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Dr. Mus’ab Abdul Razak

11/19/2020 1
1. Introduction to Industrial Hygiene
2. Industrial Hygiene: Identification
3. Industrial Hygiene: Evaluation
4. Industrial Hygiene: Control

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Tragedies that changed the safety movement
(related to toxic materials)

Asbestos Menace(1984)
( 1964)
Hawk’s Nest (1930’S)
Industrial Hygiene

Industrial Hygiene is the science of

anticipating, recognizing, evaluating,
and controlling workplace conditions that
may cause workers’ injury or illness.

Key factors:
• Employee exposure to hazards
• Control for hazards to protect workers
Industrial Hygiene

Sub components are Identification, Evaluation,

& Control of occupational conditions which cause
sickness and injury.

Chemical Engineers
➢ Responsible for selecting and using
instrumentation to monitor the work place during
the identification and control phases of industrial
hygiene projects.
Steps to Protect Employee

• Anticipate potential hazards

• Recognize potential hazards
• Evaluate exposure and risk
• Control exposure and risk
Questions on Exposure in Operation

• What chemicals are used in various

• How can employees be exposed?
• What toxic effects do these chemicals have?
• How can employees be protected from
these effects?
Types of Air Contaminants

• Particulates
– Dusts, fumes, mists and fibers
– Non respirable particles (≥10𝜇m in diameter)
– Respirable particles (>10𝜇m in diameter)
Types of Air Contaminants

• Fumes
– Volatilized solids condense in cool air (<1.0 𝜇m
in diameter)
– Hot vapor + air(reaction with) = oxide
• Mists
– Suspended solid droplets
– Generated by condensation of liquids from
vapor to liquid state
Types of Air Contaminants
• Fibers
– Solid, slender, elongated structures
– Length several times the diameter
• Gases
– Formless fluids that expand to occupy a space
– Arc-welding, internal combustion engine exhaust air
• Vapors
– Liquid changed to vapor
– Organic solvents
Typical tasks involving IH are:

• Monitoring of toxic airborne vapor concentrations

• Reduction of toxic airborne vapors through the use
of ventilation
• Selection of proper PPE to prevent worker
• Development of procedures for the handling of
hazardous materials
• Monitoring and reduction of noise, heat, radiation,
and other physical factors to insure that workers
are not exposed to harmful levels
Steps in IH

Three phases in any IH:

Identification: Determination of the presence of
possibility of workplace exposure
Evaluation: Determination of the magnitude of the
Control: Application of appropriate technology to
reduce workplace exposures to ALARP

• The identification step requires a thorough

study of the
❑Chemical process
❑Operating conditions
❑Operating procedures

• The sources of information include:

❖Process design descriptions
❖Operating instructions
❖Safety reviews
❖Equipment vendor descriptions
❖Information from chemical suppliers
❖Information from operating personnel

Chemical process technology is so complex

that this task requires the major efforts of
engineers, process designers, operators,
laboratory personnel, and management.

o The quality of identification step is often a

function of the number of resources used and
the quality of the questions asked.
o In identification step, it is often necessary to
collect and integrate the available information
to identify new potential problems due to the
combined effects of multiple exposures.
o During identification step, the potential
hazards and methods of contact are identified
and recorded.
Understanding your Material Safety Data Sheets

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o An MSDS must be obtained
and maintained for every
chemicals/products used in
the workplace

o The MSDS must be accessible

to all personnel during their
work hours

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Evaluating exposure to toxicants
The evaluation phase determines Special attention must be
the extent and degree of Volatile directed toward preventing
toxicant by
employee exposure to monitoring and controlling low
toxicants and physical concentrations of toxic
hazards in the gases.
Filling Exposure Dust

During the evaluation

study, the likelihood of
large and small leaks must
be considered; Toxic
vapour Two type of evaluation:
Large → high concentration → Acute
• Continuous or frequent
Small → low concentration → Chronic
• Periodic sampling
Evaluating exposure to toxicants
How do you know the control Control measures:
• Wet method
measures are effective? • Ventilation
• Enclosure
Samples • PPE

