Linear Control System Analysis and Design - D'Azzo - Houpis

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Third Edition
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John J. D'Azzo
Constantine H.Houpis
Air Forw Imtitute of T&hnology
Wright-Pattersoti Air Force Base
a .

McGrdw-Hii Book Company
New York SL Louis San Fraacka AucWand Bogotá Caracas '

Colorado Springr Hpburg L i n h d o n Madrid Mexico

Milan M o n W Ncw Ddhi 0ki.homaCity Panzma Paris
San JW SisPauio -pon Sydmy Tdryo Toronco

- &' 1-,* .
McGraw-Hill Electrical Engineering Series
Consulting Editor
Stephen W. Director, Carnegie-Mellon University



Previous Consulting Editors

Ronald N. Brncewell, Colin Cherry, James F. Gibbons, Willis W. Harman, Hubert Heffner,
Edward W. Herold, John C. tinviil, Simon Ramo, Ronald A. Rohrer, Anthony E. Siegman,
M e s Susskind, Frederick E Terman, John G. h a l , Ernest Weber, and John R.
Whinnery 9 .

Consulting Editor
Stephen W. Director, Carnegie-Mellon Universib

Athnns and Falb: Optimal Controlr

Auslander, Rnbins and Takahrsbi: Introducing System and Control
D'Azzo and Houpir Feedback Control System Anal'k and Synthesk
D'Azzo nnd Houpir Linear Control System Analysis and Design: Conventional and Modern
Emanuel nnd Lea Introduction to Feedback Control System
Eveleigh: Introduction to Control System Design
Friedland: Control System Design: An Introduction to State Space Methcds
Houpis and Lamont: Digital Control System: Zñeov, Hardware, Software
Raven: Automatic Contrd Engineering
Schultz and Mels~:Stste Functions and Linear Control System
This boolr wm wt ni Times Roman by Scicncc w g r a p h c n , Inc.
The editor wes Aia~E Ehn;
the praduction rupcMoon w c n Dime Renda and Louise Karam. CONTENTS
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Connnlioail ~d Modem

Copyright 0 1988,1981,1975 by MeGraw-Hill, Inc. Al1 n g h t ~nsuved.

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Ds&, John loachim. Introduction to Control Systems
Linear control syatcm analysir md design. Definitions
(McGraw-Hill series in dectncal uigincenng.
Historícal Background
Digital Control Devclopment
Control theory)
Includcs index. Mathematid Background
1. Automatic control. 2. Control theory. General Nature of the Engineering Control Problem
Outline of Text

Writing System Equations

In tqoduction
Electric Ciicuits and Components
Basic Linear Algebra
State Concepts
Transfer Function and Block Diagram
Mechanical Translation Systems
Analogous Circuits
Mechanical Rotational Systems
Thermal Systcms
Hydraulic Linear Actuator
Positive-DisplacementRotational Hydraulic Transmission
Liquid-Leve1 System
Rotating Power Ampliñcrs
DC Suvomotor
AC Servomotor
Lagrange's Egution
viii coi

Solution of Differential Equations Use of State Transfonnation for the State Equation Solution
Transforming a Matrix with Complex Eigenvaides
Introduction Transforming an A Matrix int6 Companion Form
Input to Controf Systems Summary
Steady-State Response: Sinusoidal Input
Steady-State Response: Polynomial Input Control-System Characteristics
Transient Response: Cla~sicalMethod
Definition of Time Constant Introduction
kample: Second-Order System-Mechanical Routh's Stabiiity Criterion
Example: Sccond-Order System-Electrical Mathematical and Physicai Forms
Second-Order Transients Types of Feedback Systems
Time-Response Specifications Analysis of System Types
State-variable Equations hample: Type 2 Systeml
Charactenstic V d u ~ Steady-State Error Coeñicienu
Evaluating the State Transition Matrix' Use of Steady-State.Error Coefficients
Complete Solution of the State Equation Nonunity-Feedback System
Discrete State Equation Summary
Root Locus
Laplace Transform Introduction
Introduction Plotting Rootf of a Characteristic Equation
Definition of the Laplace Transform Qualitative Analysis of the Root Locus
Derivatioii of Laplace Transfonns of Simple Functions Procedure 0Útline
Laplace Transform nieorems Open-Loop Transfer Function
Ap~iicationof the Laplace Transform to Differential Equations Poles of the Control Ratio C ( s ) / R ( s ) ,
Inverse Transfonnation Application of the Maptude and Angle ~onditions
Heaviside Partid-Fraction Expansion Thcorems Geomktrical Properties (Construction Rules)
partid-Fracti011 Shortcuu Examples . .
Graphical Interpretation of Partid-Fraction Coefflcients Frequency Response
Ftrquen~yRcsponse from the Pole-Zero Diagram.. Performance Characteristics
Location of Poleo and Stabiiity Transport Lag
Laplace Transfonn of the Impulse Function Synthesis
Second-Order System with Impuise Excitation Summary of Root-Locus Construction Rules for Negative Feedback
Additiond Matrix Operations and Properties Summary
Solution of State Equation
Evduatim of the Trpsfer-Function Matrix Frequency Response
Summary Introduction
Correlation of the Sinusoidal and Time Responses
System Representation Frequency-Response C w e s
Introduction Bode Plou (Logarithmic Plou)
Block DiaBrams General Frequency-Transfer-Function Relationships
Determídon of the Overall Transfer Function Drawing the Bode Plou
Standard Block-Diagram Terminology ' Example of Drawing a Bode Plot
~osition-ControlSystem System Type and Gain as Related to Log Magnitude C w e s
Simulation Diagrams Experimental Determination of Transfer Functions
Signd Flow Graphs Direct Polar Plots
State Transition Signal Flow Graph Summary: Direct Polar Plou
Paralle1 State Diagruns from Transfer Functions Inverse Polar Plou
Diagonalizina the A Matrix Nyquist's Stability Critenon
Exarnples of Nyquist's Critenon Using Direct Polar Plot 10.19 Results of Feedback Compensation
Nyquist's Stability Criterion Applied to Systems Having Dead Time 10.20 Rate Feedback: Plants with Dominant Complex Peles
Nyquist's Stabiiity Cnterion Applied to the Inverse Polar Plots 10.21 Summary
Examples of Nyquist's Critenon Using the Inverse Polar Plots
Definitions of Phase Margin and Gain Margin 11 Cascade and Feedback Compensation:
and Their Relation to Stabiiity Frequency-Response Plots
Stability Characteristics of the Log Magnitude and Phase Diagram
Stability from the Nichols Plot (Log Magnitude-hgle Diagram)
Selection of a Cascade Compensator
Cascade Lag Compensator
Example: Cascade Lag Compensation
9 Closed-Loo Tracking Performance Based on the
Frequency esponse
Lead Compensator
Example: Cascade Lead Compensation
In troduction Lag-Lead Compensator
Direct Polar Plot Example: Cascade Lag-Lead Compensation
Determination of M , and w, for a Simple Second-Order System Feedback Compensation Using Log Plots
Correlation of Sinwoidal and Time Responses Exarnple: Feedback Compensation (Log Plots)
Constant M(w) and a ( w ) Contours of 4jw)/R( jw) on the Complex Application Guidelines: Basic Minor-Loop Feedback Compmsators
Plane (Direct Plot) Summary
Contours in the Inverse Polar Plane
Gaiti Adjustment for a Desired M, of a Unity-Feedback System: 12 Control-Ratio Modeling
Direct Polar Plot 12.1 Introduction
Gain Adjustment for a Desired M, of a Unity-Feedback System: 12.2 Modeling a Desired Tracking Control Ratio
Inverse Polar Plot 12.3 Guillemin-Tmal Design Procedure
Constant M and a C w e s on the Log Magnitude-Angle Diagram
(Nichols Chart)
12.4 Introduction to Disturbance Rejection .
12.5 A Second-Order Disturbance-Rejection Model
Adjustment of Gain by Use of the Log Magnitude-Angle Diagram 12.6 Disturbance-Rejection Design Principies for SISO Systems
Correlation of Pole-Zero Diagram with Frequency and Time Responses
12.7 Disturbance-Rejection Design Example
12.8 Disturbance-Rejection Models
12.9 Summary
Root-Locus Compensation
Introduction 13 Closed-Loop Pole-Zero Assignment
Transient Response: Dominant Complex Poles (State-Variable Feedback)
Additional Significant Poles
Root-Locw Design Considerations
State-Variable Feedback
Reshaping the Root Locus
General Properties of State Feedback (Using Phase Variables)
Ideal Integral Cascade Compensation (PI Controiier)
State-Variable Feedback: Steady-State Error Analysis
Cascade Lag Compensation Using Passive Elements
Use of Steady-State Error Coefficients
Ideal Derivative Cascade Compensations (PD Controller)
Definition of Zero-Error Systems
Lead Compensation Using Passive Elements
Controiiability and Observability
General Lead-Compensator Design
State-Variable Feedback: AU-Pole Plant
Lag-Lead Cascade Compensation
Plant Complac Poles
Comparison of Cascade Compensators
State-Variable Feedback: Pole-Zero Plant
PID Controller
Introduction to Feedback Compensation S-ary
Feedback Compensation: Design Procedues
Simplified Rate Feedback Compensation Parameter Sensitivity and Inaccessible States
Rate Feedback 14.1 Introduction
Feedback of Sccond Derivative of Output 14.2 Sensitivity

14.3 Sensitivity Analysis St ructural Properties of Linear Multivariable

14.4 Parameter Sensitivity Examples Control Systems
14.5 Inaccessible States Introduction
14.6 Summary State Feedback for SISO Systems
15 Liapunov's Second Method Control Systems Containing Observers
State-Feedback Design for SISO Systems Using the Control
Introduction Canonical Form
State-Space Trajectories Generalized Control Canonical Form (GCCF) for MIMO Systems
Linearization (Jacobian Matrix) Pole Placement by State Feedback: MIMO Systems
Quadratic Forms Effect of Eigenstnicture on Time Response
Stability Entire Eigenstructure Assignment
Second Method of Liapunov Eigenstructure Assignment for Observers
Application of the Liapunov Method to Linear Systems Summary - . -----
Estimation of Transient Settling Time
Synthesis of Linear Multivariable Regulators,
Observers, and Trackers Using Entire
16 Introduction to Optimal Control Eigenstructure Assignment
Introduction Introduction
Development of the Solution-Time Criterion Examples o£ Entire Eigenstructure Assignment for Regulators
Control-Area Cntenon Uncontrollable Systems
Additional Performance Indexes Tracking Systems
Zero Steady-State Step-Error Systems
Modem Control Performance Index
Algebraic Riccati Equation
Tracking-System Design Example
Example of Observer Synthesis ..
Bode Diagram Analysis of Opkimal State-Variable-Feedback Systems
Rwt-Square-Locus Analysis of Optimal Design of Tracking Systems Using Output Feedback
State-Variable-Feedback Systems Introduction
Determination of HFG Conditions Output Feedback Tracking System
Summary Block Diagonalization
Analysis of Closed-Loop System Performance
Design Procedure for Regular Plants
17 Optimal Design by Use of Quadratic Regular System Design Example
Performance Index Irregular Plant Charactenstifs
Introduction Irregular System Performance
Basic System Design of the Measurement Matrix M
Quadratic Performance Index Irregular System Design Example
Steady-State Error Requirements Tracker Simulation
Exact Conelation (Conventional vs. Modem) Summary
Conelation of Higher-Order Systems with Al-Pole Plants
Higher-Order System Correlation (PoleZero Plant) Quantitative Feedback Theory (QFT) Technique
Analysis of Conelation Results
A General Design Proccdute Introduction
Effect of Control Wcighting Frequency Responses with Parameter Variations
Altemate Design Method Introduction to the QFT Method (Single-Loop System)
Mant with Variable Parameten Minimum-Phase System Performance Specifications
Summary Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) Uncertain Plants
xiv c o m

In troduction to MIMO Compensation

MIMO Compensation
Justification of the MIS0 Equivalent Method PREFACE
Eñective MIS0 Loops of the MIMO System
Plan t Templates of P(s), .TP(jo, )

-- --
Tracking Bounds Lm B, (jw) on the NC
Disturbance Bounds BD(jo,): Case 1 [d,(t) Dou-,(t), d,(t) O]
Disturbance Bounds BD(jw,): Case 2 [d,(r) Dou-,(f), d,(f) O]
The Composite Boundary Bo(jw,)
Shaping of Lo(jw)
Guidelines for Shaping Lo(jw)
Design of the Prefilter F(s)
Basic Design Procedure for a MIS0 System
Design Example
Unstable Plant Template Generation
This textbook is intended to provide a clear, understandable, and motivated
22 Digital Control Systems account of the subject which spans both conventional and modem control theory.
The authors have tried to exert meticulous care with explanations, diagrams,
Introduction calculations, tables, and symbols. They have tried to ensure that the student is
z-Trmsform Theorems
made aware that rigor is necessary for advanced control work. Also stressed is the
Synthesis in the z Domain (DIR Method) importance of clearly understanding the concepts which provide the rigorous
The Inverse z Transfonn foundations of modern control theory. The text provides a strong, comprehen-
Zero-Order Hold sive, and illuminating account of those elements of conventional control theory
Digital-Computes Compensation which have relevante in the design and analysis of control systems. The presenta-
S- to z- (or W - ) Plane Transfonnation Methods tion of a variety of different techniques contributes to the development of the
Pseudo-Continuous-Time (PCT) Control System (DIG Method) student's working understanding of what A. T. Fuller has called "the enigmatic
Analysis of a Basic (Uncompensated) System control system." To provide a coherent development of the subject, an attempt is
Surnmq made to eschew formal proofs and lemmas with an organization that draws the
perceptive student steadily and surely onto the demanding theory of multivari-
Appendixes able control systems. It is the opinion of the authors that a student who has
A Table of Laplace Transform Pairs reached this point is fully equipped to undertake with confidence the challenges
B Interactive Computer-Aided-Design (CAD) Programs for Digital and presented by more advanced control theories as typified by Chapters 18 through
Continuous Control-System Analysis and Synthesis 22. The importance and necessity of making extensive use of computers is
emphasized by references to comprehensive computer-aided-design (CAD) pro-
Problems grams.
Answers to Selected Problems The establishment of appropriate differential equations to describe the
Index performance of physical systems, networks, and devices is set forth in Chapter 2,
which also introduces some elementary matrix algebra, the block diagram, and
the transfer function. The essential concept of modern control theory, the state
space, is dealt with also. The approach used is the simultaneous denvation of the
state-vector differential equation with the single-input single-output differential
equation for a chosen physical system. The relationship of the transfer function
to the state equation of the system is deferred until Chapter 4. The derivation of
a mathematical description of a physical system by using Lagrange equations is
also given.

The first half of Chapter 3 deals with the classical method of solving The technique of achieving desired system characteristics by using complete
diflerential equations and with the nature of the resulting response. This serves state-variable feedback are developed thoroughly and carefully in Chapter 13.
the individual who needs to learn this material or needs a reference. Once the The very important concepts of modern control theory-controllability and
state-variable equation has been introduced, careful account is given of its observability-are treated in a simple, straightforward, and correct manner.
solution. The central importance of the state transition matrix is brought out, and Although the treatment is brief, it provides sufficient coverage of these topics for
the state transition equation is derived. The idea of an eigenvalue is next the requirements of the remainder of the book. This provides a useful foundation
explained and this theory is used with the Cayley-Hamilton and Sylvester for the wórk of Chapters 16 to 22.
theorems to evaluate the state transition matrix. Chapter 14 includes a presentation of the sensitivity concepts of Bode for
The early part of Chapter 4 presents a comprehensive account of Laplace the variation of system parameters, Also included is the method of using
transform methods and pole-zero maps. Some further aspects of matrix algebra feedback transfer functions to form estimates of inaccessible states for use in
are dealt with before dealing with the solution of the state equation by the use of state feedback.
Laplace transforms. Finally the evaluation of transfer matrices is clearly ex- Additional matrii algebra is presented in Chapter 15 with particular
plained. emphasis on quadratic forms. This material is used in the presentation of a short
Chapter 5 begins with system representation by the conventional block- accoiint of some of the important aspects of stability considered from the
diagram approach. It is followed by a straightfonvard account of simulation Liapunov point of view. An accoilnt of trajectories in the state space and some
diagrams and the determination of the state transition equation by the use of associated phase-plane techniques is also given. A feature of this approach is that
signal flow graphs. By deriving parallel state diagrams from system transfer the arguments are extended to nonlinear systems. The treatment of such systems
functions, the advantages of having the state equation in uncoupled form are by linearization is presented. The use of a Liapunov function is presented for the
established. This is followed by the methods of diagonalizing the system matrix. determination of system stability and instability. It serves as an introduction to
A feature of this chapter is the clear treatment of how to transform an A matrix its use in establishing a performance index, as shown in Chapter 16.
which has complex eigenvalues into a suitable alternative block diagonal form Chapter 16 starts with a careful and comprehensive treatment of the use of
and the transformation to companion form. performance indexes for the parameter-optimization methods for single-input
In Chapter 6 the system characteristics are introduced. This includes the single-output systems. The chapter goes on to deal ~ i t the
h nature of the problem
relationship between system type and the ability of the system to follow or track of optimal control. The solution to the infinite-time linear quadratic problem is
polynomial inputs. deal tvith in exfenso in terms of the algebraic Riccati equation, but the results are
Chapters 7 to 11 are updated versions of the same chapters in the previous derived using the Liapunov function approach rather than the calculus of
edition and present substantially the same material, with a greater emphasis on variations of the method proposed by Pontryagin et al. The heuristic advantages
CAD packages. In Chapter 7 the details of the root-locus method of analysis are of this approach for beginning students are very great. A treatment of the same
presented. Then the frequency-response method of analysis is given in Chapters 8 problem from the standpoints of the Bode diagram and root-square locus
and 9, using both the log and the polar plots. These chapters include the underscores the essential unity of the subject and the mutuality of the modern
following topics: Nyquist stability criterion; correlation between the s plane, and conventional control theories.
frequency domain, and time domain; and gain setting to achieve a desired output Chapter 17 presents some methods of optimal linear system design. The
response peak value. Chapters 10 and 11 describe the possib1e.improvements in relationship of these methods to the conventional methods is stressed and
system performance, along with examples of the technique for applying cascade evaluated. Although the account is limited, for heuristic conveniente, to single-
and feedback compensators. Both the root-locus and frequency-response methods input systems, the subsequent correlaiion provides the student with the opportun-
of designing compensators are covered. ity to develop an invaluable insight into the nature of the linear quadratic
The concept of modeling a desired control ratio which has figures of merit optimal control problem.
that satisfy the system performance specifications is developed in Chapter 12. I Chapters 18 and 19 provide a thorough presentation of the principles and
The system inputs generally fall into two categories: (1) a desired input which the , techniques of entire eigenstructure assignment for inultiple-input multiple-output
system output is to track (a tracking system) and (2) a disturbance input for
which the system output is to be minimal (a disturbance-rejection system). [ systems by means of state feedback. This extends the use of eigenvalue assign-
ment to include the siiultaneous assignment of the associated eigenvectors and
Desired control ratios for both types of systems are synthesized by the proper i.
provides the means for shaping the output response to meet design specifications.
placement of its poles and inclusion of zeros if required. Chapter 12 also includes There are many worthwhile control-system design techniques available in
the Guillemin-Truxal design procedure for daigning a tracking control system the technical literature which are based on both modern and conventional control
and a design procedure for a disturbance-rejection control system. theory. Each technique may have lirnited applicability to certain classes of design

problems. The control engineer must have alsufficiently broad perspective to be corrections, especially, Theodore Bernstein, University of Wisconsin; Robert
able to apply the right technique to the right design problem. For some tech- Fenton, Ohio State University; Frank Kern, University of Missouri-Rolla; A. A.
niques the designer is assisted by available computer-aided-design (CAD) Moezzi, Florida Institute of Technology; E. Noges, University of Washington;
packages. Design techniques like LQR, LQG, LTR, etc. are thoroughly covered Floyd Patterson, North Dakota State University; David Tsui, Northeastern
in the literature. University; and Carlin Weimer, Ohio State University. Appreciation is expressed
Two additional design techniques have definite design characteristics that to Dr. R. E. Fontana, Professor Emeritus of Electncal Engineering, Air Force
warrant their inclusion in a textbook for both the beginning and the practicing Institute of Technology, for the encouragement he has given, and Dr. T. J.
engineer. Thus, this third edition has been expanded to include, in Chapter 20, an Higgins, Professor Ementus of Electrical Engineering, University of Wisconsin,
output feedback state-space technique based on singulqr perturbation theory and, for his thorough review of the earlier manuscnpt.
in Chapter 21, a conventiohai control technique based on quantitative feedback Especial appreciation is expressed to Dr. Donald McLean, Professor at the
theory (QFT). The authors feel that these methods have proven their applicabiiity University of Southampton, England, formerly a visiting Professor at the Air
to the design of practica1 multiple-input multiple-output control systems. These Force Institute of Technology. His perception and insight have contributed
chapters are intended to further strengthen the fundamentals presented earliet in extensively to the clarity and rigor of the presentation. Our association with him
the text and to " whet the appetite" of the budding control engineer. Appiication has been an enlightening and refreshing expenence. Important advanced con-
of the singular perturbation theory is applied to achieve robust output feedback cepts are based on coliaborative work with Professors Brian Porter, University of
high-gain systems in Chapter 20. This leads to the design principles developed by Salford, England and Isaac M. Horowitz, Weizmann Institute of Science, Re-
Professor Brian Porter which incorporate proportional plus integral controllers. hovat, Israel. Extensive reference to their work is given in appropnate chapters.
Chapter 21 presents an introduction to and lays the foundation for the quantita- The personal relationship with them has been a source of inspiration and deep
tive feedback theory (QFT) developed by Professor Isaac M. Horowitz. This respect.
technique incorporates the concept of designing a robust control system that
maintains the desired system performance over a prescribed region of plant John J . D"Azzo
parameter uncertainty. Constantine H . Houpis
Chapter 22 presents an introduction to digital control systems. The ad-
vances in digital computers and microprocessors have made their use very
attractive as components in control systems. The effectiveness of digital com-
pensation is clearly demonstrated. The concept of a pseudo-continuous-time
(PCT) model of a digital system permits the use of continuous-time methods for
the design of digital control systems.
The authors have tned to provide students of control engineering with a
clear, unambiguous, and relevant account of appropnate, contemporary, and
state-of-the-art control theory. It is suitable as an introductory and bndging text
for undergraduate and graduate students.
The text is arranged so that it can be used for self-study by the engineer in
practice. Included are as many examples of feedback control systems in various
areas of practice (electrical, aeronautical, mechanical, etc.) as space permits while
maintaining a strong basic feedback control text that can be used for study in
any of the various branches of engineering. To make the text meaningful and
valuable to al1 engineers, the authors have attempted to unify the treatment of
physical control systems through use of mathematical and block-diagram models
common to all. The text has been class-tested, thus enhancing its value for
classroom and self-study use. There are many coinputer-aided-design (CAD)
packages available to assist a control engineer in the analysis, design, and
simulation of control systems. Some of these are listed in Appendix B.
The authors express their thanks to the studehts who have used this book
and to the faculty who have reviewed it for their helpful comments and

