Mechanics of Chain-Link Wire Nets

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Engineering Structures 101 (2015) 68–87

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Mechanics of chain-link wire nets with loose connections

J.P. Escallón a,b,⇑, v. Boetticher b, C. Wendeler c, E. Chatzi b, P. Bartelt a
WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF, Flueelastrasse 11, CH-7260 Davos Dorf, Switzerland
ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 15, CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland
Geobrugg AG – Geohazard Solutions, Aachstrasse 11, CH-8590 Romanshorn, Switzerland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Chain-link wire nets are used for slope stabilization, natural hazard protection systems, mine and tunnel
Received 9 December 2014 safety and many other important applications. In rockfall protection barriers the nets are designed to
Revised 7 May 2015 withstand dynamic, impulsive loadings. As they are composed of ultra-high strength steel wires with
Accepted 2 July 2015
loose three-dimensional connections, the high resistance nets are very flexible and serve to efficiently
distribute loads throughout the structure. Rockfall barrier design requires accurate numerical simula-
tions. In this work, a Finite Element model of chain-link nets is developed. To treat the complex contact
interactions among chain-link elements and rockfall barrier components we develop a computational
Rockfall protection barrier
Finite Element model
scheme relying on a general contact algorithm. The non-linear force displacement response of the net
Chain-link wire nets obtained in tensile quasi-static laboratory tests is successfully reproduced by the numerical model.
Natural hazards The model parameters are obtained by optimization techniques. The calibrated chain-link model with
General contact contact is shown to successfully simulate a full-scale test of a flexible rockfall protection barrier. The
computational schemes allow us to accurately model the mechanical behaviour of chain-link wire nets
with loose connections.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction rockfall barriers, slope stabilization, and temporary tunnel support

where protection measures must withstand large forces. In loose
Flexible steel wire nets are essential components of protection connection nets, wires are bent to form the chain-to-chain connec-
systems. Three specific applications in rockfall hazard mitigation tions. This construction method generates non-linear deformation
are: interception barriers [1–7], drapes [8] and attenuator systems behaviour thanks to the shape and out-of-plane dimension (eccen-
[9], see Figs. 1 and 2. A general feature of these systems is the use tricity) of the loose wire connections. It is these properties that
of flexible steel wire nets with different geometries (hexagonal, make for highly efficient impact interception structures. This work
rhomboidal, ring) and connection types (loose, double twisted). deals with flexible chain-link nets composed of ultra-high strength
Manufactures of wire net systems require accurate numerical steel (UHSS) twisted triple wire with loose connections.
simulation techniques to develop new systems and reduce devel- Numerical Finite Element (FE) and Discrete Element (DE) models
opment costs. This is challenging because the range of wire net have been developed to simulate rockfall barriers containing
types demand robust numerical algorithms treating complex con- double-twisted, hexagonal nets [8,10,11]. Hexagonal nets behave
tact interactions efficiently and realistically. stiffer because the double twisted connections restrict
Commonly used wire nets include chain-link and double-twisted wire-to-wire sliding and thus friction can be neglected.
hexagonal nets. The double-twisted nets are arranged in repeating Furthermore, load eccentricities have a negligible effect on their
hexagonal mesh geometries [10]. Loose connection chain link nets behaviour, because effectively the net lies on a bi-dimensional
are arranged in repeating rhomboidal patterns (Fig. 3), composed plane. Therefore, a two-dimensional approximation of the net
of a single wire or a twisted triple wire. The combination of flexibility geometry is sufficient to capture their response to loading.
and high resistance make loose connection chain-link nets ideal for Modelling loose connection chain-link nets on the other hand
requires that eccentric connections and contact with sliding
friction is modelled. Thus, the three-dimensionality and the true
⇑ Corresponding author at: WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF, contact interactions of the chain-link net elements need to be taken
Flueelastrasse 11, CH-7260 Davos Dorf, Switzerland.
into account to capture the soft, non-linear response to tensile load-
E-mail addresses: (J.P. Escallón),
(v. Boetticher), (C. Wendeler), chatzi@ibk.baug.
ing. A first attempt to model such nets was developed by [12] who (E. Chatzi), (P. Bartelt). applied a DE model to reproduce the force–displacement behaviour
0141-0296/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.P. Escallón et al. / Engineering Structures 101 (2015) 68–87 69

Fig. 1. Rockfall protection barriers: (a) wire-rope chain link net as part of a rockfall barrier impacted by a rock avalanche and (b) double chain-link interception structure as
part of a rockfall barrier.

Fig. 2. Rockfall protection attenuators: (a) sketch drawing of a rockfall attenuator system and (b) filmed perspective of rock impact on an attenuator system [17].

obtained from laboratory and field tests. The model was simplified systems have already been modelled with this approach [5,7].
such that the 3D geometry effects were replaced by a 2D geometry Initial studies on the use of GC to model a single chain-link wire
in combination with a non-linear material law that could account system have been carried out [6]. In this work the modelling of
for the three-dimensional geometric effects. Axial elastic–plastic contact interactions includes a number of model extensions. The
springs are located at the connections. The spring stiffness and resis- first is an improved model of the end knot connections that close
tance varies according to the mesh opening angle [12]. This is in fact chain-link elements (Fig. 3). The second models the more
a consequence of the complex mechanical behaviour as a function of complex twisted triple wire strand with an equivalent circular
the net’s three-dimensional geometry. This model was imple- wire including ductile damage. The third addition is the applica-
mented in a DE code for rockfall barrier simulations [2]. This mod- tion of optimization techniques to calibrate the model parameters
elling approach is restricted by the large testing requirement to (equivalent wire area and the elastic–plastic constitutive
calibrate the angle dependent stiffness and failure load when geom- parameters).
etry changes are considered. A problem addressed in this work is the appropriate element
This paper deals with the development and improvement of a size for the FE discretization. Local FE mesh refinement is
modelling scheme to treat chain-link contact with sliding friction required in the area of connections to accurately represent its
[6] which models complex mechanical net-connection behaviour geometry and mechanical behaviour. However, in the explicit
respecting the three-dimensional geometric effects. The approach calculations performed herein this local refinement decreased
relies on general contact (GC) in which the hard contact beha- the element-by-element stability limit [7,13]. In this paper a
viour is approximated by a penalty contact method [13]. This mass-scaling approach [14,15] is proposed to deal with this prob-
method approximates contact enforcement using penalty stiff- lem. The scaling is only applied to the elements needed to model
ness. The frictional contact behaviour is considered using a the connections. The scaling is small enough that it does not mod-
Coulomb-type model. The basic idea behind this scheme is to ify the overall dynamic behaviour during impact calculations.
model the contact interactions between structural components Criteria are suggested for an acceptable level of mass scaling for
as close as possible to those of real systems. Ring-net rockfall both quasi-static and dynamic analysis.
70 J.P. Escallón et al. / Engineering Structures 101 (2015) 68–87

Fig. 4. Quasi-static tension case: (a) line load c approximation of the contact forces,
(b) cut of the wire and equilibrium of the cut face, and (c) N; V and M derived

Fig. 3. Chain-link panel.

