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student’s book Ped ent foe Penny Series consulta Aer Cg Starterunt saree + Paying somes Hobbies and games * Sore" pages Technology sete page i ca ~~ + Funeraaing + Vocabulary evison ‘Tansee present Present simple and sinplsandpestsimple pst simgle + Pastsmpleandcontinuns Word stess ‘thera whe + Campaign Grammar « Listening + Reading + resent pete Heroes . —— A + forand since poses Bt incredible journeys cea CD nso om a *Vorabulary + Reading + Fins On screen Stor sutbes — Fstcondiona panes Msi INigtie nepal ord oer pretees +s Tepesve page ct Pats CQ ences ' + akingrends + Oban PU Good friends SVepangooun phon ene i kes en Scone s Phesleros + Reported speech Bees Soented Speech orders Sere ca «+ raure tenses Grammar + Listening Sra wesk ors “Gramma | Listening + Ustening ea + Board games ‘rem eerabosr dele Britain's pacia * Cotsritas andthe fete The power of technology Amira | Aan‘ technology + Asai network + Col + alty Marks aria Schone | Selon Gomes. Sosa” rbasoder + cary tote + Wea ematword 1 solo ee + ream notéays + Flns line 1 Make atm a Holywood + Rayer Swit + Favourte STasteam ornot to” musilans eam? + Collaborative Task - A famous film poster + Cuturatinttigence 1 uestonnsine + Mysang hea oh + dat on time! “+ Collaborative Task A good story ting your Wier page 108 Extra Reading prative Task ~ My technology world poster + Athome + personal fie + Making 1 Liners otreaeon + out hopping * Making requests indoles ih + Athank youtater thank outer + Upgrate for Exams + Asponsores + Amagiine weak aoe ‘Making requests + Linkers—reviston anders oh + Ate station + Adescription of * deserting Slourey ‘ey «+ Unkars ot sequence + Upgrae for Exams + Atthe cine. + Ati review + Asking or an * Giving pinion ‘ing cpnens| + Going oa + Asescrigton of fencert Smusiihera + Agresing and ‘Time expressions athagresing + Upgrade for Exams + party + Atormat iter + Deserta 2 Liners ot eerie canterane * ating a story s Astor, + Stoning + Liners of sequence * Upgrade for Exams Se + Grammar presen simp, have go, can Ie present continuous, there is/are revision) to/enoveh, ao ae/nt s(t) 8 + Famous sorting + Famausinvetons fndinventore + Famous heroes + Famous journeys + Famaus ins 8 timbers + Famous muse + Famous Reneshies + Famous tres > Introductions @ 44 Listen to Mia, Max and Ruby introducing themselves. Then match pictures 1-3 with the people. © 40 Listen again and complete the profiles. gave Rae Geant ‘Maas ax by © SR Work in pairs. introduce yourself toa friend and say: your age, where you live and ‘hat you ike doing in your free time. > Vocabulary Q Match adjectives 1~6 with their opposites a-f. 1 tal 8 bd zoe be small 2. fat short % ip young 5. expensive elim 6 good 1 cheap © Choose the odd one out. boot trainers trousers explorer tired / nervous swimming worried bank nema / mountain station hastorm tad scence /hurcane knee / mouth / nose ye brave /stubom /ienly temperature surgeon milk lumber / lifeguard > Grammar © Correct the sentences. oe 1 wei 2 a 4 s. 6 Dan and Megan sirens. Rit’ favourite sport are simming Megan tv with her parents in Reaing Rts dont ke tennis an ana its dont gong tthe same school, Do Dan ke paying fatal? Has got Magan any brthars and seters? Baths Dans best rend and him girtfrend a, te questions. an/ you sien seat your best rind / Uke chocolate? have got you! any pets? there a computer /in your bedroom? ‘here any good shops / were you live? ‘ean you peak French accurately? © ®Y Work in pairs. Ask and answer the ‘questions in exercise 7. GE €D © Look at the words in blue, Which are countab ‘nouns and which are uncountable? Add five ‘more words to each group, D Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with is/isn'tor are/aren’t There i some rit, ‘Tere any apples ‘There any milk. ‘There. some bread There. any chocolate preps hee Look at the sentences in the table and choose the correct words to complete the rules. on The musie was too loud We couldn talk Itstoo hot to wear a eoa. He ent old enough to watch this programme We havent got enough money to buy @ smartphone, | | | | fe Forme. matsisas dfcultas physi. == Beg rr © order the words to make sentences. 1 enough /travel/ alone aren /we/ alata 2. new /toa/are thes big me ‘or shoes 3. warm enough / ot /1/ am 4% tour/the/ excing/ enough wasn't / me fr 5. to0/ are those expensive / jane ‘® complete the sentences with too or enough. 1. Theshopping baskets. heavy for the boy to ary. Why don you help hi? 2. She says that she never eat. food a midday. 3. dont want to got the sports caries cold today 4. Your lathes are nat format. fo th interview: 5 think your cousin is nat clever. for hat poston. © Look at the sentences in the table and choose the correct words to complete the rule. ‘She isnot so/as boring as her brather Is We use not as poop or things. The adjective comes between / after 28 compare / combine two asand as. We usualy use sointhe negative, © comptete the sentences with as. 0 (as). as. 1, Sparrows ae not. paras. (clout) 2. Uncle George 2 millansire but he ent ‘it Gates, ich) 3. Mycousin Timmy a.m, We ean both run a ‘rile n 80 seconds. ast) 4. Everybody knows that panda is (aggressive) 5, Wallabies are nt...kangaroos. (ig) {6 Motorscooters are nt.cas, (ecloical) aor not a grzaly bear DLanguage Database page 118 ca bd SS he Vocabulary 1 bm Playing games © 44: Match pictures 1-5 with some of the verbs in blue, Then listen and repeat. ‘© Complete the sentences with words from © 40% Listen to Lou and Will Which of the exercise 1. games in blue do they describe? pay wth i nee eal 2, John usually. when he plays cards He looks at ~— @ $5 Work in the cards of the ther players! and describe| 3. | dont know the answer. sory. 4 Tostarthe gome, and compare the number You get withthe one your partner ges 5. InMonepoy you. on Goto Ja you miss Inturns, choose a game partner guesses. Reading 1 © Read the first paragraph ofthe text. How many games are mentioned? Does your family ever sit together ond play games? ‘This fun actiity is ove 5,000 years old. Senet isthe fst Fenown board game. it appeared in Egyptin about 3100 8C. ‘Archaeologists found many Senet boards in Egyption tombs Backgammon appeared in China inthe year AD 600, In backgammon, players toll he ice tn move The winners the frst plang © 445 Read the text and listen. Put the games in blue in the correct chronological order. | @ Readme text again. choose the correct words 1 eo played do’ play bord gras 00 eee | 2. Taft boardgame comes | {rom China |. The modern version of chee BOARD GAMES Senet « Ratotek doesn't come peared) id't appear inthe Yath century. their pieces. The modern version of chess appeared in about 1200. The objectiveisto tap the 4 ‘other players king orto force the other player to give up. ‘Monopoly was the frst modern board game. it appeared in the Usain 1936, Today, digital games sel, millions Designers tumed some board games into digital board eto games. Roboteh is 0 ‘gome of strategy created for Smartphones. ti ike @ board ‘ome becouse players take tins. Players save the world from robats ofthe Empire of Machine. Digital board games offer high quality graphics, ‘imation and ntractiit, You can have mult-player games orploy on your oun: you eon ploy with peoplesiting atthe ame table or in other countries, ‘And, ofcourse, you don't need 4 board, you can never lose the gountes ond IEEE alficult to cheat ~ 4. Monopoly comes fom the USA / Europe 5. Robotek isn'ta game created for laptops © what benefits of distal board games does the text mention? Can you think of any others? © which game in the text woutd you like to play? QR fcompound uns Grammar 1 © choose the correct words. D> Tense review: and past simple pony Snr "stand 2nd person be: singular an plural, The fst known game was and 3rd person plural | Senet Payers bulldvilages, | Some somes were De players wor ue? | ington rte peat The playere dont rolls | Where were these games ee team? (hes wasn’t gta in 1200 egular and regular verbs ‘archaeologists found ‘Senet boards in toms. Didthe ancient Egyptens play chess? ‘he ancient Romane didn't create o, [Anand Viswanathan (1) was born / born / ‘were born in India in 1969, He a fantastic chess player. Anand (2) wins / did win / twon the World Chess Championship in 2000, 2007, 2008, 2020 and 2012, He (3) played / plays / does ploy really fost fone often (4) made / makes / make very precise moves, His mum taught hi to bay but she (5) does go/ did go / didn’t go to any chess club or chess tab. In fact she played at home with Anand’ brother, ‘The chompion's hobbies (6) is / do / are reading, swimming and listening to music. 2rd person singular, ‘The winner takes allthe pieces ofthe board Boos the game move fas? This player doesnt cheat @ Look at the sentences in the table and complete the rules a. Weuse to describe habs. 1 Weuse ” and. n questions and inthe negative ‘orm to tak about habits. ie the pat form of am andi. ithe past form tare 4. Wee... ask about the past with both regular and rogue verbs, © complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. Every year, our schoo. have) chess competition 2. never (take) partin because. (ot ike) = chess very much ‘SpronuNciATION 3. Myfriend Lucy usually ..wn the competition Present simple and past simple 4 —-Lugy..beat all her opponens in at year’s ‘competition? ‘A, 4a Listen and repeat, 1-2. play with my frends. played with ny fends 5. How long. it uoually.. kel he champion twin a inal match? We ook atthe ards We oaked atthe cards, (reer They study alan. |) Diflerent tenses use diferent ime expressions. | >. They studied Italian, Pastimpl: yee wecks cea 090 Present spe everyday on Py B, 3H Listen. Do you hear a. or b.? © complet the tox withthe correct form ot (ETT NPR the verbs in blue, 1 Avert of reguancr, | ‘sth si se, ety st 100% A Ml A x © B® Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 5 A Language Database page 118 Listening >> Celebrities and thelr hobbies ‘Alot ciren al over he word) .ith © 445s Listen othe report and number the Rubiks Magic Cube every dau, 2)... you hobbies in the order you hear them. Who invented it? Erno Rubie did He (2). in Budapest, Hungary, He (i). visual art and he (8)... architecture ‘Then he (6)..10 work as a teacher In 197, © Afi Listen again. Are the statements true, Rubik 7).his cube, but he (8)... he Magic false or not mentioned? Cube’ 1. Robert Pattinson enjoys paying # musical inetrument ‘When Bubik ist made the cube, he didnt know how fo solvhis new puzzle, but a month ater he (9). a solution. In 2007, 3 Frenchman (10) ..the fist person to complete ‘the cube in under en seconds, 2. Robert refuses to play the piano in publ 3. Not many people know who Fernando Alonso is. 4 Fernando Alanso i fond af playing mage tics for is ends 5. Cristiano Renae never mets his friends ahs 4, Cristiano Ronaldo is a profesional gambler. 11. Leenarde DiCaprio is nat keen on comics. 8. Penelope Cruztkeskniting in her fee time © order the words to make questions you /how often play board games / do? How often do you play board games? 1. board games pay! with /you/ at do friends / often! schol /your ? F UPGRADE 2. usualy! with / do / board games /who red Fill in the blanks with only one word. 3. board games / usualy you/ home play / Nicole Kidman () 2 Hetywood fim star at do what? She 2). adventure and trying new things 4. any board games / wkend ast you! She aves (3. sports. She often). skyaving, pay? She started skyiving afew years ago when she 5. you/ or! lose / dwn? saw arend dolng i. (8). no vary o3ay a first (ong yous playa pow? bul she learned and now enjoys sting every 1. you! havea tie / good? weekend Vocabulary 2 > Character adjectives © Match some of the adjec pictures 1-6, fos inblue with Jealous «coident« ative cvs © © 4H Listen and repeat, © Match some of the adjectives in exercise 1 with their antonyms. 1. fianty 2 ilnt 2. dishonest & shy Q Complete the description with the correct adjectives from exercise 1 Mybrother Peter hasn't goa oto frends because he Is very (I. and sometimes to (2). e nly tales to people ne knows well Besides, he en 2). and prefers to cay only what is necessary. am diferent am (4... s0laften ask poope alt of things how old theyare. whore they Give, who they te with ee My brother always wears grey orbue shits. | don't ook 5008). love bright colours and unusual lathes I's furl There is ancther important erence, my brother has gota beau girtrien. I dont, butt m ot tall | © WX Workin pairs. Ask and answer {questions about your character. ‘re yn unsoclte? Reading 2 © Look at the pictures on page 11. Do you know ‘ho he is? What famous film character does he play? ‘em nt ave meating people ond iting them @ Read the text quickly and check your answers toexercise 6 © 46 Read again and listen. Then answer the questions. ‘owe knowhow old Daniel Craig is? \Why i he famous now? Was his professional if easy atthe begining? nen aid he become word famous? Wich was hisast James Bone fin? ‘What kind of mais he? Justiy your answer. pen epe © Read the text again. Are the statements true, false or not mentioned? 