Compare to
the TLVs,
workers’ PELs,
exposure IDLH
Threshold Limit Values

• The American Conference of Governmental

Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) has established
threshold doses called threshold limit values (TLVs)
for a large number of chemical agents.
• The TLV refers to airborne concentrations that
correspond to conditions where no adverse effects
are normally expected during worker’s life-time.
• The exposure occurs only during normal working
hours, 8-hours per day and five days per week.
Threshold Limit Values

✓ There are three different types of TLVs

➢TLV-TWA (Time-Weighted Average)
➢TLV-STEL (Short-Term Exposure Limit)
➢TLV-C (Ceiling)
✓ Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) has defined their own
threshold dose called Permissible Exposure
Level (PEL)
✓ PEL values follow the TLV-TWA very closely
Threshold Limit Values
TLV-TWA: Time weighted average for a normal 8-
hour workday or 40-hour workweek, to which nearly
all workers can be exposed, day after day, without
adverse effects.

TLV-STEL: The maximum concentration to which

workers can be exposed for a period of up to 15-
minutes continuously without suffering
– Narcosis of sufficient degree to increase accident
proneness, impair self-rescue, or materially reduce
worker efficiency
– Chronic or irreversible tissue change
– Intolerable irritation
Threshold Limit Values
TLV-C: The concentration which should not
be exceeded, even instantaneously.

NOTE: TLVs should not be used for:

i. A relative index of toxicity

ii. Air pollution work

iii. Assessment of toxic hazard from continuous uninterrupted

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Evaluating exposure to volatile toxicants by
Direct method – continuously monitoring the air concentration of
toxicant on-line in a work environment.
1 𝑡𝑤 C(t) concentration of toxicant in the air
TWA = න 𝐶 𝑡 𝑑𝑡 tw the worker shift time in hours
8 0
TWA time-weigthted average concentration

or 𝐶1 𝑇1 + 𝐶2 𝑇2 + ⋯ 𝐶𝑛 𝑇𝑛
Intermittent ? 8 ℎ𝑟

• Workers move in-move out
• Concentration varies with locations
Evaluating exposure to volatile toxicants by
1 𝑡𝑤
TWA = න 𝐶 𝑡 𝑑𝑡
8 0

The integral is always divided by 8-hour, independent of

the length of time actually worked in shift.

Thus, if a worker is exposed for 12 hrs to a concentration

of chemical equal to the TLV-TWA, then the TLV-TWA has
been exceeded, since the computation is normalized to 8
Evaluating exposure to volatile toxicants by
If we assume that the concentration Ci is fixed (or averaged)
over the period of time Ti, the TWA is computed by

𝐶1 𝑇1 + 𝐶2 𝑇2 + ⋯ 𝐶𝑛 𝑇𝑛
8 ℎ𝑟

• Workers move in-move out
• Concentration varies with locations
Evaluating exposure to volatile toxicants by
Multiple exposure ? Assume toxicant effect is additive
The combined exposures from multiple toxicants with
different TLV-TWAs is determined from the equation;
𝑛 n no of toxicants
𝐶𝑖 Ci concentration of chemical i
෍ with respect to the other
𝑇𝐿𝑉 − 𝑇𝑊𝐴 𝑖 toxicants
(TLV-TWA)i is TLV-TWA for each
If > 1 workers are overexposed chemical species i

σ𝑛𝑖=1 𝐶𝑖 If sum of
(TLV−TWA)𝑚𝑖𝑥 = concentration of
the toxicants in
σ𝑛𝑖=1 the mixture > this
𝑇𝐿𝑉 − 𝑇𝑊𝐴 𝑖 amount, workers
are overexposed
Evaluating exposure to dust
➢ To estimate the concentrations that are inhaled and
deposited in the lungs.
• Sampling methods and Special control
the interpretation of data measures will be
relevant to health required when the
hazards are relatively actual particle count
complex. (of the size range
• Industrial hygienists, specified in the
who are specialists in standards or by an
this technology, should industrial hygienist)
be consulted. exceeds 6.8 mppcf.
Determine the TLV for a uniform mixture of dusts
containing the following particles:
Type of dust Concentration TLV
(wt%) (mppcf)