The accuracy of the investigated approach is finally verified by

comparing simulation and field test results of a maximum energy
level (MEL) test (2000 kJ) on a rockfall barrier according to (a) (c)
European standards [16].

2. Mechanics of flexible chain-link wire nets with loose Fig. 5. Sketch of the bending moment–normal force interaction diagram for a steel-
wire section close to the contact region: (a) plasticity domain, (b) elasticity domain,
and (c) N–M path for increasing F s and F sþ1 .

The central problem in understanding the mechanics of flexible

chain-link nets is to describe how loads are distributed throughout
these systems. In a flexible chain-link net, a wire or a bundle of determines the distribution of N and V along the chain-link ele-
wires is bent into a zig-zag pattern (Fig. 3). Each ‘‘zig’’ (a bend in ment. The integration of V over the element length provides the
one direction) hooks with the element immediately above it, and bending moment distribution M. This analytical procedure reveals
each ‘‘zag’’ (a bend in the opposite direction) with the element the importance of defining a realistic contact area for the loose
below it, forming a rhomboidal pattern. The chain-linked zigzag connections for determining the overall loading capacity of the net.
elements are in loose contact at the connections. The ends of the Another result of the analytical mechanical model is the strong
elements are knotted to prevent the nets from unravelling. interaction between the bending moment M and the axial force N
A closed-form analytical mechanical model of flexible at the connection due to the load eccentricity e. The axial and
chain-link nets with loose connections was developed to gain bending behaviour is elastic until 60% of the deformation capac-
insight into its mechanical behaviour [12]. In this model, the distri- ity is mobilized, before becoming plastic. The extent of the region
bution of the contact force at the connections immediately before of plastic bending increases until the bending limit of the element
failure is approximated by an elliptic distribution of a line load of is reached. For the applied normal force F s to increase, the loading
magnitude c distributed over the contact area Ac (Fig. 4a). The con- eccentricity, which defines the bending, must be reduced so that
tact area is assumed to be elliptically shaped because of the pattern the bending remains below its limit capacity. This complex interac-
of scratches and deformations found on the experimentally tested tion between the axial and bending behaviour therefore influences
chain-link net samples [12]. Assuming an elastic-perfectly plastic the overall stiffness of a chain-link net.
behaviour of the steel wire, the maximum contact pressure equals In the beginning of the loading process, the load eccentricity e is
the yield stress of the wire. By knowing the force resultant F s þ F sþ1 relatively large. Small increments in tension thus cause large bend-
(see Fig. 4a) that is balanced by the contact pressure, the area Ac is ing deformations, leading to large segment elongations. However,
obtained. Furthermore, the contact length is known from the with increasing load, the increments in tensile loading reduce the
three-dimensional geometry of the corresponding ellipse of the increments of the bending deformations. The ongoing bending
contact area, so that the magnitude of the equivalent line load c deformations cause progressively smaller segment elongations as
can be calculated [12]. In the case of quasi-static tension loading, the lever arm of e is reduced. The mesh thus becomes stiffer.
F s ¼ F sþ1 , the line load c represents the distribution of the reaction However, the bending moment–normal force interaction with
forces balancing the tension loads F s and F sþ1 , which act on the increasing load reduces the bending resistance of the wire, produc-
chain-link element parts that are straight. The equilibrium of ing the opposite effect on the overall mesh stiffness. This leads to
forces at a cutting plane (Fig. 4b) leads to the normal (N), shear the loading path N–M, as shown in Fig. 5, resulting in the mesh
(V) and bending moment (M) diagrams shown in Fig. 4c. This becoming stiffer at the beginning of the loading path and less stiff
J.P. Escallón et al. / Engineering Structures 101 (2015) 68–87 71

Fig. 6. Triple twisted wire chain-link: (a) net sample and (b) mesh dimensions.

Table 1 3. Quasi-static tensile experiments

Summary of the mesh characteristics and dimensions as indicated in Fig. 6.

Wire net producer Geobrugg To develop the numerical scheme to model chain-link nets with
S (mm) 180 (+/5 %) loose connections, a series of quasi-static tensile tests was per-
H (mm) 300 (+/5 %) formed in the Geobrugg testing facility in Romanshorn (SG),
Mesh width DL (mm) 8.6
Switzerland. The tests were used to help quantify (1) the friction
Mesh angle e (°) 47
between the mesh elements, (2) the onset of material damage
and (3) the change in load eccentricity during deformation.
In this particular investigation a chain-link net consisting of a
three-strand twisted wire was investigated (Fig. 6). Each of the
three wires has a 2 mm radius. The geometric dimensions of the
rhomboidal mesh elements are given in Table 1.
A tensile test bed machine was used to perform the displace-
ment controlled quasi-static tests. This machine uses a combina-
tion of a tension type load cell and a cylinder with a rotary pulse
generator to measure both the tensile force and the net sample
elongation. For more details regarding a tensile test bed apparatus
one can refer to [18]. A rectangular net panel of 1100  900 mm is
connected at three sides via shackles to a fixed frame (in blue1
Fig. 7). The upper side is connected via shackles to a moving frame
(in red Fig. 7). The fixed frame is composed of steel beams which
are attached to each other via bolts. The moving frame is composed
of two steel plates which are attached by pins and screws. Steel slid-
ing connections are inserted in between the frame beams and pull-
ing machine plates. Two wire-rope cables (Fig. 7) connect the
moving frame with the cylinder [18]. Prior to the test, the net is
slightly pre-tensioned to avoid any possible sag. Fig. 8a shows the
initial configuration of the net panel. After applying the pretension,
Fig. 7. Tensile quasi-static test set-up.
the cables pull the moving frame at a constant velocity of
100 mm/min. The chain-link net strain rate is approximately
0.002 s1, which can be considered as quasi-static. A high-speed
at the end of the loading path [12]. Between the ranges of initial
camera was placed above the net panel to capture the net deforma-
loading and failure load, the two opposing processes counterbal-
tion in time. The high-speed camera recorded 250 frames per second
ance each other, leading to the mesh stiffness behaving nearly lin-
during the last 1.5 s of the test. Two tests lasting approximately
early. This behaviour is described in Section 3.
115 s were performed. In both tests damage occurred only within
For more details on the mechanical behaviour of chain-link nets
the last 0.5 s. Fig. 9a–d shows four frames from the high-speed cam-
and alternative implementations using the DE method one can
era, depicting the damage sequence in the zone highlighted in
refer to [12]. The results obtained by this closed-form analytical
model reflect the fact that a numerical model requires considera-
tion of the coupling between bending and axial behaviour, includ- 1
For interpretation of color in Figs. 7 and 22, the reader is referred to the web
ing the non-linear geometric effects of the connection deformation. version of this article.
72 J.P. Escallón et al. / Engineering Structures 101 (2015) 68–87

Fig. 10. Typical force vs. displacement behaviour to quasi-static tensile tests of
triple twisted wire chain-link nets.

friction (Fig. 11). As a result, tangential contact forces should be

considered in the numerical model.

