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SMART CITY AMARAVATI INTEGRATED INFRASTRUCTURE MASTER PLAN A ine : “A GREAT HONOUR TO THE VILLAGERS FOR THEIR ACTIVE PARTICIPATION IN LAND POOLING” 4 ‘tas [AMARAVATI DEVELOPMENT _ ANDHRA PRADESH CAPITAL CORPORATION LTD. REGION DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY \ the People’s Capital BCAPAVAL tre ponies canal Message {gives me immense pleasure fo state that, we have come a long way in accomplishing our dream 10 ‘onsoret the new Capital Amravati asa People's Capital, capturing is Mstore and cultural heri- lage. We must be proud and delighted in the advancements we have made i tis short time by bulding the milestones we set forward to make Amaravat a glorious city. Staring from successful delivery of Land Pooling Schemes tothe inauguration of Inerim Government Complex, Seed Access Road, now ‘Phase-I roads, LPS infrastructure and lod mitigation works, we have geared up ta ive shape to the Speciacalar vision we have. This could not have been posribde when tremens participation from ‘ow farmers hailing from the Capital City and is budding entrepreneurs ave faith in our citizen ‘more than ever. now and this success gives an incredible motivation to the Andhra Pradesh Governments dream, in ullding the Captal Cy As declared, the Government of Andhra Pradesh is developing Amaravat in over 217 39. kms. area ‘Master Plans for Amaravati have been prepared by highly reputed inteational consultants such as Surbunalurong, Aarvee-GUC, TCE-Arcadis, Norman Faster. It would nt lng enough, before we cam wits the new copia, here in Amaravati elt glory. Tem extremely glad ody o release the Blueprint ofthe Smart Integrated Infrastrctare Master Plan (SHIMP), encompassing te echno- logical advancemens, we have in today’s world. in infrastrueture design. The plan has been set, con- sidering the aspirations of people, to met the demands from across al the sector, for a horizon year 0f 2050, We seek your support in creating Amaravati as a World Clase City withthe best Smart Integrated Infrasratur. I would like o congratulate the Ministry of Municipal Adminsiration& Urban Devel ‘opment, Andira Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority, Amaravat Development Corpor tion Lad and a handful of other agencies tho are involved in building the Capital Ci. leo extend ‘my warm greetings to everyone, on thi occasion when we are all inching towards the creation of World Class Captl Cy Amaravatt, Nara Chadra Babu Naidu Chief Minister, Andhra Pradesh Message am honored to play a vital rote in establishing Amaravati, as a Global Capital, realizing the vision of ‘our beloved Hon'ble Chief Minister. The ministry aspires to create a peoples capital that is vibrant, diverse inclusive and modern which is not only a glowing pride forall the people of Andhra Pradesh bu also a magnet fr skilled migrants, industries, business, professionals. from across the world, We see the city, Blending the very best features of urban planning, sustainability, and effective governance. Our efforts are fo create an inclusive, highly livable and world-class urban eco-system, through the best practices. Our departments are working hard, putting their best foot forward, in bringing the vision to blueprint. We bring the Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan for Amaravat, as one of the initiatives. This plan creates an edge, integrating basic and smart infrasructure services, including 24 X 7 water supply, Sewage and Sanitation, Solid Waste management, efficient transport systems, efficient power and gas supply, Information and communication technology ete (Our emphasis is particularly on raising the bar, making the city highly livable, witha deep sense of ‘ownership among its stakeholders and citizen. The plan makes an exciting and rewarding destination for the investors, tourists and researches alike Together with our Hon'ble Chief Minister, I commend the technical teams in their skillful efforts to draft the master plan for smart integrated infrastructure and our citizen for ther participation and pasion. Dr. P, Miniser, MARUD Aira Pradech BCBPAVALT tne Pcontes canta, My) i @ BCAPAVALL tne neostes cow