This chapter presents methods for writing the differ.entia1 and state equa- often this is written just as x. There are some exceptions, because of estabiished
tions for a variety of electrical, mechanical, thermal, and hydraulic systerns.' This convention in the use of certain symbols.
is the first step that must be mastered by the control-systems engineer. The basic To simplify the writing of differential equations, the D operator notation is
physical laws are given for each system, and the associated parameters are u ~ e d The
. ~ symbols D and 1/D are defined by
defined. Examples are included to show the applicaiion of the basic laws to d2y(t)
physical equipment. The result is a differential equation or a set of differential Dy =-(1)
dt D'Y = di'
equations that describes the system. The equations derived are limited to linear
systems or to those systems which can be represented by linear equations over
their useful operating range. The important concepts of system state and of state
variables are also introduced. The system equations, expressed in terms of state where Y, represents the value of the integral at time r = O, that is, the initial ualue
variables, are called state equations. The analytical tools from linear algebra are of the integral.
introduced as they are needed in the development of the state equations and their
solutions. The solutions of both the differential and the state equations are
covered in Chap. 3.
The analysis of system behavior and the development of the system
equations are enhanced by using the block-diagram representation of the system. The equations for an electnc circuit obey Kirchhoffs laws, which state:
Control systems generally have many components. Complete drawings of al1 the
detailed parts are frequently too congested to show the specific functions that are 1. The algebraic sum of the potential differences around a closed path equals
performed. It is common to use a block diagram in which each function in the zero. This can be restated as follows: in traversing any closed loop the sum of
system is represented by a block to simplify the picture of the complete system. the voltage rises equals the sum of the voltage drops.
Each block is labeled with the name of the component, and the blocks are 2. The algebraic sum of the currents entenng (or leaving) a node is equal to zero.
appropriately interconnected by line segrnents. This type of diagram removes In other words, the sum of the currents entering the junction equals the sum of
excess detail from the picture and shows the functional operation of the system. the currents leaving the junction. S .
A block diagram3 represents the flow of information and the functions performed
by each component in the system. Both 'these laws are used in examples in this chapter.
A primary concern is the dynamic behavior of a complete control system. The voltage sources are generators. The usual direct-current (dc) voltage
The use of a block diagram provides a simple means by which the functional source is a battery or dc generator.,~hevoltage drops appear across the three
relationship of the various components can be shown and reveals the operation of basic electrical elements: resistors, inductors, and capacitors. These elements
the system more readily than observation of the physical system itself. The simple have constant component values.
functional block diagram shows clearly that-apparently different physical systems The voltage drop across a resistor is given by Ohm's law, which states that
can be analyzed by the same techniques. ~\incea block diagram is involved not the voltage drop across a resistor is equal to the product of the current through
with the physical characteristics of the system but only with the functional the resistor and its resistance. Resistors absorb energy from th.e system. Symboii-
relationship between various points in the system, it can reveal the similarity cally, this voltage is written as .
between apparently unrelated physical systems. u, = Ri (2.3)
A further step taken to increase the information supplied by the block
diagram is to label the input quantity into each block and the output quantity The voltage drop across an inductor is given by Faraday's law, which is
from each block. Arrows are used to show the direction of the flow of informa- written
tion. The block represents the function or dynamic characteristics of the compo-
nent and is represented by a transfer function (Sec. 2.5). The complete block
diagram shows how the functional components are connected and the mathe- This equation states that the voltage drop across an inductor is equal to the
rnatical equations that determine the response of each component. Examples of product of the inductance and the time rate of increase of current. A positive-val-
block diagrams are shown throughout this chapter. ued derivative Di impiies an increasing current and thus a positive voltage drop;
In general, variables which are functions of time are represented by and a negative-valued derivative implies a decreasing current and thus a negative
lowercase letters. These are sometimes indicated by the form x(t), but more voltage drop.

Electrical symbols and units r Substituting this value into the original equation gives

Syrnbd Qusntity Units

Volts The node method is also convenient for writing the system equations directly in
Currcnt Amperes terms of the voltages. The junctions of any two elements are called nodes. This
Inductancc Hcnrys circuit has three nodes, labeled a, b, and c (see Fig. 2.1). One nodeis used as a
Capacitance Farads reference point; in this circuit node c is used as the reference. The voltages at the
Reristancc Ohms other node are al1 considered with respect to the reference node. Thus u,, is the
voltage drop from node a to node c, and u,, is the voltage drop from node b to
the reference node c. For simplicity, these voltages are written just as u, and u,.
The positively directed voltage drop across a capacitor is defined as the The source voltage u, = e is known; therefore there is only one unknown
ratio of the magnitude of the positive electric charge on its positive plate to the voltage, u,, and only one node equation is necessary. Kirchhoff s second law, that
value of its capacitance. Its direction is from the positive plate to the negative the algebraic suri-~of the currents entering (or leaving) a node must equal zero, is
plate. The charge on a capacitor plate is q u a l to the time integral of the current applied to node 6.
entering the plate from the initial instant to the arbitrary time t, plus the initial The current from node b to node a through the resistor R is (u, - u,)/R.
value of the charge. The capacitor voltage is written in the form The current from node b to node c through the inductor L is (l/LD)u,. The
sum of these currents must equal zero:
U b - " a + 1" =O
The mks units for these electrical quantities in the practical system are given in Rearranging terms gives
Table 2.1.

Series Resistor-Inductor Circuit Except for the' use of different symbols for the voltages, this is the same as Eq.
The voltage source e in Fig. 2.1 is a function of time. When the switch is closed, (2.7). Note that the node method requires wri ting only one equation.
setting the voltage rise equal to the sum of the voltage drops produces
u, +u, = e Series Resistor-Inductor-Capacitar Circuit
For the series RLC circuit shown in Fig. 2.2, the applied voltage is equal to the
sum of the voltage drops when the switch is closed:
The equation can be solved for the current i as shown in Chap. 3 when the ',
applied voltage e is known. This equation can also be written in terms of the
voltage u, across the inductor in the following manner. The voltage across
the inductor is The circuit equation can be written in terms of the voltage drop across any
u,= LDi circuit element. For example, in terms of the voltage across the resistor, u, = Ri,
Eqs. (2.10) become
The current through the inductor is therefore
i= muL

Series rcsistor-inductor circuit.
and u,, only two equations are required:
For node b: i, + i , + i, = O
For node c: - i 3 + i 4 + iS= O

1 In terms of the node voltages, these equations are

Multiloop nctwork.
1 Rearranging the terrns to systematize the form of the equations gives

Multiloop Electric Circuits

Multiloop electric circuits (see Fig. 2.3) can be solved by either loop or nodal
equations. The following example illustrates both methods. The problem is to
solve for the output voltage u,.
For this example, only two nodal equations are needed to solve fcrr the potential
LOOP METHOD. A loop current is drawn in each closed loop; then Kirchhoffs at node c. An additional equation must be used if the current in R , is required.
voltage equation is written for each loop: With the loop method, three equations must be solved simultaneously to obtain
the current in any branch; an additional equation must be used if the voltage
across R , is required. The method that requires the solution of the fewest
equations should be used. This varies with the circuit.
The rules for writing the node equations i? a straight forward systematic
- -CD manner can be sumrnarized as follows:

The output voltage is

1 i.l - R 2 i 2 +
R2 + R , + m1 ) i 3 = O (2.14)
1. The number of equations required is equal to the number of unknown node
U, = R3i3 (2.15)
2. An equation is written for each node.
These four equations must be solved simultaneously to obtain u,(;) in terms of
the input voltage e(i) and the circilit parameters. 3. Each equation includes:
a . The node voltage multiplied by the sum of al1 the admittances that are
NODE METHOD. The junctions, or nodes, are labeled by letters in Fig. 2.4. connected to this node. This term is positive.
Kirchhoffs current equations are written for each node in terms of the node b. The node voltage at the other end of each branch multiplied by the
voltages, where node d is taken as reference. The voltage u,, is the voltage of admittance connected between the two nodes. This term is negative.
node b with reference to node d. For simplicity, the voltage u,, is written just as
o,. Since there is one known node voltage va = e and two unknown voltages u, The reader should l e m to apply these niles so that &s. (2.20) and (2.21)
can be written directly from the circuit of Fig. 2.4.


Before proceeding with a discussion of other physical systems it is appropriate to
introduce some basic matrix concepts needed in the development of the state
method of describing and analyzing physical systems.

FIGURE 2.4 MATRIX. A matrix is a rectangular arrav of elements. The elements may be real
1 Muliinodc nctwork. or complex numbers or variables of time or frequency. A matrix with a rows and

3 columns is called an a X /3 matrix or is said to be of order a x B. The matrix MN = W, where the elements of W a're defined by
s also said to have size or dimension a X B. If a = /3, the matrix is called a
:quare matrix. Boldface capital letters are used to denote rectangular matrices,
ind boldface small letters are used to denote column matrices. A general
:xpression for an a X /3 matnx is That is, each element of the ith row of M is multiplied by the corresponding
p 1 1 m12 .. "iP1 element of the jth column of N, and these products are summed to yield the ijth
element of W. The dimension or order of the resulting matrix W is a X S.
Matrix multiplication operations are summarized as follows:

The elements are denoted by lowercase letters. A double-subscript notation is 1. An a x B M matrix times a B x y N matrix yields an a x y W matrix; that
sed to denote the location of the element in the matrix; thus, the element m,, is is, MN = W.
.ocated in the ith row and the jth column.

TRANSPOSE. The transpose of a matrix M is denoted by MT. The matrix M T is

- -
2. An a x B M matrix times a B X a N matrix yields an a X a W square
matrix; that is, MN W. Note that although NM Y is also a square
matrix, it is of order /3 x B.
~btainedby interchanging the rows and columns of the matrix M. In general,
with M = [m,,], the transpose matrix is M T = [mji].
3. When M is of order a x B and N is of order /3 x a,each of the products MN
and NM is conformable. However, in general,
VEaOR. A vector is a matrix which has either one row or one column. An MN + NM
x x 1 matrix is called a column uector, written Thus the product of M and N is said to be noncommutable, that is, the order
of multiplication cannot be interchanged.
4. The product MN can be referred to as N premultiplied by M or as M
postmultiplied by N. In other words, premultiplication or postmultiplication is
used to indicate whether one matrix is multiplied by another from the left or
from the right.
and a 1 X B matrix is called a row uector, written
5. A 1 x a row vector times an a x ,8 matrix yields a 1 x /3 row vector; that is,
xT = [xl x 2 xB] xTM = yT.
rhus, the transpose of a column vector x yields the row vector xT. 6. A /3 x a matrix times an a x 1 colurnn vector yields a B x 1 colurnn vector;
that is, Mx = y.
ADDITION AND S U B T R A a O N OF MATRICES. The sum or difference of two 7. A 1 x a row vector times an a X 1 column vector yields a 1 X 1 matrix, that
matrices M and N, both of order a x 8, is a matrix W of order a X B. The is, xTy = W, which contains a single scalar element.
:lement w,, of W = M f N is 8. The k-fold multiplication of a square matrix M by itself is indicated by Mk.
m I.J . * n . .
11 (2.25)
These operations are illustrated, by the following examples.
rhese operations are commutative and associative; i.e.,
Commutative: MIN-fN+M Example 2 Matrix multiplication
Associative: (M+N)+QEM+(~+Q)
Example 1 Addition of matrices
3 1 1 -3 4 -2

MULTiPLICATION OF MATRICES. The multiplication of two matrices MN can

be performed if and only if (iñ) they conform. If the orders of M and N are a x B
and y X S, respectively, they are conformable ifT B = y; that is, the number of
columns of M must be equal to the number of rows of N. Under this condition

dULTIPLICATION OF A MATRIX BY A SCALAR. The multiplication o/ matrix M uniquely describe the system's future response of t r t,. There is a minimum set
y 4 scalar k is eíiected by multiplying each element m,, by k, that is, of state variables which is required to represent the system accurately. The m
(2.27) inputs, u, (t), u2(t),.. ., uj(t), .. . , u,(t), are deterministic; i.e., they have specific
k M = M k = [km,,]
values for al1 values of time t 2 t,.
Generally the initiai starting time t, is taken to be zero. The state variables
need not be physically observable and measurable quantities; they may be purely
mathematical quantities. As a consequence of the definition of state, the follow-
ing additional definitions are generated.
LlNIT OR IDENTITY MATRM. A unit matrix, denoted 1, is a diagonal matrix in
STATE VEmOR. The set of state variables x,(t) represents the elements or
vhich each element on the principal diagonal is unity. Sometimes the notation 1,
components of the n-dimensional state vector x(f ); that is,
s used to indicate an identity matrix of order n. An exarnple of a unit matrix is
rl o o 01

i l e premultiplication or postmultiplication of a matrix M by the unit matrix 1

eaves the matrix unchanged. The order of the system characteristic equation is n, and the state equation
MI=IM=M representation of the system consists of n first-order differential equations. When
al1 the inputs u,(t) to a given system are specified for t > t,, the resulting state
3IFFERENTiATiON OF A MATRM. The differentiation of a matrix with respect vector uniquely determines the system behavior for any t > t,.
.o a scalar is effected by differentiating each element of the matrix with respect to
be indicated variable: STATE SPACE. State space is defined as the n-dimensional space in which the
components of the state vector represent its coordinate axes.

STATE TRAJEnORY. State trajectory is defined as the path produced in the

state space by the state vector x(t) as it changes with the passage of time. State
The derivative of a product of matrices follows rules similar to those for the space and state trajectory in the two-dimensional case are referred to as the phase
~lerivativeof a scalar product, with preservation of order. Thus, typically, plane and phase trajectory, respectively. Examples of state trajectories are
presented in Chap. 15.
The first step in applying these definitions to a physical system is the
selection of the system variables that are to represent the state of the system. It
INTEGRATION OF A MATRM. The integration of a matrix is effected by should be clearly understood that there is no unique way of making this selection.
integrating each element of the matrix with respect to the indicated variable: The three common representations for expressing the system state are the
physical, phase, and canonical state variables. The physical state-variable repre-
sentation is introduced in this chapter. The other two representations are intro-
duced in later chapters.
The selection of the state vaiiables for the physical-variable method is
2.4 STATE CONCEPTS based upon the energy-storage elements of the system. Table 2.2 lists some
With basic matrix concepts, the system state concept and the method of writing common energy-storage elements that exist in physical systems and the corre-
and solving the state equations can be presented. The state of a system (hence- sponding energy equations. The physical variable in the energy equation for each
forth referred to only as state) is defined by ~alman'as follows: energy-storage element can be selected as a state variable of the system. Only
independent physical variables are chosen to be state variables. Independent state
STATE. The sfate of a system is a mathematical structure containing a set of n variables are those state vanables which cannot be expressed in terms of the
... ...
vanables xl(t), x2(t), ,x,(t), , x,(t ), called the state variables, such that remaining assigned state variables. In some systems it may be necessary to
the initial values x,(t,) of this set and the system inputs u,(() are sufficient to identify more state variables than just the energy-storage vanables. This 1s
rABLE 2.2
3nergy-storage elements
Ciement Energy Physicil variable

Zapacitor C - Voltqc o b-)17ixl a FIGURE 2.5

C Series RLC circuit.

nductor L 2' ~ u r m it
A loop or branch equation is wrhten to obtain an equation containing the
Translational vclocity o derivative of the current in the inductor. A node equation is writte~ito obtain an
Mass M
equation containing the derivative of the capacitor voltage. The number of loop
equations that must be written is equal to the number of state variables representing
lo2 currents in inductors. The number of equations involving node voltages that must
Moment of incrtia J Rotational vclocity o
be written is equal-to the number of state variables representing voltages across
capacitors. These are usually, but not always, node equations. These loop and node
Spring K Displacement x equations are written in terms of the inductor branch currents and capacitor branch
voltages. From these equations, it is necessary to determine which of the assigned
Fluid compressibility - -
'2 Pressure pL
physical variables are independent. When a variable of interest is not an energy
KB ~ K B physical variable, then this variable is identified as an augrnented state variable.
Figure 2.2 is redrawn in Fig. 2.5 with node b as the refcrence node. The node
Fluid capacitor C - pA
- Hcight h
equation for node a and the loop equation are, respectively,
CX, = x2 (2.30)
rtrerrnal capacitor C Temperature B and LX2 + Rx2 + x1 *.u (2.31)
Remanging terms yields

illustrated in some of the following examples where velocity is a state variable.

When position, the integral of this state variable, is of interest, it must also be
assigned as a state variable.

Example 1 Series resistor-inductor circuit (Fig. 2.1). This circuit contains only one Equations (2.32) and (2.33) represent the state equations of the system containing

energy-storage element, the inductor; thus only one state variable is required. From
Table 2.2, the state variable is x, i . The equation desired is one which contains
the first derivative of the state variable. The loop equation, Eq. (2.6), can be
two ixidependent state variables. Note that they &e first-order linear diflerential
equations and are n = 2 in number. They are the minimum nurnber of state
equations required to represent the system's future performance.
rewritten, letting u = e , as
Rx, LX, u+ - The foliowing definition is based upon these two exarnples.

STATE EQUATION. The state equations of a system are a set of n first-order

The letter u is the standard notation for the input forcing function and is called the differential equations, where n is the number of independent states.

control oariabb. Equation (2.29) is called the state equation of the system. There is
only one state equation because this is a first-order system, n 1. The state equations represented by Eqs. (2.32) and (2.33) are expressed in
matrix notation as
Example 2 Series resistor-inductor-capacitor circuit (Fig. 2.2). This circuit contains

- -
two energy-storage elements, the inductor and capacitor. From Table 2.2, the two
assigned state variables are immediately identified as x, u, (the voltage across the
capacitor) and x 2 i (the current in the inductor). Thus two state equations are

It can be expressed in a more compact form as

x = Ax bu +
where i= [?] an n X 1 column vector
1 An electric circuit.

The three state variables are independent, and the system state and output equa-
tions are

= [ir:] an n X 1 state vector

an n X 1 control matnx

and, in this case, u = [u] is a one-dimensional control vector. In Eq. (2.34)

matrices A and x are conformable.
If the output quantity y([) for the circuit of Fig. 2.2 is the voltage across Example 4. Obtain the state equations for the circuit of Fig. 2.7. The output is the
the capacitor u,, then voltage o,. The input or control variable is a current source i(t). The assigned state
y([) = uc = x1 variables are i, , i, , i, , o,, and o,. Three loop equations and two node equations are
Thus the matrix system output equation for this example is

01 [x:] o, = L, Di,
o, - L, Di, + o,
where cT = [l O] .-. o, = L, Di, (2.46)
is a 1 x 2 row vector, y = [ y ] is a one-dimensional output vector, and d = 0. i2 = C, Dul + i, (2.47)
Equations (2.35) and (2.36) are for a single-input single-output (SISO) i = 1, + C, Do, + i , (2.48)
system. For a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system, with m inputs and
Substituting from Eqs. (2.44) and (2.46) into Eq. (2.45), o r writing the loop equation
1 outputs, these equations become
through L,, L,, and L, and then integrating (multiplying by l / D ) , gives
x = Ax + Bu (2.37)
L3i3 = L21, + L,l, +K (2.49)
y = Cx + Du (2.38)
where K is a function of the initial conditions. This equation reveals that one
where B = n x m control matrix inductor current is dependent upon the other two inductor currents. Thus, this
C = 1 X n output matrix circuit has only /our independent physical state variables, two inductor currents and
D = I X m feedforward matrix two capacitor voltages. The four independent state variables are designated as
u = m-dimensional control vector x , = o,, x , = o,, x, = i,, and x, = i,, and the control variable is u = i. Three
y = 1-dimensional output vector state equations are obtainable from Eqs. (2.44), (2.45), and (2.47). The fourth

Example 3. Obtain the state equation for the circuit of Fig. 2.6, where i , is

considered to be the output of this system. The assigned state variables are x, = i,,
x , i,, and x , = o,. Thus two loop and one node equations are written
R,x, + L,X, + x3 = u (2.39)
- x , + L2X2+ R 2 x 2= O (2.40)
- x, + x, + CX, - O (2.41)
Electric circuit.
equation is obtained by eliminating the dependent current i , from Eqs. (2.48) and
(2.49). The result in matrix fonn is

E* The system transfer function is

y-[1 o o O]x
The notation G(D) is used to denote a transfer function when it is expressed in
The dependence of i, on il and i , as shown by Eq. (2.49) may not be readily terms of the D operator. It may also be written simply as G.
observed. In that case the matrix state equation for this example would be written The block-diagram representation of this system (Fig. 2.8) represents the
with five state variables. mathematical operation G(D)u(t) = y(t); that is, the transfer function times the
input is equal to the output of the block. The resulting equation is the differential
The examples considered in this section are fairly straightforward. In equation of the system.
general it is necessary to wnte more than just the number of state equations
because other system variables appear in them. These equations are solved 2.6 MECHANICAL TRANSLATION
simultanmusly to eliminate al1 internal variables in the circuit except for the state SYSTEMS
variables. This is necessary in some of the problems for this chapter. For more
complex circuits it is possible to introduce more gmeralized and systematized Mechanical systems obey the basic law that thessum of the forces equals zero.
methods using linear graphs for obtaining the state equations. They are not This is known as Newton's law and may be restated as follows: the sum of the
included in this book. applied forces must be equal to the sum of the reactive forces. The following
analysis includes only linear functions. The three qualities charactenzing ele-
ments in a mechanical translationt system are mass, elastance, and damping.
2.5 TRANSFER FUNCT'ION AND Static fnction, coulomb friction, and other nonlinear fnction terms are not
BLOCK DIAGRAM included. Basic elements entailing these qualities are represented as network
theory is the system elements,' and a mechanical network is drawn for each mechanical system to
A quantity that plays a very important role in control
facilitate writing the differential equations.
transfer function, defiped as follows: The mass M is the inertial element. A force applied to a mass produces an
acceleration of the mass. The reaction force f,,, is equal to the product of mass
TRANSFER FUNCI'iON. If the differential equation which describes the system is
and acceleration and is opposite in direction to the applied force. In terms of
known and is linear, the ratio of the output variable to the inppt variable, where
displacement x, velocity o, and acceleration a , the force equation is
the variables are expressed as functions of the D operator, 'is*called the trgnsfer
The network representation of mass is shown in Fig. 2.9a. One terminal, a, has
Consider the system output uc = y in the RLC c8cuit of Fig. 2.2. Substitut- the motion of the mass; and the other terminal, b, is considered to have the
ing i = C Duc into Eq. (2.10) yields motion of the reference. The reaction force f,,, is a function of time and acts
(LcD' +
RCD + l)uc(t) e ( t ) (2.52) " through" M.