4. Finite Element modelling of chain-link nets

4.1. FE model with chain-to-chain contact

Fig. 8. Tensile quasi-static test: (a) initial set-up and (b) net sample failure. The FE model of the triple twisted wire chain-link net with
loose connections was implemented in the commercially available
Finite Element code Abaqus/Explicit 6.13. The developed model
Fig. 8b. The pulling force reaches a peak and then drops as a uses constitutive material data such as (1) yield curve
consequence of damage (Fig. 8b). Failure in both tests took place (strain-hardening metal plasticity), (2) Young’s modulus and
at different inner connections. This is in agreement with other tests Poisson ratio (elasticity), (3) equivalent plastic displacement at
[19] that show that in repeated tests failure occurs at different inner failure and (4) fracture strain (ductile damage). The ductile damage
connections. model uses the stress–displacement concept to decrease mesh
The measured non-linear force–displacement response curves dependency [13]. The numerical approach relies on the general
exhibit a progressive stiffening (Fig. 10) up to 100–120 mm defor- contact algorithm of Abaqus/Explicit. The penalty method is used
mation (stage 1) at which point the stiffness is approximately con- to approximate hard contact. Additionally, Coulomb type sliding
stant until failure (stage 2). The connections wear because of friction is included in the contact model.

Fig. 9. Damage sequence of a connection: (a) failure of an element, (b) the element moves downward, (c) the element slides to the left, and (d) rest position.
J.P. Escallón et al. / Engineering Structures 101 (2015) 68–87 73

Fig. 13. Modelling of the knotted connections: (a) knotted connection at the initial
configuration, and (b) deformed configuration of the knot, (c) connection type
CARTESIAN [13], and (d) connection type REVOLUTE [13].
Fig. 11. Wearing out of the connections because of friction.

In addition to metal plasticity, ductile damage evolution has each side of the centre elements) are needed to capture the bend-
been taken into account. A linear damage evolution law in combi- ing deformations of the connection, see Fig. 12b. These six ele-
nation with a ductile damage initiation criterion is applied. The ments were necessary to obtain an accurate pattern of the sliding
implementation of the stress–displacement concept in a FEM between chain-link elements. Four elements (two to each side of
requires the definition of the fracture energy per unit area, Gf . the centre elements) cannot correctly approximate the curved
More details about damage for ductile metals can be found in geometry of the contact zone, causing unrealistic sliding patterns
[7,13]. between chain-link elements.
The twisted triple wire is idealized as a single equivalent wire of The knotted connections between the ends of the chain-link
circular area. However, the area of the equivalent wire is assumed elements are simplified. The connections between the border knots
to be smaller than the sum of the areas of the three wires compos- of the chain-link net elements are placed at the same coordinate
ing the real structure. This is due to the fact that the cross-sectional (Fig. 13a). To avoid initial over-closures [13], contact between
area of the single wires is not perpendicular to the axial load, as it chain-link elements is excluded in the region of the knots.
is the case for the equivalent area. Furthermore, the bending stiff- Actions are transmitted from one ‘‘zig-zag’’ element to its neigh-
ness is overestimated if the area is not reduced. In order to take bour at the knots by means of the so-called connector elements
into account these effects, a dimensionless area reduction factor available in Abaqus [13].
v is introduced into the FEM. This approach has been applied Cartesian and Revolute connections are used to model the bor-
and verified for ring net systems [5,7]. der ‘‘zig-zag’’ chain-link element connections or knots (Fig. 13b).
The input geometry of the chain-link elements and their con- The Cartesian component provides a connection between the ver-
nectivity (Fig. 12a) is modelled according to the measurements of tices of adjacent ‘‘zig-zag’’ chain-link elements that allows inde-
the manufactured net panel. A finer mesh (Fig. 12b) is needed in pendent behaviour in three local Cartesian directions that follow
the connections between chain-link elements to reproduce the the system at the vertex a (Fig. 13c). Rigid behaviour is specified
axial, shear and bending behaviour (Fig. 4c) obtained by the analyt- in the local 3-direction (z-local), while node b is allowed to change
ical chain-link model discussed in Section 2. Mesh convergence position along 1- and 2-directions (x- and y-local). In this model,
studies leaded to the use of nine elements per connection. Three the z-global direction is opposite to gravity, and x- and y-global
elements in the middle of the connection are required to capture lay on the chain-link panel plane. The z-local direction is directed
the shear transition while the remaining six elements (three to opposite to gravity as well. The relative positions of node b with

Fig. 12. Modelling of inner connections: (a) connection three-dimensionality with rendered beam profiles and (b) beam element nodes.
74 J.P. Escallón et al. / Engineering Structures 101 (2015) 68–87

Fig. 14. Bi-dimensional chain-link model: (a) tie contact conditions between chain-link elements (in red), and (b) boundary conditions applied to chain-link element nodes in
a simplified bi-dimensional case. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

respect to node a in the local 1- and 2-directions is fixed in a work-

ing range by means of the stop option available in Abaqus/Explicit
[13]. A close observation of a physical net panel reveals that the
available gap for translational movement in the knotted connec-
tions is not constant. Such irregularities influence the macroscopic
behaviour of the net. It is necessary to take them into account to
reproduce the soft response of the net panel to tensile loading. In
this work, the connector stop in the 1-direction is assumed to be
a random number between 5 mm and 6 mm (with a seed of
0.1 mm). A possible random variation of the gap in the
2-direction has a negligible effect on the net panel response.
Therefore, it is assumed to remain constant and equal to 6 mm.
The Revolute connection type (Fig. 13d) is used to constrain the
rotations around the 2- and 3-directions, while the 1-direction
rotational component is free. Further clarifications to Fig. 13c and
d can be found in [13].

Fig. 15. Von Mises stress contours (MPa) at maximum elongation: (a) overall view,
4.2. Model of the tensile quasi-static test and (b) zoom-in view.

