Castle of Mirrors 1.1

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Copyright Runehammer Games 2020

Permission granted to print this document for personal use

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Illustrations by Albert Robida, Gustave Dore, Harry Clarke, John Dickson Batten, Howard
Pyle, Dugald Stewart Walker and other 19th century masters under Public Domain
Location Cards created by photo collage and the ʻOwls’ AI Image Processor

Playtest team: Scott Merrill, James Osterman, Dennis Smithson, Chuck Lemons

Ed Greenwood

2 0 2 0

Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Hooking Players . . . . . . . . 4

The Surrounding Area . . . . . . 5
Overall Layout . . . . . . 6
Using the Mapping System . . . . . 7


Overview . . . . . . 8
Map . . . . . . 9
Room Listings . . . . . . . . . . . . 10


Overview . . . . . . 16
Map . . . . . . 17
Room Listings . . . . . . . . . 18


Overview . . . . . . 24
Map . . . . . . 25
Room Listings . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Treasures and Magic Items . . . . . .. 31
Starter Heroes . . . . . . . . 32
The Village of Edsel . . . . . . 33
The Horn & Hog . . . . . . 34
Other Mirrors . . . . . . . . . 35
Kromsmoor and The Pack . . . . . . . 36
Deepstone Magic . . . . . . . . 37

Conclusion . . . . . . . . 38

It’s inevitable. After a team of adventurers piles enough gold and good deeds, they are
searching for the next great challenge, the next impossible task to conquer. CASTLE
OF MIRRORS is a setting/adventure series to test players of level 5 and higher playing
5E HARDCORE MODE. Always remember to take or leave as much or as little of this
setting to create YOUR version of things.

Select a PLAYER HOOK from page 4, dig your claws in deep, and lure your heroes into
the castle with absolute commitment. Life and death will be in the balance, no easy
victories here, so it’s key to powerfully motivate them to enter such an evil place. Once
they know it must be done, all you’ll need is a feel for the layout and action within.

Be sure to reinforce these core themes
throughout your CASTLE OF MIRRORS
game. You can do this by framing your
descriptions a certain way, or using these
themes to guide custom or add-on con-
tent YOU create.

• Many Mirrors, Many Worlds: The

mirrors in Castle Vargg are doorways
to dark duplicates of the mortal world,
the secret to the evil power here, and
a means of navigation.

• Vampiric Secrets: The magic of the

mirrors has brought undeath to Bar-
on Hedron, but his resurrection is not
complete... yet.

• Garridax: Far below the castle, an

ancient black dragon is seething with
evil influence. For powerful heroes,
this will be the inevitable enemy they

Sure, there’s a huge scary castle with caverns hidden below and all kinds of
evil running rampant, why in the nine hells would we go in there? With such
a deadly and complex ordeal ahead, it’s critical to deeply motivate your play-
ers to endure anything to complete the task at hand. Roll or choose below,
or familiarize yourself with the castle and create your own devious reason.

1: DARK RESURRECTION: You’ll find no better moment to lure players into danger
than when they have lost a party member and seek a means of resurrection. As they
search and lament, choose an Edsel village resident to mention Castle Vargg to them.
“The dead may rise by the hand of Baron Hedron, if he could be pursuaded...” Give
them this dark gift quick and early in the castle then cast them into a roller coaster of
ghoulish dooms and desperate escapes.

2: THE NULLIFYING EVIL: Introduce the dilemma of a pervasive, magic-draining

force emanating from the castle. The young are dying, magic is losing its power, stat
points are bleeding away. This must be stopped before the world falls to ruin.

3: VENDETTA: Baron Hedron is responsible for an atrocity that derails or destroys

player motivations or backgrounds, and proclaims no one can stop him. You could also
have Garridax go on a rampage, annihilating all the players have fought for.

4: THE LIAR KING: The King, a disliked son of a greater time, has been pouring re-
sources and treasures into Castle Vargg, promising a new, prosperous Eastern frontier.
In truth, he has been entranced by Hedron in a plot to usurp the throne. If heroes do
not act fast, the realm will fall to a vampire king, whose mind is warped by Garridax.

5: PLAGUE OF INK: Both Hedron and Garridax are being overtaken by the behemoth
below the castle. Humans and beasts are being twisted into lightless, oil-slick mon-
strosities in ever-greater numbers. Shattering the magic mirrors is teh only way to stop
this terrible transformation.

6: BARBARIAN DEATH SQUAD: Take the role of the Eastern barbarians. Five great
warriors are chosen to bring Castle Vargg crumbling to ruin. The plan? Enter through
Garridax’s lair and incite a war within the caverns, culminating in a titanic explosion
using Uhluite and volatile crystal shards. Can the Kromsmoorim get out alive once the
deadly chain reaction is in motion?


1. Rockport Township: This town is far larger than little Edsel, but far off and swarm-
ing with seafarers and unsavory urban folk who care little for the Vargg myth.
2. West Dells: A vast forest separates civilization and the wilderness here. It is a ʻbarri-
er woods’ in the classic sense, keeping lesser folk away from the Westlands.
3. The Baretops: A low but jagged range of mountains confines the Westlands’ north
border. Of course it’s crawling with Orcs and Kobolds, or so they say.
4. Red Forest: The shadowed woods north fo Edsel run with blood. Some say it is a
curse, or the land weeping for some long-forgotten wrong. Few go there.
5. Midland: The last town before the lonely journey to Edsel is Midland. It is a small
village filled superstitious people who warn all travelers from venturing East.
6. Oakwood: The good of druids still holds sway in Oakwood. It is a bright, green,
thriving place despite all the darkness here near the frontier.
7. Kromsmoor Frontier: This border has been fought over for centuries, and the land
is scarred with bodies, armor and arrows. Ghosts whine on the wind.
8. The Highlands: Where the rugged East meets the Westlands, a great spine of rock
defies all. Here Castle Vargg was built with defiant might.



1 6

1: GROUND LEVELS: A ruined set of walls and chambers from elder days
2: THE TOWERS: High, narrow hells where Hedron grows in vampiric power
3: THE CAVERNS: Tunnels and vertical shafts descending to the supreme evil
4: ENTRANCE, MAIN GATE: A ruined siege gate watched at all times
5: ENTRANCE, EVERMOON BRIDGE: Heavily fortified access
6: ENTRANCE, BRIMBAR MINE: A dangerous but hidden way in from below
Castle of Mirrors uses a unique set of tools to map and explore the vast chambers and
inhabitants of this complex environment. By interconnecting SCENES and describing
space in ZONES, the GM saves brain cycles on exact measurements and uses them on
story, dyanmic action, and delivering clues that bring the bigger truths of the castle to
light during play.

SCENE: The main narrative parts of the map that players will discover. Shown as num-
bered cards on each map, corresponding to subsequent SCENE listings.

ZONES: Each SCENE contains 1-5 ZONES (as described in 5E HARDCORE MODE on
page 18). These are the detailed pieces of playable space and important features.

CONNECTIONS: When players move between SCENES, they do not cross detailed
terrain, but move via ʻmontage.’ If moving to a new SCENE they must make an EXPLO-
RATION roll.