FIGURE 2.8 t Translation means motion in a straight line.

Bl~xk-dinyu.represeniation of Fig. 2.2.


The elastance, or stiffness, K provides a restoring force as represented by a Mechanical translation symbols and units
ipring. Thus. if stretched, the string tnes to contract; if compressed, it tries to
upand to its normal length. The reaction force fK on each end of the spiing is U.S.customary
Symbol Quantity units Metric units
the same and is equal to the product of the stiffness K and the amount of
deformation of the spring. i Force Pounds Newtons
The network representation of a spring is shown in Fig. 2.96. The displace- x Distance Feet Meters
ment of each end of the spring is measured from the original or equilibrium U Velocity Feet/second Meters/second
a Acceleration Feet/second2 Meters/second2
position. End c has a position x,. and end d has a position x,, measured from
the respective equilibrium positions. The force equation, in awrdance with
Hooke's law, is
Stiffness coefficicnt
Slugs -pound-seconds2
foot Kilograms
Pounds/foot Newtons/meter
fK = K(x, - ~ d )
B Damping coefficient Pounds/(foot/second) Newtons/(meter/sccond)
t Mass M in the U.S. customary systcm abovc has thc dimensions of slugs. Sometimes it is given in units o i
If the end d is stationary, then xd = O and the above equation reduces to
f~ E Kx, (2.56)
pounds. If so, then in order to use h c consistcnt sct of units above, h e mass must be ucpresxd in slugs by
using the conversion factor 1 slug 32.2 lb.

The plot fK vs. x. for a spring is not usually a straight line because the spring
characteristic is nonlinear. However, over a limited region of operation, the linear path for the flow of fluid. The force required to move the piston inside the
approximation, Le., a mnstant value for K, gives satisfactory results. housing is given by Eq. (2.57), where the damping B depends on the dimensions
The damping, or viscous friction, B characterizes the element that absorbs and the fluid used.
energy. The damping force is proportional to the difference in velocity of two Before writing the differential equations of a complete system, the first step
bodies, and the assumption is made that the viscous friction is Linear. This is to draw the mechanical network. This is done by connecting the terminals of
assumption simplifies the solution of the dynamic equation. The network repre- elements that have the same displacement. Then the force equation is written for
sentation of damping action is a dashpot, as shown in Fig. 2.9~.It should be each node or position by equating the sum of thq forces at each position to zero.
realized that damping may either be intentional or occur unintentionally and is The equations are similar to the node equations in an electric circuit, with force
present because of physical construction. analogous to current, velocity analogous to voltage, and the mechanical elements
The reaction damping force f, is approximated by the product of damping with their appropriate operators analogous to admittance. Several examples are
B and the relative velocity of the two ends of the dashpot. The direction of this shown in the following pages. The reference position in al1 cases should be taken
force, given by Eq. (2.57), depends on the relative magnitudes and directions of from the static equilibrium positions. The force of gravity therefore does not
the velocities Dx, and Dx,: appear in the system equations. The U.S.customary and metric systems of units
(2.57) are shown in Table 2.3.
/, = B(U, - U,) = B ( D X - ~ DX~)

Damping may be added to a system by use of a dashpot, The basic Simple Mechanical Translation System
operation of a dashpot, in which the housing is filled with an incompressible The system shown in Fig. 2.11 is initially at rest. The end of the spring and the
fluid, is shown in Fig. 2.10. 11 a force f is applied to the shaft, the piston presses mass have positions denoted as the reference positions, and any displacements
against the fluid, increasing the pressure of side b and decreasing the pressure on
from these reference positions are labeled x, and x,, respectively. A force f
side a. As a result, the Ruid Rows around the piston from side b to side a. If
applied at the end of the spring must be balanced by a compression of the spring.
necessary, a small hold can be drilled through the'piston to provide a positive
The same force is also transmitted through the spring and acts at point x,.
To draw the mechanical network, the points x, and x, and the reference
Filled with fluid are located. The network elements are then connected between these points. For
example, one end of the spring has the position x,, and the other end has the
position x,. Therefore the spring is connected between these points. The com-
plete mechanical network is drawn in Fig. 2.11b.
FIGURE 2.10 The displacements x, and x, are nodes of the circuit. At each node the
Dashpot construction. sum of the forces must add to zero. Accordingly, the equations may be written

171(;ORE 2.12
( u ) Detailed and ( h ) overall block-diagram represenration of Fig. 2.11.

input f and the output x , , where x, is considered the output variable of the
FIGURE 2.11 system of Fig. 2.11.
( u ) Simple mass-spring-damper mechanical system; ( b ) corresponding mechanical network. T h e multiplication of transfer functions, as in Eq. (2.66), is valid as long as
there is no coupling or loading between the two blocks in Fig. 2 . 1 2 ~The . signal
x , is unafiected by the presence of the block having the transfer function G,;
for nodes a and b as thus the multiplication i s valid. When electric circuits are coupled, the transfer
f = f =~ K ( x a - x,) (2.58) functions may not be independent unless they are isolated by an electronic
amplifier with a very high input impedance.
f,= f,+ f , = M D ~ X , +B D X , (2.59)
Exaniple 1. Determine the state equations for Eq. (2.59).
These two equations can be solved for the two displacements x , and x , and their
Equation (2.59) involves only one energy-storage element, the mass M, w h o ~
respective velocities va = D x , and u, = Dx,. cnergy variable is u,. The output quantity in this system is the position y = x,,.
It is possible to obtain one equation relating x , to f, x , to x,, or x , to f Since this quantity is not one of the physical or energy-related state variables, it is
by combining Eqs. (2.58) and (2.59): necessary to increase the number of state vanables to 2, Le., x , = x, is an
+ +
K ( M D ~ B D ) x , = ( M D 2 BD + K ) f (2.60) augmented state variable. Equation (2.59) is of second order, which confirms that
two state variables are required. Note that the spring constant does not appear in
this equation since the force f is transmitted through the spring to the mass. With
X , = x,, x , = u, = i,, u = f,and y = x,, the state and output equations are

To 11 Tol
T h e solution of Eq. (2.61) shows the motion x , resulting from a given motion x,.
Also, the solutions of Eqs. (2.60) and (2.62) show the motions x , and x,,
respectively, resulting from a given force f. From each of these three equations Example 2. Determine the state equations for Eq. (2.61).
the following transfer functions are obtained: Equation (2.61) involves two energy-storage elements, K and M, whose
energy variables are x , and u,, respectivcly. Nqte that the spring constant ií doci,
appear in this equation since x , is the input u. Therefore a state variable must be
associated with this energy element. Thus the assigned state variables are x , and
u , = D x , , which are inde~endent~state variables of this system. Let x, = x-,, = v
and x , = u, = X,. Equation (2.61) converted into state-variable form yields the two
X, = x2 i 2= --
M X l - xElX 2 + -M
or, in matrix form,
Note that the last equation is equal to the product of the first two, i.e.,
x = Ax + bu
T h e block diagram representing the mathematical operation of Eq. (2.66) is
shown in Fig. 2.12. Figure 2.12a is a detailed representation which indicates al1 The output equation expressed in terms of the state vector is
variables i i i the sysiem. T h e two blocks G, and G, are said t o be i n cascade.
Figure 2.12b, called the overall block-diagrom representation, shows only the

Multiple-Element Mechanical Translation System Example 3. Obtain the state equations for the system of Fig. 2.13, where x,, is the
system output. There are four energy-storage elements, thus the four assigned state
A force f(t) is applied to the mass M , of Fig. 2 . 1 3 ~ The
. sliding friction between variables are x,, x,, Dx,, and Dx,. Analyzing Eqs. (2.70), and (2.71) shows that
the masses M , and M, and the surface is indicated by the viscous friction this is a fourth-order system. Let
coeficients B , and B,. The system equations can be written in terms of the two xl = x, for spring K2 x, = X, = u, for mass M,
displacements x , and x,. The mechanical network is drawn by connecting the x3 = x, for spnng Kl x , = i3
= u, for mass M,
terminals of the elements that have the same displacement (see Fig. 2.13b). Since
u=f y=x,=xl
the forces at each node must add to zero, the equations are written according to
the rules for nodes equations: The four state variables are independent, i.e., no one state variable can be expressed
For node a : +
( M , D ~ B I D + B3D + K , ) x , - ...( B 3 D ) x b=f. (2.70) in terms of the remaining state variables. The system equations are

Fornode b : - ( B , D ) x , + ( M , D ~ +B2D + B3D + K ~ ) x , =O (2.71)

A definite pattern to these equations can be detected. Observe that K,, M,,
E,, and B, are connected to node a and that Eq. (2.70), for node a , contains al1 --K2 --B2 + B3
o B,
M2 M2
four of these terms as coefficients of x,. Notice that element B, is also connected where A = , b=
to node b and that the term - B 3 appears as a coefficient of x,. When this
o o o 1 o
pattern is used, Eq. (2.71) can be written directly. Thus, since K,, M,, B,, and
B3 are connected to node b, they appear as coefficients of x,. B , is also
connected to node a , and - B, appears as the coefficient of x,. Each term in the
equation must be a force.
The node equations for a mechanical system follow directly from the 2.7 A N A L O G O U S CIRCUITS
mechanical network of Fig. 2.136. They are similar in form to the node equations
for an electric circuit and follow the same rules. Analogous circuits represent systems for whch thq differential equations have the
The block diagram representing the system in Fig. 2.13 is also given by Fig. same form. The corresponding variables and parameters in two circuits repre-
2.12, where again x , is considered to be the system output. The transfer sented by equations of the same form are called analogs. An electric circuit can
functions G, and G2 are obtained by solving the equations for this system. be drawn that looks like the mechanical circuit and is represented by node
equations that have the same mathematical form as the mechanical equations.
The analogs are listed in Table 2.4.
In this table the force f and the current i are analogs and are classified as
" through" variables. There is a physical sirnilarity since a measuring instrument

must be placed in series in bath cases; i.e., an.ammeter and a force indicator
must be placed in series with the system. Also, the velocity "across" a mechanical
element is analogous to voltage across an electrical element. ,Again, the physical

Electrical and mechanical analogs
Mechanical translation element Electncal elenient

Symbol / Qvsntity 1 Symbol 1 Quantity

Force Current

Sti fíness coefficient Reciprocal inductance
( u ) Multiplc-clcment mechanical system; ( b ) corresponding mechanical network.
similarity is present since a measuring instrument must be placed across the Mechanical rotational symbols and units
system in both cases. A voltmeter must be placed across a circuit to measure -

voltage; it must have a point of reference. A velocity indicator must also have a Symbol Quantity U.S. customary units Metnc units
point of reference. Nodes in the mechanical network are analogous to nodes in
Torque Pound-feet Newton-meters
the electric network. Angle Radians Radians
Angular velocity Radians/second Radians/second
Angular acceleration ~adians/second~ ~adians/second~
Moment o í inertia ~lug-fect2 ~ilogram-meters2
2.8 MECHANICAL ROTATIONAL SYSTEMS (or pound-fcct-scconds2)
Stiffness coefficient Pound-feet/radian Newton-meten/radian
The equations characterizing rotational systems are similar to those for transla- Damping coefficient Pound- Newton-
tion systems. Writing torque equations parallels the'writing of force equations, fect/(radian/second) meters/(radians/sccond)
with the displacement, velocity, and acceleration terms now angular quantities. t The moment of inertia J has the dirnensions of mass-distance2, which have rhe units slug-feet2 in
The applied torque is equal to the sum of the reaction torques. The three the U.S. cusiomary system. Sometimes [he units are given as pound-feet2. To use the consisient set
of uniis above. the moment of inertia must be expressed in slug-feet2 by using the conversion factor
elements in a rotational system are inertia, the spring, and the dashpot. The
mechanical-network representation of these elements is shown in Fig. 2.14.
1 slug 32.2 lb.

The torque applied to a body having a moment of inertia J produces an

angular acceleration. The reaction torque T, is opposite to the direction of the
dashpot. The reaction torque of a damper is
applied torque and is equal to the product of moment of inertia and acceleration.
In terms of angular displacement 8, angular velocity w , or angular acceleration a,
the torque equation is
The work of writing the differential equations can be simplified by first
drawing the mechanical network for the system. T b s is done by first designating
When a torque is applied to a spring, the spring is twisted by an angle d. nodes that correspond to each angular displacement. Then each element is
The applied torque is transmitted through the spring and appears at the other connected between the nodes that correspond to the two motions at each end of
end. The reaction spring tofque T, that is produced is equal to the product of the that element. The inertia elements are connected from the reference node to the
stifness, or elustance, K of the spring and the angle of twist. By denoting the node representing its position. The spring and dashpot elements are connected to
positions of the two ends of the spring, measured from the neutral position, as 0, the two nodes that represent the position of each end of the element. Then the
and O, the reaction torque is torque equation is written for each node by equating the sum of the torques at
each node to zero. These equations are similar to those for mechanical translation
TK = K(d, - d,) (2.74) and are analogous to those for electric circuits. Severa1 examples are shown in the
following pages. The units for these elements are given in Table 2.5.
Damping occurs whenever a body moves through a fluid, which may be a An electrical analog can be obtained for a mechanical rotational system in
liquid or a gas such as air. To produce motion of the body a torque must be the manner described in Sec. 2.7. Th'e changes to Table 2.4 are due only to the
applied to overcome the reaction damping torque. The damping is represented as fact that rotational quantities are involved. Thus torque is the analog of current.
a dashpot with a viscous friction coeficient B. The damping torque T, is equal to and the moment of inertia is the analog of capacitance.
the product of damping B and the relative angular velocity of the ends of the

Simple Mechanical Rotational System

The system shown in Fig. 2.15 has a mass with a moment of inertia J immzrsed
in a fluid. A torque T is applied to the mass. The wire produces a reactive torque
proportional to its stiffness K and to the angle of twist. The fins moving throuph
FIGURE 2.14 the fluid have a damping B, which requires a torque proportional to the ;ate at
b Network elements of mechanical rotational systems. which they are moving. The mechanical network is drawn in Fig. 2.15b. There is
T Wire

Fluid FIGURE 2.17

Detailed and overall block-diagram representations of Fig. 2.16

B These three equations can be solved simultaneously for O,, 8,, and 8, as a
T(t function of the applied torque. If O, is the system output, these equations can be
solved for the following four transfer functions:
( u ) Simple rotational system; ( I I ) mechanical network.
The detailed and overall block-diagram representations of Fig. 2.16 are shown in
Fig. 2.17. The overall transfer function G given by Eqs. (2.80) is the product of
one node having a displacement 8 ; therefore, only one equation is necessary:! the transfer functions, which are said to be in cascade. This is general and applies
~ 0 + B~ DO 8 K O = ~ ( t ) + (2.76) to any number of elements in cascade when there is no loading between the
Multiple-Element Mechanical Rotational System Exaniple. Determine the state variables for the system of Fig. 2.16, where 8, is the
system output y and torque T is the system input u. The spring K, is efectively
The system represented by Fig. 2 . 1 6 ~has two disks which have damping between not in the system because the torque is transmitted through the spring. Since there
them and also between each of them and the frame. The mechanical network is are three energy-storage elements J,, J, and K,,the assigned state variables are
drawn in Fig. 2.16b by connecting the terminals of those elements which have the DO,,DO,,and O,. Analyzing Eqs. (2.77)to (2.79) reveals that these variables are in-
same angular displacement. The torques at each node must add to zero. dependent state variables. Therefore, let x, = 0i,'x2 = DO,, and x, = DO,. If thc
The equations are written directly in systematized form: system input is u = el, then the spring K, is included, resulting in four state
Node 1: KIOl - K,8, = ~ ( t ) (2.77) variables (see Prob. 2.19).

Node2: - K 1 8 1 + ( ~ l ~ 2 + ( B l + ~ 3 ) ~ + ~ , ] 8 2 - ( ~ 3 ~ )(2.78)
63=0 Effective Moment of Inertia and Damping of a
Node 3 : - ( B 3 D ) 8 2 + [ ~ 2 ~ 2 + ( B 2 + ~ 3 ) D + ~ 2 ] 8 3(2.79)
=0 Gear Train
When the load is coupled to a drive motor through a gear train, the moment of
inertia and damping relative to the motor are important. Since the shaft lenpth
between gears is very short, the stiffness may be considered infinite. A simple
representation of a gear train is shown in Fig. 2 . 1 8 ~The
. following definitions are

N = number of teeth on each gear

w = DO = velocity of each gear
n, = ratio of (speed of driving shaft)/(speed of driven shaft)
8 = angular position

Typically, gearing may not mesh perfectly, and the teeth of one gear may 11ot fiil
the full space between the gear teeth of the nlatching gear. As a consequence,
there can be times when the drive gear is not in contact with the outer gear. This
nonlinear characteristic is called dead zone. Wlien the dead zone is very small, it
is neglected for the linearized gearing modcl.
( u ) Rotational systcm; ( h ) corresponding mechanical network.

inertia and damping equal to

If the solution for 8, is wanted, the equation can be altered by the substitution of
8, = n,B2. This system can be generalized for any number of gear stages. When

+Y 44,~~? 4b2q
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

( a ) Reprexntation of a gear train;

( b ) corresponding mechanical net-
the gear-reduction ratio is large, the load moment of inertia may contribute a
negligible value to the equivalent moment of inertia. When a motor rotor is
geared to a long shaft that provides translational motion, then the elastance or
stiffness K of the shaft must be taken into account in deriving the system's
differential equations (see Prob. 2.27).
(h) work.
A limited number of thermal systems can be represented by linear differential
The mechanical network for the gear train is shown in Fig. 2.186. At each equations. The basic requirement is that the temperature of a body be considered
gear pair two torques are produced. For example, a restraining torque Tl is uniform. This approximation is valid when the body is small. Also, when the
produced on gear 1 by the rest of the gear train. There is also produced a driving region consists of a body of air or liquid, the temperature can be considered
torque T2 on gear 2. Tl is the load on gear 1 produced by the rest of the gear uniform if there is perfect mixing of the fluid. The necessary condition of
train. T2 is the torque transmitted to gear 2 to drive the rest of the gear train. equilibrium requires that the heat added to the system equal the heat stored plus
These torques are inversely proportional to the speeds of the respective gears. the heat carried away. This can also be expressed in terms of rate of heat flow.
The block labeled n, between Tl and T2 is used to show the relationship between The symbols shown in Table 2.6 are used for thermal systems. A thermal-
them; that is, T2 = nuT,.A transformer may be considered as the electrical system network is drawn for each system in whch the thermal capacitance and
analog of the gear train, with angular velocity analogous to voltage and torque thermal resistance are represented by network elements. From the thermal
analogous to current. The equations describing the system are network the differential equations can be wntten.
The additional heat stored in a body whose temperature is raised from 8 , to
8, is given by
h = 4
= ~ ( 8-
, 8,) (2.86)

The equations can be combined to produce

Tliermal symbols and units
SymboI 1 Quantity 1 U.S. custoniary units 1 Metric units

This equation can be expressed in terms of the torque and the input position 8, Rate of heat flow Btu/niinute
only: --. Mass Pounds
Specific heat Btu/(pounds)("F)
Thermal capacitance C = MS Btu/"F
Thermal conductance Btu/(minute)('F)
Thermal resistance Degrees/\iiiu/minute)
Temperature "F
Equation (2.83) represents the system performance as a function of a single
Heat energy Utu
dependent variable. An equivalent system is one having an equivalent moment of
Network elements of thermal systems.
L Simple network representation of a therrnometer.