To achieve the highly detailed model described in the previous

section, simpler models were first explored. Initial modelling Revolute connector behaves as a rigid beam when the vertices of
attempts considered a bi-dimensional geometry of the chain-link the connected elements do not coincide [13] (Fig. 16b).
elements and tie constraints (Fig. 14a) between the contact nodes Finally, an improved approximation to the true contact condi-
between chain-link elements [13]. This contact condition ensures tions was considered to ensure that the chain-link parameters
continuity in the translational degrees of freedom between the ver- were not influenced by significant contact simplifications. Under
tices of the chain-link elements in contact, while the rotations are this approximation, the rigid and moving frames, as well as the
free. Boundary conditions applied to the chain-link elements repre- sliders were omitted, similar to approach used in the first mod-
sented an approximation to the test true boundary conditions elling attempts. However, in the new model, the steel pins con-
(Fig. 14b). In this model, the total elongation that the test panel necting the net to the sliders were included as well as the
reached (until failure) UðtÞ was applied as a boundary condition shackles. The presence of the sliders was taken into account by
(Fig. 14b). This displacement was applied using a smooth function constraining the movement in the z-direction of all the shackles
[13], so that the test is simulated quasi-statically. This model in contact with the sliders. Furthermore, the movement in the
shows that higher stresses are concentrated in the beam elements z-direction of some beam elements was also constrained to simu-
in contact (Fig. 15a and b). However, a model taking into account late the presence of the sliders. The test velocity V was applied to
bending should show that the highest stresses occur in the beam the pins that are attached to the moving frame. Fig. 17 show the
elements adjacent to the elements in contact. Moreover, it is this boundary conditions applied in the model. Fig. 17a shows the
numerical panel is more resistant that the test panel, and failure zones in the chain-link net where the boundary condition UZ ¼ 0
does not take place. To account for bending in a simplified manner, was applied to take into account the movement restriction caused
the bi-dimensional chain-link elements were assembled with an by the sliders. Fig. 17b shows the shackles where boundary condi-
offset in the z-plane with a distance equal to that of the real con- tions were applied, and the constrained degrees of freedom in the
nection. The aforementioned Cartesian plus Revolute connectors pins. The test velocity was applied to the upper pins, and can be
were used to model the connections where contact between neigh- expressed as:
bour chain-link elements take place (Fig. 16a). When approxi-
mately 60% of the deformation capacity is mobilized in the VðtÞ ¼ Vf ð1Þ
model, the elements bend in an unrealistic manner, i.e., the ele-
ments adjacent to the vertices suffer from large nodal rotation where V equals two times the maximum test displacement u, and f
rates with respect to the local 1-axis (Fig. 16b). This is because a is an Abaqus defined smooth function [13]. The definition of f
J.P. Escallón et al. / Engineering Structures 101 (2015) 68–87 75

Fig. 16. Three-dimensional chain-link model with simplified connections: (a) Cartesian plus Revolute connectors joining the chain-link elements, and (b) large rotations of
the elements adjacent to the contact nodes.

Fig. 17. Model boundary conditions: (a) applied to the net, and (b) applied to pins and shackles.

requires three points: (0, 0), (0.5t step , 1), and (t step , 0), where t step is the Table 2
step duration. The integral of V is equal to the maximum test dis- Chain-link optimization parameters.
placement. The use of the smooth function allows performing the Parameter Lower Upper Optimal
test in a quasi-static manner. The numerical simulation of the ten-
ry (MPa) 1500 1700 1637
sile test was carried out using an explicit time integration scheme.
ru (MPa) 2800 3000 2893
The calculation time was decreased by artificially increasing the E (MPa) 100,000 110,000 100,355
density of the net using the mass-scaling approach [14,15,13]. It r eq (mm) 2.4 2.5 2.4578
is verified that the ratio of the total kinetic energy to the total inter-
nal energy is less than 1% at the end of the simulation [7]. Hence,
the induced dynamic effects were negligible, thus maintaining the
quasi-static condition of the test. where DA is the area difference between the experimental and the
All shackles and pins were modelled as solid three dimensional simulation curve within successive intersecting points. For more
rigid bodies, because they are one order of magnitude stiffer than details about the selected objective function one can refer to [7].
the chain-link net. The rigid bodies were still discretized by means The parameters to optimize in the bi-dimensional model were
of linear hexahedral elements (pins) and linear tetrahedral ele- set as: (1) the yield curve described by two points (0, ry ) and
ments (shackles), in order to have contact facets for the contact (epu ; ru ), (2) the Young Modulus, (3) the area reduction factor v,
calculations. and (4) the damage parameters epD (plastic strain at the onset of
damage), and Gf (fracture energy per unit area).
4.3. Parameter optimization The optimum Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) technique [21]
was applied to perform the Design of Experiments (DoE) for all
To determine the best-fit parameters for the chain-link net three FE models. In each of the three cases, the objective function
model, a FEM based optimization scheme was implemented. The was evaluated at each parameter combination chosen by the LHS
software Isight 5.8 [20] is used for this analysis due to its compat- technique. The evaluation of the objective function for the
ibility to the Abaqus software. For the bi-dimensional and simpli- bi-dimensional model revealed that this model was not suitable
fied three-dimensional models, the absolute area difference for data fitting because the response was significantly more rigid
between the simulation and target plot was chosen as the objective than the measured response.
function to be minimized, which can be expressed as: In the case of the simplified three-dimensional model the offset
between the bi-dimensional chain-link elements was introduced
Objectiv e Function ¼ jDAj ð2Þ as an additional parameter. In reality, however, the out of plane
i construction distance is fixed. Within a sensitivity analysis
76 J.P. Escallón et al. / Engineering Structures 101 (2015) 68–87

framework, we investigated the effect of varying this offset.

Including this offset as a parameter in addition to considering dam-
age results in a highly multi-modal optimization surface.
Therefore, the Multi-Island Genetic Algorithm (MIGA) to optimize
parameters was used, as it was performed in the case of ring nets
[7]. The optimization results revealed that the fitted offset was
higher than the real value. Moreover, the fitted elasticity modulus
was an unrealistically low (<50,000 Mpa). Finally, the simulations
often suffered from large rotation rates (Fig. 16c) in the elements
adjacent to the contact nodes, causing some of the simulations of
the optimization cycle to fail before completion due to
These results demonstrated the importance of accurately mod-
elling the bending of the contact connections. As a consequence we
decided to model the three-dimensional geometry of the nets
according to the real measurements of the manufactured Fig. 18. Radial basis function surface approximation of the objective function vs.
chain-link net. Furthermore, as explained in the previous section, yield stress and cross-section radius.

we decided to adopt a significantly improved approximation to

the true contact conditions of the simulated experiment.
To increase the efficiency of the optimization of the
three-dimensional detailed model, a two stage optimization pro-
cess was performed. In the first stage, damage was excluded, and
to enhance the stability of the model, the ultimate plastic strain
epu was assumed to be significantly large (1.5). Damage could be
excluded from the first stage of the optimization since it is
observed to occur at the last 0.5 s of the 115 s long test. The chosen
objective function in this case consists in the difference between
the numerical and experimental maximum force, which can be
expressed as:

