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In order to get the chemical top, the plant, an irrigation system is selected

The irrigation system start with a 1.1kw pump which is solar powered which means its self sustains and
is not using any power of the grid of the city , the purpose of the pump is to direct a part of the river
water into the irrigation system , however before the water reaches the system it needs to be filtered
out by a simple meshed based filter in order to stop any big part and / or living organism into the

After water is filtered its stored in a big tank to be used in the irrigation system

Before the water reaches the plants it needs to be inbound with the chemical , this action will take
place in the chemical station , this action takes place by taking a smack stream of the main branch tubing
and depositing it in a small water reservoir when the water is flowing thro the off branch and into the
reservoir closing the values 3 , 4 result into the water bring added into the reservoir , when a fair
amount of water is collected , valve 2 is closed and the chemical is added manually to the reservoir ,

After that, the values 3 and 4 are open letting the mixtite of water and chemical into the main tubing

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