4, Danie rag only tives ina luxury fat in New York, 2. Hewasntthe first actor to pla James Bond in anim Daniel Craig was bom nt a very poor ery 4 When he was young ator he was very sucessful because it was aways easy ge jobs, He once werked with Tom Hanks. Hes the bos psi ator a the moment. Quantum af Solace was his rst Ban im He is usually fay an aatve when he take about his privat ie 9. Helove attending showbiz partis. {fe is good now for the British actor Daniel Craig. [ie is rich and famous, Henives in a fantastio house Ei London end he owns a. Tixury fat in New York Hels [good friends with supermodel Kato Moss and actress Nicole ‘Kidman. He is, of course, James Bond, the worlds mast famous spy. Daniel Craig is the sixth actor toplay James Hond in the 07 films. Many people enjoy ‘watching his Alms and they think he is amazing in the role, But Daniel wasn't always so successful ‘When he was a young actor, st wasn't alway easy for him to find ‘ime he was @ Wailer ma restaurant. That all changed in 2001 ‘when he became World famous for Rs role In Lara Croft: Tomb Raider with Angelina Jolie. Thon ho starred in Hosd to Perdition with Tom Hanks, tne Briuiah film Layer Cake and Steven Spielberg's Munich Th late 2005, he signed a contract for threo James Hond films. Casino Royale (2008) and ‘Quantum of Solace (2008) wore both really ucocssful, but the most successful was ‘Skyfal, released in 2012. In real life, Daniel is quiet and easygoing. Many people say that he is even too serious, He is a very private man and he is always cautious when talking about his private Ife Ho dousn't like being femous, He hatos going to showbis parties but he realizes its an important part of his career and something that he haa to do. Daniel says that he enjoys going out for a rink with hia wife Rachel Wola, a well: Jknown actress, too. Ifyou ‘want fo mow moro about this actor, for example ‘what he ls keen on doing in his free time between fin ehots, need the, CE Grammar 2 > Gerunds Many people enjoy watching hia fins, He dosent tke Being fous Whats he keen on doing in his ee te’ @ Look at the sontnces inthe able and complete the rues 2. Woes grin ter some verte sucha 2. Woatouse gen ter some "prepstons fr example: keen inreted re Write sentences using gerunds. 1. teonagers/ enjoy / mest fends 2. ala people often hate / vel. 3. Mary /not/ good at! draw! cartons. 4% 17 keen on’ play / Athome @ 40>" Listen to the first part of Megan and © 44%» Listen to the second part of the Rita's conversation. Choose the correct, 1. The programme on TV is isn't ery good 2. Rita suggests playing fotbatt/ tennis. Rita Hy. do you fancy watching DVO? “Lets gt some pia to, (0% Wat do you want o watch? Tegal leads of fms. Wonderiand. trata Robin Hood (0K (2). it, Oo you want ont Bath too? © Practise the diatogue and act tout. @ Speaking Task © Propare a dialogue between you and a friend STEP1 ‘Choose which activity you want to door use your ownideas. STEP2 ‘Think about what you and your friend say. Do you ancy -?/Lets../00 you want o..? Yeah 20 / No lt. intend. conversation and complete. Which film do they decide to watch? Megan Oli sts at and then wach tefl, Goo too, ently. ts rian Yeoh, evo phone Beth now STEP3 SOX Work in pairs Take turns to at out the dialogue, Writing > A personal profile © Read the text and choose the correct words iy r awe My Profile [My name's Tom Evans ond fm 16 years old tive in Manchester with my parents and my sister, Fiona, goto Pork Lane Secondary School. This yeor Ive got my GCSE exams, som studying c lot What do 0 () on /in my freetime? fm learning to play the Guitar and i have lessons twice a week Love £2) istening/ listen to music too, especially reggae ‘nd rap, Once a week | volunteer ata centre {3} fom /for old peopl. enjoy () talking / totale io them becouse they often tell yourealy interesting stories about ter ues. Love (6) play / playing footbololthough i cot ike (6) watching / twoteh sports on TV. dont often go out during the week becouse Fm usually busy with homework A the weekend, | usuolly meet up with my frends and we woteh TV or ploy computer games. Tonight, Were al going to a party, mnever bored! © Read again and answer the questions. 11 Whare does Tom goto schoot? Woy is Tor studying at his year? What are Tom's hobbies? What types of muse does Tom Uke? ‘What oes he do athe weekend? [rere | Linkers: bau, lthough | ‘Aas a ergot Eg wen be @ complete the sentences with 50, because or although. We usually go fr plaza because cheap 1 Hove shopping... oten meet my friends 2. learning to pay the guitar. ..™m not very good yet! 3 Trina band, We've gota concert next Weck "Tm pracising aot this week 4 gong tthe gym att this month want to ett. 5. lke sports, dont often play them F writing Task O Pian Owrite Use the text, your notes and this, structure Paragraph I: Personal las Paragraph: Actives during the week Paragraph 3: Weekend activities O check O present simple, present continuous, aver of frequency time expressions. gerund O treertime activities, character adjectives O linkers: because, soand athough Wimbledon - i \Wikledon tennis campiorhi takes place every yearn London inthe last week of June andthe fst week of uly. Al ofthe ‘wot’ op tennis players compete Spectators alfa millon spectators wath the matches tv. The spectators af 12, 0UU boxes of srawheres and dink 1/UUU bots of champagne. Around the worl, more than S00 milion people watch the campetition in 185 cifferent counties. Ball bous and ball girls On cour wih the laersare al boys onal ie ate 20 nto and heal care rama They starting in Febnary and hve to pas an exam and be i They re su 1 eats History and famous players. Wimbledon started in 87a isthe les emis champonhipin the wor. Famous champans incuse Serena and Ves Wan (mec), ale! Nal (Sin) Federer (Switzerland). In 201, Andy Murray was the 4 fen ane © 40: Read and listen. What do these numbers —_2.__During the matches. the spectators est oranges: refer to? and dik ber a te. 15 e. 17000 3. Thor ae 280 ball boys and ball gis at Wimbledon ». 250 4. 1877 ‘4. Wimbledon started in 1977 andits the oldest harmplonshp inthe wort © Read again and answer the questions. 1. What is Wimbledon? © 2* ABOUT YOU Are there any famous 2. When and where iit? sporting eventsin your country? What do you F . What fat do you find mast surprising about know about them? ae [© drethe statements true o fase? © wesouest 4 1. Wimbledan tennis championship tokes place in Invssigite aru sporting rent London nthe last week of Marchand the st ‘the USA Takedown noes and sare the eek of Api information with our classmates. Progress check Playing games, © complete the words. 4. Youshouldnt., when you play board game. Thats dishonest 2. When youl. amateh, you should congratulate the winner 3. fyou gat the back car, you. 4 Tstart playing rllhe ands umber you get 5. tis sometimes very iit ob. your opponent. - what Character adjectives © order the tetters to make character adjectives ‘and use some of them to complete the sentences. a. vithaaet —« b simucy ulsjea onbienuclaf ©. oust entocnit 1. Markien'ta very. person. Hes tvays asking it wnat he is aoing is gh 2. There wore some robberies inthis neighbourhood last week. We shoud all be very ‘when we arrive or leave hame and make sure nobody is watching us 3. Dorit be so. Your boyfriend is only taking to Mary 44, The new stant seems tobe qute... He doesnt tatkteanyboay and ony answers when teachers ack him, He wl find ficult to make fiends. 5. Myparens gave me Labrador for my bichdy butthe puppy is so... hat he breaks anything in is way » Tense review: present simple and past simple © Complete the sentences with the correct form ofthe verbs in brackets. 1. Shia. win the chess competition thee ‘weeks ape, © order the words to make questions and © write sentences using gerunds. 2 My brother and last evening, 3. Myretheroten (not play cards ats pm (cheat when wo ply cards answer them so they are true for you. 1, you! stay eit tast home / weekend ? 2. you! Tamily/go/ where / anda / your? ‘3. you’ good have time / aida? ‘& your usually / thee go do at weekends? 5. with you usually /who do go? Gerunds {Simon te pay compuer games. Tim and Sve ove /wateh TV, Maggi not keen on / lay tennis Tim and Sue hate / ge shopping Paul /notineretedin/waleh TV Sarah goed at play football Integration ‘Complete the email with the correct form of the verbs in brackets, Seta Allaboxt me a Him naméssone ond m Englewood {Inoue in englond. We Fronee. 112) go) to seeoneary school n my. toa.) stay) aot becouse the feos cr ery aint Wht) You sual (ln your feetme? NS Tusa is) ke suiming lessons butmy best fiend (6). log) computer games She enous (68 atts computer for hours! in nok Feally good ot tht buttm exellent ot). rou) Pictures of peope-in fot yesteraay (2) row) Stovely pete of my best rena Wille son and tel me about you! ca Alyy Vocabulary 1 o> ITactivities @ Look at tho pictures. Can you name the equipment? @ which of these things can you do with the equipment inpictures 1-57 © 405 Listen and repeat, @ choose the correct words. 1 need to store / charge my motile phane because the battery is almost dad 2. Ourteacher stores scans date on a memory ste 3. You can download / charge any sotware trom our webste, 4 This blog is realy funn. going a post / download a comment 5. You can use my mobile o send / make an ems 6, usete Internet todo my homework. go onine/ store data to search for information © 40: Listen to Megan and Dan. How many hours does Dan watch TV every week? © WY Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about IT activities. ((teyesread) ep tenant THE POWER OF TECHNOLOGY wy Patick nd eo are both ‘Hom New York. Paice a SY compute: prstammer He 2 | Sared dsqnng webstes chen hewas js 12 yes oid. leo doesnt havea Bb He was vosng for an surance company when lest his job As rest, Te abo lost hs partment and bare homeless Patrick was waking to week when he frst aw Leo, [Alte that he walked past him every dy or five ‘months, Then one day he decided to he hi. He offered Leo tw options: $100 i cash or fee lessons siting Computer cade Leo chase te lessons ck taught Leo every day forte menths. He bought his a second non lat Co Reading1 @ Read the toxt quickly and answer the questions. 1. Who offered hla? 2. What does $100 refer to? © S44} Read and listen. Check your answers to exercise 7. © Read the text again. Correct the wrong information. } 1 Leoleat his job because he became homeless. 2, Patrik dcidedto help Loo the tis day he ssw him, 3. Patrik fered Leo money. laptop and computer lessons 4 Patrik bought Le anew computer 5. Le ound programming bring and he learnt slowly and tice books on Ja ~ the language of computers Leo used Trees or Cars ‘computers at schoo! but he diet know much about ‘them. At 4s, he couldn't send Pack emis because ne Gd’ have an ema adress. However he found programming interesting and learnt very ui When they started the lssons, Patrick wrote a Blog about the project. Many peg Comment, Out there were also nega “hey sai that Leo needed food and shame, not computer lessons. But comouterprearamming is 3 ‘ery uel ska You need to bul apps, webstes oF ‘ideo games, for example ‘And ony 3 few months after he started his ssn, Leo bul and launches ne own ap to encourage people to share ca rdes and ede pluton. is ‘alld Tes for Cas. Why don you download I? Delors retina the tet beige ou tthe meee Imee kt le pay stonton athe andthe pte hat accompany he ex. © Answer the questions. 1. Were did Leo work before he became homeless? How oten did Parck agree to teach Lec? Wy dd some people make nogatve comments? What can you use computer code for? How dd Leo fst ute hie new ski? ‘S PRONUNCIATION Word stress ‘A. How many sylables do these words have? 1. digit 5. charge 2 download — 6. document 3. Internet 7. comment & scan BB, Qs> Liston and mark the stress on the ‘words in exercise A, 1. digital Grammar 1 > Past simple and continuous: when and while past simple and continuous: when and while My mum was cooking when larived home We were walking along High iret when saw a lovely smarighone Was Sam phoning his iend when his mum calle him? Yesterday Sam was texting his rien while his parents were having lunch, What vas Sam doing whit is parents were vatehing TV) My parents were sleeping white vas watching fm afer it © Look at the sentences in the table and choose the correct words to complete the rules | We use the past continuous for tong short action inthe past. 3. We use pst coninuous + when + past simp {oc along ation interrupted by 9 short one ‘wo tong actions. Fortwo long simultaneous actions in the past/future. we use past continuous + while + ast continuous. © What was happening when Mary was having a shower yesterday? Look at the pictures and write the sentences. 1. While Mary... her grandmother 2. While. erat 3. While her father While. hee mum 5 While he dog © What was happening when Beth arrived home? Compete the sentences with he past continuous form ofthe verbs in brackets. ‘When Beth ave ome. 1. herbert nt wit on ena ne ath 2. pres ok st ois west the tt reper emt 3. her slter ino ten o musion er smarghone. she. cs one. 4 her tld Jed. wal for her he not use) the computer. 