Evidence: Mens Rea

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July 8 Part 1 | Acevedo because criminal intent or mens rea is actually presumed.
However, if the accused proves that the act was done
without intent, the prosecution should now present proof
RULE 129 to rebut what the accused was able to prove in the

(2) A disputable presumption shifts the burden of

RULE 129 COVERS evidence upon the party against whom the disputable
A. JUDICIAL NOTICE, which can be: presumption is applicable.
1. Mandatory
2. Discretionary Example: Under torts and damages:
3. When Hearing is Necessary. Article 2185. Unless there is proof to the
contrary, it is presumed that a person driving
B. JUDICIAL ADMISSIONS a motor vehicle has been negligent if at the
In the case of Mejia-Espinoza v. Carino, the Court discussed time of the mishap, he was violating any
those matters that courts would not require proof anymore. traffic regulation. (n)

Mejia-Espinoza v. Carino Ex: You should wear a helmet every time you ride a
GR 193397 January 25, 2017 motor vehicle. If you don’t, that is a violation of any traffic
regulation. If you bump someone, but you were not
Ruling: The general rule is that courts must base their factual negligent, but you were not wearing a motorcycle
findings on such relevant evidence formally offered during trial. helmet, you are going to be presumed negligent unless
Recognized exceptions to this are matters which courts can take you were able to prove that you were not negligent in
judicial notice of, judicial admissions, and presumptions created the first place.
by law or by the Rules.
Effect: The plaintiff need not prove negligence on the
WHEN CAN PROOF BE DISPENSED WITH part of the defendant. The burden shifts to the defendant
to prove that he was not negligent.
1. When conclusive presumption applies, no proof is
required (Conclusive Presumption)
2. When a fact is admitted by a party in court (Judicial
A child below 9 is conclusively presumed to be incapable of Rule: Confessio facta in judicio omni probatione major est
discernment. Thus, if a child below 9 years of age commits a [Admission made during trial is stronger than all proof].
crime, no proof is required that he did not act with Therefore, if you have already admitted a matter of fact
discernment. He will be exempt from criminal liability. whether in your pleading or during trial, that fact can no
longer be disputed anymore. In other words. Proof is already
Try to compare that if the crime was committed by the child dispensed with because of the fact that you made a judicial
between the ages of 9 and 15. If the child is between 9-15, the admission].
only way that that child can be exempt from criminal liability
at least from the point of view of the Revised Penal Code, the Example: During pretrial[under Rule 1], the parties are
Pangilinan Law, you need to prove that the child acted allowed to propose and make stipulations of fact. If the
without discernment. existence of a debt, in a collection case, is admitted and
stipulated upon, the fact is withdraw from contention and it
Effects of the presence of a mere disputable presumption
need not be proved anymore.
[Note: When you say disputable, it is susceptible to the proof
to the contrary. You can present countervailing evidence to 3. When a matter falls within the realm of judicial notice
defeat the presumption]
a. What is Judicial Notice
(1) It merely defers the presentation of proof, in the 1) Judicial notice is the cognizance [or pagtagad in
meantime. Bisaya] of certain facts that judges may properly take
and act on without proof because these facts are
Ex: The presumption under Article 131 that “an unlawful
already known to them.
act was done with an unlawful intent.” This means that
the prosecution need not prove, in the meantime, that
the accused committed an act with criminal intent


2) Put differently, it is the assumption by a court of a their seals, the political constitution and history of the
fact without need of further traditional evidentiary Philippines, the official acts of legislative, executive and judicial
support. The principle is based on convenience and departments of the National Government of the Philippines, the
expediency in securing and introducing evidence on laws of nature, the measure of time, and the geographical
matters which are not ordinarily capable of dispute divisions. (1a)
and are not bona fide disputed [Republic v.
Sandiganbayan G.R. No. 152375 December 16, Actually it is 99% similar, except that there is a change on the
2011]. qualification on what legislative, executive and judicial department
does this refer to. The Supreme Court. Notice “National
Latin Maxim to remember: Manifesta probatione Government of”.
non indigent [Manifest things require no proof.]
Importance of Clarifying that it is the legislative, executive and
b. Rationale for judicial notice judicial departments “National Government of” the Philippines
The taking of judicial notice is a matter of expediency It is the official government of the National government contrasted
and convenience for it fulfills the purpose that the with those of Local Governments only which are of mandatory
evidence is intended to achieve, and in this sense, it is judicial notice.
equivalent to proof [Degayo v. Dinglasan GR No. 173148
April 6, 2015]. Example:
While laws enacted by Congress fall within the purview of
It would be superfluous, inconvenient, and expensive mandatory judicial notice, the same cannot be said, as a general
both to parties and the court to require proof, in the rule, for ordinance enacted by the Sangguniang Panlungsod of a
ordinary way, of facts which are already known to them city.
[People v. Rullepa, GR No. 131516, March 5, 2003].
July 8 Part 2 | Amistad
Note: Insistence on not taking judicial notice might lead
to absurd results. Ang gi-clarify lang dire by the amendment is that dapat "National
Ex: There is an American plaintiff. He filed a case against Government of the Philippines". This rule should be committed
a Filipino. to memory.

Would it be okay for the judge to require proof that the For the sake of unity and simplicity of discussion lets focus on
United States of America is actually a country, that it is a Judicial notice of "laws"
state that exists outside of the Philippines or should the
judge require proof that there is really USA? That is what What laws are subject of mandatory judicial notice?
is meant by absurd results resulting if for example you 1. The Law of nations
insist on not taking judicial notice on the simple matter 2. Laws as official acts of the legislative, executive and
such as the existence and territorial extent of states. judicial department of the National Government of the
[Under the 1997 Rules of Court] 4. Laws of nature
Section 1. Judicial notice, when mandatory. — A court shall
take judicial notice, without the introduction of evidence, of the (as to the other items under Sec. 1 just read the discussions in
existence and territorial extent of states, their political history, my book.)
forms of government and symbols of nationality, the law of
nations, the admiralty and maritime courts of the world and LAW OF NATIONS
their seals, the political constitution and history of the The 1987 Constitution of the Philippines provides that "the
Philippines, the official acts of legislative, executive and judicial Philippines renounces war as an instrument of national policy,
departments of the Philippines, the laws of nature, the measure adopts the generally accepted principles of international law as
of time, and the geographical divisions. (1a) part of the law of the land, and adheres to the policy peace,
equality, justice, freedom, cooperation, and amity with all nations.
Under the Amended Rules of Court [A.M. No. 19-08-15-SC] (Sec. 2, Article II 1987 Constitution)
Section 1. Judicial notice, when mandatory. — A court shall
take judicial notice, without the introduction of evidence, of the We know from our studies in Constitutional Law that that is the
existence and territorial extent of states, their political history, incorporation clause of the 1987 Constitution, whereby generally
forms of government and symbols of nationality, the law of accepted principles of international law can be considered as part
nations, the admiralty and maritime courts of the world and of the law of the land. Remember that there are 2 modes by


which international law can become part of the law of the to have lost her foreign citizenship. She wanted the Court to
land, first would be by way of incorporation and the second take judicial notice of the laws of Australia regarding loss of
mode would be by way of transformation, meaning you have an citizenship. She also contended that the mere act of running for
international law which you have adopted into a local statute or if public office is a clear abandonment of her foreign citizenship,
an international law/agreement that requires concurrence by citing Valles vs. COMELEC.
congress then that would already be judicial notice of an official
act of the legislative department of the Philippines.  HELD:
Foreign laws are NOT a matter of judicial notice. Like any other
With respect to international law to become generally accepted fact, they must be alleged and proven. To prove a foreign law,
principles it requires 2 elements:  the party invoking it must present a copy thereof and comply
1. Widespread state practice among nations; and with Sections 24 and 25 of Rule 132 of the Revised Rules of
2. Physiological Element: Opinio juris (belief that the Court.
international law is good)
The "law of nations" does not mean the "law of a particular All judges are presumed to know ALL statutes and their status -
nation"  whether the same are still effective or have already been repealed
The existence of foreign law per se is not within the realm of or amended
mandatory judicial notice. Kay ngano? wala tay labot. Ang   
Philippine Courts walay silay pakialam anang law of a specific LEGISLATIVE ACTS OTHER THAN LAW
country.  In Chavez vs. PEA, a senate investigation report is deemed
covered by mandatory judicial notice.
Foreign laws present a QUESTION OF FACT. Thus, as a general rule,  Congressional debates and other records that predicated the
they may not be taken judicial notice of and have to be proved. passage of the law are matters considered to be official acts of
They have to be pleaded and proven as any other fact. If your Congress and are therefore within the realm of mandatory
defense is based on a foreign law then you have to properly state judicial notice.
that in your pleading and proved it as in any other fact.
Judges are supposed to take judicial notice of that also, so it
HOW TO PROVE FOREIGN LAW? helps that they watch those congressional hearings. 
For written foreign law:
We follow the process stated in Sections 24 - 25 of Rule 132. (This OFFICIAL ACTS OF THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AS LAW
rule would not be discussed now to avoid confusion) Executive orders and presidential decrees have the full force of law
when they take authority from a legislative power directly granted
For unwritten foreign law: to the Executive by the Constitution, or are made pursuant to a
We follow Section 48 of Rule 130 or the so-called learned treatises valid delegation of power to the President.
which is an exception to the rule on hearsay evidence. 
Example,the Family Code of the Philippines.
Take note however of the following principles: The 1973 Constitution and the 1986 Provisional
 A foreign law may be admitted without proof if it is subject of Constitution gave the President legislative powers. EO 09
a judicial admission. So, if it is admitted by the other party was issued by President Aquino in 1987 after the present
then no need to prove constitution was ratified. Under Article XVIII, Section 6,
 In the absence of proof or admission, foreign law is presumed the incumbent President shall continue to exercise
to be the same as that in the Philippines. Under the doctrine legislative powers until the first Congress is convened. 
Presently, the President does not have anymore such
CONDON v. COMELEC delegated legislative power by default, it was only under
G.R. No. 19874, August 10, 2012 the 1986 Provisional Constitution and the transitory
provision of the 1987 Constitution.
Maja was the winning vice-mayoralty candidate of Caba, La July 8 Part 3 | Bahalla
Union. A petition for quo warranto was filed against her on the
ground that she is a dual citizen, who under R.A. No. 9225, must Under the 1973 Constitution, the President, as prime
execute a sworn renunciation of her Australian citizenship. minister, had legislative powers. During those times, the
National Assembly, where laws are supposed to be made,
Maja answered that, when she executed a declaration of became a mere rubber stamp of President Marcos. So,
renunciation of Australian citizenship in Australia, she is deemed when President Marcos declares this and declares that,