Message The state government has established multiple agencies to develop the new capital, not to mention APCRDA and ADC, which are exclusively fashioned, o undertake the developmental activities forthe capital region that exceeds 8000 sq.kms in area. Onus ‘on MAGUD lies in bringing together all the establishments to meet the challenging demands thatthe capital city devours. The scale is unprecedented and our department is elated fo toll under the remarkable guidance of the Hon'ble Chief Minister and Hon'ble Minister, in undertaking the capital citys onerous developmental activites. (Our department's executive arms, operating together, have come up with te proposal for Amaravat to have physical infrastruc- ture of global standards, as elucidated inthe smart integrated infrastructure master plan. We plan for the most efficient utilities ‘that are environmentally sustainable, functionally smart and are technology driven, keeping up with the pace of global cities of today. Not only this, Amaravat ie se to amalgamate the local cultures, standing al to its historical root. On this occasion ofthe lan’ inauguration, I appreciate our staf] for their accomplishments till date and commend our citizen for their excellence in their collaboration, support and cooperation, No plan succeeds without citizen partiipation and the LPS scheme's attainment attests the notion in Andhra Pradesh. For us, it isa valuable experience and we take our plan forward, with proliferated passion. I look forward greatly to begin the plan's execution in the immediate future. Ajay Jein, LAS. PH Secretary to Gow “MAaUD (APCRDA) ind Energy nen Dept. @ BCRP ELI tne neotes cave Message Amaravati Development Corporation mandated to function as a core arm of the Government of Andhra Pradesh for development 0f Trunk Infrastructure in Capital City which wil integrate withthe LPS Infrastructure, Government Complex and Startup Area in Amaravati. ADC has appointed Aarvee and GIIC to develop this be print and is delighted to fashion the smart integrated infra- structure masterplan, afer careful examination of global standards n creating livable and functional cis, (Clearly, the smart integrated infrastructure plan is one of the first in what can be regarded as comprising several steps, to shape the enthralling new capital, Creating superior infrastructure is onerous in itself and the frst phase of the infrastructure planning document attempts to build on the existing infrastructure, with an integrated approack, considering the immediate opportunities, the city presents. Strategic directions and policies inthe plan pursue two distinctly assimilating praspects > Flood Mitigation plan for Capital City > Integration of trunk infrastructure, planning of water, waste water, solid waste managementrainage system, trafic and transportation system: and ete > Integration of blue and green master plans of the city This vision document developed will also bring out the best in efforts, made towards meeting the global standards in infrastructure delivery. Together, we lay foundation forthe city, ana plan for it tobe resilient in meeting the demand, which is predicted to have «fabulous growth curve. ADC looks greatly forward to play a pivotal role in putting the plan o practice and enthusiast as ever, to instigate development in our dream Capital Suet, D, Lakshesi Parthasarathy, 1.A.S(R) Chairperson and Managing Director, ADC. @ BRST ETAL tne scones coven Message LBB) CRDA foresees Amaravati to be the finest city ever to be ereated in India given its potential to develop in an environmentally B) sriendty, night functional, resilient model, All these elements are tapped into the smart integrated infrastructure masterplan that is being developed now. Land pooling schemes have been largely successful, owing tothe commitment and passion demonstrated by the farmers ofthe area and our Honorable Chief Minister in building our dream Capital. Lam honored and delighted to play a key role in making ‘he land pooling schemes efficacious, whick by and large. isthe largest ever known land assimilation exercise in the country Return of farmers’ plos, developing eritical infrastructure like roads, water supply, power in the