Characters choose one member of the group to make this roll. Am I SKILLED at this
EXPLORATION ROLL? You may use Dungeoneering, Survival, or Tracking type skills
or features to make this roll as SKILLED, otherwise it is a flat, UNSKILLED D20. For more

Natural 1: Heroes are ambushed, become lost, or bumble into an unexpected hazard
such as unstable rubble blocking the path, a flooded room or cloud of deadly gas.

Failure: Heroes stumble into an ENCOUNTER. Create or roll for a small combat EN-
COUNTER based on what you know of the surrounding SCENES.

Success: Heroes navigate easily and without incident to the next SCENE

Natural 20: Heroes make a DISCOVERY as they travel and find safety, which allows a
SHORT REST. Use DISCOVERIES to offer treasure, helpful NPC’s or story reveals.

In ancient times, Castle Vargg only occupied the lower part of the stone outcrop it now
dominates. After endless conflicts with The Pack, and the elements, these parts of the
castle complex are mostly ruins. What isn’t ruin is silent and dead, a haunted place
avoided by the folk of Edsel and beyond.

All is not silent here, though. The old walls, courts, and echo-filled halls have been
host to Kromsmoor raiders. These barbarians have been using giant Stone-breaker
Vines to slowly undermine the structure. They also stage raids to plunder the castle
libraries, and always seek new ways to defeat the Vargg family line once and for all.

Then there are the ghosts. Bound by their hatred of The Pack, but blind with rage, the
spirits here are deadly, wanton things.


1: Secrets and Plunder in the Archives: If characters are seeking arcane knowledge,
spells, a forgotten map, or a secret weakness of a demonic monster, you can lure them
into the library and scriptorum of Castle Vargg. Make it your primary rumor in Edsel,
and let them dare the old ruined corridors for lost knowledge.

2: Fight Back The Pack: If characters are of a more military mindset, The Pack can be
set up as a critical threat to the realm, not just raiders. A key mission to stop them lies
in learning of their use of Stone-breaker Vine magic, and that means a voyage into the
old castle. Add a particularly large Kromsmoor force to battle the heroes in the ruins,
and an old tome that reveals how they are controlling these powerful plants.

3: Access the Towers: Baron Hedron and his loyalists still dwell in the upper castle,
and the only way to reach them is by traversing the old ruins. Maybe heroes are out
to destroy the evil Baron, or retrieve a rare relic in the highest towers. The only way to
get there is to find a stairway that hasn’t crumbled over the centuries, and brave the
wandering horrors to do so.


5 4

2 10
3 9

1: MAIN GATE: The old gate is mostly in ruin, but usable as a castle entrance if
heroes can survive the Kromsmoorim lying in wait

2: OLD WALLS: These crumbling masses of stone can be navigated, but at great
peril. The stones are crumbling and the lions are always watching

3: LION COURT: Once lions, now deathless monsters, prowl the grounds

4: WATCH TOWER: A high, narrow tower with flickering torchlight within

5: GRAND GALLERY: The largest hall in the castle, now silent with ghosts

6: LIBRARY: A mighty repository of knowledge, overtaken by a Stonebreaker Vine

7: OBSERVATORY: In the upper cliffs, this rooms houses an astronomical wonder

8: MINING CRANE: Edsel folk struggle to clear a flooded upper mine here, as
the Kromsmoori continue their raids and sabotage

9: SIEGE RUINS: The war with Kromsmoor has destroyed the outer towers

10: THE CRAGS: Rocky outcrops where the barbarians stage their attacks
A massive black stone gatehouse built to A titanic wall, now partially in ruins. There
hold off siege and scarred by war. Sword is a broken walkway along its top and a 40
cuts, missing cobbles, and scorch marks foot drop on the out-facing side. One step
dot the surfaces. The iron doors are crum- sends unstable rubble tumbling.
pled inward.
ZONES: Rubble, Walkway, Ruined Tower
Causeway, Gatehouse, Crumpled Gate,
Battlements, Interior Court ACTION:
• Any movement requires a DEX save,
ACTION: or tumble into the Lion Court
• A large squad of Kromsmoor raiders • Hidden Kromsmoor Raiders take pot-
hide in the battlements to ambush any shots at anyone they see crossing the
intruders “Death to Westlanders!” wall, then vanish
• A gigantic Stone-breaker Vine is hid- • Natural 1 DEX rolls result in cataclys-
den in the Gatehouse, ready to attack mic fall damage
• The Old Walls provide a wide view of
Kromsmoor Raider Edsel Village and the lower castle
• CR 5
• D10 Hit Die
• Extra Action
• Long Spear/Throwing Knives
• Invulnerable Shield +5 AC
• Flee if below 3 HP

Stone-breaker Vine
• CR 8
• D12 Hit Die
• Massive: 180 HP
• 3 Actions: Lash, Lash, Grapple
• Can ONLY be injured by bladed weap-
ons. Immune to all else
• Massive +100 HP
• Will completely destroy the Gatehouse
(or any current ZONE) to rubble within
1D8 rounds of being engaged
The interior of the old wall is a tree-choked A round tower stands above the landscape,
courtyard. It is littered with rubble and vine- with a few tiny archer windows. It’s one of
wrapped lion statues. the few things here untouched by ruin.


Tangled Trees, Statue Garden, Rubble Spiral Stairs, Iron Hatch, Watch Chamber,
Pile, Muddy Pond Rooftop Perch

• In the Statue Garden, one lion has a • 2D4 of Hedron’s scouts man the tower.
Magic Mirror. Arcane text on the frame If they spot intruders, they will vanish
deciphered with a DC 17 Arcana check. into the castle to report, or simply hold
Mirrors can be activated by a look, a their station. “Be gone, trespassers, by
key word, or key items. Do what fits order of the Baron!”
• The lions are no longer natural, but • Accessed via locked iron door, DC 15
cursed magical beasts driven with • Iron Hatch is locked from within, and
rage, appearing D4 per round is heavily reinforced, 50 HP
• Any creature entering the Muddy Pond • A large chest contains D6+2 treasure
must make a STR roll to exit it discoveries in the Watch Chamber
• Falling from the Watch Chamber re-
Ravager Lion quires a CON save. Success, drop to 0
• CR 4 HP, fail, die instantly
• D8 Hit Die • Red and black tunic and tabard with
• Bite/Claw Hedron’s ʻcrimson crown’ symbol
• Any attack of 15+, attack again • A wide view of the entire landscape is
• Pounce! Move to any ZONE instantly, available here, revealing SCENES the
then pin down a victim with STR heroes may not have discovered yet

Hedron’s Tower Scouts

• CR 6
• D8 Hit Die
• Crossbow/Longsword
• Bullseye: Crossbow shots always do 8
damage if successful
• Dark Iron Armor: Any hit of 4 or less
damage is ignored
An enormous corridor at the center of the
old castle. The towering walls are crowded
with paintings, maps, and mirrors. Tower-
ing wooden doors exit at both ends.