In terms of rate of heat flow, this equation can be written as u = 8,. Thus the state equation is
1 1
4 = CD(62 - 6,) X, = - -x,
+ -RC
The tliermal capacitance determines the amount of heat stored in a body. It is
analogous to the electric capacitance of a capacitor in an electric circuit, which More Exact Analysis of a Mercury Thermometer
determines the amount of charge stored. The network representation of thermal
capacitance is shown in Fig. 2.19~. A more exact analysis of the thermometer takes into account both the resistance
Rate of heat flow through a body in terms of the two boundary tempera- R, of the glass and the resistance R m of the mercury. Also, the glass has a
tures 19~and 8, is capacitance C,, and the mercury has a capacitance Cm.The thermal network can
e3 - e 4 be represented by Fig. 2.21, where 0, represents the temperature at the inner
4 ' 7 (2.87) surface between the glass case and the mercury. The temperature of the mercury
The thermal resistance determines the rate of heat flow through the body. This is is 8,. The node equations can be written from the thermal network:
analogous to the resistance of a resistor in an electric circuit, which determines
the current flow. The network representation of thermal resistance is shown in For node S:
Fig. 2.19b. In the thermal network the temperature is analogous to potential.
For node m:
Simple Mercury Thermometer
The two equations can be combined to eliminate 8,:
Consider a thin glass-walled thermometer filled with mercyry which has stabi-
lized at a temperature 8,. It is plunged into a bath of temperature 80 at t = O. In
its simplest form, the thermometer can be considered to have a capacitance C
which stores heat and a resistance R which lirnits the heat fiow. The temperature Equations (2.90) to (2.92) yield the transfer. functions G, = 8,/Bo, G, = 8,,/8,,
of the mercury is 8,. The flow of heat into the thermometer is and G = 8,,JOO, which can be represented, with the appropriate change in
variable notation, by the block diagrams of Fig.-2.12.
The two energy-storage elements in Fig. 2.21 yield the assigned state
The heat entering the thermometer is stored in the thermal capacitance and is variables 8, and e,, which are independent. With y = x, = O,, x , = O, and
given by u = O,, the state equation is '
),=-E C(em-e!)
These equations can be combined to form

Direrentiating Eq. (2.88) and rearranging terms gives

RcDe, + e, = e, (2.89)
The thermal network is drawn in Fig. 2.20. The node equation for this circuit,
with the temperature considered as a voltage, gives Eq. (2.89) directly. From this
equation the transfer function G = 8,/e0 may be obtained. Since there is one
energy-storage element, tbe independent state variable is x, = 8, and the input is More exact network representation of a thermomerer.
Simple Heat-Transfer System
The electric water heater used in many homes to supply hot water is a good
example of a simple heat-transfer problem. A sketch of such a heater is shown in
Fig. 2.22. The tank is insulated to reduce heat loss to the surrounding air. The
electrical heating element is turned on and off by a thermostatic switch to
maintain a reference temperature. A demand from any faucet in the house causes
hot water to leave and cold water to enter the tank. The necessary simplifying
assumptions are as follows:
1. There is no heat storage in the insulation. This is valid since the specific heat ( a ) Thermal network of an electnc water heater; ( b ) simplified network.
of the insulation is small and the water-temperature vanation is small.
2. All the water in the tank is at a uniform temperature. T h s requires perfect
mixing of the water. written. The equilibnum equation for rate of heat flow is

Definitions of the system parameters and variations are as follows:

q = rate of heat flow of heating element
q, = rate of heat flow into water in tank Combining these equations gives
q, = rate of heat flow carried out by hot water leaving tank
q, = rate of heat flow carried in by cold water entering tank
q, = rate of heat flow through tank insulation
B = temperature of water in tank The thermal network is shown in Fig. 2 . 2 3 ~ The
. heat loss, due to the difference
8, = temperature of water entering tank 8 - O,, can be represented as occurring through the resistor of value l / n S . In this
... thermal network the rate of heat flow from the heater is analogous to the current
8, = temperature of air surrounding tank
C = thermal capacitance of water in tank from a constant-current source in an electric circuit.
R = thermal resistance of insulation There are four variables in this system, e, e,, ea, and n. Three of them must
n = water flow from tank be specified in order to solve the problem. For the special case in whch 11 is a
S = specific heat of water constant and 8, = O,, Eq. (2.94) can be simplified. In terms of 8, which now is the
temperature above the reference O,, the equation is
There are three temperatures, 8, O,, and 8,; therefore the thermal network must
have three nodes. The network can be drawn first or after the equations are
The thermal network is drawn in Fig. 2.23b.


=- - &insuiation
- The valve-controlled hydraulic actuator is used in many applications as a i o : ~
-L amplifier. Very little force is required to position the valve, but a large output
Tank force is controlled. The hydraulic unit is relatively small, which makes its use very
attractive. Figure 2.24 shows a simple hydraulic actuator in which motion of the
valve regulates the flow of oil to either side of the main cylinder. An input motion
x of a few thousandths of an inch results in a large change of oil flow. The
FIGURE 2.22 resulting difierence in pressure on the main piston causes motion of the output
Electric watcr heaicr. shaft. The oil flowing in is supplied by a source whch maintains a constant high

Sump lnlet Sump of the output. When the compressibility of the íluid and the leakage around the
valve and main piston are neglected, the equation of motion of the main piston is
4 = c, DY (2.99)
Combining the two equations gives


This analysis is essentially correct when the load reaction is small.

Main Output
More Complete Analysis
Main piston When the load reaction .is not negligible, a more complete analysis should take
into account the pressure drop across the orifice, the leakage of oil around the
Hydraulic aciuaior. piston, and the compressibility of the oil.
The pressure drop Ap across the oriíice is a function of the source pressure
P, and the load pressure P,. Since P, is assumed constant, the flow equation for
pressure P,, and the oil on the opposite side of the piston flows into the drain q is a function of valve displacement x and load pressure PL:
(sump) at low pressure P,. The load-induced pressure P, is the diKerence
between the pressures on each side of the main piston:
The diKerentia1 rate of flow dq, expressed in terms of partial derivatives, is
P, = P, - Pz (2.96)
The flow of fluid through an inlet orifice is given by1'
If q, x , and P, are measured from zero values as reference points, and ii' the
partial derivatives are constant at the values they have at zero, the integration of
Eq. (2.102) gives
where c = orifice coefficient
a = orifice area
w = specific weight of fiuid
Ap = pressure drop across orifice By defining
g = gravitational acceleration constant
q = rate of flow of fluid C x - ( 2 )o and C p = [ 2 ) o

the flow equation for fluid entering the main cylinder can be written as
Simplified Analysis
q = CXx- C,PL (2.104)
As a íirst-order approximation, it can be assumed that the orifice coefficient and
the pressure drop across the orifice are constant and independent of valve Both C, and C, have positive values. A comparison with Eq. (2.98) shows that
position. Also, the orifice area is proportional to the valve displacement x. the load pressure reduces the flow into the main cylinder. The Bow of fluid into
Equation (2.97), which gives the rate of fiow of hydraulic fiuid through the valve, the cylinder must satisfy the continuity conditions of equilibrium. T h s flow is
can be rewritten as equal to the sum of the components:
q = C,x (2.98)
where x is the displacement of the valve. The displacement of the main piston is where q, = incompressible component (causes motion of piston)
directly proportional to the volume of íluid that enters the main cylinder, or, q, = leakage component
equivalently, the rate of íiow of fluid is proportional to the rate of displacement q, = compressible component

The component q,, which produces a motion y of the main piston, is Substituting the value of PL from Eq. (2.112) into Eq. (2.110) gives the equation
relating the input motion x to :he response y:
40 = c, D~ ... (2.106)
The compressible component is derived in terms of the bulk modulus of elasticity
of the fluid, which is defined as the ratio of incremental stress to incremental
strain. Thus
The analysis above is based on perturbations about the reference set of
values x = O, q = O, P, = O. For the entire range of motion x of the valve, the
Solving for AV and dividing both sides of the equation by At gives quantities dq/Ú'x and - aq/Ú'PL can be determined experimentally. Although
they are not constant at values equal to the values C, and C, at the zero reference
point, average values can be assumed in order to simulate the system by linear
equations. For conservative design the volume V is determined for the main
Taking the limit as At approaches zero and letting q, = dV/dt gives piston at the midpoint.
To write the state equation for the hydraulic actuator and load of Figs. 2.24
and 2.25 the energy-related variables must be determined. The mass 1i4 yields one
energy-storage variable which is the output velocity Dy. The compressible compo-
where V is the effective volume of fluid under compression and K , is the bulk nent q, also represents an energy-storage element in a hydraulic system. The
modulus of the hydraulic oil. The volume V at the middle position of the piston compression of a fluid produces stored energy, just as in the compression of a
stroke is often used in order to linearize the differential equation. spring. The equation for hydraulic energy is
The leakage component is
41 = L P ~ (2.108)
where L is the leakage coefficient of the whole system. where P ( t ) is the pressure and q ( t ) is the rate of Aow of fluid. The energy storage
Combining these equations gives in a compressed Ruid is obtained in terms of the bulk modulus of elasticity K,.
Combining Eq. (2.107) with Eq. (2.114) for a constant volume yields

and rearranging terms gives

C, Dy
v DP, + ( L + c P ) p L= C,X
+- (2.110) The stored energy in a compressed fluid is proportional to the pressure PL
KB squared; thus PL may be used as a physical state variable.
Since the output quantity in this system is the position y, it is necessary to
The force developed by the main piston is increase the state variables to three. Further evidence of the need for three state
F = n,APL = CP, (2.111) variables is the fact that Eq. (2.113) is a third-order equation. Therefore, in this
where n , is the force conversion efficiency of the unit and A is the area of the example, let x , = y , x , = Dy = X,. x, = PL, and u = x. Then, from Eqs. (2.110)
main actuator piston. and (2.112), the state and output equations are
An example of a specific type of load consisting of a mass and a dashpot is
shown in Fig. 2.25. The equation for this system is obtained by equating the-force
r0 1 O 1 r 0 1
produced by the piston, which is given by Eq. (2.111) to the reactive load forces:
F=MD~Y+BD~=CP, (2.112)

y = [y] = [ l O O]x = [x,] (2.117)

The eíTect of augmenting the state variables by adding the piston displ---
Load on a hydraulic piston. x , = y is to produce a singular system; that is, ¡Al = O. This property does not

appear if a spring is added to tlie load, as shown in Prob. 2.21. In that case
x, = y is an independent state variable.
+m *,,,
Inertia load on a hydraulic iransmission.

ROTATIONAL HYDRAULIC where qp = x d p o p q, = d,w, q, = LP, q, = DV =
K, D P ~
Combining these flow rates into the original equation produces
Wlien a large torque is required in a control device, it is possible to use a
liydraulic transmission. The transmission contains a variable-displacement pump +
dmom LP, + - DP,
v = dpwpx
driven at constant speed. It punips a quantity of oil that is proportional to a KB
control stroke and independent of back pressure. The direction of fluid flow is The torque produced at the motor shaft is
determined by the direction of displacement of the control stroke. The hydraulic
motor has an angular velocity proportional to the volumetric flow rate and iri the T = n,d,P, = CP, (2.120)
direction of the oil flow from the pump. Since the torque required depends on the load, two cases are considersd.
The assumption is made that over a limited range of operation the hydrau-
lic transmission is linear. A schematic picture of the system is shown in Fig. 2.26.
The following symbols are used:
Case 1: Inertia Load
Figure 2.27 shows an inertia load on a hydraulic transnlission. Equating the
q, = total volumetric flow rate from pump generated torque to the load reaction torque gives
y, = volumetric flow rate through motor
q , = volumetric leakage flow rate of both pump and motor T = J D ~ =~ CP,
, (2.121)
q , = compressibility flow rate When P, from Eq. (2.121) is inserted in Eq. (2.119), the result is
x = control stroke ( x varies from O to f 1)
o, = angular velocity of pump shaft (constant)
o,, = angular velocity of motor shaft (variable)
O,,, = angular position of motor shaft This equation can be solved for the motor position 0, in terms of the stroke
d , = volumetric displacement (at x = 1) per unit angular displacement position x.
d,, = volumetric motor displacement per unit angular displacement Based upon the analogs for the linear hydraulic actuator, the three state
L = leakage coefficient of complete system, (ft3/s)/(lb/ft2) variables for the rotational hydraulic systemare x, = O,, x , = o, = DB,,,
= x,,
V = total volume of liquid under compression, ft3 and x 3 = P,. The state equation can be obtained in the usual manner.
K , = bulk modulus of oil, lb/ft2
P, = load-induced pressure drop across motor, lb/ft2
C = motor torque constant, ft3
Case 2: Inertia Load Coupled Through a Spring
n, = torque conversion efficiency of motor Figure 2.28 shows a spring and inertia load on a hydraulic transmission.
Equating the torque generated by the hydraulic motor to the load torque and
The basic equation is based on the fact that the fluid flow rate from the then solving for P, in terms of 8, gives
pump equals the sum of the flow rates in the system. This is given by
(2.118) T = ~ ( 0 , -e,) =J D ~ ~ , CP,
= (2.223)
4, = 4m + 41 + 4c

, \ M I
$ *U' FIGURE 2.26 i
Hydraulic transmission 'm OL Spring and ineriia ioad on a hydraulic iransmission.
Using the value of P, from Eq. (2.124) in the system equation (2.119) relates the lnout flow
motor output position 8, to the stroke input x by
[(K + -) VJ D3 + -
1 :. , l 1
. R1 1: .= R Output flow
The solution of these differential equations is considered in the next
chapter. It will be found that the leakage L is essential for stable response.
Without leakage the system would have a sustained steady-state oscillation.
Therefore, rather than rely on accidental leakage, the designer provides for a
positive and finite leakage of hydraulic fluid around the pistons of the motor.
This leakage can also serve to lubricate the piston joints.
The transfer function for this system, obtained from Eq. (2.125), is

Note that this transfer function contains the operator D in the numerator. In
such systems the physical variables may not always be used as the state variables. FIGURE 2.29
This problem is discussed in more detail in Chap. 5 in which the phase and Liquid-leve1 system and its equivalen1 electrical analog.
canonical state variables are introduced.

2.12 LIQUID-LEVEL SYSTEM l2 These equations can be solved simultaneously to obtain the transfer functions
Figure 2.29a represents a two-tank liquid-leve1 control system. Definitions of the h1/q, and h2/9i.
The energy stored in each tank represents potential energy, which is equal
system parameters are to p ~ h 2 / 2where
, p is the fluid density coefficient. Since there are two tanks, the
system has two energy-storage elements, whose energy-storage variables are h ,
q i , q , , q2 = rates of how of fluid
and h,. Letting x , = h,, x , = h , , and u = qi in Eqs. (2.129) and (2.130) reveals
R,, R , = flow resistance
that x , and x, are independent state variables. Thus the state equation is
h , , h , = heights of fluid leve1
A,, A , = cross-sectional tank areas

The following basic linear relationships hold for this system:

q = -
= rate of flow through orifice (2.127)

q,, = (tank input rate of flow) - (tank output rate of flow) The levels of the two tanks are the outputs of the system. Letting y, = x; = /zi
and y, = x , = h , yields
= net tank rate of flow = A Dh (2.128)
Applying Eq. (2.128) to tanks 1 and 2 yields, respectively,

The potential energy of a tank can be represented as a capacitor whose

stored potential energy is Cv,2/2; thus the electrical analop of h is L., As.a
consequence, an analysis of Eqs. (2.129) and (2.130) yielas the analogs betuleen
the hydraulic and electrical quantities listed in Table 2.7. The analogous electrical

Hydraulic and electrical analogs
1Iydraulic eleinent Elechical element

Synibol Quantiiy Symbol Quantity

7', Input ílow rate i, Current source FIGURE 2.31

/I trcight uc Capacitor voltage Schematic diagram of a generator.
A Tank rirea C Capacitance
R Flow rcsistance R Resistance

When used as a power amplifier the armature is driven at constant speed, 2nd
this equation becomes
equations are
e , = K,iJ (2.i38)
C1Do, =
ii - -
- u2
R1 A generator is represented schematically in Fig. 2.31, in which L/ and R and L,
and R , are the inductance and resistance of the field and armature circuits,
respectively. The equations for the generator are
These two equations yield the analogous electric circuit of Fig. 2.29b. +
ef = ( L ~ D ~ / ) i / e, = K,if e , = e , - (L,D + R,)i, (2.139)
The armature current depends on the load connected to the generator terminals.
2.13 ROTATING POWER AMPLIFIERS13~14 Combining the first two equations gives
A dc generator can be used as a power amplifier in which the power required to (L/D + R / ) e , = K,eJ (2.140)
excite the field circuit is lower than the power output rating of the armature
circuit. The voltage e , induced in the armature circuit is directly proportional' to Equation (2.140) relates the generated voltage e , to the input field voltape e(.
the product of the magnetic flux @ set up by the field and the speed of rotation w The power output p, = e,i, is much larger than the power input pi = eJiJ.Thus,
of the armature. This is expressed by the ratio p,/p, represents the power gain.
e, = Kl@w (2.135)
The flux is a function of field current and the type of iron used in the field. A
typical magnetization curve showing flux as a function of field current is given in A current-carrying conductor located in a magnetic field experiences a force
Fig. 2.30. Up to saturation the relation is approximately linear, and the flux is proportional to the magnitude of the flux, the current, the length of the conduc-
directly proportional to field current: tor, and the sine of the angle between the conductor and the direction of the flux.
When the conductor is a fixed distance from an axis about which it can rotate, a
I$ = K2if (2.136)
torque is produced that is proportional to the product of the force and the radius.
Combining these equations gives In a motor the resultant torque is the sum of the torques produced by each
e, = KIK,wif conductor. For any given motor the only two adjustable quantities are the flux
and armature current. The developed torque can be expressed as

In this case, to avoid confusion with t for time, the capital letter T is used to
indicate torque. I t may denote either a constant or a function that varies with
time. There are two modes of operation of a servomotor. In one mode the field
current is held constant, and an adjustable voltage is applied to the armature. In
the second mode the armature current is held constant, and an adjustable voltage
Fteld current, i, Magnetization curve. is applied to the field. These methods of operation are considered szparaizly.
equation in terms of the velocity o,:

This equation can also be written in terms of motor position 8,:

Circuit diagram of a dc motor.

Armature Control There are two energy-storage elements, J and L,, for the system repre-
A constant field current is obtained by separately exciting the field from a fixed sented by Figs. 2.32 and 2.33. Designating the independent state variables as
dc source. The flux is produced by the field current and is therefore constant. x, = w, and x, = i, and the input as u = e, yields the state equation
Thus the torque is proportional only to the armature current and Eq. (2.141)
T ( t ) = KTim (2.142)
When the motor armature is rotating, there is induced a voltage e, which is
proportional to the product of flux and speed. Because the polarity of this voltage If motor position 8, is the output, another differential equation is required; that
opposes the applied voltage e,, it is commonly called the back emf. Since the is, 8,= o. If the solution of 8, is required, then the system is of third order. A
flux is held constant, the induced voltage e, is directly proportional to the speed third state variable, x3 = O, must therefore be added.
The transfer functions o,,/e, and 8,,/e, can be obtained irom Eqs. (2.146)
e, = K,+w, = K,o, = K, DO, (2.143) and (2.147). The armature inductance is small and can usually be neglected,
L, = O. Equation (2.147) is thus reduced to a. second-order equation. The
The torque constant KT and the generator constant K , are the same for mks
corresponding transfer function has the form
units. Control of the motor speed is obtained by adjusting the voltage applied to
the armature. Its polarity determines the direction of the armature current and
therefore the direction of the torque generated. This, in turn, determines the
direction of rotation of the motor. A circuit diagram of the armature-controlled
dc motor is shown in Fig. 2.32. The armature inductance and resistance are
labeled L, and R,. The voltage equation of the armature circuit is Field Control
L, Di, + R,i, + e, = e, (2.144) If the armature current i, is constant, the torque T ( t ) is proportional only to the
flux +. In the unsaturated region (see Fig. 2.30) the flux is directly proportional to
The current in the armature produces the required torque according to Eq. the field current [see Eq. (2.136)) Therefore the torque equation is written as
(2.142). The required torque depends on the load connected to the motor shaft. If
the load consists only of a moment of inertia and damper (friction), as shown in
Fig. 2.33, the torque equation can be written: Control of the motor speed is obtained by adjusting the voltage applied to thc:
JDw, + Bo, = T(t) (2.145) field. Its magnitude and polarity determine the magnitude of the torque and the
direction of rotation. The circuit diagram of the field-controlled dc motor is
The required armature current i, can be obtained by equating the generated shown in Fig. 2.34. The field winding inductance and resistance are labeled L,
torque of Eq. (2.142) to the required load torque of Eq. (2.145). Inserting this and R The voltage equation of the field circuit is

current and the back emf from Eq. (2.143) into Eq. (2.144) produces the system

If the load consists of moment of inertia and viscous iriction, as shown in Fi;.
J 2.33, the torque required to drive the load is given by Eq. (2.145). By coinbining
Inertia and friction as a motor load.
Eqs. (2.145), (2.150), and (2.151), the system equation in terms of the motor
direction of the generated torque and the resulting speed therefore respond to the
magnitude and polarity of the input e .
Cbnstant- In this example, using the independent state variables x , = o, aiid x, = i f .
source the state equation can be readily obtained.


