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Pendalaman Materi (Second Meeting)

Miss Nada
Here some element of personal letter stuff.
Here some element of personal letter stuff.

Stamps/postage stamp : impress a pattern or mark,

especially an official one, on (a surface, object, or
document) using an engraved or inked block or die or other
Post card for sending a message by mail without an envelope,
typically having a photograph or other illustration on one side.

Envelope : a flat paper container with a sealable flap,

used to enclose a letter or document.
Personal letters are the letters that are written to people
we know such as friends, parents, siblings, cousins.

Letters are not only written to inform but to strengthen the bond
between two people writing to each other.
Some useful expressions for letter writing
o I'm just writing to thank you for ...
o It was very kind of you to ...
o Thanks very much for ...
o I am very grateful for ...
Some useful expressions for letter writing
Giving Advice
o Well, I thought about it and if I were you, I would .
o Have you thought about ...
o In your last letter you said you weren't sure what course of action to take, I suggest ...
o I think you shouldn't ...
o In your last letter you asked me about ..., I think ...
Some useful expressions for letter writing
Delivering good news
o I'm sure you will be happy to hear that ...
o By the way, did you know that ... ?
o OMG!! You'll never guess what happened!
o I am totally ecstatic to hear about ...
o I was happy beyond limits to read that ...
Some useful expressions for letter writing
Delivering bad news
o I'm sorry but I have to tell you that ...
o Bad news, I'm afraid but no way to avoid it, so here it goes ...
- I'm extremely sorry to hear that ...
o It was heart wrenching to read about ...
of Personal Letter
1.Sender’s address : place where you are writing
2.Date : Jakarta, August 23rd 2014 (sometimes it is omitted)
3.Greeting : usually starts with the word“dear,” followed by name of the recipient, and it ends with a
comma; Dear Hiroshi,
4.Introduction : this is the opening of a letter. It usually in the form of greeting such as “How are you.”
Sometimes you may refer to a previous letter.
For example, “As you asked in your last letter, I’m going to tell you about …”
5.Body of the letter : the main part of the letter, includes the message that the writer wants to tell to the
6.Closure : this is where writer usually says something to end the message. For example, “bye now.”
7.Complimentary close : a short expression before signature; it ends with a comma. For example, “Best
regards,” “Sincerely Yours.”
8. Signature : the signature of write
Sentences Structure :
Language 1. Using various tenses such as present tense when tell about event at
Feature of present time, past tenseto tell about the past event, or future tense to tell

Personal the writer’s intention. It depends on what the writer talks about.
2. Using contracted form; I’m, It’s, etc.
Letters 3. Using pronouns to replace repeated nouns; it, you, them, etc.
4. Using linking words; and, but, so, because, etc.
5. Using active voice
6. Slang language can be used
Feature of
7. Style:
Personal Language use may be personal like first and second person pronouns
Letters Friendly
Use person’s name you are writing to
Write the letter naturally and in conversational style
Make your personality feels nice in your writing
Kompleks Tiga Tujuh no. 48

10 December 2016

Jln. Rumah Baru no. 13 Surabaya

Dear Didi,

Hi Didi. What’s up? I am now inviting you to attend our Christmas party in my house in Kompleks Anggur. I’ll be having the
celebration on the 23rd of December 2016 at 12 p.m.
Even though you don’t celebrate Christmas, I would ask you to join the fun as you have been a very special
relative to us. Please bring with you your siblings because my sister has prepared special activities and games. And you must
miss my father’s cooking. He’ll cook again this year.

See you there.

Love What is the purpose f the text?

Write your personal
letter based on the lesson we
have learned today!

Nada Shabira

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