Main Hall, Main Hall Center, Main Hall
East, The Bone Pile, Ruined Library Doors

• ZONES here are in a linear formation
• A Magic Mirror links to Harn Manor in
Midland (DC 17 to find) Varion the Specter
• A Magic Mirror here. This black- • CR 10
framed mirror emits a powerful evil • D12 Hit Die
presence. The mirror will spawn 1D6 • Cannot be harmed by physical means
Chaos Demons per round. It is also a • 2 Actions + Teleport to any Zone
portal to the Realm of Chaos • Slashing Touch: A simple claw attack
• In the Realm of Chaos, this hall is most- • Spell: Witch Bolt: Mark a single foe
ly ruin and green fire, but the Ruined and inflict D12 necrotic damage to that
Library Doors are passable target each Round as an Action
• A doorway in Hall East exits to the • Spell: Wave of Rage: If surrounded,
Siege Ruins outside Varion blasts foes outward to the fur-
• Varion is the specter of a dark wizard thest ZONE(s)
who helped create the Magic Mir- • Chaotic Exile: Once every TIMER,
rors long ago. Varion can be detected Varion focuses his eyeless gaze on
drifting down the hall examining the one hero and banishes them into the
artwork. If disturbed, he becomes en- Realm of Chaos. They appear in a ran-
raged and attacks dom Grand Gallery ZONE there, sur-
• Players and GM should be asking ʻis rounded by 1D4 Chaos Demons
Varion truly a villain?’ Has the Cha-
os Mirror caused all this? Can he Chaos Demon
be redeemed or freed? No easy an- • CR 2
swers here, the GM is burdened with • D6 Hit Die
role-playing and revealing their own • Ragged Claws
version of this specter as play unfolds • Vulnerable to Silver or Holy effects
A cavernous cache of books with distant A large, continuous balcony surrounds the
ceilings, almost completely overtaken by arcane astronomical machine in the center
vines, moss, rubble and trickling water. of this circular room.

A huge fissure in the bedrock here has all This remote room offers heroes a reprieve
but destroyed this once wondrous place... from combat, but is inescapable without
it is also the only exit. engaging the ghost of Lady Mistra.


Waterfall, Scriptorum, Rainwater Cas- Astronomy Machine, Balcony, Overlook
cades, Upper Shelves, Fissure
ACTION: For 50 years, the ghost of Lady Mistra,
A huge Stone-breaker Vine is slowly Baron Hedron’s daughter, has been im-
cracking this room in two. It’s rooted in prisoned here. This room asks players to
the only exit, roused by any noise in the investigate, negotiate, and learn rather
chamber. than do battle.
• The vine is desperate for food • At first, Mistra is hateful, hiding the exit
• The Upper Shelves can be skipped/ with illusions and entrapping heroes,
missed, but hold treasure and price- demanding they keep her company
less books to level players up • The machine can be used to glean all
• Upper Shelves are reached by means kinds of secrets about the castle
of Magic Mirrors. One is in the upper • Mistra keeps a secret mirror. This is
level, the other in the Vine’s grasp. the only path to access The Towers
besides Evermoon Bridge
Terrible Stone-breaker Vine • If pacified, Mistra begs heroes to bring
• CR 8 her a mirror that could let her escape
• D10 Hit Die • Use this room to integrate Castle
• Gargantuan: 200 HP Vargg into your unique campaign with
• Has 5 vines, 1 Action each below. Ac- far-reaching revelations or cosmic in-
tion is lost once cut or destroyed sights gained with the machine
• Mirror Shard: Slashes, out of reach • If Mistra is made an enemy somehow,
• Strangle: Save with STR or suffocate she seals the entrance magically and
• Whip: Slashes with bleeding afterward players will be forced to climb, jump
• Steal: Take and destroy 1 item or excavate their way out of this pre-
• Spore: A cloud that makes magic im- cipitous tower
Massive timbers, ropes and cables surround Depending on the rhythm of your unique
a busy scene as Edselfolk toil to access the game, use this area as a role play chal-
flooded mines below. lenge (with the work crew) or a chaotic
battle (the saboteurs attack).
In a mining disaster two decades past, • The Edselfolk are led by Foreman Gris-
both entrances to the mines and caverns sel, who has lost too many men and
below the castle collapsed and flooded. doubts the mines will ever be reached
Until the depths can be explored, and • If Grissel can be persuaded, the heroes
rubble cleared, the caverns are only ac- are outfitted with diving gear
cessible via Magic Mirrors in the upper
reaches of the Castle. Kromsmoor Saboteurs
• CR 2
AMBIENT DC: 12 • D4 Hit Die
• Lightweights: 2 HP each
ZONES: • Dagger/Crossbow
Crane Tower, Work Deck, Dive Pool, Ma- • Appearing 3D6 every round from the
chine Shed, Supply Depot outer ruins until the crane is destroyed
and collapses at 8 rounds

Broken stone blocks and timbers are piled A series of jagged rocks overlooks the East-
in various heaps around the castle. ern castle grounds. Footpaths and scaffold
lookouts dot the rock faces.
Use this as a flexible space to connect oth-
er scenes. Feeder Demons prowl the si- If heroes are driven or compelled to at-
lence, eating corpses, rusted armor, and tack the Kromsmoorim, this is the place to
rotten wood. They actively hunt intruders. strike at their leader, White Wolf.


A long row of Rubble Zones (up to 10) Barricade, Cliffs, Hideout, Crags, Arena

Feeder Demon ACTION:

• CR 4 White Wolf is a barbarian war chief, holed
• D8 Hit Die up in the Hideout and preparing for a fi-
• 2 Actions nal assault on Castle Vargg.
• Teeth and Talons • Camp guarded by Barricade Zone
• Take Flight: Recover 1D8 HP • Any DEX roll failures in the Cliffs Zone
can result in a deadly fall
• There are no less than 60 warriors here
• White Wolf can be talked into single
combat in the arena. The victor has
command of the Kromsmoorim.
• These barbarians fight to the death

White Wolf
• CR 9
• D10 Hit Die
• 3 Actions
• Shield Bash: Inflict D12 damage and
reduce opponent’s AC by 1D4
• Battle Axe: Deep wounds resistant to
any healing effect for 1round
• Grits His Teeth: Recover D10 HP
• War Fury: If not defeated in 5 rounds,
change to a CR 11 enemy

Here the great secret of Castle Vargg rests: Baron Hedron III has succumbed to the
sickness of vampirism. His newfound power over death has come at a terrible price,
though, and he yet sleeps in his unholy crypt in the highest tower.

Once his fanatic followers have completed their sinister research, they will raise him
from undeath, and he will rule the Midlands as a dark demigod. The ritual has taken
time to perfect, and the blood of innocents is being harvested. Soon, Hedron will arise.

The towers of Castle Vargg are precarious, narrow places with razor sharp rooflines
and glowing red windows in low clouds. It is a place of lightning and howling wind,
where bats spiral in swarms and grey mists coil through spiral stairs.


1: Discover and Defeat Hedron: The only way to truly liberate the Edsel River valley
from darkness, and end the evil emanations from Castle Vargg, is to destroy Hedron.
This is likely the goal of the heroes. Without a dwarven relic hidden deep in the cav-
erns below, though, this goal is all but impossible. It may cost lives to discover this.
Not even Hedron himself knows of the relic’s existence... his wife, however, has quite
a story to tell. She is bound to Hedron by dark magic, and harbors an endless hate for
Hedron for imprisoning her only daughter in the observatory all those years ago.

