Mr. Toradmal Agastirishi B. Asst. Professor - Department of Geography

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Mass Movement
Mr. Toradmal Agastirishi B.
Asst. Professor .
Department of Geography
Dada Patil Mahavidyalaya, Karjat, Dist.- Ahmednagar
 The process of weathering involves the breaking
up, and decaying of exposed rock
 It is static process.
 It is prepares the rocks for removal by other
agents of erosion.
 processes at or near Earth’s surface that cause
rocks and minerals to break down
Responsible elements for
 Intensity of insolation
 thermal expansion and contraction

 Rainfall

 Frost

 abrasion by wind and water

 Changes in the air of temperature

 Characteristics of rocks – Hardness,

Chemical composition, texture, joint influence,

vegetal cover, borrowing animals,
Types of weathering
 Weathering is carried out In three ways,
 Mechanical weathering
 Chemical weathering
 Biological weathering
Mechanical Weathering -
processes that break a rock or
mineral into smaller pieces
without altering its composition

Chemical Weathering -
processes that change the
chemical composition of rocks
and minerals
Mechanical weathering
 Weathering which is disintegrates rocks
without changing their chemical composition
is known as mechanical weathering.
 Takes place when rock is split or broken into
smaller pieces of the same material without
changing its composition.
 It mainly carried out in arid areas & exposed
in summits areas.
 Carried out by changes in temperature by
freezing action of water and by rain.
 temperature changes
 Freezing action of water
 Rainfall
 Frost action
 Wetting and drying
 Action of plants and animals
 Loss of overlying rock and soil
Mechanical weathering
Mechanical weathering
Mechanical weathering
1) Block disintegration

 Granite temperature Increased by 65.6

degree it contrasts by 2.4 cm
 During Night the rocks are cooled due to
relatively decrease in temperature
 Repetition of expansion and contraction of
outer layer of the rocks causes tension and
stress and is disintegrated
Expansion and
Contraction of
the Rock

2) Granular Disintegration
 Different Rocks Absorbs Different
 And Turned in to small Granular are
called as Granular Disintegration.
3) Exfoliation

• Bad conductor of heat

• Outer layer are exposed
• Expansion and contraction
• Become outer layer loosened
Dome Exfoliation
Chemical weathering
• processes that change the chemical composition of rocks
and minerals
• takes place when the rock’s minerals are changed into
different substances.
• Water and water vapor are important agents of chemical
• The two processes of weathering, mechanical and
chemical seldom occur alone!
• Since water vapor is present in the air everywhere
means that chemical weathering occurs everywhere.
Factors in Chemical Weathering
 climate
 plants and animals
 time
 mineral composition
Processes of Chemical
 Oxidation
 Hydrolysis
 Carbonation
 Solution
 Dissolving (dissolution)
Biological Weathering-
Barrowing Animals-
Mass Movement-
Rock Fall and
Land Slides
Landslide Image

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