5. the als Sammy and Fi. eeep. they (not ean juestions about Beth and Mary. Mike vite an emai / when Bath arrived? 9 wher Beth 1. Batis parents reparea meal /when she arrived? Lis chat ontine when Beth arsives? Lisa ste o musi when Beth arrived? Marys mum /cook/ white Mary have o shower? What/ Marys dad do while Mary /havea shower? © P® Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 4 © complete the text withthe words in brackets inthe past simple or continuous. rr INTERNET HELPS FIGHT CRIME! Two weeks ago. robber I... tkel David Reeds laptop whan he 2). ee). Davide a writer and he 9). (ite 2 book at hate =k weal on the computer. Two days ater, hen David) ry to find another computer onthe Internet he (see) laptop similar this old one Davis went othe sellers house to buy. When he .. ea) athe laptop, he realize it was his old one What (7) David. oH santa message tothe police whe he @) (ask the seller alto questions about the amputer. Flaly when the police). aie. hey found mare camputers. The man was areal thie! | @ Write five past continuous questions about @ 4 Listen to an interview about social the text in exercise 6. networking sites and choose the correct © (98% Workin pairs. Ask and answer the 1. computer slanc students started Facebook, ‘questions in exercise 7. a Tw b. Thee ‘PLanguage Database page 119 Four 2, Facebook became availabe to anyone ovr 13 years old in ee Ean Complete the text withthe correct form of 2006 the verbs in brackets. 3. Facebook snot permitedin Last year, my best rind (1). (go) on holiday to@ 2. schools smal stand Inthe Caribean, She (2). seal bs some counties, ‘ha island. She was realy impressed! While she €. allies, £2) (ist the aquarium, she i). eet Eaeard, 4 American students say ther favourite hig is anold school friend. Ashe (net be busy 2. hele smartphones that day, they 6. (cde ogo tothe theatre Facebook inthe evening, Tey (ate) the play when their musie the Ughs (6). go) outs they) leave) he 5. What do you think the new ver ‘untied! means? theatre and returned othe hola. There they talked 2. Toarguewith friend online. ‘(10 havo 9 ink tl miigh. To det a rien rom your rena. To fin ends using your rend ist of rind Listening D> Asocial network © Look at exercise 10. can you guess any answers? Vocabulary 2 Reading 2 ee © Read the title of the article and tick (/1 the © Match pictures 1-6 ith some ofthe jobs ‘words you think you wil read ini inbve | © Read the text quickly and check your answers tocexercise 5, @ 44 Read again and listen, Answer the ‘questions, 1. What part of Martins body di doctors implant a his eye? 2. Who was he fist person Martin saw? 3. Doscientists tink they can ue the technology for ‘ter bind people? AtaURCHE- tents e tainetg | ‘evr technology, they thnk about the atest moble pane. Thay aso Ps lnee ie sentences eain eres ieee thing, Wnt she os expe © Complete the sans ih words Sariphone?f 2 smariphone © 40% Listen ar exercise 1 Bator than a tablet” But fx Marin 41. Asis someone who works fora newspaper and Jones, technology mean sre ‘writes artes aifetent Marin was bulder He “yas wecing wien Reha ‘ete action whi ef him Job. The ony good thingisthat banks dontopen nd Hecosss See stl for very acy, Tyee, ‘ 3, Youneedalototexperiencetabecomea good... Then an oman told him abou eee, erating on peopel ot eae a revlutonay iehnclogy witha cea a Spotl opal ens hat lps people se agua hore expense but of couse beter than Pa {o repair my new laptop broke down yesterday, estments At fist doors ould tse the teh 5. Youneed glasses You should see an tbcause they thought tht peas the patent cau isa person whois experienced in government Ete pas les They ivestgates and docoered 6, is a person whe is experienced ing they could ean the ensin eee ato or administration, Marin body tcotht 2. My cousin isa..and hes not very happy about is 4 My husbandieat home with. They ae tying = arin deed to ry Dacor tok ot on of m pete opt ens bearded time part See pia edgs fr nove reated bs Peep. sre iene“ Martin was bind when he met hi wif, Gil When anaes chemist ‘pened his eyes aller the operation she wes aning bys bed she waste fist parson he saw. msec to se et forthe frst time, 18 Marin ‘Siushs donne ieee ters © Aas one jod to each word set. he happy heb 1 1. technician = optician Doctor belive that this new technology 2. builder graphic designer ~ amp more people nthe tre THEY | 3. journalist chemist ~ ae arecy plang more operations, | | © Correct the wrong information. 1. Martin was bind when he was born 2. Martin was marred when he became lind ‘3. Doctors knew fom the very begining thal the operation was oy ‘4 The doctor pute Lens ina plastic bag beore ting tint the paints ye Grammar 2 >> Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives eT ‘tablet is smaller than a lepton My digit camera isnewer than yours, reo This ie more ‘expensive than the other ‘Your room is more technological than ea Whatis the most inexpensive smariphone? vant the most ‘economical gadget Whatie the newest ‘mobile phone? Whatiethe atest rable phone? es © Look at the sentences in the table and choose the correct words to complete the rules. 4. We use the comparative form of adjectives to compare two / mare than two objets. animals, 'b, We orm tha comparative of short acces by eng -er more a {& Weterm the comparative flong adjectives with 4. We add -eettolong/ short agecives to form the superive 1 We use the most ajectv inthe superlative / comparative form | Two-syllable adjectives ending in -y | hong y tol andsgd-nr than the ase ho) Other tworslable adjectives: ‘addmare than /tne most nor famousthsn) ‘® Compare using the adjectives given. any ‘© Complete the following sentences using the adjectives in blue. 1. Asia's neck’ than a dog's nck 2. Somobooks ae. than others 3. Vio isthe. world adr athe moment? 4. Aro computers... than Samsung ones? 5, Has your trend got ..prnter than you? geod ater than =the {far turber than the farthest DLanguage Database pages 119 & 120 Speaking »> Out shopping © 44 Listen to Carta andthe shop assistant What does arta want to buy? Can help you? This one fon special fer it) sho acsbeant Its got an HD video 2). 9 muse layer and 26 mobi internet. ‘Sure. Thi isa realy good one ns e200, ‘That's £75 then, please, © Practise the dialogue and actit out E Speaking Task @ Prepare a diatogue between you anda shop assistant, STEP Decide what you want to buy or use your own ideas. © 40% Complete the dialogue, Listen again {and check your answers. Yes. fm ooking for 8 rewsmarphane | Vint ootres has ig? / ight. What about ha one over there? Cana) Carla How is? (Ob That to (8) fr me. OK Fak the other one. Here you are. Thanks. Bye STEP2 ‘Think about what you and the shop assistant say Can help you? im woking tor. Can eee..7 This one’s on special ofr. STEP3 9% viorkin pars, Take turns to act out the dialogue | | D> Athank you letter © Read the letter and eross out eight unnecessary words. Dee Arty Laura Une Hany on ary epee wel erat hanks very mach or the sosmaruatch owas cacy wht wae ase tal ne br hone cals eal haat buch Wha aves heme Fr Fi soituaealonly batho ae Iwas saree Thyme Hopetosee yousoon | Phrases usin hank you ten | Hom are eu? hap oe wel. ‘mwring tt ou Tanks avery much for peset Iwas erty wa acne? Hope ee you son. © Read again and answer the questions. 1. Why id Luciana wrt before? 2. Whal was her birthday present from her aunt and uncle? 8. What can Luciana d with her prosent?. 4. How dd she ealebrate her birthday? @ Match 1-5 with a-e to make expressions for a thank you letter. 1 fmveting a. Oscar 2 Thanks tor Bs omc wha wate 2 Aamenis—@ aeynuson 1 Hopes som hestghone, Laeottm, ——@. tthokyouformy smvarghne # Writing Task Orn include Beginning wir you are writing te, why Say thank you. 2 Eneing descr write Use the text, your notes and this structure: Paragraph I: esinning Parograoh 2: Sty thank you Paragraph 3-Ending © check O pastsimsle 1D pastconinuous O Mracivties ft ' nee De ortanrainevte Batsmatieroeamectefuberreuasacridons 9 TOUQY thisstorted his interest n sound, He worked with Eaeciplons nbs wold ana nenty aller al ‘eof students for mang yeors ond started designing, ‘phone subscriptions ~ 95.5% of the worle's population! Imari oon sound os eo o 1863, Pick ot ofpapiancnee eae theusatisson The first telephone sal sated io dete mene to tronsmitite nan sae whieh wos trig Catan nthe Ist Thee aphone Te st pone cat owt ota, Toros won on 0 ey iit tnt wot? Wotan, Cone here wont Ser you fetal Teghone Company ean 87F dy 88 one 80000 lel nce hod tephoes © 40 Read and listen. Answer the questions. i 1. Where was Bell born? Wen de proces est veto © wenauest 2 23, Why did he become interested in sound? One ofthe great inventions a the 20% 4 5 Where did he develop the frst telephone? ceanlury was the radi. Find some. How many people in America ha telephones information about ths invention and write ; Mao, Wows Loe De Forests Wha cn hhe do? Share the Information with your Chssmatee @ 2* avout youviscuss: " 1. How often do you make phone cls? 2. How many people in your country have 8 mobilephone? ‘3. What do you nd your fends use the mobile phone for? Progress check » IT activities © Complete the words with the vowels. 1. leantse_n ph_t_s because my scanner iu of order Idan know whats wrong wih 2. Mycomputer hasnt got enough memory to stealth dt {3 Can you pease waa minute? Im ch_tg_ngmym_b 1 phoa_ 4 couldnt buy any ink. Can you please pr_ntthisd_¢_m_atferme? Yesterday. my ssteré_wnl__d_d alot of video clips and we spent he evening watching them, » Jobs @ complete with the correctjobs. 1. yet end dade =e ava ting sn TVand expan te prolenstatntion ‘causing Heis anda forth et tlecons 2. Joowertsinconstraon. isa 2. Ben is aes are fe: The Morning sn 4 ink mynihoour he operate npople 5. Mycouintold me ta asprin arent ery od She knows lt abuts Bceuse she His doughter says » Past simple and continuous: when and while © Write questions using the past continuous. Then answer the questions so they are true for you. 1. what you / do / at 10 pm lastnight? 2. whal/ your parents o /at3 pm on Sunday? 3. youand your tind / watch aim / 9 pm yostorday? 4 your trend sleep /at 10am this moming? ae ore eres ofthe (10) mare great / greatest inventions! © what were they doing when the technician arrived atthe office? Write sentences using When and white » Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives © Write the missing words. 4. Panda are. thane 2. Ieanelactric guitar. expensive a vitin? 3. Whatis the. interesting book in this ean? 4 Whatis. eases jb inthe wort? 5. Whois the tenis player atthe moment? © Wirite sentences using the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives. 4. ober mobilephone my moble phone 2. Nite ong rw 2. Sam langage tet bodies? 4 Seid Fahor amity 5. Mytroter a moder my da Integration feud te text and choo oti phones ae 2 relatively na iver. They are ‘more modern (than thatthe rao Beloe mobile phones, thee 2) was / were two-way redosin ax. lice cars and ambulances but users can't ould ‘canecthe phone network. In 1910 Lars Eriesson (W installed /was installing a phone inhi ar. the correct words. He (@ stopped / was stopping at iferent places white he (traveled / was travelling arose the county ‘Then he (7 connected /was connecting his phone the national telephone network wits ong wires ‘Th fest real bil phone sytem @) started / | was starting in 1958 n Sweden Today, people () use / your counter to Ru. the d... and as number 85! start playing! Rufus is very c. always wants to see what is happening around him. fe ~ _& , im Sheisp..a inthe | comment now. memory s... to show Cae “Let's read. you my work, Stop being so please! 3 Sg ey ie Rt i Los gj = FINISH *©@ sv areusually Seemed | very patientand —-_B... usually have — confident, Strong hands. I 1 @ Read about Daisy and her plans. What city does she want to visit? ‘SubjectSummer holidays Hooray Yesterday Istartod university. Tver hapoy Tight ny best rend e lteishaingaparyinbegaren Vere celebratngihe begimingofthe acatlemicyear- musi inks an Fiendsiferains well havethepartyinside = = mani sguromerm geingonhclidays wih my lendsforthe frsttime The UK has sore ey popular beaches Somearepeacehi othe ee wis Somesre good ot walking and doing sports. These areusvally fal nthe Iimsoeacitedbecausethis year's special Newt i Blackpooisthemost important seaside town inthe UkDuta et ofpenpe know this coitsusualy Rll [spent my summer hliaysin Blackpool when was alte gi My father droveall the way FomiLendon loved visting Blackpets famous tower Issa to ‘heel Tower Pais mau thisiegoingtobe a gestyea know wit pascal my exams andl havea lovely te wth ‘ny endsin Slacepoot @ Read the text again and answer the questions. 1. Why is Daisy so happy? Wins zi giving a garden party? ‘Are ll rth beaches similar? sty your answer \Winatcan you do ona British beat? Wats Blackpot famous fr? ‘© Complete the questions about the text in exercise 1 and answer them, 1. Why ttl 2. When... Blackpool? nel ‘Write sentences using the present continuous or the present simple. 