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Your Pension


Modern day classic Bermuda dinghy race. When the
wind is too light, crew are tossed overboard to lighten
the load, and increase speed
1 Pyramid of Investment Risk
Smart About
Step Eleven - Tracking Your Pension

It May Possibly be Your capital markets.

Largest Investment Asset All investments have risk, some are far
more, risky than others. The degree of risk
You have been courageous in attempting drives the percent-age of the allocations to
this “long” review of your finances. Now, various single security positions within the
you are more than halfway through. This portfolio.
is the hardest bit, though – thinking about
investments and what they mean to your The return on your investments over the
successful financial future. long term is generally determined by the
amount of risk you feel comfortable accept-
Here is a little factoid. ing and the performance of investments
Your Bermuda National Pension Plan and the underlying companies.
(formal name Occupational Pensions Act Our Bermuda Government is heavily
1998) is probably going to be your biggest weighted down by debt, foreign dollars
asset, besides your home. Spectacularly, a mostly loaned to us by foreigners - as we
25 -year old in the Bermuda private bu- all know. Institutional investment firms buy
si-ness workforce today could see values debt such as Bermuda’s for positions in
at retirement even higher than the value of their portfolios. Wouldn’t it be ironic if our
his/her home. Fur-ther, I can assure you that Bermuda pension investments held bond
if you understand what is in your pension positions in our own government debt?
plan, you will feel more comforta-ble about
other investments you might want to make
on your own. This assumes that you make
it a personal consistent goal to monitor your Your Bermuda National
pension plan on a quarterly basis. Pension Scheme (BNPS) is
THIS is your money! within your control.
Yes, the control is limited, but you can
make a choice of investment allocations
What is in your pension? based upon a number of personal criterias,
talk to a Bermuda pension administrator
Generally, your pension investments are
retirement specialist and keep track of this
managed as mini-portfolios, that is a
very important financial piece of your future!
mixture of various kinds of stocks, bonds,
See the following in STEP Twelve. Don’t
money market funds, cash, an assortment
forget your BNPS is managed by qualified
of exchange-traded funds, real estate
licensed investment portfolio profession-
in-vestment trust funds, and other smaller
als who are highly experienced in portfolio
asset allocation percentages such as com-
management with a global focus.
modities, such as food, oil, precious metals
are put together in a fund, then invested in Why?
Because, generally, your Bermuda Nation- sion plan company administrator who hires
al Pension accumulations are invested in professional investment managers to invest
capital markets, unless you have chosen a your portfolio, based upon your investment
guaranteed investment component (GIC), choices, your risk profile and investment
a choice that is managed by your pension allocations that are suitable for you, e.g. for
provider. It, too, will be wholly or partially example, if you are con-servative by nature,
invested capital markets in conservative a conservative portfolio allocation is recom-
fixed in-come (bonds) of varying investment mended.
grades, including high-grade, but hopefully
During the life of your pension, a hardship
not high-yield bonds - a far riskier vehicle -
premature withdrawal application may be
obtainable in capital markets.
made with Pen-sion Commission approval,
The guaranteed investment choice means along with extenuating emergency circum-
that you have transferred the direct risk stances during the COVID pan-demic. At
from capital market investments to your your planned retirement age (55-60-65), the
pension administrator to manage for you. market value of your account is what you
see is what you get.
You will have a choice of:
What’s in Your Bermuda
• A 25 per cent withdrawal of your lump
National Pension Scheme? sum, converting the remainder to either
We will review a number of items: an annuity (with various term choices) or