the Assembly will simply give it an imprimatur and pass it of military reservation. Nuclear epic fail sila on their contention that
on as their own law. But during that time, I would it can be considered as property of public dominion.
suppose that President Marcos simply had complete
control of the government- Executive, Legislative, and, to Remember in Property, there is Property of the public domain or
a certain extent, Judiciary. That’s absolute power. And public dominion and you also have Property of private ownership.
remember, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Remember that Property of Private ownership actually includes
Patrimonial Property of the State. Patrimonial Property is reserved
OFFICIAL ACTS OF THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT by the state for some commercial purposes. But that’s considered
Pasei vs. Torres tells you about dichotomy. Kung dili bitaw siya to be private property. And what would be the implication if you
result of a delegated power, di na siya gina-take judicial notice. So, call it private property? It can be subject to Expropriation. Private
to form part of the law of the land, the decree, order or LOI must property shall not be taken except for public use and payment of
be issued by the President in the exercise of his extraordinary just compensation. Just a review.
power of legislation as contemplated in Section 6 of the 1976
Amendments to the 1973 Constitution. So, dili tanan. Okay? Kadto Take note, however, of the case of Asian Terminal vs. Malayan
lang result of a valid delegation of power. Insurance Corp.

In the case of Sañado vs. CA, the action of an administrative So, what happened here? In a case for damages, Asian Terminals
agency in granting or denying, or in suspending, or revoking a was adjudged liable by the RTC in the amount of P643,600.25 for
license, permit, franchise or certificate of public convenience is losses due to the mishandling of cargo. But Asian Terminals says
administrative or quasi-judicial. Decisions of the Office of the that di man dapat ingana kadako amoang liability. Why? because
President are official acts of and are exercises of quasi-judicial under its management contract which was entered into between
powers of the executive department. They, thus, squarely fall under Asian Terminal and Philippine Ports Authority under the
matters relative to the executive department which courts are Department of Transportation and Communiaction (DOTC), its
mandatorily tasked to take judicial notice of under Section 1, Rule liability for losses due to mishandling of cargo is only P5,000 per
129 of the Rules of Court. Judicial notice must be taken of the package. So, let’s assume that there were 3 packages. And then,
organization of the Executive Department, its principal officers, they mishandled it and the cargo was lost. And it’s worth 600,000
elected or appointed, such as the President, his powers and duties. plus. But under their contract, since there are only 3 packages,
dapat 15,000 lang ang bayaran. Murag ingana ang contention.
Now, let’s go to that phrase “Certificate of public Convenience.” Asian Terminals urges the court to take judicial notice of the
A certificate of public convenience allows you to operate a management contract as an official act of an executive department
franchise. as the PPA being under the DOTC.

As to ABS-CBN, when their franchise was not renewed, they were According to the Supreme Court, the Management Contract
issued Cease and Desist Order by the National Telecommunication entered into by Asian Terminals and PPA is NOT among the
Commission. And according to NTC, despite the fact that there are matters which the Court can take judicial notice of. It cannot be
plenty of precedents to the contrary that a tv station or radio considered an official act of the executive department. And
station cannot continue operating if their license has expired and it obviously, the PPA was only performing a proprietary function
cannot give it provisional authority to continue broadcasting. when it entered into a Management Contract with Asian Terminals.
Definitely, if that is a decision, whether in administrative of quasi- As such, judicial notice cannot be applied.
judicial function of the NTC, diba ang dapat nga administrative
remedy diha is an Appeal to the Office of the President. But ABS-
CBN really never did that. Why? Because they are scared of With respect to the functions of the executive department of the
President Duterte. national government of the Philippines, you have to draw a
Let’s go to the case of Republic vs. Southside Homeowners  If it is a governmental function that is being performed by
Association, Inc. the government through any of its instrumentalities- courts
would take judicial notice on that.
What happened here? There’s this military reservation that was  If it is only performing a proprietary function- the court will
used to house military officers together with their families. And NOT take judicial notice on that.
throughout the passage of time, they made a subdivision there.
They were treating it already as private property. They even made a So, that’s a very short principle that you can easily remember.
homeowners’ association, SHAI, not knowing that they cannot have
it titled because it is actually part of a military reservation. And, in POWER OF EXECUTIVE CLEMENCY
resolving this case, the Court took judicial notice of Proclamation Now, let’s go to the Power of Executive Clemency.
423 which actually made the land, where they were living in, a part


It has several forms like Pardon, Amnesty, Commutation of So, let’s go to these exceptions or the so-called instances of
Sentence, and so on and so forth. permissible judicial notice of records.
Q: Are all the exercises by the President of his power of
executive clemency subject to mandatory judicial notice? July 8 Part 4 | Campaner
A: No.
EXCEPTIONS (Permissible judicial notice of records)
To answer this, we have the case of People vs. Casido (March 7,  As a matter of convenience to all the parties, a court may
1997). Pardon is granted by the Chief Executive and as such it is a properly treat all or any part of the original record of a case
private act which must be pleaded and proved by the person filed in its archives as read into the record of a case pending
pardoned because courts take no judicial notice thereof. That’s before it, when, with the knowledge of, and absent an
with respect to Pardon only. But when you talk about amnesty by objection from, the adverse party, reference is made to it for
the proclamation of the Chief Executive with the concurrence of that purpose, by name and number or in some other manner
Congress, that is a public act of which the court should take judicial by which it is sufficiently designated; or when the original
notice. record of the former case or any part of it, is actually
withdrawn from the archives at the court’s discretion, at the
Remember the event regarding Trillanes? Syempre, he was a very request or with the consent of the parties, and admitted as a
vocal opponent of President Duterte kuno. At one time, the part of the record of the case then pending.
Department of Justice is saying that “we have no proof that he has  Courts must also take judicial notice of the records of another
actually been amnestied.” But later on in one case, we will learn case or cases, where sufficient basis exists in the records of the
that the Supreme Court actually took judicial notice of the fact that case before it, warranting the dismissal of the latter case.
Trillanes and company have already been given Amnesty.
In other words, to shorten everything, pwede as a matter of
1. Pardon- no judicial notice convenience to all parties, provided that the act of taking judicial
2. Amnesty- should be taken judicial notice of. (being a public notice of the records of the case is absent any objection coming
act) from the adverse parties.

OFFICIAL ACTS OF THE JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT In my legal career, I have a lot of cases which are interconnected.
Now, official acts of Judicial Department. The best example for that Meaning, one case may be an offshoot of another case which is
are the Rules of Court, other Supreme Court issuances, as well filed before the same court and tried by the same judge.
as the cases decided by the Supreme Court. Courts should take
judicial notice of Supreme Court decisions but not blindly because Sometimes, it gets confusing because the parties are the same, and
whether or not to apply a ruling to a controversy is still subject to the causes of action of the subsequent cases are mere offshoots of
the judicial determination. Remember, cases decided by the the main case. Usahay malimtan nimo na just presented the
Supreme Court, the doctrine might be applicable but whether that evidence in the main case but not in the other case. Although I
doctrine is completely in all-fours of the issue in the case, dapat never really had the occasion to ask the court to take judicial
kinahanglan pa ug factual determination. notice of the records of the case that is pending before it together
with the main case, atleast we know that there is that exception.
Art 8, NCC – Judicial decisions applying or interpreting the laws That it can be considered as read and part of the record of the case
or the Constitution shall form a part of the legal system of the pending before the court.
So, based on Article 8, they have the force and effect of laws. G.R. No. 198172, January 25, 2016
This court takes judicial notice that the validity of the RTC
DECISIONS OF LOWER COURTS Orders has been upheld in a separate petition before this court,
What about kanang gi-decide sa RTC? Can MTC take judicial under GR SP NO. 171429 entitled Antonio Dela Cruz v Regulus
notice? Also, can RTC take judicial notice of cases pending on its Development, Inc.
own sala for a different case?
According to jurisprudence, Republic vs. Sandiganbayan, courts  While courts are required to take judicial notice of the laws
are not authorized to take judicial notice of the contents of the enacted by Congress, the rule with respect to local ordinances
records of other cases, even when such cases have been tried or is different.
are pending in the same court, and notwithstanding that both  Ordinances are not included in the enumeration of matters
cases may have been tried or are actually pending before the same covered by mandatory judicial notice under Section 1, Rule
judge. This rule though admits of exceptions. 129 of the Rules of Court. (SJS v Atienza, GR No. 156052,
February 13, 2008).


