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The cost of the power is the combined number of dots required X 3 so Ears of the Bat

would cost 6 exp.

Ears of the Bat (Animalism •, Vicissitude •)

The vampire grows long, pointed ears and achieves echolocation, much like a bat. She can
“see” in pitch darkness and that sense extends 360° around her, leaving no blind spots for
would-be ambushers to exploit.
▪ Cost: One Rouse Checks
▪ Dice Pool: Intelligence + Vicissitude
System: The user does a Rouse Check and makes an Intelligence + Vicissitude test at
Difficulty 2. While manifesting the ears, the character gains -3 difficulty on all hearing rolls
and suffers a +1 difficulty to all Social rolls with mortals unless she takes steps to hide her
▪ Duration: Permanent, unless undone by Malleable Visage

Sadistic Surgery (Auspex •, Vicissitude •)

By coating his hands in his own Blood and assessing the damage with Heightened Senses
(See Core p. 249), the vampire can perform gruesome and painful surgery, bending bones
back into place and squeezing wounds shut with their own gory hands.
▪ Cost: One or Two Rouse Checks
▪ Dice Pool: Intelligence + Vicissitude
▪ System: The user does a Rouse Check and makes an Intelligence + Vicissitude test at
Difficulty 3 on a restrained target (even willing patients will squirm too much otherwise). On
a successful roll, the surgeon may heal an amount of Superficial (vampires) or Aggravated
(mortals & thin-bloods) Health Damage up to their Vicissitude rating. On a Critical, the user
may do a second Rouse check to remove a Crippling Injury and heal an additional point of
Aggravated Health Damage.
A Bestial Failure or Messy Critical disfigures the target, imposing a penalty or Flaw at
Storyteller’s discretion, for the rest of the night (or permanent for a Mortal). Any use of this
power counts as one step towards a Blood bond since the surgeon’s blood has contact with the
subject’s innards.
▪ Duration: Permanent.

Chaining the Beast (Animalism ••, Dominate •)

As a lord of the land, able to influence the minds of humans and animals alike, the Fiend
gains special insight into controlling and cowing even the Beast. The Tzimisce can now
Dominate a frenzied vampire more easily.
▪ Cost: No additional cost
▪ Dice Pool: Depends on the power
System: This power allows the player to use the Dominate Discipline on a vampire suffering
frenzy or Rötschreck and ignore the normal penalties for doing so.

Flaying Touch (Potence ••, Vicissitude ••)

With this cruel power, a Tzimisce can tear away a victim’s skin as easily as removing a robe,
all without disturbing the muscles and other tissue beneath. The Fiend simply grabs a handful
of skin and pulls it away or surgically slices it with the artful caress of a fingertip. Regardless
of the method used, the target suffers excruciating pain and begins bleeding profusely from
the exposed flesh. Even if a target somehow survives the blood loss, the area of skinless flesh
soon becomes infected. Even Cainites suffer under this agony, though they do not have to fear
blood loss.
▪ Cost: One Rouse Checks
▪ Dice Pool: Resolve + Vicissitude
System: The vampire need not restrain the victim as long as he strikes exposed skin as part of
combat requiring a Dexterity/Strength + Brawl roll in which case the activation roll is
reflexive. The vampire makes a rouse check and rolls Resolve + Vicissitude at 4. The power
causes one level of non-halved lethal (vampires) or aggravated (mortals) damage + one level
for each additional success. If the damage exceeds the victim’s Stamina, she can only writhe
and scream in pain for the rest of the turn.
▪ Duration: One turn

Soul Decoration (Auspex ••, Obfuscate •••)

The body and soul are linked. Outer change brings inner change (and vice versa). The body’s
experiences can be summed up in the aura, but this phenomenon is the product of physical
forces. By physically adjusting certain locations on the body chakras, joints, erogenous zones,
and the like a Tzimisce with this power can “paint” whatever aura he chooses. The aura artist
uses tools such as needles, clamps, and electric shock to work such change.
▪ Cost: Two Rouse Checks
▪ Dice Pool: Obfuscate + Manipulation
System: Aura crafting is a sensitive and precise art and requires at least ten minutes of
uninterrupted work. The vampire uses two rouse checks and takes one superficial willpower
damage she then rolls Obfuscate + Manipulation. The difficulty of this roll is equal to the
subject’s current Willpower stronger personalities resist alteration (any additional defences
against being manipulated such as Fortitude • Unswayable mind also apply). The number of
successes indicates how completely the aura can be changed to the Tzimisce’s specifications.

Successes Result
1 Can alter primary colour
2 Can alter secondary colour
3 Can alter psychological state (frenzied, psychotic, etc.)
4 Can conceal or falsify diablerie and magic use
5 Can conceal or falsify natural condition (vampire, shapeshifter, ghost, etc.)

