The Round Table - User Guide

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2. Air to Ground Tasking System
3. Recommendations
4. Credits baby!
You can control what is ENABLED or DISABLED in your running mission opening the mission per se on the Mission
Editor like I show in the picture below:

All yellow text lines there have user controllable options for you to choose what kind of mission you want to fly.
You can turn ON/OFF modules or features with a simple true or false (always remember this, true is turning ON
something and false is turning OFF something)
Next I’m going to explain one by one those options
enable_A2G_tasking = true ([ true or false] this option controls the A2G tasking system, if disabled no automatic task and
ground targets are going to be generated at all – default here is true)

enable_HELO_tasking = true ([ true or false] this option controls the A2G tasking system for helicopters)

Max_BAI_Tasks = 1 (If A2G Tasking system is enabled this option controls the max BAI tasks spawned at the same time,
so if u set 4 here instead of 1 you’ll end up having 4 BAI tasks active at the same time in your mission)

Max_BAI_hard_Tasks = 1 (If A2G Tasking system is enabled this option controls the max BAI_hard tasks spawned at the
same time, so if u set 4 here instead of 1 you’ll end up having 4 BAI_hard tasks active at the same time in your mission)

Max_SEAD_Tasks = 1 (If A2G Tasking system is enabled this option controls the max SEAD tasks spawned at the same
time, so if u set 4 here instead of 1 you’ll end up having 4 SEAD tasks active at the same time in your mission)

Max_AntiShip_Tasks = 1 (If A2G Tasking system is enabled this option controls the max Anti Ship tasks spawned at the
same time, so if u set 4 here instead of 1 you’ll end up having 4 Anti Ship tasks active at the same time in your mission,
this option is not present on NTTR version of the mission for obvious reasons)

Max_HELO_BAI_Tasks = 1 (If A2G Tasking system for helicopters is enabled this option controls the max BAI tasks
spawned at the same time, so if u set 4 here instead of 1 you’ll end up having 4 BAI tasks active at the same time in your

enable_MissileTrainer = false (Modular option: Missile trainer is a script that alerts you when a missile is fired and you
are the target, it also give you the best notching solution in real time)

enable_ExtraDamage = false (Modular option: Extra Damage script is just that, if you enable this, all A2G ordinances are
going to give a real extra punch on radius damage and blast damage)

enable_AirTraffic = false (Modular option: if turned on with true you’ll have random air traffic in your mission)

MAX_Air_Traffic_Planes = 7 (If Air_Traffic is enabled, you can set here a limit on how many air planes of random traffic
you want, so, if you put here something like 3… you’ll have 3 random air traffic planes flying)

enable_CTDL = false (Modular option: if turned on with true you’ll have up and running the good old CTDL script)

enable_CSAR = false (Modular option: if turned on with true you’ll have CSAR alerts for each downed pilot)

enable_ZEUS = true (Modular option: ZEUS is script that let you spawn a set of pre-planned templates in real time
during your game play with simple map markers and text commands, more info about this is included in the mission
allow_EndMissionViaRadio = false (Modular option: if turned on with true it will add a radio menu option with prompts
in order to force a mission end, was an asked feature so I added it, why not? )

allow_CallSupportViaRadio = false (Modular option: if turned on with true it will add a radio menu for call air units with
different task categories, sead, antiship, cap, nothing especial just the dumb old DCS AI)

allow_ManualTaskCreation = false (Modular option: if turned on with true it will add a radio menu that let you manually
trigger a task creation event, ADVICE: this option doesn’t generate a JTAC unit above the task area, you have to use
ZEUS and spawn a JTAC with commands to have your targets lased properly)
enable_RescueHelos = false (Modular option: if turned on with true it will spawn rescue helos on each carrier, those
helos are going to escort the carriers and are going to actually try to rescue you if go down near the carrier – the rescue
time is set up to 1 min )

enable_Airboss = false (Modular option: if turned on with true it will activate the MOOSE AIRBOSS script)

CASEI_Start = "09:15" (If AIRBOSS is true, it will take note of this value for carrier CASE I Recovery window starting
time, please, respect the quotes and the format, or it won’t work)
CASEI_End = "14:00" (If AIRBOSS is true, it will take note of this value for carrier CASE I Recovery window starting time,
please, respect the quotes and the format, or it won’t work)