 Also take note of the amendment in Section 1 Rule 129 – ordinance available to the court for it to take notice.
“Legislative act of the National Government of the Here, the SC said that if you want the court to take judicial notice
Philippines”. So only laws enacted by Congress are subject of of a particular municipal ordinance, then give a copy to the trial
mandatory judicial notice. court, so that the trial court can take judicial notice of it.
 The rule with respect to local ordinances or laws enacted by
the Sangguians of the different cities and municipalities, LAWS OF NATURE
they’re not included in the enumeration of matters covered by In my book I discuss about how Abraham Lincoln (Vampire Slayer
mandatory judicial notice. However, there is a lot of doctrines and Lawyer) used a Farmer's Almanac to prove that there was no
that exist which actually allow judicial notice of ordinance. illumination from the moon at the time of the alleged commission
of the crime; here what was applied was the Law of Nature to
What are these doctrines? For the sake of simplicity, these are which the Court took judicial notice of allowing Lincoln to secure
the Rules on Judicial Notice of Ordinances. an acquittal for his client.
 MTC – required to take judicial notice of ordinances of the
municipality or city wherein they sit. People vs. Meneses
 RTC – must take judicial notice only: GR No. 111742, March 26, 1998
o When required to do so by statute (example: charter
of a city, just like SJS v Atienza) It was established that the crime took place in the wee hours of
o In a case of appeal before them wherein the inferior the morning, before the crack of dawn, at around three o’clock.
court took judicial notice of an ordinance involved in The court can take judicial notice of the “laws of nature,” such as
said case; in the instant case, that at around three in the morning during
the Christmas season, it is still quite dark and that daylight
Meaning, the MTC took judicial notice of the comes rather late in this time of year. Nowhere in the
ordinance, the RTC cannot require the parties to description of the crime scene by witness SPO3 Mendoza in his
present proof of the ordinance on appeal testimony was it established that there was light or illumination
(remember the rule in Civil Procedure that when the of any sort by which Christopher could see the attacker. Judicial
RTC takes a case on appeal, or determines a case notice will overrule testimony.
under its appellate jurisdiction, it should not
conduct a trial de novo). One of my most favorite cases. Diri ingon sa witness, naay
nagbangga na mga sakyanan. Nadunggan niya nga naay
o When capable of unquestionable demonstration nagbangga, pagduol niya, didto pa lang niya nakit-an nga
nagbangga ang sakyanan. So, unsa’y mauna ang kilat o ang
Meaning, of public knowledge gyud sya, nationally. dalugdog? Syempre, light travels faster than sound. Pero diri, unsa
The perfect example would be the anti-smoking ni? Nauna pa ang tingog sa bangga kaysa sa bangga mismo? So,
ordinance of davao city. It’s not only in the epic fail kayo.
Philippines that this is very notorious, but also
internationally. Gabriel v Court of Appeals
GR No. 128474, October 6, 2004
SJS v Atienza
GR No. 156052, February 13, 2008 Gonzales declared that he was on the shoulder of the road,
beside the truck, when the collision took place. From his
Even where there is a statute that requires a court to take vantage point, his view was obstructed by the truck. He claimed
judicial notice of municipal ordinances, a court is not required to have first heard the collision. He immediately took five big
to take judicial notice of ordinances that are not before it and to steps onto the highway, and then saw the Beetle and the
which it does not have access. The party asking the court to jeepney colliding. In short, the sound of the collision took place
take judicial notice is obligated to supply the court with the full before the actual collision itself. If true, this would rate as one of
text of the rules the party desires it to have notice of. Counsel the greatest scientific revelations of all time. But since the courts
should take the initiative in requesting that a trial court take are obliged to take judicial notice of the laws of nature, this
judicial notice of an ordinance even where a statue requires court prefers to side with prudence.
courts to take judicial notice of local ordinances.
Republic and UP vs Rosario
The intent of a statute requiring a court to take judicial notice of GR No. 186635, January 27, 2016
a local ordinance is to remove any discretion a court might have
in determining whether or not to take notice of an ordinance. Rosario filed an action for reconstitution of her alleged title to
Such a statute does not direct the court to act on its own in certain properties in Diliman. UP opposed on the ground that
obtaining evidence for the record and a party must make the the properties actually belong to UP and that ownership over


the said lots have been settled by law and jurisprudence. For
instance, UP alleged that RA No. 9500 which provides that the Magdalo Para sa Pagbabago vs. COMELEC
absolute ownership of the national university over those G.R. No. 190793, June 19, 2012
landholdings, including those covered by original and transfer
certificates of title in the name of the University of the FACTS: Petitioner Magdalo sa Pagbabago (MAGDALO) filed its
Philippines and their future derivatives, is hereby confirmed. Petition for Registration with the COMELEC, seeking its registration
and/or accreditation as a regional political party based in the
July 9 Part 1 | Du National Capital Region (NCR) for participation in the 10 May 2010
National and Local Elections.
Section 2. Judicial Notice, When Discretionary. — A court
may take judicial notice of matters which are of public Remember, if you are a political part, if you are duly registered, you
knowledge, or are capable of unquestionable demonstration, or are accorded certain rights under the Omnibus Election Code.
ought to be known to judges because of their judicial functions.
(2) The COMELEC denied their petition for registration as a political
party. Why? It took judicial notice that (1) Magdalo was responsible
Let’s first try to distinguish between Section 1 and Section 2: for the Oakwood Mutiny; and (2) that it employed violence and
used unlawful means “to achieve their goals in the process defying
You can even make a case that if the court does not take judicial the laws of organized societies.”
notice of a matter that is covered by Section 1, it would simply
mean that that court is actually neglecting to perform a We know, that under Election Law, if you are such an organization,
ministerial duty. To my mind, when it comes to Section 1, there you employ violence and use unlawful means to achieve your
will always be the possibility that the judge or the court might be objectives, what will happen? You will be denied registration.
liable in mandamus. Pwede i-compel because that is a ministerial
duty. Magdalo posited that the COMELEC cannot take judicial notice of
those facts. Magdalo contended that it was grave abuse of
But with respect to Section 2, because of course there is exercise discretion for the COMELEC to have denied the Petition for
of discretion and it is not mandatory as is meant by the word Registration not on the basis of facts or evidence on record, but on
“may”. It is purely within the judgment or the discretion of the mere speculation and conjectures. Atik2 lang kuno na ang
court whether or not to take judicial notice. Madgalo employed violence, etc.

It is termed discretionary because it depends on the judgment of ISSUE:

the court. No party can compel another to take judicial notice of a Was the COMELEC correct in taking judicial notice of those facts?
matter because it is not one of the mandatory objects of judicial
notice in Section 1. RULING: YES.
This Court has, in a string of cases, already taken judicial notice of
Requisites: the factual circumstances surrounding the Oakwood standoff. xxx
1. The matter must be one of common and general That the Oakwood incident was widely known and extensively
knowledge; covered by the media made it a proper subject of judicial notice.
2. It must be well and authoritatively settled and not Thus, the COMELEC did not commit grave abuse of discretion
doubtful or uncertain; and when it treated these facts as public knowledge, and took
3. It must be known to be within the limits of the cognizance thereof without requiring the introduction and
jurisdiction of the court. reception of evidence thereon.

What does “common knowledge” mean? So, it took judicial notice. Why? Because according to the
The concept of "facts of common knowledge" in the context of COMELEC, wala man tay makuha kung magrequire pa ta ug proof
judicial notice has been explained as those facts that are "so on this matter. Why do we need to require proof when in fact it
commonly known in the community as to make it unprofitable to was so commonly known to everybody that Magdalo was actually
require proof, and so certainly known x x x as to make it responsible for the Oakwood Mutiny.
indisputable among reasonable men." (Magdalo Para sa
Pagbabago vs. COMELEC) As publicly announced by the leaders of MAGDALO (prominently
Antonio Trillanes) during the siege, their objectives were to express
Take note of the phraseology of the SC there. their dissatisfaction with the administration of former President
“Unprofitable to require proof” - meaning, wala kay makuha Arroyo, and to divulge the alleged corruption in the military and
kung kintahay magrequire pa ka ug proof on this matter. the supposed sale of arms to enemies of the state. Ultimately, they
wanted the President, her cabinet members, and the top officials of


the AFP and the PNP to resign. To achieve these goals, MAGDALO dismissal was based solely on newspaper reports concerning the
opted to seize a hotel occupied by civilians, march in the premises announcement of the president of the Philippines of the lifting of
in full battle gear with ammunitions, and plant explosives in the all foreign exchange restrictions as embodied in the circular. Judge
building. These brash methods by which MAGDALO opted to said that the announcement had the effect of repealing CB 960.
ventilate the grievances of its members and withdraw its support
from the government constituted clear acts of violence. In other words, naghoard ug dollars si Imelda Marcos. The judge’s
dismissal was because of newspaper reports saying na ingon daw
And practically everyone knows about it. That’s clearly constitutive ang president lifted na ang restrictions, not a law being enacted.
of violence as would deny Magdalo registration as a political party. Meaning, Imelda could no longer be charged. Nagreklamo ang SP
The SC, at the very least, upheld COMELEC’s taking judicial notice against Judge Muro. Tama ba ang pagtake niya ug notice aning
of Magdalo and its participation in the Oakwood Mutiny. newspaper reports?

