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11.5 TYPES OF CABLES A brief description ofthe various cables usvdin domestic wiring i given here. ‘The main requirements ofthe insulting materials used foreabloare 1. High insulation resistance, 2 High dielectsiestrength. 8. Goed mechanical properties ie, tenaity and elasticity 4, K-ahould notbe alfected by chemicals areundit. 6, Itshould be non-hygroseopic eeause thedioletricstrength ofany material gos very much dewa with moisture connect Vulcanized Rubber ‘Rubber in its natural form is highly insulating bat it absorbs me ‘oxiized into a rosincus material; thereby it loses insulating properties. When it is mixed with tulphur alongwith other carefully chosen ingredionts andia subjected toa particular tompera- ‘ureit changes into valeaniaod rubber which dees not absorb mistureapd has better insulating properties than even the pure rubber. Itiselastic and resilient, ‘Tho electrical propartos opacted of rubber ingulation are high breale-down strength and high insulation resistance In fhe the insulation strength ofthe vuleanized rubber is s0 good that for lower voltages the radial thickness is limited due to mechanical consideratien. ‘Thephysial properties expected of rubkerineulation are thatthe cable should withstand sormaal hacarde of indallation and it should give trouble-free service, Vuleanized rubber insulated cable are usod forwiring of houses, building ard factories for low power work, PVC Polyvinyl chloride) cables. These are thermoplestic insulating materials and. cused for hightemperature asit gets softened and flows dow te heat. These are therefare, rot used for heating appliances, PVC is harder than rubber, hence a thin layer of PVC insulation i ond enough. Infact, its thickness is decided by mechanical reascns rather than electrical. The PVCinsulated cables aro loterin dhameter a compared to TRS and mere number of wires can bo pluced in conduit ss compared to TRS wires These are used upto 1.1 kV voltages especially in ‘oncealed wiring system, ‘Tough Rubber Sheathed (TRS) or Cab Type Shesthed (CTS) Cables. Thisable is used wherehumidity high andit doesnot deteriorate even during long duration of expenure moisture. Asthename suggests thesecablesare provided with outer protective covering of tough rubber over normal insulation, These are available as single, tin andthreo cores with an earth ‘continuity conductor, These are uted on 2601500 valt circuits 11.4 DISTRIBUTION BOARD there ie Verandah Care thoald be taken tose that privacy should wot be diurbed while selctingthe heaton Farmeter bard a theater ear sal visig the houae regulary 19.113 Derbwion Bows ty contd ta the enoy meter it before taking to leinicalaofentrgy matron todattbuentheaagh "To phine vied oanectedts 8 mutlDar oF ha he ‘aan diatrbutin bourdthrvwgh afore, end neutral nko ha DPIC etch i connect 2 ‘ata kf the aia dtibatien bard Prom hers the eure wr sidhvarous phase win idiathuted we cach ethat neutral wie mm ncomplteaubctreai 1 la inpe

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