a drawdown account where your remain-
ing pension continues to be invested in
capital markets with a drawdown cal-
What is it? culated for each year, until account is
A Defined Contribution Plan under Bermu- de-pleted. The drawdown account allows
da Pension law, see the Act under www. you to capitalise on continued apprecia- is a “defined contribution tion (deprecia-tion) in capital markets.
benefit” that is determined solely with refer- • Converting to an annuity (with various
ence to, and is provided by, accu-mulated term and payment choices). Your return
contributions made by or for the credit of a is fixed for the life of the payments. An
member together with the investment yield annuity is a contract that once signed,
of such accumulated contributions and cannot be cancelled.
that is determined on an individual account • Converting to a drawdown account in
basis; and whole or in part. See above description.
“defined contribution pension plan” means • Smaller pension sums can be withdrawn
a pension plan providing a defined contri- in a lump sum, now increased to approxi-
bution benefit; mately $50,000 in total.
Vesting — is immediate at employment with • An additional temporary amendment
funds locked after one year. allows the employer (with consent of the
employee) to reduce matching contri-
Contributions during your employment life butions to 2% instead of 5% each. This
are made by you (currently at 5 per cent change will be effected through Decem-
of your gross sala-ry, monthly) and your ber 2021.
employer matches 5% directly to your pen-
• An addition, that may not yet be in place
is a change to a uniform fee structure for
all pension providers along with detailed
disclosure, according to the Bermuda
Pension Commission. Where can I find resources
• COVID pension legislation has authorised to track my pension
an additional individual $12,000 with- investments?
drawal due to the pandemic lock-down.
Each pension administrator and financial
services firm should be providing quarterly
or semi-annual statements listing names of
Where is it? the funds invested on your behalf, contribu-
Your plan is a legal contract established by tions, capital market apprecia-tion - depre-
your employer and administered with one ciation, and fees.
of four Bermuda insurance firms offering Generally, the current fund fact sheets
pension plan products. Yours and your should be visibly available on each pension
employer contributions are distributed by provider’s website. Research your pen-
your employer to the pension administrator sion provider, then download the fund fact
who then deposits your funds - converted sheets for review each month or quarter to
into US dol-lars - into your pension invest- track how your pension portfolio is perform-
ment account - to be managed by qualified ing.
portfolio managers
If such is not easily obtainable, give your
Your pension investments are not held pension advisor a call.
in Bermuda custody, but rather at one of
many large custodian clearing financial
institutions hired by your pension admin-
istration, possibly US / UK / Canadian Is my pension investment
custo-dian banks. This separation of duties choice right for me?
between administrator and portfolio manag-
Review STEP 10 above for starters, then,
er is required by se-curities law.
please keep in mind that the Coronavirus
You have a choice at retirement or other pandemic of 2020 Market volatility signifi-
circumstances, such as moving to another cantly, but generally temporarily, depressed
employer to use one of the four pension some market valuations, as all recessions
administrators, or the investment prod- historically have done. However, your
ucts provided by four additional Bermu-da pension portfolio managers are profes-
investment firms. This assumes that you sionals experi-enced in investing in good
elect a drawdown account and elect to companies with consistent results. Even-
move to an Indi-vidual Retirement Account, tually, just as in the 2008-2009 re-cession,
rather than purchasing an annuity. capital markets did (and will again) rebound
eventually to previous normal valuations or
See List under reference section.
So, you should take a deep breath, and not change
your allocations impetuously. Otherwise, you will be
selling out at a possibly large loss.