BUT… RULING: No. The mere personal knowledge of the judge is not the
In the same manner that this Court takes cognizance of the facts judicial knowledge of the court, and he is not authorized to make
surrounding the Oakwood incident, it also takes judicial notice of his individual knowledge of a fact, not generally or professionally
the grant of amnesty in favor of the soldiers who figured in this known, the basis of his action. Judicial cognizance is taken only of
standoff. xxx those matters which are "commonly" known. Jurisprudence
dictates that judicial notice cannot be taken of a statute before it
In view of the subsequent amnesty granted in favor of the becomes effective.  The reason is simple. A law which is not yet in
members of MAGDALO, the events that transpired during the force and hence, still inexistent, cannot be of common knowledge
Oakwood incident can no longer be interpreted as acts of violence capable of ready and unquestionable demonstration, which is one
in the context of the disqualifications from party registration. of the requirements before a court can take judicial notice of a fact.

SC took judicial notice of two relevant matters in the case: Section 3. Judicial Notice, When Hearing Necessary. During
1. That Magdalo employed violence [Oakwood Mutiny] the pre-trial and the trial, the court, motu proprio or upon
2. It also took judicial notice of the grant of amnesty in favor of motion, shall hear the parties on the propriety of taking judicial
the soldiers including their public spokesman Trillanes. notice of any matter.

So, there is double judicial notice in this case. Before judgment or on appeal, the court, motu proprio or upon
motion, may take judicial notice of any matter and shall hear the
[Discussion about amnesty of Trillanes raised in another case when parties thereon if such matter is decisive of a material issue in
DOJ question if Trillanes was in fact given amnesty] the case. (3a)
In amnesty, the offense is completely obliterated. There is no more
offense. Changes and comments:
1. From “During trial” to “During the pre-trial and the trial”:
As opposed to pardon which is a private act by the President that
needs to be pleaded and proved, amnesty is subject to  The amendment makes the propriety of taking judicial notice
mandatory judicial notice as an official act of the executive a discretionary, not a mandatory, object of pre-trial.
branch of the National Government of the Philippines with the o Rule 18 does not mention the propriety of taking
concurrence of the legislative branch. judicial notice as a mandatory object of pre-trial.

What did the SC do here? It remanded the case to the RTC for  If you examine the new Rule on Pre-trial (still under Rule 18,
determination of facts as to whether or not there are really papers Section 1), the taking of judicial notice after hearing is not
as to whetherr rillanes did or did not apply for amnesty. included as one of the purposes of pre-trial.
o Naay objects of pre-trial, naa pud kanang ginatawag
In fact in the case of Magadalo, it already took judicial notice of the nato na purposes of pre-trial.
amnesty. Trillanes figures prominently in this case. What is the
effect of taking judicial notice? No proof is already required. But  However, take note that when judicial notice is taken of a
what did the SC do? The decision of the SC was really weird. matter, it dispenses with proof. This coincides with the
purposes of pre-trial such as:
State Prosecutors vs. Judge Manuel Muro 1. The simplification of the issues;
A.M. No. RTJ-92-876, September 19, 1994 2. The possibility of obtaining stipulations or admissions of
facts and of documents to avoid unnecessary proof;
FACTS: Judge dismissed 11 cases against Mrs. Marcos for violation and
of CB Circular 960 or the CB Foreign Exchange Restrictions. The


3. Such other matters as may aid in the prompt disposition That was Section 3 prior to the changes. To me, repugnant
of the action. gyud sya to the concept of judicial notice itself.
Because if a matter is already taken judicial notice of, giving the
parties opportunity to be heard, in the taking of judicial notice, it But, the use of the phrase, “shall hear”, contemplates a situation
avoids unnecessary proof and such other matters as may aid in the where the taking of judicial notice will only require oral arguments.
prompt disposition of the action. Why do I say that? Because of the change as well to Rule 15 on
hearings of motion. Unsay nakabutang sa Section 2?

July 9 Part 2 | Escritor Section 2. Motions must be in writing. — All motions shall be in
writing except those made in open court or in the course of a
If judicial notice is taken of a matter during pre-trial, issues are hearing or trial.
simplified, and facts are withdrawn from the necessity of proof
which in turn, leads to a prompt disposition of the action, which of A motion made in open court or in the course of a hearing or trial
course, is the object of a pre-trial. should immediately be resolved in open court, after the adverse
party is given the opportunity to argue his or her opposition
2. From “announce its intention to take judicial notice”, to “hear thereto.
the parties on the propriety of taking judicial notice”.
When a motion is based on facts not appearing on record, the
So, what is meant by this change? From “announce” to “hear”? court may hear the matter on affidavits or depositions presented
Take note, judicial notice can be motu proprio or upon the by the respective parties, but the court may direct that the matter
court’s own initiative, or upon motion. If motu proprio, it be heard wholly or partly on oral testimony or depositions. (2a)
means that the court is mulling, taking judicial notice of a
matter which it believes might be beneficial for purposes of Argue lang. Meaning, oral arguments lang sya. Mao na ang buot
expediting trial. Para di na kinahanglan i-prove gud. However, pasabot ana. Because again, kintahay dili sya oral arguments lang,
taking notice might prejudice a party. The party’s possession what will happen? Diba mag present pa kag evidence. And right
over the propriety of taking notice must be heard and now, the presentation of evidence will be by way of judicial
therefore, put on record. affidavit. Don’t tell me mag JA pa ta on the matter of whether or
not the court should take judicial notice of the matter that is
So, if upon motion of the party, it means the taking of
relevant to the litigation. That will be counter-productive to the
judicial notice of a matter might benefit him. Ngano man
concept and purpose of judicial notice which is to dispense with
daw nimo ipa-take judicial notice if it does not give you a
proof. The SC changed it. Oral arguments na lang ta. Dili
procedural advantage in the case? Diba? If kintahay the court
kinahanglan ug presentation of evidence under the old Section 3
will take judicial notice upon your motion, what will be the
and under the old dispensation on motions and hearing on
effect? You don’t have to prove it, right? So, just the same, the
party heard will be allowed to oppose the motion. The same
reasoning applies to the taking of judicial notice before
Let’s compare and contrast judicial notice with hearing during pre-
judgment or on appeal.
trial, and trial, and judicial notice hearing during judgment and on
3. From “allow the parties to be heard thereon”, to “shall hear
the parties on the propriety of taking judicial notice”.
Unsa may significance ani? Before I used to really, really hark DURING TRIAL AND APPEAL
on this. Dili gyud ko ganahan aning Section 3 na ni. I think I PRE-TRIAL
made it clear in my book also. Can be motu proprio or upon motion
The subject can be any The subject of judicial notice must be
To my mind, Section 3, Judicial Notice when hearing is matter. a matter that is decisive of a material
necessary, is actually very repugnant to the concept of judicial issue in the case.
notice. Nganon sya repugnant? Because what is the purpose
of a hearing? Under the 1997 Rules? The purpose of a hearing On appeal, the appellate
is to receive the evidence. And diba, judicial notice court shall not conduct a
supposedly, dispenses with proof? But, with Section 3, prior to trial de novo. And the
the amendment, what happens is that, before the court takes whole process of appeal, as
judicial notice, you have to prove to the court first that judicial a general rule, is made thru
notice is proper. How do you do that? By presenting evidence. pleading work. Wala nay
presentation of evidence


diha. What if the appellate

court now, deems it
necessary for the Example:
determination of a material The accused had sexual intercourse with a woman below
issue of the case to take 12 years of age with her consent. Rape gihapon sya,
judicial notice na lang? diba? That would be statutory rape. Consent is immaterial
Because again, it cannot in statutory rape. So, pag file sa case sa accused, nakita
conduct a trial de novo. It karon sa korte ang rape victim ay clearly below 12 years
cannot accept new of age na sya. Statutory rape gyud ni. You don’t have to
evidence as a general rule. prove her age. Why? Because I’m taking judicial notice
If motu proprio, the If motu proprio, the court may want that clearly that kid is below 12 years of age.
court believes that a to take notice of a matter that was
matter might benefit not proved during trial and consider Is that allowed? The answer is no. because when the
from the effect judicial it for purposes of judgment. court observes the appearance of a person to ascertain
notice which is his or her age, the court will not be taking judicial notice
expediency. Meaning, the court, of anything. The court is actually taking autoptic
gikulangan. I cannot rule preference. Meaning, it’s examining the evidence which is
accordingly if there’s a the appearance of the person. And such a process takes
certain matter of fact na upon the very object of judicial notice, which is to do
wala gi-present sa mga away with the presentation of evidence.
parties. And it cannot reset
itself na magbalik ta’g uno. July 9 Part 3 | Estrosas
Magpresentation na pud
ta’g evidence. No. In Rule 67 (expropriation), the principle to remember there is that
If upon motion by one If made upon the motion of the party, the fixing of just compensation is actually a judicial function. Fixing
of the parties, the party the party feels that he will benefit of just compensation in expropriation cases is a judicial
feels that he may from the judicial notice of a matter he function. It cannot be dictated. There is no law that needs to be
benefit from judicial was not able to present during trial. passed that would fix the just compensation of something, to a
notice because you feel certain price or an equivalent in another property. That’s not
like you wouldn’t need Kumbaga, mutake kog allowed in Rule 67. In fact, when there is dispute as to the valuation
it anymore. judicial notice kay of the property, it is mandatory upon the Court to appoint not
kinahanglan nako ipahabol more than three commissioners to determine just compensation.
ning butanga nga ni. Last Meaning, there is a need to ascertain facts, but in this case of LBP
ditch effort. Mao ni sya ang v. Wycoco, what did they do?
purpose kung ikaw ang
magmotion kung before LAND BANK vs. FELICIANO F. WYCOCO
judgment or on appeal. G.R. Nos. 140160 & 146733, January 13, 2004

Judicial notice is repugnant to the concept of autoptic preference. In determining just compensation of agricultural lands, the
Courts cannot simply take judicial notice prevailing market
What is Autoptic Proference? value of agricultural lands. Instead, it should ask the parties to
Kana bitawng presentation or examination of objects. Autoptic present evidence under Rule 129, Section 3. The mere personal
meaning, pertaining to the eyes. Self-observation. For example, knowledge of the judge is not the judicial knowledge of the
appearance or physical condition, is admissible to the court as court, and he is not authorized to make his individual
object evidence, the same being addressed to the senses of the knowledge of a fact, not generally or professionally known, the
court under Rule 130, section 1. basis of his action.

