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Teacher’s Notes


Type of activity: pair and individual work word and drill the pronunciation. Additionally, you
Focus: vocabulary connected with winter sports; may ask which sports (also ones not on the
reading, listening and speaking skills worksheet) are connected with the places and
Level: elementary – pre-intermediate pieces of equipment from the table.
Time: 45 minutes Answers:
Note: With a low level class skip Student’s
Worksheet 1 Sport/Discipline Place Equipment
Preparation: Make a copy of Student’s Worksheets 1 ski jumping ice rink stick
and 2 for each student. ice hockey ramp puck
Procedure: figure skating slope helmet
snowboarding track skis
1. On the board write The Winter Olympic Games.
luge goal
Find out what the students know about the event.
biathlon skates
Help them with the following questions: How
often are the Olympics? How do they start and goggles
finish? How many sports are there? Listen to the boots
students’ ideas in English or Polish, but do not sled
confirm the answers at this stage yet.
5. Go through the questions in Activity 4 with
2. Pre-teach: take place, disciplines, competition, the whole class, making sure that everybody
winners and spectacular. Give out the copies of understands them. Encourage different students
Student’s Worksheet 1. The students read the to ask you the questions and give your own
text in Activity 1 to check their ideas. They should answers.
ignore the highlighting. Ask a few comprehension
questions, similar to the ones in the first stage of 6. The students write their own answers in note
the lesson. form in the Me column. Then they interview two
other classmates and write their answers in the
3. The students match the highlighted words to the Student 1 and Student 2 columns respectively.
definitions in Activity 2. Then they compare their
answers in pairs. Check the answers with the 7. Individual students report to the whole class what
whole class. Make sure that everyone they found out about the classmates who they
understands all of the words, and drill the spoke to. With a lower level class, write sample
pronunciation. sentences for the students to use as a model,
i.e., (Ola) likes to watch _______ live, (Ola) likes to
Note: With a more advanced class, ask the watch _____ on TV, (Ola) has ________ , (Ola)
students to fold the worksheet along the broken goes skiing, (Ola) wants to try luge.
line so that they can only see Activity 2 and
complete the task from memory. Then the
students compare their answers in pairs and Extension:
check by looking at Activity 1. The students add a word or more to each category
Answers: 1 gold, 2 silver, 3 bronze, 4 athletes, in the table in Activity 3. They can use dictionaries or
5 Olympic, 6 anthem, 7 podium, 8 medallists, search the Internet.
9 closing, 10 compete
4. Distribute the copies of Student’s Worksheet 2.
Explain that the words in Activity 3 are all related
to the Winter Olympics. They belong to three
categories: sport/discipline, place and
equipment. The students must put the words in
the table in the correct category. You may add
that there are 6 sports, 4 places and 9 items of
equipment. The students work individually and
then compare their answers in pairs. Check the
answers with the whole class. Make sure that
everybody understands the meaning of each

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