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Chapter 1

Till the early age, most buildings were masonry constructions. Masonry covers a
very wide range of materials, such as bricks, stones, blocks etc. joined with different
types of mortars such as lime mortar, cement mortar etc. that exhibit different
mechanical properties. Masonry buildings are not only widely used for housing
construction not only in Nepal but in many other countries of the world. It is also
used as infill panels, partitions etc. in framed buildings, where it is subjected to
forces from the displacement of the frame and inertia forces. The masonry
construction are innumerable advantages such as thermal comfort, sound control,
the possibility of addition and alteration after construction, less formwork, and
inexpensive repair, use of locally available materials, need of less skilled labour etc.
Masonry structure having a less seismic resistance capacity hence it is not suitable
for the seismic prone area the reason behind that the failures of the structure in those
areas are low strength of masonry and unskilled labour used for construction. In
those areas, reinforced masonry may be used as a primary structural system and can
be designed to resist earthquake forces or reinforced concrete and steel constructions
can be used as a primary structural system to resist the earthquake force. Mostly
masonry buildings are the non-engineered buildings because there is no
consideration of the stability of the system under horizontal seismic forces.
Generally, it is observed during an earthquake that the performance of existing
masonry building is poor this lead to loss of life and property thus, there is a need to
do the retrofitting of existing masonry building is not possible without study of the
seismic behaviour, the present work deals with the study of the seismic behaviour
of the conventional masonry building and masonry building with extra provision.

This report is a seismic study for Retrofitting of Administrative Block of Mid-

western University. The building lies west to the Goddess Saraswathi temple with
in the central campus. The strong earthquake on April 25, 2015 (7.8 Mw moment
magnitude) originated at Barpak of Gorkha and the largest aftershock with the
magnitude of 7.3 Mw affected the building to a minor extent leading to the fine

vertical crack failure in the wall and joints of the building. This building is a load
bearing masonry structure built in 2050 B.S by brick in cement and sand mortar
covering a plinth area of 986.15 sq. m having one hall two rooms one staircase and
utility rooms.

Due to lack of soil test reports of this building, the soil type is assumed as soft rock
i.e., medium soil based on the reports of recently conducted soil tests in the vicinity
of the building by NSET (National society for earthquake technology). According
to IS 1893 (Part I): 2002; Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of structures.
The district is assumed to lie on earthquake zone V, with seismic zone factor Z= 1.1
the severest one, so the effect of earthquake is predominant compared to wind load.
After the earthquake in 2015 a general repair and painting work has been done and
being used as the administrative block for all faculty both the two floors were used
for educational office purpose. Although damages are not so large but due to the age
of building the building needs to be strengthened through retrofitting. It is
emphasized that the building will satisfy the functional and structural need after
retrofitting. During retrofitting and seismic study of the building, seismic effect was
considered whereas earthquake loading was ignored in the initial design and
detailing of the structure.

Retrofitting means strengthening later. It is intended to provide not only increased

strength, so as to prevent collapse, but also increased stiffness and ductility to give
increased protection against damage to non-structural building components.
Therefore, retrofitting refers to modifying a structure, which means making changes
to the systems inside the building or even the structure itself at some point after its
initial construction and occupation. Apart from improving the performance of the
building, retrofitting is also done with the expectation of improving amenities for
ty of damage to an existing
structure during/ after recent earthquake or during the event of future earthquake.
The steps encompass condition assessment of the structure, evaluation for seismic
forces, selection of retrofit strategies and construction

1.2.Purpose of the project

The primary purpose of this project is to study and application of design

methodology for the seismic study and retrofitting of the existing load bearing
masonry building Administrative block of Humanities and Socialism at Mid-
western university. It is expected that this document will be used by retrofit design
professionals for performing seismic study and retrofitting the building using
suitable method of retrofit.

The need for retrofitting arises due to any of the following reasons:
1. building not designed to code,
2. subsequent updating of code and design practice,
3. subsequent upgrading of seismic zone,
4. deterioration of strength and aging
5. modification of existing structure
6. change in the use of the building etc

Factors like economy, aesthetics, architectural identity and duration of project

determine whether or not retrofitting should be adopted. The cost of retrofitting
should not exceed 35 % of the cost of reconstructing the building. Various Indian
Standard codes were used as per the requirements in the retrofitting analysis works.
Majorly the codes used where IS 15988: 2013 Seismic Evaluation and Strengthening
of existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings, IS 1893: 2002: Criteria for Earthquake
Resistant Design Structures, IS: 875 (Part I, II)-1987: Code of Practice for Design
Loads for Buildings and Structures and IS 456: 2000: Code of Practice for Plain and
Reinforced Concrete.

1.3.Problem faced in masonry structure

Masonry is generally a highly durable form of construction. However, the material

used, quality of mortar and workmanship, the pattern in which the unit are
assembled can significantly affect the durability of overall construction. Masonry
structure is brittle and tensile and shear strength is very low. Due to the very large

mass of the masonry structure heavy weight attracts the large amount of seismic
force causing different failure such as out of plane failure, in plane failure,
diaphragm failure due to opening in walls and non-structural component failure.
Some, considerable failure which is identified by visual inspection are following:
Seepage problem in foundations
Vertical corner crack
Cracking at connections
Cracking at the corner of openings

In the proposed project building ground wall are of 350 mm and the first-floor
wall are of 250mm, the wall faces are not aligned face to face. This is a major
problem seen in the building which causes difficulties in various retrofitting work.
Similarly, the projected slab windows position is not in a symmetrical with all four
faces of the building. It also seems that the building foundations are not well

1.4.Need of study

In the propose project building there are certain failure are noted during visual
inspections. However, these failures are not of a large scale but are considerable.
These failure leads to the study of the structure for seismic evaluation and
performance during an earthquake. This study will provide an idea that what
causing the problems, the strength of material after construction. As the building
is constructed nearly 26 years ago in the year of 2050 BS.