In relation to that, can the court take judicial notice of age as It took judicial notice of the prevailing market value of the
evidence by looking at a person’s appearance? Naa bay instances property. According to the Supreme Court, that is not allowed.
under the law where importante ang age? Daghan kaayo. Age Instead, what the court should have done was to ask the party to
sometimes can be considered as a qualifying circumstance. Age present evidence under Rule 129, Section 3.
can be a mitigating or exempting circumstance. Specifically in rape
cases where age can sometimes qualify a simple rape into a Going back to what I was telling you a while ago, why are you
different form of rape. going to present evidence if your purpose is to take judicial


notice of something? You should have just let them present made by the party in the course of the proceedings in the same
evidence without necessarily resorting to take judicial notice, right? case, does not require proof. The admission may be
contradicted only by showing that it was made through
Prior to the amendment of the rules, Section 3 was really weird palpable mistake or that the imputed admission was not, in fact,
because it required presentation of evidence. Now, it is made clear, made. (4a)
merely by oral arguments.
SINGSON vs. SINGSON  FIRST. From “verbal or written” to “oral or written”
G.R. No. 210766, January 8, 2018 o With “verbal”, it means relating to or in the form of
words. “Verbal” can therefore be also “written.” It
Courts cannot take judicial notice that “personality disorders are might also be interpreted to mean actions as the
generally incurable” as this is not a matter that courts are root word is “verb.”
mandated to take judicial notice under Section 1, Rule 129 of o With “oral”, it means “by word of mouth or spoken
the Rules of Court. rather than written.”
o Thus, with the amendment, admissions are now
If I remember it correctly, this case tackles Article 36 (Declaration of clearly either spoken (by testimonies or by open
nullity of marriage on the ground of psychological capacity) – court declarations) or written (by pleadings or other
psychological incapacity to comply with the essential marital submissions in writing).
obligations of marriage.
 SECOND. From “no such admission was made” to “the
Article 36 is really weird. Naa ba diay dili marital obligations imputed admission was not, in fact, made”
ang marriage? Mao gani marital obligations diba kay marriage o This amendment takes into consideration applicable
siya. Wala ma’y essential marital obligations sa boyfriend and jurisprudence such as:
girlfriend. Wala ma’y ing-ana, diba? So, weird ang o Admission was taken out of context or not in the
phraseology sa Article 36. sense in which the admission is made to appear
(Atillo v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 119053,
There are three elements for you to make a finding that a party is January 23, 1997)
psychologically incapacitated:
a) Gravity Remember, when you say imputed admission, you
b) Juridical antecedence will not impute something against yourself.
c) Incurability
Who is imputing the admission against you?
In this case, the parties wanted the court to take judicial notice that It will be the adverse party who will “impute” an
the personality disorder is incurable, and therefore, already proven admission against the other party.
that the party is psychologically incapacitated. Assuming I
remember the case wrongly, again, you may apply this to Article 36 Definition
– you should prove that the personality disorder is incurable. How  Under the case law, judicial admission or an ADMISSION
do you do that? Usually by testimony of a psychiatrist or clinical IN JUDICIO is a deliberate, clear, unequivocal statement
psychologist (as mentioned in Republic v. Molina). by a party about a concrete fact within that party’s
Take note: Case law is now to the effect that the testimony of a  Under the law on pleadings, a judicial admission is a
medical practitioner is not indispensable to prove psychological formal concession in the pleadings or stipulations by a
incapacity. party or counsel that is binding on the party making
them. Although a judicial admission is not itself evidence,
JUDICIAL ADMISSIONS it has the effect of withdrawing a fact from contention.


Section 4. Judicial admissions. – An admission, verbal or G.R. No. 154430, June 16, 2006
written, made by the party in the course of the proceedings in
the same case, does not require proof. The admission may be A party may make judicial admissions in
contradicted only by showing that it was made through (a) the pleadings,
palpable mistake or that no such admission was made. (b) during the trial, either by verbal or written
manifestations or stipulations, or
After Amendment (c) in other stages of the judicial proceeding.
Section 4. Judicial admissions. An admission, oral or written,


NOTE also that admissions can be express or implied, verbal or Section 2. Implied admission. — Each of the matters
written. of which an admission is requested shall be deemed
admitted unless, within a period designated in the
You can trace it already that from verbal or written, it now request, which shall not be less than fifteen (15) days
becomes oral or written. The phraseology before is verbal or after service thereof, or within such further time as the
written. court may allow on motion, the party to whom the
request is directed files and serves upon the party
ADOLFO vs. ADOLFO requesting the admission a sworn statement either
G.R. No. 201427, March 18, 2015 denying specifically the matters of which an admission
is requested or setting forth in detail the reasons why
Judicial admissions may be made in he cannot truthfully either admit or deny those matters.
(a) the pleadings filed by the parties,
(b) in the course of the trial either by verbal or written What was the Request for Admission about? It’s about
manifestations or stipulations, or whether you state in your pleadings in that other case that the
(c) in other stages of the judicial proceeding, as in the property subject of this case is conjugal and not paraphernal.
pre-trial of the case.
Maja did not answer so there is now an implied admission
Admissions obtained through depositions, written based on Rule 26.
interrogatories or requests for admission are also considered
judicial admissions. What did Rrramon do now?

The facts of this case are very interesting for it allow us to review …continuation…
some concepts that we have previously learned in remedial law.
Rrramon filed a Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings, stating
What happened in the case of Adolfo vs. Adolfo? that since Maja failed to answer his request for admission, the
Note: the names of the parties are changed. matters contained in the request are deemed admitted
pursuant to Rule 26, Section 2 and that, as a consequence of the
ADOLFO vs. ADOLFO application of the rule, Maja is in effect considered to have
G.R. No. 201427, March 18, 2015 admitted that the subject property is a conjugal asset of their
subsisting marriage which may thus be the subject of his
FACTS: petition for judicial separation of property.
Rrramon is married to Maja. In 2004, Rrramon filed a petition
for judicial separation of property against his estranged wife. The court a quo treated Maja’s failure to respond as an
Maja answered that one of the properties is her exclusive admission as to the nature of the property, took judicial notice
property and therefor should not be made part of any judicial of its own judgment and records in the other case, treated the
separation. prayer for judgment on the pleadings as one for summary
judgment and rendered summary judgment in favor of
Rrramon filed a Request for Admission asking Maja to admit Rrramon.
that, in another case decided by the same court, Maja alleged in
her answer that the same property is conjugal.1 Maja did not There was a mistake on the part of the lawyer because what he
respond to the Request. This other case was pending appeal asked was Judgment on the Pleadings, but in view of the Court, it
before the Court of Appeals. should be for Summary Judgment.

If there’s an admission that such is a conjugal property, then it will When is it permissible for the court to take judicial notice of its
be included in the judicial separation. If it is a paraphernal own judgment or records in a case that is pending before it?
property, then it is really an exclusive property of Maja. Hence, not
included in the judicial separation. Courts may take judicial notice of a decision or the facts prevailing
in another case sitting in the same court if:
What is the effect if you do not respond to the Request for 1) The parties present them in evidence, absent any
Admission? opposition from the other party; or
2) The court, in its discretion, resolves to do so.
(Take note: This is one of the modes of discovery)
ISSUE: Was the court a quo correct in rendering judgment in
Under Section 2, Rule 26, each of the matter of which an admission
favor of Rrramon on the basis of judicial notice and the judicial
is requested shall be deemed admitted unless you deny it.
admission attributable to Maja’s failure to respond to the