Objectiv e Function ¼ jF max;exp  F max;mod j ð3Þ

where F max;exp is the maximum experimental force, while F max;mod is

the maximum force of a model optimization run. The parameters to
be optimized are: (1) the equivalent cross-section radius r eq , (2) the
elastic modulus E, (3) the yield and ultimate stresses (ry ; ru ). The
corresponding v factor of the chain-link net is obtained as: Fig. 19. Force–displacement response of the different models.

v ¼ ðreq =rw Þ2 =3 ð4Þ

The value of Gf allowing damage to occur at the end of the exper-
where r eq is the radius of the equivalent wire modelling the iment was then optimized in the second stage of the optimization
three-strand twisted wire, and r w is the radius of each of the three cycle.
wires used in the macroscopic structure. Fig. 19 displays the results from one of the quasi-static tests and
In this case the optimization surface is a smooth function. This of its numerical simulation with the detailed three-dimensional
optimization scheme allowed us to use a Downhill Simplex model including ductile damage parameters. To demonstrate the
Technique (DST), which converges significantly faster than GAs. A significant improvement with respect to the two preliminary
large enough step size allowing finding the global minimum was models they are also shown. The three models are run with the
selected after first optimization trials. For more details on the gen- optimized parameters of the detailed three-dimensional model.
eral workings of a DST one can refer to previous work by [22,23], as
well as fundamental literature on this topic [24].
Two DoEs were performed to define the search space regarding 4.4. Response features of the FE model with chain-to-chain contact
the three-dimensional detailed model. The evaluation of the objec-
tive function was used to define the range of parameter variation The chain-link net FEM with realistic contact conditions is able
(search space) where the global minimum exists (Table 2). A smal- to reproduce the mechanical behaviour tensile response obtained
ler search space with respect to the initial assumption resulted with the closed form analytical model. Fig. 20a–c shows the axial,
from the DoE analyses. bending, and shear diagrams immediately before failure along a
Finally, the optimization process is formulated as the problem coordinate system that follows the path illustrated in Fig. 21a
of minimizing the specified objective function. Table 2 illustrates and b. The action diagrams obtained from the numerical simula-
the optimization parameters for the chain-link net, the lower and tion exhibit a similar behaviour to what was obtained from the
upper search space bounds, and the final optimized values. procedure explained in Section 2.
Fig. 18 depicts the radial basis approximation of the objective Contact thickness reductions cause the apparent contact pene-
function vs. the yield stress ry and the cross-section radius rsection . trations seen in Fig. 21b. Contact between beam segments is only
The optimization function surface is smooth and exhibits several detected as edge-to-edge contact in Abaqus/Explicit. The Abaqus
local maxima and a region where the global minimum value is contact algorithm assigns a contact thickness to each beam contact
found. node, which is represented with a sphere centred at the node with
The simulation results of the model with the best fit parame- a radius equal to the cross-section radius. The GC algorithm
ters, served to select the plastic strain at the onset of damage ep0 . requires that the contact thickness does not exceed a certain
J.P. Escallón et al. / Engineering Structures 101 (2015) 68–87 77

Fig. 20. Action diagrams along the connection: (a) axial force, (b) shear force 2-local axis, and (c) bending moment around the 1-local axis.

Fig. 21. Path plot: (a) general view, and (b) close-up view.

Fig. 22. Path plot: (a) general view, and (b) axial-bending interaction in the contact area (element 69).

fraction of the element length [13]. The GC algorithm will reduce Fig. 22a shows the nine elements (in red) used to discretize the
the contact thickness where necessary, but will use the correct chain-link equivalent wire in the contact zone. Fig. 22b shows
cross-section area for element calculations. In the developed the loading M–N path from the onset of plastic behaviour until
chain-link model, a very fine discretization at the connections is the onset of damage, taking place at the element subjected to
needed. This causes the contact thickness of the nodes located at higher contact forces (number 69). Using the experimental data,
the connections to be reduced. In this study the reduction factor a parabolic shaped failure domain and the elastic region can be
is small enough to avoid undesired effects on the contact or determined (Fig. 22b) as:
chain-link behaviour. Further issues related to contact modelling
will be provided in Section 5.1.
ðM=M R Þ2 þ ðN=NR Þ2 ¼ 1 ð5Þ
78 J.P. Escallón et al. / Engineering Structures 101 (2015) 68–87

Fig. 23. Damage progression: (a) first sequence of failure, and (b) the net loses continuity.

tends to stabilize and stop its growth, allowing the net to continue
carrying load. The chain-link net stiffness decreases on the borders
of the hole, leading to a load redistribution that causes the hole
growth to stop [12]. This shows that the redundancy of
chain-link nets is a function of its size. A small sample behaves
as a non-redundant structural system, while a large sample tends
to behave as a redundant system [25].

5. Application in natural hazards protection: rockfall barrier

This investigation is a continuation of previous work [5–7] in

which a new modelling scheme to simulate rockfall barriers was
developed. The numerical scheme relies on the general contact
(GC) algorithm of the Abaqus/Explicit FE code [13]. The hard con-
Fig. 24. GBE-2000A rockfall system at the end of the impact process. tact behaviour is approximated by using a penalty method to
enforce the contact constraint. The frictional behaviour at contact
is modelled using a Coulomb-type friction. Rockfall barriers with
ðM=Mel Þ2 þ ðN=Nel Þ2 ¼ 1 ð6Þ ring nets have been simulated using this scheme. To match the
experimental results, an accurate geometric representation of the
where MR and Mel are the cross-section resistance for bending and structural components and the contact interactions is required [7].
the maximum elastic bending respectively, and NR and Nel are the In this investigation a rockfall barrier with chain-link netting is
cross-section resistance for tension and the maximum elastic ten- modelled. This barrier obtained the European Technical Approval
sile force respectively. according to the ETAG027 guideline in 2010. Full scale test data
Fig. 23a and b shows the progression of the chain-link failure as are available to verify the FE model [26]. The system is named
the damage variable d [13,7] equals unity d = 1 in one of the con- GBE-2000A indicating that it is able to stop a falling rock with a
nections. All inner contact zones reach approximately the same maximum kinetic energy of 2000 kJ, and that it belongs to category
value of damage variable d. This shows that different failure mech- A in the residual height classification [16]. Fig. 24 depicts the final
anisms are possible. deformed state of the barrier at the end of the maximum energy
In the simulation an inner connection close to a knotted con- level (MEL) test.
nection fails (Fig. 23a), and subsequently unravelling takes places A special mechanical feature of this particular system is the low
until the net loses continuity (Fig. 23b) and its ability to carry more force transmitted to the up-slope anchors. By interrupting the con-
load. However, analogous laboratory tests on larger chain-link net tact between the chain-link meshes near the posts and the support
samples have shown that when a wire is cut, a hole is created but it cables, stress concentrations are avoided. This is accomplished by

