find one who has an defined throat as undefined.

Parent Child Relationship

A child with an undefined throat can speak very late. It has to be allowed time
to learn to speak. There is no need to be nervous about that. There is no need
to panic and there is no problem. The child does not need therapeutic help.
What parents can do, if their child has an undefined throat is: Be patient and
encourage the child in their process. Don’t put the children under pressure by
forcing them to speak. A child with an undefined throat will develop their skills,

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if you don’t put any pressure on that throat. "Speak now. Say it properly. Say it
correctly." You cannot do that to a child with an undefined throat.

When a child with an undefined throat speaks, they can have difficulties in ar-
ticulating, there is this pressure on them to try to get the words out. It will take
them some time, until they get into gear. It takes such a child longer to adjust
to verbal patterns. The child with an open throat is not a doer and thus they can
end up being under enormous pressure from their families.

Whether children can develop their potential or not, depends on the nurturing
that they get and nurturing is dependent on awareness. It is so humane to un-
derstand somebody’s design, particularly between parents and children so that
you don’t put the children under pressure ignorantly. When the child with the
undefined throat becomes comfortable with speaking, it is because their parents
loved them and just helped them to go through their process of having an unde-
fined throat. Ignorant as the parents were, but the nurturing aspect was there.
With human design we can see the mechanics and recognize what works and
what does not.

People always complain that there is a lack of communication. There is no lack.
It is simply that the communication lacks clarity, because people unaware of the
nature of their throat center, don’t know where their voice comes from nor
what their voice is. And therefore they don’t know whether they can trust and
rely on their communication or not. If you are not talking in your voice, you are
not able to share properly what you experience in this life, because you are not
talking as yourself.

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1. The sacral center is the powerful motor of the life force.

2. The center is different according to gender.
3. The themes of the sacral center are sexuality, fertility, vitality, movement,
and persistence.
4. It has a special frequency: it gets stuck, moves on to another level, and gets
stuck again.
5. The sacral speaks: it makes sounds.
6. The defined sacral has to wait to respond.
7. The undefined sacral has no sexual identity.
The sacral center is the second most complex center in design. It has nine gates.
The sacral center is a mirror of the throat center in many ways. It generates a
frequency, which leads to what appears to be doing, and it also has the capacity
to speak, by making noises, by making sounds.

The difference is: the throat is not a motor, but the sacral is a very powerful
motor and it is an energy vortex operating in a spiral in the body. The sacral
center represents the life force energy itself. It operates as a generator, once
turned on, it is never turned off. It is turned on when we are born and it is
turned off when we die. The sacral center needs phases of regeneration, of rest
in order to recharge its batteries otherwise it’s generating capacity turns into
de-generating and exhaustion is the result.

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Biological Relationship
The sacral center is different from any other center. It is related to the ovaries
in a woman and the testes in a man and because of that the sacral center is the
only center that operates differently for women than it does for men. This has
to do with its capacity to generate. What it generates is life itself. The sacral
center generates life and then begins a slow degeneration into death. In a man,
the peak of generation is around 18 years of age and in a woman it is between
33 and 34. There is an obvious difference of the peaking of sacral power. In
women it comes much later and then the long slide of degeneration starts. In
men it is much earlier. The function of the sacral center is to power life itself.
Thus it empowers our survival in this life. It is a fertility center. The sacral cen-
ter does not need the throat.

It has its own power. Thematically, it is about sexuality, fertility,and vitality.


Sacral Center

Somebody with a defined sacral center has an enormous power that can work
for them generatively or that can become degenerative. It depends on under-
standing how the sacral center functions.

Somebody with a defined sacral center can always be involved with activity, but
this activity is not necessarily manifesting activity. It is restless motion like
walking and not knowing where to go, just burning energy moving along. It is
repetitive activity like shuffling papers all day and nothing really happens or
cleaning the house over and over again without being able to stop.

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The Sacral Frequency
If you hand a sacral person a tennis racket and a tennis ball, they start hitting
it. They keep on hitting it out of the sacral frequency until they get totally ex-
hausted. The important thing for a defined sacral is when it gets into the fre-
quency, if it does not want to be in that activity, it ends up being frustrating for
them. In the tennis analogy, they keep on hitting the ball but they do not get
any better. At a certain point, they get a trainer for suggestions how to improve
their play. The trainer gives them advice and when they are back on the tennis
court, they hit the ball like before and nothing happens. If they do not like ten-
nis, they throw the racket on the ground and swear not to do it again. They
quit. If they really love tennis, they stay with it and they discover that at a cer-
tain point, their game got better, because they waited for the point of meta-
morphosis. If sacral people are committed to what they do, they have the en-
ergy to endure the time of frustration and they have the patience to wait for
the metamorphosis to come and they can only be truly committed when they
respond before entering into anything.

When the point of metamorphosis comes, they suddenly hit the ball differently.
They don’t know when it actually happened. The time of being stuck in the sac-
ral frequency can be very short or very long. When metamorphosis happens,
they get to a different level until they get stuck on that level. The nature of the
sacral frequency is this getting stuck. The sacral being generates. It does not
manifest. There is no metamorphosis built into being sacral. The metamorphosis
can only come from the throat. A sacral person needs to understand their peri-
ods of getting stuck so that they do not get caught up in the frustration.

The only way to avoid frustration lies in the recognition that the sacral speaks.
Anything that is connected to the sacral, the sacral will speak for. Words come
out of the throat and sounds come out of the sacral. Whatever is connected to
that sacral will release that information through sounds. So, a sacral being has
to be introduced to their way of speaking, which is not lesser because it makes
sounds. It is just different. The throat initiates communication, the sacral re-
sponds. The sacral voice is as profound as the throat voice. A sacral being is not
limited to groan for the rest of their lives. The sacral voice is about telling them
what to enter into and what commitment is for them.

Sacral people speak in sounds like groans, sighs, growls and their true voice only
functions in response. If the splenic center is connected to the sacral, the exis-
tential awareness will come out in sounds. "Do you like this?”. When their sacral
response is “Unun”, that says to the sacral person that it is not healthy for them
to do this. Because of this generating frequency a sacral person is always wait-
ing for the opportunity to respond and it can only know its own truth, when it
can respond using primal life force sounds which are always a barometer of their
energy level. The essential thing for a sacral being is to understand that they

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38 Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000
only have their power in response. Their mantra in life is: Do not initiate. Never
take the first step.

The moment that they try to initiate, they lose all their power. Whenever a sac-
ral person is asked something from the throat, it is being offered manifestation.
If you ask a sacral person: "Do you want to go out for dinner?" and you hear them
answer: "ahunh" that is their truth coming out of their sacral center. If a sacral
person is in a partnership with a throat person and their partner says to them:
"Let's go out for dinner." and the sacral person says: "Unun." The throat person
says: "Why not?", the sacral person has no way to counter that. A sacral person
has to know that anybody that has a right to be in their life has to respect their
response in sounds. The sacral does not have that articulated vocabulary. Sacral
people are always being manipulated by throat people. The sacral says: "Unun"
and the throat challenges: "Why not? What is wrong about going out tonight? Ex-
plain to me your reason why."

The sacral is very powerful in response. As long as the sacral is making its com-
mitments through their sounds, the energy will be there to reach metamorpho-
sis. When somebody asks you: "Do you want to play tennis? and the sacral person
says: "Unun", that is their truth and they should not do it, because their sacral
voice showed them that the energy to do that is not there. If a sacral person
does not trust their sounds they are manipulated by throat people trying to con-
vince them: "Let's try." If the sacral person tries, it will not work. If the sacral
person says “ahunh" they should start, because their sacral center made the
commitment, telling the sacral person that the vitality is there to go through
the stuck states and persist. The sacral person can stay with learning tennis for
example, until the metamorphosis comes.

Sacral people are the great quitters in the world. They cannot stay with things,
because they rarely answer with their sacral. The sacral is a very powerful mo-
tor. Others feel that and want to take advantage of their sacral power. "Come
on with me. Try it". Others want their energy. The sacral people agree to that
because they have to release their energy and it all ends up being a torment for
them. They will be unhappy and frustrated, because they do not do what is cor-
rect for them to do. Throat people use the energy of sacral people to get their
things done. Thus sacral people become slaves. Sacral people have to honor how
their sacral works. They are designed to wait and they have a fixed power they
have to persist with, because it is reliable. They have to trust their response to
tell their truth.


The undefined sacral is always open to sacral conditioning. The person with an
undefined sacral is very interested in how life works and this drive in them
means that they can get ill through entering into relationships. Their sexuality

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and fertility is conditioned. This causes the most harm to teenagers with open
sacrals who do not understand how their sacral center works. They are being
conditioned by their first sexual experience and they think that is what sexuality
is like.

Especially teenagers need to know that their sexuality depends on what their
partner offers them. It can be a totally different experience if they change their
lover. They need to know that they can be anything sexually, from being totally
asexual to being promiscuous. If a person with an open sacral center is told by
their partner: "You are a terrible lover", they can just relax, because they know
that it is not their fault, because they can only mirror what their partner is

The undefined sacral center has to be very careful in early relationships. They
will need to experiment to avoid being unnaturally conditioned.

Sacral Center

The undefined sacral can never rely on their sounds telling them their truth.
They just mirror the truth of the sacral person in their aura. They have to be
very careful, because their vitality is dependent on people around them. Igno-
rant of the mechanics, they run the risk of having their power sapped and burnt

Where the undefined sacral can become wise is in how life and sexuality work.
They can always know who has vitality and who doesn’t.

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40 Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000



1. The heart center is a powerful motor, which drives will-power and ego
2. It has very important biological attributes.
3. The theme of the heart center is to survive on the material plane.
4. A defined heart center should keep its promises for its own self esteem.
5. An undefined heart center should never make promises.
The heart center is a motor. This is the center of will-power and ego power is.
This center really looks tiny and small but that is deceiving. It is very complex.
It only has four gates. Thematically, this center has to do with the material
plane. It is all about the will to survive on the material plane in established
communities. This center is about making our daily bread, living in harmony
with others, bonding with others, bringing children into the world, creating our
societies and cultures.

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Biological Relationship

The Heart Center

Biological Association

21 - The Heart
The Gall Bladder - 51

The Thymus Gland - 26

26 40 - The Stomach

In its biological nature, it is very complex. In the 40th gate, you have the stom-
ach. If the stomach is full, the ego feels good and when the stomach is empty,
the will-power in the 40 is driven to find something to eat. In the 26th gate, you
have the thymus gland, which creates our immune system. When a fetus is in
the womb, it is the thymus gland that designs the immune system. This is the
only direct connection between the ego and the immune system in the spleen.

For the first three years of life, the thymus gland establishes the way in which
the immune system will work. The ego is our shelter from disease. The ego re-
leases B-cells that will fight disease. The ego is a warrior. In the 51st gate, you
have the gall and in the 21st gate you have the heart muscle itself. Because we
find all these organs of the body in this center, it is clear that it can be the
source of many physical problems if a person is unaware of the mechanics of
their heart center.

Free Will
When we talk about the heart center there is something important to distin-
guish: will as energy - as we find it here in this center - and the philosophical
concept of free will. Will is a powerful energy coming out of the heart center
and free will is a myth. Human beings in their great vanity think that they have
a free will. They have not, because everything that we think, say or do is initi-
ated in the deep gray areas of the brain, one half second before we are con-
sciously aware of it in our neo cortex. Free will is an illusion. We are not crea-
tive but reactive. Free will implies that we control our process but we do not.
Human beings are here to manifest consciousness in form, but they have no con-
trol over any of this.

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The expression "free will" is a contradiction in itself, because will-power is al-
ways directed towards a goal. Thus it can never be free. It has to be related to a
thing that you want to have or achieve.


The undefined heart center is always looking for will-power. They are looking
for the courage to be willful. That is their drive. "Why can’t I get what they
have got? Why can’t I be as fastor as good as they are? These are questions they
ask themselves, because they are always seeking will-power.


The undefined heart center has to know that they cannot rely on their will-
power to be consistent. If you are an undefined heart center and you want to
conquer the world, make sure that the person beside you has a defined ego, so
you can. The undefined heart center should not feel like they are a failure in
life, because they cannot get their courage or their will to be there when they
want it or need it or when others demand it.

This is a very healthy thing to tell undefined heart centers, because they can be
very disturbed, constantly feeling that they lack something, that they do not
have what it takes. These are people we call overachievers. They are always
trying to accomplish more than anybody else because they don’t know how to
value themselves. They tend to undervalue themselves. They force themselves
to have the courage, they say to themselves "I can do it" and put themselves
into impossible situations, which put their health in danger. They constantly
want to prove to themselves that they have the will-power. When an undefined
heart center quits smoking, it really drives them mad. They think, "I have to
have the will to stop it". Whether they can actually stop smoking or not depends
on their conditioning.

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The undefined heart center should never make promises. It is the unhealthiest
thing for the undefined heart center to do in their life, but they think that mak-
ing a promise is something special. Willfulness in them is always being condi-
tioned and so their "I" can never be trusted. What often happens to people with
undefined heart centers is that they get advice from others like "if you want to,
you can." If they trust this advice they can get seriously ill. They put their heart
at risk or they have problems with their stomach.

The undefined heart center person should avoid putting themselves in situa-
tions where they have to be willful. Whenever they make a promise they can
literally break their heart.

The reality is that courage and will-power for the undefined heart center is de-
pendent on people around them. The undefined heart center is not genetically
equipped to be consistently willful. They have the role to understand the poten-
tial of will-power.



Somebody with a defined heart center always appears to be willful and has to
make promises. If they don’t, others lose their trust in them. Thus, they should
only make promises that they want to keep. They should never let anybody re-
press their "I" and they have a sense of self value and self esteem that is natu-
ral. These people need to work. They have a mechanism inside of them which
tells them when to work and when to rest. The people with a defined heart cen-
ter should not allow anybody to influence their ego and will-power. They have a
strong will and if a defined heart center person suppresses their will, they get ill

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44 Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000



1. The head center is a pressure center but not a motor.

2. The head center's theme is inspiration.
3. Its biological attribute is the pineal gland.
4. It fuels the mental conceptualizing process.
5. The defined head center has a fixed inspiration.
6. The undefined head center is inspired by who is in their aura.

The Pressure Head Center


Root Center

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We have two pressures. We have a pressure from above that we call inspiration -
our head center where the personality crystal sits. It is the pressure that fuels
our thinking process. It is about forming mental concepts about the world and
about life.

Biological Relationship
Biologically, the head center is connected to our pineal gland. This gland is like
a border guard. It sits in its little box on the border and it has one of these gates
it can lift up and down. What it does is that it allows information from the neo
cortex to filter into the gray areas of the brain and it allows information from
the gray areas of the brain to come back to the neo cortex. This describes the
movement between the head and the ajna center controlled by the pineal

What people normally assume when they hear the word "inspiration" is that it is
coming from the outside.

