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Make a reflection and identify experience when you feel when you are not confidence at the

1. I felt not confidence when I first taught and I never had teaching experience before.
2. I felt less confidence when before I was teaching, I didn’t prepare the material well.
3. Sometimes I felt I can’t have chemistry with the student, or I can’t bring the class well.


1. for the first time I taught I felt not confidence, I better prepared the material, so even
though I was not confident, but I already understood the material that I would to teach.
2. Sometimes I give question about last lesson or feedback of students about
understanding material before.
3. In this case, usually I have some games for the students. It could be that students prefer
to make noise in class because of your teaching method which they think is boring.
Therefore, try to insert humor that can attract the attention of all students.
The second way is used several learning methods. Each student has their own nature
and uniqueness. Therefore, how to deal with it cannot use the same method. Here you
must be able to use several teaching methods that are suitable for each student. For
example, in class A, students are happier with learning methods with discussion, then
use discussion learning methods. So, the point is, before teaching, you can make an
agreement with students who want to be taught with what method. after all students
agree, then you can use the method.

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