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Read The Morning Report in its entirety, and then ponder my analysis thereof; any doubt of my rectitude is

dashed by this elucidation of why Biden Is the Worst 5-Day President Ever.
Key-quotes infra corroborate the urgency of the GOP to disprove complicity; I can provide color
commentary regarding multiple offshoots upon request, such as reference to Jamie & 9-11. I suspect that
The Donald didn’t suspect John Roberts was complicit [justifying our five op-eds*]; we shudda suspected
his connivance when recalling he had appointed the also-compliant FISC that has yet to recommend
prosecution of those who knowingly manipulated it. This is being remitted to a political leader who has
contacts both with the GOP-led PA-Legislature and with Bannon; it is also being remitted to an editor who
is toning-down a piece that posits creation of a 3rd Party ASAP would properly nudge top-level Republicans
to awaken and/or be supplanted THIS YEAR.
It's for all the marbles, right here and right now.

The Junta is now going to move fast and furious (no pun, although...) to purge anyone and
anything now that dare challenge their authority, on the pretext that to do so is "insurrection."
… I fully expect, too, that the Supreme Court (packed or not) will not object, that is if anyone
dares file a lawsuit. Worse, the GOP wing of the Democrats led by Pee-Air Defecto {anyone
know this reference, for I’m focused on McConnell/McCarthy/McDaniel???} will be cheering
the loudest.

FISA is going to be ramped up and expanded as a tool of essentially a neo-Stasi

apparatus. The days of "the loyal opposition" are over ….

Those who suddenly oppose creation of a “Patriot Party”—raised in the upcoming op-ed as its
composition was being initiated before 1/6/2021—are conveniently forgetting how Charles Schultz
predicted the angst repeatedly experienced by loyal/trusting Republican/Conservative activists when he
created the Peanuts strips depicting Lucy predictably grabbing the football as a forever-trusting Charlie
Brown attempted to punt it. “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.” If the GOP
continues to conduct business-as-usual, the global aspects of the coup (read: “betrayal of Eretz Yisrael”)
will soon emerge; as this is being typed, a gleeful China (in cahoots with the Iranian Nazis) is threatening
Those who doubt the urgency of my initiatives suggest prematurity, that we should await 2022, that we
have friends in the GOP who would be betrayed (e.g., Dr. Kelli Ward); it must be pushed ASAP, mounting
candidacies THIS YEAR in loco-regional-statewide races, provoking an immediate effort to supplant those
who are in control of the GOP (who attack Trump publicly as they may praise him privately) by Trumpsters.
This phenomenon channels Brexit and is independent of whether a parliamentary system exists; Nigel
continues nudging BoJo, even as the final (somewhat flawed) agreement DID establish GB’s control over
its borders.
The GOP Legislature MUST issue a preliminary report based upon last week’s sworn testimony
documenting multiple “equal protection” conscious violations in PA; Steve Bannon MUST disseminate
this clarion call to ensure a set of state-level submissions is generated prior to the Impeachment Trial;
and those who review our unique presentation of the urgency of the Whigs [now, “Republicans”] MUST
be supplanted [now “scavenged”] by the Republican Party [now “Patriot Party”].
I will rest my case after noting the electrical-silence experienced while Biden’s minions attack core-USA,
for even the REPUBLICAN talking-heads during the Sunday-shows were still beating-up on Trump; those
who are receiving this who cannot discount these action-items, are cordially invited to function
{*-Our op-eds were succinctly summarized thusly, documenting Trump’s post-election machinations:
“Starting immediately after the election, prior analyses projected that Trump’s campaign would
follow a Study Guide that was Handicapped, triggering him to orient litigation toward the Supreme
Court (in essays published in Israel); merely accepting cases that have arisen
in Pennsylvania would be seismic because Originalists would find a vehicle to honor myriad
voting irregularities.”}
DISCLAIMERS: [1]—I admit that this e-mail is a subset of an effort to “shame” the GOP to “do the right
thing” ASAP, [2]—as opposed to when some of you were invited to critique drafts of my writings, there is
no “confidentiality” here, and y’all are free to disseminate anything herein to further this effort, [3]—
there was no national leadership meeting of Tea Party Patriots last night, so formal presentation of this
concept will be deferred until next Sunday-p.m. (after the Pro Bowl), to be facilitated by the ability to
remit both the published op-ed (no matter how it’s been edited) and this distillation (updated if/when the
impact thereof is appreciated); [4]—BOTH documents will be available c/o Scribd lest there be any
potential ambiguity as to either intent or logistics; and [5]—I write solely as an individual, encompassing
thoughts neither by any of the ~100 “bcc” recipients here nor by any individual with whom these/prior
essays have been discussed.