The Head Head Center

64 61 63
64 - To make Sense of
61 - To Know
63 - To Understand

But the vast majority of their mental processes are taking place in the dark.
They don’t know anything about it. More than 90% of our mental process takes
place in the deep gray areas of the brain. We do not have any access to them.
Inspiration is coming from within as a result of experience. The head center is
the fuel for our mental process. The head center is fueling our conceptualizing

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H ea d

Someone with an undefined head center has its conceptualizing process condi-
tioned from the outside. These people are conditioned in terms of what inspires
them. What fuels their conceptualizing process is coming from the outside. An
undefined head center suffers from mental pressure, which is not theirs. They
magnify the mental pressure of others when they step into the aura of defined
head centers. Not knowing where that comes from can make the open head cen-
ter people very anxious because something inside their head is always looking
for an answer, a realization, and they cannot solve the problem. So they assume
that there is something wrong.

There is no constant way of conceptualizing for the undefined, so they are left
with dizziness in their head. If they force themselves to come up with an an-
swer, they get frustrated and get headaches.

The undefined head center who de-condition themselves can be wise about in-
spiration, that is they can tell who or what is really inspiring or not.

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Someone with a defined head center is always fueling a specific conceptualizing

process, which means there is mental pressure in these people to understand,
make sense or know what their inspiration is about. The fuel coming from the
head center is not a motor. It means that the conceptualizing process is not be-
ing motorized. Inspiration is not about doing it is about reviewing.

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48 Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000



1. The root center is a pressure center and a motor.

2. Its biological attribute is the adrenaline gland.
3. The theme of the root center is pressure to be, to evolve, and to adapt in
the world.
4. The defined root center has a fixed way of dealing with stress and the pres-
sure to be alive in the world.
5. The undefined root center experiences stress as something coming from oth-
The root center is a pressure center. It is the pressure from below, the pressure
to evolve and adapt to the world and life. It is the pressure to be. It is about
how a human being experiences and expresses stress and it is about the pressure
that moves us through the world. The root center is also a motor, which fuels
our evolution. Here we find the fundamental fuel for the existence of our vehi-
cle. It is the most powerful pure energy that is within us. The root center is also
called the Kundalini center so you are dealing with the fire of Kundalini. As a
pressure center it fuels nine different processes.

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The Root Pressures

58 - to Correct
38 - to find Purpose 53 60 52
54 - to Rise up
53 - to Begin
60 - to Mutate 54 19
52 - to Focus
19 - t o N e e d
38 39
39 - to find Spirit 58 41
41 - to Desire

Root Center

The root center is like a gas station where you find different kinds of fuels. Be-
cause the energy is so strong in the root, there is no way that it can directly
connect to the throat. It has to be filtered through the processes in the three
centers that are around it (the sacral center, the splenic center, the solar
plexus center).

The energy in the root center is an essential ingredient of manifestation in our

lives. Human consciousness is driven by the fuels, which are called stress, fear
and pain.

Biological Relationship
Biologically, it relates to the adrenaline system, to stress hormones. Stress in
life is something that you have to take advantage of and not something that you
have to suffer from. Stress cannot be avoided. Stress is an important energy, an
important fuel which helps us to master difficult situations. You cannot restrict
this fuel, when you do; you get depressed especially through the gates that con-
nect the root to the sacral center.

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50 Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000


Someone with an undefined root center can be put under great pressure. They
take in and magnify stress. They are conditioned to be hyperactive and can be-
come totally restless. In seeing that the pressure is not their own, they avoid
being overwhelmed by it. What they can do in times of stress is either take ad-
vantage of the adrenaline energy or step away and avoid it.

Someone with an undefined root center who gets in front of an audience can be
empowered by the adrenaline rush. Many singers who perform on stage have
undefined root centers and enjoy the adrenaline energy of the crowd. The other
reaction to adrenaline energy is stage fright. Root energy frightens and/or pa-
ralyses them.

Someone with an undefined root center who can stop identifying with their con-
ditioning can become wise about how stress functions, what it feels like and
how it can be dealt with.

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A defined root center can be connected to three different centers.

Someone who has the root defined to sacral center, they have a fixed way of
dealing with physical stress. The connections between the root and the sacral
are called format energies and they dictate the nature of how we function in
this life. The format energies tell us how our energies operate. Someone with a
defined root center to the sacral has a specific way of handling stress and of
dealing with the pressure to be human. If someone has the 9/52 defined, the
format of being focused and concentrated, this is someone who has to handle
stress in going from one thing to the next, step by step concentrating and going
deep in each step before they move to the next. This is the way that they have
to face the world.

Someone who has it defined to the spleen has to rely on their fixed way of deal-
ing with the pressure to be healthy.

Someone who has it defined to the solar plexus center has to recognize that
pressure will be emotional.

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1. The splenic center is our oldest awareness center, our body consciousness.
2. Its frequency is in the now and its fears are about survival.
3. The themes of the splenic center: health, feel-good, survival
4. Biologically, it relates to the lymphatic system, the spleen and the spleen
5. The function of the splenic center is to keep us healthy and alive.
6. A defined splenic center has to honor their gut feeling to stay healthy.
7. An undefined splenic center has to pay attention to its health. It can never
be spontaneous.

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The Awareness Centers


Body Spirit
Spleen Solar Plexus

The splenic center is one of the three awareness centers that we have. This tells
us that we only have three centers in which we can be conscious of what is go-
ing on, where we can experience our lives and the other six centers are purely
mechanical. Each awareness center has the capacity to guide the life of a hu-
man being. The splenic center is our body consciousness. It is the weakest
awareness center, because it has the capacity to respond only once in the now,
only in the moment. And it never repeats its response. The splenic center is our
major health center. It is the core of well being and survival.

Historical Background
Awareness evolved over time and each awareness center represents a different
phase in our awareness evolution. The splenic center is in fact the oldest aware-
ness center. In this center we find the beginning of our evolutionary process. We
can call it our primary awareness. We inherited it from our animal beginnings. If
we take a look at the design of plants, mammals, birds and insects, we find that
they have the splenic center as their potential to guide their lives. All of these
life forms are guided by the existential awareness in the splenic center, the
"now" awareness.

Of the three awareness centers, the splenic awareness is the weakest, the mind
is twice a strong as the spleen and the solar plexus is twice as strong as the
mind. The splenic center is about life and death and the fact that it is the weak-
est awareness center shows us how fragile life and survival are.

Biological Relationship
The splenic center is connected to our lymphatic system, the spleen and the
spleen cells. The lymphatic system include the lymph cells which are like little
ears, noses and tongues which are all over the body and which are constantly

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listening, tasting and smelling to make sure that everything is okay and if not,
they will warn us. They are constantly alert and wait for anything that shows up
that disturbs them and then they are immediately ready to act. This is what our
immune system is about. When T- cells (splenic soldiers) act, they are killers,
they destroy the enemy. 18% of the cells in the body are lymphatic cells. They
protect us from disease and from negative vibrations of other people. We can
compare the lymphatic system to a washing machine; it cleans out all kinds of
dirt in us. When everything is clean, we feel good and we are healthy.

The Awareness: Fear

All awareness is rooted in fear. The three awareness centers all have a different
frequency and they all have a different kind of fear in them. The frequency of
the splenic center is the now. The splenic center functions only in the now and
this tells us precisely that we can only be healthy, that we can only survive by
being in the now.

The awareness in the splenic center is all about fear related to survival itself.
Each of the seven gates of the spleen manifests a different fear.

The Basic Fears

of the Immune System

48 - Inadequacy 48
57 - Tomorrow 44
44 - The Past
50 - Responsibility 50
32 - Failure
28 - Death/Purpose 28
18 - Authority 18

Splenic Cen-

When the splenic center tells you something, we call that intuition, taste or in-
stinct. Its voice is the gut feeling, the hunch. It can only tell once about its
spontaneous judgment of what is correct or not, if you do not respond, it will
not come back and warn you again. Therefore, it is essential to be alert and to
pay attention to what is going on moment by moment to make sure that you
don’t miss its voice.

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The Splenic Center Is Not A Motor
The splenic system can be compared to a washing machine. You fill it with dirty
clothes but if you do not plug it in, it won’t start to wash, to clean. The spleen
is not a motor. If you do not plug in the splenic system, it does not function. It
needs to be energized by a motor.



Whenever you see an undefined splenic center, you know two things about these
people. They generally do not feel good and they are full of fear. The undefined
splenic center has a vulnerable immune system, but that does not mean that
these people are unhealthy or ill. They just require care and health education.

The undefined splenic center is full of fear. It is easy to understand because

their entire process is being tested by fear. In addition, they take in and mag-
nify other people’s fear. But if they deal with fear in a healthy way, that means
they confront every single fear they have, go through it, they are less frightened
the next time and less frightened the next time until the fear is gone. Each fear
that they mastered makes them stronger and they can reach a point, eventually,
where they are fearless. But they have to honor their fear and not suppress it or
pretend that it is not there.

How the undefined splenic center works, can be best explained through the ex-
ample of children. A child with an undefined splenic center gets most of the
childhood diseases , the mumps, the measles etc. These are the first children in
the class that come home with a cold. If parents give their children with unde-
fined splenic centers good care - shelter, love, a proper diet, proper medical
care if necessary and time to recover- that child will heal and build a resistance
to what they meet in their environment.

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For example, the child catches a cold. A cold is one week coming, one week
staying, one week going. The moment that the one week of staying is over and
the basic symptoms are gone, that is not the time to send the child back to
school. That advice drives many parents crazy, because they don’t want their
children under their feet. They have to go to work. They are so glad that the
children go to school so that they have a quiet day home and do their thing.
They don’t want to have their children running around the house when they
seem to be okay. It is not time to send children with undefined splenic centers
back into the germ pool. It’s only a matter of a few extra days.

It is very important for these children. If they are allowed to heal properly, if
they are given the time to heal, they build up a healthy defense mechanism. If
parents send them to school again too early, they come back some days later
even sicker with the next illness and this will hurt their immune system. Once
an undefined splenic system deals with an enemy, a virus, successfully, that vi-
rus never has a chance again. In going through the healing process, it develops a
memory and a capability to handle that same virus again. It is the same premise
as vaccination. We infect children with the virus, so that their immune system
recognizes it and knows how to defend against it.

People with undefined splenic centers are best off with homoeopathic medicine,
with anything that is gentle on their systems. They cannot handle modern medi-
cation. They should consider carefully what they put into their body. They usu-
ally are very much concerned about their diet, their environment, the quality of
the water and the air. So the people with the undefined splenic center, these
are healthier people in the long run, because they constantly care about health.
By design they can live a healthy life with enough sleep and movement and
without tobacco and alcohol.

The defined splenic center people ignore care and health education, they are
not interested in all of that because they assume out of their own feeling that
they are healthy. The undefined splenic center people learn from a very early
age that they have to look after themselves and they get strong in doing so.

Someone with an undefined splenic center has a law in life, which is "never be
spontaneous." This is the unhealthiest thing to do. Being spontaneous for such a
person is the most dangerous risk to their health. These people simply are not
designed to be spontaneous. They can never trust the now. An undefined splenic
center ignorant of the mechanics is so attracted to spontaneity in order to find
the feel good and make the fear disappear. They pay a high price for that. The
mechanics of an undefined splenic center is: get over the drive and the tempta-
tion to be spontaneous and take the first step towards health in stopping spon-

The great gift of the undefined splenic center is: through being open they can
eventually recognize exactly what they are filtering. Many professional healers

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have an undefined splenic center. When they step into somebody’s aura, there
is a spontaneous recognition that takes place through the connection. They ex-
perience illness. The undefined splenic center can tell whether someone is
healthy or ill.

So they are a kind of barometer to ill health in others. The wisdom of the unde-
fined splenic center comes when it does not identify with what is not them.
When they are with other people and they feel ill during that gathering to-
gether, they have to understand that they are absorbing and experiencing the ill
health of others and by taking it in, they read it and can help the other or learn
to avoid those very same people.

If undefined splenic center people identify with that they can become hypo-
chondriacs and paranoid about being infected by others. They assume they are
constantly ill. Undefined splenic center people have to make sure that they stay
in the aura of ill people only for a short time. If they stay with sick people, they
themselves can get sick after a while.

People with undefined splenic systems do not feel good by nature. That does not
mean at all that they spend their whole life not feeling good. They learn what
does feel good by going through all the things that did not feel good. They deal
with that and they find out with whom and with what they feel good. They be-
come very sensitive to their environment, because they gained experience by
taking in the not feel-good of others.

The undefined splenic center can learn what intuition, taste and instinct are
about and what fear is about. They can learn to be wise about what that is in
others. They can understand what fear of survival is and how it can be dealt

When a undefined splenic center waits for a long term transit to define their
immune system, instead of feeling good, they are very likely to get ill, because
the washing machine gets plugged in and all the stored things come out first.
When the cleansing process is over, then they can have access to the feel good.
The undefined splenic center has phases in their life of needing to go through
clean outs i.e. getting a cold once a year.

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A person with a defined spleen hasthe potential for good health and can make
other people feel good; give others a sense of well-being spontaneously. In or-
der to remain healthy, they have to find a way to listen to their existential
awareness. If they do not listen to their gut feeling, it is gone. Even if it is a
question of life and death, it will not tell you a second time. Intuition, instinct
and taste have to guide splenicly defined people.

Women usually have a much easier time accepting the idea that their intuition
and not their mind is guiding their life but men have a hard time with that. They
are used to explaining the world mentally and they have been conditioned to
trust their concepts. The mind has no way of translating what the intuition does.
The mind and the intuition speak different languages.

A person with a spleen is not without fear, but it is under control, because due
to the frequency of the splenic center, which is about being in the now, the fear
is constantly counterbalanced.

A child with a defined splenic system is not going to get all the childhood dis-
eases. They might get some, but they are not going to get all of them. Generally
speaking, they are not going to be sickly. This kind of child can recover very
quickly from an illness and can go back out into the world. When a child with a
defined splenic center gets sick, it can be very serious. They can get very sick.
They can have extremely high temperatures so that it can be frightening for
their parents. Having a defined splenic center means that their immune system
is basically strong so the moment they really get ill, there is something really
the matter with them and they are in danger. The disease has overloaded their
splenic system.

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Having a defined spleen does not mean that you are going to be healthy. It does
not mean that. You can end up being very ill by simply not recognizing all the
symptoms of an illness until it finally explodes on you. A person with a defined
splenic center often does not know that there is anything wrong with them until
they drop dead. Such a person thinks that everything is okay; they go out and
drop dead on the street. They do not know that they are ill. The fact of the
matter is that the spleen is so strong that it can prevent you from recognizing
that there is something the matter with you. Therefore a person with a defined
splenic center should have regular medical check ups done to make up for their
splenic center masking potential problems.

When it comes to homoeopathy, defined splenic systems that are cut off from
the throat will find out that it is the healthiest medicine for them. For a defined
splenic system connected to the throat homoeopathic medicine has no impact,
none. When they get ill only modern medication will help them.

How To Access The Body Consciousness

Someone who has their splenic system connected to their sacral can always
know that they can access their body consciousness through response.

Someone who has their splenic center connected to the throat can speak out, in
the now. These connections to the Thyroid system are the healthiest in design.

Someone who does not have the splenic system connected to either the sacral or
the throat, they only have access to their body consciousness through transits or
connection with others. That is a very different scenario.