The main goal of this study was to figure out the construction system of brick
masonry building in context of Nepal in previous time specially in hilly zone
which lies the seismic zone of factor (Z=0.9 to 1.1) as the proposed building lies
in seismic zone factor of 0.9. During the inspections the main problems found
were incompatibilities between structural walls. In some cases, there are electric
wiring pipes are grooved in wall and these pipes were inside structural walls, such
option is forbidden in NBC codes, facing of the wall of first and ground floor.

Experience from past earthquakes and results of structural analysis indicate that a
large proportion of the existing masonry and reinforced building in Nepal, in
vulnerable to damage or event collapse during a strong earthquake. These
structures are possessing neither sufficient strength nor ductility to perform
satisfactorily during earthquake, and not just which have been those damaged
during earthquake. However, the redesigning of all damaged or non-damaged
(conceptual error design) structure are very difficult. Replacement of damaged
building or existing unsafe building by reconstruction is generally, avoided due to
a number of reasons, the main ones among them is Higher cost of Repair and
retrofitting. The retrofitting work carried out in various regions, although on a
small scale, offers a number of lessons that could be valuable for the further
development of retrofitting as well as for its promotion as the most attractive
option for reducing vulnerability.

1.5.Scope and objectives

The main scope of this project is to study load bearing masonry structure
residential and educational buildings categorised as damage grade of 2 (major) or
3 (minor) after earthquake and retrofitting after seismic evaluation in weak and
non-seismic structure and also to reduce vulnerability of buildings thereby
decreasing likelihood of risk to loss of life and injury to the habitants of the
buildings. This is accomplished by limiting the likelihood of damage and
controlling the extent of damage in the building. Retrofitting of damaged and
vulnerable structure ensure the protection during major or minor earthquake and
preventing the damage of life and physical property. This study report will be a
useful document for retrofitt the existing building which are partially damaged and
can be re-used through retrofitting and can also be used in controlling the extent
of damage of an existing structure.


The main objective of the proposed project is to acquire knowledge and skill with
an emphasis of practical application of study in seismic analysis and providing the

idea behind earthquake resistance structure. Beside the utilization of study only in
evaluation but also in design and application in real field with application of
various codes available for earthquake design and guidelines published by
retrofitting guidelines
The main objective of the project study is listed below as follows:

To study the seismic evaluation and modelling of load bearing masonry

To perform seismic retrofitting of the load bearing masonry structure
(proposed building)


The major goal of this project is to study and applying the retrofitting method to
the proposed building to make it to withstand the earthquake and perform as
earthquake resistance building. It is expected that this study report will cover all
the aspect of seismic evaluation and seismic retrofitting techniques for load
bearing masonry structure. It is also expected that this report will help the engineer
and designer to consider about the seismic criteria, possible damages in masonry,
seismic assessment of masonry and retrofitting of other existing building than the
project building.
There are some criteria within which the study report is limited and be
performed by studying and seismic evaluation only.

This project is limited to the seismic damage identifications and evaluation

This project is only limited to modelling the masonry structure

Chapter 2

The study of various research papers is done for this project, according to the
Nepal has
long history of devastating earthquakes as the country is situated in the boundary
between two active tectonic plates - the Indian Plate in the south and Tibetan plate
in the North. As Nepal lies in the seismic prone area and earthquake occurs
frequently, the buildings in Nepal need to be designed and constructed as earthquake
resistant buildings. However, the structures of Nepal are mostly non-engineered and
semi-engineered which basically lack seismic resistant detailing. In the past
earthquakes Nepal, including Kathmandu valley, has witnessed severe damage to
buildings and significant loss of human lives. The damages caused by the
earthquakes in the past demonstrate the vulnerability of buildings in Nepal.

This guideline focuses on seismic strengthening (Retrofitting) of unreinforced

Masonry Structures. Seismic retrofitting may require intervention at element level
but the required performance shall be achieved at global level. The extent of the
modifications must be determined by the general principles and design methods
stated in earlier chapters, and should not be limited to increasing the strength of
members that have been damaged, but should consider the overall behaviour of the
structure. Commonly, strengthening procedures should aim at one or more of the
following objectives.

i. Increasing the lateral strength in one or both directions, by reinforcement or by

increasing wall areas or the number of walls and columns.

ii. Giving unity to the structure by providing a proper connection between its
resisting elements, in such a way that inertia forces generated by the vibration
of the building can be transmitted to the members that have the ability to resist
them. Typical important aspects are the connections between roofs or floors and
walls, between intersecting walls and between walls and foundations

iii. Eliminating features that are sources of weakness or that produce

concentrations of stresses in some members. Asymmetrical plan distribution of
resisting members, abrupt changes of stiffness from one floor to the other,

concentration of large masses, large openings in walls without a proper peripheral
reinforcement, gable walls are examples of defect of this kind.