During the effect, the aura doesn’t change to reflect new conditions in its owner. This power
changes only the aura, not the subject herself. At the Storyteller’s discretion, the subject may
feel token emotions to match her new colours. She might feel somewhat distrustful if her aura
was painted light green, for instance.
▪ Duration: One night per success

The False Drink (Auspex •, Vicissitude •••••)

Using a heightened self-awareness and vitae control, the Tzimisce is able to divert imbibed
blood to a discrete cavity within her body. The compartmentalized blood is not absorbed into
the vampire’s system, and thus, the blood bond can be secretly avoided. The vampire can then
vomit up the unwanted blood at her leisure.
▪ Cost: One Rouse Checks
▪ Dice Pool: Vicissitude + Resolve
System: Upon drinking the blood, the player must make a rouse check and roll Vicissitude +
Resolve at difficulty equal to his hunger +1. Failure means the vampire accidentally absorbs
the imbibed blood as normal, affecting any blood bond as per normal. Botching the roll causes
the vampire to vomit the imbibed blood, along with two rouse checks of her own blood in a
messy spray.

Unchain the Wrathful Beast (Animalism •••••, Vicissitude •••••)

A Fiend with this power may project her Beast into a hapless host, where it immediately sets
about warping flesh and bone to better accommodate its monstrousness. The host writhes in
agony, skin sloughing off and muscles boiling into new and terrible forms. Once the change
settles, the host frenzies as a terrible living weapon, wreaking a swath of carnage until the
vampire bids his Beast return.
▪ Cost: Three Rouse Checks
▪ Dice Pool: Same as Drawing out the beast
System: The vampire releases his Beast using the Animalism Power Drawing Out the Beast
making one Rouse check. Once the Beast finds a home, it burns two rouse checks worth of the
vampire’s blood to change the host into a horrid Zulu War form, increasing all physical
attributes by 3. The painful transformation lasts two turns, after which the host enters
immediate frenzy. The Beast will not attack the vampire it rightfully belongs to, but assaults
everyone and anyone else in range of its claws. At any time, the vampire may recall his Beast
with a successful Manipulation + Animal Ken roll difficulty 3. Only one such roll may be
made per turn. If the host dies before the vampire recalls his Beast, the Beast rises out of the
corpse as a black, writhing miasma and flies back to the Cainite faster than mortal eyes can
follow. Even after the Beast leaves the host, the physical changes remain. Vampires regain
their form over three nights as they lose one die of augmented Physical Attributes. After the
third night, all traits return to normal. Mortals and ghouls are not so fortunate, remaining
locked in the Zulu shape indefinitely. Worse still, mortals suffer one die of aggravated
damage each day until they perish from rotted bone marrow and unnatural tumours. This
decay can be slowed to one die of damage per week if the mortal remains a ghoul. Mortals
(ghoul or otherwise) cannot heal the damage from their degenerating tissue themselves so this
power spells their death without external supernatural help.
▪ Duration: Till the target is dead or the beast is recalled

Birth the Vozhd (Animalism ••••• •, Vicissitude ••••• •)

▪ Cost: Three Rouse Checks to start + constant maintenance as the Vozhd is formed
▪ Dice Pool: Vicissitude + Animalism
While the creation of vozhd was once the sole province of koldunic ritual, Tzimisce who have
mastered both fleshcrafting and control of the Beast Within can build Vozhd as well. This
power requires at least 15 ghouls (although 20 or more is preferable). First, the Tzimisce
fleshcrafts the ghouls together, forging the bodies into a single entity. The Fiend feeds the
corporate mess a concoction of the intermingled blood of the ghouls, creating something like
a Vinculum among them. This bond in place, the Fiend uses Animalism to coalesce the minds
of the ghouls into one insane and imperfect Beast that drives the vozhd to crush or devour
everything in sight.
System: After the Tzimisce collects enough ghouls she makes three Rouse Checks and then
rolls her Vicissitude + Animalism to determine how quickly and successfully she constructs
and “masters” the vozhd.

Number of successes Time

Bestial Failure The vozhd is formed but it is frenzied and
uncontrollable its only goal is to destroy its
Messy critical Increases the time it takes for the vozhd to
form by 1 month
1-5 The process is a failure all ghouls die a
horrid death their screams continuing for
6-8 The process is a success and takes anywhere
from 5 to 2 years depending on the number
of ghouls used
8-10 The process is a great success and takes a
10+ The process is a resounding success taking
only 6 months
Critical success Decreases the time it takes for the vozhd to
form by 1 month

The Fiend can make further Vicissitude modifications to her creation; raise the difficulties of
such Discipline rolls by two to reflect the size and complexity of the creature. Botches result
in a nonviable dead creature or a frenzied, uncontrollable vozhd. Also note that vozhd, driven
by their flawed Beasts, are notoriously difficult to control. All Animalism rolls involving a
vozhd have their difficulty raised by three.

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