An ac servomotor is basically a two-phase induction motor that has two stator

field coils placed 90 electrical degrees apart, as shown in Fig. 2 . 3 6 ~ .In a
FIGURE 2.34 two-phase motor the ac voltages e and e , are equal in magnitude and separated
Circuit diagrarn o í a field-controlled dc motor by a phase angle of 90". A two-phase induction motor runs at a speed sliphtly
below the synchronous speed and is essentially a constant-speed motor. The
synchronous speed n, is determined by the number of poles P produced by the
velocity is l
stator windings and the frequency f of the voltage applied to the stator windings
(L,D + R/)(JD +~ ) w ,= K f e f (2.152) where n, = 120//P revolutions per rninute.
An advantage of field control over armature control is that the power required by When the unit is used as a servomotor, the speed must be proportional to
the field is much smaller than that required by the armature. Since this power is an input voltage. The two-phase motor can be used as a servomotor by applying
usually supplied by an amplifier, smaller power capacity is required in the an ac voltage e of fixed amplitude to one of the motor windings. When the other
amplifier. voltage e , is varied, the torque and speed are a function of this voltage. Figure
Although a constant armature current i, is specified in the derivation 2 . 3 6 ~shows a set of torque-speed curves for various control voltages.
above, this is not easily achieved. If the armature is connected to a fixed dc It is important to note that the curve for zero control-field voltage goes
voltage source E,, the armature current depends on the back emf, as shown by through the origin and that the slope is negative. This means that when [he
control-field voltage becomes zero, the motor dgvelops a decelerating torque,
causing it to stop. The curves show a large tor4ue at zero speed. This L:
requirement for a servomotor in order to provide rapid acceleration. i t is
For the range of speed that the motor experiences, the armature circuit may be accomplished in an induction motor by building the rotor with a high resisrance.
designed so that E, » e,,. Thus The torque-speed curves are not straight lines. Therefore, a linear differen-
- tia1 equation cannot be used to represent the exact motor characteristics. Suffi-
cient accuracy may be obtained by approximating the characteristics by straight
lines. The following analysis is based on this approximation.
A practica] circuit for field control of a dc motor with a split field is shown The torque generated is a function of both the speed o and the control-field
in Fig. 2.35. The field is energized by a balanced amplifier whch has the input e. voltage E,. In terms of partial derivatives, the torque equation is approximated
When this input is zero, the current i, and i, are equal. Since they flow in
opposite directions, the net flux is zero, thus the torque is zero and the motor is
stationary. I f e is not zero, one of the currents increases and the other decreases
in proportion to the magnitude of e. The resulting flux is proportional the
magnitude of e , and its direction depends on the polarity of e. The size and

Constant -
e 1 Balanced

Field Armature
( u ) Schernatic diagram of a two-phase induction motor; ( h ) servornotor charactenstics.
Circuit diagrarn of a split-field-controlled dc motor.

In the preceding section it is shown that the roots of the characteristic

equation 1 + G(s)H(s) = O are al1 values of s which satisfy the conditions
IG(s>H(s)1 - 1 (7.29)
+ 2h)180° for K > O h = O, 1 1 , *2,. ..
for K < O

These are labeled as the magnitude and angle conditions, respectively. Therefore,
applying these two conditions to the general equation (7.14) results in FIGURE 7.7
Construction of the root locus.


for K > O
for K < O Determine the locus of al1 possible closed-loop poles of C(s)/R(s).

Rewriting these equations gives

Isrnl Is - P I I . - Is - Pul--.= loop sensitivity (7.33)
Ir -1sP2l- zwl
IKI = 1s - z l /
- /3 E (angles of numerator terms) - (angles of denominator terms) Step l . The poles and zeros are plotted in Fig. 7.7.

-(1 2h)180°
for K > O
for K < O
Al1 angles are considered positive, measured in the counterclockwise sense. Since
Step 2 In Fig. 7.7 the +'S are denominator angles and +'S are numerator angles.
Also, the 1's are the lengths of the directed segments stemming from the denomina-
tor factors, and (1)'s are the lengths of the directed segments stemming from the
numerator factors. After plotting the poles and zeros of the open-loop transfer
G(s)H(s) usually has more poles than zeros, it is convenient to multiply Eq. functions, arbitrarily choose a search point. To this point, draw directed line
(7.34) by - 1. Since h may be a positive or negative integer, rearranging terms segments from ail the open-loop poles and zeros and label as indicated. For this
yields search point to be a point on the locus, the following angle condition must be tme:
+ 2h)180° for K > O (7.38)
for K > O for K < O
for K < O If this equation is not satisfied, select another search point until it is satisfied.
Locate a sufficient number of points in the s plane that satisfy the angle condition.
Equations (7.33) and (7.35) are in the form generally used in the graphical l
In the next section additional inforrnation is given that lessens the work involved in
construction of the roots locus. In other words, there are particular values of s this trial-and-error approach.
for which G(s)H(s) satisfies the angle condition. For a given loop sensitivity
only certain of these values of s simultaneously satisfy the magnitude condition.
Those values of s which satisfy both the angle and the magnitude conditions are 1 Step 3. Once the complete locus has been determined, the locus can be calibrated in
terms of the loop sensitivity for any root S, as follows:
the roots of the characteristic equation and are n = m + u in number. Thus,
corresponding to step 4 in Sec. 7.4, the locus of al1 possible roots is obtained by
applying the angle condition. This root locus can be calibrated in terms of the
loop sensitivity K by using the magnitude condition. where 1 , - I s , + l l 1,-Is,+'21 13-\s,+51 (I)~-I~L+~I
To facilitate the application of the root-locus method, the following rules are
Y plane established for K > O: These rules are based upon the interpretation of the angle
condition and an analysis of the characteristic equation. The reader should be
able to extend these rules for the case where K c O. The rules for both K > O
and K c O are listed in Sec. 7.14 for easy reference.
The rules presented aid in obtaining the root locus by expediting the
manual plotting of the locus. The root locus can also be obtained by using the
digital c ~ m p u t e r These
.~ rules provide checkpoints to ensure that the computer
solution is correct. They also perniit rapid sketching of the root locus, which
provides a qualitative idea of achievable system performance.
- - -

RULE 1: NUMBER OF BRANCHES OF THE LOCUS. The characteristic equation

B(s) = O is of degree n = ni + u; therefore there are n roots, which are continu-
ous fuactions of the open-loop sensitivity K. As K is varied from zero to infinity,
each root traces a continuous curve. Since there are n roots, there are the same
t" S plane
number of curves or branches in the complete root locus. Since the degree of the
polynomial B(s) is determined by the poles of the open-loop uansfer function,
the number of branches of the root locus is eqwl to the number of poles of the
open-loop transfer function.

RULE 2: REAL-AXIS LOCUS. In Fig. 7.9 are shown a number of open-loop poles
'he complete root locus of Eq.(7.36); (a) for K > O; ( h ) for K < 0. and zeros. If the angle condition is applied to any search point such as S, on the
real axis, the angular contribution of al1 the poles and zeros on the real axis to the
In other words, the values of 1,, 12,13,and (I), are known for a given point S, that left of this point is zero. The angular contribution of the complex-conjugate poles
satisfies the angle condition; thus the value o f 1 Kl for this point can be calculated. to this point is 360". (This is also true for complex-conjugate zeros.) Finally, the
The appropriate sign must be given to the magnitude of K compatible with the poles and zeros on the real axis to the right of this point each contribute 180"
particular angle condition which is utilized to obtain the root locus. Note thai'since (with the appropriate sign included). From Eq. (7.35) the ande of G(s)H(s) to
complex roots must occur in conjugate pairs, the locus is symmetncal about the real
axis. Thus the bottom half of the locus can be drawn once the locus above the real
axis has been determined. Tñe root locus for this system is shown in Fig. 7.8. Note
that the three branches of the root locus, for negative values of K, lie in the left half
plane for K > - 2.5.

From Eqs. (7.37) and (7.22)

(S + 1)(s + 2)(s + 5)
W(s) = uX + jv,, =
= -K
The line u, = - K in the W(s) plane maps into the curves indicated in Fig. 7.8. FIGURE 7.9
That is, for each value of u, in the W(s) plane there is a particular value or a set Determination of the real-axis
of values of s in the s plane. locus.
the point S, is given by approaches infinity, based on Eqs. (7.14) and (7.22), yields
f w 1

Therefore S, is a point on a locus. Similarly, it can be shown that the point S, is

not a point on the lociis. The poles and zeros to the left of a point S on the real It must be remembered that K in Eq. (7.44) is still a variable in the manner
axis and the 360' contributed by the complex-conjugate poles or zeros do not
affect the odd-multiple-of-180' requirement. Thus, ifthe toral nurnber of realpoles
and zeros to the right of a search point s orr the real axis is odd, this point lies on the
fore, as s m, -
prescribed previously, thus allowing the magnitude condition to be met. There-

- K = $"-W (7.45)
locw. In Fig. 7.9 the root locus exists on the real axis from p, to p,, z, to p,, and
1 - KI = IS"-~I magnitude condition (7.46)
P3 to 2,.
Al1 points on the real axis between 2, and p, in Fig. 7.9 satisfy the angle / -K *= /S"-'-= (1+ 2h)180° angle condition (7.47)
condition and are therefore points on the root locus. However, there is no Rewnting Eq. (7.47) gives
guarantee that this section of the real axis is part of just one branch. Figure 7.56
and Prob. 7.4 illustrate the situation where the part of the real Axis between a
pole and a zero is divided into three sections whitih are parts of three different (1 + 2h)180°
branches. I I1 Y= n - w ass-m (7.48)

There are n -w asymptotes of the root locus and their angles are given by
RULE 3: LOCUS END POINTS. The magnitude of the loop sehsitivity which
satisfies the magnitude condition is given by Eq. (7.33) and has the general form (1 + 2h)180°
I I Y = [number of poles of ~ ( sH($)]
) - [number of zeros of ~ ( s~ )( s ) ]

' (7.49)

Equation (7.49) reveals that, no matter what magnitude s may have, after a
suíñciently large value has been reached, the argument (angle) of s on the root
locus remains constant. For a search point that has a sufficiently large magnitude
Since the numerator and denominator factors of Eq. (7.43) locate the poles and the open-loop poles and zeros appear to it as if they had collapsed into a single
zeros, respectively, of the open-loop transfer function, the following conclusions point. Therefore the branches are asymptotic to straight lines whose slopes and
can be drawn: directions are given by Eq.(7.49) (see Fig. 7.10) These asymptotes usually do not
go through the origin. The correct real-axis intercept of the asymptotes is
obtained from Rule 5.
1. When s = p,, the loop sensitivity K is zero.
2. When s = z,, the loop sensitivity K is infinite. When the numerator of Eq.
(7.43) is of higher order than the denorninator, s = m also makes K infinite,
thus being equivalent in effect to a zero.
sl-isll L
Thus it can be said that the locus starting points (K = 0) are at 'the open-loop I
poles and that the locus ending points (K = m) are at the open-loop zeros (the
8 plane I s2:ls2l 1Y
I ls*l ly
point at infinity being considered as an equivalent zero of multiplicity equal to k
n - w).
I 6-2-


locus is greatly facilitated if one can determine the asymptotes approached by the FIGURE 7.10
vanour branches as sbtaks ob I&ge vahies. Takhgthe limit q ( s ) H ( s ) as S Asymptotic condition for large values ol s.
11 :,




o, of the asymptotes can be obtained by applying the theory of equations. The
result is
n w I

C WP,) - C Re(z,)
c- 1 h-1
a, =
n-w (7.50)

The asymptotes are not dividing lines, and a locus rnay cross its asymptote.
It may be valuable to know from which side the root locus approaches its
asymptote. Lorens and Titsworth4 present a method-for obtaining this informa-
tion. The locus lies exactly along the asymptote if the pole-zero pattem is
symmetric about the asymptote line extended through the point a,. ,

RULE 6: BREAKAWAY POINT ON THE REAL AXIS.ll The branches af the root
locus start at the open-loop poles where K = O apd end at the finite open-loop
zeros or at s = OO. Consider now the case where the root locus has branches on
the real axis between two poles (between p, and p , in Fig. 7.11(a-3) and
between p 2 and p, in Fig. 7.11(b-2)). There must be a point at which the two
branches break away from the real axis and enter the complex region of the s
plane in order to approach zeros or the point at infinity. For two finite zeros [see
Fig. 7.11(b-l)] or one finite zero and one at infinity [see Fig. 7.ll(a-l)] the
branches are coming from the complex region and enter the real axis. In Fig.
7.11(a-3) between two poles there is a point S, for which the loop sensitivity K,
is greater than for points oq either side of S, on the real axis. In other words,
since K starts with a value of z g o at the poles and increases in value as the locus -u
moves away from the poles, there is a point somewhere in between where the K's Km=- K-O
for the two branches simultaneously reach a maximum value. This pojnt is called
the breakaway point. Plots of K vs. o utilizing Eq. (7.33) are shown {n Fig. 7.11
for the portions of the roqt locus which exist on the real axis for & > O. The Plots of K and the conesponding real-axis locus for ( a ) Fig. 7 . 5 ~and ( b ) Fig. 7.5b.
point S, for which the valqe of K is a minimum between two zeros i~called the
break-in point. The breakaway and break-in points can easily be calculated for an
open-loop pole-zero combination'for which the derivative of W(s) 7 -K is of
the second order.
Since the breakaway points S, for K > O must lie between s -- O and s = - 1 in
order to satisfy the angle condition, the value is
As an example, if
S, = -0.4257 (7.54)
The other point, S, = - 1.5743, is the break-in point on the root locus for K < 0.
then ' ' <' ~ ( ~ +1 + 2) - c ~ J I . ~ . I ,~ I ~ Substituting S, = -0.4257 into Eq. (7.52) gives the vdue of K at the breakaway

41111 , point for K > O as

Multiplying the factors together gives!< i'
W(s) = S ' +3s2 + 2s = -K e (7.52) - K = (-0.426)~ + (3)(-0.426)~ + (2)(-0.426)
When s3 + 3s2 + 2s is a minimum, - K is a minimurn and K h a maximum. K = 0.385
Thus by taking the derivative of this function and setting it equp to zero, the When the derivative of W(s) is of higher order than 2, a digital-computer
points can be determined: program can be used to calculate the roots of the numerator polynomial of
dW(s)/dr; these roots locate the breakaway and break-in points. Note that it is
possible. to have both a breakaway and a break-in point between a pole and zero
(finite or infinite) on the real axis, as shown in Figs. 7.5 and 7.11(a-2) and (b-3).
The plot of K vs. o for a locus between a pole and zero falls into one of the
following categones: S plane

1. The plot clearly indicates a peak and a dip, as illustrated between p , and z, in
Fig. 7.11(b-3). The peak represents a "maximum" value of K that satisfies the
condition for a breakaway point. The dip represents a "rninimum" vaiue of K
that satisfies the condition for a break-in point. "'Uhv.6 "??
2. The plot contains an inflection point. n i i s occurs when the bre8kaway and Ande condition in the vicinity of a complex zero.
break-in points coincide, as is the case between p, and z, in Fig.' 7.11~.
3. The plot does not indicate a dip-and-peak combination and clearly indicates
the absence of any possibility of the existence of an inflection point. For this
situation there are no break-in or breakaway points. In a similar manner the .angle of approach to a complex zero can be
determined. For an op&-loop transfer function having the pole-zero arrangement
RULE 1 COMPLEX POLE (OR ZERO): ANGLE OF DEPARTURE. The next shown in Fig. 7.13, the angle of approach + , to z, is given by
geometrical shortcut is the rapid determination of the direction in which the locus
leaves a complex pole or enters a complex zero. Although in Fig. 7.12 a complex
pole is considered, the results aiso hold for a complex zero. In other words, the direction of the locus as it leaves a pole or approaches a
In Fig. 7.12a, an area about p, is chosen so that 1, is very much smaller zero can be determined by adding up, according to the angle condition, al1 the
. than lo, I,, 1,. and ( I ) , . For illustrative purposes, this area has been enlarged angles of al1 vectors from al1 the other poles and zeros to the pole or zero in
many times in Fig. 7.126. Under these conditions tiie angular contributions from question. Subtracting this sum from (1 + 2h)180° gives the required direction.
al1 the other poles and zeros, except p,, to a search point anywhere in this area
are approximately constant. They can be considered to have values determined as ,RULE 8: IMAGINARY-AXIS CROSSING POINT. In cases where the locus crosses
if the search point were right at p,. Applying the angle condition to this small the imaginary axis into the right-half s plane, the crossover point can usually be
area yields I determined by Routh's method or by similar means. For example, if the closed-
+o+ 49 + $9 + @3 - (1 + 2h)18O0 (7.56) +
loop characteristic equation DID, NIN, = O is of the form
or the departure angle is
+2D = (1 + 2h)180° - (+o + $1 + 90' - $ 1 ) the Routhian array is
, I

n h o 4 J"
b 1
/ fi\\
! \'\ pianc ",

(f,)l// \\ '\\
/ 1 ti\\ \ An undamped oscillation may exist if the S-' row in the array equals zero. For
, , l
this condition the auxiliaxy equation obtained from the s Z row is
21 l
and its roots are

The loop sensitivity term K is determined by setting the S' row to zero:
Angle condition in thc vianiiy of a complex pole.
For K > O, Eq. (7.59) gives the natural frequency of the undamped oscillation. RULE 10: CONSERVATION OF THE SUM OF THE SYSTEM ROOTS? Tht:
This corresponds to the point on the imaginary axis where the locus crosses over technique described by this rule aids in the determination of the general shape of
into the right-half S plane. The imaginary axis divides the S plane into stable and the root locus. Consider the general open-loop transfer function in the form
unstable regions. Also, the value of K from Eq. (7.60)determines the value of the
loop sensitivity at the crossover point. For values of K < O the term in the so row ~ i r ( s 2-, )
is negative, thus characterizing an unstable response. The limiting values for a G ( S ) H ( S )= h -
U 1 (7.64)
stable response are therefore sm
n - P,)
By recalling that for physical systems w S n = u + m, the denominator of
C ( s ) / R ( s )can be written
In like manner, the crossover point can be determined for kgher-order
characteristic equations. For these higher-order system care must be exercised in n -5)
anaiyzing al1 t e r m in thejirst column that contain the term K in order to obtain ~ ( s=-l.-+
) G ( S ) H ( S )= J - 1u (7.65)
the correct range of values of gain for stability. s mn (3 - P,)
RULE 9: NONINTERSECTION OR INTERSECTION OF ROOT-LOCUS where ri are tbe roots described by the root locus.
BRANCHES? By utilizing the theory of wmplex variables, the following proper- ~ Eq. (7.64) into q;(7.65) and equating numerators on
~ i b s t i t u t i nfrom
ties are evolved: each side of the resulting equation yields

1. A value of s which satisfies the angle condition of Eq. (7.35) is a point on the
root locus. If dW(s)/ús # O at this point, there is one and only one branch of
the root locus through the point. Expanding both sides of this equation gives
2. If the first y - 1derivatives of W ( s )vanish at a given point on the root locus,
there are y branches approaching and y branches leaving this point. Thus, it
can be said that there are root-locus intersections at this point. The angle
between two adjacent approaching branches is given by

For those open-loop transfer functions which satisfy the condition

w S n - 2, the following is obtained by equating the coefficients of sn-' of Eq.
Also, the angle between a branch leaving and an adjacent branch that is (7.67):
approaching the sarne point is given by

Since m open-loop poles have values of zero, this equation can also be written as
Figure 7.14 illustrates these andes. , ,

where pj now reprfsents al1 the open-loop poles, including those at the origin,
and r, are the rootp of the characteristic equation. This equation reveals that as
the system gain is vaned from zero to infinity, the sum of the system roots is
FIGURE 7.14 constant. In other words, the sum of the system roots is conserved and is
Rmt locus for independent of K:When a system has severa1 root-locus branches which go to
G(s)H(s) - (S
+ Z)(s + 4 ) ( s 2 + 6 s + 10)
infinity (as K -, a),the directions of the branches are such that the sum of the
roots is constant. A branch going to the right therefore requires that there wiil be

a branch going to the left. The root locus of Fig. 7.2 satisfies the conservancy law Digital-computer root-locus programsl are available that yield the loop
for the root locus. The sum of the roots is a constant for al1 values of K. sensitivity and the roots of the characteristic equation of the system. When the
For a unity-feedback system, Rao7 has shown that the closed-loop pole and damping ratio is specified for the dominant roots, these roots determine h e vaiue
zero locations of' of K and al1 the remaining roots.

satisfy the relation
Evample 1. Given:


for m > 1, that is, for a Type 2 (or hiaer) system. This serves as a check oo the Rearranging gives
accuracy of the root determination.

locus has been plotted, the specifications for system performance are used to Thus
determine the dominant roots. The root locus must be analyzed to determine the
dominant branch. This is the branch that yields the root which has the largest
influence on the time response. When this branch yields complex dominant roots, K
the time response is oscillatory and the figures of merit (see Sec. 3.10) are the I

+ 125s' + 5100s2 + 65000s

peak overshoot M,,, the time t, at which the peak overshoot occurs, and the
settling time 1,. An additional figure of ment, the gain Km, significantly affects
where K - S'

Find C(s)/R(s) with { - 0.5 for the dominant roots (roots closest to the
the steady-state error (see Chap. 6). Al1 of these quantities can be used to select
the dominanr roots. Thus, the designer may use the damping ratio I; the
imaginary axis). . S

undamped natural frequency o,, the damped natural frequency o,, the damping
coefficient o, or the gain Km to select the dominant roots. When the dominant
roots are selected, the required loop sensitivity can be determined by applying the
The poles of G(s)H(s) are plotted on the s plane in Fig. 7.15; the values of
these poles are s 0, - 25, - 50 + j10, - 50 - j10. The system is completely
unstable for K < O. Therefore this example is solved only for the condition
magnitude condition, as shown in Eq. (7.33). The remaining roots on each of the K > O.
other branches can be determined by any of the following methods: 2. There are four branches of the root locus..
3. The locus exists on the real axis between O and -25.
Method 1. Determine the point on each branch of the locus that satisfies the 4. The angles of the asymptotes are
same value of loop sensitivity as for the dominant roots.