CASEII_Start = "14:15" (If AIRBOSS is true, it will take note of this value for carrier CASE II Recovery window starting
time, please, respect the quotes and the format, or it won’t work)
CASEII_End = "19:20" (If AIRBOSS is true, it will take note of this value for carrier CASE II Recovery window starting
time, please, respect the quotes and the format, or it won’t work)

CASEIII_Start = "19:35" (If AIRBOSS is true, it will take note of this value for carrier CASE III Recovery window starting
time, please, respect the quotes and the format, or it won’t work)
CASEIII_End = "08:50+1" (If AIRBOSS is true, it will take note of this value for carrier CASE III Recovery window starting
time, please, respect the quotes and the format, or it won’t work, a little side note about that +1 there, it means that the
carrier will continue doing CASE III Recoveries till 08:50 of the next day.

TurnInToTheWind = false (If AIRBOSS is true, it will take note of this value and it will make the carrier turn into the wind
during all CASE Recovery types.

WindSpeedOnDeck = 20 (If AIRBOSS is true, it will take note of this parameter (here 20) wich specifies the speed in
knots the carrier will go so that to total wind above the deck corresponds to this wind speed. For example, if the wind is
blowing with 5 knots, the carrier will go 15 knots so that the total velocity adds up to the specified 20 knots for the

You can learn a lot about the AIRBOSS script clicking the image below
Tanker_BOOM_Altitude = 10000 (Here you can set the altitude in feet’s of the tanker, put whatever you want, be
reasonable… or just leave it with the default value)

Tanker_BOOM_Speed = 310 (Here you can set the speed in knots of the tanker, put whatever you want, be
reasonable… or just leave it with the default value)

Tanker_BASKET_Altitude = 25000 (Here you can set the altitude in feet’s of the tanker, put whatever you want, be
reasonable… or just leave it with the default value)

Tanker_BASKET_Speed = 310 (Here you can set the speed in knots of the tanker, put whatever you want, be
reasonable… or just leave it with the default value)
In this section you’ll find a list of SAM templates used for A2G SEAD automatic task system, if you add two dashes in
front of each item it will disable that group from the mission.
Example: --"s3_red", this means that the A2G script is going to ignore that template and it won’t generate a task
including those SAM defenses.
In this section you can turn ON or OFF the different squadrons that I’ve prepared on the mission, they’re organized by
side for easy reading I guess

Enable_CAT_Squadron = true
CAT_SQDN_Skill = "Random"

Enable_BEAR_Squadron = false
BEAR_SQDN_Skill = "Random"

Enable_TIGER_Squadron = false
TIGER_SQDN_Skill = "Random"

Enable_BOMBER_Squadrons = true

Enable_FALCON_Squadron = true
FALCON_SQDN_Skill = "Random"

Enable_HAWK_Squadron = false
HAWK_SQDN_Skill = "Random"

Enable_EAGLE_Squadron = false
EAGLE_SQDN_Skill = "Random"

If you are this further in the guide, there is no need to comment one by one what does each option, enemy CAT
squadron, Bomber squadron and allied FALCON squadron are enabled by default since version 2.1.3 is up to you
to enable more or disable the default ones.

Skill value does what it says, change the skill of that particular cap squadron, possible values "Average", "Good", "High",
"Excellent" or "Random", yes, with quotes, and please respect the uppercase too.

A CAP in this mission is made up of 2 planes like in the example below:

Again, here you will find a list like the one created for the SEAD units in the SEAD LIST CONTROL section, but in this
case the list controls which plane is randomly selected for spawn during the mission, again they are grouped by sides /
types, enemies and allied, if you don’t want a plane type to be present during your mission just uncomment it by adding
two dashes in front of the plane name. Example: --"☢ MiG-31"
Here you will find only two items to configure:
TotalAliveRedPlanes = 4
TotalAliveBluePlanes = 4

Each one control the max amount of alive IA CAP (and only CAP) planes for each side, by default and amount of 4 so…
If we have a single CAP, and remember each CAP are 2 planes, we still have 2 planes to launch to reach that limit of
total alive planes for each squadron (4, read above). So mission script is going to launch another CAP to reach to that
I’m going to show a few graphic examples below with different scenarios

Example #1 (Default mission)