Dust A 70 20.0
Dust B 30 2.7

Special control measures

will be required when
the actual particle count
(of the size range
specified in the
standards or by an
industrial hygienist)
exceeds 6.8 mppcf.
Evaluating exposure to toxic vapor
The best procedure to determine exposures to toxic vapors is to
measure the vapor concentrations directly.

Consider the enclosed volume shown below;

k – non-ideal mixing factor (unitless)

The non-ideal mixing

factor, k, accounts for
conditions in the 𝑄𝑚 𝑅𝑔 𝑇
enclosure less than 𝐶 𝑝𝑝𝑚 = × 106
well-mixed 𝑘𝑄𝑣 𝑃𝑀
Evaluating exposure to volatile toxicants by
Let m represent mass, 𝜌 represent density, and the
subscripts v and b denote the volatile and bulk gas species,
respectively. Then
Ideal gas law
V   mv v   mv   Rg T   RgT 
C ppm = v   10 6
=    10 6
=     10 6
= C    10 6

 Vb   Vb   b 
V PM v   PM v 

𝑄𝑚 𝑅𝑔 𝑇
𝐶 𝑝𝑝𝑚 = × 106
𝑘𝑄𝑣 𝑃𝑀
Application of this equation;
1. A worker standing near a pool of volatile liquid,
2. A worker standing near an opening to a storage tank
3. A worker standing near an open container of volatile liquid.

Important assumptions:
❑ The calculated concentration is an
average concentration in the
𝑄𝑚 𝑅𝑔 𝑇 enclosure. Localized conditions
𝐶 𝑝𝑝𝑚 = × 106
𝑘𝑄𝑣 𝑃𝑀 could result in significantly higher
concentrations; workers directly
above an open container might be
➢ The non-ideal mixing exposed to higher concentrations.
factor varies from 0.1 to ❑A steady-state condition is
0.5 for most practical
assumed; that is, the accumulation
➢ For perfect mixing k = 1.
term in the mass balance is zero.

An open toluene container in an enclosure is weighed as a function of

time, and it is determined that the average evaporation rate is 0.1
g/min. The ventilation rate is 100 ft3/min. The temperature is 80°F
and the pressure is 1 atm. Estimate the concentration of toluene
vapor in the enclosure, and compare your answer to the TLV for
toluene of 20 ppm.

Because the value of k is not known directly, it must be used as a parameter.

Because k varies from 0.1 to 0.5, the

𝑄𝑚 𝑅𝑔 𝑇 concentration is expected to vary from 18.9 ppm
𝑘𝐶 𝑝𝑝𝑚 = × 106 to 94.3 ppm. Actual vapor sampling is
𝑄𝑣 𝑃𝑀 recommended to ensure that the TLV of 20 ppm
is not exceeded.
Estimating vaporization rate of liquid

• Liquids with high saturation vapor pressures evaporate faster.

• As a result, the evaporation rate (mass/time) is expected to be a function of
the saturation vapor pressure.
• In reality, for vaporization into stagnant air, the vaporization rate is
proportional to the difference between the saturation vapor pressure and
the partial pressure of the vapor in the stagnant air;

𝑄𝑚 ∝ 𝑝 𝑠𝑎𝑡 − 𝑝

𝑀𝐾𝐴 𝑝 𝑠𝑎𝑡 − 𝑝
𝑄𝑚 =
Estimating vapourisation rate of liquid
𝑀𝐾𝐴 𝑝 𝑠𝑎𝑡 − 𝑝
𝑄𝑚 =
Used to estimate the
For many situations, vaporization rate of
Psat >> p, therefore volatile from an open
𝑀𝐾𝐴 𝑝 𝑠𝑎𝑡 vessel or from a spill of
𝑄𝑚 = liquid.