1. Matin not / usualy / se his computer aiternoon 2, Mybrether/ download vdeo ips / rom /now 3 Thespaskar take / memory stick ou ot his bwieease / now. 4 Wnt wally print ut documents 5. Alc ten cheat / at umes, {6 Children /not play boring games » Complete the text withthe correct form ofthe verbs in blu ‘Mary Buston was Robin Head fiend She als (0) inthe fret. She wsualy (2). ad trousers sau bots She (3). any deere a ckrt, One day, Mary vine in dhe weeds wher she (4) strange neice, What was i (5) i the Kings en? War it anisal? She was eight! The Kings men wer lading fr Rabin Hood, While the men (6) for kin, Bary 0). high wp ana tee “They ead’ ce her! abi wns nat thar. While the King’ men (2) sin the sed waiting fr Rin, he (4) des gion in rene village. ‘Complete the sentences with the comparative ‘or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. 1. My fit i. ig than yours Wate beaut place in Argentina? Spainisn..(small than the UK Whats... dntaresting place you know? hin ay — baat than France think Freneh food is (goed) than American food @ 4 Listen toa group of frionds. What are they talking about? 2. theirambions b,_aproblem with a mabite phone {the biggest shopping contre in town (@ 468» Liston again and answer the questions. hone? 2. What was James ding when the phone stopped working? 3. What Scah have a problem with? ‘4 Whatis the exhibition a the museum abou? ‘Wy does Mark want to go othe shopping conte? Thin + What technology o gadgets do you aw? + When dd you ge your gadgets? * Did you buy them or were they presents? 1 Wy you the thom? * Whi is your favourite? Why? 2 GROUP WoRK Discuss your ideas using these tps: "Which gadgets does everyone ‘the grup ike? ‘wien geagoteare usanu? * Which gadgets are coo? * Which gadgets do older people tlie? Why? Choose four gaigets and make notes about ther, Describe what ach gadgets ke what we ean uso ior when and where you bought ‘and why you ove it, ie Read the text and choose the correct words. Hadrian's Walle a Roman wali} n/a the worth of England, Roman Emperor Haran bul bit itand for entries it was big enough o stop the Borbarans invading England When the Romans I {aft to leave Brian atthe begining of the 5th cantury the wal became 2 un. Thon. inthe "th century John Clayton, a town clerk, (wae planning/ planned the reconstruction ofthe wal. Now tis one ofthe mast popular atten inthe area. You canna wak onthe entire wall) s0/ because itis oo ol but you have enough time, youean walk next the wal fr 195 km. Check your writing paying speci attention to punctuation the Use of ajectves and linkers word order tenges, te, neti vysiaistemakeyour poser more atracv, <4 predenrarion Prasont your poster to yout classmates, Vote forthe best piece of work. (© Read the txt Are the statements Right” {al or Wrong (8 I thre is nat enough information to decide, choose ‘Doesnt say teh ‘sin May ' "When passed my final exams : parents gave me a 32ach high definition V for my bedroom. | wil never forget that day, My mum was cooking when !artived home from school and tod her the good ews, so she showed me the big box on my desk. | opened it and saw the lovely V set, That day went to bed realy late. | was tried. My parents were sleeping vwhile | was watching film after fim. | was 50 happy! Now it ight in front of my bed, || 50 Lean watch my favourite fms oF series While | ar in be. i | 1. Thomas's parents gave him anew smartphone lastyear b. Wrong | Doesnt say That 6a. when Thomas came back home, his mum was busy ding the gardening a. Right b. wrong Doesnt say emg Se al “There was a big box on Thomas's desk when he gathorne. ight b. wrong €: Doesntsay “Thomas called his friends at once. 2, Right b. Wrong . Doesnitsay ‘Thomas didn’ wateh any flim that dy. 1 Right b. Wrong © Doesnt say “Thomas usually goes to bed ery a. Right ». Wrong Doesn't say © choose the correct answers 1 ls your sister taking photos with her new digital b. Mistoeay € Miscldenoush a. leantsee. . tethat today? . Tytobe puncuat \Whyis your brother having a party next weekend? 4, Lotsturniton then 2 tinkits his birdy Ithikehe cant make it tim sureitis going be a great year 2. Belore 420 b. Mum agroed to take it Why do yousay 20? ow often does your best iend go cyting? a. Hots thee right now, bt dontknow. His father di Lote slug in my memory tick show you my project. 2. problem with your mobile phono. We dsgueting © Doyouwant to use my laptop? Vocabulary 1 b> Fundraising ideas © 0% match picturos 1-5 with some of the ideas in blue. Then listen and repeat. © complete the text with words from exercise 1. © 4 Listen to Dan and Megan. What After the earthquake in Halos of people rom aun the world Wanted help They cllece ‘money inthe street nd sld (1) wih meseages Such as Ve areal rom Hat Schoolchilren id (2) walks and swims trai money and ome organized () hee toy. nthe USA, afar hada. ln thei garden ane old burgers tothe roighbours. They gathered an important amount of ‘money which they deposited na bank account. In ‘many countries, pop stars werked tagetns to (5 (cs. Everyone wantestonep fundraising idea do they choose for their class? OS® Work in pairs. Discuss fundraising ideas for a school trip. Tink organizing 3 jumble ale ls a good fsa because everyone fan buy something Yes, you are right. But seling ‘badges sb because hey ore nt expensive. Reading 1 © Read the text quickly and choose the best title. How tobuld your ave schoot ®. ise “Have you ever noticed whenever there'sa natural disaster | people respond by donating time and rtoney? But some 4] people ecate their ives to helping others. Here aretwo examples GSTS OAL Felicity Marks spent four months ching chiiren at The Street Academyin Acers, Ghana She wanted todo more tohelp the city’s Children sa she started a chanity | called the Steet Academy Bree ‘The Street Academy offers ee ‘education tochldren aged 8-16, fe vell as books and meats A the beginning the building was wooden hut andithadonly ‘one classraom The aim ofthe project wast bulla school with Detter feiiies Her charity then partnered withthe Steet Child Eropowerment Foundation SCEF) and orgarzed quiz nights sold cakes and de sponsored walks and sydives Thanks to theirhard work sndall the people wha helped them, they completed building workin shuly 2014 and the SCEF Learning Hubs been running there ever For al these years, volunteers das for fandraising projets &Twoinspirng fundraisers ce Mara Schonfldisthe cofounder fachartycalled Akosia The ‘smof blosia\e to develop the ‘jeatnty anccanfidenceof eprvedcnldves aroundthe ‘world They aleolearh about eoperalion nd tearewerk Akosahas organized fl aking poet orchldren ‘Ghana every year sinde 2009 Iehas eet up sila projects ‘nMesico and Mongela The chanty has o-ganzed fundiaiing ‘inners, muse estivals aa Seva tournaments nas alse ‘ise platforms lie Kiccsartertg ‘alleccmoney online: Maraispassaiaboutheng Biietan ees tat ely ‘schli Aeae) atthe SCEF Learning Hub have been workingto empower children andthe’ flies espe through education. Coe © 445% Read again and listen. Are the @ Read the text again. Answer the questions. statements true or false? 1 How tong was Feiy at The Set Academy? 1. Folicystareaherchartyehelpto pay or anew 2. What do children receive at The Set Academy? bain ‘3. What id The Sret Academy need? 2, Theacademy startedthe construction athe new &._ What dochilren learn on Akosia projets? ulin, 5. Where has Akos organized projects? 3, Maria stared Akosia on her own. {4 Marais optimist about the future of Akon Grammar 1 © Write comptete sentences with the present perfect affirmative or negative pe Ereseia perfect 1. 1 60/ a sponsored wien X My friends / have os of barbecues. We f organize ja jumble sale. X He buy! raft tickat X My brother collect second-hand books for 3 ring and buy sale. 7 4 Mymum raise /£2000 or charity @ Look at the sentences in the table and answer the questions. ‘S PRONUNCIATION 1. Wich ast partici is iregular? Contractions 2. Dowe ues pattie expression withthe sete! [A gnu mead, isten and repeat he rane sentences, 13. Doweuse the present perfect fr ations that ne comsiwe happened aang ime ago? ‘You have firished your homework 3. Shehasn't gta baoge 4% Ho's aed over €.000, ‘She's done sponcared walks ‘They've organized quis nights. ‘She hasn't tinalzed the plans “They haven'traised enough money. © complete the sentences with the present perfect form ofthe verbs in brackets. 1. My debut swinmingpect now seéen. | dus Listen and repeat the sentences. 2. We (nts) oso fms English 13. She. organize a jumble sale 14. Ho. (reo of ema asking for help. Pn 5. |. (notsel cakes tor charity ave you (ever dane a sponsored swim? No.T haven't. have never done a sponcored swim © Write what has just happened. Ed Has Faicty (ver sold naages? ‘Yes she has She sld badges when she was teenager Look atthe questions in the table, What are. the short answer forms? (YT TT Saeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” negate meaning Inafiatie sone. a shold when we ithe acon © Write questions. Use the present perfect and ever. ‘sel cate kets or charity Have you ever sold vale tickets for charity? 1 coliact mone for earity learn‘o playa musical instrument o.asponcored ewim buy a chanty badge meet famous person © @™ Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 6 © 4 choose the correct words. Then listen and check your answers Gina Have you) ever /never ridden horse Coline Colin No.1) have haven't. @ Have / Had you? Gina No. havent. Ive ever /never done _nyting intresting, Colin | don't beiove you. Everyones (done doing something intresting Gina 1(6)haven't hase’ Colin OK, nave you aver (7) meet /met 3 famous person? Gina No. Have @) you she? Colin rm.. yee. know.) have you / you have ever eaten Tai od? Gina No, ve (10) ever / never eaten it Colin Have you ever (1) been being in afm? Gina Youmean a8 an aetor? Colin Yes. Wel (12) had / have you? Gina Yes. 1(13) nave di But years ago. ve (4) forgotten forgeted al about ‘DLanguage Database poges 1208 121 Listening > Charity hotline © 4 Listen toa radio interview with two students about fundraising activities and answer the questions. 1. Why was Maria tired ater hor sponsored swim’? 2. How much money i Simon and Ben calle? © 4% Listen again and choose the correct 1. How ong has Maria been ablto swim? a. Since 2006 bi. Forsixyears Since she was six 4. Fr scons 2 How many iends dd she do the spensared swim wit? One, Three b. Two. a. Four How far ad they sim? 2.1500 metres, b. 14s0 meres 1560 mates, 4. 1400 metres 4 How maay cars have Simon end Ben washed? 108. 16 bt. 6 16 5. What other fundraising activites have Simon and en done? 2. Ajumbe b. bring and buy sale Asponsored wal 4. barbecue and cling sweets, © 40: Listen again. Are the statements true, {alse or not mentioned? 1. Simon and Meri attend the same school 2. Maria doesnt know how much money she and her Maia’ father was an Olympic swimmer. Mara swam for about te hours ‘Simon advertised his actly nT, ‘Simon says he wll ever wash ers agin Panel Correct the sentences. We has done lot offre things to raise money He has been not to Ghana many ties. ‘They ve sling cakes and sandwiches to prope "not have read any books in English Yas ven lot of money to cari He has vit iia three or fur tes. Vocabulary 2 b> makeand do @ owe use make or dowith the words in blue? © 44%» Listen, check and repeat. © Match pictures 1-6 with phrases from exercise 1. © complete the questions withthe correct form of make or do. Have you ever cloncary eharty work? What. you happy? Wien people you laugh? Whats the biggest mistake you have ever. How often do you . someone a favour? How often do you exercise? Whats the most diflelt decision you have ever? Where do you usually your homework? Whats the best wayo..alotofmonay? © W® Work in pairs. Ask and answer the ‘questions in exercise 4. © Look at the picture and answer the questions. 1. Have you ever heard of Selena Gomez? 2. What do you know about her? @ Read the text quickly. How many charities are mentioned? ston Come as on Gein sb aces ana poping Shs sted ot TY ses nd er Beha Sloe Gone and he Scone, te teed "Titan alld Rs Te heb od ‘hemlet money! ‘But Selena Finds time to do lots of charity work too. She supports Island Dog, a charity that helps dogs in Puerto Rio, and RAISE Hope for Congo, a chaity that campaigns ogainse valence against Congolese women. n addition, she has helped reise over +500,000 forthe Lupus Research Aline, a cause that has affected her personally. Since Auguet 2000, Selena has boon « UNICE? Goodwill Ambassador. she has heen Ghana to ‘sic children who are living without enough food or clean water. She redlized that she was publicizing their problems by visiting Ghana. This what boing Goodwill Ambassador is allahout~ making people aware ofthe world's problems and encouraging them t0 help. © 48 Read again and listen, Check your answers to exercise 7. Then answer the questions. 