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1. The ajna center is our second awareness center. It is our mind consciousness.
2. Its frequency is over all time and its fear is called anxiety.
3. The themes of the ajna center: the mind, the conceptualizing process
4. Its biological attribute is the pituitary glands.
5. The function of the ajna center is to do research.
6. The mind has no decision-making capabilities.
7. The defined ajna center has to trust its fixed way of thinking, of processing
mental information.
8. The undefined ajna center knows all the ways of thinking and is very intel-
The ajna center is our second awareness center. The ajna center represents our
mind consciousness. Its function is mental conceptualizing which is fueled by the
head center and can be expressed in language through the throat center. We
understand and see so many things through the mind. It is an enormous gift that
human beings have. Through giving things names, we know them and through
storing information from the past, we have built our history and our cultures.
The mind enables us to understand, make sense of and know the world around

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Historical Background
Between 85,000 and 90,000 years ago the mind consciousness began to evolve.
At that time we went through a process that opened up the potential of the ajna
center. Around that time a mutation took place, which changed the human lar-
ynxes. Before that time human beings could drink and breathe simultaneously.
This capacity got lost when the mutation happened. The human larynxes
dropped and thus the vocal chambers were opened and allowed us to articulate
complex sound patterns. That point in history marks the beginning of our lan-
guage capability and human beings were no longer limited to communicate in
primal sounds as sighs, groans,and growls.

Biological Relationship
The ajna center is where the anterior and the posterior pituitary glands are.
These are very important endocrine glands because they are the headquarters
of instructions for the whole body. We have a mind dominated life, because the
pituitary glands are in charge of sending out the hormonal information that will
be metamorphosed by the Thyroid glands. They give instructions about the
maintenance of the inside of the body and the outside.

The ajna center is about your neo cortex.

The Mind Is A Time Machine

Mental awareness dominates our lives. It dominates the way in which we per-
ceive the world that we live in. Humanity seems to take their minds very seri-
ously. When we are dealing with the mind, we are dealing with two processes, a
collective process, which is visual, and an individual process, which is acoustic.
So we have two different processes at work. The visual process is the dominat-
ing one. The second thing to keep in mind is that when you are dealing with the
mind, you are dealing with a time machine.

This is the other nature of the mind. The abstract collective mind is about the
relationship from the present to the past. The logical collective process is about
the nature of the mind in terms of present projected into the future. When you
are dealing with the individual process it is in a pulse in what we can theoreti-
cally call the now. This is experienced as the present. These three aspects make
up this time machine.

The Frequency: Over All Time

The ajna center is not a motor. It is only pressurized and that is different. The
inspiration of the head center is pressurizing us to conceptualize. The frequency
of the mind is that it operates over all time. That means if you make any kind of
mental decision, you have to live with it for the rest of your life, because of the

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frequency of the mind. That is quite an ordeal. The mind is not equipped to let
go. It is always busy until you recognize that it has no authority in your life. Be-
fore that moment it will always try to direct you, but it has no authority to tell
you what to do.

We are a duality and everything about us is manifesting in a dualistic manner.

The mind itself is dualistic in the way in which it processes information. Let's say
that you have an option in front of you. Once you conceptualize that option in
order to make a decision about that option you are going to look at the positives
and the negatives of it. You are going to construct two identical arguments that
are opposite to each other.

One argument says that the option is bad and the other argument states that it
is good. This is how the mind works. It is very easy for us to go from one position
to a new position, because we have already established it in the mind. What
that means is that the mind has no capability of judging one or the other. Its
capacity is simply to flash out the two sides. The reality is that we can flash out
a zillion sides not just two. This process is called reason making. That is what
we tend to do after things happen. Before it happens we always bring it to its
duality. It is either yes or no. After it happened we have a lot of reasons we
construct out of the yes or no.

The Mind Is Not About Decision Making

The mind is not a motor. Design says to us: be aware. There is no motor here.
There is no need for manifesting, doing activity.

The ajna center is the only awareness center that is locked away from energy
because on either side of it, it has a non-motor (the head/the throat). That is
not true for the splenic center; we have seen that it is next to the sacral and
the root. It is certainly not true for the solar plexus center, which is a motor
itself. The mind is there for communicating the essence of what it is to be hu-
man. That is what the mind is for. This is why it has the capacity to look at it
this way or that way simultaneously. Sacral people can have a deep experience
with the mind. When they respond, the mind picks up their response. When a
sacral person is asked: "Would you like to go out for lunch?" and they make
"ahunh", their mind picks up that yes and says: "I would like to have Italian

When that sacral being responds "Unun" to that very question ten minutes later,
the mind picks it up and says: "I want to stay at home, because..."When you
really understand that, you can stop trusting that the mind is telling you what to
do with your life. It is not able to do that. It is only able to tell you what hap-
pened to you in its own subjective way. You can only tell other people what you
think happened to you. It is not there to guide you in this life; it can’t, because
it is always on the other side. Any decision that you make on the mental plane

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that you turn into activity, you are going to live with for the rest of your life and
you are always going from one side to the other and it will never be satisfying,
because your mind can’t let go off the other side. It is always there. Did I do the
right thing? Did I do the wrong thing? All of this can turn into the pain of what
the mind can be.

Design shows us that it is very difficult to turn the mind into activity. The mind
cannot tell you what is right for you, whether you have it defined or not. It
makes no difference. You can rely on the mind to be of value to others. It is a
tool of communication for you to find out for yourself what you experienced.
The living on the material plane - the theme of the ego- has nothing to do with
the mind. The mind is simply there to set up a perspective, to look at both sides
of a thing but it cannot say which side is better. Its job is doing the research.

The Awareness: Anxiety

The fear in the ajna center is called anxiety. It is the anxiety of not being able
to understand or make sense or to know what it is to be here in the world. It is
the anxiety of not being understood, of not being able to communicate with
clarity. Whenever communication fails, anxiety comes to the surface and leads
to problems.

The Anxieties of the Ajna


47 24 4 47 - Futility
24 - Ignorance
17 11 4 - Chaos
11 - Darkness
43 - Rejection
43 17 - Challenge

The Three Mental Processes

The mind has three ways to operate. Two of them are visual and the other is
acoustic. The visual processing of mental information is logical and abstract.
Logic is about understanding a pattern and projecting it into the future and the
abstract is about making sense of what happened in the past.

The acoustic mental process is very difficult. It is about finding a rationale for a
unique awareness.

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In the splenic center the most important sense is the smell. In the ajna center,
the visual sense is what matters. We have two visual processes and thus the
eyes become important, because we take in information through the eyes. The
acoustic process tries to give a sound a rational form.



People with undefined ajna centers collect information, books, teachers, and
pictures. Even if their collection is complete, it never gives them a sense of
peace. They are very vulnerable to mental anxiety, because they have no way of
fixing their mental process. All of their conceptualizing is conditioned.

If you have an undefined mind and you sit in a cafe and behind you there is a
person with a defined mind who is dreaming about going to Paris to have a nice
vacation. Because you sit in their aura, you pick up the mental desire to have
some days off without even knowing the person. Then you will get up, go to a
travel agency, book a vacation and leave.

When you arrive at your destination, everything goes wrong, the place is lousy,
the weather is awful, while you are there you have no idea what you should do
there and why you wanted to take a vacation. Be careful with an undefined
mind and do not take somebody else’s vacation.

Because of the dominant role of the mind, undefined ajna centers can be deeply
conditioned in their thinking process when defined minds impose their opinions,
ideas or insights on them.

When the undefined ajna center does not identify with their mind anymore,
they become mind readers. When they sit with people and just silently watch

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what their mind does. Whatever crosses their mind, someone in a group is going
to say it. The undefined ajna center just processes mental information.

They can always tell whether someone is mentally clear or confused. Their role
is to share the different ways of thinking with others. They can be totally free of
prejudice and mental judgment. They are able to work their way through men-
tal information given to them. The mentally open person can know the other
through taking in their mental field.



Somebody with a defined ajna center has a fixed way of thinking. It is reliable
and trustworthy for them but it is one narrow line. They only know one mentally
fixed way and there is nothing else. The defined ajna center being can only be
that fixed mental way and has to understand that the role of the mind is to
communicate with each other. If they give their mind authority, they will suffer
the same disappointment and frustration of the undefined ajna center. In De-
sign, the mind has no Inner Authority.

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1. The solar plexus center will eventually be our third awareness, our spirit
2. In our evolutionary step, we deal with the solar plexus center as a powerful
3. Its frequency is the wave and its fears come out as nervousness.
4. The undefined solar plexus center has to avoid emotional decisions.
5. The themes of the solar plexus center: feelings, emotions, and sensitivity.
6. The function of the solar plexus: emotional clarity, emotional well being.
7. The defined solar plexus center is always the authority: No truth in the now.
Wait out the wave.
8. Biologically, it relates to the kidneys, the prostate, the pancreas and the
nervous system.
The solar plexus center will be our third awareness center some time in the fu-
ture. First and foremost, the solar plexus center is a very powerful motor. The-
matically, the solar plexus center is about feelings, emotions and sensitivity.

Historical Background
The solar plexus center began to evolve as our third awareness center some
time between the birth of Buddha and Jesus. We are at the beginning of discov-
ering what emotional awareness is. It will still take a long time until emotional
awareness, until spirit consciousness, will emerge.

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Spirit awareness will be something very special, because it can never be within
one person. You cannot have it for yourself. Spirit consciousness emerges when
two emotional people step into each other’s aura and their emotional waves
interact with each other. The field where their waves are in resonance that is
where spirit consciousness is possible. We have no idea what that will be like.
We cannot imagine how it feels to share a consciousness with somebody outside
of our body.

The spirit will evolve when our mental process comes to an end. That means
that people have to understand who they are. As long as human beings do not
accept who they are, their mind will not let go, because its frequency is over all
time. Spirit consciousness is where our future lies and we can help to plant the
seed. Our evolutionary step is about dealing with the solar plexus center as a
powerful motor and understanding its way of operating.

Biologically, the solar plexus center relates to the kidneys, the pancreas, the
prostate and the nervous system. Someone who can’t let go off emotional prob-
lems is likely to suffer from water retentions in the body.

The Frequency: The Wave

The frequency of the solar plexus center is neither operating in the now nor
does it operate over all time. It operates in a wave. The solar plexus center re-
leases a wave pattern that we experience as a cycle from hope to pain, from

Hope Hope

The Collective Emotional Wave



Hope Hope
The Tribal Emotional Wave The Individual Emotional Wave
Crash Pulse


expectation to disappointment, from joy to despair and back again. Our evolu-
tionary step is about recognizing the wave pattern, accepting it and eventually

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transcending it. This is laying the foundation for spirit to emerge. Understanding
the frequency of the emotional motor is a prerequisite for creating emotional

The most important knowledge in this time is to explain the nature of the emo-
tional system to people so that the planet can find inner peace. When this
knowledge is spread and people start being aware of their emotional wave, the
whole vibration of the earth will change.

The Awareness: Nervousness

The fear in the solar plexus center is experienced in nervousness.

Solar Plexus

36 36 - Inadequacy
22 22 - Silence
37 37 - Tradition
6 6 - Intimacy
49 - Nature
49 55 - Emptiness
30 30 - Fate

Solar Plexus

The fears are very powerful because of the very nature of the solar plexus. They
are not fears that are static; they are operating in waves, which means they can
disappear, high on the wave and they can reoccur, coming back as the wave
drops. Solar plexus fears are the kind of fears where mountains can become
molehills and molehills can become mountains. They are all connected to the
nature of the wave.

It also means that solar plexus fears are the least trustworthy in the moment
and that hey will be trustworthy in the long run. Dealing with the emotional sys-
tem means that there is no truth in the now and that everything has to wait
out the wave. Emotional fears are fears that can only be truly dealt with, once
the being has moved through their wave and are clear about the nature of what
the fear is for them.

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Solar Plexus

People with undefined emotional systems are the great victims on this planet.
They tend to be very chaotic and very disturbed because all of their life they
have been out of emotional control. They suffer from emotional instability, they
suffer from the fear of being rejected, because they took in and reflected back
the chaotic emotional waves of others and were punished for that. Emotionally
undefined people can be very disturbed because of the enormous pain they
store in their emotional system and they are not equipped to handle that. They
are the most vulnerable in the world.

In the solar plexus center, we find guilt, blame and shame and the emotionally
undefined took that in and it is not theirs. They are not genetically designed to
handle these emotional burdens, because they do not belong to them. They try
to get rid of them in seeking out therapeutic help.

When they understand their mechanics, it is really a relief for them, because
due to their emotions changing all the time, from being calm to being furious,
from being happy to being totally depressed depending on who is in their aura
they thought that there was something wrong with them. Just seeing their me-
chanics takes an enormous burden off their shoulders. Emotionally open people
can be totally cool, when they are on their own and they need time to be alone
to clean out emotional conditioning. Through the mechanics they learn that
they can never make an emotional decision. Whenever they feel uncomfortable
in the aura of someone, they just have to go away and be on their own.

We cannot escape emotional conditioning and undefined emotional people know

that apart from pain there is also pleasure in meeting emotionally defined peo-
ple. The pleasures of the solar plexus center are sexuality, food, passion, ex-

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citement, romance, and music. The solar plexus center is about life quality and
that is what they also have access to.

The undefined solar plexus center is a barometer of the emotional health of oth-
ers and they are the ones who can ultimately tell us whether the emotionally
defined made any progress in learning to be patient.


Solar Plexus

When the solar plexus center is defined, the wave from hope to pain is always
operating. The key is waiting out the wave. The fundamental theme for these
people is patience. When they are emotionally excited and full of hope, they
have to wait out the whole span of the wave, before they make a decision. They
have to understand that hope is only an energy and not an awareness. When
they are emotionally depressed and full of pain, they have to wait out the wave
before making any decision. Also pain is just an energy and not an awareness.

Whenever the solar plexus is defined, that is the reliable place for your yes and
no, that is your authority. For the emotionally defined people the authority is:
no truth in the now, wait out the wave before any decision making is made.
Emotionally defined people have to understand they can never know the truth.
It is not fixed for them. Decision making and wisdom about what is correct for
them in their lives takes a long time. It is about waiting. It is about patience.

In order to find any kind of emotional clarity they have to wait for three oppor-
tunities at least. Emotional clarity is not a certainty. The splenic system is an
absolute. It says yes or no in the now, the mind is totally subjective. It is there
over all time. But the solar plexus system is relative according to the wave.
There is no guarantee in emotional clarity. What you can do is to wait things out
so that you can really have a sense emotionally of whether something is correct

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or not. Emotionally defined people have to understand that they are not dealing
with awareness. They deal with this powerful emotional motor and they have to
learn to be very patient. Patience is the key to emotional stability.

Defined solar plexus centers need to be with people who recognize their nature
and understand their wave pattern. Anybody who is close to them has to accept
them when they are up and when they are down. Emotional people have to be
careful taking people into their life. If they want to make new friends or find a
partner, they can never trust a spontaneous coming together. They better meet
these people at least three times to find out how they feel about them and how
the other reacts to their wave.

Emotionally defined people have to know that they are responsible for the emo-
tional environment, they color it. They have to see that they can make others
instantly uncomfortable, simply by changing the way they feel inside. When
they go out into the world and feel good, everybody is feeling better about
them. It is a dangerous thing.