Used to 𝐾𝐴𝑇𝑝 𝑠𝑎𝑡

estimate the 𝐶 𝑝𝑝𝑚 = × 106
𝑘𝑄𝑣 𝑃𝑇𝐿 Mass transfer
coefficient, water
(in ppm) of a
For most situations T = TL as ref. substance,
volatile in an
K0=0.83 cm/s
enclosure 1
resulting from 𝐾𝐴𝑝 𝑠𝑎𝑡 M  3
K = K0  0 
evaporation of 𝐶 𝑝𝑝𝑚 = × 106 M 
a liquid 𝑘𝑄𝑣 𝑃 From diffusion coefficient
A large open tank with a 5-ft diameter contains toluene. Estimate
the evaporation rate from this tank assuming a temperature of
77°F and a pressure of 1 atm. If the ventilation rate is 3000
ft3/min, estimate the concentration of toluene in this workplace
Required info:
• Saturation pressure
• Molecular weight
Calculate : • Range of kCppm
✓ Pool area • Compare with TLV
✓ Evaporation rate • Estimate Qv to
✓ Concentration with k as reduce concentration
Estimating Worker Exposures during Vessel Filling Operations
For vessels being filled with liquid, volatile emissions are generated from two
sources, as shown in Figure below.

Qm = Qm1 + Qm2


that the
vapor is
𝑀𝐾𝐴 𝑝 𝑠𝑎𝑡 completely
𝑄𝑚1 = saturated
𝑅𝑔 𝑇𝐿 with the

For container vapors that are

Using the ideal gas law,
It follows that rfVc is the not saturated with the
volumetric rate of bulk volatile. Let φ
vapor being displaced from represent this adjustment
the drum (volume/time). factor; then,
Also, if ρv is the density of
the volatile vapor, rfVcρv is
the mass rate of volatile
displaced from the
container (mass/time).

For splash filling (filling from the

top of a container with the liquid
For container vapors that splashing to the bottom), φ = 1. For
subsurface filling (by a dip leg to the
are saturated with the bottom of the tank),
volatile φ = 0.5.
The net source term resulting from filling is

The vapor concentration (in

𝑄𝑚 𝑅𝑔 𝑇
ppm) in an enclosure resulting 𝐶 𝑝𝑝𝑚 = × 106
𝑘𝑄𝑣 𝑃𝑀
from a filling operation;

Assume that T = TL

For many practical situations the evaporation term KA is much smaller than
the displacement term and can be neglected
Problem 1

Air contains 5 ppm of di-ethyl-amine (TLV-TWA of 10 ppm), 20

ppm of cyclo-hexanol (TLV-TWA of 50 ppm), and 10 ppm of
propylene oxide (TLV-TWA of 20 ppm). What is the mixture TLV-
TWA and has this level been exceeded?

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Problem 2

Determine the 8-hr TWA worker exposure if the worker is exposed

to toluene vapors as follows:

Given TLV of Toluene is 100 ppm

Duration of Exposure (hr) Measured Concentration (ppm)

1 110
2 290
5 90

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Problem 3

An open toluene container in an enclosure is weighed as a function

of time, and it is determined that the average evaporation rate is
0.1 g/min. The ventilation is 100 ft3/min. The temperature is 80⁰F
and the pressure is 1 atm.

Estimate the concentration of toluene vapor in the enclosure, and

compare with the TLV for toluene of 50 ppm.

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Problem 4

A large open tank with a 5-ft diameter contains toluene. Estimate

the evaporation rate from this tank assuming a temperature of
77⁰F and a pressure of 1 atm. If the ventilation rate is 3000
ft3/min, estimate the concentration of toluene in this workplace
enclosure. Given Psat(toluene) = 28.2 mmHg

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Video Recording
Terima Kasih | Thank You

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