If you still have a significant time in the Take a look at the Capital Market Recov-
workforce, seriously consider just keeping ery Chart shown in Step 13 for verifica-
your current portfo-lio allocations in place. tion of the above statement!
Every single market downturn since 1929
If you are close to retirement, now is the
has rebounded with further invest-ment
time to discuss your time horizon with
appreciation going forward.
your pension provid-er’s financial advisors
Also take a look at the Individual Asset Allo- to plan a strategy - for a possible gradual
cation Suggested Guidelines for a pension change in your pension portfolio to more
in STEP Twelve for more guidance on your conservative investment approach.
investment asset allocations by age, work-
Are all my contributions accounted for?
ing stages and rate of return.
• Seems like the total is less than last is stated separately. You may know that the
year? This may be a direct impact from reason is because voluntary contributions
the most recent COVID-19 market crash, and appreciation are returned to you at
again that is predicted to be temporary. retirement, not locked into a drawdown or
• How is it doing - is my money growing? annuity account.
• Will there be enough when I retire, is First question - are all your contributions
timeline important? there? This is extremely important! You
• Should I be aggressive or conservative? should check your pension - online every
• Should I be in these investments? I have month, or at least quarterly, to be sure
a US green card / US passport. that all monies are distributed by your
employer and deposited in your pension
Open your statement. What is there (or not) account.
on your quarterly statement? Note: other
firms may issue monthly, or semi-annually,
so use the most current one instead.
Contributions Don’t Match
Our hypothetical employee has kept a
constant $60,000 for the past 15 years. Yes,
Your Pay Stubs
this is not realistic, but we are keeping the Lower than calculated contributions
math simple in order to explain the state- amounts that should have been deposit-
ment itself. ed is pure cause for alarm. Contact your
pension provider and the Bermuda Pension
You should see the following: The opening
Commission. See List in references for con-
balance (from last report) contributions,
tact information.
withdrawals, fees, investment gains or
losses and closing balance – with a line for
employer and employee 5 % of your salary,
separated. How do I pay for my pension
Your Contributions should total $128,000. management? What are the
This represents a total of $90,000 plus the Fees?
capital market appreciation for the same fif-
Looking at the fee column, there may or
teen years. The contribution column should
may not be a column or amount for fee
reflect the current year con-tribution $3,000
deduction, depending on the pension
X 2 = $6,000, representing 5% from you,
provider. If no fee is listed, contact your
5% from your employer. There have been
pension administrator for the information.
no transfers or withdrawals for hardship,
Fees affect the final rate of return. You need
and no fees are listed - only because I do
to know what that fee is, and whether it
not know what those are. The transfers,
is embedded in the other numbers, or not
withdrawals and fees are subtracted from
stated at all. You may also be able to locate
your total, then investment gains for the
the management fee if your pension uses
year are added - for the final total of $140,
mutual funds - by reviewing the mutual fund
968. If no fees disclosed, it is your respon-
fact sheet.
sibility to ascer-tain the total deducted fees
from your pension advisor. However, the fact sheet will not generally
state the a pension administration fee, or
Notice that your extra voluntary contribution
other fees.
Generally, several fees are deducted from How are Management fees
your pension account plan. The fees for
pension administra-tor, the underlying Impacting Performance?
mutual funds fees, if used, the portfolio Fees reduce your total return on pension,
manager fee, a custody fee may be charged or any invested, assets, so reviewing those
separately, a foreign exchange fee to costs is prudent. The thing is, fees are not
translate Bermuda dollars into US dollars, a big issue when investment market perfor-
and finally, there may be upfront or backend mances are solidly high, but one’s attitude
sales commissions fees charged if certain may change when market value of your
mutual funds are used. investments decrease, even temporarily.
Fees for portfolio management are incorpo- What is your pension’s real net growth after
rated in the mutual fund fee - appropriately fee deduction? We will explore the effect of
disclosed on the mutual fund fact sheet as fees on in-vestment performance in-depth
return - gross of fees, or net of all fees. If in Step Thirteen
gross of fees is reported, you must subtract
total fees charged to arrive at the import- How am I doing – is my money growing?
ant number - the Total Return Net of Fees Reviewing the investment gains or losses
number. column on your pension statement. What
you chose and how it should be perform-
In early 2020, the Pension Commission an- ing should be listed below your pen-sion
nounced mandate changes. Fees charged account transaction details for the reporting
for pension admin-istration and manage- period; it will be titled as your investment
ment by pension providers will adhere to a profile or similar language.
uniform fee structure, that will be displayed
prominently in pension disclosures and To review those pension investment values,
investment brochure. use the closing balance of your statement
compared to the opening balance. Your
ending pension value, if the market is up,
should increase by the amount of your
additional contributions plus an apprecia-
This was welcome tion number that is predicated on the asset
news. No more trying allocation you chose.