If you are emotional and you feel good about somebody, they feel twice as good
about you and that can be very misleading especially when you meet them again
and your wave has shifted. The other person always mirrors what the emotion-
ally defined send out. If the emotionally defined take that personal, they can
get very hurt and come to the conclusion that the other rejects them. Anybody
who is emotionally defined has to understand that they can have access to their
emotions through the other, that the other gives them the opportunity to see
where they are in their wave.

When the emotionally defined understand how their emotional impact on others
is, they treat others with more care and they stop doing harm to undefined
emotional people. They stop punishing undefined emotional people who inno-
cently mirror their emotional wave.

When the solar plexus center is connected to the throat, the emotions can mani-
fest in language and in action. This is the most volatile and chaotic design.
When the solar plexus is connected to the sacral, the emotions come out in re-
sponse as sounds like growls, sighs, groans. When the solar plexus is connected
to the root, the emotions are under enormous pressure and they can only be
accessed through transits or other people.

Emotional Mechanics
By explaining the mechanics there is the assumption that something can be
done. That is not true. Knowing how the emotions work does not give you any
power. You can recognize through the mechanics that being emotional is part of
your experience in this life, but this does not give you any advantage. Knowl-
edge is not power. The emotional wave cannot be controlled. It is in inner

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chemistry. There is nothing you can do to influence the wave pattern. The emo-
tions are not meant to be controlled. They are meant to be clear and clarity
comes through waiting.

The only thing you can do is to watch the wave going up and sliding down. Being
aware opens up the opportunity for a different form of experience because it
eliminates the identification with the experience. The awareness for emotional
people that the high end of the wave becomes a low end, enables them not to
identify with the hope and pain peaks anymore. Awareness can help to accept
the wave pattern as something natural.

Most emotional people have a lifetime of fighting the low end of the wave, hat-
ing it and turning everybody against them at the low end and thinking that there
is something wrong with them. They are desperate to find the high end of the
wave and feel like a failure when they notice that the low end of the wave
keeps coming back. It is really a blessing to recognize that this is only a mecha-
nism that has to be understood and surrendered to.

The high end or the low end of the wave can be beautiful in the sense that it
does not disturb one’s inner peace, one’s inner tranquility. That is what aware-
ness is for. Awareness is not about giving tranquility to your nervous system. We
are alive and this nervousness drives us. This tranquility is deeper. It is deep
inside and it is about knowing how one’s vehicle works. There is nothing else to
that. If you accept how your vehicle works, there is tranquility inside.

If emotional people go through the whole spectrum of their wave, their knowl-
edge is very deep, because it includes all the single perceptions at the different
points in the wave. It is like being a photographer who has to understand the
nature of a flower. The splenic photographer goes out and takes one picture
spontaneously. For the emotional person, one picture is never enough. They
take a whole serious of pictures of that flower the whole day long, changing the
light, the perspective, the camera. They know how the flower looks like in the
morning and can tell the difference to how it looks like when the sun sets. They
know the fragrance of the flower, they touched it. They know how it looks when
it is moved by the wind.

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1. The G Center has two themes: love and direction

2. Its biological attributes are the liver and the blood.
3. The G Center hexagrams are all equal distance to each other. (45 degrees)
4. The defined G Center has a fixed identity and they have a fixed way of ex-
periencing their self.
5. The undefined G Center experiences love and direction through the condi-
tioning of defined G Centers.
6. The mantra of the undefined G Center: if you are in the wrong place, you are
with the wrong people.
The G Center is the center of our identity. This center is where the magnetic
monopole sits which has two functions: it holds us together in the illusion of our
separateness and it keeps on pulling and in this sense it is about love.

In design, we distinguish different forms of love. We have the love that comes
out of the self, there is sexual love and love that comes through attraction when
people meet each other in a channel. This is called electro-magnetic love. In
the G Center, we have the theme of love of the self. This love pulls everything
into its oneness again. The second function of the magnetic monopole is that it
gives us our trajectory in life, our movement in space. The nature of our iden-
tity is about love in movement.

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74 Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000


The eight hexagrams of the G Center form two giant crosses in the zodiac. One
of these crosses is called the vessel of love (10,15, 25,46) and the other cross is
the cross of the sphinx (1,2,7,13). The names of these crosses show us the
themes of this center, the vessel of love is about love and the sphinx is about
direction. Love of the Self or Not
The Cross of
The Vessel of Love

Universal Love or Not Love of the Body or Not

Love of Humanity or Not

The cross of the vessel of love represents four archetypes of the love of the self.

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The cross of the sphinx represents the four archetypes of direction. Its name is
based on the ancient astrological references of the sphinx: man (13) lion (7), the
bull (2) and the ancient sign for Scorpio, the eagle (1).

The Cross of The Sphinx

Direction looking Back Place in the Now

Direction Direction looking Forward

These two crosses are very magical. They are exactly equal in their distance to
each other. In order to get from one G Center hexagram to the next it will take
8 steps. This is based on the fact that the Chinese broke up the I-Ching into 8
groups which they called houses. Every house consists of eight different hexa-
grams. The way to understand this as a house is, if you look carefully you will
see that the bottom trigram is always the same in a house. All eight hexagrams,
which belong to one house, have the same foundation, because the bottom tri-
gram is the same.

The magic of the G Center still goes further. If you look at the 1st and the 2nd
hexagrams, they are exact mirrors of each other. The first hexagram is all yang.
The second hexagram is all yin. No matter where you look in the wheel, what-
ever is on the other side is its mirror. Wherever you look in the wheel, the dual-
ity is always built in.

The hexagrams of the vessel are cusp hexagrams, which means that they are the
points where two signs meet. The 25th hexagram is partly in Pisces and partly in
Aries. The 4 hexagrams of this cross cover eight zodiacal signs. The cross of the
sphinx includes the other 4 remaining zodiacal signs.

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76 Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000

The G Center hexagrams have contact to all eight houses. They represent the
lead hexagram of each of the eight houses of the I-Ching and they are also di-
rectly connected to all 12 signs of the zodiac. They are the macrocosm that be-
comes the microcosm in us. The G Center is where everything flows inward to
the magnetic monopole, which is the core of love that sits inside of us.

The hexagrams of the cross of the vessel of love mark the beginning of the four

The spring equinox is when the sun is in the 25th hexagram on March 21st. The
summer solstice is when the sun is in the 15th hexagram on the 21st of June.
The autumn equinox is when the sun is the 46th hexagram on September 21st
and the winter begins when the sun enters into the 10th hexagram on December

Biological Relationship
Biologically, the G Center relates to the liver and to the blood. We know that
alcohol is destructive for the liver and thus it is destructive for the self. It de-
stroys people’s identity. Liver cells once damaged cannot be replaced. There is
a great tradition in stating the spiritual nature of the liver, which has its root in
ancient Indo-European ideas about the importance of the liver. Reincarnation is
supposed to take place through the liver. In Human Design terms, this is right
because the magnetic monopole is responsible for our incarnating. It takes us in
and out.

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Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000 77


G Center

The undefined G Center people have no fixed sense of identity. They have to
understand that there is nothing wrong with having no fixed identity. Their role
in this life is about not having a fixed identity. That is not a handicap. The man-
tra for these people is: if you are in the wrong place, you are with the wrong
people. People with open G Centers who are not aware of their mechanics al-
ways look for what they cannot hold on to, love and direction. They can be very
uncomfortable with the fact that love and direction for them comes and goes. It
can make them very unhappy and leave them with a sense of feeling lost. They
have times in their lives when they know where to go and other times where
they don’t. It is so important to understand that that does not mean that they
cannot love and they cannot know where they are going.

Undefined G Centers have to see the beauty of their mechanics. Everybody who
has a defined G Center is their servant and shows where everything is, takes
them to important people, places or jobs. The advantage of the undefined
G Center people is that they don’t have to find anything themselves. That is a
wonderful thing. Knowing the mechanic will change their life.

Instead of feeling lost, the open G Center people can enjoy what is shown to
them, they can enjoy the places they are brought to, they can take advantage
of the guidance of others. They are guided by the defined G Centers. If unde-
fined G Centers are looking for a new place to live, they should call their friends
or agencies and tell them. Then they wait and experience what others have se-
lected for them. If they go and see these places, they know exactly, which one
is for them. They feel it.

If someone has found the right flat for them, they have to understand that they
don’t have to marry these people and they do not owe them anything. They

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78 Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000
don’t have to become their partner or friend and there is no reason to hold on
to them just because they were of service. The undefined G Center person ei-
ther pays them for their service or if they are their friends they just thank
them. This is the way the open G Center loses its vulnerability. If they try to
locate their own flat, try to find their direction themselves, they are always
vulnerable. That is not going to work for them.

Open G Centers meet all kinds of love in their lives and they have to recognize
which one is for them. It has to be offered to them. The moment they have it
offered to them, they know which one is for them. It takes a kind of patience
that is different from patience in the solar plexus center. It is the patience that
comes out of accepting one’s nature. Undefined G Centers have to understand
that they are never going to have a fixed identity in their life. That does not
matter. It does not make any difference. Having an undefined G Center is just
another aspect of what it is to be a human being and it means not initiating.

The undefined G Centers can tell us what love and direction is, because they
can take in all the possibilities of love and they can experience all the different


G Center

People with a defined G Center have a fixed identity. They have a fixed poten-
tial for love and/or direction they have to trust. If someone has their identity
defined through the channel 46/29, through the channel of discovery, they have
to discover what life is, otherwise they cannot live out their identity and they
cannot feel fulfilled.

The defined G Center always chases after the undefined G Center because the
defined G is looking for itself. It is fundamentally narcissistic. In that sense, it is

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Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000 79
looking for somebody just like them, somebody who has their kind of morality,
values, and culture. When the defined G meets the undefined G, they get back
the mirror of themselves and say: "They are just like me. I feel terrific." The
thing to recognize is that the most common relationships are relationships be-
tween a defined G and an undefined G. This is just the basic law of being at-
tracted to what you are not. So there are an incredible number of defined
G/undefined G relationships in the world.

Now it is the defined G that is always looking for its mirror and it is the unde-
fined G, in their wisdom, that have to recognize whether that is a reflection
they can live with, whether that reflection within the context of that relation-
ship is what they are ready to accept in their lives. Is it a good restaurant? Wait
and see. Check it out but always remember the formula: If you are in the wrong
place, you are with the wrong people. If the defined G meets the undefined G,
it automatically is attracted to that, because there is this illusion of "you are
just like me". That is why the restaurant is so important. You are just like me so
you like exactly what I like, so I will take you to my favorite restaurant and I
will play my favorite music on the way. If you like all that, I know that you are
just like me. And it is up to the undefined G whether or not that is true. In the
end, a defined G, when it does not work, always says the same thing: "They
were not like me" and the undefined self says: "I don’t want to be like that."

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80 Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000


According to statistics, the human population is estimated to be around 6 billion

people. There are only four different types of people in the world regardless of
our image of complexity. Despite the fact that each type has millions of differ-
ent variations, it is classified by a very simple pattern to understand and an easy
strategy to follow. The four types in humanity are manifestors, generators, pro-
jectors and reflectors and each of them has a specific pattern and strategy.

Type is the most important aspect in Human Design. If you know your type, you
can start the process of finding your own nature and thus you have a tool to ac-
cept yourself and to recognize your values. Living your type is the release of
who you are. It is like a user's manual that allows you to live who you were born
to be.

Basically, you only need to know your type and if you just follow its rules, you
can be healthy and life unfolds for you. All you need to do is to experiment with
the pattern and the strategy of your type. Experimentation is something that
relieves you from trusting in something. You test it for yourself and you find out
whether it's valid. has a service on its website where
you can order your personal Design with Type and strategy for free. It is called
"the key is free".


Manifestor Generator Manifesting Gen- Projector Reflector

Type is derived from definition in the Body Graph. For the classification of type,
the throat center and the sacral center play key roles. The presence of the
throat center or the sacral center determines to which group the type belongs.
There are two possibilities: energy types and non-energy types. In order to be
an energy type a defined sacral center and/or a motor center connected to the
throat is required. Remember the four motors are the sacral center (the primary
life force energy), the heart center (the ego, will power), the root center (the
adrenal pressure) and the solar plexus center (the emotional system).

The two energy types are the manifestor and the generator. The non-energy
types - the projector and the reflector - have configurations where neither the

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throat center nor the sacral center are defined or where the sacral is undefined
and the throat is connected to a non-motor. Those types do not have access to
generation and manifestation. They can only get to generation or manifestation
through others and therefore one major law for these types is to recognize
whom they allow access to their aura.

Type in Human Design has nothing to do with psychology or personality types.

Our type structure is about body types; genetic types and they determine our
health, our sexuality, our relationships and our dream life. Our type structure
establishes the genetic order of the totality.

We will discuss each type covering different subjects: Technical Definition, Gift
and Handicap, Strategy, Relationship, An individual Example, Role in History,
Metaphor, and Some famous Participants.

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82 Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000


Technical Definition
If someone has the throat center connected to at least one of three of the
body's motors by continuous definition, this is of a manifestor. A manifestor ei-
ther has the heart center, the solar plexus center or the root center connected
to the throat and the sacral center, the fourth motor, has to be open. The mani-
festor is quite rare in the population. 8% of the world's population are mani-


The energy type that everybody dreams of being is the manifestor because this
energy type can do what they say they will do. They are the only doers in soci-
ety. Their special gift is to act independently without waiting. They get things
done without interacting with other people. Therefore, the manifestor is uncon-
trollable. Their throat is connected to a motor and thus they can just go right
ahead and do. They don't need other people to get things done.

A manifestor looks good to everybody and everybody wants to be like them, in-
dependent doers. Their gift becomes their handicap, because society does not

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like anything that is independent and uncontrollable. So, society will do every-
thing in their power to control manifestors. The concept is that everybody has
to depend on everybody else and there are no exceptions to the rule and thus
manifestors are not permitted to do what they like. Depending on the condition-
ing of manifestors, they will either go and act out against society or they are
going to crumble under the control of others in fear of being punished.

Manifestors are unpredictable and they have the reputation of being a threat to
order and stability. They are desperately alone in this life and they reason out
that they don't need others and that therefore others don't need them.

Let's first talk about how manifestor children are treated by their parents. The
parents of manifestor children are often stressed, because their children are
uncontrollable. What happens to these children is that they get controlled. They
are doers and are constantly told by their parents to seek permission: "Don't go
outside and play". This is how their self-esteem slowly gets destroyed. They feel
deeply restricted and reply: "I don't need you to take me outside. I don't need
you to open the door for me. I don't need you to play with me. Why do I have to
ask you?"

They are raised in chains and grow up being angry, because they constantly
meet restraint and they are constantly controlled. They desperately fight
against being denied action. Parents should treat their manifestor children with
respect in the sense that they have to give them reasons why they don't allow
them to do what they want to do. Parents should teach their children manners
and courteous behavior, because this is the way they can protect their children
from being hurt and punished later in their lives.

Already in childhood, manifestors have the experience that they are not allowed
to be who they are. When you see the design of a manifestor, you know that as
a child they were constantly being restricted and punished.

When we talk about strategy in Human Design, we mean a way of behaving to
eliminate resistance and to support the process of becoming oneself. The strat-
egy is not a philosophy; it is just the way your vehicle works genetically. If you
don't live your strategy, you are unfulfilled and you find no peace.