request for admission? result thereof determines whether the subject property is indeed
conjugal or paraphernal. He may not preempt the appeal in CA-
RULING: G.R CV No. 78971.
The Supreme Court said in the matter of Judicial Notice that
while there is nothing irregular with the taking of judicial notice, Whether its summary judgment or judgment on the pleadings, the
the trial court disregarded the fact that its decision was then Supreme Court said No, because we don’t know if the alleged
the subject of a pending appeal before the Court of Appeals. It admission will be upheld on appeal. Be it again, ruling by the court
should have known that until the appeal is resolved by the was premature.
appellate court, it would be premature to render judgment
on petitioner’s motion for judgment on the pleadings; that
it would be presumptuous to assume that its own decision
JUDGMENT (Amended Rules 34 and 35)
would be affirmed on appeal. One of the issues raised in the
appeal is precisely whether the subject property is conjugal, or
a paraphernal asset of the respondent. Thus, instead of
resolving petitioner’s motion for judgment on the
They are similar in the following respects:
pleadings, the trial court should have denied it or held it in
abeyance. 1. They are both modes of accelerated judgment
2. Judgment is accelerated because there is no need for trial or
With that, nadungagan atong knowledge. First, what is the general reception of evidence
rule? 3. In both, all the court has to do is to examine the pleadings
and other matters already on record.
General Rule: A court cannot take judicial notice of the records of
a different case even if it is pending before it, or even if the court WHEN PROPER
has knowledge that it is one handling the case previously. JUDGMENT ON THE SUMMARY JUDGMENT
Exception: In the absence of objection, the court may treat it as 1. Proper when an answer fails 1. Proper when there is no
read into the record of the present case to tender an issue or when an genuine issue as to any material
answer otherwise admits all the fact or the issue raised is a sham
July 9 Part 4 | Fernandez material allegations of the issue.
adverse party’s pleadings.
The court may treat it as read into the records of the present case,
just like what we reviewed earlier.
2. The defendant did not make 2. The pleader actually pleaded
But as an exception to the exception: If that case that the court any specific denial of the specific denials and affirmative
wants to take judicial notice of, is still pending appeal, the court allegations in the complaint defenses and therefore tendered
should not take judicial notice of this. and therefore failed to tender issues.
Because it has no right to presume that it will be upheld on appeal.
After the appeal you can still file a Petition for Review (MTC to RTC; 3. It is the plaintiff, 3. Both the claimant or the
RTC to CA; CA to SC). It’s a long way to go if it’s initially cognizable counterclaimant, cross- defending party can avail of this
by the MTC. But here it’s the CA to SC claimant, or third-party plaintiff remedy
who avails of the remedy
Summary judgment/ Judgment on the Pleadings
….continuation….. 4. Based solely on the 4. Based not only on the
pleadings pleadings but also on affidavits,
Petitioner could not have validly resorted to a motion for judgment admissions, depositions and
on the pleadings or summary judgment. While it may appear that other documents
under Rules 34 and 35 of the 1997 Rules, he may file a motion for
judgment on the pleadings or summary judgment as a result of the Both of them are considered litigious motions under Rule 15,
consequent admission by respondent that the subject property is Section 15
conjugal, this is not the actually the case.
As to the First Distinction
Quite the contrary, by invoking the proceedings and decision in Judgment on the Pleadings
the other civil case, petitioner is precluded from obtaining Q: When is there an issue?
judgment while the appeal in said case is pending, because the A: In a civil complaint, there is an issue when the plaintiff and the
defendant do not agree.


compromise, veracity of allegations should always be proved. And

that there is contention between the parties.

Q: When can you say that there issues are already joined?
A: There is the complaint, defendant files answer and defendant EXAMPLE:
takes issue. Meaning, does not agree to what the complaint states. In an action for collection of sum of money, the plaintiff
Here, the court is informed of the misunderstanding or lack of alleges that the defendant secured a loan from the
agreement between the plaintiff and defendant. plaintiff and there was a prior demand to pay and the
defendant did not pay. The defendant admitted all the
Summary Judgment allegations in the complaint and simply prayed to the
When plaintiff asks for Summary Judgment, it means he feels the court for leniency.
defendant is trying to raise an issue when in fact there is supposed
to be no issue. And it can be proven by affidavits and depositions. In a case like this, the plaintiff may now apply Rule 34.

As to the Second Distinction He can file a motion in court for Judgment on the
Judgment on the Pleadings Pleadings. He will ask the court to render judgment
Q: What’s the effect of a general denial in civil procedure? based on what the complaint says and what the answer
A: Effect is it’s an admission, because for you to make a denial, you says.
have to make it specific. You have to tell the court what your
version of the facts is. There is no more trial or presentation of evidence
because the court can render a decision based on what
Summary Judgment the complaint says and what the answer says.
Defendant tendered issues but were sham (atik2 lang).
As to the Third Distinction 1) When an answer fails to tender an issue; or
Judgment on the Pleadings 2) When an answer otherwise admits all the material allegations
You have to be a claiming party of the adverse party’s pleading.

Summary Judgment First Ground: Fails to tender an issue

Both the claimant or the defending party can avail a. When the answer neither admits nor denies the allegations on
the complaint (evasive);
Both Judgment on the pleadings and Summary Judgment are
considered litigious motions b. When all the denials in the answer are general denials and not
Brought about by the change in the Amended Rules. specific. A denial is general if the pleader does not state the
facts relied upon in support of his denial. Such answer does
Remember in the Old Rules, in Rule 15, when you file a motion it not tender an issue because all the denials are general, or “no
should be 3 days prior to the intended date of hearing which knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief” with
should not be less than 10 days from the date of filing of the respect to a veracity of the facts stated. (Capitol Motors v.
motion. Yabut)

But under the New Rules, it is wholly dependent on the discretion July 9 Part 5 | Jamero
of the court whether to hear the motion.
Rule 35 Summary Judgments
Section 1, Rule 34. Judgment on the pleadings. – Where an A motion for summary judgment may be filed by the claimant or
answer fails to tender an issue, or otherwise admits the material defending party.
allegations of the adverse party’s pleading, the court may; on
motion of that party, direct judgment on such pleading. However,
Section 1, Rule 35. Summary judgment for claimant. — A party
in actions for declaration of nullity or annulment of marriage or for
seeking to recover upon a claim, counterclaim, or cross-claim or to
legal separation, the material facts alleged in the complaint shall
obtain a declaratory relief may, at any time after the pleading in
always be proved.
answer thereto has been served, move with supporting affidavits,
depositions or admissions for a summary judgment in his or her
In actions for declaration of nullity or annulment of marriage or for
favor upon all or any part thereof.
legal separation, the abovementioned is always the rule.
Something that would lead to the possibility of collusion or
What’s the situation here?


The plaintiff filed the complaint; the defendant filed the answer. When a motion for summary judgment is filed, the plaintiff can
Then, at any time after the answer has been served and filed, no longer dismiss his complaint upon mere notice. There must
makita naman na karon sang plaintiff, uy burit ning issues sang be a motion approved by the court, giving the defendant an
defendant! Naga imbento lang sya’g defense, therefore I will move opportunity to be heard.
for summary judgment. Q: Can the plaintiff amend his complaint as a matter of
What will I do? I will move with supporting affidavits, meaning I right if the defendant files a motion for summary
would gather some evidence na written lang no—Affidavits, judgment in lieu of an answer?
depositions or admissions—saying na ang kanang mga A: Technically, yes. Remember that a motion for summary
contentions diha sa defendant, atik ra na. Walay tinuod diha, he’s judgment is not a pleading. The filing of a responsive
lying! pleading is what converts amendment from one which is
Or if it’s for the defending party: a matter of right to one which is a matter of judicial
Section 2. Summary judgment for defending party. — A party discretion.
against whom a claim, counterclaim, or cross-claim is asserted or a So, kung dili answer ang imo i-file sa complaint,
declaratory relief is sought may, at any time, move with supporting kung motion lang—whether a motion to
affidavits, depositions or admissions for a summary judgment in his dismiss or a motion for summary judgment—
or her favor as to all or any part thereof. pwede gihapon mag amend ang plaintiff sa
iyang pleading as a matter of right.
Same philosophy applies, same thing that I told you about Section
1, pareha lang gihapon. The defendant feels burit lang nang BUT… Why would a defendant move for summary
complaint sang plaintiff! Imbento lang na sya. Maybe it could be judgment instead of filing an answer? The defendant will
an anticipatory filing, kay kabalo sya na file-an nako sya’g kaso, gi only do so because he believes that the plaintiff’s cause
unahan na lang ko niya. Pwede, what will he do? He will move with of action against him is a sham. It is non-existent.
supporting affidavits, depositions or admissions for summary Kana bitaw, ay binuang gyud ni, na dili pwede
judgment to be rendered in his favor. na kwanon ko lang ni, kana bitaw mu file ko ug
answer because otherwise I am recognizing that
Review: What are the options available to the defendant after he has a cause of action. Mu-file ko ug
service of summons? Except motion for extensions. How many summary judgment.
options does he have (at least in the 1997 Rules)? There are 4.
The defendant, after service of summons, has the following Knowing this, the plaintiff can simply amend his
options: complaint to cure a non-existent cause of action. Note
1. File an answer; that if it appears to the court that the motion was made
2. File a motion for bill of particulars; with intent to delay or confer jurisdiction on the court, or
3. File a motion to dismiss; or the pleading stated no cause of action from the
4. File a motion for summary Judgment beginning which could be amended, the amendment is
substantial and would thus require leave of court to be
Motion to dismiss (Rule 16) has already been removed made.(Mao nay nakabutang sa Sec. 3, Rule 10.) However,
entirely from the Rules of Court. The only time you can this does not change the fact that a motion for summary
file a motion to dismiss would be, what? When the judgment is not a responsive pleading in the context of
ground is lack of jurisdiction of the subject matter, res Rule 10, Sec. 2.
adjudicata, litis pendencia, and prescription. Mao nalang Motion ra sya, and because it’s a motion, it
to, kato bitaw 4 grounds that will not be barred even if does not affect the plaintiff’s right to amend his
you raise them for the first time on appeal. Di jud na sya complaint as a matter of right.
ma bar, kana na mga grounds for motion to dismiss. It’s
not barred by the omnibus motion rule, under Rule 9, Section 3. Motion and proceedings thereon. — The motion shall
Section 1 of the omnibus motion rule. So, mao ni sya ang cite the supporting affidavits, depositions or admissions, and the
imong 4 ka-options. specific law relied upon. The adverse party may file a comment and
serve opposing affidavits, depositions, or admissions within a non-
The filing of a mere motion, either to dismiss or for bill of extendible period of five (5) calendar days from receipt of the
particulars, instead of filing an answer, allows the plaintiff to: motion. Unless the court orders the conduct of a hearing,
(a) amend his complaint as a matter of right under Rule 10, judgment sought shall be rendered forthwith if the pleadings,
Section 2; and supporting affidavits, depositions and admissions on file, show
(b) dismiss his complaint upon mere notice under Rule 17, that, except as to the amount of damages, there is no genuine
Section 1. issue as to any material fact and that the moving party is entitled
to judgment as a matter of law.