1. How ong has Seana been famous? 2. Whatehartles does she wor for? 3. When dd she become a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador? 4 Why did she vist hana for UNICEF? 5. Why are Goodwil Ambaceadors important? © ®™ Work in pairs. Discuss: Do Goodwill ‘Ambassadors do an important job? Yea, because hoy publicize problems fraud tho wort Ti, because thy are rich nd fomous. Tey dont ‘eal ele poor people Grammar 2 D> forand since Pn How ong has she been a Goodwil Ambassador? ‘She's been an Ambassador since August 209, She's been an Ambassador for more than a year © Look at the sentences inthe table and complete the rules. Choose the correct words, 12 Weusefor/ since witha perodo time 1b. Weve fr! since with a pint in time. Write the time expressions in blue in the correct column. ® complete the sentences with foror since Iveted in Linden since was tom 1. Jeds boon athe wo urs. 2. inven played tenis. aston 3. Hoaan’ gone sponsored he was 1. 4 Mysistechskocum er best ond. ong tine © Write questions with How tong..? you be attistac? Hou long have ou been at this school? 1. he/ tan is et end? 2 you sty Engl? 2. you hav your mei phone? 4 you! ve inyourhone? 5. they/nave tere? © 9% Workin pars. Askand answer the questions imoxecise 13 Comer P upcrave ‘Complete the text using for or since. yheroiemy randather He's yours ala He eves foatbll nd ne has watched every ‘Arsenal game (1) 1981, He hasn't miceed | game 2) the ay he got married —itwas 8 Salud He's been mariedG) ver 60 years and he and my ‘grandma have ved with usd) ve years, He loves musle ang he's been ano ip hop 2007 vinen| played hrs ane of my hiphop COs He's the coolest granaater in the wots Danguage Database page 121 | Speaking | b> A sponsored walk | | | © 44 Listen to the first part of Megan and © 44 Listen to the second part of the ‘Mr Redmelt’s conversation, Why is Megan conversation and complete. tatking to him? ‘im doinge sponsored). Sounds tun Ys, 0K, Which chanty aneeea {Great Thanks | ~ And when is it? we dtc Seri © Practise the dialogue and act it out. 2 Speaking Task © Prepare a dialogue between you and a friend. swept svep2 tower 8 cays? ; tat ari be an ea So tilile srepa Roques oe nt rk in pairs, Take turns to act out Gray eb Cy Run, fitting. Te rato Ofer mulen cheat | ‘pooh ate. | eae Charity, detec So | when?: om Thursday | Tres aa _— t Offer, Soabn ne, vd erry, Writing > A magazine article © Read the text and choose the correct words. Kensington have raised over £1500 rom /for the RSPCA, (Organizer Hare once said. Haveyou 2) ever/ never seen ananimalin poor codon nthe street. without food or without water? We wanted todo something [3)helping to help animals because many ofus have pets and we are all animal lovers Besides, weall enjoy (4) d0/ make a sponsored walk 3 park Parents friends and teachers gathered athe park to supportthe students, walking so we decid atthe ec ‘Alice Brown, a Year 10 student told us ‘We have worked an ths projec 5) since /for about a year Wehave calleced alt of money and more than 300 people have promised sponsorship This isa good start Although we fare young nd inexperienced this sponsored walk has © Read again and answer the questions. 11 Which charity id the Highbury Schoo! students wantto help? Why? 2. Wy did they oa sponsored walk? 3. How da people react? Ss sorconaquece | WWeloe amo, oe eed ep th RSFCA, * because ron ‘WeworkenaraSecrus we meted money. + soup ona ‘tought ence fron oot, ay poplechened he eve @ Join the sentences using 50, because or although. 11 Many people are crust ther pts, Some animale fie each year. 2, ‘The sthool advertised the sponsored run Nt many people participated 3. Tm going to buy arate ck. wantto support. that erty 44. Me cant goto your bring and buy sale We are sping away ths weekend 5. dont donate mane. help toca hart sling badges. fw Oran Make notes about areal or an imaginary charity event and include Inedition the organizers, the amount of tone raed, deteription ofthe event Deerinion achat hich chart, ass for choosing tt Fina cones the sucess ofthe event any plas 0 repeat in the fire O write Use the text, your notes and this structure: Paragraph Introduction Paragraph 2:Decerpton ot charity Paragraph 3. Final comment ing Task © check present pertet.orand since tunaisng ideas, make and do Liners, because athough ! @ intre United Seateatoday back and white Armerians havethe same rights But when arti Luther King was young there was Segregation inthe southernstates of ‘Amare. There were separate schol parks ‘restaurants and even let for lacks and MARTIN S2ceekeet LUTHER © wscsnsesccisze ebecame a pastor Uke hilar and wont ‘oworkinachurchia Moezgomary lehose i days therewas segregation onthe buseein ‘Alabarna Th seats at efron ofthe bus ore forwitas and when the buses were Famous heroes segregation onthe Aer St2dayathe Seppe sspepton oneal oveihe USA kvasking frit and somenoeloer hana Mash er Rng wsa pas He O ceccchneesdirtreiar initia Seep sched andthe pole arsed Feb tht shine BES crowd > Travel © Match pictures 1-5 with some of the activities © 40:4 Listen and repeat. © complete the email with phrases from ‘exercise 1. Use the verbs in the correct form. ‘© 48 Listen to Rita and Dan. What souvenirs have they bought? © 9 Work in pir. Askand answer using the phrasesin blue asin te example ying se ha ath =a peices G : Capertee 5 9p cow because ee ging have in “ast year traveled to Paris for my holicys and bought ‘Sourents forty cousin, Reading 1 © Road the text quickly. In what ways do you think Albert isn't a typical young man? ee ed ‘Abert became with euksemia when he was ve, But he dane hn stooped im ing what he ves mas —trveing.Hewsvaly raves annisonin, he cn nti and he never aes more tha about 20 eos. He et mane by working and ding Wks wth hs hela Alert nas a lesa aehentues, Hels set on bots and dese islands. He has alert how Aer ants are people in iteinates far Alber emis Fite, drvers ick you up because you don loo dangerous Ad peopl ak tome because ‘they want to meet ths boy wh tral the wordin 2 whekbae’ Ate ie Wor tele soy ofthe ourney is beaut fim a documenta, RENNER 20026 oxic anda oestory Ths fimhas a message PREM 05 ceo hata rts ay COT and just it | © i Read again and tsten, Check your 4. How des ne make money whan h'stoeling? | answer to exercise 5. Motor the sovenageftravting ne vinci? © Read tho text again and answer the questions. 6. Watre he mal important things in Alert ie? 1. Wistar The orion Wheteand Without Fronts? © Rad again. What do these numbers reer to? 2. How many coun as Alert itd? 2 a2 2. Does he usualy rave wh smear se? hes = ee 4 Grammar 1 D> Present perfect and past simple PE He has written book. Baber: nas been in s wheolchait fr many years. In 2007 he set of fr South America. Abert hast Wsited China Hehasn't been to Aca, Ne did’ hitehhie at yor, Has Albert ever travelled by plane? When did he start using a wheelchair? @ Look at the sentences in the table and match them with uses a-c, 23. We use the present perfecto talk about ations or uations that bepan inthe past and continue in the present b, Weuuse he present perfect total about past action o experiences without ang when hey happened We us the past simple to talk about completed sections ata definite time inthe past @ choose the correct words. 1. ived/ have lived in Landon wen I was eg 2. Albert Cass vsited/ has visited more than fan countes 3. My mum set off has set off for New York 386200 44 Dave's in Chine. He had /'shad os of adventures, 5, took "ve taken sf phe when was in Brak © write sentences using the present perfect or the past simple, |e in NewYork for thre years. ve livad in New York for three years. 1. He Liver rons fora year when Me was younger 2. I/,g0/ Hawai last summer twas gra 3. We/ never /read/ Albert Casale’ books. ‘Alexi nob /to Les Angeles. He wants to go next year 5. My mum /90/tollaly She's coming back © Complete the questions with the present perfect form ofthe verbs in brackets. 1. youever buy) any souveries? 2. yeu ever. si South America? 3, you ever... read) Albert Casals books? I 4% youever be) to Australa? | 5. you ever. (se) the pyramids in Eaypt? Wout dean nad at gone, when Thor ean othe spermaret There lt of t feodinte rig. eit aap wee pn © complete the questions with the present perfect form ofthe verbs in brackets. 1. What .you.-buy? 2. Who . you. be) with? 3. How many kangaroos... you. see? 4 How ong. you. low) his bane? 5. Which countries you. vs? © WY Work inpairs. Ask and answer the | questions in exercises 4 and 5. t S PRONUNCIATION ay fi ni ‘A. 44 Listen and repeat the words, Joi leamt heard world — ork diy eaten seen been wheel (si drank encourage county love B. 41h Listen and repeat the sentences. paar Complete the dialogue withthe correct, {form of the verbs in brackets, Use the Present perfect or the past simple, What are you reading? 1m reading Around te Worl in 80 Days (1 you (eae) 2 Jed No.tsitgooa? Beth Yeah | (2. read) itbefre bat realy ket Jed Whositby? Beth Jules Vere. He 2) Jed Oh, now hi |) it iin 1073, (eae) Journey tothe Cento of tho Eartha few years ago. Both 11) (se) the kn) .you (ke) the book? Jed great. You should read You know). 08) a 7V programme called Around he Ward Days ist year Beth With Michael Palin? Ys. remember He .. make lot of rave programmes Thay realy good Jed He's lucky man. 0) forsign county Beth Haven you? I (1). be tots Last year, 2) (gto Greece with my fry, (never be) to Jed Lucky you! D Language Database pages 121 & 122 Listening b> Dream holidays @ Look at the pictures. What types of holidays do they show? © 40 Listen to the adverts and order the journeys, ‘Atami adventure haliday b. The Tans-Mongoian Express ©. AMediterranean cruise © 40: Listen again. Are the statements true or false? Correct the false statements. 1. Onacrase you travel by ship. 2. Thecruse takes yout France ‘3. The rans-Mengoian is rain journey ‘& The Trane-Mongotian gos rom Moscow to Baling 5. On the family adventure. you travel by plane. 6, The family acvonture holy iin no © 49% Listen again and choose the correct 1. How many counts dees the ere vist? ater buthves ck 2 How can you gtinormation about the crise? online b.byphone —¢, onlinear by phone 3. Which thr enunty does the train go through? .Thaiand b. Mongo 4 What can yuri in nda? Ascamel batons caliger 5. Where can you say oro nighsin indi? ‘inaotel bing place €.atthe Tj Maho! : Kazakntan Vocabulary 2 b> Extreme adjectives @ Look at tho extrame adjectives in box A and ‘match them with the adjectives in box B. © 40% Listen, check and repeat. © write the extreme adjective for each sentence. "don't ike ying is righting. ceri 1. The journey was really bas 2. ove Greek oo. good. 3. Mysister was red when che eamebackhome 4 Mark was happy when he saw his hte room, 5. tt'shat on his bus, Can | open 3 window? {6 The unchon the plane was small m still Aungry. @ choose the correct words 1. Tm tiny exhausted /treezing, Im going tobed acy, 2 really enjoyed my holiday. Athens was amazing / delighted enormous. 3. Ohne, havent drunk my cfs and now Its Boling / freezing /terrtyng 4 Julio was delighted tiny exrausted with the souvenir gave her 5. Ourfats tiny exhausted / terrifying. utes! We went up the Empire Site Buldingin New York Iwas territying / delighted / biting © WF Work in pairs. Ask and answer {questions using extreme adjectives as in the example. What tv programme | (ally bod? Think the new ‘Dancing withthe Starts oal bad cok Reading 2 © Look at the picture and the title of the text. Which of the following verbs do you expect tofind? © Read the toxt quickly Check your answorste exercise 6, ilo guilor Mike Perham drt have much inet clare is *Tehbithday, Noe hocaune bs kadoxame ora working because bas isthe mid of te edn (ces Mie kas st bocome the oungest person to caiaround the weld ola. easing eurney toot he "ine nth nd e sled over 30,000 reson ie 50 ‘yee, caledzotalymonevcor, Mite had aot of adventureson is trp. Sling conaitions in he Indan Ocean wore lar, bt hese ‘osal through energie BO FE waves inthe South Fact aftorlesring Ne Ziad Ha de have rary problems with is bast: Haweyer haha ta otop inthe anary lan, Pertugal an ape Taw repairs stp te sce Usted the ost wile Mie Sty Ferber ayes ost! task and chip Mie dla have ay rs fod onthe boar 20 hedldn eats ot oF fruit orvegeratos lake was aaa What an amazin a terityngipury Men 1 yates © 44% Read again and listen. Are the statements true, false or not mentioned? 1. Mike has naver been inthe ocean on his un 2. Mike has gota word record 3, “etalyonaycom ien'tan enormous yatch ‘A. There are tre older men whe have also soiled around the weld slo, 5. Mike sid’ only stop at the Canary stands {Mike coulé' soep curing his journey. Grammar 2 > Quantifiers rea Ciena He sav a lt of whales pre rerty Peete eed He hada tot of He had somelatittle fresh fod, whales ln He didnt have any fresh food, © Look at the sentences in the table and answer the questions. 1. Do fewand alitiohavea positive or negative connetation? . Dowe use anyin the airmative fern? {Whats the alference between many and much? @ choose the correct words. 