Good morning, kids. Monday and the start of the first full week under the Enemy Junta. It may resemble a
Givenchy pump or Testoni loafer, but its hobnail jackboot pedigree is unmistakable. As I said last week at the
funeral of what remained of the United States of America, the policy insanity that started on day one wiping out
jobs, threatening national security and pimping sexual deviancy will be bad enough. But those who were willing
to actually steal an election are now going to use every cubicle in every office in every department in every agency
of a feral, all powerful, unstoppable governmental bureaucracy, aided and abetted by media propagandists of the
old and newfangled variety to wipe out any and all resistance and voices of opposition from every corner of the
land -- even if they have to imprison or otherwise ruin the lives of 80 million of us to do so. Or worse.

It's for all the marbles, right here and right now. That low budget "inauguration" saw thousands of National
Guardsmen used (and abused) as props of the Junta, not to protect a legitimately elected president from some
supposed "white supremacist" extremist threat but as an extremely unsubtle show of force to anyone who dares
question it's legitimacy and authority. Already there are efforts to eject actual political opposition leaders like
Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz as well as others in the House for exercising their legal, Constitutional prerogatives in
objecting to the Electoral College results. Beyond that, ordinary citizens who worked for, voted for or otherwise
openly supported President Trump or voiced their opinion that the election was stolen are being purged from the
public square, fired from their jobs or, like Mike Lindel, having their businesses ruined.
This is how freedom dies. Declare some sort of national emergency, use it as an excuse to suspend as much of the
Constitution as possible, then seize absolute power and hold on tightly -- by the neck (and the wallet, as we shall
see) of those you have seized it from. Even before the Chinese Lung AIDS - a virus that has an IFR (infection
fatality rate) of about 0.01% - was used as the pretext to destroy our economy and further cripple an already
ridiculously easy to cheat voting system, another national crisis was used to severely erode our freedoms, and
pave the way for the predicament we're in.

It's rather a bitter irony that the attacks of September 11th, 2001, which the Clinton regime could have prevented
had it (Jamie Gorelick in particular) not hamstrung our law enforcement and intelligence agencies' abilities to go
after real threats from Islamic terrorists as opposed to essentially fictional threats from "anti-government" types
and "gun nuts." Even when Bin Laden was being handed us on a silver platter not once but three times, Clinton
refused to take him out. And what did we do to make sure those 3,000 lives did not die in vain? Establish a secret
court to give the thinnest veneer of legality to do what had never been done before, spy on our own citizenry, on
the pretext of safeguarding our national security. What did the FISA courts do 15 years later? Allow itself to be
used as the vehicle by which the DOJ, FBI, CIA and others in power attempted to sabotage the 2016 presidential
campaign of Donald Trump. When it was exposed, to the extent that the propaganda wing of the Junta allowed
it to be in the usual house organs, what did those charged with bringing it to heel and punishing those who abused
it do? Not one damned thing.

So, with an election stolen, a fraud installed in the Oval Office (and at least two in the Senate), a Reichstag Fire
incident used as the pretext to blood-libel Trump and everyone who supported him and now an illegal post-
presidency impeachment move to prevent him from running again as well as a concurrent move to purge his
Congressional supporters, I predict that FISA is going to be ramped up and expanded as a tool of essentially a
neo-Stasi apparatus. The days of "the loyal opposition" are over, my friends. I mean, how can there be a loyal
opposition if Trump and his party attempted a violent insurrection on January 6th? (sarc).

The Junta is now going to move fast and furious (no pun, although...) to purge anyone and anything now that
dare challenge their authority, on the pretext that to do so is "insurrection." While we're all focused, and rightly
so, on the security of our right to bear arms, I would not be surprised if something like Canada's odious, Orwellian
"human rights commission" gets fired up on our side of the border as well. I fully expect Mignon "Rump Roast"
Clyburn to once again infest the FCC and that Uncle Joe Stolin will deem "net neutrality" as enacted with his
crayon and phone. I fully expect, too, that the Supreme Court (packed or not) will not object, that is if anyone
dares file a lawsuit. Worse, the GOP wing of the Democrats led by Pee-Air Defecto will be cheering the loudest.

It might behoove all of us who are registered Republican to change that ASAP, for a couple of reasons which
should be eminently clear if you've read this far. Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get

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