Today The Coast Guard Caught Sight of Men Pulling Their Ship Onto Olur Shore

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Genevieve Allen

Stuart Bloodworth

English 2230

February 19th , 2011

Wealhtheow’s Journal Entry

Today the coastguard caught sight of men pulling their ship onto our shore. Rumor has it our

guard was quite bold when he challenged their presence there. “What kind of men are you who

arrive rigged out for combat in coats of mail, sailing here over the sea-lanes in your sleep-hulled

ship?” I would have thought that most men would have been frightened by such a reception, but

apparently not these men. I heard that their leader stepped forward and answered our guard’s

question. He said “We belong by birth to the Geat people and owe allegiance to Lord Hygelac.”

My Lord’s guard saw this as a fitting response and led the men to Hrothgar. Word travels fast

and I overheard my maids whispering among themselves that a more handsome man they had

never seen. When the men arrived, Wulfgar, a renowned warrior took it upon himself to take the

Geat’s message to Hrothgar. I was standing behind my lord Hrothgar’s throne attending to his

mead horn when Wulfgar came before Hrothgar. Wulfgar said “People from Geatland have put

ashore. They have sailed far over the wide sea. They call the chief in charge of their band by the
name of Beowulf. They beg, my lord, an audience with you, exchange of words and formal

greeting. Most gracious Hrothgar, do not refuse them, but grant them a reply. From their arms

and appointment, they appear well born and worthy of respect, especially the one who has led

them this far: he is formidable indeed.” My heart tripped at these words and I nearly dropped the

jar of mead. What if these Geats were the answer to my prayer? We need a hero to lift the

darkness from our land and I have been praying to the Roman God Jesu Christus. I watched from

the darkened corner of the hall as Hrothgar gave his permission for Beowulf to approach.

Suddenly, a shadow covered the light in the doorway as a warrior entered. He was followed by a

handful of his best men. A hush fell across the hall. A mightier man I have never seen. He carries

himself like a prince and his presence commands attention. He spoke to my Lord. “Greetings to

Hrothgar. I am Hygelac’s kinsman, one of his hall-troop…..”. He continued on telling great tales

about his heroic deeds and I was quite carried away listening to this warrior-bard tell of sea-

monsters until I heard him say “Now I mean to be a match for Grendel, settle the outcome in

single-combat.” I think my heart actually stopped beating for a moment. My mind tried to reason

that I had misheard, but as he went on to tell of how he would kill the great monster I knew I had

heard right. Hrothgar accepted Beowulf’s offer to attempt to kill the mighty Grendel. I could not

believe my ears. I still cannot believe what I heard. This man, this prince among men signed his

own death sentence. Oh God protect this man! Then, that sniveling little worm of a man, that

Unferth rose from where he was sitting and with a curled lip spat words of derision at our hero.

My stomach went into an angry knot as he verbally attacked Beowulf’s honor and courage. I

cannot even imagine how Unferth can live with himself after such a display. My Lord Hrothgar

then took the men into the great bloodstained hall of Heorot. Even now I can hear the reveling of

the warriors. These Geats are eating supper as if they had not a care in the world. As I sit in my
bedchamber and write this, I fear for this man. I pray God protect him. No mortal man can kill

that monster from Hell. At dawn, I shall see if my prayer has been answered.

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