1. Have you been to much / many frelgn counties? 2. Have you mat some / any famous people? ‘3. How many much fruit nave you eaten ody? ‘& Arethare atatot much ces you woul tke ‘over 5. Have youhad any / much amating adventures? 6 Do you know few /a title wordsin other languages? ‘D Complete the text with expressions of ‘quantity Dear Parents, Next week the annual school trp to All ‘Acton Adventure Camp for Year 10 students ‘Allstudents need to bring (1). warm clothes for the outdoor actvties. They don't need to tring (2)... special equipment forthe outdoor ‘actvitos because the camp will provide everything they need. Students do not need 10 bring (2). food. The camp provides all meals with @) fresh fruit and vegetables. Most important, students shouldn't bring (5) gadgets such as tablets or mobile phones. T teachers have mobile phones for emergencies, ‘Students can bring (6). money as there wil be an excursion to the local town on the last day \We'e confident that all students wil earn a lot and have (7)... of adventures on the tip. Me Levinson, headmaster Danguage Database pages 122 & 129, Speaking D> At the station © 44 Liston to the first part of Rta and Megan's conversation and answer the questions. 1 hy is ita atthe stain? 2. How wi Rta and Megan rave home? So, how vas the journey? ‘Oh nl But cd yeu 2). good seat? What? Di you change trains at Birmingham? Dia you. anything teat? ‘hn, How orb! Rita © Practise the dialogue and actit out, E Speaking Task © Prepare a dialogue botwoen you and a friend STEP1 ‘Choose a journey or use your own ideas. Glasgow - Edinburgh Journey: iat Couch bifton lime Seats Ya Vay compel (hange: ie Dowré Food A chee muffin Liverpool - Leeds Journey: Tauble Tain lft ite Seats Ae Had le sland Change: Ai, Beet Wo Ber loed Food: @ 44 Listen to the second part of the conversation and complete. 1h sas teri, The train fei) mainte ate No, Jadot There Seite had stand, fo tee Megan Yes, got 293 rom Birmingham to London. | [No The br wae closed Yes. twas awa STEP2 Think about the questions and answers. ow was the journey? Meyeeges poor a eease | twas great/OK/terrible. t Pree | aD | Writing D> A description of a journey © Read the text and correct the words in bold. Iwas sighoare BOs! a a}oury We set fom London atte: Te fod was OK an {oe tnt moves wee 9000 olced Tek ve youscen tr Regie OOO But when we woe acting New York, we cul’ thaw ecsne fom bad eater Yost we bade yo Wazhagan BC Tran we had to wa fran Sour or aio gf te ple Shen we aie eros Pout n the uaa atthe mmgtaton desk Matha wed for somites for teste buna ho. nay ed athe ote Im ming were sk Atha esata wo dod 59m fod or ‘Sequencing linkers: | Frac we fo Washington OC. 7 Io hurt the migration desk rho We wated mines othe bor rly we rived te htel t mln © Read again and put the events in order. , flew to Washington OC 1. arrived tthe hotel wailed gt ofthe pane 4. tha plane let London f ated for a shuttle bus ‘queued a the immigration desk @ choose the correct words. ‘Wi went on a bus our in New York tat week, (1) Next First, we went to Times Square inthe centre of Manhatian. (2) Then / Finally we drove up ene ‘sie f Contra Park and saw the Museum of Natura History) Fist / Next we went e Harlem and sa the Apolo Theatre.) After that / Finally, we dove ow Park Avenue) Then / Finally we go othe bus bythe Guggenheim Museum, was brillant! We realy enjoyed the tour! O Pian Make notes about areal or an imaginary journey and include: Inoduetion where yo wore going, whe the journey was like (good or bad) Description what Aaypanad and in what onder Closing phrase how the journey ended Ow Use the text, your notes and this, structure: Paragraph I ntroduction Paragraph 2 Description Paragraph 3 Closing phrase © check D present perfect and pas simple quantity 1D travel exteme adjectives 1 tisers: fet, thon next afer that and finally ¥ thy 396 tern Qpereitetsrorsntat is oy one cof a at tonne tenet arog ugar tna miele henson ‘aon oclren ese ond he lunar module Eagle ‘module wile Colirs stayed n Columbia. iting he moon, ‘Thanks 0 TV cameras inside Eagle about lf ebilion people axound te word wotehed thshistore moment on TV. When Armstong himsay,"One=mal step fore mon, ene gia legp for monknd One ofthe men worleng at NASA saldthatApllo 1 efectively ended theSpace Roce o that moment osialed ‘natona! goat proposesn 3063 by President ennedy before a jont session of Congres °e @ 44% Read and listen, Was this a historic ‘moment? Why? Why not? © Read the text again. Are the statements true, false or not mentioned? 1, Thore was a Russian cosmonaut inthe crew ‘he Russians sent messages othecrew when — Q thoy were on the een, Peopleall over the world were able ose the fist ‘vation the moon. President Kennedy spoke tothe astronauts on the moon. Armstrong didnt fet his feet when he was on the moon The crew planted a United Natons fag on the moon, Co “The rohet nea tbo pat the campond module Stepped ont the ner surface, everybody Reet ‘Senda man tothe moan by the end ofthe ‘The astionadts tor inotogrophs of the surface ofthe moon and colestedsompes of eck ‘Then, they plants specoly designed US og on te tuna surface and tte President Non se to ther trough 0 tlephone radio tonsenision Arstong ld, so ‘reathonour ond privlege for sto Be ee, representing ot ony he unite States but men of peoceof al ations. and with intrest ond ‘sty ond ten wiv io forthe ature ts on honed fous tobe abate particoake heretoaay, ‘There ony erosion one moon, so Adres fostprine ul ty therefor millans o years! Match words 1-4 with some ofthe definitions. 1. crew a, motedte feotin some direction parte of lager group especialy 2, stot ‘when presantedfrinepacton something ransmited by or 3 stepped aequred roma predecessor 4. the poop who work together on 4 samples asin plane. ele start journey IB) ABOUT YOU What do you know about famous journeys in your country? © wesguest Find euthow long Armstrong and Aldrin. | penton the me's surtace Write the information and share # with our ‘lasemates, Progress check » Travel © comptete the text using some of the Phrases in blue. too coach «peck our slleases + to vest sigheesing My tamiy an avlledo sunny Spain et month Since these wee our frat holidays abroad, we took sometimeto 1)... Wed cheoee hatches total vry carey because the weather in Spain is ferent rom the wentherin England Early in the morring, we) 10 Londen take the pane asi t ida. Our plane was ae and rally () at abou2 pm, Ones in Mahi We et our luggage atthe hotel and than). We edhe cy centre an the mest impatant monuments, We loved an ar gallery That doy. we da) ‘everthing was 0 expensive! AS we sent emals every ay. we dit neo (tour rend but kop ‘hem informed. Thy al knee whale were ig, Extreme adjectives © complete using the extreme adjective that corresponds to each word in brackets. 1 nad avery . bas experience yesterday ‘tll man grabbed my handbag and ran away 2, Mysisteris. res ater so many exams. ‘She's been in bed for weve hours! 3. Putonyouresat and sea Is. ese outside. 4 We saw an... (good fm yestereay twas abou _3 group of young doctors that traveled a Ais twhelp sek ear, Present perfect and past simple © complete the sentences withthe present perfect or the past simple form ofthe verbs in brackets. 1. Yu. foe fo Tunisia? ‘Yes. have. (go therein 2008 was grat. 2. How ong..ou.. know) your Bet rond? For sixyears. We... (meet a primary schoo. 3. you er. read a Harry Patter book? Yes. have. the) t 4 yo (send your data postcard? Ys... sand) Ryesterdoy 5. How ong ..ou live) in your fat? Fortwoyears. We, (buy) iin 2009, 6. your brother ...(go to Australia? Yes eas. He. (et of to dys ago » Quantifiers choose the correct words. 1 havent packed any / much socks 2. Nick’s bought much /a lot of souvenirs, 3. havent got many / much ime 4% Did you meet many / much people while you were traveling? [leat much some fod inthe USA was tere 6, only spent tle few money on hai Integration Choose the correct words, Alice (1). toFrance Mark? Mark Yeo. hve ts @). country Ie ever been ‘lice When 3)_.2 Mark Twoyears age, ‘lice Did you eat (4 snalis? Mark Yes. They were atu 15 them, ‘Mice How long dd you stay there? Mark Iwas only there. fve days 1. a.Doyouge b.Didyougo 2 abeter — bithabest 6 3, a.didyougo have you gone were you going 4 much bany cali 5. a.didnitike b.hwventked c. am not king 6 ance Bago ctor ‘The most famous credit arabes oneal We pave ial | ther... ti... START @e MM shehasm...alotof ™™! with her per: oreneee a Tlove my nt h daughter. the money with terrae trainer every m... me very : happy. > vio a Peter was. a ems. p... mys... When feallye... after Inevers” go on holiday. the race, when I go o1 on holiday. « Pye t ele i S : ought at... dog, : visaaletees FINISH It'sso small that m Kate has moved to 2 sometimes we ~ Canada. It’s f.,. but | sen scene can'tfind it, shelovesit. e | BE = —eeEEE Reading Read about Tuvalu and answer the questions, 1. Whats Tova the? 2. Arethere more people onthe sand than in Vatican Cy? 3. How ong have Europeans known about these istane? “4. Who saw the islands forthe firs time in the 16h centun? 5. Did they land on Toalu? {6 How ong has the county been a member of the United Nations? heard fT? its Pojrasin sain be Paco (cnn ands erate Fg Speaking cry a wor Tht re E i t | f wo offal anguges: Tun anc Engh Tuauane oak Til, bt alt of eagle can speak Engh 0 Twa is very smal place. Only 12,373 peopl te hese The popiaton is bine han in ican City but tis the th Salen the wr The countrys mae up ofr ry separate ands Four ar ret ans and the ae tal, cor isan wi agon inthe middle, Eupeans have kaa) | about te sand for about 400 years grup of Spanish ‘ples sam the ilar in 1563, tt they cou’ ana that rere Euopesns only nde on Taal inthe 8th ety Ten th lands became part af he Bish Engin 1892. They were clo Elie sands. Iwas ren nent ny soe 179 btte Sac merch a saa eae the ton 200 Thecus has ses pb "eect saree ines Ge, co Pest caren abat eterna pes, Toa a ptr Guero ets sont hs rh ‘tr rls natn et my ‘ait brant cata ath a ary nee en mae sre cause stk te rebar a Isher or pear eng 7 ) Order the words to make questions. Answer them so they are true for you 1. tong had / phone / how /have your J yous mobile? you! Paris ver to have been? you what /enten today have ? us thie who texted week / you? {and your ever has. avelle abroad?” ereiete Correct the sentences, 1 My sister have lived in Lierpot since she was {oo years ol ie have been in class freight ocock, Mike didn't ny apples since as Monday 2 3. not nave bought any clothes tis month 4 5. ve bought anew aptop last month, ©) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Lave bean (been 19 Rome thee times. Last yar vite! ii the Colosseum, 1. Donna... ive) in this at since ast summer ‘She... evel here trae London 2. Lenny 356 his vg test He itis mering 8. Tessa and Katy They . ish it yesterday. 4. We «(sng inthe sehel chor for we years. Wi . 0) concert ast night (pass) (design a website ) Write past simple questions for the present perfect sentences. Fvesentanemallte Angie, When ondit? When did you ean it? 1. Weve been toa great party Wino go wat? 2. Twwbought a greatnew guidebook. How much cos? 3. Shelly has jst come back ro Vina / see? 4 David has broken his wath How break? 5. Mum has feundher keys! Wire il ther? | I ning | programme and talking about their holiday ‘experiences. Answer the questions. 1. Why was Je'shotidaya disaster? 1 thought the nema was empty bu then 36, 2. Did Sarah Uke her Wp to Egypt? Jutty your answer, | people atthe back, 3, Whats the weather Uke in Egy? 2. Twos . homework today ~ English, maths 4 What id Ela think a her Nolin Andalucia? Science and geography. 5. How long has Davi been sng? ‘3 bla Kary buy. eouvenrs on noua? 1 Why was David haliday a disaster? | 4% lean speak... Spanish just wo or three words | 5. How...time do we have belore tha concert? © 0 Liston again and correct the wrong | {5 Ivebroupht... sandwiches for our lene What information. | have you brought? 1. Joe say that Pogue was nat fscinating | 7. Wow. brothers and sisters have you got? Place tvs. t 2, does tight was on tie. 23. Sarah went to Egypt in July this yar 4, Ela and her rends went camping to Anvacia ast yr, 5. David says th 1s never skied before 1 1neas Imagine you have reveled around Aescription. Get phate to usta your wring Imagine you have been ona tour to two ofthe countries chosen, Use ese quastons to make notes about your urna. + When dd yeuteave? * When da you arrive and where? + What coutres have you area vised? + Wet countries have you not iste? * Where are you naw? + How ong have you bean there? ‘vnataftractons have you seen? ‘Organize the information into paragraphs, Upgrade for Exams |< | tead the text and fill inthe blanks with only one word. The California gold rush started (1). 