The manifestor's strategy is different according to their age. As a child, they

should be guided to ask permission and as an adult they have to inform others
before they act. That is their rule. This is their way to eliminate resistance in
their lives and to protect themselves. When they obey that law, they will easily
see that their actions no longer get resisted but supported by those around
them. It is very simple but it takes the courage and the determination to ex-
periment. But remember, it is never too late to start to be who you really are.

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84 Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000
When you start living your type, you will see how rewarding that will be. You
discover something inside of you that was hidden due to conditioning. You get in
touch with the part of you that always knew what was correct for you or not.
You find that place again inside of you that you can trust to say yes or no to
whatever you meet in this life. The strategy is a way to discover your unique-
ness and to stop comparing yourself to others. Strategy is the tool for you to
find out that it is okay to simply be who you are. Your inner essence will come
up and you know what your purpose is in this life, because it simply unfolds
when you live your strategy.

For every type, there is an emotional version. The emotional manifestor type is
different from the non-emotional type. It is not simply a question for them to
inform, it is a question of waiting through the wave before they know when,
why and whom they should inform about what. The defined solar plexus is al-
ways where the reliable yes or no is. So the emotional manifestor can’t just do,
because there is no truth in the now for them, and it is a burden for them to
hold back the emotional energy and wait.

Each type has a special question. The manifestor's question is "Will I be an-
swered?" As doers, they don' t need anybody to act and therefore they are
deeply reluctant to ask others. They find out that when they inform, they give
power to the other and they may not like it, so they end up doing and taking.
Asking others makes them very angry, because they feel deeply restricted and
controlled. Most manifestors never learn how to ask or how to inform so they
end up being punished. If you have a manifestor sitting beside you, you know
that they have been punished for doing and taking and you know that they are
deeply unhappy because their actions always bring resistance.

Manifestors are able to do what they want to do and this is how they behave
when it comes to relationships. "You are mine. I am taking you." Manifestors
that simply take someone into their relationship without informing beforehand,
get punished in that relationship. If they do not enter into a relationship cor-
rectly, the relationship begins to deteriorate; the manifestors suffer from anger
and can end up being very violent in their relationships. They need to be cour-
teous and tell the other. It is the hardest thing in the world for manifestors to
tell somebody that they want them. It makes them angry just to think about it.
"Why do I have to tell her? Doesn't she know? Doesn't she see it?" The correct
way for a manifestor to go into a relationship is that they have to tell the other
that they want to be with them. The manifestors really have to swallow their
fear and that anger inside of them that they can't just take what they want to
take. Then they have to deal with "Will I be answered positively?" If they tell the
other, the other may refuse to be with them. Manifestors who don't ask, don't

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Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000 85
have good relationships, don't have good sex, don't have good jobs, don't have a
good life and they are full of anger.

Let's take an example. A manifestor is sitting with his partner and they watch
TV. The manifestor is a smoker, he needs cigarettes and according to his nature,
he simply goes out to get a package. He leaves, closes the door. The partner
starts to resist that immediately and is getting angry, because the partner
knows that the manifestor is unpredictable. Questions like: "Will he come back?
Where is he going? Why didn't he tell me? Is he hiding something?" arise.

While the manifestor is out, the anger in the partner is boiling and when the
manifestor returns ten minutes later, happy to enjoy TV again, a storm of anger
comes down on him. "Where have you been? Why did you do that?" and the rela-
tionship is full of tension all of a sudden. The manifestor feels controlled and
gets angry too and he has no way of understanding that his partner turns that
minor incident into such a drama. Just informing his partner: "I'll be out for ten
minutes to get some cigarettes" would have eliminated all that resistance and
saved the evening.

When emotional manifestors want to start a relationship, they have to wait be-
fore they tell the other. Waiting becomes exceedingly difficult for emotional
people. They cannot ask the other unless they are emotionally clear. To be able
to hold their tongue and resist the temptation is quite a task for a manifestor.
What usually happens to the emotional manifestor - because they are the most
volatile of manifestors - is that the moment they rise up on their wave, it is very
easy for them to tell somebody that they want them. It will rarely if ever work.

They have to wait out the whole span of the wave. An emotional manifestor
can't have any hope of finding a correct relationship, unless they go in correctly
which means that they have to follow the law of their type and if they are emo-
tionally defined, they have to wait out the wave before they inform the other.

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86 Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000
An Individual Example: Ra Uru Hu

Ra Uru Hu is a manifestor, because he has the heart center connected to the

throat by continuous definition. He manifests out of his ego, he acts out of will-
power. He is a single definition doer, because there is a continuous flow of en-
ergy, all the definitions are linked to each other.

For him, getting things done was never a problem. He got a solid and profound
education and did a lot of different things in his life: he worked as an educator
in art and science; as a entrepreneur, magazine publisher, advertising executive
and media producer; as an artist, poet, writer and storyteller, musician, com-
poser and performer; as a thinker, traveler and explorer.

Manifestors are uncontrollable, but that is not always true, because human be-
ings, as we have learned, live out what they are not. So Ra did not experience
his strength as a manifestor, because he lived out what he had undefined. He
spent the majority of his life not knowing why he was the way he was. Before
coming into contact with Human Design, he described himself as a very arro-
gant, self-concerned and self-possessed man. It was very easy for him to be like
that because of his manifestor structure. He never informed anybody of what he
wanted to do. He left his family without telling them where he was going. He
had the ability to do but he didn't do what he liked. Most of what he did was
tainted with guilt, blame and shame and the expectation of others.

Ignorant of his mechanics, Ra lived out his three undefined motors. The unde-
fined root center brought him in front of audiences to get an adrenaline rush.
The undefined sacral center led him into many partnerships and affairs and the
undefined solar plexus center brought him a chaotic emotional life.

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Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000 87
When you are looking at the design of a manifestor, you do not see strength,
because people live out what they are not and therefore they are weak. Ra was
weak, because he gave authority to his solar plexus center and made emotional
decisions. When he obviously saw that it brought him chaos and suffering, he
tried the mind as authority but his mind is unconscious, it is a tunnel, and he
had no access to it. It was not reliable. Then he tried sexual, adrenaline, inspi-
ration authority with the same result.

He ignored his real authority, his splenic system, because he could not hear it.
The intuition that should have guided his life was simply overpowered by the
mind and the emotions. What he experienced often in his life, is that after
things happened he somehow knew it before. Now, he knows that he remem-
bered the warning of his splenic center in those moments.

He has a very powerful health system; the splenic center is connected to the
throat and to a motor. According to him, his strong splenic system made it pos-
sible for him to survive his mystical experience in 1987.

As an undefined emotional person, he hated emotional tension and the low end
of the wave. He experienced that when he stepped away from emotionally tense
people, he felt cool and calm inside. But unaware of his emotional structure, he
drew the conclusion that he just wanted to be happy and if the other could not
keep him happy, he wanted to be left alone. His only emotional theme is the
49th gate, which is unconscious in him, and it is about accepting or rejecting the
needs of others. As soon as somebody connects his emotional system, his emo-
tional reaction is that he either accepts or rejects the other. It is very easy for
him to say yes or no. If he did not like the other emotionally, he said no imme-

Because he had given false authority to the solar plexus center, he rejected
people unclearly. He reflected back the wave of the other through his theme of
acceptance or rejection. When he was in a relationship and his lover was in a
bad mood he would magnify that mood and his theme came out and he said:
"This is it. I’ve had enough. You don't make me happy. I am going."

Ra never lived his life until he had the experience with the voice. Now, he really
lives the life of an uncontrollable manifestor. Before that time, he was con-
trolled by guilt and shame, by people's sexuality, by their adrenaline, all the
themes of his open centers. Now he is who is he. He recognized that he is a
manifestor who has to make spontaneous decisions out of his intuition.

His body consciousness is defined and directly connected to the throat. His in-
tuition operates in the now and he is here to be an existentialist and to make
spontaneous decisions. He follows the strategy and informs people what he in-
tends to do and thus he avoids resistance. After going through his decondition-
ing, he has access to the wisdom in his open centers and he can share his wis-

Basic Concepts Workbook Bettina Mahler Editing and Illustration Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2000
88 Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000
dom with us. Out of his totally undefined sacral center he explains how sexual-
ity functions and out of his undefined emotional center, he tells us about the
wave frequency of the solar plexus system and how to deal with it.

Remember that manifestors are not the uncontrollable, dangerous forces. Look
at their open centers and you know where their weak points are. People are al-
ways the opposite of what you are looking at. A manifestor is somebody who
really suffers from control, somebody who is very unhappy. But nevertheless,
somewhere inside of them, they know their power.

If the manifestor tells others what he is going to do, he can use his power with-
out being constantly threatened. The manifestor has to be given his power to be
uncontrollable. This is their nature and their purpose. Manifestors are in charge
of metamorphosis. Ra, being the first Aquarian teacher, transmits the knowl-
edge of Human Design, brings a totally new synthesis and thus sets the founda-
tion for a new consciousness. His manifesting qualities helped him to spread it in
America, Europe and Asia despite the initial rejection that he met in the begin-
ning of publishing this knowledge.

Role In History
Historically, the role of the manifestor has been the king or the high priest.
They ruled throughout history, because they are the only pure doers and they
have gained all the power and authority. They established what the law has
been about and all spiritual and material hierarchies are a result of their at-
tempt to maintain control and to avoid being challenged. They are the instru-
ments of the Yang/Yang principle. Evolutionarily speaking, the traditional rule
of manifestors ended around 1780 when we went from being a seven center be-
ing to a nine center being.

During this discussion of types, we will use the metaphor of a football team and
we will see what kind of role each type has. The manifestors would be the for-
wards. They are the ones that get things done; they shoot the goals and are the
top-scorers. They are often wild and unpredictable characters, but they are very
talented. They are always in the limelight and attract everybody’s attention.
They have a lot of fans, the audience loves them and the press constantly talks
about them. The price they pay for their popularity is that they are often very
lonely, because others resist their true nature.

Some Famous Manifestors

Adolf Hitler, Johannes Kepler, Helmut Kohl, Elisabeth Kübler Ross, Krishnamurti,
Hermann Hesse, Jack Nicholson, Bruce Springsteen, Mao Zedong

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Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000 89


Generator Manifesting Generator

Technical Definition
The generator is somebody with a defined sacral center. We distinguish between
two kinds of generators: Pure generators and manifesting generators. A pure
generator is someone who has a defined sacral center and either has an unde-
fined throat or the throat connected to a non motor. A manifesting generator
has a defined sacral and a motor connected to the throat. The rule is: when the
sacral center is colored in, we have a generator. The ratio in the population:
37% generators, 33% manifesting generators.


The most common of the energy types is the generator. Generators rule the
world and they are our great workers. Generators have an enormous wealth of
energy and power but they cannot use it directly. The generator's portal to their
power is response. There is nothing more powerful than a generator who acts
out of response. Their great gift is that they are like magical black holes attract-
ing everybody to them. The sacral center is the energy of life and generators
pull everybody to that energy. When a generator is waiting, they are like a mag-
net. People will come to them and ask them, because that is what the generator
is designed for in this life. When you ask a generator, you might open up your-
self to refusal, to denial. Generators have great power when they live out their

Basic Concepts Workbook Bettina Mahler Editing and Illustration Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2000
90 Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000
They are like the priestesses of Delphi, you have to come to them and ask, oth-
erwise they give you nothing. Generators are here to recognize that life happens
and if they wait, they live in perfection, because they respond to life.

The handicap of generators is that they lack patience and jump into action.
They do not wait to respond, because they don't know that they have the ge-
netic capacity to attract others and because they are so afraid that nobody will
ask them or that nobody will ask them what they want to be asked. When gen-
erators are not asked, they know nothing. Generators are the type that know
the least about themselves, because they can only know what is right or wrong,
what their values in life are, when they are asked.

They have never eaten what is correct for them. They have never made love to
somebody who is there for them. They never have had a job in their life that
was their job. They have no idea who they are and they are frustrated because
they are conditioned to be manifestors, but they can't go through life saying:
"This is right and I will go ahead and do it." Instead of being receptive, genera-
tors are running around pretending to be manifestors and they find out that
nothing works. They see that nothing happens and they are deeply unhappy and

The sacral center expresses anything connected to it and for generators their
yes or no, when it comes to decisions, has to come out of the connection to the
sacral center. What is connected to the sacral center will speak their truth.
Generators who have the sacral connected to the splenic center, have their au-
thority, their yes or no when it comes to decisions, in the splenic center.

When they are asked, their immune system is going to speak and tell them
whether what they are asked is healthy for them or not. The well-being has the
authority and it speaks through the sacral. For these generators anything that
matters comes out of this sacral response and the authority in this case is the
splenic center. When you look at the Body Graph, you see that aside from the
splenic center, the sacral center can be connected to the G Center, to the root
center and to the solar plexus center.

The generator's question is: "Will I be asked?" If generators can't wait to be

asked, they can never respond and thus have no power and live out their life
frustrated. Generators get frustrated because they do not want to wait to re-
spond. They do not think that they will be asked the right questions. If you are a
generator, you have the easiest opportunity to become awake of all the types.
Your path to enlightenment is very simple. All you have to do is respond. Noth-
ing else. If you live that, you will actually see what is for you and who is for you
and why it is for you. It is so easy but very difficult to live due to the fear of not
being asked.

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So think about the generator child. It needs to be asked and all parents want
their children to learn how they can go and get what they want. Parents do not
ask their generator children, they tell them: "Clean up your room. Do your

Generator children are not asked and because of that they are forced to do
things and get frustrated. Whenever you see a generator, you know that the
theme of their life is frustration. Because the parents don't know that their chil-
dren are generators, they don't ask them. They do not say: "Will you go and
clean up your room? Would you do that, please?" N-N. Then you can deal with
them. You are going to their nature and you can say: "Yes, look but this has to
be done." When generator children answer with their true voice, they are told
that this is not polite. They are forced to stop making sounds and to articulate
in words. So their doorway to the truth closes and they are cut off from devel-
oping self-esteem and self-love. Parents of generator children have to learn to
respect the sacral sounds of their children.

The most sensitive point of generators is that they are not asked. Human beings
are stuck on the simplest level. If you are a generator and you wait to respond,
you will have your life. When you take into your life what is not you, you take in
diseases and sicknesses that do not belong to you and you are taking medicines
that do not belong to you. If you are a generator and you respond when you get
sick, you will heal yourself, because you will get exactly what belongs to you.
Human beings carry around inside of them everything that does not belong to
them. When the generator does not respond, they get diseases they are not
equipped to handle and they would have never had, if they had just lived out
their simple nature. It is so simple to explain to somebody what the essence is
of being themselves.

When you meet a forty or fifty year old generator, they have no idea who they
are and they are not suddenly changing and becoming people who only respond,
because it is very scary. They are afraid to be themselves and are very uncom-
fortable with the self that they find because they are so used to being the self
that they are not. When you try to be awake and aware, you have to start on
the surface. Seven years of hard work, focused in the process of just being your-
self. It is not an easy business. For example, if you have been a vegetarian, you
might discover in that process that you hear yourself say "hm" when you are
asked: "Do you want a steak?"