to figure out the real Try an even better indicator – the closing
balance of last year 2019, and if you really
net rate of return. want to be on top of things, pull out your
closing statements for 2018, 2017, 2016,
2015 – hoping you kept these records! If
you have not, start now to keep track of
them all – very important when you are
ready to retire.
Is your pension steadily appreciating (above
and beyond your total annual contributions)
over the total time frame, even if there have
been intermittent losses - on paper? Re-
member, there have been sev-eral tempo-
rary market downturns in the last 15 years, Too conservative?
but markets and security valuations have
recov-ered each time. An investment choice, if your workforce
longevity is more than ten years from
Doing well? Then you should continue on retirement. You, as younger careerist,
with that investment profile. need to allow time horizon and longevity in
If not, then you need to find out, why not. investment choices to do their job - ap-pre-
ciate. Don’t take my word for it - there are
Lower performance, which is not neces- millions of websites that discuss this very
sarily a bad thing, and could be attributed thought - just looking at the S&P 500 Index
to a number of fac-tors, such as the severe in a passive mutual fund performance over
market downturn during COVID-19, or your the last twenty years to see the significant
choice to change to a more con-servative appreciation, by simply leaving your money
approach. This is why it is so important intact, allowing it to grow.
to keep every single one of your pension
statements. It may be difficult to track your $10,000 invested, just once in the S&P
contributions when market valuations drop, Index over the last ten years could have
making your total pension number drop - grown to $29,793 plus/minus as at April 30,
unless you have those statements. 2020 - far more than a savings account,
See chart - according to Vanguard.
Recurring contributions from a pension plan
of say $800 per month ($9,600 per year) will
have grown significantly more.
Too aggressive?
an investment choice, particularly, if you Sell at the Low,
are close to retirement – you may not have
the workforce time, income, (or stamina) to Buy at the High!
make back temporary investment mar-
ket losses. Further, the continued market Never a Good Move!
volatility and risk always associated with
aggressive security choices may begin to Note that re-allocating
wear on your psyche, causing needless your pension portfolio
anxiety. Timing of selling market securities
or moving to more con-servative choice is selling security
is critical. Need cash or want to lock in positions!
appreciation, the market may surprise with
an abrupt downturn, leaving the contempla-
tion retirement either on the back burner, or
facing a smaller retirement fund.
Happy with Your Investment
Reacting Emotionally to Choices?
Investment Volatility? Reviewing your investment choices. What
are they? It depends upon which pension
Succumbing to your investor emotions by provider your em-ployer uses and what
moving your pension (and other) investment your pension advisor recommended –
choices every time you are concerned there based upon how you feel about investing.
is market volatility, is not an issue if market
is high, unless your reaction means that Where are you in your career, and how
you are selling at a loss thereby perpetuat- should you consider allocating your pension
ing the common mantra of small investors portfolio? Are you aggressive, balanced,
– see in red below. It is important to think moderate, very conservative?
about investment allocations, especially What do your investment choices mean in
during turbulent invest-ment environments. rates of return (appreciation) by reviewing
If you are comfortable with the investment the benchmark guidelines that portfolio
management of your pension, you should managers base for their investment perfor-
not change allocations. mances.
Go back to STEP 10 and review Investment Read on to STEP TWELVE!
thinking and the chart that demonstrates
average investor returns versus the indexes.
The Do-It-Yourself individual returns are
significantly lower!
Cross border caution You may be able going forward, or if you are
just starting within the Bermuda workforce,
regarding Bermuda National to elect to be invested in a United States
Pension Scheme! qualified pension plan.
United States citizens, green card hold- Two firms offer United States qualified plans
ers and dual citizens should not be in the that also meet the Bermuda Pension Act
Bermuda National Pension due to US tax guidelines:
and reporting complications. Having said
• Freisenbruch Meyer (for more than 15
that, if you meet these nationality cri-teria,
years) and
you may have been placed in the National
Pension anyway, if you were/are the spouse • since 2016, Argus Group Holdings.
of a Bermudian.  
Please consult with a US tax practitioner,
preferably a US CPA fiduciary professional
for assistance with the tax implications of
this pension investment each year and with-
drawal/distribution tax impli-cations.

Listen to
Tracking your
Bermuda Pension -
Part 1
& Resources

Bermuda Pension Administrators

Argus Group Holdings Limited - Pension
BF&M Insurance Company
Colonial Group Insurance International
Freisenbruch Meyer Group
The Bermuda National Pension Scheme
(Occupational Act) 1998 Consolidated
The Bermuda National Pension Scheme
(General Regulations) 1999 › laws ›
Consolidated Laws
The Bermuda Pension Commission. http://


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