In Many Countries There Is A Shortage of Suitable People For Essential Jobs

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In many countries there is a shortage of suitable people for essential jobs.

In modern world, it is undeniable, that many countries are facing with the shortage
of workers to run businesses and services. Such problem is on a sharp rise
especially in developing countries, primarily because of people emigrating abroad
in search of better life.
To begin with, main reason is time and budget. Often getting a university degree
requires a lot of money as well as time, which tends to be an obstacle. For
example, to become a doctor in most countries of the world, you are not only are
required to pass through a difficult exam, but also, 6 years of study in the
university and 4 years of practice, after which you get a professional doctor degree.
This requires not only time, but also a lot of money. Consequently, rich people are
given an opportunity to become professional doctors.
Secondly, most of developing countries do not have good economics. For that
reason, the skilled labors are not getting paid, as they are in a developed country.
This is causing a shift of people from their country to the one with higher salaries.
In my opinion, the only way to deal with this problem is subsidizing more budgets
to education systems, as well аs boosting country’s economic in general. If salaries
and total standard of living increases, as well as affordability of education, it will
be much less point for people to shift from their country.
To sum up, even though the shortage of employees in certain jobs is an inevitable
problem, unarguably, there are certain measures that should be implemented in
order to alleviate this problem.
Artemij Mimrin

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