24th January 1848 when James W Marshall Aiscovered gold at Sutter's Mil (2) California, Soon, people in San Franco heard stories (3). gold. In December 1848, James Polk, the President (4). the United States, told the werld (6). there was gold {in California The god rush began. When Marshal found () ~ gol California was very aferent (7) tty ie wasn an America state (a vl place and (9) eu travel ta, San Franasco was just smal village. The and (10) Nae Americans @ Read the text and choose the correct words. ‘The early gold-seekers (1) .. called forty- niners’ because they started (2) .. journey to California in 1849. About 300,000 people travelled there (8) .. 1848 and 1855, About half of them eame (4) .. ship from abroad land the other 150,000 walked to Californi 1a(5) ..of 2,400 km across the USA, ‘The gold rush changed California. The population of San Francisco (6) .. from 1,000 jn 1848 to 160,000 in 1870, People came from all over the world (7)... there. A railway line was buile to join California to the rest of the USA. (8) .. not all the changes were good, ‘The Native Americans lost their lands and ‘many died from diseases like influenza which ‘the Europeans brought with them, | eB have boon tere) hs = aang since By Jeurey (Band kept grew toreep Since tory Ds © order the tines to make an em: Recipients Sarah Subject Ht Dear Sarah, rnothaving a god tie as expect Dierent things have hagpene ‘we ot tothe sirort, velearnedthat our fight was eyed atavitothehotl andthe police stoppedus because ‘Weare spndinga ew daysinFrance butweare ‘Snceourhoidays started Weletthore last Friday There was astormandtheplane arivedtwohours late Filly we gottoParislate at righ. We were exhausted ‘vetook theman was diving oo ast orainheavy Rhasrained every dy since \Wearebored anda andloskingforwardt coming iromeseon (On Saturday. we got up early and went sightseeing but How are you? ite sand Michaol en |» '5'| on screen a | Vocabulary 1 > Films @ Look at the words and phrases in blue, Which words can you use to describe pictures 1-5? pot» producer © 402» Listen and repeat. © complete the table withthe words in exercise 1 apie PRL FRCICATS NRRL] © M4 Uncen to sabe and Kav. Whatare thelr CEM TUSMEE | tavourte imac wry? directr starina fim stint a i aera © WR Work inpairs. Ask and answer about @ complete the sentences with the correct form your favourite film, ‘of some words and phrases from exercise 1 {he crectorwana of halon vee ‘tomorrow. “ What's your favourite film? 1. Theis wonderful the dialogues ae grest. 2, Themuscis great too lovethe Tove ‘Save the Last Dance 3. Johnay Depp. inthe. Lhops he wins fan le neat Oscars ceremony, Why you hk «. Aiba ager cin rasa cr Scans hear mina tee snare Reading 1 @ Read the text quickly and choose the best ttle. 8. Cinema today . Thefuture fim ‘Do you temembe: Gollum fom The Hobbi? The fins ‘eaters uned motion cantare transform the human octor Int the cg eharate nthe utr, more fms wll se this technology ara soon, many Fs wll nly Rave cg characters Butoctors wort csappear, because digtak horace need good actors Balnga yer oto fa sl hat mang fi stor ui enmin the ute ‘40x cinemas oeody es but they wil probably become effets. there on explosion, there il bereot soe. fit Foinsin the flm you wil get wet Sects wll ave to motch theeion nthe fun Imagined scene on grolecocsar ona bect ‘itv Realy (VR lend ets inte word of gorning bu some people predict tet ulltransform © 424 Read again and listen. Choose the correct answers. 1 Inthe futur, human actors wil 2. disappear be slilexst work with robots 2. Inthe ure, there 2. wont be as many 4DXcinemas as now willbe rea special fet in al cinemas, witb more DX enemas than now 3. Flms developed foc VR 8, are geng to be quite similar to KOX ms bare’ going tobe tke today’ films {are going to have more campleated plas, 4. Teehnology wil detect how wo fel about fim 1. while tis playing before it begins when tends. Ati review anf yO oy our experience offs. VRheodsets unl Dut ovsences nie te im ond we ul rpeiene the cnracter ves st-hond, But aul VR oft the evelopment of scrips and plas? ‘We ore sre, but es ceariot Utne ore going to be very ferent Have you eer been dsappointed aya fim’ ending? Inthe itr, fm plats il ehange ute we ore watching ‘mem During tne fun, sensors ui dete! our emotions Then, software wil choos the best scene to play next depending on our eotons. ences have aways wentes enjoent and xctement Technology twichonge but people are never going tostop watching pins Co '5. People inthe ture 2. wil watch more films wont need cinemas, wilentina to watch films Ea Find words in the text that mean: 1. stop existing 2. say what wil happen inthe ute 3 agroup of spectators ‘pleasure that you get from an aety The tendancy isa saxim in anguages Nowacays lor men and wren Grammar 1 D> Future tenses Er Virfins are going to be dierent ‘Many fms witlonty Bd have digtal charactors, They are not going to Acors won't isppear. | Tet ae not golng to ‘wiuyratfectine Ed Sevslonmen sfocrinte and plots? ‘Aro peop gina to ‘op washing ns? @ Look at the sentences inthe table and choose the correct words, a. We use wilt make predictions / give advice about the ture. b. Weuse wil for decisions made atthe moment of speaking, offers and promises /oexpress possiblity €. Wevse gong fofor ature habits / plans. 4. Wealso use going towhen there isn't theres evidence in the present or future evntso actions, @ Match beginnings 1-7 with endings a-g. 1. dont think Spitberg wit 2. How many peopl wll watch | doit tink my ind wil enoy he director has asked fr ailonce because My cousin Peter has saved s0 much maney am starthathe dre you going When wi they 2. tobook he sete a the cinema tomorrow? the sountvak ot Spielberg's ne fm the shooting of the scenes going to stat 4. iret the new fli about Queen Elizabeth I ©. | going to retire soon, 4. the new fim on OVE? © write questions using wilt Russia win the net World Cup? il Russia win the next World Cup? 1. you/ pass allyour exams? 2. yous g0/t England one day? 3. Which pop groups be popular next year? 4 your teacher ive / you / aot of amework? © complete the sentences with the correct form ofthe verbs in blue. Use be going to. 1. Hove that sgt. tte my phone 2. She. Toundthe worldin he gap year before university, 2 yo a pry fo your bithday? 4 Teds father smoking asthe doctor teldhim he right havea serious heath proBtem. 5. | classmates te my birth party, {think some od ose for her anniversary. She loves them 7. They. Sueto sing because shes got terrible 8. Irmnet really hungry tay 9. Fred and his cousin the spris cet Gloria has a riving cence bu she doesnt rive wll, She . er new ear seon, anything tennis with their frends at wo. © choose the correct words. 1 Inthe future think people are going to ve / wil tive in space 2. dont thnk that wit earn /am going to learn Chines inthe utr, 3 will meet /am going to meet my friends atthe weekend 4 Inmy opinion. hat fm ise going to win / won't win an award 5. Whatwil you do / are you going todo ster school tay? © imagine Jason is being interviewed for a teen magazine. You are one ofthe journalists. Ask him questions with wit! and be going ta ‘thors Jason Raber, Jams Singer in and eated The lasone Fv. We pay op music Weare going travel to ome South American countries ext mont. think wl be 3, Taniatc tour @ Look at the future plans in blue. Choose the correct one for each person and write sentences with be going to. Wo ona farm with is aly Susan kes dancing, She ie going to take dancing lessons at weekends 1 Kevinis fondo animate 2. -Amold nasa frmal party on Friday. ‘3 Teaand Agnes love extreme spre, 4 Honry toves the countryside 5. Uma.and her cousin Vera have to do a project on wide, ‘S PRONUNCIATION Sentence stress and woak forms [A, 4934 Listen and repeat the sentences. Which syllables have the main stress ineach sentence? What happens tothe words in purple? 1. im gong to dovnload that song 2. We're going to invite tham tothe party 3. They aren going to buy a house, B. iiss Listen and repeat the sentences. © SY Work in pairs. Ask and answer about your plans forthe future. Think Fm gong vist ny best end n Scotian hat sbout ou Tim gong to wate that new fut Robert Pattinson ‘PLanguage Database pages 123 & 126 Listening > Films © 44% Listen to a film critic tatking about films for young people. How many films are mentioned? Can you name them? © Ai Listen again and choose the correct 1 Gina thinks Ty Story has 23. clever ple and funn kes. bb. anamazing and funny story fantatc stunts and great special eects 4. the est ecript. 2 She 12 thinks theretbe a fourth fim, . doesnt think there be a Toy Story © dovsn' want lo 590 anether To Story. 4. is going to see Toy Stary & 3. Themaincharactrin Deepcale Me 2is going a. lookforavilain —c, tavel tothe hulre, . steal the Moon, d. rescue hero 4 According o Gin, Daspicable Me 2ie 2. ahorrorflm. —€, science ton fi, b._anaction fm. 5. Twllght Eclipse is a. the fourth fm inthe sare, cleverer than theft, fume than the second im, 4. the lat fim inthe cores, 46, Thebad thing about Tullo Ete i thet 8. ite teolong, itis long enough its shorter thanthe second im, 4. Reto0 shor. 4. avery funny fm Vocabulary 2 D> Noun suffixes @ Make the verbs in blue into nouns by a the suffixes ion or -ment. Then complete the table. a5 TSAR suggestion derslopment © 403» Listen and repeat. © complete the sentences with nouns from ‘exercise 1. dont know wht to writin the srt Have yougot good suagecton? 1 Youneoda otf, to make a Fim. 2. Wiatiethec,.between these bo things? 3. think. simportans. I wantto get good ob, I tua aot 4 Canyousend me some. about the fm course? 5. Igeta lotae...kom reading ~ love i Q Complete the questions with nouns from exercise 1. Winats your favourteposcessin? 1. Whats tre funniest. on TV in your opinion? 2. Doyou putup — at Christmas? ‘3. When waste lat ime you haan .2 Why did you argue? & Doyeuneed any special. go camping? © SP Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 4. Tinats your favour ‘ay tavourte posession 63 Fah win Brag Pitts autograph on Ore ‘ha eft es chang te messing of {heroat oun Alors oben homes Reading 2 © Before you read, look atthe tite of the text and the picture. Choose the correct words 1 Fresh Fens hae «competition fr teenagers Aiectors 2. Thewiners make afm with new actors / Hotywood stars © Read the text quickly and check your answers toooxercise 6. © 4022 Read again and listen. Correct the ‘wrong information. Fresh Fms doesnt work wih eenagers. 2 Fresh Fms beleves tha eenagers ae hopeless 3. Only people oder than 18 wil ener the next competion The winner wil spend a marth in Hallo Fresh Flms hasnt praduced any fms yt 16, Nowiner has become famous yet. 2 Many teenagers only ream of making Puneet ica Dirernoere ng ives some the opportunity to do exactly. Cece a practical experience in film-making, and aera ct Tae enn sets roe ae en occu bea necuner ey DERM cess vn GS eemiomn Nat iiocceson eon eb tart Casa Mention eatononaita i Grammar 2 D> First con ional hw, they tet me goto fim schoo, Het dont win, won't give up, © Look at the conditional sentences inthe table. How do you form questions? Look at the rules. Then find more examples of conditional sentences in the text. possibly 1b. Weean change the order of the clauses: 1 you win, you'll become Famous. You'l become Famous i When the ifclause comes fst, we use 8 comms Cee ee oer a ata cor aa cere Pea Ct ue ue Tog enone ey Boe me ee iaiord Se eet eee st Panacea WORD CHECK 1 fm-maker coerce encores ag coos D choose the correct words. 1 ttyeu goto the cinema, you enjoy will enjoy the film 2. Ws raining. You wil get wet you don't take / won't take an umbrol, 3 1tnave/ will have enough money. buy the hen soundtrack 14 Wellatcha fl ater ie nish / wil finish courhomework 5. What do you do will you dof Sam ariveste? 6. itdaeki has /wlt have enough ime. shel ge tote superar. wire srt conditional questions. Wt ou/ dit be earthen 1. you! go! cinema tonight /f1/ snow? 2. Wiha you et it go /astaurant tonight? How much yeu lend your tend! be/ ask for money? 4 What you doi yau/ have nothing td this 5. Where /you / ge / Saturday /i/eacher/ not give youany homework? © P* Workin pairs. Askand answer the questions in exercise 12. Complete the text with the correct form of ‘the verbs in brackets, ‘What wil you co tyoude) ityou all your exams?” Bon asked i 2 (pass) my exams, 13) 11). go) to univers). get a goede 11) (ged a good jo. 1). (eam aot ‘money. IT). (ae) aot of mane 8). be famous. And 10). great (11). ba) famous Sally sid Well’ Bon sae. "You should start studying now Ifyou 12). fe tr now, you 1). fot pass) the exams, and none ofthat (4). happen (goto university. PLanguage Database page 124 Speaking > atthe cinema © 443% Listen to Dan and Rita's conversation. © 4)=#) Read the conversation and complete | Complete the sentences with numbers, with film words. Then read and listen tocheck | 1. ita ake for. kel, your work, 2. ‘he kets cost. pounds in ota 3. The im oni screen What id you think ofthe fi? ugh twas brian 2 ‘Butte (). were awesome! € | | Wel, pought it was rusbieh ‘suppose they were Ok, But Inston he f= aan very od What about you? Rita 0K. 935 3b boring, bu the) wore very good | a No, they waren. They ware trill | Did you tke anything? Yes. loved thet Me too. twas ineresibi. Alloaet we agroe about semething! © Practise the diologue and act it out. | & Speaking Task STEP2 ‘Think about the questions you ask an the © Prepare dialogue between you and afriend, nn shou te gest STEP1 What oid you think a..?