Fig. 25. Connection of chain-link net to cables: (a) free meshes rule, and (b) connection between net panel and between net and cables (bottom) according to the installation
kit manual.
J.P. Escallón et al. / Engineering Structures 101 (2015) 68–87 79

not threading the support cables through seven meshes on each to connect the support cables to the posts. Double clips are used
side of the inner posts and on one side of each border post to fix the vertical cables to the support cables. These components
(Fig. 25a). There are free meshes in the bottom part as well have a torque resistance of 120,000 N mm. The large scale tests
(Fig. 25b) following this same pattern. Three of the ‘‘free’’ meshes have shown that the forces transmitted to the vertical cables are
both located on the top and bottom of the net are attached to not large enough to cause an acting torque higher than the speci-
the support cables by means of round clips (Fig. 25a). The round fied resistance; thus, the vertical cables do not slide through the
clips are made of galvanized steel wire with a diameter of 3 mm double clips. This fact permitted the implementation of a
and a tensile strength of 1770 N/mm2. Their maximum breaking surface-to-surface tie constraint between the vertical cable surface
force is 13,760 N. The clips have negligible structural importance. and the double clip circular surfaces inside the holes (Fig. 28). The
All clips will fail in the case of an impact with the serviceability double clips and running wheels were treated as rigid bodies in the
kinetic energy level (730 kJ). Cable-to-net openings are created as FEM. To minimize contact search and contact calculations, other
these round clips fail progressively. The openings grow until all connection components such as shackles and clevis are treated as
clips have failed. These gaps alleviate the stresses on the retaining rigid bodies, and discretized using beam elements.
cables and on the chain-link elements in the vicinity of the posts.

5.1. Contact modelling

The challenges in the use of GC to model rockfall barriers are:

1. Large contact thickness reductions when using structural ele-

ments (beams and trusses), and local fine mesh discretizations
are needed. In this work, the contact reductions were not
2. Excessive penetrations when nodes involved in contact do not
have adequate mass. The reasons for this problem are discussed
in [13,27]. In order to efficiently deal with this problem,
non-structural masses were added to components which expe-
rienced excessive penetration. Other practical solutions to this
problems are proposed in [13]. The influence of mass incre-
ments on the dynamic behaviour of simulations performed
herein is negligible.
3. Initial contact over-closures. To avoid physically unreasonable
contact interactions, some regions of the model are excluded
from GC (e.g., two cables sharing a common vertex at an anchor

The possibility of defining surface-to-surface or node-to-surface

tie constraints in Abaqus [13] allowed the development of a new
post model, in which true contact conditions and metal plasticity
are efficiently considered. The posts were divided into three differ-
ent parts: (1) the I-beam (HE-160A), (2) the post foot connecting
the I-beam to the base plate and (3) the post head that connects
the I-beam to cables. The inner posts are only connected to the
up-slope cables at the post head, while the border posts are addi-
tionally connected to the lateral cables. The long I-beam was dis-
cretized into linear beam elements and assigned elastic–plastic
properties corresponding to the steel grade S355 [28]. Both the
post foot and head were modelled as three-dimensional parts.
The post foot is connected to the base plate with a bolt. The post
head is connected to the cables with shackles. These components
are treated as rigid bodies because during tests they do not exhibit
deformation. Tie constraints are used to connect the I-beam with
the post foot and head. This shows an improvement of the post
model with respect to previous work [7]. Fig. 26a and b shows
the master surfaces belonging to the post foot and head including
the slave nodes of the I-beam. The post foot and head assume the
master role for the tie constraint because they are modelled as
rigid bodies. The applied modelling techniques allow the post to
rotate as it does in reality (Fig. 26c).
Fig. 27a and b is CAD images from barrier installation manual
[29] showing the top and bottom parts of the ‘‘left’’ border post
prior to the complete connection of the chain-link net. Fig. 27c
and d shows how the FE model of these system parts capture the
contact conditions in high detail. Higher stresses tend to be con-
centrated in the cable-to-posts connections. With the aim of Fig. 26. Post model: (a) post foot to I-beam tie constraint, (b) post head to I-beam
decreasing these stress concentrations, running wheels are used tie constraint, and (c) post-to-base plate connection via a bolt.
80 J.P. Escallón et al. / Engineering Structures 101 (2015) 68–87

Fig. 27. Connection of cables to posts: (a) border post (top) according to the installation kit manual, (b) border post (bottom) according to the installation kit manual, (c)
modelled border post (top), and (d) modelled border post (bottom).

In the FE model the threading connection of the cable through

the mesh openings are simplified by attaching the cable to the
net with idealised rigid-body clips (Fig. 29a and b). Fig. 30a and
b shows the lateral anchors (left side of the barrier) to which the
energy dissipating devices (Section 5.3) are connected.
Furthermore, the two bottom and the two support cables are con-
nected to independent energy dissipating devices (two per side of
the barrier). The energy dissipating devices are attached to steel
anchors with flexible heads (Fig. 30a and b). Fig. 30a shows the
connection of the top support cables to the left energy dissipating
device. Moreover, the kit installation manual gives two options for
anchoring the lateral and bottom support rope cables: (1) connec-
tion of both bottom support cables and lateral cables to common
flexible head anchors (Fig. 30b), and (2) the lateral cables are con-
nected to independent flexible head anchors. This second option
was taken for the large scale tests (Fig. 30c), and was implemented
in the FE model (Fig. 30d). Fig. 31a shows the up-slope anchor con-
figuration of the rockfall barrier. There are two up-slope cables Fig. 28. Tie constraint between the vertical cable and double clip surface around
attached to each single steel post head, which are also connected the holes.
to flexible head steel anchors. There are two up-slope cables con-
nected to each intermediate anchor (Fig. 31b), while at the border
components following repeatable patterns. This approach neglects
anchors, there is only one cable attached. In the FE model, the
installation tolerances and deviations from the patterns within a
anchor is substituted by applying a pin (UX = UY = UZ = 0) bound-
0–50 mm range.
ary condition to each up-slope cable. Furthermore, the cables are
anchored at the same coordinate; therefore, cable-to-cable contact
is excluded to avoid making unnecessary corrections of contact 5.2. Large scale test
over-closures [7,13].
For the sake of model set-up efficiency, Python scripts are The large scale test site is located in ‘‘Lochezen’’ Walenstadt
applied to generate the FE model. The scripts reproduce (SG), Switzerland. Large scale tests of three span rockfall barriers
J.P. Escallón et al. / Engineering Structures 101 (2015) 68–87 81

44.26 m and reached a speed of 29.46 m/s at net impact, providing

impact energy of 2040 kJ. The slope inclination is almost vertical
(82 ); therefore, the trajectory inclination satisfies the ETAG027
requirements. For further information about the testing require-
ments, please refer to [16]. The ETA approval of this system was
issued by the Building Testing and Research Institute (TSUS).
Fig. 33 depicts the positions of the load cell as well as the anchor
and energy dissipating devices in the rockfall barrier.