2: Claim the Red Splinter: As an offering for their dark lord, Hedron’s loyal few have
prepared a legendary enchanted sword: The Red Splinter. This would make a monu-
mental prize for a party of plunderers, one worth risking the lair of an arch vampire.

3: Master the Mirrors: It is widely believed that Magic Mirrors exist throughout the
many worlds of the cosmos. Whatever secret magic unlocks their power is hidden in
the towers, and could be used to create an entire network of instant travel between
places and planes. This could be needed for other goals the heroes may have, or they
may have a royal command to unlock such things for use by the King. The only catch:
those who meddle with the Realm of Chaos do so at terrible risk.


2 3

1: BRIDGE ENTRY/FEAST HALL: Loyal sentries guard the old bridge, and
Hedron’s Apostles brood in the cavernous hall beyond

2: EMBALMING CHAMBER: Hedron’s thirst for blood knows no bounds

3: GIBBETS: Those who have defied Hedron’s vampiric reign are punished here

4: MIRROR ROOM: The magic mirrors here lead to many places and dimensions

5: CATHEDRAL RUINS: A once-beutiful place now occupied by doomed souls

6: PRISON TOWER: Hedron’s baleful wife is held here, dreading her husband’s
awakening and newfound power

7: REALM OF FIRE: The Red Splinter, a sword of legend, is placed in this ele-
mental dimension to grow its fiery power

8: HEDRON’S CRYPT: High atop these dizzy, wind-frozen towers is Hedron’s

chamber, where the iron coffin seethes with evil

The giant doors of the upper castle reveal a • CR 6
cavernous room. At center, a table set with • D12 Hit Die
candles and decadence that could seat hun- • Supremely armored: AC 22
dreds. Three grim figures sit at the far end. • Spear/Shield
• Fights fiercely to protect Apostles
Approaching the towers via Evermoon
Bridge, heroes will face a cadre of armed Apostle Sark
guards, and a terrifying drop. Beyond the • A slithering, pale noble in fine garb
Sentries, this room contains four of He- • CR 12
dron’s deadliest fanatics. The four of them • D10 Hit Die
will become ongoing threats anywhere in • 2 Actions
the upper castle areas. • Drain Touch
• Poisoned Dagger
AMBIENT DC: 16 • Spider Climb
• Wolf Form
Bridge, Outer Guard Post, Grand Stairs, Apostle Arrigan
Towering Doors • A huge man in scale mail, few words
• CR 14
ACTION: • 2D12 Hit Die
Without a complex plan or tremendous • Tough: 200 HP
combat power, accessing the castle this • 2 Actions
directly will be nearly impossible. • Crushing Fists
• 2 Sentries are posted in each zone, • Throw: Hurl foes out windows
working together to kill intruders with • Improvised weapons and shields
coordinated weapon attacks and cov- • Giant Bat Form
er, or by shoving them off the bridge
• The 3 Apostles will be patient at first, Apostle Hylea
inviting heroes to a tense dining expe- • A lovely, colorless princess
rience, then unleash deadly fury • CR 12
• Sentries do not speak, their undeath • D12 Hit Die
hidden in helmets. The Apostles, how- • 3 Actions
ever, are bored, weary, and sadistic • Draining Bite
with conversation • Mist Form
• The wind howls ceaselessly here, giv- • Long Sword
ing everything a feeling of gloom • Hypnotic Stare

Accessed from a hidden door in the Feast Over the decades, this cavernous room has
Hall, this light-less chamber is littered with been used to torture Hedron’s most resil-
coffins and bodies piled haphazardly. At ient foes. Their bones hang in iron cages.
center, an improvised pumping machine
drains more victims of their blood. The skeletons here are truly doomed
souls, as they retain a never ending thirst
This room serves two purposes for the for blood. The hang dormant, but grasp
GM: a source of story revelation and a at warmth and movement.
brutal single-enemy battle.
ZONES: Cages, Bone Pile, Abandoned Forge
Records Desk, Steel Table, Anatomy
Study, Gear Closet ACTION:
This room can be used as a hiding place
ACTION: for heroes on the run, or lull in the action.
Once The Cutter has been dispatched, When the quiet settles in, the caged un-
this room can be pilfered for equipment dead reach to grapple passers by, while
and secrets. hungry skeletons awaken to kill those
• The floors are slick with blood. Call for who disturb them.
DEX saves as heroes fumble about
• Old books here document the victims Craven Skeletons
and their effects on Hedron’s vampiric • CR 3
transformation • D6 Hit Die
• Fill the gear closet with weapons and • D20 Appearing
gear, but it is padlocked • Clawing Bones
• The Cutter is a wordless giant, cursed • Destroyed skeletons will re-assemble
to do this grisly work for ages after 1 round if not consecrated by a
holy symbol, spell, or chant
The Cutter • Closer inspection reveals one skele-
• CR 6 ton bears a signet ring from the Edsel
• D12 Hit Die council of elders. This signet can be
• Brutal Chop: The Cutter attacks one returned to Aldo Galf for a hefty re-
hero with his gigantic axe. They are hit, ward
taking D12 damage with no roll. They
must save CON or drop to 0 HP

4: MIRROR ROOM Fire Mirror
A complicated series of hallways leads • With a command, links to an empty
through the towers to this octagonal cham- lower tower chamber
ber. On each of the 6 walls, a large framed • With a more powerful command, links
mirror rests. The room hums with arcane to the same space, but in The Realm of
power and a sense of countless eyes. Fire, where the Red Splinter rests
• If misused, emits a massive plume of
Besides Hedron himself, this room is flames that do 3D12 to all in its zone
a prize of the Vargg dynasty. It will be
guarded with terrible ferocity by sentries Blood Mirror
and the Apostles... possibly Hedron if he • Can be used to remotely view a single
has awakened. person, called by name, and draw life
force from them
AMBIENT DC: 14 • If misused, will draw 1D8 STAT points
from its abuser. These are recovered
ZONES: over the next 1D4 rounds
Fire Mirror, Blood Mirror, Dragon Mirror,
Chaos Mirror, Broken Mirror, Wolf Mirror Dragon Mirror
• Links to the Steam Caverns far below
ACTION: the castle. Any time it is used, it alerts
These mirrors are the nexus of a network Garridax, the dragon who dwells there
of magical gateways, used for centuries
by the dead wizards of Vargg. No ene- Chaos Mirror
mies are listed as being ʻnative’ here, but • Links to any mirror in the castle, but
as a centerpiece for travel in and beyond via a chaotic, crumbling, demon-in-
the castle, there is bound to be combat in fested clone of the real world
this space. Heroes may be chased here,
enemies may materialize to stop them, Broken Mirror
or unimagined horrors may pour from a • Shattered long ago, but why?
botched attempt at using a mirror’s pow-
er. The GM should feel freedom here to Wolf Mirror
make of this room what is needed to fit • Used to contact White Wolf, the leader
their unique version of events. It could be of the Kromsmoorim.
a climactic battle or a respite of silence • If bumbling any parlay with White
and study. Regardless, each mirror has its Wolf, The Pack will work to use this
own devious properties. Users beware. mirror as an unexpected path into the
upper castle, and wreak havoc

5: CATHEDRAL RUINS Beauty in the Darkness
Ascending a narrow spiral stair from the Many of the themes in Castle of Mirrors
Mirror Room leads here. This ominous holy are terrible, evil, and ugly. No good sto-
space stands terribly high over the Edsel ry is only terror. Use this holy space, the
valley, mostly in ruin. somber vows of these fallen heroes, and
the unwavering optimism of Lady Elsbeth
In brighter days, this lofty tower was a to shine a ray of beauty into the dark cor-
place of worship. Now, it is a parade of ners of Castle Vargg. Let players see that
ghosts, all held in eternal torment by He- there was once light and hope here and
dron’s greed and lust for power over his it is worth fighting to restore. Deliver this
subjects. message with careful role play and de-
scriptions of once-good things.

