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History:2-On Trail of The Earliest People

Period-1 Friday 13-06-19
C.W.- Introduce the lesson
H.W.- Read the chapter
Write the keywords once in notebook.

Period-2 Saturday 14-06-19

Explanation of Pg.11&12

C.W.- Q.1 Why was the early man known as hunter-gatherer?

Q.2 List four reasons why hunter-gatherers moved from place to place.

H.W.- Q.1 What were the qualities possessed by the hunter gatherers to obtain food?

Period-3 Monday 16-06-19

Explanation of Pg.13-14.
C.W.- Q.3 Hunter-gatherers used stone tools. Explain what these tools were used for?

H.W.- Q.2 What was the tools used by hunter gathers made of?

Period-4 Tuesday 17-06-19

Explanation of Pg 15-16
C.W.- .Q.4 How were factory sites different from habitation-cum-factory sites?
H.W.- Q 3 Explain the techniques used for making stone tools.

Period-5 Wednesday 18-06-19

Explanation of Pg 16
C.W.- Q.5 What were the main effects of changing environment?


Period-6 Thursday 19-07-12

C.W.- Explanation of Pg 17
Worksheet table

Period-7 Friday 20-07-12

C.W- Write briefly about findings of archaeologists at Hunsgi.

Map work
Mark the following places on the outline map of India.(refer to tbk pg 14)
1. Palaeolithic sites- Bhimbetka and Kurnool caves
2. Neolithic sites-Hallur and Chirand
3. Megalithic sites- Brahmagiri

5. Modern city- Mumbai

H.W. Q6, Q7 and Q8 on pg 21 in nb. Give H.W. sheet

Cycle 5B
Geography:2-Globe: Latitudes and longitudes

Period-8 Monday 21-07-12

C.W- Task sheet
Keywords: globe axis equator hemisphere poles latitude
longitude Torrid zone Temperate zone Frigid zone Prime Meridian
H.W.- Read the chapter (silent and loud reading)

Period-9 Tuesday 22-07-12

C.W.- Explanation of the chapter-2 (geo) Pg 1-2 with the help of diagrams
H.W- fig 2.2: Latitudes, fig 2.3 : Important latitudes and Heat Zones

Period-9 Wednesday 23-07-12

C.W.- Explanation of the chapter-2 (geo) Pg 3-4 with the help of diagrams
H.W- Mention any two differences between Frigid Zone and Temperate Zone.
Describe the zone, which lies in between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.
Why Torrid Zone receives maximum amount of heat? fig 2.5 : Longitudes
The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once in a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of
Capricorn. Therefore, this area receives maximum heat.

Period-10 Thursday 24-07-12

C.W.- Explanation of the chapter-2 (geo) Pg 5-7 with the help of World Map
H.W- Answer the following questions of Pg .no 16(From f-g) in nb
Distinguish between parallels of latitudes and meridians of longitudes.

Period-11 Friday 25-07-12

On the outline map of India mark the following:
a) Tropic of cancer
b) Indian Standard Meridian
c) Latitudes and longitudes of Delhi and Mumbai
H.W.- Write Question 2 & 3 of Pg .no. 16 -17in your note book. Students are given the HW worksheet to be
done at home. One map to practice at home Locate Surat and Allahabad with the help of latitude and longitude

                   Latitudes                     Longitudes

1)   All parallel circles from the equator upto the poles All semi-circles running from North Pole to South Pole
are called parallels of latitudes. are called meridians of longitudes.
2) In total, there are 180 latitudes that is 90 north and In total, there are 360 longitudes that is 180 east and
90 south. 180 west.
3) 0° latitude is known as Equator. 0° longitude is known as Prime Meridian.
4) They help to judge the climate of the places. They help to find the time of the places.


Name: ………………………… Roll No: ……….

Class: VI Section: …..…. Date: …..………

A. Answer the following in brief in Notebook:

1. What is a globe?
2. Define Axis.
3. What is a Prime Meridian?
4. Name the imaginary line that passes from the centre of the earth?
5. Which are the parts of the globe formed by the equator?
6. What are latitudes
7. Name the four important parallel latitudes along with the degree.
8. Name the three heat zones of the earth.
9. Which is the standard meridian of India?
10. What does IST stand for?
11. How can you locate a point on the globe?
12. Give the number of longitudes on the earth. 
13. What is the rotation of the earth?


Name: ……………………………………. Roll No: ……….

Class: VI Section: …..…. Date: …..………

A. Answer the following in brief in Notebook:
1. What is a globe?
2. Define Axis.
3. What is a Prime Meridian?
4. Name the imaginary line that passes from the centre of the earth?
5. Which are the parts of the globe formed by the equator?
6. What are latitudes
7. Name the four important parallel latitudes along with the degree.
8. Name the three heat zones of the earth.
9. Which is the standard meridian of India?
10. What does IST stand for?
11. How can you locate a point on the globe?
12. Give the number of longitudes on the earth. 
13. What is the rotation of the earth?