5.3. Frictional interactions

In addition to plastic dissipation, energy is dissipated by fric-

tion. The assumed general dynamic friction coefficient is ld = 0.1.
However, different dynamic friction coefficients were assumed
for three contact interactions: (1) a dynamic friction coefficient
of ld = 0.35 is used to model the concrete block-chain-link net
interaction. This friction coefficient corresponds to measured
Fig. 29. Connection of chain-link net to cables: (a) zone where the top support
concrete-steel l values 0.3–0.4 [31]. (2) A friction coefficient of
cables are threaded through the net in the ETA test installation, and (b) modelled l = 0.2 is used to model the interaction between shackles, clips,
connections via rigid clips. and cables. The sliding friction data published in [32] was consid-
ered to define the steel-steel friction coefficients. For comprehen-
sive study concerning the influence of different steel-steel and
and single spanned nets supported in a steel frame are performed block-steel friction coefficients one can refer to [2,33]. (3) A friction
in this test site [30] (Fig. 32b and c). An overview plan of the site is coefficient of ld = 0.25 is used to model the interaction between
shown in Fig. 32a. Installation of the rockfall protection barrier in chain-link elements, which was selected via a numerical simula-
the terrain is carried out by using a crane to lift and attach the bar- tion which matched the deformation pattern of the experimental
rier system to the rock face (Fig. 32a). The crane is also used to lift results (Section 4.2).
the block to a specified height, before it is dropped into the net. The The typology of energy dissipating device used in the modelled
block trajectory is completely vertical. The position of the impact rockfall system is explained in [7]. In this barrier model, the energy
block was determined according to the annex A.3 of the dissipating device behaviour is assessed by means of a 1D model.
ETAG027 [16]. The block is made of concrete and its shape is a Coulomb-like friction is defined in the axial connectors [13] used
polyhedron defined in the annex A.2 of the ETAG027. The block to model the energy dissipating devices. In this way, the tangential
mass was 4700 kg. The block was dropped from a height of force causing sliding friction in the connector can be defined.

Fig. 30. Flexible anchors: (a) top support cables-to-energy dissipating device-to-flexible anchor connection according to the installation manual, (b) bottom support and
lateral cables-to-energy dissipating device-to-flexible anchor connection according to the installation manual, (c) lateral anchor configuration used in the large scale test
(Field), and (d) modelled anchor configuration.
82 J.P. Escallón et al. / Engineering Structures 101 (2015) 68–87

Fig. 31. Up-slope flexible anchors: (a) anchor configuration, and (b) intermediate up-slope anchors connected to two retaining cables.

one-dimensional scheme to model energy dissipating devices one

is referred to [7].
Typically the resulting contact tangential force (T) – relative dis-
placement (u) law is evaluated by means of quasi-static tests [7].
However, for high energies it can occur that the forces transmitted
by the energy dissipating devices in the dynamic cases are larger
than those transmitted in quasi-static conditions. This occurred
in one energy dissipating devices (no. 3) attached to the top sup-
port cables (Fig. 33). This aspect deserves a detailed investigation,
including laboratory, field tests and 3D numerical simulations. One
possible explanation for the difference in this particular case
between the quasi-static and dynamic loadings is the existence
of stress concentrations. To temporarily tackle this issue, the T
vs. u law was modified in this energy dissipating device (Fig. 35).

5.4. Quasi-static calculation

Prior to simulating the actual block impact, we applied the

Fig. 32. Rockfall test site in Walenstadt (Switzerland): (a) overview plan of the tests
site, (b) three span system and (c) single spanned nets supported in a steel frame gravitational load in a quasi-static calculation step. In this step,
[30]. we increased gravity from 0 to g in 500 ms according to a smooth
function [7,13]. The mass-scaling technique is applied throughout
this step only to the elements of the chain-link connections by
using an automatic controlled scheme [13]. The cumulated mass
Fig. 34a and b shows the relative movement of node a with respect increase in the model at the end of the quasi-static step corre-
to node b. This relative movement is given by the non-linear piece- sponds to about 4%. This is due to the fact that the selected target
wise tangential contact force versus relative displacement along time increment [13] was slightly higher than the model
the connector (Fig. 35). For more details regarding this element-by-element stability limit [13,27]. An increase of about

Fig. 33. Load cell positions [26].

J.P. Escallón et al. / Engineering Structures 101 (2015) 68–87 83

The rotational velocities of the anchor points are constrained dur-

ing pre-tensioning, while the translational velocities are free
(Fig. 36a). The magnitude of the pretension force corresponds to
those applied in the certification test. These forces are increased
from 0 at tstatic ¼ 0 ms to the predefined values at tstatic ¼ 500 ms
according to the same smooth function applied to increase the
gravitational acceleration. For stability reasons the shackles con-
necting the net to the vertical cables were restrained to rotate
around all axes (Fig. 36a–c).

5.5. Impact calculation

The duration of the impact simulation is set equal to 600 ms,

which approximately represents the impact duration. The concrete

Fig. 34. Axial connectors that model the energy dissipating devices: (a) axial
connectors at 0 ms of the impact step, and (b) axial connectors at 420 ms of the
impact step.

Fig. 35. Tangential versus relative displacement law according to quasi-static

laboratory experiments, and law obtained from the behaviour of a device in the
large scale test.

4% is small enough to ensure accurate initial conditions for the

dynamic analysis.
During the static step a constant velocity boundary condition is
given to the block’s centre-of-mass (Fig. 36a and b). This velocity
equals the one measured during the test at impact. The simulated
block height is proportional to the duration of the static step
(t static ¼ 500 ms). It takes into account the static sag. Further details
about the calculation of the falling height are provided in [7]. Fig. 36. Rockfall barrier model: (a) beginning of the quasi-static step, (b) end of the
The support cables are pre-tensioned in the model during the quasi-static step, (c) beginning of the impact step, and (d) meaning of the BC
quasi-static step. Neumann boundary conditions are imposed [7]. symbols.
84 J.P. Escallón et al. / Engineering Structures 101 (2015) 68–87

Fig. 37. Experimental video frames (first column), simulation video frames (second column), and block movement at t1 = 0.0 ms, t2 = 220 ms, t3 = 420 ms and t4 = 600 ms
(third column).

block is treated as a rigid body [7]. The block is discretized with lin- the applied target time increment approach [13] was set-up at
ear tetrahedral elements. The velocity boundary condition to an optimal value which is equal to the element-by-element
imparted to the block is removed at this step [7]. stability limit. The elements that discretize the connections were
The support cables are fully pre-tensioned at the end of the stabilized with this method. The total mass increase in the impact
quasi-static step. As a result, the boundary conditions corre- calculation due to mass-scaling was about 1%. The external work
sponding to anchors are imposed at the beginning of the impact by mass-scaling [13] with respect to the frictional and plastic dis-
step (Fig. 36c). For more details regarding this procedure, refer sipation was about 1% and 2%, respectively. Thus, the effects
to [7]. induced by mass-scaling were negligible during the impact
The model mass was re-initialized for the impact calculation. calculation.
This means that the amount of mass increase by mass-scaling A summary of the quasi-static step, and the initial conditions
in the quasi-static step was removed. During the impact step, for the dynamic step can be seen in Fig. 36a–d.
J.P. Escallón et al. / Engineering Structures 101 (2015) 68–87 85

Fig. 38. Load cell histories: (a)–(d) lateral anchors, and (e)–(h) uphill anchors.