iv. Avoiding the possibility of brittle modes of failure by proper reinforcement and
connection of resisting members. Since its cost may go to as high as 50 to 60%
of the cost of rebuilding, the justification of such strengthening must be fully

It is neither practical nor feasible to demolish all the existing buildings and
construct new buildings meeting seismic safety standard. A practical approach to
increasing seismic safety standard of these buildings would be to strengthen them
and upgrade their level of safety. The non-engineered, semi-engineered structures

or which do not meet existing seismic safety standard can be rebuilt or

reconstructed or strengthened or retrofitted to improve their performance during

Chapter 3

This assessment is done based on visual inspection, drawings developed based on

site measurements, earthquake vulnerability factors identification, their qualitative
analysis and short mathematical calculations to check some vulnerability factors.
For the

by DUBDC, Ministry of development. This guideline for seismic retrofitting of

masonry structure suggests the procedure for the identification of deficiencies in the
building structure; however, it does not give the level of vulnerability if the building
is noncompliant. The checklists suggested by this guideline were followed and other
pertinent observations necessary for the assessment were noted during the site
The preliminary assessment shall include the following:
Desk discussion with the group member and desk study for planning
Detailed site survey of the structures.
Development of drawings based on the site survey.
Identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the building.
Identification of structural vulnerability factors of the existing lateral force
resisting system of the structures.
General recommendations that would serve as an aid for further detailed
analysis and design of retrofitting options.

There are various methods of repair and retrofitting for earthquake damaged
masonry structures in different categories. Where repair methods are applied it is
expected that the structure will be restored to its pre-earthquake condition, whereas
the application of retrofitting methods is expected to increase the strength and
ductility of the structure beyond its original condition. This study report
incorporates repair and retrofit methods considering their suitability in terms of
material availability, affordability, and ease of construction.

3.1. Review existing condition of building

Some of the preliminary information are essential before proceeding to the decision
of retrofitting. Age of the building, design code (if any), existing condition of the
building, change in use, buildings and physical facilities in the neighbourhood of
the building which can have impact on safety of the building, availability of
drawings and other technical information such as geotechnical investigation report
and intended future use of the building.

3.2. Carry out vulnerability evaluation

The vulnerability evaluation of the building shall be carried out first as preliminary
investigation and then, if required, detailed investigation. Preliminary investigation
such as geometrical properties and existing condition of the building and detailed
investigation can be carried out as suggested in the guideline developed by DUDBC
under ERRRP project5 or any other relevant guidelines.

3.3. Carry out preliminary design with cost estimate

At this stage it is advisable that engineers decide on feasibility of retrofitting for the
building. Although detailed cost estimate requires detailed design, it is advisable to
use engineering judgment on whether or not to proceed for retrofitting of the
building. The decision, it is underscored, may depend on many other circumstances
and economic viewpoint only may not be justified. For example, a historic building
may require retrofitting even though the project may not be advised on economic

3.4. Detail design

If the retrofitting is decided to carry out, detailed design is required before

construction intervention. The detailed design shall be carried out according to the
retrofitting guideline recommended for the particular building type.

Site Visit and collection of data.
Configuration- Related checks:
Load path, geometry, redundancy, weak/ soft storey, mezzanines, vertical discontinuities, mass
irregularity, torsion, adjacent buildings, short columns

Seismic preliminary evaluation

Calculation of base shear.
Calculation of shear stress in RC columns.
Calculation of shear capacity of column.
Calculation of axial stress in moment- frame columns.

Acceptability criteria Satisfied?


Detailed evaluation
Calculation of moment of resistance in hogging and sagging.
Check of shear capacity of Beam and Column.
Check of strong column/ weak beam.

Acceptability criteria Satisfied?


Strengthening not recommended. Strengthening recommended.

Selection and design of retrofit strategies

Comparison of various retrofitting option with reference to:

Time consuming
Disturbance to existing structure
Effect as original aesthetics

Selection of most appropriate retrofitting option

Detail drawing & report

Construction, Quality Assurance and Control

Flow chart of methodology

Chapter 4


4.1. Details of seismic evaluations of the project building

An existing two-storey with stair cover unreinforced masonry building is located in

the highest seismic zone V and is founded on medium soil. The building is 13.25 m
in height, 24 m in length. The lateral load resistance to the building is provided by
perimeter load bearing unreinforced masonry walls which decrease in thickness
from 0.350 m at the ground floor to 0.23 m at the top floor with 0.23 m thick walls
for the second and third floors. There are same interior cross walls of width
0.230mm present in the building. The short walls are perforated with openings for
door and windows. The following calculations illustrates detailed evaluation of the
building in accordance with the provisions of draft code on seismic evaluation and
seismic retrofitting with provisions of new retro fitting technology splint and
bandage method.