Method 2. If al1 except one real or a complex pair of roots are known, either of
the foliowing procedures can be used. 5. The real-axis intercept of the asyrnptotes is

PROCEDURE 1. Divide the characteristic equation by the factors representing the

known roots. The remainder gives the remaining roots.

PROCEDURE 2. Equation (7.68). known as Grant ' S mle, can be used to find some
of the roots. A necessary condition is that the denorninator of G(s)H(s) be at
I" u plane

least of degree 2 h i a e r than the numerator. If al¡ the roots except one real root
are known, application of Eq. (7.68) yields directly the value of the real root.

the real component u.

However, for complex roots of the form r = a jo, it yields only the value of FIGURE 7.15
Location of thc breakaway point.

1" r plane

Dctcrmination of thc dcparturc

6. The breakaway pointS , (see Fig. 7.15) on the real axis between O and - 25 is
found by solving dW(s)& = O [see Eq.(7.40)]:
- s4 + 125;' + 5100s2 + 65000s
d(- K
2 &
- 4s' + 375s' + 10200s + 65MO '

7. The angle of departure &, (see Fig. 7.16) from the pole - 50 + j10 is obtained

Root locus for
Sirnilarly, the angle of departure from the pole - 50 - j10 is - 123.1'.
8. The imaginary-axis intercepts are obtained from

10. The radial line for { 0.5 is drawn on the graph of Fig. 7.17 at the angle (see

The Routhian =ay for the denominator of C ( s ) / R ( s ) , which is the

characteristic polynomial, is
Fig. 4.3 for definition of q )
q cos-' 0.5 60'
The dominant roots obtained from the graph are
s4 1 5100 65,000K, = -6.6 *
s3 1 520 (after division by 125)
- -
11. The gain is obtained from the expression
K 65,000K1 Isl 1s + 251 1s + 50 j101 ( S + 50 + ~ 1 0 1
520 - 14.2 K,
14.2ñ1 (after division by 4580)
by using a caiculator. Foz s -6.6 + j11.4,
so 14.2K1
- K, 9.25-
K 65,000K1 598,800

Pure imaginary roots exist when the S' row is zero. This occurs when Kl
520/14.2 36.6. The auxiliary equation is 12. The other roots are evaiuated to satisfy the magnitude condition K = 598,800.
S' + 14.2K1 = 0 -
The other roots of the characteristic equation are
and the imaginary roots are
S - *jJm - = kj22.8
SI,, -55.9 j18.0
13. Alternatioe method. With K, 9.25 the characteristic equation is
s4 + 125s' + 5100s2 65,000s + 598,800 - O
9. Additional points on the root locus are found by locating points that satisfy the The quadratic factor representing the dominant roots is
angle condition
+/S + 25 +/S + 50 - j10 +/S + 50 + j10 - ( 1 + 2m)180°
( S + 6.6 - j11.4)(s + 6.6 + j11.4) - S' + 13.2s + 173.5
Dividing the characteristic equation by this quadratic factor and ignoring the
The root locus is shown in Fig. 7.17. remainder leaves the quadratic representing the other roots as
S' + 112s + 3450

The other roots obtained from this factor are

33.4 -56 fj18
The additional roots can also be detennined by using Grant's d e . From
Eq. (7.68):
0 - 25 + (-SO+jlO) + ( - 5 0 - j 1 0 )
- +
(-6.6 j11.4) + (-6.6 -j11.4) + -
( a + jud) + ( a j u d )

This gives
a -55.9
By using this value, the roots can be determined from the root locus as
- 55.9 fj18.0.
14. The control ratio, using values of the roots obtained in steps 10 and 12, is
Ni 4 FIGURE 7.19
factors determined from root locus Root locus for Eq. (7;73)-fornegative vaiues of K.

Thus the open-loop transfer function is

15. The response c ( t ) for a unit step input is found f r o d where K .

- 2 K,, The root-locus characteristics are summarized as follows:

1. G ( s )H ( s ) has zeros located at s = - 6, +6. The zero at s 6 means that this
transfer function is non-minimum phase. The poles are located at s 0, - 3,
- 4 j4,-4 -j4.
2. There are four branches of the root locus.
3. For positive values of K, there is a branch of the root locus located on the
The constants are
A, - 1.0 A, - 0.604/ -201.7' A, - 0.141 -63.9'
positive real axis from s -,O to s = 6. Thus there is a positive real root and the
system is unstable. For negative values of K (the values of K,, are positive).
the root locus must satisfy the 360' angle condition given in Eg. (7.27). The root
Note that A , must be exactly 1 since G ( s ) is Type 1 and the gain of H ( s ) is locus is shown in Fig. 7.19. This plot is readily obtained using a computer

-- +
1 1.21e-6,6'sin(ll.4t
unity. It can also be obtained from Eq.(7.71) for C ( s ) / R ( s )in step 8. Inserting
R ( s ) l / s and finding the final value gives c(t),, 1.0. The response c ( t ) is
- 111.7') + 0.28e-".~'sin(l8! + 26.1")
. program (see App. B).
4. The closed-loop transfer function is

A plot of c ( t ) is shown in Fig. 7.25.
The Routhian array for the denominator colynomial shows that the imaginar-
Exunple 2. Many aircraft flight control systems use an adjustable gain in the axis crossing occurs at s = fj2.954 for K = -9.224. Thus the closed-loop
feedback path. Also, the forwrd transfer function may be non-minimum phase (see system is stable for - 9.224 < K < 0.
Sec. 8.9) and have a negative gain. This is illustrated by the control system shown in
Fig. 7.18. --
5. Using { 0.707 for selecting the dominant poles yields S,, ,- *
- 1.1806 j1.1810
and sjS4 -4.3194 f13.4347, with K,, .- 1.18. The closed-loop transfer func-
tion is

6. The output response for a unit-step input is

Nonunity-feedback control systcm. - 0.20346e-4.3194isin (3.4347t + 175.47') (7.76)

- - -
The figures of merit are M, 0.8873, t, 2.89 S, t, 3.85 S,and c(m) 0.8478.
It is impoftant to note that the forward transfer function G(s) is Type 1, but the
stcady-state vdue of the output is not equai to the input because of the nonunity
feedback. Also note that the numerator of ~ ( s ) / R ( s is) the same as the
numerator of G ( s ) ; thus, it is not affected by the vaiue selected for K. It is
recommended that a plot of ihe time response be obtained. Note that there is a
síight initiai undershoot due to the presence of the zero in the right haif plane.


Once the root locus has been deterrnined and the system gain has been set for the
desired performance, it is very easy to determine the steady-state frequency
re~ponse.~ The frequency response gives the ratio of phasor output to phase input FIGURE 7.20 -
for sinusoidal inputs over a band of frequencies. The plots of the magnitude M Frequency response from h e plot in the s plane of the closed-loop poles and zeros.
and the angle a of C ( j w ) / R ( j o ) vs. the frequency w define the frequency
response of a control system. These curves are very useful in control-system

1. They enable a designer to minimize the effect of any undesirable noise within
' thesystem. .-.
2. They present a qualitative picture of the system's transient response. The
correlation between the transient and frequency responses is discussed in
detail in Chap. 9.
For the problem of Sec. 7.9 the closed-loop control ratio is Closed-loop frequency response for the system oí
Fig. 7.20.


To obtain the steady-state frequency response, let s assume values equal to j o .
The control ratio as a function of frequency is 1 As pointed out early in this chapter, the root-locus method incorporates the more
desirable features of both the classical method and the steady-state sinusoidal
S(@) 24,040( jw + 25) phasor analysis. In the example of Sec. 7.9 a direct relationship is noted between
R( j o ) ( j o + 6.6 - j l l . 4 ) ( jw + 6.6 + j l l . 4 ) ( jw + 55.9 - j l 8 ) ( j o + 55.9 + j18) the root locus and the time solution. This section is devoted to strengthening this
i relationship to enable the designer to synthesize and/or compensate a system.
For any frequency w , each of the factors of Eq.(7.78) is a directed line segment
and can be measured on the pole-zero plot, as shown in Fig. 7.20. When the General Introduction
magnitudes and angle for each term of Eq. (7.78) have been obtained, the value
In review, consider a simple second-order system whose control ratio is
of C(j w ) / R ( j w ) can be deterrnined. Note that the angles are measured as shown
in Fig. 7.20, where clockwise angles are negative and counterclockwise angles are
positive. Figure 7.21 shows a plot of the magnitude I C ( j w ) / R ( j w ) ( vs.
obtained from the pole-zero plot of Fig. 7.20. The angle curve of C( j w ) / R ( j o )
can also be evaluated but is not shown here. The maximum value of the and whose transient component of the iesponse to a step input is
magnitude curve is labeled M,, and the frequency at which this occurs is labeled
u,. In Chap. 9 these quantities are related to the time response. c(t)¡= C,eJl' + C2eS" (7.80)
-. - =II-

.9 ,

vhere 3<1 (7.81)

m .2

2 'y-o

Consider now a plot of the roots in the S plane and their correlation with .á 2
:he transient solution in the time domain for a step input. Six cases are illustrated O
!n Fig. 7.22 for different values of damping, showing both the locations of the Y
roots and the corresponding transient plots. E O"

The roots lie on the fj w axis in the case of S = O and the response has 2 $j
sustained oscillations (Fig. 7.22d). Those portions of the locus which yield roots 3
in the right-half S plane result in unstable operation (Fig. 7.22j). Thus, the
clcsirablc roots are on that portion of the locus in the left-half s plane. (As shown
.o x
in Chap. 9, the fjo axis of the s plane corresponds to the - 1 + j O point of the 3;
Nyquist plot.)
Table 4.1 summarizes the information available from Fig. 7.22, Le., the
rorrelation between the location of the closed-loop poles and the corresponding -2
2 5VI

transient component of the response. Thus the value of the root-locus method is cO
that it is possible to determine al1 the forms of the transient component of the 2 e
response that a control system may have. 0
. A
m O
E 3
O o
Plot of Characteristic Roots for O < <1 2
iñe important desired roots lie in the region in which 0 < 3 < 1 (generally
Detween 0.4 and 0.8). In Fig. 7.22a, the radius r from the ongin to the root S , is

5 L
m ..
d -.I

5 11 8

ab ,
G, 2
ind (7.84) c
.- -0-

.g- $:
ZU =

" m a
.u- .y E
z .e
From the above equations the constant-parameter loci are drawn in Fig. '5 42 " -0
7.23. 2's
m 2-
From Figs. 7.22 and 7.23 and Eqs. (7.83) to (7.85) the following conclusions C

are drawn pertaining to the s plane: Z b d

y v 1
% o v
1. Horizontal lines represent lines of constant damped natural frequency o,. The 5 ,-b
z 5 ü
closer these lines are to the real axis, the lower the value of u,. For roots lying 22%
on the real axis (o, = O) there is no oscillation. - a
S; 5
2. Vertical lines represent lines of constant damping or constant rate of decay of N v C J i

the transicnt. The closer these lines (or the characteristic roots) are to the ~ O C ü = :
imaginary axis, the longer it takes for the transient response to die out. -
.. 5
E ' o ZCI Zk
d -
Horizontal lines of

e plane

'+f <1.0
\ FIGURE 7.24
\ l-O Variation of roots of a simple second-order system
- . -

L ~ i r c l e sof constant
undamped natural istic equation, each quadratic factor is of the form
frequency,w, :
s2 + 2So,s + o: (7.87)
FIGURE 7.23 and the roots are
Constant-parameter curves on h e s plane. = u fjod (7.88)
The relationships developed for o, and 5 earlier in this section apply equaily well
for each complex-conjugate pair of roots of an nth-order system. The distinction
3. Circles about the origin are circles of constant undamped natural angular is that the dominant 5 and o, apply for that pair of complex-conjugate roots
frequency o,. Since u2 + o: = o:, the locus of the roots of constant o, is a which lie closest to the imaginary axis. These values-of 5 and o, are dominant
circle in the s plane; that is, [sil = Is,l = o,. The smaller the circles, the lower because the corresponding transient term has the longest settling time and the
un t largest magnitude. Thus the dominant vaiues of 5 and o, are selected for the
4. Radial lines passing through the origin with the angle 11 are lines of constant 1 desired response. It rnust be remembered that in setting the vaiues of
damping ratio S. The angle is measured clockwise from the negative real axis the dominant 5 and o, the other roots are automatically set. Depending on the
for positive S, as shown in Figs. 7 . 2 2 ~and 7.23. I location of the other roots, they modify the solution obtained from the dominant
Variation of Roots with In the example of Sec. 7.9 the response c(t) with a step input given by Eq.
1 (7.74) is
Note in Fig. 7.24 the following:
- +
c ( t ) 1 1.21e-6,6tsin (11.41 - 111.7') + 0.28e-55.9tsin (1st 26.1') +
For S > 1, the roots S,,,
For S = 1, the roots S,,,
-- I-So, o,/[,
are real and equal.
- 1 are real.

Note that the transient term due to the roots of s = -55.9 fj18 dies out in

- -k
, approximately one-tenth the time of the transient term due to the dominant roots
For S < 1, the roots S,,, fjan/- are complex conjugates.
s = - 6.6 fj11.4. Therefore, the solution can be approximated by the simplified
For S = 0, the roots S,,, = fjo, are imaginary. equation

c ( t ) t: 1 1.21e-6.6'sin(ll.4t - 11.7') (7.90)

Higher-Order Systems 1
This expression is valid except for a short initial period of time while the other
,.r.iii i .,lb Id "....,*. "
transient term dies out. Equation (7.90) suffices if an approximate solution is
The control ratioRofa system of order n is @venby
desired, Le., for determining M,, t,, and T,, since the neglected term does not
appreciably aEect these three quantities. In generai, the designer can judge from
I the location of the roots which ones may be neglected. If an exact solution is
In a system having one or more sets of complex-conjugate roots in ihe character- ¡ desired, al1 roots must be considered. Plots of c(t) corresponding to Eqs. (7.89)
-7.266 a typical resultant output eo(t) = ei(t - ~ ) u - ~ -( t7) is shown, which has
the same form as the input but is delayed by a time interval 7. Dead time is a
nonlinear characteristic which can be represented precisely in terms of the
Laplace transform (see Sec. 4.4) as a transcendental function. Thus
Eo(s) = e-."E,(s) (7.91 )
The transfer function of the transport-lag element, where s =a + j w , is

It has a negative angle which is directly proportional to the frequency.

FIGURE 7.25 The root locus for- a. system
-. .. containing a transport lag is illustrated by the
Plot of c(t) vs. r for Eqs. (7.89) and (7.90). following example:

and (7.90) are shown in Fig. 7.25. Since there is little difference between the two

characteristics of the time response are M,

o, = 11.4 rad/s.
curves, the system can be approximated as a second-order system. The sigiiificant
1.19, 1;- 0.26 S, ts = 0.61 S, and
For K > O the angle condition is

The transient response of any complex system, with the effect of al1 the
roots taken into account, often can be considered to be the result of an equivalent The root locus for the system with transport lag is drawn in Fig. 7.27. The
magnitude condition used to calibrate the root locus is
second-order system. On this basis, it is possible to define effective (or equivalent)
values of 3 and w,. Realize that in order to alter either effective quantity, the
' .
location of one or more of the roots must be altered.
The same system without transport lag has only two branches (see Fig. 7.2) and is
stable for al1 K > O. The system with transport lag has an infinite number of
7.12 TRANSPORT LAG* branches and the asymptotes are al1 parallel to the real axis. The imaginary axis
Some elements in control systems are characterized by dead time or transport lag. crossings of the asymptotes are
This appears as a dead interval for which the output is delayed in response to an
input. Figure 7 . 2 6 ~shows the block diagram of a transport-lag element. In Fig.

where h = 0, 1 1 , f 2,. .. . The values of K at the points where the branches

cross the imaginary axis are

The two branches closest to the origin thus have the largest influence on systerr
stability and are therefore the principal branches. The maximum value of loop
sensitivity K given by Eq. (7.97) is therefore determined by the frequency w ,
(shown in Fig. 7.27) which satisfies the angle condition w17 = tan-' Ipl]/wl.
ei(t) Dead time
e & t ) - e , ( t - ? ) ~ - i (1
- 7)'

The root-locus method lends itself very readily to the synthesis problem because
of the direct relationship between the frequency and the time domains to the s
2 domain. The desired response can be achieved by keeping in rnind the following
magnitude condition to this point the value of tiie gain required can be
determined. Setting the value of the gain to this value results 111 thc
transient-response terms, corresponding to the dominant-pole pair, having
the desired characterizing form.
3. When the gain corresponding to the dominant roots has been determined, the
remaining roots can be found by applying the magnitude condition to each
branch of the locus. Once the value of the gain on the dorninant branch is
fixed, thus fixing the dominant poles, the locations of al1 remaining roots on
the other branches are also fixed.
4. If the root locus does not yield the desired response, the locus must be altered
by compensation to achieve the desired results. The subject of compensation
in the s domain is .discussed
- in later chapters.



RULE 1. The number of branches of the root locus is equal to the number o i
poles of the open-loop transfer function.
ioot locus for
RULE 2. For positive values of K, the root locus exists on those portions of ttie
real axis for which the total number of real poles and zeros to the right is an odd
number. For negatiue values of K, the root locus exists on those portions of the
real axis for which the total number of real poles and zeros to the right is an even
number (including zero).

Five points: RULE 3. The root locus starts ( K = O ) at the open-loop poles and terminates
( K = f co) at the open-loop zeros or at infinity.
1. First plot the root locus; then the locations of the dorninant closed-loop poles
must be specified, based on the desired transient response. RULE 4. The angles of the asymptotes of the root locus that end at infinity are
2. Guidelines for selecting the roots: determined by
a. Since the desired time response is often specified to have a peak value M, ( 1 + 2h)180° for K > O or h360° for K < O
between 1.0 and 1.4, the locus has at least one set of complex-conjugate Y = [number of peles of ~ ( s~ )( s ) -] [number of zeros of ~ ( s~ )( s ) ]
poles. Often there is a pair of complex poles near the imaginary axis which
dominate the time response of the system; if so, these poles are referred to RULE 5. The real-axis intercept of the asymptotes is
as the dominant-pole pair.
b. To set the system gain, any of the following items must be specified fór the
dominant-pole pair: the damping ratio 5, the settling time T, (for 2 percent:
T, = 4/5o,) the undamped natural frequency o,, or the damped natural Do =
c- 1 11 - 1
frequency o,. As previously determined, each of these factors corresponds
to either a line or a circle in the s domain. RULE 6. The breakaway point for the locus between two poles on the real axis
c. When the line or circle corresponding to the given information has been (or the break-in point for the locus between two zeros on the real axis) can be
drawn, as stated in point 2b, its intersection with the locus determines the determined by taking the derivative of the loop ~eiisitivityK with respect to s.
dominant-pole pair and fixes the value of the system gain. By applying the Equate this derivative to zero and find the roots of the resuiting equation. Thr
root that occurs between the poles (or the zeros) is the breakaway (or break-in) Once this form has been obtained, the procedures given in this chapter can be
point. utilized to locate the roots of the polynomial.
The root locus permits the analysis of the performance of feedback systems
RULE 7. For K > O the angle of departure from a complex pole is equal to 180" and provides a basis for selecting the gain in order to best meet the performance
minus the surn of the angles from the other poles plus the surn of the andes from specifications. Since the closed-loop poles are obtained explicitly, the form of the
the zeros. Any of these angles may be positive or negative. For K < O the time response is directly available. A computer program is available for obtaining
departure angle is 180' from that obtained for K > 0. c(t) vs. t. Computer-aided-design (CAD) packages are widely available (see Ref.
For K > O the angle of approach to a complex zero is equal to the surn of 3, 10, and App. B) to assist in the analysis and design of control systems. These
the angles from the poles minus the sum of the andes from the other zeros minus CAD programs are readily available and simplify considerably the analysis and
180". For K < O the approach angle is 180" from that obtained from K > 0. design process. They provide information including root-locus plots, roots of
interest for a given gain, closed-loop transfer function, and time response. If the
RULE 8. The imaginary-axis crossing of the root locus can be determined by performance specifications cannot be met, the root locus can be analyzed to
setting up the Routhian array from the closed-loop characteristic equation. determine the appropriatemmpensation to yield the desired results. This is
Equate the s1 row to zero and form the auxiliary equation from the s2 row. The covered in Chap. 10.
roots of the auxiliary equation are the imaginary-axis crossover points.
RULE 9. The selection of the dominant roots of the characteristic equation is
based on the specifications that give the required system performance; Le., jt is 1. Truxal, J. G.: Auiomarrc Feedback Control System Synthesii, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1955.
possible to evaluate a, ud,and from Eqs. (3.60), (3.61), and (3.64), which in 2. Evans, W. R.: Conrrol-Sysrem Dynamics, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1954.
3. Larimer, S. J.: "An Interactive Computer-Aided Design Program for Digital and Continuous
turn determine the location of the desired dominant roots. The loop sensitivity System Analysis and Synthesis (TOTAL)," M.S. thesis, GE/GGC/EE/78-2, School of Engineer-
for these roots is determined by means of the magnitude condition. The remain- ing, Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, 1978; available
ing roots are then determined ¡o satisfy the same magnitude condition. from Defense Documentation Denter (DDC), Carneron Station, Alexandria, Va. 22314.
4. Lorens, C. S., and R. C. Titsworih: "Properties of Root Locus~symptotes," letter in IRE Truns.
RULE 10. For those open-loop transfer functions for which w S n - 2, Grant's Autom. Control, vol. AC-5, pp. 71-72, January 1960.
5. Wilts, C. H.: Principies o/ Feedback Conrrol, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1960.
rule states that the sum of the closed-loop roots is equai to the surn of the 6. Grant, A. J. "The Conservation of the Sum of the System Roots as Applied to the Root Locus
open-loop poles. Thys, once the dominant roots have been located, Grant's rule Method," unpublished paper, North American Aviation, Inc., Apr. 10,1953.
n n 7. Rao, S. N. "A Relation between Closed Loop Pole and Zeros Locations," Inr. J. Conrrol, vol. 24,
p. 147, 1976.
8. Chang, C. S.: "Analytical Method for Obtaining the Root Locus with Positive and Negative
Gain," I E E E Trans. Autom. Control, vol. AC-10, pp. 92-94, 1965.
can be used to find one real or two complex roots. Factoring known roots from 9. Yeh, V. C. M.: "The Study of Transients in Linear Feedback Systems by Conforma1 Mapping
the characteristic equation can simplify the work of finding the remdning roats. and Root-Locus Method," Trans. A S M E , vol. 76, pp. 349-361,1954.
A root-locus digital-computer program3 will produce an accurate caiibrated 10. Thompson, P. M.: USER 'S Guide ro Program CC,Version 3, Systems Technology, Inc., Hawthorne,
root locus. This considerably simplifies the work required for the system design. Calif., March 1985.
By specifying for the dominant roots or Km, a computer program3 can 11. Yeung, K.S.: "A Remark on the Use of Remec's Method of Finding Breakaway Points," IEEE
Trans. Aurom. Control, vol. AC-26, pp. 940-941,1981.
determine al1 the roots of the characteristic equation.

ln this chapter the root-locus method is developed to solve graphically for the
roots of the characteristic equation. This method can be extended to solving for
the roots of any polynomial. Any polynomial can be rearranged and put into the
mathematical form of a ratio of factored polynomiais which is equal to plus or
minus unity, Le.,


particular representation can be judged superior to the rest. Each has its
particular use and advantage in a particular situation. As the reader becomes
CHAPTER fully acquainted with al1 methods, the potentialities of each method become more
apparent and the more appropriate method is selected.
Design of control systems by modem control-theory techniques is often
based upon achieving an optirnum performance according to a specified perfor-
mance index PI; for example, minirnizing the integral of squared error (ISE):
PI = ],"0e(t)' dt, where e = r - c. Both frequency-response and root-locus meth-
ods are valuable complementary tools for many of the techniques of modem
FREQUENCY- control theory.
RESPONSE In this chapter two graphical representations of transfer functions are
presented, the logarithrnic and the polar plots. These plots are used to develop
Nyquist's stability criterion and closed-loop design procedures.


