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A Shampoo a Day Leads the Hair Astray

A Shampoo a Day Leads the Hair Astray

Grace Ewals

Submitted to Heidi Burns, Instructor

July 20th, 2019

Minnesota State University, Mankato

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A Shampoo a Day Leads the Hair Astray

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the number of hair products to choose from? Have

you ever felt unsure of how often you should be washing your hair? A trip to the store can

make you feel like you are not doing enough to take care of your hair. Currently there are more

shampoos available than ever before, but research shows that today’s hair health is notably

worse than a decade ago (Marsh, Gray, & Totsi; 2015). Contrary to hair product ads,

shampooing too often can harm hair and waste valuable time and money. Because shampooing

can increase oil production and damage hair, young adults should avoid washing every day in

order to maintain healthy hair.

Washing hair too often is detrimental because hair to produces oil more rapidly.

Shampoo is created with “surfactants” or chemicals that remove unwanted grime (Villines,

2017). Washing hair is important because oily build-up can lead to bacteria, dandruff, and a

bad-smelling mane (Shatzman, 2018). However, every time a person washes their hair, the

body receives a message to produce more sebum, an oily substance that protects hair (Watson,

2019). If hair is washed too much, the body will increase oil production to match the rate at

which it is being removed (Watson, 2019). This can make it seem necessary to wash hair every

day when the body’s natural rate of sebum production is much lower.

People should avoid shampooing more than needed because the physical act of washing

hair is damaging. Usually, shampooing involves lathering, combing, and some sort of drying

process (Robbins, 2012). Rubbing hair together to clean it always involves abrasion, which

wears away at hair (Robbins, 2012). Similarly, brushing and combing wet or dry hair contributes
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to cuticle and cortical damage, and both towel and blow drying deforms hair and leads to

breakage (Robbins, 2012). Washing hair is a normal activity that should not be ignored, but if it

is done too much the physical wear is noticeable. People often describe their hair as dry, dull, or

brittle if it has undergone too much abuse from washing (Robbins, 2012).

Additionally, washing hair less often is better for the environment, saves money and

time. According to a carbon foot print calculator, washing hair daily with shampoo and

conditioner for about ten minutes leads to a weekly carbon footprint of 9kg (“Cut back on the

shampoo,” 2016). This shows that daily washes can add up, no matter what length a person

prefers. Also, shampooing hair daily leads to more consumption of shampoo products, and

more bottles thrown away. Water and energy bills can pile up quickly from daily showers (“Cut

back on the shampoo,” 2016). More money is also spent on buying more hair product. Time

can be saved by washing hair less often. Even if a person chooses to shower daily, skipping the

shampoo step saves time. Aside from healthier hair, avoiding daily shampoos leads to a better

environment, more money, and more free time. Imagine how else ten dollars and ten minutes

could be spent!

Some may say that shampoos with all-natural ingredients are milder so they can be used

daily. Many products have been labeled as sulfate-free, implying that they are healthier and

that sulfates inherently damage hair (Marsh et al., 2015) However, most shampoos without

sulfates contain other surfactants that remove sebum and dirt (Marsh et al., 2015). These

alternatives have the same damaging effects as normal shampoo and strip oil. Other recipies

are controversial because experts do not believe that they serve the purpose of removing
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unwanted soil (Marsh et al., 2015). If a shampoo does not remove grime, it is not cleaning hair

but relying on water to remove excess dirt. This process still includes scrubbing, combing, and

drying that damages hair. Because of this, brands claiming milder ingredients in their shampoo

are not healthier for hair.

Some people who encounter dandruff issues feel inclined to wash their hair daily, and

that is understandable. Dandruff is defined as “chronic noninflammatory scaling of the scalp”

caused by bacteria (Robbins, 2012). Sometimes daily shampooing can irritate these conditions,

but using a correct formula is important for clearing any unwanted bacteria (Villines, 2017).

People with skin and scalp conditions can speak with their dermatologist about a routine that

will work for them (Villines, 2017). Washing is important because dandruff is more likely to

occur on an oily scalp verses a dry one (Shatzman, 2018). While it is possible to over wash a

dandruff-prone scalp, more care must be taken when determining a hair-care routine.

Those who exercise intensely daily or live in extremely humid climates may need to

wash their hair every day because they sweat more. Sweat contributes to the accumulation of

dirt and oil on the scalp and can greatly increase the amount of washes needed (Marsh et al.,

2015). Many people struggle to decide when they should wash their hair, but Manhattan stylist

named Michael Angelo explains simply, “All you have to do is massage your scalp with your

fingers and then smell them… you’ll know if you need the wash” (Shapiro, 2017, para. 4). For

people who know they have sweat a lot a quick self-assessment is all that is necessary. Some

could try a water rinse every other day if they want to reduce chemical damages. Although

shampooing every day is not ideal, when hair is very dirty it is not necessary to skip a wash.
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It may feel like using more products and spending more time washing hair should make

it healthier. Do not get overwhelmed! If you want to have better hair, remember that less is

more. Shampooing too often can chemically and physically damage hair and waste valuable

time. Stretching out washes can help build stronger hair, so pay attention to how often your

hair needs to be cleaned. At first, it might be difficult to skip a wash, but most people do not

require daily shampoo. And if a shower is something that you personally enjoy, try using a

shower cap every other day. That way you can preserve your hair and wash your troubles away

at the same time.

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Cut back on the shampoo! - research shows that less is more when it comes to hair condition,

bills and the planet. (2016). Targeted News Service Retrieved from

Marsh, J. M., Gray, J., & Tosti, A. (2015). Healthy Hair. doi:https://doi-

Robbins, C. R. (2012). Chemical and physical behavior of human hair (5th ed.). doi:https://doi-

Shapiro, B. (2017). Are you not washing your hair often enough? New York Times Retrieved

from 7562076?accountid=12259 

Shatzman, C. (2018, June 26). Trichologist Anabel Kingsley busts 11 common hair and scalp

myths. Retrieved from


Villines, Z. (2017). Daily hair washing: Recommendations and alternatives. Medical News Today

Retrieved from

Watson, K. (2019, June 17). Why Is My Hair So Oily? Causes, Products, and Home Remedies.

Retrieved from


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