High Windows, Tombs, Amphitheater

Hedron has enslaved the ghosts of his fall-
en soldiers here, leeching on the might of
elder Varggs and dark magic. These poor
souls are only enemies to the foolish, but
they are cursed to guard these high tombs
as resting places for the rising vampire.
• The captain is Gorn, and even in death
he seeks to free his men
• Though bound here by magic, the spir-
its are still loyal to Lady Elsbeth
• Without these tombs and bound ghosts,
Hedron will lose much of his power,
becoming vulnerable and weak. Play-
ers should be wondering ʻhow do we
use this?’
• If the soldier-ghosts are angered or
turned to enemies somehow, treat
them as Vargg Sentries, but double all
stats and add ʻImmaterial’

Across a crumbling stone bridge at dizzying This location is a crag of stone in a limitless
heights, the highest tower of Castle Vargg hellscape of fire and magma. Jagged black
has one tiny, narrow window, flickering with stone and seas of molten fire stretch in all
pale candle light. It is terribly cold here. directions.

Elsbeth is Hedron III’s wife. Since the dark This desolate place is linked to the Fire
energy of the mirrors began his vampiric Mirror. The Vargg wizards of old placed
transformation, she has been imprisoned the Red Splinter here to bask in infernal
in this tower, ever defiant of her evil lord. heat, slowly building its power over the
Winding Stairs, Dizzy Window, Iron Door, ZONES:
Elsbeth’s Chambers Basalt Expanse, Jagged Pillars, Black Pla-
teau, Sword Altar, Lava Field
The Prison Tower is a perfect ʻTrap’ for he- ACTION:
roes in that it can be a potent lure to con- To protect the sword, the dead wizard of
fine and ambush them. As they discover Vargg have entombed a Fire Elemental
Elsbeth’s hellish ordeal, Hedron and his here. It’s red crystal heart acts as a key to
men will stop at nothing to keep them release the Red Splinter from its altar.
from interfering, and her high, cramped
chambers make for an epic battle loca- Enslaved Fire Elemental
tion, even for the final conflict with the • CR 8
vampire himself. • D10 Hit Die
• Arcane Armor: Immune to magic
Another twist to use Elsbeth is to have her • Huge: 160 HP
hurl herself into the conflict if heroes are • 3 Actions
about to be defeated by Hedron. She is a • Burning Claws. After a hit, ignites its
clutch surprise, dying in Hedron’s arms victim, who takes 1D10 fire damage
in hopes he will be destroyed at last, and for 1D6 rounds
adding a terrible, poignant sadness to • Flame Geyser: One zone is filled with
the overdue end of a sinister blight on fire, burning all within it
the Westlands. What vampire is complete • Hurl Rocks: Ranged attack
without tragically losing the only thing he • Flamedrinker: Heal 3D10 HP whenev-
ever loved? er in flames

8: HEDRON’S CRYPT Baron Hedron III, Souldrinker
The master of Castle Vargg rests here in an • CR 18
iron coffin. The space is dark, with black • D12 Hit Die
curtains on every wall, and three lonely • Immune to all damage except wooden
candles. The floor is etched with blasphe- steak to the heart or direct sunlight
mous glyphs. Evil is heavy in the air. • Fear Aura: Save CHA DC 18 anytime
looking directly at Hedron or use your
The highest tower in the castle is visited move to flee his presence this turn
only by the Apostles. This cursed place • Ghost Step: Hedron can move short
harnesses the evil of the mirrors and con- distances instantly, at will
centrates it into Hedron’s body. This pro- • 4 Actions
cess had made him a vampire lord of the • Bite: Victim saves CON DC 18 or drops
highest order. to 0 HP and takes vampiric contagion
• Shapeshift: Become Giant Bat, Wolf,
AMBIENT DC: 20-14 Swarm of Rats or Swarm of Bats
• Hypnotic Gaze: Victim saves INT DC
ZONES: 18 or believes Hedron is a friend
Concentric Stairs, Purification Bowl, Black • Vermintide: Summon a swarm of 4D20
Drape, Iron Coffin, Viewing Balcony rats, bats, spiders or snakes
• Talons: Victim saves DEX DC 18 or
ACTION: drops to 0 HP and will be DEAD in 1
• Hedron can be confronted here, or round, not 3
anywhere in the castle. As long as the
iron coffin is intact, he can return there
via mist form and recover all HP and all
abilities in a matter of minutes
• All those who enter without touching
the Purification Bowl roll with disad-
vantage on any roll against Hedron
• The Black Drapes ʻabsorb’ Hedron into
invisibility if he wishes, can grapple
victims, and conceal 3 Darkmantles
• Hedron uses the balcony to come and
go in Giant Bat form
• He will do anything to keep intruders
from harming the coffin
• Reduce room DC with torches, holy
symbols, and chanted blessings

During the age of Expansion, Castle Vargg was connected with an ever-deeper net-
work of caves below the foundations. The pact with Deep Dwarves was a blasphemous,
treacherous thing. Deep Dwarves have been known to eat surface walkers... they are
ruthless, lightless hellions; the ancient enemy of mankind. Their evil, it turned out, was
only a minor threat. The mirrors unleashed things far more terrible in the depths, and
awakened the matron of all monsters: a black dragon called Garridax.

Garridax now stirs in her scalding lair, and formless behemoths venture ever higher
in the caverns. Those who find a way down, never come up.


1: Seal the Chaos Mirrors: The magic mirrors in the castle are framed pieces of view-
ing glass, but in the depths, they take natural form: jagged shards of reflective gyp-
sum. Through these gem-like mirrors, realms of terror are glimpsed. This is the secret
the dead wizards revealed. The mirrors WANT to open... they hunger for our world.
If left unchecked, chaos demons of all forms will pour through. The end of all things.
A group of heroes could be deployed to destroy the mirrors and stem the demon tide.

2: Plunder the Dragon’s Hoard: Garridax has been raiding the Westlands. If the lair
could be discovered, how she is coming and going... a great treasure hoard must be
there, and a kingdom awaits any hero who can prove the creature has been slain. A
darker truth awaits, though. Garridax is the architect of the Vargg dynasty, the source
of Hedron’s vampiric curse, the curator of the magic mirrors, the source of the trem-
ors... the root of all this darkness.