4.2. General Description of Existing Building:

Table 1
Building Description: Masonry Site visit /visual inspection/site
Structural measurements
Location: Birendranagar, surkhet Site visit /visual inspection/site
Story height: each story height Site visit /visual inspection/site
different measurements

No. of stories: 2 with stair cover Site visit /visual inspection/site

Column: No column provided Site visit /visual inspection/site

Beam size :230mm*350mm Site visit /visual inspection/site
Slab thickness: 120mm Site visit /visual inspection/site
Type of foundation: Load bearing Site visit/foundation
foundation Exploration

4.3. Structural assessment checklist

Table 2

1. Load Path The load bearing masonry system
provides a complete load path through the
wall which transfers all inertial forces in
the building to the foundation.
2. Redundancy Beam are provided in cross partition
3. Geometry The plan of the building is same in all
4. Weak story/soft There is no weak / soft story.
5. Vertical Vertical element in the lateral force
Discontinuities resisting system are continues to the
6. Mass There is change in effective mass in
adjacent floors except as the wall

thickness of the ground floor and first and
rest of floor are different.
7. Torsion The eccentricity of the building is not
within the limit.
8. Adjacent There are no adjacent buildings.
9. Short column No short column effect
10. Deterioration of Visible deterioration of concrete is seen in
concrete the upper slab and the projection slab. No
cracks were observed.
11. Deterioration of There is deterioration in the mortar and
masonry brick joint in foundation

4.5. Structural data

Unit weight of Brick Masonry :19.6 KN/m3

Unit weight of plaster: 20 KN/m3
Unit weight of RCC: 24 KN/m3
Unit for per run metre of 0.23 m thick wall: 4.6 kN/m2
Unit for per run metre of 0.35 m thick wall: 7.0 kN/m2
a. Live load:
For floor =1.5 KN/m2 (office building)
For Roof =1.5 KN/m2
Grade of Concrete = M20
First class brick wall with cement-sand mortar

4.6.Preliminary design of structure

Masonry structures gain stability from the support offered by cross walls, floors, roof
and other elements such as piers and buttresses Load bearing walls are structurally more
efficient when the load is uniformly distributed and the structure is so planned that
eccentricity of loading on the members is as small as possible. Avoidance of eccentric

loading by providing adequate bearing of floor/roof on the walls providing adequate
stiffness in slabs and avoiding fixity at the supports, etc, is especially important in
load bearing wall structures. These matters should receive careful consideration
during the planning stage of masonry structures. Similarly, it is always essential to
meet the basic criteria of earthquake resistant masonry buildings such as
door/window opening ratio, height to thickness ratio, maximum length of
unsupported walls etc. prior to detail analysis and design of structural elements to avoid
unnecessary time loss in re-determining and analyzing the structure again with
revised sections of structural elements.

4.7. Effective length of wall

Effective length of a wall shall be as given in Table below.

Table 3: Effective length of wall

S.N. Conditions of Support (See figure below) Effective

1 Where a wall is continuous and is supported by cross wall, and 0.8 L
there is no opening within a distance of H/8 from the face of
cross wall or where a wall is continuous and is supported by
2 Where a wall is supported by a cross wall at one end and 0.9L
continuous with cross wall at another end or where a wall is
supported by a pier/ buttress at one end and continuous with
pier/buttress at other end.
3 Where a wall is supported at each end by cross wall or 1.0L
where a wall is supported at each end by a pier/buttress.
4 Where a wall is free at one end and continuous with a cross 1.5L
wall at the other end or where a wall is free at one end and
continuous with a pier/buttress at the other end
5 Where a wall is free at one end and supported at the other 2.0L
end by a cross wall or where a wall is free at one end and
supported at the other end by a pier/ buttress.

Effective length = 8.76-0.35 m =8.25 m

Trial thickness of wall using slenderness criteria, 8.25/27 = 0.3 m

Use the thickness of wall 0.35m or 350 mm

4.8. Calculations of permissible compressive stress in masonry wall

Permissible compressive stress in masonry shall be based on the value of basic

compressive stress (fb) and multiplying this value by factor known as stress reduction
factor. Area reduction factor (@) and shape modification factor (kp) as per IS 1905-

Basic Compressive Stress: Values of basic compressive stress given in Table 4

that take into consideration crushing strength of masonry unit and grades of mortar,
and hold good for values of slenderness ration not exceeding 6, zero eccentricity
and masonry unit having height to width ratio (as laid) equal to 0.75 or less.
Alternatively, basic compressive stress may be based on results of prism test on
masonry made from masonry units and mortar to be actually used in a particular

Table 4: Basic Compressive Stress


No. Type EXCEED 0.75 AND
3.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
l Hl 8.35 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.16 1.31 1.45 1.59 1.91 2.21 2.50 3.05
2 H2 8.35 0.50 0.74 0.96 1.09 1.19 1.30 1.41 1.62 1.85 2.10 2.50
3 Ml 8.35 0.50 0.74 0.96 1.06 1.13 1.20 1.27 1.47 1.69 1.90 2.20
4 M2 0.35 0.44 0.59 0.81 0.94 1.03 1.10 1.17 1.34 1.51 1.65 1.90
5 M3 0.25 0.41 0.56 0.75 0.87 0.95 1.02 1.10 1.25 1.41 1.55 1.78
6 Ll 0.25 0.36 0.53 0.67 0.76 0.83 0.90 0.97 1.11 1.26 1.40 1.06
7 L2 0.25 0.31 0.42 0.53 0.58 0.61 0.65 0.6 0.73 0.78 0.85 0.95

Stress Reduction Factor - This factor, as given in Table 4, takes into consideration
the slenderness ratio of the element and also the eccentricity of loading

Table 5: Stress reduction factor

Slenderness Eccentricity of loading divided by the thickness of the member

0.00 0.04 0.08 0.17 0.25 0.33
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
8 0.95 0.15 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.91
10 0.89 0.88 0.87 0.85 0.83 0.81
12 0.84 0.83 0.81 0.78 0.75 0.72
14 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.70 0.66 0.66
16 0.73 .71 0.68 0.63 0.58 0.53
18 0.67 0.64 0.61 0.55 0.49 0.43
20 0.62 0.59 0.55 0.48 0.41 0.34
22 0.56 0.52 0.48 0.40 0.32 0.24
24 0.51 0.47 0.42 0.33 0.24 ---
26 0.45 0.40 0.35 0.25 --- ---
28 0.43 0.38 0.33 0.22 --- ---

Area Reduction Factor - This factor takes into consideration smallness of the
sectional area of the element and is applicable when sectional area of the element is
less than 0.2 m2. The factor, A = 0.7 + 1.5 A, A being the area of section in m2.