Name: ………………………… Roll No: ……….

Class: VI Section:..…. Date: …..………

A. Answer the following in brief in Notebook:

1. Where did the hunter-gatherers live?
2. How did they get the name ‘Hunter-Gatherers’?
3. What did the archaeologist find?
4. What were the tools used by hunter-gatherers made up of?
5. What are factory sites?
6. What kind of site was Bhimbetka?
7. Define: Sites
8. Name the techniques used for making stone tools.
9. What was found in Kurnool Caves?
10. What percentage of History is covered in Palaeolithic Period?
11. Where were the paintings on the walls of a cave found?
12. What was found at Patne in Maharashtra?


Name: ………………………… Roll No: ……….

Class: VI Section:..…. Date: …..………

A. Answer the following in brief in Notebook:

1. Where did the hunter-gatherers live?
2. How did they get the name ‘Hunter-Gatherers’?
3. What did the archaeologist find?
4. What were the tools used by hunter-gatherers made up of?
5. What are factory sites?
6. What kind of site was Bhimbetka?
7. Define: Sites
8. Name the techniques used for making stone tools.
9. What was found in Kurnool Caves?
10. What percentage of History is covered in Palaeolithic Period?
11. Where were the paintings on the walls of a cave found?
12. What was found at Patne in Maharashtra?


Name: ………………………… Roll No: ……….

Class: VI Section:..…. Date: …..………

A. Fill in the blanks:

1. Hunter-gatherers lived around __________________________ years ago.
2. Archaeologists divide history into ___________________________, ____________________________
and _______________________________.
3. The ______________________ climate gave a variety of plants and animals.
4. ________________________ was used to make hut and tools.
5. Palaeolithic Age is divided into ___________________, __________________ and _______________.
6. ____________________ developed in many areas due to change in climate around 12000 years.
7. Natural caves and rock shelters are found in the ____________________ and ____________________.
8. Ostriches were found in India during the ___________________________________.
9. Colours used in cave paintings were made from minerals like______________, _______________ and
10. The paintings from a cave in France depicted ___________________ occasions.

B. Complete the sentences:

1. Hunter-gatherers chose to live in caves and rock shelters because_______________________________

2. Grasslands developed around __________________________________________________ years ago.

3. Early people painted on the _______________________________________________of caves.

4. In Hunsgi, tools were made of__________________________________________________________.

C. Match the following:

1. Chalcolithic Age a. Discovery of fire 1_______
2. Palaeolithic Age b. Hard grey stone 2_______
3. Megalithic Age c. Discovery of metal 3_______
4. Microliths d. Madhya Pradesh 4_______
5. Flint e. Hunsgi 5_______
6. Rock Paintings f. consider animals as important 6_______
7. Use of fire g. Tiny stone tools 7_______
8. Early Palaeolithic Site h. Kurnool 8_______

D. Indentify the picture and write few lines about it:


E. Puzzle Time:
Name: ………………………………… Roll No: ……….

Class: VI Section: …..…. Date: …..………

A. Label a diagram of the earth showing:                            

1. Equator         
2. Tropics of Cancer 
3. Tropic of Capricorn
4. Frigid Zone
5. North Temperate Zone
6. South Temperate Zone
7. Arctic Circle
8. Antarctic Circle
9. Torrid Zone

B. State True/False:

1. In Frigid Zone, the angle of sunrays starts to increase on latitudes towards equator. __________
2. Longitudes are always equal in length. __________
3. Latitudes are always equal in size. __________
4. Equator lies at 0 degree latitude. __________
5. The Prime meridian lies at 0 degree longitude. __________
6. There is one standard time of every country. __________
C. Explain the terms in short:-
1. Grid - _________________________________________________________________________
2. GMT -_________________________________________________________________________

5. Fill in the blanks bychoosing the correct answer from the given options.

1. Sun rays falls directly on every ________ in Torrid Zone.(latitude/longitude)

2. ________divides the earth into northern and southern hemispheres. (Greenwich/Equator)
3. Greenwich divides the earth into ______ and _______ hemispheres.(eastern/western and
4. Globe is a true model of ________ (Mars/ Earth).
5. Longitudes are of ____length. (equal/ different).
6. Latitudes are of ______ length. (equal/ different).
F. Answer the following questions:-

1. What is Local Time?


2. How many time zones are there in the world? Name two countries that have more than one time zone?


3. Write the difference between Torrid Zone and Temperate Zone.

Torrid Zone Temperate Zone

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