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Elaborate 5 most important location and property selection criteria for any 1 of the following
sectors: Fast Food

The business relocation is a change or moving the physical location of the business. A business may
relocate their business place due to rising cost of the current place. Relocation of the business
cannot be taken lightly because the moving are often costly and can disrupt the business operations.
There are many challenges when we want to open a business in a new place like the location and
property selection process. But a change or moving from the current place to a new place can cause
opportunity that does not have or exists for the business. The moving a business place or relocate
may be a tough or hard task to do it and therefore may be stressful may be involve. The relocation is
the something that most of the businesses will try to stay off of it because it costs extra money and
also a lot of planning. But the right decision of the location and property selection can reduce the
cost and expenses to operate the business.

A fast food outlet location may influence many factors like operation, including the elegance of the
dining room and menu of the fast food. If you already have in mind of the selected outlet location,
don’t get it to attached until you do the proper requirement for a successful outlet. Location is the
important or the key factor to most of the fast food outlet operation. The expert management and
quality of the product are nought if without with good location. There are many criteria or prospect
that need to take into account when you making a decision of location and property selection for
your business .

There are 5 most important that need to take into account. First important criteria for fast food
outlet location and property selection is parking. Nowadays, people are too lazy to walk far. If
possible, get out of the car and straight to the outlet without walk too far. If your outlet can be in a
populated area where everyone can walk and see , and also near to public transport, it can be a
successful outlet. This is why parking is important for a new fast food outlet to have. Most of fast
food in Malaysia especially Mcdonald’s have its own parking zone. That is why most of the
Mcdonald’s outlet are most successful for fast food in Malaysia. The people don’t want to walk so far
to get to your fast food outlet.

Second most important for location and property selection is accessibility. The fast food business is
an interceptive business which means the store or outlet intercept people who are on their way to
working place or some other place. The fast food business outsized share is from this type of
customer. The fast food outlet must be accessible and easy to potential customers because there is
strong relationship between accessibility and sales of product. There is very important to relocate or
moving or open the business on heavy travelled roads or streets where the customer can stop and
buying your product while on the way to work place or on the way to home from work. But a high
traffic also can be deceptive because only the traffic in the lane on the side of the street can be
counted as effective traffic. The sales will increase as the traffic count increases but after a certain
count is reached, the sales will decline as the traffic increase. The sales also will decrease as the
traffic speed increase. This means the time traffic passes the store or outlet is also important to take
into account. For example, the traffic between 3:00 p.m to 6:30 p.m is a very productive in terms of
sales. And assessibility is important because of fast food usually have delivery services. So if the
location is accessible for rider to take from your business, it make easier for everyone and the food
also can deliver in time. The customer always want the fast delivery , so location is important for you
to consider in relocate your business.
Third important for location and property selection is the population base. Are there enough
population or people within that area to support your fast food outlet? All this must do survey
within that area to make sure they are going to support the business. Adult people, student and
households with children are the most customers of the fast food because they are busy do other
thing. Like example for student, they are very busy with classes and assignment, so the choices that
they have is to eat fast food because fast food outlet do not consume much time to prepare the
food. That’s why most people like to eat fast food. Most of the fast food are do promotion and
marketing at this type of groups which are busy. Most of the successful fast food outlet are located
near to high school and university campuses. You must relocate your business to the busy area like
city centre which are around with workers. This also can make you fast food success.

Fourth important for location and property selection is complementarily. Most of the people in this
fast food business believe that fast food is complementary to each other. This may be valid to a
point, but all empirical evidence and logic suggests indicates that individual stores sales will decline
or decrease as the number of fast food outlet in a specific area increase because most of the people
only consume three meals per day. It is to be say that, this increases point will be reached with a
small number of stores, three or four in a specific area location. The small markets only support one
store or outlet. Fast food outlet is usually complementary with the office building, recreation-type
business and also filling stations considered as good neighbours. Nowadays, we can see most of
filling stations already have fast food inside of their property. This also can attract people to come
filling and eat together. Much easier for people.

Finally, the fifth important for location and property selection is the outlet must be a front location
and have enough space and size for the business. The outlet at the front of the building will have the
maximum visibility and also can generate very best footfalls compare to other areas. Most of the
customer usually will choose the store or outlet that’s right ahead of them. That’s why it is important
to make your business visible. If your outlet is not readily visible or require customers to require a
detour, the percentage that customer would not attend your outlet is high. And the size also one of
the important factors that need to be considered during the property selection. The property must
have large enough space to accommodate all the kitchen equipment like cooking station, walk-in
freezer and many more. All of this require large spaces. A tiny and narrow dining space will drive
customers away because of cramped up space. Customers always want the store are comfortable to

Selecting optimum sites for fast food outlet is a very complicated and tough process but will decide
the future of the business. Moreover, a good location is an absolutely essential factor for profitable
fast food outlet. Therefore, no compromises should be made in the selection of a fast food outlet
location. All selection should based on sound locational considerations.

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