Shape Modification Factor This factor takes into consideration the shape of the unit,
that is, height to width ratio (as laid) and is given in Table 5. This factor is applicable
for units of crushing strength up to 15 N/mm2.

Table 6: Shape modification factor

Height to Shape modification factor (kp) for units having crushing

width ratio strength in N/mm2
of units
5.00 7.50 10.00 15.00
1 2 3 4
Up to 0.75 1.0 1.0 1.0 10
1.0 1.2 1.1 1.1 10
1.5 1.5 1.3 1.2 11
2.0 to 4.0 1.8 1.5 1.3 1.2

For our case,

Compressive strength of masonry unit = 10 N/mm2

Mortar type MI corresponding to cement sand ratio of 1:4

Basic compressive strength of wall fb 0.96 N/mm2 (From Table 4)

Stress reduction factor ks = 0.51 for slenderness ratio of 24 (From Table 5)

Area reduction factor = 0.7 + 1.5 A,

Sectional Area A = 0.11 * 0.075 = 0.00825 m2

Area reduction factor Ka = 0.7 + 1.5 A = 0.7 + 1.5*0.00825 = 0.71

Shape modification ratio = Kp 1.0 (For H/W = 0.075/0.11=0.68, Table 5)

Hence, Permissible compressive stress in masonry (f,) = 0.96* 0.51 * 0.71 * 1

= 0.35 N/mm2

4.9. Earth quake load calculations

Using NBC 105
Seismic coefficient method

The design horizontal seismic force coefficient, Cd for seismic coefficient method
is, taken as

C is the basic seismic coefficient for the fundamental translational period in
the direction under consideration.
Z = Seismic zoning factor = 1.1 (For the location of the building in
I = Importance factor = 1.5 Office Buildng
K = Structural Performance factor = 2.5

T = (0.09 X H) / (D^0.5) = (0.09 * 8.035)/ (8.6^0.5) = 0.246 Longitudinal
= (0.09 * 8.035)/ (8.95^0.5) = 0.241 Transverse direction C = 0.08 for Subsoil
Type II
C = CZIK = 0. 08 X 1.1 X 1.5X 2 .5 = 0.33

Using IS code,
Design Seismic Coefficient Ah =

Z = 1.1 (NBC 105, Surkhet)
I = 1.5 (for office building)
Sa/g = function of Time Period T Sa/g = 2.5
R = 3 (For Load bearing masonry wall)

Ah = = == = 0.68

Hence using base shear coefficient equal to 0.33

4.10.Lump mass calculations

The seismic weight or the lump mass at each floor level, Wi, shall be taken as the sum
of the dead loads and the seismic live loads between the mid-heights of adjacent
stories. The seismic live load shall be taken as a percentage of the design live load as
given in Table below:

Table 7: Percentage of imposed load to the considered in seismic weight calculations

Design live load Percentage of design live load

Up to 3 KPa 25
Above 3KPa 50
For roofs Nill

Dead load

Slab thickness 120mm

Slab Load: 0.120*2 = 3.125KN/m2
Ceiling plaster Load: 0.0125*20 = 0.25KN/m2
Wall load on slab (230mm) 4.6 kN/m2

Wall load on ground(350mm) 7 kN/m2
Floor Finish Load: 0.025*20 = 0.50 kN/m2

For stair cover:

Slab thickness 120mm
Slab Load: 3.125*13.57
= 42.40 KN
Ceiling plaster Load: 0.25*13.57
=2.39 KN
Wall load on slab (230mm): (13.95*1.74) *4.6
=112 KN
Deduction for door opening: 7.45 KN
Plaster load: 6 KN
Total dead load of 2 floor: 170 KN

For first floor:

Slab Load: 3.125*98.615
= 309 KN
Ceiling plaster Load: 0.25*98.615
=25 KN
Floor finish load: 49 KN
Wall load on slab (230mm): (62*2.7) *4.6
=770 KN
Plaster load: 57 KN
Load of beam: 40 KN
Deduction for openings: 128 KN
Total dead load of 1st floor: 1122 KN

For ground floor:

Slab Load: 3.125*98.615
= 309 KN
Ceiling plaster Load: 0.25*98.615
=25 KN
Floor finish load: 49 KN
Wall load on slab (350mm): (62*3.175) *7
=1377 KN
Plaster load: 56.27 KN
Load of beam: 40 KN
Deduction for openings: 175 KN
Total dead load of ground floor: 1682 KN
Total deal load of the building: 2974 KN

Live load:
Table 8: Live load calculation
Level Floor Floor area LL 0.25LL
(kN/m2) (kN/m2)
3 2nd floor 13.57 33.9 8.5
2 1st floor 98.615 246.45 61.63
1 Ground Floor 98.615 246.45 61.63

