Group A Vocabulary: Which, Not That, in Non-Defining Relative Clauses

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Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Group A 3 had passed: We use the past perfect to talk about an

action that happened before the main events in a story.
4 had been crying: We use the Past Perfect Continuous to
Exercise 1 describe an action in progress at an earlier time in the
1 distant: A distant relative is one that you are not closely past.
related to. 5 go: We say that you let someone do something.
2 yelling: To yell at someone means to shout at them.
3 fail: To fail an exam means to not pass it. Exercise 6
4 attend: To attend university means to go and study there. 1 The girl who sits next to me is very good at maths.: We
5 reception: A reception is a formal party at an event such use who, not which, to refer to people.
as a wedding. 2 The sandwiches sold by that shop are really nice.: We
use a past participle for passive verbs in reduced
Exercise 2 relative clauses.
1 gathering: A gathering is an event at which people come 3 They didn’t leave any food for us, which was annoying.:
together to meet. We use which to introduce a comment clause.
2 innate: An innate ability is one that you have naturally, 4 correct.: We use a present participle for active verbs in
rather than one you have learned. reduced relative clauses.
3 curious: If you are curious about something, you want to 5 They live in Exeter, which is a very nice city.: We use
learn about it. which, not that, in non-defining relative clauses.
4 gregarious: Someone who is gregarious enjoys being
with lots of people. Use of English
5 wreckage: The wreckage of a ship, car or building is the
Exercise 7
parts that remain after it has been destroyed.
1 A: If you have a gift for something, you are naturally good
Exercise 3 at it.
2 B: If you soak up knowledge, you take it in very easily.
1 for: To fall for someone means to be attracted to them
3 D: if you go on to do something, you continue and do it.
and develop feelings for them.
4 A: If you are showered with gifts, a lot of people give you
2 off: To put someone off means to delay it.
3 once: A once in a lifetime event is a special event that
5 C: To make a fuss of someone means to give them a lot
probably only happens once in your life.
of attention.
4 worth: If something is worth the effort, it is good enough
that the effort you put in to do it is not wasted.
Exercise 8
5 forward: If you are looking forward to something, you feel
excited about something that is going to happen in the 1 was: We can use the Past Continuous to stress the
future. repetitiveness of a past action.
2 didn’t: If you used to do something, you did it in regularly
the past but you don’t do it now.
3 had: We use the past perfect to talk about an event that
Exercise 4 happened before the main events in a story.
1 used to be: If something used to be true, it was true in 4 made: To make someone do something means to force
the past but is not true now. them to do it.
2 was always taking: We can use the Past Continuous to 5 which: We use which to introduce a comment clause.
stress the repetitiveness of a past action.
3 do: We say that you make someone do something. Exercise 9
4 not to be: We say that you warn someone not to do 1 adjoining: An adjoining room or building is one that is
something. joined to another one.
5 had been waiting: We use the Past Perfect Continuous to 2 Surprisingly: We use surprisingly to emphasise that
describe an action in progress at an earlier time in the something seems surprising.
past. 3 undivided: Your undivided attention is all focused on one
person or thing.
Exercise 5 4 decision: When you make a decision, you decide
1 to drop: We say that you advise someone to do something.
something. 5 marriage: A marriage is a relationship between two
2 coming: We say that you fancy doing something. people who are married.

© 2016 Pearson FOCUS 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Exercise 10 Group B
1 used to live : We can use used to to talk about a past Vocabulary
Exercise 1
2 was always messing around: We can use the Past
Continuous to stress the repetitiveness of a past action. 1 immediate: Your immediate family are your parents and
3 it had stopped: We use the past perfect to talk about an siblings.
event that happened before the main events in a story. 2 giggling: To giggle means to laugh.
4 don’t let us use: To let someone do something means to 3 drop: To drop a subject means to stop studying it.
allow them to do it. 4 revision: Revision is the act of revising for an exam.
5 can’t afford to buy: If you can’t afford to do something, 5 blessing: A blessing is a set of special words from a
you don’t have enough money to do it. priest, to bring people good luck.

Exercise 2
1 shrine: A shrine is a place where people go to pray to a
2 incapable: If you are incapable of doing something, you
are not able to do it.
3 studious: Someone who is studious enjoys studying.
4 analytic: An analytic mind is one that is good at analysing
and thinking about facts.
5 abducted: To abduct someone means to catch them and
take them away.

Exercise 3
1 out: To go out with someone means to be involved in a
romantic relationship with them.
2 losing: To lose your temper means to become very
3 at: To yell at someone means to shout at them.
4 up: To split up with someone means to end a relationship
with them.
5 looking: If you are looking forward to something, you feel
excited about something that is going to happen in the

Exercise 4
1 had been travelling: We use the Past Perfect Continuous
to describe an action in progress at an earlier time in the
2 queuing: We say that you waste time doing something.
3 used to live: If something used to be true, it was true in
the past but is not true now.
4 borrow: We say that you let someone do something.
5 was always complaining: We can use the Past
Continuous to stress the repetitiveness of a past action.

Exercise 5
1 being: We say that you can’t stand doing something.
2 had been running: We use the Past Perfect Continuous
to describe an action in progress at an earlier time in the
3 to do: We say that you expect someone to do something.

© 2016 Pearson FOCUS 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

4 help: We say that you make someone do something. Exercise 10

5 hadn’t brought: We use the past perfect to talk about an 1 make us work hard : To make someone do something
action that happened before the main events in a story. means to force them to do it.
2 you use to have: We can use used to to talk about a past
Exercise 6 state.
1 The buildings destroyed by the fire will all be rebuilt.: We 3 I had lost: We use the past perfect to talk about an event
use a past participle for passive verbs in reduced that happened before the main events in a story.
relative clauses. 4 was always asking: We can use the Past Continuous to
2 My sister plays hockey, which is a very exciting sport.: stress the repetitiveness of a past action.
We use which, not that, in non-defining relative clauses. 5 don’t mind helping: If you don’t mind doing something,
3 correct.: We use a present participle for active verbs in you are happy to do it.
reduced relative clauses.
4 The person who works in the shop is always very
helpful.: We use who, not which, to refer to people.
5 Some of my friends organised a party for me, which was
amazing!: We use which to introduce a comment

Use of English
Exercise 7
1 A: To pay attention means to focus your attention on
2 C: If you skip a lesson, you don’t go to it.
3 D: To get a good mark means to achieve or receive it.
4 A: To join an organisation means to become a part of it.
5 B: To make a fuss of someone means to give them a lot
of attention.

Exercise 8
1 were: We can use the Past Continuous to stress the
repetitiveness of a past action.
2 had: We use the past perfect to talk about an event that
happened before the main events in a story.
3 use: If you didn’t use to do something, you didn’t do it in
the past.
4 let: To let someone do something means to allow them to
do it.
5 which: We use which to introduce a comment clause.

Exercise 9
1 enthusiastic: Someone who is enthusiastic shows a lot of
2 disruptive: Someone who is disruptive disrupts an event
or activity.
3 argumentative: Someone who is argumentative argues
with people a lot.
4 imagination: Your imagination is your ability to think of
new ideas.
5 inspiration: An inspiration is someone or something that
inspires people.

© 2016 Pearson FOCUS 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

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