As pointed out earlier in the text, solving for c(t) by the classical method is
laborious and impractical for synthesis purposes, especially when the input is not
a simple analytical function. The use of Laplace transform theory lessens the
work involved and permíts the engineer to synthesize and irnprove a system. The
root-locus method of Chap. 7 illustrates this fact. The advantages of the graphcal
representations in the frequency domain of the uansfer functions are developed
in the following pages.
In conventional control-system analysis there are two basic methods for predict- Once the frequency response of a system has been determined, the time
ing and adjusting a system's performance without resorting to the solution of the response can be determined by inverting the corresponding Fourier transform.
system's differential equation. One of these, the root-locus method, is discussed in The behavior in the frequency domain for a given driving function r ( t ) can be
detail in Chap. 7. The frequency-response method, to which the Nyquist stability determined by the Fourier transform as
criterion may be applied, is developed in this chapter.'12 For the comprehensive
study of a system by conventional methods it is necessary to use both methods of
analysis. The principal advantage of the root-locus method is that the actual time
response is easily obtained by means of the inverse Laplace transform because For a given control system the frequency response of the controlled variable is
the precise root locations are known. However, it is sometimes necessary to have
performance requirements in terms of the frequency response. Also, the noise
which is always present i? any system can result in poor overall performance. The
'(") - 1
+ G(jw)H(jw)
R ( ~ ~ )

frequency response of a system permits analysis with respect to both these By use of the inverse Fourier transform the controlled variable as a function of
items. The design of a passband for the system response may exclude the noise time is
and therefore improve the system performance as long as the dynamic perfor-
mance specifications are met. The frequency response is also useful in situations
for which the transfer functions of some or al1 of the blocks in a block diagram
are unknown. The frequency response can be determined experimentally for This approach is much used in practice. If the design engineer cannot evaluate
these situations. Then an approximate expression for the transfer function can be Eq. (8.3) by reference to a table of definite integrals, t h s equation can be
obtained from the graphical plot of the experimental data. The frequency- evaluated by numerical or graphical integration. T h s is necessary if C(jw)is
response method is also a very powerful method for analyzing and designing a available only as a curve and cannot be simply expressed in analytical form, as is
robust MIMO system with uncertain plant parameters (see Chap. 21). Thus no often the case. The procedure is described in severa1 books.1° In addition.
methods have been developed based on the Fourier transform and a step input
signal, relating C( j o ) qualitatively to the time solution without actually taking
the inverse Fourier transform. These methods permit the engineer to make an
approximate determination of the response of his system through the interpreta-
tion of graphical plots in the frequency domain. This makes the design and
improvement of feedback systems possible with a minimum effort and is em-
phasized in this chapter.
Sections 4.10 and 7.10 show that the frequency response is a function of the
pole-zero pattern in the S plane. It is therefore related to the time response of the
system. Two features of the frequency response are the maximum value M, and
the resonant frequency a,. Section 9.3 describes the qualitative relationship
between the time response and the values M, and a,. Since the location of the
poles can be determined from the root locus, there is a direct relationship
between the root-locus and frequency-response methods.


Frequency-response characteristics of j o ) / R ( j o ) in rectangular coordinates.
The plots in the frequency domain that have found great use in graphical analysis
in the design of feedback control systems belong to two categories. The first
category is the plot of the magnitude of the output-input ratio vs. frequency in An ideal system may be defined as one where a = 0 ' and R( jw) = C( jw)
rectangular coordinates, as illustrated in Secs. 4.10 and 7.10. In logarithmic for O < w < OO. Curves 1 in Fig. 8.1 represent the characteristics of that ideal
coordinates these are known as Bode plots. Associated with this plot is a second system. However, this definition implies an instantaneous transfer of energy from
plot of the corresponding phase angle vs. frequency. In the second category the the input to the output. Such a transfer cannot be a-ieved in practice since any
. output-input ratio may be plotted in polar coordinates with frequency as a physical system has some energy dissipation and some energy-storage elements.
parameter. For this category there are two types of polar plots, direct and inverse. Curves 2 and 3 in Fig. 8.1 represent the frequency responses of practica1 control
Polar plots are generally used only for the open-loop response and are ci;mmonly systems. The passband, or bandwidth, of the frequency response is defined as the
referred to as Nyquist plots.3 The plots can readily be obtained experimentally or range of frequencies from O to the frequency a , , where M = 0.707 of the value at
by c ~ m p u t e r .The
~ availability of programmable calculators with library pro- w = O. The frequency w, is more easily obtained than u,. The values M, and w,
grams capable of handling complex arithmetic facilitates the computation of are often used as figures of merit.
frequency-response functions. When a computer or programmable calculator is In any system the input signal may contain spunous noise signals in
not available, the Bode plots are easily obtained by a graphical procedure. The addition to the true signal input, or there may be sources of noise within the
other plots can then be obtained from the Bode plots. Computer-aided-design closed-loop system. This noise is generally in a band of frequencies above the
(CAD) packages are readily available to assist in the analysis and design of dominant frequency band of the true signal. Thus, in order to reproduce the true
control systems (see App. B). These programs assist in obtaining plots and the signal and attenuate the noise, feedback control systems are designed to have a
designs developed in this text. definite passband. In certain cases the noise frequency may exist in the same
For a given sinusoidal input signal, the input and steady-state output are of frequency band as the true signal. When this occurs, the problem of eliminating it
the following forms: becomes complicated. Therefore, even if the ideal system were possible, it would
r ( t ) = R sin wt (8.4) not be desirable.
~ ( t=) C sin ( w t a ) (8.5)
The closed-loop frequency response is given by 8.4 BODE PLOTS (LOGARITHMIC PLOTS)
C( i w
R( jw) 1
+ G( jw)H( j w )
S ~ ( u ) / a ( o )
The plotting of the frequency transfer function can be systematized and sim-
plified by using loganthmic plots. The use of semilog paper eliminates the need to
For each value o í frequency, Eq. (8.6) yields a phasor quantity whose magnitude take logarithms of very many numbers and also expands the low-frequency
is M and whose phase angle a is the angle between C( j w ) and R( jw). range, which is of primary importance. The advantages of logarithmic plots are
that (1) the mathematical operations of multiplication and division are trans- TABLE 8.1
Decibel values of some common numbers
formed to addition and subtraction and (2) the work of obtaining the transfer
function is largely graphical instead of analytical. The basic factors of the Number 1 Deeibels
transfer function fa11 into three categories, and these can easily be plotted by
means of straight-line asymptotic approximations.
In preliminary design studies the straight-line approximations are used to
obtain approximate performance characteristics very quickly or to check values

obtained from the computer. As the design becomes more firmly specified, the
straight-line curves can be corrected for greater accuracy. From these logarithmic
plots enough data in the frequency range of concem can readily be obtained to
determine the corresponding polar plots.
Some basic definitions of logarithmic terms follow.
-. . -
LOCARITHM. The logarithm of a complex number is itself a complex number. from fl to f2 is
The abbreviation log is used to indicate'the logarithm to the base 10: iOg (fdfl) = 3.32 1og octaves
log 2 fi
log IG( jo ) 1ej9(") = log IG( jo) 1 + log e'*(*) There is an increase of 1 decade from fl to f2 when fJfl = 10. The
= log (G(j o ) 1 +j 0 . 4 3 4 @ ( ~ ) (8.7) frequency band from 1 to 10 Hz or from 2.5 to 25 Hz is 1 decade in width. The
number of decades from fl to f, is given by
The real part is equal to the logarithm of the magnitude, log JG(j o ) ] , and the
imaginary part is proportional to the angle, 0.434@(w).In the rest of this book f2
log - decades (8.10)
the factor 0.434 is omitted and only the angle + ( o ) is used. fl
The decibel values of some comnion numbers are given in Table 8.1. Note
DECIBEL. In feedback-system work the unit cornmonly used for the logarithm of that the reciprocals of riumbers differ only in sign. Thus, the decibel value of 2 is
the magnitude is the decibel. Logarithms of transfer functions are used, where the + 6 dB and the decibel value of $ is - 6 dB. Two properties are illustrated in
transfer function is the ratio of output to input of a block. The variables are not Table 8.1.
necessarily in the same units; e.g., the output may be speed in radians per second,
and the input may be voltage in volts. Property 1. As a number doubles, the decibel value increases by 6 dB. The
number 2.70 is twice as big as 1.35, and its decibel value is 6 dB more. The
LOC MACNITUDE. The logarithm of the magnitude of a transfer function G( jw) number 200 is twice as big as 100, and its decibel value is 6 dB greater
expressed in decibels is
Property 2. As a number increases by a factor of 10, the decibel value increases
by 20 dB. The number 100 is ten times as large as the number 10, and its decibel
This quantity is called the log magnitude, abbreviated Lm. Thus value is 20 dB more. The number 200 is one hundred times larger than the
number 2, and its decibel vhlue is 40 dB greater.

Since the transfer function is a function of frequency, the log magnitude is also a
function of frequency.

OCCAVE AND DECADE. Two units used to express frequency bands or frequency The frequency transfer furiction can be written in generalized form as the ratio of
ratios are the octave and the decade. An octave is a frequency band from f, to polynomials:
f,, where fJfl = 2. Thus, the frequency band from 1 to 2 Hz is 1 octave in +
Km(l jwTl)(l + jwT2)'
G ( j o ) " ( j u ) m (1 + j u r a ) (1 + ( 2 y 0 , ) jo + (l/o:)( ju)'] = KmG1(jo )
width, and the frequency band from 17.4 to 34.8 Hz is also 1 octave in width.
Note that 1 octave is not a fixed frequency bandwidth but depends on the
frequency range being considered. The number of octaves in the frequency range

where K m is the gain constant. The logarithm of the transfer function is a Each of these terms except K m may appear raised to an integral power other
complex quantity; the real portion is proportional to the log of the magnitude, than 1. The curves of log magnitude and angle vs. the log frequency can easily be
and the complex portion is proportional to the angle. Two separate equations are drawn for each factor. Then these curves for each factor can be added together
written, one for the log magnitude and one for the angle: graphically to get the curves for the complete transfer function. The procedure
LmG(jw)-Lm~~+Lm(1+jw~~)+r~m(1+joT~)+~-~-mLmjw can be further simplified by using asymptotic approximations to these curves, as
shown in the following pages.

Since the constant K m is frequency-invariant, the plot of
Lm K m = 20 1og K m dB
is a horizontal straight line. The constant raises or lowers the log magnitude curve
The angle equation may be rewritten as
/G( - /Km + tan-' wT, + r tan-' oT2 + -mWO
of the complete transfer function by a fixed amount. The angle, of course, is zero
as long as K m is positive.

j w Factors
The gain K m is a real number but may be positive or negative; therefore its angle The factor j w appearing in the denorninator has a log magnitude
is correspondingly O0 or 180'. Unless otherwise indicated, a positive value of gain
is assumed in this book. Both the log magnitude and the angle given by these
equations are functions of frequency. When the log magnitude and the angle are
Lm - = 20 log
J* M = - 20 log o
plotted as functions of the log of frequency, the resulting curves are referred to as When plotted against log u, this curve is a straight ljne with a negative slope of
the Bode plots or the b g magnitude diagram and the phme diagram. Equations 6 dB/octave or 20 dB/decade. Values of this function can be obtained from
(8.12) and (8.13) show that the resultant curves are obtained by the addition and Table 8.1 for severa1 values of o. The angle is constant and equal to - 90'.
subtraction of the corresponding individual terms in the transfer-function equa- When the factor jo appears in the numerator, the log magnitude is
tion. The two curves can be combided into a single curve of log magnitude vs. Lm(jw) = 20logIjol = 2 0 l o g o (8.20)
angle, with frequency w as a parameter. This curve, called the Nichols or the log
magnitude-angl diagram, corresponds to the Nyquist polar plot and is used for This curve is a straight line with a positive slope of 6 dB/octave or 20
the quantitative design of the feedback system to meet specifications of required dB/decade. The angle is constant and equal to +90°. Notice that the only
performance. difference between the curves for j w and for l/jo .is a change in the sign of the
slope of the log magnitude and a change in the sign of the angle. Both curves go
8.6 DRAWING THE BODE PLOTS through the point O dB at o = 1.
For the factor (jw) *" the log magnitude curve has a slope of f6m
The properties of frequency-response plots are presented in this section, but the dB/octave or f20m dB/decade, and the angle is constant and equal to fm90°.
data for these plots usually are obtained from a computer program or a
ptogrammable calculator. The generalized form of the transfer function as given
by Eq. (8.11) shows that the numerator and denorninator have four basic types of 1 + jwT Factors
factors: The factor 1 + jwT appearing in the denominator has a log magnitude
Km (8.15)

For very small values of o , that is, o T 1,

Lm(1 + j o T ) - ' = logl = OdB (8.22)
The plot of the log magnitude at small frequencies is the O-dB line. For very large

Corner frequency, Values of Lm (1 + j o ~ ) '- for severa1 frequencies
Exact vdw, Vdue of the Error,
dB wymptote, dB dB

O.1 - 0.04 O - 0.04

0.25 - 0.26 O - 0.26
0.5 - 0.97 O - 0.97
0.76 - 2.00 O - 2.00
1 - 3.01 O - 3.01
1.31 -4.35 - 2.35 - 2.00
2 - 6.99 - 6.02 -0.97
4 - 12.30 - 12.04 - 0.26
10 - 20.04
. - .
- 20.0 - 0.04

magnitude curve is shown in Fig. 8.3. For more exact studies the corrections are
put in at the corner frequency and at 1 octave above and below the comer
frequency, and the new curve is drawn with a french curve. If a more accurate
FIGURE a2 curve is desired, computer-calculated values should be used.
Log magnitude and phase diagram for The phase curve for this function is plotted in Fig. 8.2. At zero frequency
(1 + jo~)-l [l +j ( ~ / ~ -)' ] the angle is O"; at the comer frequency o = wcf the angle is - 45'; and at infinite
frequency the angle is - 90". The angle curve is symmetrical about the comer-
frequency vaiue when plotted against log(o/wd) or log w. Since the abscissa of
the curves in Fig. 8.2 is o/wcf, the shapes of the angle and log magnitude curves
values of o , that is, wT w 1,
Lm(1 + jwT)-' = 20log l j w ~ l - ' - -20logoT (8.23)
are independent of the time constant T..Thus when the curves are plotted with
the abscissa in terms of o , changing T just "slides" the log magnitude and the
angle curves left or right so that the -3 dB and the -45" points occur at the
The value of Eq. (8.23) at w = 1/T is O. For values of o > 1/T this function is a
straight line with a negative slope of 6 dB/octave. Tfie asymptotes of the plot of frequency w = ocf.
Lm (1 + j w T ) - are two straight lines, one of zero slope below w = 1/T and one
of - 6 dB/octave slope above w = 1/T. These asymptotes are drawn in Fig. 8.2.
The frequency at which the arymptotes to the log magnitude curve intersect is
defined ar the corner frequency wcf. The vaiue wcf = 1/T is the corner frequency
for the function (1 + jwT) * ' = (1 jw/wcf) * f.
The exact values of Lm(1 jwT)-' are given in Table 8.2 for several
frequencies in the range a decade above and below the corner frequency. The
exact curve is also drawn in Fig. 8.2. The error, in decibels, between the exact
curve and the asymptotes is approximately as follows:

1. At the comer frequency: 3 dB

2. One octave above and below the comer frequency: 1 dB
3. Two octaves from the corner frequency: 0.26 dB

Frequently the preliminary design studies are made by using the asymptotes FIGURE 83
Log magnitude correction for (1 + joT)* l .
only. The correction to the straight-line approximation to yield $e true log
TABLE 8 3 From Eq. (8.25) it is seen that for very small values of o the low-frequency
Angles of (1 jo/o,,)-' asymptote is represented by log magnitude = O dB. For very high values of
for key frequency poinQ frequency, the log magnitude is approximately
Angle, deg

o. 1 - 5.7
0.5 - 26.6 and the high-frequency asymptote has a slope of -40 dB/decade. The asymp-
1.O - 45.0 totes cross at the comer frequency o,, = o,.
2.0 - 63.4
10.0 - 84.3

For prelirninary design studies, straight-line approximations of the phase

curve can be used. The approximation is a straight line drawn through the
following three points:


The maximum error resulting from this approximation is about f 6'. For greater
accuracy, a smooth curve is drawn through the points given in Table 8.3.
The factor 1 + jwT appearing in the numerator has the log magnitude

This is the same function as its inverse Lm (1 jwT)-' except that it is positive.
The corner frequency is the same, and the angie varies from O to 90" as the
frequency increases from zero to infinity. The log magnitude and angie curves for
the function 1 jwT are symmetrical about the abscissa to the curves for
(1 + joT)-l.

Quadratic Factors
Quadratic factors of the form

often occur in feedback-system transfer functions. For 5 > 1 the quadratic can be
factored into two first-order factors with real zeros which can be plotted in the
manner shown previously. But for S < 1 Eq. (8.24) contains conjugate-complex
factors, and the entire quadratic is plotted without factoring:
From Eq. (8.25) it is seen that a resonant condition is exhibited in the
vicinity of o o,, where the peak vaiue of the Lm O dB. Therefore there may
be a substantiai deviation of the log magnitude curve from the straight-line
asymptotes, depending on the value of J. A family of curves of severai values of
J < 1 is plotted in Fig. 8.4. For the appropriate J the curve can be traced directly
on the graph being drawn or sufficient points can be picked from Fig. 8.4. FIGURE 8.5
The phase-angle curve for this function also varies with J. At zero frequency Block diagram of a control system with unity feedback.
the angle is 0°, at the comer frequency the angle is -90°, and at infinite
frequency the angle is - 180'. A farnily of curves for various values of J < 1 is
plotted in Fig. 8.4. Templates can be made of these curves, or enough values to exact curve. Table 8.4 lists the pertinent characteristics for each factor. The log
draw the appropriate curve can be taken from Fig. 8.4. When the quadratic factor magnitude asymptotes and angle curves for each factor are shown in Figs. 8.6
lppears in the numerator, the magnitudes of the log magnitude and phase angle and 8.7, respectively. They are added algebraically to obtain the composite curve.
are the same as those in Fig. 8.4 except that they are changed in sign. The composite log magnitude curve using straight-line approximations is drawn
The Lm[l + j2Jo/o, + ( j o / ~ , ) ~ ] - 'with J < 1 has a peak value. The directly, as outlined below.
magnitude of this peak vaiue and the frequency at which it occurs are important
terms. These values, given earlier in Sec. 4.10 and derived in Sec. 9.3, are repeated Step 1. At frequencies less than o,, the first corner frequency, only the factors
here: Lm 4 and Lm ( j u ) - ' are effective. Al1 the other factors have zero value. At u,,
Lm4 = 12 dB, and Lm(jol)-' = 6 dB; thus at this frequency the composite
curve has the value of 18 dB. Below o,' the composite curve has a slope of - 20
dB/decade because of the Lm ( j o ) - ' term.