Lump mass
Table 9: Lump mass calculations
Level Floor Total Dead Total Live Total Weight
Load (KN) Load (KN) (KN)
3 Second Floor 170 8.5 203.9
2 First Floor 1122 61.63 1183.63
1 Ground Floor 1682 61.63 1743.63

4.11. Calculation of base shear

Calculation of base share can be done using following code:
a) NBC 105:1994

The design horizontal seismic force coefficient, Cd for seismic coefficient method
is, taken as

C is the basic seismic coefficient for the fundamental translational period in
the direction under consideration.
Z = Seismic zoning factor = 1.1 (For the location of the building in
I = Importance factor = 1.5 (Office Building)

K = Structural Performance factor = 2.5

T = (0.09 X H) / (D^0.5) = (0.09 * 8.035)/ (8.6^0.5) = 0.246 Longitudinal

= (0.09 * 8.035)/ (8.95^0.5) = 0.241 Transverse direction C = 0.08 for Subsoil
Type II
C = CZIK = 0. 08 X 1.1 X 1.5X 2 .5 = 0.33

Base shear = Vb = Ah*W

= 0.33* 3131.16
=1033.28 KN

a. Distribution of Base Shear and Calculation of shear Stress in the wall:

Table 6:
Floor Total weight Height hi Qi (KN) Story
(m) Shear
Vi (KN)
Wi (KN)
3 170 8.035 10975.4 0.17 175.65 175.65
2 1122 5.815 37939.5 0.6 620 795.65
1 1684 2.995 15105.5 0.23 237.65 1033.28
2974 64020.4 1 1033.28

Chapter 5

5.1. ETABS v 17
5.1.1. salient features
ETABS is a sophisticated, yet easy to use, special purpose analysis and design
program developed specifically for building systems. ETABS 2017 features an
intuitive and powerful graphical interface coupled with unmatched modelling,
analytical, design, and detailing procedures, all integrated using a common database.
Although quick and easy for simple structures, ETABS can also handle the largest
and most complex building models, including a wide range of nonlinear behaviours
necessary for performance-based design, making it the tool of choice for structural
engineers in the building industry.
The ETABS building is idealized as an assemblage of shell, frame, link, tendon, and
joint objects. Those objects are used to represent wall, floor, column, beam, brace,
tendon, and link/spring physical members. The basic frame geometry is defined with
reference to a simple three-dimensional grid system. With relatively simple
modelling techniques, very complex framing situations may be considered. The
buildings may be unsymmetrical and non-rectangular in plan. Torsional behaviour
of the floors and inter story compatibility of the floors are accurately reflected in the
results. The solution enforces complete three-dimensional displacement
compatibility, making it possible to capture tubular effects associated with the
behaviour of tall structures having relatively closely spaced columns. Semi-rigid
floor diaphragms may be modelled to capture the effects of in plane floor
deformations. Floor objects may span between adjacent levels.

5.1.2. Analysis
The program can automatically generate lateral wind and seismic load patterns to
meet the requirements of various building codes. Three-dimensional mode shapes
and frequencies, modal participation factors, direction factors and participating mass
percentages are evaluated using Response spectrum analysis, linear time history
analysis, nonlinear time history analysis, and static nonlinear (pushover) analysis

are all possible. The static nonlinear capabilities also allow you to perform
incremental construction analysis so that forces that arise as a result of the
construction sequence are included. Results from the various static load cases may
be combined with each other or with the results from the dynamic response spectrum
or time history analyses.

5.1.3. Output

Output may be viewed graphically, displayed in tabular output, compiled in a report,

exported to a database file, or saved in an ASCII file. Types of output include
reactions and member forces, mode shapes and participation factors, static and
dynamic story displacements and story shears, inter-story drifts and joint
displacements, time history traces, and more. Import and export of data may occur
between third-party applications
such as Revit and AutoCAD from Autodesk.

5.2. Modelling of building

The building has been modelled using ETABS v17 software. A three-dimensional
model of the building is made for analysis since the building block is symmetric in
plan. The walls are of different thickness in ground and first and second floor and
these walls has modelled as masonry thick shells with the section and material
property of masonry as per Indian standard. The slab has been assumed as rigid
diaphragms. The base of the building model is considered fixed to calculate
earthquake response.

5.3. Loading of structure

The weight of the floor slabs, corridor slabs, partition wall and outer wall have been
considered for dead load calculations. The dead load of slabs are uniformly
distributed to the surrounding wall and partitions walls as the masonry walls are
performing for load transfer to the ground. The walls are constructed with brick
masonry having unit weight of 20kN/m3. Density of concrete is taken as 24kN/m3.

Live load on buildings have been taken as per IS: 875(Part 2)-1987. Earthquake
loads are calculated as per IS: 1893-1975. Surkhet falls under zone V, therefore
Zone factor (Z) is considered as 1.1. Value of Importance Factor (I) is taken as 1.5
and Response Reduction factor (R) is considered as 5 since ductile detailing have
not been done in the building block design. The earthquake loads have been applied
in the form of response spectrum. Response spectrum is taken for medium soil and
seismic Zone V.

Model Analysis Result:

After the analysis of the model the following results have been obtained
are listed below.