entire capital city, developing Internal amenities in the neighborhood (plots given to farmers) and realizing economic value fo the city are among CRDA's pri- The Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan has been prepared adopting the best practices inthe developed world and true to the vision formulated by our Hon'ble Chief Minister and the public. The infrastructure plan is supported with a robust socio economic plan fo spur an inclusive, rapid and sustainable economic growth We are humbled by the encouragement given to our units from the minisry of urban development, not to mention, the inspiration ‘our chief minister instills, with his commitment andy diligence. We only look forward 10 work harder than ever, in the days to come, bringing the plan to veracity Dr. Sreedhar Cherukuri, 1A.S. Commissioner APCRDA knowlegement Aarvee Associates/GIC expresses sincere gratitude to our Hon'ble Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Minister of Municipal Administration & Urban Development (MA&UD}, Amaravati Development Corporation Limited (ADCL) and Capital Region Development Authority (CRDA} for giving us this exciting opportunity in designing Amaravati Cityas a world class city. Itis our commitment to develop innovative, cost effective and sustainable world-class infrastructure design in par with the top five best livable destinations in the world. We have set our goals being infrastructure consultants for the “preparation of Smart Integrated ‘Master Plan and Detailed Project Reports for Phase I" to integrate the core infrastructure needs such as “Roads network, Integrated ‘Storm Water, Drinking Water Supply, Sewerage Network, Municipal Solid Waste, Power supply & ICT” to the next level with state of the art technologies in par with world class destinations, (Our National and International teams with the state of art technologies and sofware tools have been working expeditiously at every stage ofthe project, taking into confidence of multiple stake holders marching towards the successful delivery ofthe project. We sincerely thank all the stake holders for their support and looking forward to the inaugural of the Amaravati City ~A world class destination! RV. Chakrapani, Managing Director, Aarvee Associates Zhang Lin, Chairman, GHC Dr. KSS.V.V. Prasad, Project Director, Aarvee Associates-GUC ADC - APCRDA bY- Ge Our Journey So Fa 3.55 @ aon eer nts Ty es 9 | Theme Cities (Justice, Sports, Knowledge, Electronics Site ranean Media, Tourism, Education, Government, Finance) ADC - APCRDA by- Ge @ Amaravati Master Plan ADC - APCRDA bY- Ge @ 5 (Vuavanana. ‘GunTUR -30KM, Te ADC - APCRDA —*Rawduncrions s Jit Novena CONE NAL! = SOKM, GUDIVADA ~ ASK) Amaravati Capital City Features ADC - APCRDA bY- Ge International Benchmarking ADC - APCRDA International Benchmarking r cr ” ADC - APCRDA International Benchmarking a cut ou fe A | 10 1 2km — bY- Ge o ADC - APCRDA 4 ) ADC - APCRDA bY- Ge oO ADC - APCRDA - @ ADC - APCRDA ( Water Supply & Fire Fighting System 7 cron “Suenuy sroreM ADC - APCRDA bY- Ge @ spose 0:0=m (bats ADC - APCRDA ese 5 Deen (: Wastewater LATICES ADC - APCRDA bY - Ge @ ADC - APCRDA bY- Ge @ ADC - APCRDA ( Storm Water Management os ADC - APCRDA bY- Ge 0 bY- Ge gd ADC - APCRDA ADC - APCRDA bY- Ge @ ‘TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION PROPOSAL. fF (400/20KV &220/33KV) DA CHLAALURPETA DC LINE ADC - APCRDA bY- Ge ADC - APCRDA ADC - APCRDA ADC - APCRDA bY- Ge 0 bY- Ge 0 ADC - APCRDA o aS 5 2 = & gg fa} mn te} Oo bY- Ge gd ADC - APCRDA Eigagegescer! ADC - APCRDA w-Gue @ ADC - APCRDA bY- Ge @ ADC - APCRDA by - Ghe 0 — ADC - APCRDA bY- Ge @ ADC - APCRDA bY- Ge @ < 3 Z So a < t ° a < ADC - APCRDA bY- Ge 0 ( ED © ADC - APCRDA bY - Ge 0 ADC - APCRDA bY- Ge 0 ADC - APCRDA iy Safety & Security ADC - APCRDA bY- Ge @ ADC - APCRDA ADC - APCRDA (» Disaster Managem “y- Gii¢ @ ADC - APCRDA Panang 358 {Can be managed t Osi esate & Cen! Govt thesasstreei pete 2 femuresastans ost So Lage scalars & stato maynothae caps ADC - APCRDA bY- Ge g ADC - APCRDA bY- Ge g ADC - APCRDA bY- Ge 0 LPS Layouts : s ine 4 pene : if bY- Ge o ADC - APCRDA LPS Layouts oO ao bY- Ge 6 LPS

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