6. Numerical approach assessment: numerical versus 450 ms before impact. The actual dimensions and shape of the
experimental results force cell are not considered in the FEM analysis. For simplicity
each force cell is composed of a single beam element with addi-
This section presents the comparison between the experimental tional non-structural nodal masses and steel elastic properties.
and the numerical simulation results of the large scale barrier test. The total mass of the modelled force cell is equal to the real com-
The force cell devices and high speed cameras recorded data ponent mass.
86 J.P. Escallón et al. / Engineering Structures 101 (2015) 68–87

6.1. Barrier elongation where Fmi and Fci are the mean measured and calculated forces dur-
ing the sampling time step; Dt i is the sampling time step which
Fig. 37 compares the experimental measurements (first col- coincides with the experimental sampling. The value of the absolute
umn) and numerical simulation (second column) of the barrier difference FTIdiff , expressed as a percentage of the measured FTIm , is
during the MEL test. The third column depicts the z-location of  
the concrete block in the simulation. The experimental and jFTIdiff j ¼   ð9Þ
numerical results are shown at the same scale. The maximum FTIm 
net elongation during the MEL test (evaluated according to the
The value of jFTIdiff j for cables with energy dissipating devices (load
ETAG No. 027) was 8960 mm, while the calculated elongation is
cells 3, 4, and 10) is between 2% and 9%. In the case of cables with-
9013 mm (a difference of 53 mm). The deformation pattern,
out energy dissipating devices (load cells 1, 5, 9 and 13) jFTIdiff j is
including the shape of the net surrounding the block, is also in
between 5% and 40% for three cables. However, the remaining cable
good agreement with the experiments. The openings between
(load cell 6) exhibits a difference of 70%. This clearly shows that
the net and support cables around the posts have similar
there are cables that are more sensitive to installation tolerances
dimensions as in the experiments.
dutol in the FEM analysis.
6.2. Load cell measurements
7. Concluding remarks and discussion
The sampling frequency of both the experimental and numeri-
cal force history data is 1/0.5 ms (2 kHz). The force histories at In this paper a FE model to account for contact interactions in
the load cells (MEL test) are shown in Fig. 38. The experimental flexible chain-link wire nets with loose connections was developed
force histories (dark) [26] are compared to the FEM force histories which could be applied to simulate a concrete-block impact into a
(light). rockfall barrier. A key feature of the developed FEM in this work
The force time histories can be described as a fluctuating was that it could include the salient mechanical properties of the
increase until the block kinetic energy is entirely dissipated. loose chain-link connections that were identified in the
After reaching this point, the block bounces back and the system closed-form analytical model of [12]. The analytical procedure
is progressively unloaded. A progressive decrease of the force his- revealed the features that must be taken into account to accurately
tories is observed. A transition zone between the load increase and reproduce the complex mechanical behaviour of the net. The fea-
load decrease is observed in the force cells installed near the tures are:
energy dissipating devices. This transition zone lasts approxi-
mately 300 ms. In this transition zone, the energy dissipating 1. Realistic modelling of (1) the contact area and (2) the frictional
devices elongate under an approximate constant load. The time contact interactions between chain-link elements.
needed to dissipate the total kinetic energy of the block is the brak- 2. Modelling the three-dimensional input geometry of the
ing time, which is approximately 430 ms (Fig. 37c). chain-link elements and their connectivity according to precise
The comparison between peak forces PF of calculated and mea- measurements of the manufactured net.
sured values in the support cables (load cells 3, 4, and 10) show 3. Using a fine Finite Element discretization at the connections
that the absolute difference jPF diff j is between 8% and 13%. The between chain-link elements.
numerical response of these cables is dominated by the piecewise
T vs. u relationship used to model the energy dissipating devices The most important response characteristics of the model are:
(Section 5.3). The peak values are given by the maximum contact
force that is transmitted to the energy dissipating devices. A good 1. Progressive bending of the connection.
match is observed between the increasing and decreasing experi- 2. Reduction of the load eccentricity at the connections as tensile
mental and simulation parts of the force histories. forces increase.
The model prediction of the up-slope and lateral cable anchor 3. Coupling between the bending and axial behaviour of the
force histories depend on the accuracy of the model approximation chain-link elements.
of the contact interactions. Modelling true contact conditions of 4. Modelling of the shear contact forces at the connections
highly flexible systems composed of many structural items inter- between chain-link elements.
acting with each other is challenging. In these flexible systems
the positions of the connecting components have a tolerance that Quasi-static tensile laboratory tests performed on chain-link
is much higher with respect to rigid structures. In the cables with- net samples served to identify these behavioural features. The tests
out energy dissipating devices, the installation tolerances might provided additional insight into the damage process and the role of
increase the difference between the calculated and measured val- friction at the contact between chain-link elements.
ues. The difference in the calculated and measured jPF diff j for cables Initially simplified bi- and three-dimensional FE models were
without energy dissipating devices is between 7% and 38% in four assessed for their agreement with quasi-static tensile laboratory
of the instrumented cables (load cells 1, 5, 9 and 13), while an tests of chain-link nets. The poor agreement of these simplified
extreme difference of 69% (load cell 6) occurs in the remaining models highlighted the importance of taking into account the
measured cable. aspects included in the analytical model. As a result, a detailed
An alternative to measure the quality of the simulation results FEM was developed accounting for the contact conditions between
is to consider the entire time history, instead of the peak values. chain-link elements. The twisted triple wire cross-section of the
The force–time integral (FTI) can be evaluated numerically as chain-link was substituted by an equivalent wire of circular
cross-section. The Von Mises plasticity model and a ductile damage
law were used to model the chain-link material. The equivalent
FTIm ¼ ðF m Þdt ¼ Fmi Dti ð7Þ
wire cross-section radius, and constitutive parameters were found
by using parameter optimization techniques. This detailed FEM
n was able to reproduce the behaviour of the shear (V), axial (N),
FTIc ¼ ðF c Þdt ¼ Fci Dt i ð8Þ and bending (M) diagrams obtained with the closed form analytical
i¼1 model. Furthermore, the FEM predicted the axial (N) and bending
J.P. Escallón et al. / Engineering Structures 101 (2015) 68–87 87

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