The generator's strategy is: don't initiate, wait to respond. Generators should
never take the first step. Action for them always arises out of receptivity. Gen-
erators have to trust in the power of waiting and come to grips with what pa-
tience is. As pure energy beings they are designed to respond to life, because in

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92 Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000
response they are the ones that set the terms. They feel their power and due to
wrong encouragement to manifest and go and get what they want, they worked
very hard without any success and they deeply suffer from frustration. Out of
lifelong frustration they feel inadequate and it is so unbelievable for them that
they are attractive for others. They try over and over again to live the life of a
manifestor and have nothing but failures and still doubt that the correct oppor-
tunities will just come to them, when they simply wait. As energy types, Gen-
erators have to see that their strategy is always at work, 24 hours a day, every
day. Their sacral is the source of life and it responds to life as long as the person
is alive.

Generators are responding to life all the time. They are so afraid that people
won't ask them. But it needn't be a question, they can respond to. It can be the
sound of a dog growling or a bird singing. It can also be the sound of nature it-
self like the sound of rain drops on the window pane or the wind in the leaves of
a tree. It can be responding to people in a conversation. The response can have
the tonal quality of sacral sounds or it is simply a silent response, a feeling in-
side. As long as they do not initiate, they are fine and find what is correct for
them. Generators who experiment with their strategy get immediate rewards
and slowly learn to trust their role in life.

The strategy is the key to eliminating resistance in the life of the different
types. The generator eliminates resistance through waiting to respond. When
generators follow their strategy their tendency to overwork comes into harmony
and balance. They feel their own life power and can share it with others produc-
tively. The strategy enables them to find what is for them in this life and thus
they stop quitting things all the time. If they ignore their strategy, they get
stuck in the wrong careers and the wrong relationships and instead of seeing
their life force generating, they just observe it degenerating into decay.

Emotional generators cannot respond immediately. They have to play hard to

get. When they are asked: "Do you want this job?" and they hear themselves an-
swer: "ahunh" they have to add. "Now, it feels okay, but I have to sleep on it.
Please ask me again next week." This is their correct behavior, because they
cannot know what to generate unless they have gone through their wave. The
emotional generator should get used to saying: "Yes, but..." The laws of the so-
lar plexus center must be obeyed: no truth in the now. Being emotional is not a
burden. It is simply not about spontaneous knowledge. It is a way of hearing,
seeing and learning that takes place over a movement in time. But that full
movement has much greater depth than the fraction of a second that the
splenic system recognizes.

The solar plexus is very profound and what it is teaching you is: your knowledge
arc follows the wave. Before emotional generators are ready to say "ahunh",

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they have to go through the complete arc, because they have to know every-
thing in a much broader span with much more detail.


Both generator types have to wait to respond. The difference between them is:
once they respond, the pure generators go through sacral stages of develop-
ment, i.e. they go through the stuck stages, which are classic for the sacral.
Manifesting generators can go right into the action after their response. Pure
Generators are very likely to get underestimated due to ignorance to the way
the sacral operates whereas manifesting generators do not have that problem.

There is no truth for the generator other than what they can meet out of re-
sponse. Generators can never walk up to somebody and tell them that they want
to be with them. They do not know what to eat, what to wear, where to go,
who to love, what to work at, until they recognize it through their own re-
sponse. The generator is asked by a friend, "Do you like that person?" and they
go "ahunh". It is just as good as that person saying to them: "Do you love me?"
and they go "ahunh", because the clarity of the generator is always coming
through the response.

So in fact the question can be indirect. It can come for someone or somewhere
else. Their lover does not have to say to them "Are you happy in this relation-
ship?" If their friend says to them "How is your relationship?" and they start
groaning, they already heard it. The whole thing about a generator is that they
have to respond and that is their key, but it does not have to be a direct ques-
tion. Generators suffer from frustration and nobody is more frustrated about
their sex life than generators. The classic generator who decides mentally that

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94 Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000
he wants to have a relationship with somebody, ends up being deeply frustrated
because nothing in the relationship works. The first thing to understand about
being a generator is that you cannot enter into a relationship unless you are
asked but you don’t have to be asked directly.

Once they are in that relationship, the generator will need to be asked to re-
spond, but not all the time, only when something radically is wrong or when the
pattern of the relationship changes.

The emotional generator is meant to torment his admirers, because he plays

hard to get. The admirer wants to get access to that generative power and the
pleasure that is in the emotional system. They want the generator to respond
right away and the generator says: "I have to think about it." It is torture to the
admirer but it creates a good tension. When the generator has gone through his
emotional wave and it is clear that he is ready to respond and the admirer calls
again for the tenth time and says: "Would you please go out to dinner with me?"
and you finally go "ahunh" then you can go into that relationship with clarity. So
it is not simply a matter of living out your type in entering into a relationship,
you also have to know where in you that saying yes or no is absolutely correct
for you. For an emotional being yes or no is a question of waiting for emotional
clarity. If you enter into a relationship properly, it simply means that you have
got the right companion, but it does not mean that the relationship lasts for-
ever. It is going to give you an opportunity to see what is there for you in a rela-
tionship and to learn to meet what can be for you.

Let' s say you are a generator with the 42/53, the format energy of the cyclical
process. Somebody comes to you and asks you "you want to go out?" and you go
"ahunh", you entered into it properly and your sacral authority is saying to you:
"Yes, you can enter into this because you can complete the cycle." That may
mean that you will have a relationship that goes through many cycles over many
years. It can also mean that it can last three weeks and it is over and that does
not mean that the relationship was bad. Relationships are intended to begin and
end. Sometimes they only end in death.

If you enter into a relationship correctly, when you leave it, you are not blaming
anyone and you are not carrying any guilt. If you go in correctly, you will go out
correctly. Going out correctly is just as important as being in a relationship.
What happens to human beings is that the not-self’s meet, they do not know
how to really be with each other and if the relationship falls apart due to ten-
sion, it takes them seven years of pain to release these beings from their lives.
If you did not go in properly and you don’t go out properly, you carry a wound
inside of you. That wound conditions you negatively in every other relationship
that you are going to meet. Every time you meet a force in this life, you have to
be yourself. Otherwise you don’t get out of it what belongs to you and you cer-
tainly will not get the pleasure that can come with it.

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An Individual Example: Dalai Lama

When we look at this chart, we see a defined sacral center connected to the
G Center and connected to the root center. The throat is not defined. This is a
pure generator, a single definition generator, because all definitions are linked

We have chosen this chart as an example to give generators a glimpse of what

attraction can be for them and to show them what the mastery of patience can
look like. The Dalai Lama is the perfect example of sacral receptivity.

When we take a look at the definitions, we see the channel of rhythm, the 5/15,
and the channel of mutation, the 3/60, defined and when we keynote his en-
ergy, he is someone who mutates the rhythm of his environment when he re-
sponds. He is a pure generator in the now. There is no defined solar plexus cen-
ter; there is no need to wait for the wave. When he is asked, he can answer
spontaneously and he hears his truth out of his sacral response. His truth speaks
for his identity, the G Center, and for his drive to act, the root center.

The moment he is being asked something and his sacral sound is agreeing, his
identity has decided that he can be in the flow and his root center has agreed to
enter into a mutative process. When his sacral disagrees, there is no mutation.
His mind, his spleen and his emotions do not understand that. But that is his au-
thority: his sacral response. What he does out of sacral response is mutative and
he indeed is a mutative force in his effort to support international understand-
ing. He also mutated the Buddhist tradition in changing the strict rituals and in
opening up the way for a female follower of Buddha. Thus he improved the posi-
tion of women in Tibetan Buddhism.

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96 Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000
Dalai Lama is a title, the highest authority of Tibetan Buddhism. His real name is
Tenzin Gyatso and he was officially chosen to be the XIV. Dalai Lama when he
was four years old. The final proof for the delegation in search, that he was the
Dalai Lama, was the result of a test. They gave him two drums, two rosaries and
two walking sticks and immediately he chose the ones that belonged to the XIII.
Dalai Lama and this mutated his life.

Everything in the Dalai Lama's life is about identity and the pressure to act. It is
all about whether or not he can be identical with his actions. That is the trait he
is famous for. The G Center, as we learned, is about direction and love. The
channel 15/5 belongs to the love aspects in the G Center and in the 15th gate is
the love of humanity and Dalai Lama is an archetype of that energy. He says
about himself that sympathy has always been a trait of his character. As a small
child he felt sympathy for suffering animals and when he saw children fighting
with each other, he interfered and helped the weak.

His ability is to see what friends and enemies have in common. According to
him, all human beings share the natural and instinctive drive to be happy and
not to suffer. For his extraordinary humanity he received the Nobel peace price
in 1989. His personal destiny made him verify that trait. He is the leader of Ti-
bet. His country and its culture were destroyed by the Chinese and he lives in
exile in India and up to now has had no chance to ever return to Tibet. He wit-
nessed a lot of suffering during the war and took care of the misery of the refu-

An open ajna center is a sign of an intellect. Studying was one of his major oc-
cupations. When he was six years old, he began to study the classical disciplines
like drama, art, music, astrology, poetry and writing and later healing, Sanskrit,
dialectics and metaphysics were included in his studies. He was trained in mem-
ory techniques very early. Later he got into studying the teachings of the differ-
ent Dalai Lamas. When he was 11, he had the opportunity to open himself to the

The Austrian writer, Heinrich Harrer, who escaped from a British internment
camp reached Lhasa. He met the Dalai Lama there and became his friend.
Through Harrer he had access to what was going on in the Western world, be-
cause he could tell him first hand about the major events, the World War II. Un-
der Harrer's instruction, the Dalai Lama learned English, which became very im-
portant for him later in his life. Through Harrer's science knowledge, the Dalai
Lama could also develop his technical and mechanical skills; he repaired old
cars, which belonged to the previous Dalai Lama.

His open splenic center tells us that he suffers from two basic fears, the fear of
failure in the 32 and the fear of authority in the 18. At 3, he had to leave his
parents and live in a monastery. He was full of fear and felt terribly homesick.
He had no idea what it meant to be a Dalai Lama. Fortunately, his brothers and

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sisters were with him and he had a very kind-hearted teacher so he got over his
unhappy time.

In the face of the Chinese threatening his country, he had to take up his office
when he was 16 and had the full responsibility of leading his country. That chal-
lenge made him very afraid. His fear was to fail, because his religious studies
had not been finished at that time, he knew little about what was going on in
the world and had no experience with politics.

He faced his fear and went to see the Mao Zedong in 1954, because he thought
of a peaceful solution. In meeting Mao Zedong, he realized that his country and
his culture were in danger. In 1959, Tibet was occupied by the Chinese and the
Dalai Lama had to flee to India. In the following years, his task was to coordi-
nate the stream of refugees and to find them a new home. Nepal and Switzer-
land, maybe due to their sympathy for highlanders, were the first countries
where Tibetans found a safe place to live. Still now, when people set all their
trust in him to help them and expect him to improve their situation, he suffers
from the fear of failure, because he is desperate to see that what he can offer is

Out of his receptivity and his Buddhist culture, he learned early not to initiate
speech but to wait to respond. Thus early life he had access to the gifts of the
open throat, which is to learn about communication. In the long years of living
in exile, he had the opportunity to travel and thus he met a lot of famous per-
sonalities and known religious teachers and he enjoyed talking to them and get-
ting to know their cultures. He points out that communication is the human way
and that personal contact to people of different cultures who share their ex-
periences with each other is the most important step to appreciate the other
and respect diversity.

This is why, over decades, he has engaged himself in the dialogue of the world's
religions. His concept is to find what religions have in common in order to cre-
ate a basis that makes sure that what is different in each religion can be re-
spected with dignity. In seeking out the dialogue between all traditions and reli-
gious groupings, he has been recognized everywhere in the world for his open-
ness, his communicative skills and his great respect towards people of a differ-
ent faith. He became a messenger of religious tolerance in the world. He is a
classic example of an open throat who articulates the concerns of others; he
speaks for the Tibetans and his way of fighting for freedom is to inform the
world about Tibet's destiny.

With his open emotional system he suffered from the dilemma of mirroring
other people's waves. As a child he used to become very angry, if he could not
get what he wanted. He said about himself that his actions were driven by emo-
tions when he was young and that he learned composure through meditation. He
knows how to become an observer of emotions. The Dalai Lama's extraordinary

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98 Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000
gift is to remain man at peace despite of his destiny to be the leader of a sup-
pressed nation who has to live in exile. He said that despite difficult circum-
stances, he is happy.

For him, accepting disastrous events does not mean discouragement and depres-
sion. He tries to overcome problems and tragedy while remaining calm and sta-
ble. This capacity is the potential of an open solar plexus to become wise, be-
cause we know that open emotional people can be totally calm when they are
alone. He has the 55th gate, the gate of spirit, and in the books he wrote he
explained what spirit is for him and how to develop it. The Dalai Lama is an ex-
ample of a generator who surrendered to life.

Role In History
In history, generators have been the slaves and the worshippers of manifestors,
because generators could not compete on manifestor terms. 70% of humanity
were slaves, totally ignorant of their potential and frustrated from copying
manifestors. Their new role is to become the builders. This new phase is slowly
evolving and will be reality when generators give up initiating and learn to re-

In our football team, generators play the part of the defenders. They wait until
the ball comes to them and if they can live with not being a forwarder and ac-
cept their limitation, they can be very successful. Their power lies in reacting to
what comes to them.

Some Famous Generators

Pure Generators: Dalai Lama, Albert Einstein, Carl Gustav Jung, Mozart, Ma-
dame Curie, Luciano Pavarotti, Dustin Hoffman, Greta Garbo, Madonna, Elvis
Presley, Walt Disney

Manifesting Generators: Mother Teresa, Vincent van Gogh, Friedrich Nietzsche,

Alois Alzheimer, Marie Antoinette, Mata Hari, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce
Lee, Charlie Chaplin

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Technical Definition
A projector is somebody who has an undefined sacral and an undefined throat or
an undefined sacral and a defined throat to a non-motor e.g. the Ajna, the
G Center or the spleen. Projectors can be so complex that eight of nine centers
are defined and there is still no generating or manifesting. In other words, a
projector has at least a defined channel in their Design but that channel is not
connected either to a motor that reaches the throat or to the sacral center.

There is no way to generate or manifest and therefore the projector belongs to

the non- energy types. 21% of the world's population are projectors.


The first thing to recognize about the non-energy types is that their greatest gift
is being able to control the energy types. They are very good at that. That is
what they are here for. Their role is to manage the energy types. Projectors
have a talent to recognize who get things done; they are here to read the en-
ergy types and not to become an energy type themselves. Projectors do not lack
anything because they are a non-energy type. They are middlemen between the

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100 Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000
two energy types. Without the projectors there is no balance between mani-
festors and generators, because projectors have the talent to connect them.

Projectors are great organizers; they have the gift to bring people together.
They can direct the energy types, because they can tell them how to use their
energy efficiently. Projectors are perfect in creating networks of people, be-
cause they know what energy is. What all projectors want out of life is to be
recognized by an energy type. The moment a generator or a manifestor recog-
nizes a projector, the projector can use the other person's energy and they have
the chance to live out who they are which means they can start to manage en-
ergy. Thus the projector's personal fulfillment and achievement depends on hav-
ing the right people in their life. Their genetic gift is that they can read the
people around them.