Fig 1: Max storey displacement due to live load

Fig 2: Max storey displacement due to dead load

Fig 3: Max storey displacement due to earthquake

Chapter 6


The walls and the roof slab showing damage in form of cracks, deterioration of slab
and seepage in foundations and after modelling of the structure it is also seen the
need of suitable retrofitting techniques for building. Retrofitting is a technique by
which strength, ductility and stiffness of building is enhanced and final goal ot
technique is enhancement of performance level of structure. Global and local level
of retrofitting techniques usually adopted t increase performance level and make
existing structure to perform for desire performance level against the designed
earthquake. In this administrative building, the weak component is wall and heavy
load of slab on it which are resting on the wall which transfer the load to the
foundation. The walls are acting as the load carrying component; therefore, the walls
need to be retrofitted with suitable technique.

6.1. Selection of retrofitting technique

The choice of a retrofitting methodology depends on the type of building, required

level of performance, availability of technology and overall, financial aspect. Some
of the retrofitting techniques used for retrofitting masonry structures are given
Wire meshing

Wall jacketing

Splint and bandage method

Gabion wire

PP band

Introduction of bands and stitches

Strengthening/stiffening of roofs/floors

Anchorage of roofs/floors with wall

6.2. Splint and Bandage method

After the detailed site measurement, investigation seismic evaluation and modelling
the building the results are compared with the guidelines provided by DUBDC
named as The
most suitable retrofitting technique splint and bandage method is adopted for
retrofitting of the building.
The Splint and Bandage system is considered as an economic version of jacketing
where reinforcing bars are provided at most critical locations (Figure 4) where ever
stress concentrations can develop. Splints are vertical elements provided at corners,
wall junctions and jambs of openings in the external and internal faces of the
building. The objective is to provide integrity in vertical direction.

Fig: splint and bandage on wall (source: DUDBC)

The bandages are horizontal elements running around all the walls and building to
integrate various walls together there by preventing potential out of plane collapse
of walls. In addition, openings are also surrounded by splints and bandages to
prevent initiation and widening of cracks from their corners. Splints are provided in
the external face only. The bandages are also provided on both the faces of the walls
just at the lintel, eaves and sill level. This method is inferior to jacketing but better
than bolting in terms of safety enhancement.

6.3. Ready to use seismic retrofit design proposed by NRA

This section presents summary of retrofit designs which are applicable in

following cases:

Retrofitting Stone masonry building

Retrofitting stone masonry building in mud (RSMM)
Retrofitting dry stone masonry building (RDSM)

Retrofitting brick masonry building

Retrofitting brick masonry building in mud with flexible floor
Retrofitting brick masonry building in cement with flexible floor
Retrofitting brick masonry building in cement with rigid floor

[Typical description of building]

Number of storey: 2 plus attic (maximum), except RBMC2 which is three
Storey height: 3.00 m (maximum)
Total height: 7.0m (2 plus attic) and 9.0 m (three storey)
Unsupported wall length: 5.40 m (maximum)
Plinth area: 100.00 sq.m
Configuration and load path: are similar as mention in part B:
Seismic deficiency and intervention)
Redundant: Yes
Material condition: Good or replaced with new material in case of

[Note:]: the design given in this section are applicable to those building which meets
the description mentioned above under typical description of buildings. In other
case, structural design shall be done.

Table: summery for retrofit design (applicable to RSMM, RDSM, RBMM
RBMC1: 2 Plus attic storey and RBMC-2*: Three story)
S.N. Length of wall Rabar reinforcement in seismic belts with
overlapping of Ld mm

In meter Concrete size mm Rebar no and dia

1 <_ 5.40 300*-40 2#10

Note: Material grade: M20 and Fe 500 or 415, ties 4.75 mm diameter bars @ 150
m spacing.

Split: Rebar in RC seismic splint with overlapping of Ld. mm

S. No. of Story Concrete At T-junction At- corner Near the

N. story size junction opening

Concrete grade M20, Rebar Grade Fe No. Bar No. Bar( No. Bar(m
500 thickness) (mm) mm) m)
1. one 200*40 3 8 3 8 2 8

2. One plus attic 200*40 3 8 3 8 2 8

ground 200*40 3 8 3 8 2 8

3. Two First 200*40 3 8(10) 3 8 2 8

Ground 200*40 3 8(10) 3 8 2 8

4. Two plus Attic/se 200*40 3 10 3 8 2 8

attic/seco cond
nd First 200*40 3 10 3 8 2 8

Ground 200*40 3 10 3 8 2 8

Source: National Reconstruction Authority

6.4. Seismic Evaluation and Retrofitting
Slab thickness 120mm
Slab Load: 0.120*2 = 3.125KN/m2
Ceiling plaster Load: 0.0125*20 = 0.25KN/m2
Wall load on slab (230mm) 4.6 kN/m2
Wall load on ground(350mm) 7 kN/m2
Floor Finish Load: 0.025*20 = 0.50 kN/m2
For stair cover:
Wall load on slab (230mm): (13.95*1.74) *4.6
=112 KN
Deduction for door opening: 7.45 KN
Plaster load: 6 KN
Splint and Bandages load: 0.336m3*24KN/m3
=8.064 KN
Total dead load of stair cover: 178.064 KN

For first floor:

Slab Load: 3.125*98.615
= 309 KN
Ceiling plaster Load: 0.25*98.615
=25 KN
Floor finish load: 49 KN
Wall load on slab (230mm): (62*2.7) *4.6
=770 KN
Plaster load: 57 KN
Load of beam: 40 KN
Deduction for openings: 128 KN
Addition of new slab: 90.2 KN
Splint and Bandages loads: 72KN