3: Find the Victims: The missing children in Knotmarsh, those taken by Deep Dwarf
raiders, or foolhardy miners vanished in the depths... all these are missing victims of
the Vargg Caverns. Heroes are sent to find or rescue those below. Most are already
eaten, broken after terrible long falls, rotted to bones in cave-ins, or blood slaves to
the Deep Dwarves. Is there any hope of rescue down here?


5 2


1: MINES: Below the flooded crane area, a vast complex of mines awaits

2: DWARF WARRENS: Deep Dwarves have hewn their ragged tunnels here

3: CRYPT: The ancestral grave of the Vargg dystany

4: DELVER’S CAMP: A team of grave robbers have gathered their supplies here

5: THE LONG FALL: This vertical shaft is impassable to most

6: LAKE CAVERNS: Unearthly ruins occupy this subterranean lake, and from the
terrifying geometry a new horror is rising

7: STEAM CAVES: These geothermal caverns are the hellish lair of Garridax, the
black dragon that has brought evil to the castle complex

Below the cave-in and flood at the crane Deep Dwarves were in these depths mille-
site, an interconnected series of vertical nia before the Varggs even existed. They
shafts, scaffolds, hoists and rickety stairs welcome human intruders... blood slaves.
descends into the lightless deep. Those who will not yield are roasted.

Below the cave-in and flooded section of This area is a series of chambers held in
the Mining Crane, the old Vargg mines lay place by stone pillars and huge, ancient
abandoned and dark. These shafts were masonry. Deep Dwarves are still delving
cut centuries ago. The structures here are here, seeking Ulhuite, the mineral that
rusty and barely holding together. powers deepstone magic.


Scaffolds, Staging Platform, Chain Hoist, Giant Tunnel, Ulhuite Crystals, Hall of
Lower Shafts, Endless Stair The Shadow God, Raiding Tunnels (con-
nect to Edsel), Slave Pens
• The zones here are arrayed in a per- ACTION:
ilous vertical formation. All movement • Attack heroes with Deep Dwarves and
should be tangled by ropes, require their slaves as they explore
Acrobatics checks, or cause structures • Without destroying a shard of Ulhuite,
to collapse. The shafts terminate in the magic does not function here or deep-
Dwarf Warrens hundreds of feet below er below. Figuring this out should be
• With the miners gone, this area has be- the key ʻtreat’ of this area if heroes
come infested with Cave Spiders. They plan to go further down (see p. 39)
have been starving down here, waiting
for prey Deep Dwarf Raider
• CR 7
Cave Spider Horde • 2D8 Hit Dice
• CR 5 • D6 Appearing
• 10 spiders (+10 to rolls) • 2 Actions
• D10 Hit Die (+10) • Cold Iron Hammer: Injures on 5+
• 10 HP per Spider, cannot be individu- • Intercepting Shield: Halt a foe attempt-
ally targeted. (See HORDE rules in 5E ing to move at any time
HARDCORE MODE p. 16) • Blood Slaves: Each Dwarf has 1 Blood
• Venom Bite: If INJURED by this attack, Slave chained. As a free action, they
become paralyzed for 2 rounds kill the slave to recover full HP
The first place to be excavated beneath This large flat outcrop in the dim hosts
Castle Vargg, these tombs are truly ancient. mining gear, timbers, camping supplies
The entire history of the Varggs is here, and food barrels. It has been used within
turning to dust in the darkness. the past few hours, but by whom?

This area is relatively quiet, unless heroes When Ansel’s men first contacted the
are chased here. It is one final opportuni- Deep Dwarves, they were all killed here
ty for players to explore the castle history, on this precipice. Now, it is a staging camp
and converse with a baleful ghost about for a sinister group of grave robbers, who
the fate of his family. have no intention of sharing their finds.


Ancestral Tomb, Mausoleum, Altar, Col- Campfire, Supply Heap, Hoist Pit, Stair-
lapsed Drop Off way of Giants

• Baron Ansel VI is entombed here, and • This area is ripe for plunder, with all
his apparition still floats to and fro, kinds of useful gear, and even maps
troubled and sad for the fall of his folk. of the caverns
If befriended, the spirit can aid heroes • The grave robbers will arrive moments
in their search for Garridax’s lair after the heroes and attack. They are
• There is a bounty of treasure to plun- cowardly, devious fighters who will
der in these royal tombs, but without flee to attack later if one is killed
Ansel’s blessing, it will unleash a with-
ering death curse that inflicts 1D8 dam- Grave Robber
age per round until items are replaced • CR 5
or Ansel gives his blessing • D10 Hit Die
• If Hedron’s Iron Coffin is destroyed, he • 5 Appearing (Gurt, Mull, Horace, Ol’
can use any of these stone coffins to re- Plisker, and Red Eye Jack)
generate, but it will take him a matter • Crossbow: Expert, +8 to hit
of hours to do so, not mere minutes. • Shove Clutter: Save with Athletics or
Hedron prefers not to come here, as topple backward from tools and crates
the ghost of Ansel is one of the very • Ragged Miner’s Pick
few things he fears, if an arch-vampire • Miner’s Bomb (2): Blast all foes in a
is capable of feeling fear at all... single zone with 3D12 fire damage

Here, a colossal cavity in the stone plunges The Delver’s Camp hoist can be used to de-
downward, untouched by tools or miners. It scend further, revealing a massive cham-
is a bottomless pit of slick, wet flowstone. A ber with a still lake. At its center, a strange,
hot metallic smell rises from below. cyclopean ruin stands in defiance of all that
is earthly or sane.
This water-cut pit has never been dared
by any mortal being. There are no means More Grave Robbers can be found here,
of climbing or descent. Those falling here picking carefully through this inhuman
would tumble through thin air for almost a ruin. Here, Ulhuite is abundant. So much
minute before impacting the steam caves so, a titanic mirror has naturally formed,
below. Observant players could detect and oozing through it is a formless behe-
dragon’s breath far below. moth from the realm of chaos.