Projector types get more recognition than any other type. They are always be-
ing seen. Some of them spend most of their lives trying to hide, because they
are always being seen and recognized. The trick is about what gets recognized.
Projectors are rarely seen for what they are. They are seen for what other peo-
ple want to see. Their essence is not seen and out of that comes bitterness or

Projectors are constantly recognized but they are deeply confused about what
the right recognition is. Let's take the example of a projector who has the
41/30, the channel of recognition through feelings. If somebody comes up to
this projector and says: "You have a very nice voice." That is not this projector,
because the throat center is not defined. "You are so courageous." The heart
center, where the courage is, is not defined. The projector is full of bitterness,
because they are not properly recognized. If they are not seen, they cannot use
their energy. They literally have nothing to do.

The non-energy types must have energy. They have a right to energy. What of-
ten happens to them is that they get conditioned energy. Because they are en-
ergy starved, they will take conditioned energy. For a projector who is deeply
conditioned it is difficult to distinguish between a right or a false recognition. If
a projector with an undefined mind will accept the recognition of people telling
them "I love the way you think", they may end up with mental disease. If projec-
tors accept in their life that which does not belong to them, they will get ill
from it.

Projectors often die from energy diseases, because they feel that they need the
energy of others and try to become energy types themselves out of the bitter-
ness of not being recognized. Only when they are recognized, do they get clean
energy. When somebody comes up to the 41/30 projector and says: "I love the
way you feel." they truly see him and the projector has access to the energy.
Projectors who have been recognized are of value to the other, because their
gift is set into motion.

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When you have a projector chart in front of you, you know that all of their life
they have been full of bitterness and resentment because of not being seen for
who they are, not being loved for who they are, not being respected or recog-
nized for who they are. What you have to tell them is: "Look, the only place
where you can accept recognition from others is in your definition." When you
hear people say the keynotes of your definitions, you know that they are recog-
nizing you, because the definitions reveal your qualities and strengths.

If you have a logical mind and somebody comes up to you and says: "I love the
way you think", it is okay, because they are recognizing your mind and you will
get energy from that in return. You have to be recognized for what you are, oth-
erwise the energy you take in, will make you ill, and not just physically sick. It
puts you into the wrong environment and you attract auras that are unhealthy.
Projectors who pretend being manifestors or generators suffer from exhaustion
and burnout. They are genetically not equipped to be an energy type.

Every child is conditioned by their parents to be a doer. A projector child comes

into the world and all it wants is to be seen. The parent says to the projector
child: "I know you can do it." They can or they can't and thus they can feel very
bitter about being asked to do things that they know they are not capable of
doing. Parents who fail to recognize their children deny them the possibility to
early realization of their full potential. They do that in ignorance of the me-
chanics, because parents want their children to grow and to be happy. They
think they can make them happy and successful in trying to show them how to
be a manifestor, how to go out and get what they want.

Parents who recognize their projector children for their qualities give their chil-
dren a chance to express those aspects of their character. True recognition from
parents allows children to feel the power of being who they are and to be able
to express that power in the world. Those parents never tell their children to do
things and they never ask them. They must be invited.

The question of a projector is "Can I be noticed?" because recognition is so im-

portant for them to play out their role in this life: to be the mediums that stand
between the manifestors and the generators. The projector is full of bitterness,
when they are not recognized. We have people who get punished (manifestors),
people who are frustrated (generators),and people who are full of bitterness
and resentment (projectors). When they feel the most resentment is when they
are not recognized. The way in which a projector is recognized it that they are
recognized through their definition.

If somebody comes up to a person who has the channel of stubbornness, 28/38,

defined and says, "I love your willpower", they know that they are not being
recognized. They will be full of resentment. When somebody says to them, "I
love the way you feel", they know that this is a false compliment. But when they
say, "I love your persistence to fight", they feel recognized and have a sense of

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102 Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000
respect for who they are. In the moment that a projector is recognized, they
immediately have access to the energy of the generator and the manifestor. In
recognition, they are always given the opportunity to either generate or mani-
fest. Projectors need to know that only those people that recognize them pro-
vide them with the opportunity they need in their life to fulfill themselves. The
key for projectors is that they have to wait for the words that indicate to them
that they are really being seen.

In design, you have the distinction between, “To do” and “To wait”. The projec-
tor has a design of waiting that has a specific quality to it. There is a great deal
of waiting in the generator. The generator waits for whatever comes its way,
whatever question comes its way in order to define its world through response.
The projector is waiting for the invitation. They are waiting for investors to rec-
ognize their special skills. Their strategy is to wait for the formal invitation.
That invitation is the offering of energy, the offer to manifest or generate.

The strategy of a projector is not a moment by moment strategy like the strat-
egy of the energy types. It is not. It should only be applied for major decisions in
life. The formal invitation they are waiting for is basically about four things: the
invitation to love, the invitation to career, the invitation to bond with others,
the invitation to a place to live.

Projectors are always whining that they have to wait and they are deeply pessi-
mistic that people could be interested in them. This assumption comes from a
lifetime of bitterness and is the concept of the not-self, the concept of the open
centers. What projectors discover when they hear about their type, is that they
immediately resonate to the keyword "invitation". They remember that they
have been doing more inviting in their life than being invited. In their restless-
ness and in their deep insecurity, they treat others the way they should be
treated. That is not how the mechanics work. The projector has to understand
that their aura - once they do what their type requires - does the talking. If a
projector remains silent that will bring out the invitation of others. When the
projector learns to trust in the silent magic of their chemistry, many opportuni-
ties come their way.

Waiting for the formal invitation is the mantra for the projector to eliminate
resistance and to get rid of bitterness. This is how their life loses its sourness
and becomes sweet. The invitation is the entry key to life for the projector and
it ensures that their vehicle operates properly. Everything else will unfold for
them, it just happens, because the projector is in tune with its mechanical

We know that every type has an emotional version, which changes the strategy.
A defined solar plexus is always the authority in a chart and for the projector it

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means that they cannot accept an invitation at once, because there is no truth
in the now for them. They have to sleep on it and have to be re-invited. What
appears to be a great invitation when they are up in their wave can turn into a
horrible commitment when they are down in their wave. So an emotional pro-
jector has to experiment with that in order to see that their aura really makes
the other person renew their invitation.

We are all conditioned to be polite and answer spontaneously, when someone

invites us for a job or an event. But an emotional person can never be spontane-
ous. An emotional projector child has to be invited to the potential of their
definition without the pressure of accepting the first time. When there is no
pressure, the child can get into contact with their energy. Let's take the exam-
ple of a child having the 40/37. This child has to be invited into groups e.g.
which playground they want to be in. It has to have time to consider it and be
re-invited. If the child is in the right community, it will grow and develop. If it is
put under pressure to accept the invitation, it ends up in the wrong community
and will be deeply unhappy.

A projector type has to receive a formal invitation. It is the only way that they
can enter into a relationship. They have to enter into a relationship formally.
So, for example, if there is a woman interested in a projector man, she can in-
vite him home for dinner. If there is a man interested in a projector woman, he
can invite her out to dinner. The fact of the matter is that the invitation has to
be there. It has to be formal and they have to take the financial or energetic
responsibility for it. Otherwise, the projector is not going to be impressed.

Projectors are there to be able to manage energy. They have to see that the
energy is there, otherwise they have nothing to manage and they need to be
invited to see what quality of energy it is. If you invite them to McDonalds, they
will have a different impression of the kind of energy they have available to
manage than if you invite them to a fancy restaurant. What is important is the
nature of the invitation. If you don't invite them, but you asked them or tell
them that you want to be with them, that relationship will be full of bitterness.

These people can be deeply bitter in their relationships because they are not
recognized for their definitions and more than that they are not being recog-
nized in the sense that the other does not naturally see that they need to be
invited. The projector has to be willing to wait, has to be ready to wait for that
invitation. It has to be direct. It cannot be indirect. "I think he is going to invite
you". That does not work. "I think he/she is interested in you." It does not work.
It has to be direct and formal. "Would you like to dance?"

Non-energy types always get more recognition; they get more opportunities to
get partners than the energy types. Energy types have a built in limitation in

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which they meet the other, but projectors are designed to be noticed. They are
always getting invitations and because of that they have to be very clear that
just receiving the invitation does not mean that that is the right kind of rela-
tionship for them. It just means that the basis is established.

It is important for them that they are recognized in their definition in that invi-
tation. They are the ones that have to be seen. Projectors are the part ofthe
population that transcend class and status, in the sense that they can be born
poor and end up being very rich. They can be the kind of people that are born
without culture and end up being deeply cultured. In other words, they move
through the strata of the social structures of our society. The projector is there
to do well with their mate.

They are there to be very clear that they are being recognized by an energy that
it makes sense for them to manage, because it is out of managing that energy
that they are going to have their future. They are going to make sure that there
is some place for them to go in that recognition. They need the energy. Some-
body has to do something or pay something for the projector. Thus the projector
can see and judge the energy that comes out.

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Individual Example: Pablo Picasso
Pablo Picasso, the most famous painter of the 20th century, has the channel of
abstraction, 64/47, defined and this is about making sense out of a flood of im-
ages rooted in past experience and he has the 43/23, the channel of structuring
which is about expressing unique insights. What we see in the chart is an open
sacral center and the defined throat to a non-motor. Picasso is a projector and
the qualities he has to be recognized for are in his definitions and when we key-
note them we have somebody who expressed his images and pictures in a
unique, individual way. Everybody knows that Picasso got worldwide recognition
for that.

The reason why we have chosen Picasso as an example for the projector is be-
cause we intend to show you how important early recognition is in a projector's
life. It allows them to have the energy to be successful with their specific quali-

Before he could even talk, Picasso made himself understood through painting
what he wanted to eat and his first word was "piz" which means "lapiz", the
Spanish word for pencil. In Picasso's case, he was recognized early by his father,
José Ruiz Blasco who was a painter. He was his first teacher and supported his
talent. He taught him to draw hands and feet and to improve sense for detail.
When Picasso was 11, his father sent him to an art school where he received an
academic education. The recognition culminated when his father gave up his
own career as a painter to support his son whom he considered to be a genius.
In a symbolic act, he gave Picasso his brushes and colors. Picasso was 14 when
that happened and he was deeply impressed to see what his talent was worth,
because he used to be very bad at school due to dyslexic problems.

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There is another important fact by which we can assess the amount of recogni-
tion. Picasso was the only artist that could move relatively free in Paris when
the Nazis ruled. They left Picasso alone, because the Nazis were afraid of the
world press against them.

The next thing we look at in this example are the undefined motors. When Pi-
casso was a five-year-old child, he needed an "audience" for painting, which
consisted of his cousins who wanted him to paint animals for them. Picasso was
extremely productive - his artwork consisted of 50.000 pieces and his fortune
was assessed to be 260 million Dollars. This would not have been possible with-
out all the people that were in his aura. They all contributed to his genius. And
in fact, in the Picasso biography of Arianna Stassinopoulos Huffington, there are
so many people mentioned - painters, poets, art dealers, philosophers, friends,
and relatives - that it gets confusing.

This is a proof that Picasso always had people around him and was surrounded
by others nearly all the time. He hated to be alone, because he must have felt
that without the others, it was difficult to get things done. In the biography, the
author states that Picasso as a child was so afraid to be alone, that his father
had to accompany him to school and give him a pledge so that he could trust
him to come back and pick him up.

He had an undefined sacral center. He had endless love affairs and a lifelong
ambiguity about the role of women in his life. On one hand, they were the core
of his life, but at the same time he was deeply disgusted by the demons that
overwhelmed him. Contempt was his way of dealing with his fear of female
power. This ambiguity about women can be seen in his art. Women were one of
his famous motifs and he used to paint his lovers. Contempt regarding women
can be easily seen in all his art where he deformed women.

He expressed his rejection in his pictures and thus showed how much he hated
the fact that women sexually had power over him. This is classic sexual condi-
tioning. This is being driven to discover the mystery of sexuality. Picasso was
excited to experiment sexually with what was not permitted. He had a love af-
fair with a minor - Marie Thérèse - which would have been severely punished by
imprisonment at that time. He wanted to break down sexual barriers and taboos
to find out the connection between sexuality and transcendence. He was deeply
attracted by women but at the same time, he realized that he could not control
them. Being a classic macho, this was a dilemma that he really suffered from.

There was only one woman - Francoise Gilot - that left him and he systemati-
cally tried to destroy her life, making her career options impossible just to take
revenge that she dared to leave him. When he heard that Francoise married the
painter Luc Simon he was full of bitterness and said: "It is easier for me to carry
a woman to her grave than to see her happy with somebody else."

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We learned that fertility is also conditioned in people with undefined sacral cen-
ters. He had four children: Paulo, his son from his first marriage with Olga Kok-
lowa, Maya, a daughter from his affair with Marie-Thérèse Walter, and Claude
and Paloma, two children from his relationship with Francoise Gilot. He was not
the caring father; he took little notice of his children and spent very little time
with them. They just happened to him and he was too self-concerned and ob-
sessed with painting, with living his definitions.

His open G Center shows us that he has no fixed identity as a painter. He was a
versatile creative force: he painted on canvas and walls; he made sculptures,
ceramics, etchings, lithographs, linocuts, drawings, and sketches. He worked for
the "Ballets Russes" as stage designer. He wrote poems and stage-plays. To-
gether with George Braque he developed a new style called analytical cubism.
His only gate in the G Center is the 2nd gate which is the gate of direction and
he obviously gave direction to the art world.

His open spleen tells us that he needed others in his aura to feel good and that
it was uncomfortable to stay alone in his house. More than that, Picasso suffered
from the fear of death, his sun theme in the 28th gate. When he was thirteen
years old, his sister Conchita died of diphtheria which was a traumatic experi-
ence for him. He prayed to god that god should save her life and that he would
sacrifice his painting. She died and Picasso drew the conclusion that destiny was
against him and god was nothing but evil. For Picasso being busy was the only
way in his life to suppress his fear of death.

A small incident of his biography is very revealing in this context. In his late
eighties, one of his old friends, Pallarés, came to visit him. Picasso insisted that
he did not spend the night there. Because Pallarés was older than him, he was
afraid that Pallarés could die in his house and infect him with death. Whenever
Picasso, in his late life, got the message that one of his friends had died he used
to say: "Old age and death cannot be compared to each other. The one has noth-
ing to do with the other."

Being so open, he was an emotionally disturbed man. He is famous for his rage
and his outbursts and he mirrored the emotional wave of others in his eccentric
and cruel behavior but mostly he lived the conditioned wave in his pictures.
With all his open centers Picasso was a seismograph for the conflicts, the rebel-
lion and the pain of his time. Remember that his definitions were about bringing
out unique pictures. Through his art, he expressed the gloomy and crushing vi-
sion of his century. He gave painting the vision of decay which Kafka and
Beckett contributed to literature.

Role In History
Historically, the projector had the least opportunity to fulfill its potential, be-
cause rulership was in the hands of the energy types. They were basically ig-

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nored. The new order which slowly begins to evolve provides them with the role
of the administrator.