Any action of the court on a motion for summary judgment shall Take note, because of the admissions, no need for evidence. No
not be subject of an appeal or petition for certiorari, prohibition or need for trial, because judicial admission require no proof under
mandamus. (3a)

1st par: Mao ra to, no genuine issue, Sham issue ra sya.

Rule 129 Section 4:
2 par: That’s a new insertion under Rule 35. So, unsa ning action
nd Sec. 4 Judicial admissions. An admission, or or written, made by the
na ni that shall not be subject to an appeal? Di nimo pwede i- party in the course of the proceedings in the same case, does not
appeal, or petition for certiorari, prohibition or mandamus. require proof.

Q: What action is the rule talking about that is not Example No. 2
appealable? In an action for collection of sum of money, the plaintiff alleges
that the defendant secured a loan from the plaintiff and there was
A: The action of the court whether granting or denying a prior demand to pay and the defendant did not pay. The
the motion for summary judgment, not the summary defendant specifically denied all the allegations in the complaint.
judgment itself. Because if it is the summary judgment How will he make a specific denial?
itself, meaning gi-dismiss ang complaint sa plaintiff, or
the court granted summary judgment if favor of the Specific Denial
plaintiff and decides in favor of the plaintiff, mao na ang Defendant specifically denies the allegations in the complaint
pwede nimo i-appeal, katong judgment mismo and not insofar as it alleges that the defendant secured a loan from the
the action. Dili gani pwede ang certiorari, prohibition or plaintiff, that there was a prior demand to pay and that defendant
mandamus. Because otherwise, that would be giving an has not paid yet. The truth of the matter is that the defendant did
imprimatur to litigants not to delay the determination of not secure a loan from the Plaintiff and, assuming that there was a
the main case. loan, defendant has already paid it.

As a general rule, based on jurisprudence, ang pagrender
Do you notice something here? Do you notice something
of summary judgment—that the exception rather than
about the specific denial of the defendant? What do you
the general rule. It’s extra-ordinary and rendering of
notice from his defense?
summary judgment.

Meaning of “genuine issue” Answer:

A genuine issue means an issue of fact which calls for the The specific denial of the defendant is wholly
presentation of evidence, as distinguished from an issue which is inconsistent. You cannot deny a loan and at the same
fictitious or contrived or which does not constitute a genuine issue time allege that you have already paid it. Thus, the issue
for trial. (BASBAS vs. SAYSON, G.R. No. 172660, August 24, 2011) raised, even if there is a specific denial, is not genuine. At
least one of them is clearly a sham issue.
Question: What differentiates this from “fails to tender an issue”? In that sham issue, what would be the effect? Pwede ka
When an answer fails to tender an issue, in effect, the plaintiff’s mag-move for summary judgment. Kay sham jud nah,
allegations are all admitted. Because of the admissions, there is no either one of them is sham.
more need for evidence. (ngano pa man ta magpresent ug
evidence, gidawat nya man tanan) If there is no need for evidence, Example No. 3
there is no need for trial, which under Rule 30, is set for the sole In an action for collection of sum of money, the plaintiff alleges
purpose of receiving evidence (and no other). that the defendant secured a loan from the plaintiff and the
defendant did not pay. The defendant specifically denied all the
July 9 Part 6 | Macacua allegations in the complaint. How will he make a specific denial?

Example No. 1 Specific Denial

In an action for a collection of sum of money, the plaintiff alleges Defendant specifically denies the allegations in the complaint
that the defendant secured a loan from the plaintiff and there was insofar as it alleges that the defendant secured a loan from the
a prior demand to pay and the defendant did not pay. The plaintiff, that there was a prior demand topay and that defendant
defendant admitted all the allegations in the complaint and simply has not paid yet. The truth of the matter is that, while defendant
prayed to the court for leniency. did indeed secure a loan from the plaintiff, defendant has already
paid it.


Very clear iyang denial, naa koy utang pero gibayran ko na na. It is IMPORTANT: Summary Judgment and Judgment of the
an Affirmative Defense, a defense of confession and avoidance. Pleadings, none of them are viable if there is still a
Oo, I admit that I have a debt. But, I am avoiding payment because requirement to present evidence.
I already paid it. Diba affirmative defense na under the rule on
pleadings. If there is anything that needs to be presented to the
There are three (3) possible situations there: court, to determine a particular issue, if naa pay evidence,
dili ta mag-accelerated judgment.
Possibility No. 1 Possibility No. 3
Defendant has already paid the plaintiff Defendant never really paid the plaintiff
(payment) (no payment)

If defendant has already paid the plaintiff, he will plead In other words, he is inventing a defense. Nangatik ra. He
the existence of an actionable document, a receipt (or is lying. Even if he specifically denied the allegations in
katong giuli na na promissory note). Thus, under Rule 8, the complaint and attempted to make an issue,
Section 7, the substance of such document shall be set everything is a SHAM. This time, the plaintiff can move
forth in the pleading, and the original or a copy thereof for summary judgment on the ground that the answer
shall be attached to the pleading as an exhibit, which fails to raise a genuine issue.
shall be deemed to be a part of the pleading, or said
copy may with like effect be set forth in the pleading. (at What will the plaintiff do?
least under the 1997 Rules).
The plaintiff will move with supporting affidavits,
In this situation, there is a need to proceed to trial depositions or admissions for a summary judgment in his
because reception of evidence (receipt) must be had. The favor. In other words, he will attach his proof that the
plaintiff cannot move for judgment on the pleadings defendant has never really paid. He will tell the Court that
because there is a specific denial. In fact, the plaintiff has the defendant is lying. That’s the simplest I can explain,
to file a reply under oath. Otherwise, the existence and Rule 35 for you.
due execution of the receipt would be deemed admitted
(Rule 8, Section 8). Take note, the defendant has the option to oppose the
motion together with his affidavits, depositions or
In the same situation, the plaintiff cannot move for admissions. But if he never really paid the plaintiff, he
summary judgment because the existence of a receipt for would not have any proof. Take not also na if wala gyud
payment tenders a genuine issue. The only time that that niya gibayran ang plaintiff, unsa may proof niya?
receipt will not tender a genuine issue is when, if that
receipt is forged. Forgery siya, gipeke lang. In order for Example No. 4
the plaintiff to properly argue na peke lang siya, and Plaintiff filed an action to collect a loan based on a promissory
therefore it’s a sham issue, he needs to move affidavits, note, claiming that the defendant has not paid him yet. In his
depositions or admissions. So, if there really is a genuine answer, defendant admitted that the plaintiff’s pleading states no
receipt, there is a need to go to trial to receive evidence cause of action as the promissory note is not yet due. That’s an
as to their respective claims and defense of the parties. affirmative defense, that’s allowed. Can the plaintiff move for
summary judgment? Can the defendant, for that matter, move for
Possibility No. 2 summary judgment also?
Defendant has really paid the plaintiff but has no proof
(payment, no proof) Analysis
Q: How will the court determine the maturity date of the
Defendant really paid the plaintiff but he was never promissory note?
issued a receipt or maybe he lost his receipt. What will A: By looking at the complaint. The promissory note and
happen? its maturity date are there. The attachments, the
promissory note being an actionable document should
Defendant will prove by testimony the circumstances that be there.
show that he has already has paid. What is the ultimate
effect? Reception of evidence is still required. Hence, the Q: Would the court require reception of evidence to
plaintiff cannot move for summary judgment. determine if the note is due or not?
A: No. Everything is stated in the pleadings.


Q: If the plaintiff moves for summary judgment, what will Unsa ang admission diha sa complaint, ang first 5
happen? installments nabayran na, ang remaining kay wala pa. The
A: If the court determines that the promissory note is first part is an admission, the latter part is an allegation.
already due by examining the pleadings only, there is no
more need for trial. The Court will simply order the In an answer, defendant admits the allegations contained
defendant to pay. Anyway, the defendant already in paragraphs 1 and 2 of the complaint inasmuch as they
admitted the existence of the loan. In effect, the merely allege the personal circumstances and capacities
defendant did not raise a genuine issue. of the parties.