Step 2. Above o,, the factor Lm (1 + j2w)-' has .a slope of - 20 dB/decade

Note that the peak vaiue M, depends only on the damping ratio J. and must be added ta the terms in step 1. When the slopes are added, the
Equation (8.28) is meaningful only for red values of o,. Therefore the curve of
M vs. o has a peak vaiue greater than unity only for J < 0.707. The frequency at
which the peak value occurs depends on both the damping ratio J and the TABLE 8.4
undamped natural frequency o,. This information is used when adjusting a Characteristics of log magnitude and angle diagrams for various factors
control system for good response characteristics. These characteristics are dis- Comer
cussed in Chap. 9. frequeney Angle
The discussion thus far has dealt with poles and zeros which are located in Factor '"./ Log magnitude charactenstics
the left-half S plane. The log magnitude curves for poles and zeros lying in the
right-half S plane are the same as those for poles and zeros located in the left-half None Constant magnitude of + 12
S plane. However, the angle curves are differerit. For example, the angle for the None -
Constant slope of 20 dB/ Constant -90'
factor (1 - j o T ) varies from O to -90' as o varies from zero to infinity. Also, if

- -
J is negative, the quadratic factor of expression (8.24) contains right-haif S plane
poles or zeros. Its angle varies from - 360' at o O to - 180° at o OO. This
wl - 0.5
O slope below comer fre-
quency; - 20 dB/decade
Varies from
Oto -90"
slope above comer
information can be obtaineú from the pole-zero diagram discussed in Sec. 4.10,
with al1 angles measureú in a counter-clockwise direction. wz - 2.0
O slope below comer fre-
quency; + 20 dB/decade
Varies from
O to + 90"
slope above comer
Figure 8.5 shows the block diagram of a feedback control system with unity w3 - 8.0
O slope below comer fre-
quency; - 40 dB/decade
Varies frorn
Oto -180"
feedback. In this section the log magnitude and phase diagram is drawn in a slope above comer
systematic manner for the open-loop transfer function of this system. The log frequency
magnitude curve is drawn both for the straight-line approximation and for the

Output feedback tracking system containing a proportional plus integral (Pl)controiier.
TRACKING asymptotically uncontrollable or unobservable, and thus the output response is
dominated by the fast modes. This leads to very fast tracking of the cornmand
SYSTEMS input by the output. This-chapterpresents a method for designing robust control
USING systems, as shown in Fig. 20.1.
, The design is dependent upon !he first Markov parameter which is equal to
OUTPUT the matrix product CB. When CB has maximal rank the plant is described as
FEEDBACK regular. When CB does not have maximal rank, then the plant is described as
irregular. In the case of regular plants the controller irnplements a proportional
plus integral control law as shown in Fig. 20.1. In the case of irregular plants, the
proportional plus integral control is augmented with an inner-loop which pro-
vides extra measurements for control purposes. (See Sec. 20.7.)


The multi-input multi-output (MIMO) plant is represented by the state and
output equations of the respective forms
x(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t) (20.1)
In the MIMO tracking systems described in Chap. 19 the system outputs y(t) ~ ( t =) Cx(t) (20.2)
efíectively follow constant input commands r(t) in the steady state. The outputs where the dimension of A is n x n, B is n x ni, C is d x n, and the rank of B is
are also decoupled and noninteracting so that each output follows only its m. These equations are often available or may be transformed to the forrn
respective input, that is, y,(t) tracks rl(t), y2(t) tracks r,(t), etc. There is only a
transient interaction from other inputs and the amplitudes of those transients are
very small. The design method of Chap. 19 requires that al1 the states must be fed
back as shown in Fig. 19.1. Depending upon the dimension of the state vector, it
may not be feasible to physically include sensors which will measure al1 of the
states. Therefore, it is often necessary to use a state estimator or observer to
reconstnict the states, and then these estimated states are fed back. where x, is m x 1, B, is m X m and has rank m, C, is m X m and has rank m ,
The control system configuration of Fig. 20.1 uses only output feedback to and the remaining elements in these equations have appropriate dimensions. The
generate an error vector e(t) = r(t) - y(t). Therefore, the direct use of the design method for the tracker presented in this chapter requires that the number
output measurements to produce the input signal to the controller avoids the of controlled outputs y(t) must be equal to the number of controls u(t). Thus,
requirement for measuring or reconstructing the entire state vector. Further, d= m. A high-gain controller irnplements a proportional plus integral (PI)
based upon a high-gain approach, the closed-loop system exhibits a distinctive control law represented by
asymptotic stnicture in which there are slow and fast modes. The slow modes are
B do a g{Kle(t) + K,z(t)) (20.5)
wticrc g is ti scrilnr gnin. Tlie error vector between the constant cornmand input and the analysis in Sec. 20.4 leads to definitions of the asymptotic slow and fast
r ( r ) aiid tlic output y(r) is e ( t ) = r ( t ) - y ( t ) . The integral of the error is the
vcctor z ( t ) J&t) dr which therefore satisfies the equation
modes of the closed-loop system as g + m. This further leads to a design
procedure which is outlined in Sec. 20.5. Finally, a design example is presented in
- r(t) - ~ ( t )
The closed-loop tracking system of Fig. 20.1 is represented .by Eqs. (20.3)
Sec. 20.6.

through (20.6). Combining these equations, the composite closed-loop state and 20.3 BLOCK DIACONALIZATION
output equations have the respective forms In this section the closed-loop system properties are deterrnined when the scalar
gain g in the control law of Eq. (20.5) has large values approaching infinity. In
order to obtain these properties the state and output equations @ven in Eqs.
(20.7) and (20.8) are transformed to the block diagonal f ~ r d given
- ~ by


The transformation is achieved by using
Y O ) = [O C1 j CzI (20 .8)

The partitioning of the matrices in these equations is used in the following

section. These closed-loop equations may be represented in the forms, respec- The transtormation matrix T is s e l e ~ t e d ~ .
as- ~

where 1, and I2 are identity matrices of appropriate dimensions. The inverse of

this matrix is equal to
where the dimension of A, is n x n, A, is m x m, B, is m x m and has rank m,
and the remaining elements have wrresponding dimensions. The closed-loop
transfer function for Eqs. (20.7) and (20.8) is Inserting the transformation of Eqs. (20.14) and (20.15) into Eq. (20.7)

Cl c2 yields the new plant matrix
C(X>= [o Cl c21
[ 0 %-A - Al1 - A12

.[ ]
-A21 + gB2K1C1 Al,- A22 + gB2K1C2


The form of the B matnx in Eq. (20.3) and the corresponding partitioning in Eqs.
A, - Al - MI& - a, - A,L + M ~ , +L %L (20.18)
(20.3) and (20.4) are introduced in order to develop the properties of the A, = A,M - MG,M - W,M+ A, - MG,
closed-loop system under high-gain operation. This is achieved for the control
- M i , - A,LM + M ~ , L M+ M,LM (20.19)
law of Eq. (20.5) when g becomes large and, in the limit, asymptotically
approaches infinity, g -, OO. These properties are derived by first using singular
perturbation methods in Sec. 20.3 to block diagonalize the closed-loop'plant
A, -
Gil + A, - G,L- A,L (20.20)

matrix in Eq. (20.7). The resulting block diagonalization is presented in Sec. 20.3, A/ = + A,M + L;i2 + A, - L;~,LM - A,LM (20.21)
In order for the resulting matrix of Eq. (20.17) to have the block diagonal form
shown in Eq.(20.12), it is necessary that A,
into Eqs. (20.18) and (20.21) yields
A, = O. Inserting these conditions
II Similarly, as g -, oo, Eq. (20.21) yields
A/= LA2 + A, = -gB2KlC2 (20.32)
Inserting the transformation of Eqs. (20.14) intb Eq. (20.7) yields the new
control matnx

The value of the matrix L is determined by using the series form

L - Lo + g-'L1 + g - 2 ~ 2+ (20.24)
Inserting Eq. (20.24) into the equation A, =O and taking the limit as g -, oo
yields (see Prob. 20.7) Thus.
Lo = [ - c;'K;'K~ c;'c,] (20.25)
- --- .." = [ A 12c-'1
--..-A. 2
The first-order approximation of L as g -, oo is, therefore
L - -
Lo c;'c,] (20.26)
and, as g '+ &o,
B/ g%K1 -
The evaluation of M is determined by using the series form 1 The output equation is also transformed to

The necessary conditions for obtaining the block diagonal plant matrix of Eq.
(20.12) rquire that A, O and A, = O. Combining these equations for the
values of A, and A, given in Eqs. (20.19) and (20.20) yields (20.36)
A,- (Al - A,L)M- M(G, + A,) + A , = O (20.28) ' .
The expansion of the left side of Eq. (20.28), in terms of L and M given by Eqs. Using the values obtained from Eqs. (20.8), (20.25), and (20.30), the elements of
(20.24) and (20.27), produces the term containing the highest power of g as the output matrix, as g -, oo, ark
Cs= [K;lK2 O]
gM,&KlC2 = O. Then, as g -, oo, since &KlC2 is nonsingular, the necessary
condition is that M , = O. Therefore, a first-order approximation of M is M
g-'M,. Inserting this value into Eq. (20.28) and taking the limit as g -, m, the
- (20.37)

nonzero terms remaining are

The system of Fig. 20.1 contains a proportional plus integral controller that
The first-order approximation of M is therefore generates the input vector to the plant. The signal u(t) is formed by the control
law of Eq. (20.5). The composite closed-loop system is represented by the state
and output equations (20.7) and (20.8), and the exact overall transfer function is
given by Eq. (20.11).
In order to analyze the closed~loopsystem performance, the transformation
With the values of L and M determined by Eqs. (20.26) and (20.30), respdctively, of Eq. (20.14) is introduced in Sec. 20.3. By properly selecting the transformarion
the transformation matrix T of Eq. (20.15) can now be obtained. matrix T given by Eq. (20.15), the closed-loop state and output equations are
As g -, oo, using the value of L in Eq. (20.26), the matrix A, of Eq. (20.22) then given by Eqs. (20.12) and (20.13) for the case when the scalar gain g -, m.
therefore becomes In Eq. (20.12) the plant matrix is in block diagonal form, and the subblocks A,

and A/ are represented by Eqs. (20.31) and (20.32), respectively. These submatrices
O are first analyzed in order to determine the nature of the closed-loop eigenvalues.
A' m [A1>:~:1, A,, - A12C; 'C, They are then used to synthesize the matrices K, and K 2 in order to implement
the control law of Eq. (20.5).

The closed-loop characteristic equation when g -+ ao, obtained from the The set S, therefore consists of m eigenvalues which are al1 located at infinity
plant matrix of Eq. (20.12), is because g -+ m. Consequently there are m fast modes in the output. The
designation of fast is based on the fact that they can be located in the stable
AI, - A, region at infinity by the selection of the proportional matrix K,.
AI, - A, = IAI, - A,( JAI, - AfJ O (20.39)
Using Eqs. (20.12) and (20.13), the asymptotic transfer function as g co -+

is obtained as

Using the matrices for A, and Af given in Eqs. (20.31) and (20.32), the
closed-loop characteristic equation is AI, - A,
Al, o- A, (20.45)
where r,(A) is the slow transfer function and i',(A) is the fast transfer function.
The slow transfer function is computed from Eq. (20.45). Using the matrices for
The components of Eq. (20.40) lead to three classes of eigenvalues.' A ,, B,, and C, given in Eqs. (20.31), (20.34), and (20.37) yields
. ---
Eigenvalue set S,. The first class of m eigenvalues is designated by the set S, and r,(A) = C,[AI, - A,]-~B, O E (20.46)
is determined by This is a consequence of the uncontrollability of the modes associated with the
set of eigenvalues S, and the unobservability of the m o d a associated with the set
of eigenvalues S,. Therefore, the output y(t) contains no slow modes.
These eigenvalues lead to slow modes in the output. The designation of slow is The fast transfer function is computed from Eq. (20.45). Using the matrices
based on the fact that, although g + m,these eigenvalues have finite values that for A,, B,, and C, given in Eqs. (20.32), (20.35), and (20.38) yields
are determined by the values of K, and K,. These control law matrices are
selected by the designer, and therefore the set of eigenvalues S, can be assigned
as desired. Since A, is lower triangular and B, has an upper zero block [see Eqs. By matrix manipulation (see Prob. 20.8), Eq. (20.47) may be rewritten as
(20.31) and (20.34)], the modes associated with the set of eigenvalues S, are
In view of Eqs. (20.46) and (20.48), the exact transfer function G(A)
Eigenvalue set S,. The second class of n - m eigenvalues is designated by the set represented by Eq. (20.11) has the asymptotic form, as g -+ co, given by
S, and is determined by
r ( A ) = [AI, + ~ c ~ B ~ K ~ ] ~ ~ ~ c(20.49) ~ B ~ K
IhIn-, - [Al1 - A ~ ~ C ; ~1 C= ~O ] (20.42) The output therefore contains only the fast modes corresponding to the set of
Since this equation is a function only of the plant [see Eqs. (20.3) and (20.4)], the eigenvalues S,. In the case where a finite v . u e is assigned to the scalar gain g,
set of eigenvalues S, cannot be changed by selection of the control law matrices then the output will also contain slow modes. The dominancy of the fast modes is
K, and K,. These eigenvalues have finite values, and the associated modes are determined by the magnitude of the scalar gain g.
therefore also designated as slow modes. Since these eigenvalues cannot be
changed by the control law, it is essential that they be located in the stable 20.5 DESIGN PROCEDURE FOR REGULAR
region. These eigenvalues are also identified in th-e technical literature as trans- PLANTS
mission z e r o ~ . ~ * ' .Since
~ ' ~ A, is lower triangular and C, has a right-hand zero
block [see Eqs. (20.31) and (20.37)], the modes associated with the set of The design procedure is based on the requirement that al1 of the closed-loop
eigenvalues S, are unobservable. eigenvalues must be located in the left-half plane so that the system is stable. In
addition, noninteracting or decoupled control is desirable. This means that each
Eigenvilue ret S,. The third clau of m eigenvalues is designated by the set S, output tracks its respective command input, that is, y,(t) follows r,(t), y2(t)
and is determined by follows r2(t), etc. Also, the amplitudes of any transients due to other inputs must
[ A l , + gB2KlC21= O (20.43) be very small.
The design process consists of the following steps:
Since the matrix C, is a square matrix having full rank, Eq. (20.43) can be shown
to be equivalent to (see Prob. 20.8) 1. Check the controllability and observability of the plant given by the state and
IAI, + gC2B2KlI = O . (20.44) output equations given by Eqs. (20.1) and (20.2), respectively.
2. Check the controllability of the augrnentcd plant containing the proportional matrices yields
plus integral control. This rquires, in addition to controliabilíty of the plant
(stcp l), that the foliowing matrix have full rax~k.~
Therefore, the matrix product CB, known as the first Markov parameter, is
invariant with change of the state space. It is a measure only of the input-
3. Deterinine the transmission zeros1° which comprise set S, of the closed-loop output characteristics of the system. Equations (20.49~)and (20.54~)can
eigenvalues. These are determined from therefore be written, respectively, as
r ( X ) = [XIm + g C B ~ l ] - l g ~ ~ ~ l (20.496)
IxI,-, - Al, + A1,C;'C, 1 = O (20.51)
K, = [CB] -'Z (2G.54b;
The transmission zeros must be located in the left-half plane or the design
It is not necessary to determine the transformation matrix T. The matrices C
cannot proceed. In the case of a controliable and observable plant, the
and B can be used directly in Eq. (20.546) to compute K,.
transmission zeros can also be computed from the determinant of the system
rnatrix which is defined7 by 5. Assign the slow-eigenvalueset S, and determine the integral matrix K, by use
of Eq.. (20.41). A simple and often effective selection of these eigenvalues is ro

The transmission zeros are obtained from Eq. (20.52) even when the B matrix
K;'K, -
assign them ali to have the same value A,. This is achieved by using
-h o I which requires that
K2 = -XoK1 (20.55)
of thc state equation is not in the partitioned form shown in Eq. (20.3). The 6. Completion of the design process produces a diagonal asymptotic closed-loop
number of transrnission zeros8 for a system Having the same number of transfer function given by Eq. (20.49) as
outputs and inputs, i.e., for C- m, is equal to n - m - d, where d is the rank
deficiency of the matrix product CB.
4. Assign the fast eigenvalue set S, by use of Eq. (20.44). Since decoupling of the The value of g which produces satisfactory performance is determined from a
outputs is desired, an arbitrary diagonal m a t h Z is selected and used in simulation of the system response. ' .
ClB2Kl = L = (20.53)
The design procedure outlined in Sec. 20.5 is applied to the development of a
controller for an unstable chemicai The state and output equations
are given by
The values -gol, gol, ..., go, comprise the fast eigenvalue set S,. From Eq.

1% 1
(20.53), the value of the proportional matrix K, is computed from -0.2077. 6.715

Kl - (~,fjl)-l~ (20.54~)
- 4.29
It is evident from Eq. (20.54) that C,B, must have full rank in order for the
invcrse to exist. When this is true, the plant is described as regular. (Irregular &(t> m O .O48 4.273
plants for which C,B, does not have full rank are covered in Sec. 20.7).
The development of Eq. (20.54~)is based on the state ind output
rO 0 1
quations given in Eqs. (20.3) and (20.4), in which the B matrix has the form
B [O B T ] ~When the B matrix is not in this form, it can be achieved by
introducing the transformation x = Tx' so that the state and output equations
take the form and
f' = [T-'AT]X' +
Y = [m'
where the new control rnatrix has the form T-'B = [O bTlT
output matrix is CT [C, C,]. It is now evident
and the new
that the product of these
The plant is unstable as shown by the eigenvalue spectrum
a(A) a {0.06351,1.991, - 5.057, - 8.666) (20.59)
The state equation given in Eq. (20.57) is not in the partitioned form shown in
Eq. (20.3). Therefore, the procedure uses Eq. (20.54b) to take this into account.

Step 1. The open-loop plant is controllable since the controllability matrix M,,
given in Eq. (13.68), has full rank n = 4. The open-loop plant is observable since
the observability matrix M,, given in Eq. (13.73), has full rank n = 4.

Step 2. The augmented system with the proportional plus integral controller is

has full rank n m 6. -
controllable since the rank of the matrix forrned in accordance with Eq. (20.50)

Step 3. The transmission zeros cannot be obtained from Eq. (20.51) since the B
matrix in Eq. (20.57) is not in the partitioned form of Eq. (20.3). Therefore, Eq.
(20.52) is used and yields the transrnission zeros
S2= { - 1.192, - 5.039) (20.60)
Since these transmission zeros are in the stable region, the design can proceed. FIGURE 20.2
Step response y ( t ) - ( y l ( t ) ,h ( r ) } for r ( t ) - [l 0IT.
Step 4. The fast eigenvalues in the set S, are al1 assigned the vaiues of - g, thus
2 = 1 is used in Eq. (20.54) to compute the proportional matrix K,. Since the
state equation of Eq. (20.57) does not have the B matrix in the partitioned form
of Eq. (20.3), the computation of K, is obtained by using Eq. (20.54b).

A, -
Step 5. The two slow eigenvalues contained in the set S, are assigned the values
- 2. Thus, from Eq. (20.55)

Step 6. The closed-loop eigenvalues, as g + m,are asymptotic to the vaiues
S, = (-2, -21, S2= (-1.192, -5.0391, S, (-g, -g). Only the fast eigen-
values from the set S, appear in the asyrnptotic transfer function given by Eq.

Step response y ( [ ) - ( y l ( t ) ,h(O}for r ( t ) - [O 1IT
A suitable value of g is determined from a computer simulation of the Thus Eq. (20.64) shows that w(r) equals y(t) in the steady state:
system. The value of g which produces acceptable values of overshoot and
settling time are selected. As the value of g increases, the outputs become , ~ ( 1 )=
s ~(1)s (20.66)
increasingly noninteractive and the fast modes dominate the responses. Figures Inserting the values obtaincd from Eqs. (20.3) and (20.4) into Eq. (20.64) yields
20.2 and 20.3 show the responses with the commands r(t) = [l OIT and r(t) = the new output equatioh
[O lJT,respectively, for the value g = 50. It is further necessary to determine the
values of ul(r) and u2(t). The system must be capable of providing this required
control effort while the linear system model of Eqs. (20.57) and (20.58) remains
valid. Plots of u,(r) and u2(t) must be obtainedfrom a computer simulation to
be sure that they remain within the linear operating range.

20.7 IRREGULAR PLANT By the proper selection13-of the measurement matrix M, the matrix F2 in Eq.
CHARACI'ERISTICS (20.67) will have full rank m.
The composite continuous-time tracking system of Fig. 20.4, consisting of
The fast eigenvalues for the output feedback high-gain system with proportional the plant of Eq. (20.3), the control law of Eq. (20.5), and the output of Eq.
plus integral control are determined from Eq. (20.54) which states that K1 = (20.67), has the state and output equations given by
(CB)-'2. In the case where CB does not have full rank, the inverse (CB)'l does
not exist and K1 cannot be determined. When CB does not have full rankl the -F1
- F2
system is described as irregular. Such systems can be controlled by introducing12 Al1 Il
the rninor loop feedback shown in Fig. 20.4. In this figure there is shown a new A,, - gB2KlFl 1 A, - gB2K,&
output described by
w(t) = y(t) + Mx, (20.64)
When the command input to the system r(t) consists of step functions, steady-state
values of the states for a stable system also are step functions. Since the state
quations for B1(t) in Eq. (20.3) have zero forcing function, the steady-state v'alue
of xl(t ) is therefore

lim B1(t) = O (20.65)


The closed-loop transfer function for Eqs. (20.68) and (20.69) is

Using the proeedure illustrated in Sec. 20.3, the state and output equationa
FiGURE 20.4
A tracking system utilizing a measuremt matrix (an irregular plant).
/ given in Eqs. (20.3) and (20.68) are transformed to the forms of Eqs. (20.12) and
(20.13) where the composite plant matnx is block diagonal. Taking the limit as

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