In our football team, projectors are the midfielders. They move between the
forwards (the manifestors) and the defenders (the generators). They manage
that the two can play together, because they prepare the ball for the forwards
and give it back to the defenders. Their gift is to direct the whole game by co-
ordinating the players, seeing where the energy can be efficiently used which
means where a goal is possible.

Some Famous Projectors

Nelson Mandela, J.F. Kennedy, Queen Elisabeth II, Fidel Castro, Josef Stalin,
Karl Marx, Baghwan Shree Rajneesh, Mick Jagger, Barbara Streisand, Marilyn
Monroe, Woody Allen, Steven Spielberg, Lady Di, Thomas Gottschalk, Berthold

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Technical Definition
Technically a reflector is very easy to determine. A reflector has no definition.
All the centers remain white. They have a lot of activations as potentials stick-
ing out of the single centers. The reflector is an extraordinary being. They are
statistically about 1%, but in terms of population you are talking about tens of
billions of people. The thing to understand about the reflector is that the way in
which they process experience is different than any of the other types.

The three other types that we have looked at are just like a triangle, which is
made up of the manifestor, generator and projector with the reflector at the
center. The reflector is different from the other three types. The other three
types are solar types, which means that they operate in a generalized imprinting
program rooted in the sun. The reflector type is the only lunar type we have as
humans. What they truly reflect is the imprint of the moon.


Reflectors are very special, because they have no fixed aspect within their na-
ture that is consistent, that they can rely on, there can be a quick assumption

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that there is a deep vulnerability through their lack of definition, but it is not
so. We know that these centers that are white, that are not colored in, they are
not empty, they are not broken and they don't need to be fixed. They are simply
open to what is passing through. Reflectors are vulnerable to everything that is
around them and because of that they magnify everything that is around them
and they can become very wise to what is going on. They are a key to a global
consciousness, because they participate through their openness in filtering the
consciousness field.

Their role is to be one with the totality. They are very important to us and their
"myself" has much more to do with where we are going than the “myself” of a
manifestor, which is deeply selfish. Their ability is to read others. Reflectors
have a deep kinship to the moon and thus they have an opportunity for a mysti-
cal life that most of us don't know. They can be connected to a celestial body in
an ongoing and profound way. Reflectors are the moon on earth and they bring
us the reflective light of the moon.

Their handicap is their openness and vulnerability, because they don't know how
they function. If they identify with what they mirror, they get lost and con-
fused. They can become dependent on those that are around them and there-
fore they have to be very careful who they allow to be with them. Reflectors
come into the world full of wonder and when they meet the not-self of the
world, they suffer from disappointment.

Reflectors are different than the other three types, which are all rooted in defi-
nition. The other types have aspects in their nature that are fixed, but reflec-
tors don't. They are wide open. But there is an element in their lives that is very
important for them and that element is the moon. Reflectors are moon beings.
They reflect the lunar cycle. The moon moves very quickly and every 27 days, 7
hours it goes through every single one of the 64 gates. For reflectors, there is a
regular cycle of conditioning that comes from the moon, a pattern that has been
set for them in their lives. Despite the openness in reflectors, there is consis-
tency in their process. Each theme a reflector has activated is open to a har-
monic gate that will define it and the moon will do that for them once every 27
days, 7 hours. Each and every one of these gates will respond in that way in a
consistent cycle so there is a way for reflectors to find themselves. For reflec-
tors, the human design ephemeris, the ability to chart the movement of the
moon is so important for them, because reflectors change their nature ina regu-
lar cycle.

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To be a reflector means that the way in which you process information can only
take place after each lunar cycle. When reflectors have to make a decision,
they have to wait out the lunar cycle. If they have to decide on a new job, they
have to be given one month to make up their minds. In that month, they have to
talk about this job with others, with different people. Feedback is an essential
part of their process.

They have to talk with others in order that they hear their own potential being
active. It is not that they are seeking out advice from all these people. They
simply need to collect their thoughts during the cycle. Each conversation on the
same theme can bring a different perspective of what is really going on inside of
them. At the end of the cycle, they can accept or reject the job. That is their
way. Reflectors are lunar beings and it is important to bring them into contact
with the moon in showing them their individual cycle. This gives them something
they can hold on to.

The question for these human beings is: "Can I be myself?" It is so important to
tell reflectors: "Yes, you can. There is a you to discover." This is very relieving
for them to hear, because it takes their greatest pain away which is to be invisi-
ble. The "you" reflectors can know does not get processed on a moment by mo-
ment existential basis, but it gets processed in a 27 days, 7 hours cycle. It is

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crucial for reflectors to truly understand what happens to them as the moon

They have a set pattern they go through 14 times a year. That pattern is who
they are. There is nothing inside of a reflector to say to them that yes and no is
correct. In their process they must accept the authority of others. These are
people that always define who they are through their association with others
and the kind of aura that they build around them. That is what they are here
for: to be open to the outer authority of the world around them, to take it in
and to filter it. But they don't filter that as blind conditioning. They do have an
inherent structure, but a moving lunar structure that is their nature. Only in
that way can they find their self.

The reflector has no definition and no inner authority so the reflector is unable
to find a place within itself where it has a reliable yes or no. It has no direct
mechanical way to condition or understand the nature of any relationship that it
is about to meet. The reflector has themes, which exist in its gate activations,
but as a type it is completely open. There is one thing to understand about re-
flectors in relationships: They are always at the mercy of the person who wants
to have a relationship with them. A relationship with a reflector is a deeply nar-
cissistic relationship; because the person that meets the reflector gets them-
selves back completely. That is what reflectors do. They mirror the other per-

Often people who do not like themselves fall in love with themselves through
somebody else. It is a discovery process to find themselves but for the reflector
a relationship is only of value when it is fertile and productive. So if the reflec-
tor or their partner get pregnant, then the reflector really feels like they are in
a relationship. Reflectors who have children feel good about their relationship.
Of course, that does not mean that their relationships work.

Reflectors have a very hard time, because they are not here to be secure in
their decision making process. They become dependent on those who have the
authority to make decisions. For the reflector, itself, there is no rule. There is
only the authority of waiting out the lunar cycle to be clear when they enter
into a relationship. There is only the hope that all reflectors have deep within
them which is that the rest of humanity will figure out who they are, so they
don’t have to be messed up reflecting everybody else’s not self.

An Individual Example: Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson is our famous example for a reflector. He is totally open and
therefore he can be deeply distracted and confused in his life or he can become
very wise, because he takes in everybody so deeply. He has no reliable mecha-

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nism inside to tell him what to say yes or no to, and thus his life is all about
finding the right kind of forces around him whose authority he can trust. Be-
cause he has the gift of being open to anyone, he can also be open to those that
are not good for him and yet at the same time allow them to be around in his

As a celebrity who gets a lot of public attention, he has to be very alert to other
people to make sure that he is not corrupted or manipulated in his openness. He
has to be clear that he needs to avoid negative contact as much as possible. Re-
treat and privacy are the other major themes for a reflector. Michael has to
spend time alone regularly in order to clean the effects of others in himself.

Michael has to watch the moon and the patterns the moon builds for him. That
is trustworthy for him, because the moon cycle repeats itself 14 times a year.
There is a regular pattern of energy in his chemistry every month. In watching
and sensing out this cycle, he can find stability and security. Whether he has to
decide to begin a relationship, to fix his schedule to go on tour, to engage in
charity, he needs to give himself at least one month’s time to think about it.
The illustration shows Michael's moon pattern.

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Michael's lunar cycle:

Projector: 39 56 31 40 48 44 43 38 54 13
Generator: 27 52 53 6 46 14 60
Manifestor: 35

The moon moves through all the 64 hexagrams within a month and we can see
that 18 times he can live out the energy of the other three types. 30% of the
moon's movement has an effect on Michael. Only one day, in the first seven days
of each lunar cycle, he is a manifestor and has the channel of transitoriness,
35/36, defined. But he has to resist his drive to act and wait for another three
weeks to make a decision. In a month, he is a manifestor for one day, a genera-
tor for 7 days and a projector for 10 days.

As an artist, Michael has displayed an affinity with the moon. He invented a

dance he called the moonwalk.

Michael has all centers open, but he has gates activated in 7 centers. In the
chart, you can see his themes sticking out like fingers in these different centers.
What passes through him is never his own, but his themes belong to him and
they color the way he reflects the energies he takes in.

Michael has an undefined mind and therefore he is open to all kinds of concepts
moving through. Unconsciously, he is an idea person, but his ideas (see 11th
gate) can't resolve what is important for his life. His ideas can be stimulating to
others. That is his power in his undefined mind and a potential for wisdom. His
music and his creative performance on stage stimulated millions of people.

He has an undefined throat and he is under pressure the moment he tries to ini-
tiate with his throat. It causes him a great deal of stress. In order for him to
function properly, he has to have the right forces around him and he is the one
who has to sense who they are. He grew up with singing and went on tour with
his family, the Jackson Five. In this stable aura, he could develop his singing
skills on stage and felt comfortable with using his voice. He has become one of
the pop icons of the 20th century on stage and now he performs with his band,
which consists of members he sensed as being the right forces.

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He has an undefined self and he is never going to know who he is. But that is not
the point of his life. He is here to know who everybody else is, in order to dis-
tinguish who is right for him. The most important thing in his life process is to
remember that if he is in the wrong place, he is with the wrong people and the
right people is what is important for him. When he meets somebody he is inter-
ested in, they take him to a place and if there is anything about that place that
he doesn't like, then he is with the wrong people and they take him to the
wrong food, the wrong deal, the wrong love. Michael Jackson with his undefined
self is always concerned, whether he is in the right direction or not and whether
he can ever hold on to love. He can end up being very desperate. Being with the
right people is all that matters for him and he can always know that by where
he is. If he is in right place, he will be with the right people. His, often publi-
cized, relationship with children reveals his need for a ‘clean’ aura.

With his undefined self, Michael runs the risk of becoming dependent, when he
is shown something he loves, he is likely to hold on to the person that showed
him that and wants that person to be his mate, his business partner or his
friend. Everyone is here to initiate Michael and not control him. Everyone is his
taxi driver but he does not have to do anything other than pay them for their
service. He does not owe them anything and there is no need that they become
his friend, his lover or his partner, because the next day, he can get there him-
self. He just needs to be shown the first time and he doesn't have to become
dependent on that being. He can make contact to so many different forces, be-
cause he is open, but he cannot afford to identify with them. If he can do that,
he can simply enjoy where he is taken and what he is shown.

He has an undefined heart center. He is not here to promise. Every time he

makes a promise, he puts his health in danger. He is not here to be willful. He is
here to recognize clearly through others what works and what does not work.
The other is his authority always in life, because he can read them and in read-
ing them, he finds his way.

He is undefined emotionally. We know that the emotional system operates in a

wave that is always going from hope to pain and back again. Every time emo-
tional people step into his aura, he magnifies and reflects their emotional sys-
tem and he is the one that is accused of having emotional instability, because
he is the one who is seen to be uncontrollable. He cannot trust his emotions,
because he is only experiencing the emotions of others through his emotional
themes. Who he is with defines the nature of his life. Michael in his openness
seeks out having family in order to have a simple clean aura that he can be de-
pendent on and that he can have love and share love with. Survival for him is
about being able to retreat into a stable aura. Many reflectors have children and
are close to children in their lives in order to maintain a stable aura, an aura
based on love and caring. We know that Michael has a son that lives with him.
For Michael it is essential to have consistency in the people that are in his life,

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because inconsistency for him, because of the vulnerability of his openness, is
always going to lead to difficulties and problems.

Because of the immense power of the emotional system, he can find the right
kind of consistent beings, when he is not identifying emotionally with what he is
mirroring. He has to radically avoid emotionally chaotic or unstable people.

The open sacral center means he can be everything from a monk to a profligate.
There is no stability to his sexuality. It is defined by others. What he can do with
one partner, he can't do with another. He is undefined and as such he is inno-
cent, taking in the wave of the world around him and those that he allows to
stay in his aura, they are the ones that determine his life's direction and the
quality of the life that he is going to live. The sexuality that works for him,
works for him through the other and if he moves to somebody else, it will not be
the same, because he is always open to that conditioning. There is no sense in
feeling disturbed about that. It has to do with who he is with. That makes the
difference in his life sexually.

His root center and his head center are totally undefined. He is somebody who is
under pressure form above and below and being under pressure is either some-
thing that he enjoys or something that destabilizes him. Being placed under
pressure by others, by people who are around him is something he has to deal
with. We have seen him in concert and have the confirmation that in these mo-
ments, he enjoyed being empowered by the adrenaline rush.

The open spleen, the open immune system: He is a vulnerable to bad vibrations
and infections. He is vulnerable to everything that is out there in the world and
he has to be alert, because of the fears that are in him - the fear of failure in
the 32, the fear that life itself is without purpose and meaningless in the 28,
and the fear of taking responsibility in the 50. Whenever he is sick, it is very
important that he allows himself to heal completely, before he returns to activ-
ity. It is essential for him and he had cancelled tours a lot, because he got ill.

Michael is reportedly obsessed with infection fears. He is so afraid of being in-

fected that he used to wear protective clothing. The operations he had done to
change his nose are an indication that he does not like his body.

Michael is very individual and when he cannot accept sadness as the creative
muse, he can feel like he is being oppressed by the world. When he is happy
there is no reason, it is just a chemistry that shows him that it is time to go out
and be productive. He should not do anything, unless he is in the mood, because
he is a lunar being. Honoring his moods and being with people he can really rely
on, is healthy for Michael. Only those people he knows from his inner experience
of taking them in belong in his life and stabilize his life process.

Basic Concepts Workbook Bettina Mahler Editing and Illustration Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2000
Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000 117
From a Human Design point of view, Michael's wish to make the world a better
place is an honest demand and a hope that comes from his innermost core. He
filters the consciousness field, he takes it all in and he knows what it is and he
senses what we are moving towards. When people can deal with their energies
in figuring out who they are, the world is a better place and Michael is no longer
distorted in his role as a reflector.

Role In History
In history, the reflector type was ignored, because the energy types ruled
throughout our history. The future lies in a new natural hierarchy. Their place in
that will be the ultimate justice, because they reflect everything around them
and thus they can read and judge what is going on.

In our football team, the reflector is the goalkeeper. They are the ones that do
not move around the field like all the other players. They are allowed to use
their hands which is forbidden for the other players. They are a very important
member of the team. They operate under different rules.

Some Famous Reflectors

Michael Jackson, Rosalyn Carter (wife of Jimmy Carter), Eduard Mörike (a Ger-
man poet), Thorwald Detlefsen (a German psychologist and author of esoteric

Basic Concepts Workbook Bettina Mahler Editing and Illustration Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2000
118 Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000

Manifestors lose their anger, if they inform. Generators get rid of their frustra-
tion, if they don't initiate but respond. Projectors are without bitterness, if they
wait for the invitation and reflectors are no longer disappointed, if they wait
out their 28-day moon cycle.

We hope that this course has encouraged you to explore your strategy. Human
Design is a logical system and we are grateful for any student who is not willing
to believe what we say. Find out its validity for yourself and gain confidence in
being who you are. Every journey begins with the first step. Good luck and enjoy
the experiment.

Basic Concepts Workbook Bettina Mahler Editing and Illustration Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2000
Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000 119

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