That is when sometimes the Judgment on the Pleadings can Usually, ginaadmit na lang namo na. I deny that he is a a
become confusing with Summary Judgment. Unsa may basis diri sa juridical being given civil personality by the law! Alangan
korte? Tha pleadings, but it’s not summary judgment. Why? muingon pag ing ana, admit na lang na oy. Diba civil
Because the defendant tried to make issue, nag-deny siya. Except personality is determined by birth.
that, hindi siya genuine issue. Kay pag mag ingon siyag dili pa man
maturity sa note pero klaro, makita nimo sa pleadings by pleading Example No. 2
an actionable document that it’s already matured.
Actionable Documents
Q: Can the defendant move for summary judgment?
A: Yes. In effect, he is telling the court to simply look at It is a document which is the foundation of your cause of
the attached promissory not and see that the debt is not action or defense. And the law tells you how to plead an
yet due. If the debt is not yet due, the court will dismiss actionable document.
the case on the ground of prematurity. Premature pa
man, wala pa man nag-ripen imong cause of action. The The requirement that, kung wala nimo gi-deny under
complaint did not raise a genuine issue. In fact, there is oath ang actionable document, you are deemed to have
still no cause of action yet because there is no violation. already admitted the genuineness and due execution of
that actionable document.
I hope that clarifies Rule 34 in relation to Rule 35. Ang point lang
nako na gi-raise didto, ang point nga gusto nako mahinumduman Section 8, Rule 8. How to contest such documents. — When an
ninyo: action or defense is founded upon a written instrument, copied in
or attached to the corresponding pleading as provided in the
You need to know the subtle differences between judgment on the preceding section, the genuineness and due execution of the
pleadings and summary judgment (Rule 35). You need to instrument shall be deemed admitted unless the adverse party,
remember that kay favourite na sa Bar Examinations. Not to under oath specifically denies them, and sets forth what he claims
mention the fact that Rule 34 and Rule 35 would be proper if the to be the facts, but the requirement of an oath does not apply
resolution of the issue, whether it is not a genuine issue or whether when the adverse party does not appear to be a party to the
giadmit tanan but would require still the presentation of evidence. instrument or when compliance with an order for an inspection of
Dili proper ang Rule 34 and Rule 35 if manginahanglan pa og the original instrument is refused.
presentation of evidence.
Casent Realty vs Philbanking
Why? Gipangutana nako na sa akong estudyante last year. Nobody GR No. 150731, 14 Sept 2007
got the question. Since respondent failed to file a Reply, in effect, respondent
admitted the genuineness and due execution of said
ADMISSIONS ON THE PLEADINGS documents. This judicial admission should have been
Admissions can be made in both initatory and responsive considered by the appellate court in resolving the demurrer to
pleadings. evidence. This is pursuant to Rule 129, Section 4 of the Rules of
Pwede ba ka naay admissions in the complaint? Pwede.
IMPORTANT: Under the Rules of Procedure (1997), filing of reply
Example No. 1 is optional. If you do not file a reply, all matters alleged in the
In a complaint, defendant Geronimo contracted a loan answer are deemed automatically controverted.
with plaintiff Sarah. While defendant had paid the first 5
installments, all succeeding installments remain unpaid. In Casent Realty vs Philbanking (2007), you need to file a reply. It is
not optional to file a reply here, according to the Supreme Court.


Under the Amended Rules (2020), plaintiff may file a reply only if  Admissions made in the original pleadings cease to be judicial
the defending party attaches an actionable document to his or her admissions (Ching v. CA, 331 SCRA 16).
answer.  They are to be considered as extrajudicial admissions (Torres
v. CA, 131 SCRA 224).
NATURE OF REPLY UNDER THE AMENDED RULES  However, admissions in superseded pleadings may be
Section 10, Rule 6. Reply. – All new matters alleged in the answer received in evidence against the pleader (Sec. 8, Rule 10, Rules
are deemed controverted. If the plaintiff wishes to interpose any of Court) and in order to be utilized as extrajudicial
claims arising out of the new matters so alleged, such claims shall admissions, they must be formally offered in evidence (Ching
be set forth in an amended or supplemental complaint. However, v. CA, 331 SCRA 16).
the plaintiff may file a reply only if the defending party
attaches an actionable document to his or her answer. (b) Admissions during trial
 Admissions during trial can be verbal or written.
What is this? This is Casent Realty vs Philbanking. It is a case where  A verbal judicial admission can take in the form of a
jurisprudence becoming the Rule. manifestation or testimony in court. A written judicial
admission can be in motions, written manifestations,
July 9 Part 7 | Maglinte briefs, memoranda, affidavits and even in a submission in
answer to a request for admission.
 A reply is a pleading, the office or function of which is to deny,
or allege facts in denial or avoidance of new matters alleged (c) Admission in other stages
in, or relating to, said actionable document.  There can also be admissions in other sages of a case
 In the event of an actionable document attached to the reply, such as
the defendant may file a rejoinder if the same is based solely o PRE-TRIAL (Admissions and stipulations of fact
on an actionable document. are mandatory subjects of pre-trial)
Under the 1997 rules, there are 7 pleadings allowed, but under the before trial or pending appeal (ex. Depositions,
amended rules, there are 8. request of admission etc.)
1. Complaint
3. Reply
4. Counterclaim Judicial admissions are legally binding on the party making the
5. Crossclaim admissions. Pre-trial admission in civil cases is one of the instances
6. Third-(fourth) party complaint of judicial admissions explicitly provided for under Section 7, Rule
7. Complaint-in-intervention 18 of the Rules of Court, which mandates that the contents of the
8. Rejoinder pre-trial order shall control the subsequent course of the action,
thereby, defining and limiting the issues to be tried.
The rejoinder is filed if an actionable document is attached to the
reply. Once the stipulations are reduced into writing and signed by the
parties and their counsels, they become binding on the parties who
Rule 8, section 8 specifically applies to actions or defenses founded made them. They become judicial admissions of the fact or facts
upon a written instrument and provides the manner of denying it. stipulated. Even if placed at a disadvantageous position, a party
It is more controlling that Rule 6, Section 10 which merely provides may not be allowed to rescind them unilaterally, it must assume
the effect of failure to file a Reply. Thus, where the defense in the the consequences of the disadvantage.
Answer is based on an actionable document, a Reply specifically
denying it under oath must be made; otherwise, the genuineness A party who judicially admits a fact cannot later challenge a fact
and due execution will be deemed admitted. cannot later challenge the fact as judicial admissions are a waiver
of proof; production of evidence is dispensed with. A judicial
EFFECTS OF AMENDMENT admission also removes an admitted fact from the filed of
Sec. 9. Effect of amended pleadings. – An amended pleading controversy. Consequently, an admission made in the pleadings
supersedes the pleading that it amends. However, admissions in cannot be controverted by the party making such admission and
superseded pleadings may be offered in evidence against the are conclusive to such party, and all proofs to the contrary or
pleader, and claims or defenses alleged therein not inconsistent therewith should be ignored, whether objection is
incorporated in the amended pleading shall be deemed waived. interposed by the party or not. The allegations, statements or
admissions contained in a pleading are conclusive as against the
EFFECT OF ADMISSIONS MADE IN THE ORIGINAL PLEADING pleader. A party cannot subsequently take a position contrary of or
inconsistent with what was pleaded.


admissions made for the purpose of dispensing with proof of some

STATEMENT OF THE RULE AND EFFECTS facts are in the nature of judicial admissions.
Well-settled is the rule that the judicial admissions are conclusive
on the party making them (Konghun v. UCPB, G.R. NO. 154334) An admission made by counsel is binding upon the client.

Conclusive – you cannot present countervailing proof. FULE v. CA

The omission of the signature of the accused and his counsel, as
SANTIAGO VS DELOS SANTOS mandatorily required by the Rules, renders the stipulation of facts
An admission cannot be controverted by the party making such inadmissible in evidence. The confirmation by the defense of the
admission and are conclusive as to him and that all proofs said stipulation of facts by a memorandum does not cure the
submitted by him contrary thereto or inconsistent therewith shall defect because the Rules require both the accused and his counsel
be ignored whether objection is interposed by the party or not. to sign such stipulation of facts.

MUST BE MADE IN THE SAME CASE What the prosecution should have done, upon discovering that the
REPUBLIC GLASS VS QUA accused did not sign the Stipulation of Facts, as required by Rule
To constitute a judicial admission, it must be made in the same 118, was to submit evidence to establish the elements of the crime,
case in which it is offered. If made in another case or court, the fact instead of relying solely on the supposed admission of the accused
of such admission must be proved as in the case of any other fact. in the Stipulation of Facts.
Although, if made in a judicial proceeding, it is entitled to greater
Section 2. Pre-trial agreement. — All agreements or admissions
made or entered during the pre-trial conference shall be reduced
EXCEPTIONS in writing and signed by the accused and counsel, otherwise, they
The admissions may be contradicted only b showing cannot be used against the accused. The agreements covering the
1. That the mistake was made through PALABLE MISTAKE; matters referred to in section 1 of this Rule shall be approved by
or the court.
Compare the ruling of Fule . CA and King v. People
 Palpable mistakes are mistakes that are obvious to all
sides. These are mistakes that are glaring that the judge
True, a pretrial agreement not signed by a party is inadmissible.
or the adverse party can see that there was really no
However, the conviction of petitioner was based not on that
admission made.
agreement but on the documents submitted during the trial, all of
 Under the old rules, this is the only exception to the rule
which were admitted without any objection from her counsel.
that a judicial admission binds the party making it.

NO SUCH ADMISSION WAS MADE In Fule, prosecutor merely relied on the confession made during
 They have not been made at all (Palma Devt Corp v. the pre-trial, and no other evidence was presented. In King v.
Municipality of Malangas Zamboanga del Sur, GR People, the conviction was based not merely on the confession, but
152492) rather on the documents admitted without nay admission.
 Admission was taken out of context or not in the sense in
which the admission is made to appear (Atillo v. CA, GR

If a party invokes an admission of an adverse party but cites the
admission out of context, then the one making the admission may
show that he made no show admission or that the admission was
taken out of context. This may be interpreted to mean not in the
sense in which the admission is made to appear that is the reason
for the codifier “such”.


More importantly, Silot's counsel clearly made admissions of the
content of the testimony of witness Goingo, whose presentation
was dispensed with. In People v. Hernandez, we held that



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