Csir Dr. R. A. Mashelkar.: Explore On The Topic " Gandhian Engineering" and Submit A Report of 300

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Explore on the topic " Gandhian Engineering" and submit a report of 300

The title would surely sound confusing to any reader, as to what could be the
possible relation of Father of the Nation with a technical field of engineering.
The concept is far more philosophical and demanding than a simple mental
correlation of both the things. This concept was first thought of by
former CSIR director and well known scientist, Dr. R. A. Mashelkar. It would
be better to describe as it was first analyzed and conceptualized by Dr.

I came across an interview where he explains the whole idea of what Gandhian
Engineering is, and his future directions of same project. The interview was
taken by R. Sridhar. I plan to write something about it, but for the interested, I
have the PDF copy of the same and you can get it from me anytime.

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