Total dead load of 1st floor: 1194 KN

For ground floor:
Slab Load: 3.125*98.615
= 309 KN
Ceiling plaster Load: 0.25*98.615
=25 KN
Floor finish load: 49 KN
Wall load on slab (350mm): (62*3.175) *7
=1377 KN
Plaster load: 56.27 KN
Load of beam: 40 KN
Deduction for openings: 175 KN
Splint and Bandages load: 72 KN
Tie Beam loads: 262KN

Total dead load of ground floor: 2016KN

Total deal load of the building: 3388 KN

Live load calculation

Table 8: Live load calculation
Level Floor Floor area LL 0.25LL
(kN/m2) (kN/m2)
3 2nd floor 13.57 33.9 8.5
2 1st floor 98.615 246.45 61.63
1 Ground Floor 98.615 246.45 61.63

Lump mass calculations
Table 9: Lump mass calculations
Level Floor Total Dead Total Live Total Weight
Load (KN) Load (KN) (KN)
3 Second Floor 178.064 8.5 186.56
2 First Floor 1194 61.63 1255.63
1 Ground Floor 2016 61.63 2077.63

Calculation of Base Shear:

Calculation of base share can be done using following code:
b. NBC 105:1994

The design horizontal seismic force coefficient, Cd for seismic coefficient method
is, taken as

C is the basic seismic coefficient for the fundamental translational period in
the direction under consideration.
Z = Seismic zoning factor = 1.1 (For the location of the building in
I = Importance factor = 1.5 (Office Building)
K = Structural Performance factor = 2.5

T = (0.09 X H) / (D^0.5) = (0.09 * 8.035)/ (8.6^0.5) = 0.246 Longitudinal

= (0.09 * 8.035)/ (8.95^0.5) = 0.241 Transverse direction C = 0.08 for Subsoil
Type II
C = CZIK = 0. 08 X 1.1 X 1.5X 2 .5 = 0.33

Base shear = Vb = Ah*W
= 0.33* 3519.8
=1161.53 KN

c. Distribution of Base Shear and Calculation of shear Stress in the wall:

Table 6:
Floor Total weight Height hi Wi*hi^2 Qi (KN) Story Shear
Wi (KN) (m) Vi (KN)

3 220.464 8.035 14233.42 0.16 185.84 185.84

2 1502.08 5.815 50791.68 0.6 696.91 882.75
1 2324.08 2.995 20847.055 0.24 278.76 1161.51
4046.624 85872.155 1 1161.51

Chapter 7
After modelling and analysis of the building a comparison of result between the
analysis result before and after retrofitting is carried out in tabular and bar chart form
and the results are satisfactory and satisfying the requirements of the building to
perform during earthquake. The result also gives an idea about the behaviour of
building before retrofitting and after applying the splint and bandage as retrofit
technique. For the comparisons the base shear, base reaction and story drift as story
displacement has been taken in account and these data are plotted in excel obtained
from structure analysis program ETABS v17.

7.1. Comparisons Between Base Reaction and Story Drift:

Chart: Base Reaction Before Retrofitting Chart: Base Reaction After Retrofitting

Chart: Story Drift Before Retrofitting Chart: Story Drift After Retrofitting

Chapter 8

The project entitled as

of Mid- is carried out by Group I members of final year.
During this it has been observed and felt after every earthquake failure of a number
of buildings has created chaos in society. A large number of these deficient
structures need to be retrofitted with economical techniques. It has been seen that
enhanced performance of these structures can save numbers of lives and make
society disaster resilient. To identify the performance of old masonry buildings, first
they need to be evaluated. In this paper assessment of damaged load bearing
masonry building of Administrative Block of Mid-Western University has been
carried out and for damaged wall has been retrofitted by splint and bandage method.
Modal analysis has been done using the structure analysis program ETABS v17 and
the modelling and evaluation was as per the norms and guideline provided by
DUBDC and Indian standard code such as IS 1893:2000, IS 459:2000. To evaluate
the performance of building block response spectrum analysis has been performed
and performance point is calculated. Analysis of block has revealed that block is
safe and has a great performance level. Member level retrofitting can be applied to
increase the seismic resistance capacity of beam provided in the structure and also
the slab has been retrofitted by addition of new bas mesh and micro concreting.

The project has certainly boosted our confidence in tackling the problem that may
arises during our professional life which ultimately one of the goals of the
prescription of the course

Finally, we hope that our report could serve as a reference to perform such work in
future, will help our junior students and a part of research too. Some minor errors
and miscalculations may be arises and we are looking forwarded by our supervisor
to tackle it.



Base reaction before retrofitting

Table 6:

Base reaction after retrofitting

Table 7:

Storey max/avg. drift before retrofitting
Table 8

Storey max/avg. drift after retrofitting
Table 9


Fig 4: 3D deformed model

Fig 5: front elevation deformed shape

Fig 6: deformed north elevation

Fig 7: deformed west elevation


Fig 8: 3D deformed model

Fig 9: north elevation deformed shape

Fig 10: front elevation deformed shape



Reference book and guideline:

published by DUBDC, ministry of urban Development
2. Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings, 2007
3. Repair and Retrofit Manual for Masonry Structure published by NRA
(National Reconstruction Authority)

Reference codes:

4. -
Indian Standards, New Delhi.
Earthquake) for Buildings and Structures- Part 1 Dead Loads-Unit Weights of
Earthquake) for Buildings and Structures-
Standards, New Delhi.
7. IS


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