 Enable_CAT_Squadron = true
 Enable_FALCON_Squadron = true
 TotalAliveRedPlanes = 4
 TotalAliveBluePlanes = 4
Example #2 (Custom IMAGINARY suicidal User Mission):
 Enable_CAT_Squadron = true
 Enable_TIGER_Squadron = true
 Enable_FALCON_Squadron = true)
 TotalAliveRedPlanes = 8
 TotalAliveBluePlanes = 4

I hope that these examples give you an idea on how the spawning system for CAP works (its REALLY basic indeed), just
try to use multiples of 2 when you edit “TotalAliveRedPlanes” and “TotalAliveBluePlanes”, WHY? Because each CAP is
made up of 2 planes.
In this section you can find the options listed below:

Cap_interval_min = 300
Cap_interval_max = 900

Bomber_interval_min = 600
Bomber_interval_max = 900

All those values are expressed in seconds, and you can change them to your liking.

It says interval, it means that each new CAP (ally or / and enemy) is generated randomly between those minimum and
maximum values that are set by default or by the user.

It is worth mentioning that there is an internal timer that controls the times of the first wave (enemy and / or ally) and is
configured to activate CAPs and bombers within the first 5 ~ 10 minutes of the mission. After this, the values configured
by the user in the mission editor take effect.

Now that u know about times intervals, maybe you understand that examples on section (1.H) are just worst case
scenarios where the random timer spawned everything in a short time and you have all the CAPs in the skies
(2.) Air to Ground Tasking System

In this section of the user guide I’ll try to do my best to help you understand the basics of that “menu heavy” system that
directs users to the different tasks randomly generated by the mission (if you have the system enabled of course), also
I’ll teach you how to make the task dispatcher stop spamming your screen with cords of the current objective or aborted

First, the system is quite messy, I know, so, if I say “I suggest you to do “X” thing every time you join a task” it’s not really
a suggestion, it’s more like an order. You will thank me later…

I did two guides for this, and for some reason I can’t reach everyone using my mission (this guide is mainly for this
particular section of my mission indeed)

1. You can go to the forums and WATCH the VISUAL GUIDE TO A2G TASKING SYSTEM

2. Or you can watch this very short video and see where my mouse pointer is going to disable every single
task messages on screen 
In the next example, I’ll simulate joining a regular BAI task:

After joining the task you’ll get your screen spammed with the messages you all love so much
STEP 1, we need to turn OFF Moose messages updates:

It’s done. No more invasive messages.-

(3.) Recommendations

 Every time you edit values in the mission editor, always respect the way they are written, “false” for example, is
all in lower cases, same goes for “true”, same apply for values quotes. Quotes, Upper Cases, Lower Cases, are
important in LUA and some things just go FUBAR because a simple A instead of a
 Again, I don’t like to repeat myself but avoid aborting tasks
 Don’t destroy TASKs targets without joining a the task related to that objective, this should be “natural” this is
not COD, also here comes the REAL “why”, the A2G task systems reads from the task status, this is something
internal, you can’t see it, but it look for this statuses: IsStateCancelled or IsStateFailed() or IsStateSuccess() or
IsStateAborted() so, the script doesn’t have a single clue of wtf is really going on with those targets units until
you actively join the task and the script start tracking them, if you have a server and a user ignore this, kick him
out ‘till he learn to follow rules :P , a quick fix for this problem is joining the “empty” task so the system can “see”
that there are no 0 targets and triggers the “task success”
 Watch out with some user configurable options, best advice is “don’t touch if you don’t really know what it
does”, options like “TurnInToTheWind” can ruin your mission if you don’t plan wind direction carefully in the
mission editor.
DeadlyFishes And Topper (for ZEUS script)
NoLove for his FSM scripts and ideas
Pikey for sharing his no detection dynamic tasking script and his
persistence scripts which im not using atm but i plan to
FunkyFranky for AIRBOSS, Missile Trainer, RAT, and almost
everything I use on my mission
FlightControl for MOOSE!
Ciribob for all his work in CTLD / CSAR
Surrexen for tips, tricks and heads ups and for the chats

YOU for playing my mission

If you feel generous, buy me a beer, or a coffee, or help me update my potato, or buy diapers to my little girl, or just want to say
“THANKS” for my time on this mission, click the image below

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