Dropoff, Slick Walls, Infinite Depths Lake, Narrow Causeway, Giant Door,
Colonade of Madness, Shifting Stones
• Without flight, teleportation, or some ACTION:
inventive means to survive a fall, this • Encounter terrified Grave Robbers
shaft is impassable by any mortal both fleeing and blaming heroes
means • The behemoth is a mindless titan of
• If players are set on finding a way, black jelly, teeth and eyes, slowly
they could gain clues from NPC’s or emerging from the Shifting Stones.
discoveries throughout the castle and Once heroes touch or alter anything
caverns, including, but not limited to, here, it will be drawn to them and ful-
these possibilities: ly coalesce in 4 rounds. Fully formed,
1. Flight: Simply fly down it will crush the ruins, fill the lake, and
2. Use a Mirror: Somehow two Ulhuite mir- begin squeezing upward.
rors could be made, one tossed in, and • Fill these ruins with timeless answers,
then linked at an exact moment incredible artifacts, Ulhuite shards,
3. Portal: Somehow open a portal far be- skeletons, and power crystals that of-
low and link to it from above fer stat boosts
4. Dragonbait: Lure Garridax up and ride it • Don’t defile the behemoth with stats,
down to its lair it is all-powerful, drives men insane,
5. Base Jump: Leap in, using a parachute or crushes and dissolves all it touches. It
feather fall spell just in time is a world-ender
7: STEAM CAVES Garridax, Ancient Black Dragon
In the geothermal vapors of the deepest • CR 21
caves, the stones are razor-sharp spikes of • 2D12 Hit Dice
limestone and quartz. Phosphorous fungus • Gigantic: 400 HP
provides a dim green glow. • 3 Actions
• Immune to Acid, Fire, Poison, and con-
Here dwells Garridax, the hidden one. ventional metal weapons
She slinks between the stalagmites, cov- • Incendiary Acid: This pyroclastic
eting polished lenses of pure Ulhuite, gaz- cloud of death is Garridax’s breath
ing into fathomless dimensions and influ- weapon. Unless sheltered by special
encing the minds of mortals to evil deeds. means, all those in its lair must save
Nothing enrages her more than intruders. with Acrobatics or drop to 0 HP. The
acid in this weapon also destroys 1D4
AMBIENT DC: 20 pieces of gear on each victim. Those
who make the save can be terrified.
ZONES: They save with Persuasion or Intimi-
Stalagmite Forest, Steam Jets, Jagged Nest, dation, or are forced to flee Garridax’s
Fungal Field, Treasure Hoard, Chimney presence for 2 full turns
• Gigantic Claws: Smash all those in a
ACTION: single zone with an attack roll
• Setting foot here will awaken Garridax • Winding Tail: A crushing weight
unless heroes are invisible, soundless, smothers all those in a single zone.
or phase shifted in some way. Once Those crushed must save with CON or
awake, she will show herself imme- lose their STR and DEX bonuses for 1
diately, unleashing a massive breath round
weapon before any other action • Regeneration: Recover 2D12 HP
• Everything here can harm a mortal • Spell Mirror: Cast the last spell cast
body: the heated air, scalding steam, against Garridax at whomever cast it
blade-like stones, mind-poison fun- • Impersonate: Garridax takes the form
gus, and evil-tainted treasure. Use a of a creature she has seen, using the
DC 20 and appropriate saving throws confusion to cast Regeneration or
when players attempt almost anything even backstab foes
• The Chimney zone is a jagged, zig zag- • Devour: Any heroes lying uncon-
ging fissure that leads to an opening on scious in the same zone as Garridax
the surface a few miles away. Garridax are eaten whole in one bite
can navigate it, but it is two hard days • Speak: Garridax gloats when seeing
perilous travel for mortals victory near, wasting an action dis-
• If Garridax releases 5 breath weapons, cussing magic mirrors, the evil of men,
Castle Vargg begins to collapse and her power over Hedron


You tread where no living thing can survive. You defile the
shadow god that your nightmares cannot contain!
Through infinite dimensions have I descended to feed on
this world, and no buzzing insects will stay my hunger!
I am Garridax the Mirror Maker, The Great Ulhu, wyrm
beneath the Kromsmoor, the end of all things!

1. Emerald Eye: A flawless cut emerald big enough for an amulet
2. Iron Chest of Coin: At least 1,000 gold ducats in a lockable iron box
3. Ansel’s Goblet: The golden cup from which the long-dead Baron drank his wine
4. Edsel Almanac: A book chronicling seasons, finances, and people for 2 centuries
5. Silver Darts: 12 throwable silver blades of exquisite purity and quality
6. Kromsmoori Gold Ring: A blocky gold signet from a Kromsmoor warrior
7. Masterwork Cloak: An elaborate, armored cape made for a royal
8. Robixaud’s Trophy Sword: A rapier made with gold and platinum for display
9. The Vargg Egg: A nested treasure showing the different Barons over the years
10. Blood Ruby: A hypnotizing, deep red ruby in sphere cut that emits a scent of blood
11. Edsel Flat Deed: The unsigned ownership papers for one small house in Edsel
12. Gulkis’ Ledger: The lost book of Gulkis’ profits and losses for years
13. Sling of Silver Daggers: 4 masterwork daggers in a concealable velvet pouch
14. Masterwork Tackle: Ingenious fishing pole and lures way ahead of their time
15. Cache of Ulhuite Shards: 2D20 splinters of the precious deepstone
16. Kromsmoori Ceremonial Armor: A prize from battle, gilded with knotwork
17. The Treaty of Dalus: A document showing a forgotten treaty with The Pack
18. Ivory Hand: A perfectly made imitation hand of pure tusk
19. Star Gem Necklace: A brilliant prize worth a king’s fortune
20. Bladestone: A clever dwarven whetstone. Sharpen any blade to a +3 edge


1. The Red Splinter: Legendary sword of dead wizards. Firebrand, Vorpal, Radiant
2. Ulhuite Cube: A dense reservoir of deepstone magic equal to 30 shards
3. Dragon’s Bane Sprout: A tiny sprig of green whose scent is awful to dragonkin
4. Melora’s Chain: A chain-whip with holy enchantments. Radiant, Holy, Lashing
5. Silver Tonguefish: An odd sculpture that can translate any language
6. Cross of Saint Luca: The three-pronged cross of Edsel’s god. +3 CHA holy symbol
7. Jeb’s Book of Prayer: Contains 10 Cleric Spells of 3rd level, single use each
8. Ivory Beads: Immaculate beads worn around the neck for a +4 AC
9. Crown of Clarity: Silver-twined headband. Roll with advantage on all mental saves
10. Jaxon’s Cards: a 52 card deck. As an action, draw a card. If a HEART, heal full HP
11. Glass Heart: Entrap a soul of someone touched with an Arcana roll
12. Crystal Spiderling: An indestructible, tiny familiar. Fast, Tiny, Strong

STARTER HEROES (Customize and Complete to taste)
A knight sent by the King to investigate a string of murders in
Edsel. He meets Ratt in Edsel, where the little thief saved his life.
Now they’re inseparable.


Longsword, Steel Shield, Plate Mail, Crossbow
Battlemaster, Grit Your Teeth, Parry, Distract, Fight to the Death


An old friend of Grizzgull, Astolpho is too old to investigate the
mirrors alone, but unless something is done soon, all magic in
the Westlands will cease to function.


Robe of Eyes, Alchemist’s Kit, Pack of 5 Spell Scrolls, Dagger
Elementalist, Fireball, Charm, Haste, Witch Bolt, Levitation

The Kromsmorrim are dying in greater numbers, decimated by
vampirism and failed raids on the castle. Arroe has gone against
her own people to investigate, and find a way to stop the killing.
She meets Astolpho in Edsel, and they agree to join forces.

LVL 4 RANGER STR 12 DEX 18 CON 11 INT 13 WIS 12 CHA 16

Quiver of Elondra, Oathbow, Longsword, Cloak of Leaves
Hail of Thorns, Vine Lash, Wolf Companion, Venom Shot

Rumors of the Blood Ruby being found in Edsel have lured this
clever burglar, but when he finds Joran bleeding out in the street,
his fate becomes far more heroic than he ever intended.

LVL 6 ROGUE STR 10 DEX 16 CON 15 INT 13 WIS 11

Elven Boots, Rapier, Skeleton Key, Cloak of Shadow
Backstab, Misty Step, Vanish, Impersonate, Haste

The banks of the Edsel river have always been home to good folk, mills, graineries,
and the moorage of barge-handlers and fishermen.


Eight characters of note one might bump Sinister figures encountered by night.
into in the little river town by day.
1.Bullock: A one-eyed hunchback that
1.Marl: A friendly fishmonger beloved wanders town in confused anger.
by the entire town. A superstitious man. 2.Sadie: A lady of the evening known to
2.Big Lou: Owner of a local fighting club, rob her customers... or worse.
and self-appointed guardian of town. 3.Dagger Hans: A vigilante known to
3.Janey: One of the few remaining stu- lose control in his fervor.
dents at Edsel’s historical school. 4.Samara: An alchemist and known
4.Peg Eddy: Local handyman and car- witch known to deal with devils.
penter, who once worked in the castle. 5.The Varggwatch: Loyalist troops just
5.Aldo Galf: One of Edsel’s wealthy, and looking for a reason to terrorize.
a scholar of history and geology. 6.Gulkis: The sketchy owner of The Horn
6.Lil’ Pete: Janey’s little brother, whose & Hog tavern. An unpleasant fellow.
been seen exploring the ruins. 7.Finn Deadeye: A gambler and archer
7.Lady Anna: A connoisseur of local cui- looking to scam the town.
sine, and gossip about town. 8.Alec: A traveler no one
8.Jarl Grabe: Former war hero turned knows anything about.
town drunk. He tends to relieve himself

This old tavern has been on the banks of the Edsel River for at least three hundred
years. It was one of the first buildings there, once serving as a ship’s moorage for riv-
erfarers. It’s still the main gathering place and inn here. Each night in the tavern, all
kinds of antics, dealings and shady exchanges take place. It’s usually old Gulkis him-
self behind the bar, so mind your manners, and no killing during dinner!


1.A Fresh Cask: Ol’ Gulkis decides to tap a new cask of Gar for the patrons. This means
a raucous ceremonial hammer-tapping, hooting, hollering, and all-around drunkens.
2.Slow Night: For reasons much grumbled upon, very few customers have arrived
tonight. Could be a good chance to pick Gulkis’ brain, or pull off something shady.
3.Caravaners: A group of weary travelers arrive, ripe with road tales, ill omens, and
harrowing stories. They’ve come to ʻsave the town,’ and no one’s listening.
4.Tax Collectors: The Varggs maybe silent, but far from gone. A troop of eight Vargg-
swatch storm in, demanding 50 coin from every soul.
5: Brawl! Too much Gar and too tall of tales lead to an all-out fist fight in the tavern.
Amidst the chaos, one patron seems overly eager to smash skulls.
6.Pack Sympathizers: Wildmen from the outlands are speaking ill of the castle and all
its subjects, blaming them for a blight of dark magic in the forests.
7.Closed for Repairs: Gulkis shuts the place down, but is nowhere to be found.
8.A Royal Visit: Baron Dutch Markle II arrives with his cohorts to drink the town dry
and check in on his cousin’s ill repute.

Castle Vargg is not the only place where
magic mirrors can be found. In their day,
the wizards of Baron Ansel concealed
these arcane gateways in key locations of
the Westlands. A few mirrors of note are
listed here.

The Portraits of Harn Manor

The Harn family has been wealthy for
generations. Their huge mansion sits on
a hill outside the town of Midland. One
of their halls features an astounding col-
lection of royal paintings, one of which is
a magic mirror linked to a deep place in
Castle Vargg.

The Swampglass
Somewhere in the Knotmarsh, a pool of
slick muck has crystallized into a hard,
reflective disk. This has been magical-
ly linked to Hedron’s chambers. A small
garrison of his Varggswatch guards are
posted there, but no one knows why the
swamp would be one of his destinations...

Grizzgull Tower
The wizard Grizzgull was long known to
stand against the evil in Castle Vargg. To
protect himself, he has been hidden in his
remote tower, using a series of magical
windows to sneak into the mirror network
inside the Castle. If he could be swayed,
he could make a powerful ally for any he-
roes or delvers looking to access the Cas-
tle depths.

A wild card in all this is the vast tribe of barbarians to the east. They answer to neither
Baron Hedron, the King of the Westlands, or any citizen of Edsel. Their only agenda is
to drive these intruders back to the West. They stage raids now and then, burning or
plundering where they can, and making off with innocents, treasure, and other more
grim trophies. The GM can use this faction in many ways to keep things dangerous and
dynamic for our heroes.

A Constant Threat
Always fighting with shield and spear,
the warriors of Kromsmoor are fierce and
cunning, even in small numbers. In any
scene, be it village lolly-gagging in Ed-
sel or deep delving in the castle caverns,
they can be used to pressure players for-
ward, block exits, or as direct assailants.
They hate that west-men have entered
their lands, and their sole purpose is to
kill any who are not from the Kromsmoor.

Kromsmoor Characters
An interesting twist on things could be
allowing players to integrate a Kroms-
moor heritage into their characters. It
could be a traitor seeking peace, a ren-
egade plunderer, or a journeyman seek-
ing allies to aid The Pack in its indigenous

A Dangerous Alliance
If pressed, these warriors will reveal
that their chieftain seeks an alliance with
west-men to destroy Castle Vargg en-
tirely. Some of The Pack think this wise,
others see it as weakness and heresy. In-
tegrate this into their dialogue as things
continue to evolve and unfold.

One enigma of the deep caverns is that the depths nullify normal magic. This may be
an aura emanated by Garridax, a shadow of chaos fuming from the behemoth, or a sim-
ple gravitational oddity. Regardless, magic can only be used in the depths by crushing
1 Ulhuite shard per spell being cast.

This should induce two effects on play:

Challenge Surge: When magic fails, there is a sense of panic. No heals, no fireballs.
Unless players have gone to incredible lengths to research the caves, this will be a ter-
rifying, unexpected twist that will make every encounter far more dangerous.

The Desperate Search for Shards: If trapped or compelled to be in the deep caves,
heroes will immediately need to locate Ulhuite shards to use magic. This should drive
them to great risks and even deeper delves. Resourceful heroes might even venture
to far Harn Manor or Grizzgull’s tower to stock up on the strange mineral before a final
plunge into the dark.

You are the Gamemaster. Own this title! When it comes to reading, creating, and run-
ning Castle of Mirrors, there are so many unanswered questions. There are maps to
make, items to understand, villains to imagine, encounters to plan. This is by design.

Castle of Mirrors is meant to be a PROJECT for the Gamemaster, not simply a set of
instructions. Take or leave whatever ideas fit your vision of the castle. Add or delete
mirror-gates linking parts of the adventure, or use vague hooks like Grizzgull or Harn
Manor to take things in an entirely new direction. Spend days in town or cut right to
The Long Fall! It’s up to you and your players.

As the author, my goal with Castle of Mirrors was writing a large scale dungeon in a
flavor and format I would use and enjoy. There’s much yet to be done, and that’s the
joy of our hobby. May your dice roll high.

-Hankerin Ferinale


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