/ Did you think the plot i What type of ftms do you prefer? Choose one of was..?/ Did you like the soundtrack? your favourite fins to talk about. Tho plot was.../The sundlrack was 2 bit STEPS IBY ork in pairs. Take turns to act out the dialogue, Writing D> A film review © Read the text. Does the writer like the film? Read again and match descriptions 14 with paragraphs A-D, 1. Conciusion and recommendation 2 Porsonal opinions about the fim 2. Basic information about the fm WEEK a o ea — = FGrovtg isa thiler set space. The director is Alfonso Cuarén and the main actors are Sandra Bullock and George Clooney. IG S202 Bullock plays a scientific engineer on a mission with George Clooney, a veteran astronaut ‘An accident destroys their space shuttle and they are alone in space desperately trying to return to Earth, GG} ny enon Grvty i anaste fine acon scenes ae trying, | these fect are amazing andthe fcr ar bilan Sanda Bloc has dina Been one fy favourite aor Foxit, tis her tat i, ICD iF you like excitement, tension and horror, you will love Gravity | think it will become a classic and | would recommend it to everyone. | Siig Forme hii or best im @ order the words to make sentences. 1. ally the i erp anny thine 2. special effects n/the my ae opinion / 2. i worst met for fan his 4 ol ane/ my favourite ie rectors / ‘Amen 5. it/an/ awful in opinion! im mye Orin Mate notes aboutatimandincude, Basicintrmation: the title, the type of fm, the actors, the director The plot where the Fl is Set, the main characters, the general story our inion: actors, special effets soundérack, plo, script Condusion @ final epinion and a recommendation Owrite Ss © check O tue tenses. iret contioal O sims utes O giving opinions Steven Spielberg is a world famous film-maker. Hes ‘most famous for his adventure and science-antasy films with their incredible special effets. Many classics of 2oth century cinema ae Spielberg films, Including Jows, ET, the Gra Terrestrial, Raiders of the Lost Arka Jurassic Park, Spielberg was bom in 1946 in Cincinnati io. He was a sensitive and imaginative cid, and he loved watching fms, He sed his fathers movie camer tomake short adventure fms. He was ust years old winen he wom his ist film oie for war film called écope to Nowhere. When his parents divorced in 1965, Fhe moved to California with his mother, He was very disappointed when he fled to © 44 Read and listen. Are the statements, true, false or not mentioned? AL Spielberg is mast famous fr hi romantic comedies, He started making fms atthe age of sove, He edn gol a place to study ata lm school He got an Oscar for Best Director for Jaw. ‘udlancss and eres have always agreed about Spieberg' fms. Steven Spetberg only watches drama fms nowadays. @ Read again. Find words 1-5 inthe text and ‘match them with definitions a- 1. sensitive 4. impresses 5. massive 2. disappointed 3. unpaid Famous films and film-makers Steven Spielberg into im school Instead, he went to work unpaid in ‘hives! Studios. In 6, he won a prea the Alana Fim Festival. At nivesa,they were so impressed that they offered him apa job asa TY film director In1975, Spielberg had massive success with favs, a sensational story about akller shark, Jaws made $260 milion and won three Oscars. He had another (eat commercial sucess with Rader ofthe Lost drk inag81, Then in 198, splelbere charmed audiences ofall ages with ET. the Exra- Testa. Splelberg ‘wanted to gta reputation asa serous film-maker an above ale wanted to win an Oscar for Best. Director. Eventually, in 1993, he achieved his ambition ih Schindler’ Ut, a fim about the Holocaust Schindler’ ist won seven Oscars including, at ast, ‘one fr Best irectr,Spielbrg wen Best Decor again in 1998 with Saving Privat Ryan, a cramatic War fim. Spielberg is stl making films today. He is without doubt the most Influential decor ofall tim. without geting any money huge. very big geting upset or embarrassed easily {ullt respect or someone's work or abilty nappy because something didnt happen © 2° ABour You Whois a famous film-maker Inyour country? © wesouest Find some mare information about Steven Spielberg life ang share it with your assmates Progress check » Films © Compiete the sentences with the words in blue 1. Canyoumove your head? leant se the Whe wrat the... for tha flim? he logue Is realy tunny 3. Mery Steephas won many two tears, 4. The. ofthe fm was confusing, Is 2 very complcaedstory. 5. Themasicin the film was great, loved the 6. Thescenes with he..wor fantastic » Noun suffixes © Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets 1. Lent agree with him and we hadan aboutit 2. you need any more. form) just ask me. 3, Whatis your oveure.avertae on TV? ‘Scientists are werking onthe . develop of the new invention, 5, Has anyone gota good ere fo go tonghi? 16, There was great. (excit) when they announced te fs release, torqued (suggest about » Future tenses © correct the sentences. 1. Wo going to vis you soon 2. Where do you think woven the future? 23, Ths fm not wil defintely win an Oscar 44 They have decided thoy frm some scenes in Seaton Tom Brow going to compose te muse forthe next Spetbergs fim? © order the words to make affirmative sentences or questions. 1. it/hel/be 10 /is/ gong /aternaon hie? 2. to/ actors going weekend the are Seatand/to/ next 3. rector mous spend holidays where the hie wil? 4. rebearsal/ start wil soon /the 5. producer going eth the /aRernsen J moet actors /all/t0 the? First conditional © choose the correct words. 1. Whatdo you say wll you say they ask ‘wll ask your opinion about the fii? 2. Theirparents don'tbe / wont be happy i tey don't pass / won'tpassthe exam, 3. they don't leave! won'tleave now they are wil be ate 4 Boyou go Will you goto the concert there are/ wil be any tickets? 5. Leal will al yout remember / wil remember, Integration Complete the interview withthe correct form of the verbs in blue. Interviewer Congratulations on your new fim. Do you thinkit() an aware? Monica Thanks. [hope it). a nomination but Fm nat ure wil bacome 2 winner. Interviewer What) .you .ifyou win? Monica 1). catebrate with ny rend and with he rest ofthe cast, of ours, The fm Isrealy good and we 6). a fantasti grou Interviewer What about your plans forthe nar future? What. you, next? Monica 1. to work ona new fi. and ale ha Frm not sure. 1. any decision yt. want to goon holiday. wat to visit ina Interviewer (9). you ever... before? Monica No, thaven This wl be my fis ime MTC Relat Vocabulary 1 > Music © Match pictures 1-6 with some of the phrases in blue. © 46% Listen and repeat. © choose the correct words. How do musicians bocome famous? First. thoy () form / release aband, then they think ot some good) lries/ playlists and music or a son, ‘Mer writing the song, ey goto) concert recording studio to record the song. Then they releace a single / cover. the song (hit record cauld(8 go / frm to number one and then they became famous, Ater tha, the band should (7 play release an album and go on tours that they ean 8) record play ive for thse fans, Q 40% Listen and match the speakers with the songs they downloaded, ‘Wolves’ by Selena Gomer b.Pefoe by Es Sheeran Finesse’ by Bruno Mars 1 Todd 3 Jule © WR Work in pairs. Find out about the last album your friend bought. The passive: present and past simple ores | | i aL BA She is considered by cris as one ofthe best singers ever, @ Real the sentences in the table. How do we form the past simple passive? She ent considered as one ofthe best actresses. @ complete the text withthe past simple passive ofthe verbs in brackets, @ Look at tne sentences in the table and choose the correct words to complete the rules. a. We use the passive to stress the action / the person who did the action b. We orm the present passive wth the present Simple ofthe verb be/ have «the past parpie tthe main ver The oer ofthe actions sometimes mentioned / ever mentioned 4. The der ofthe acon mentioned when iis THE SERGEANT PEPPER ALBUM GOVER ‘This album by The Beatles Ist popula today ‘he famous cover ae £2signed design by Petr Blake. The people onthe ‘over were all model = large pctures which). (ona) of ard The people (choose by The Beatles because they admired thom, although atleast three people from thelr ‘unusual or very important unimportant. © complete the text with the present simple passive of the verbs in brackets How a song is recorded Microphones 2re pup in diferent parts af the recording studi. Sound engineers make sure lth instruments). aplure) correct bythe rmcrophones and get ready ostartthe recardingwith 2) ‘the hop of special software, Each instrament {).. record) ona separate rack andthen they crigna ist (2). ot mele) nthe end. The 65 ).. moe toate. Spcial tects. (at ‘models... make) by eter lake and Jann roeeesary When the mi 5).(nish (8) (master) Haworth andthe pot (8) take) by Mchast mainly a baance volume levels This final product the 20g). fave a an au fe in 8 computer © Rewrite the sentences using the beginnings siven. 1. People ony use god computers bi tuto, 2. Ourteacer allows dconaries in clas, Dictionaries 3. Young people usualy downland weos from the inert, Videos ‘4. They make chocolate from cocoa bean. Chocoite Cooper on 3th Mare 1967 The recording. complete in Api 1967 andthe ingle) (pay on the radio forthe fit tie in May. The abun (cease) although some ary copies ©) (saa month before in May PRONUNCIATION // [A. ‘Listen and repeat the sentences. ‘Which syllables have the main stress in each sentence? What happens to the ‘words in purple? 1, Records are made of plastic 2. Tho phonograph was invented by Edison 3. 1982, CDs were first releases, 44 Computers are usedat schoo, B. 4@4 Listen and repeat the phrases with the /5/ sound, ‘PLanguage Databose pages 126 & 125 Listening b> Favourite musicians © 4435 Listen to the programme, Are the statements true, false ar not mentioned? ike ays eas sen Mie in concert ce, ik tks that heir muse retrial Their test bum wa rleasedin 204 ike ays tha ter bum was flue Russa, Ste’ favour singer Shakira Sea doesn el he attending Reyna’ concert inland amie ay th the song save band pay tock origina Jamie ads tht Arte Monkeys ar planing 2 ew tour in South Ameria @ 442% Listen again and complete the sentences, 1. Mike thinks that Mase are 2. The Second Lan was released 3. Sela thnks that Beyond i. of REE music. 4. Jamie thins that rete Moneys are tly lwe bana Read the text and choose the correct words. The National Chiere's Orchesire of reat tain or NCO, is 2 egjatered charity I). orchestra training for children aged 7 to 14 NCO includes sie rational age-banded orchestras and st regional erchestres 2). you want join the orchestra. you ‘must auton. The Main Orchestra under 14s one of the). children's orchestras nthe word Once you area member ofthe ochesra, you must conn practising andtadying (a). once or twice ayer a recent cources {aroun the UK. whore they receive training) leading musi tors and conductrs, Main and Under 13 Orchasvashavesrine-day course nspring and | (6)... nine-day course in summer. The younger | orchestras have an eight-day course insummer, | The courses main aim isto prepare the repertoire thatthe children are going t play at an end-t- Nogative prefixes © read sentences 1-3 and find three negative prices. 1. Th song iaverycommon ire nail 2. That done ake sense ts completly loge 2 Kempo use this webste~itnet ery User end © complete the table with the words in blue. unoriginal impossible illagieat © 44> Listen, check and repeat. @ complete the sentences with the negative form of some ofthe adjectives in exercise 2. Mary novr helps ha friends~ sho very 11... for met answer this question because dont ungerstand what means, 2. There arene classes tomorrow. You don'thave todo your homewerk today Its 23. Its.-topark on double yellow tines. I's against the lw. 4 Donita Peter any of your secrets. He the most person Ihave ever me. Heltel everyone! Reading 2 © Read the text quickly. Match headings 1-5 with paragraphs A-E. 1. In favour of streaming 2. Against steaming 3 Is streaming the future? 16 How does streaming work 5. Streaming the rescue © 40: Read again and listen. Are the statements true, false oF not mentioned? 1. Themusicindusty had many eticutesbeore streaming, 2, Youhave to pay stan to musi an steaming sites, 3. Streaming begn nthe North of Europe in 2013, Musicians arent paid any money by music labels 5. Musicians ean get good publ rom muse streaming devs. 5. Many people think that streaming wil be over "7. Thom Yorke has spoken in foveur ef streaming. @ Read the text again. What arguments are ‘mentioned in favour of streaming? What arguments are mentioned against streaming? j To stream, or [ae ee eth eet ee Soe Fong ee MORe ee Rey cay fo ah a eat Geerlotheey ee Grammar 2 D> The passive: interrogative SE Is the musi teenagers steno downloaded legally crillogaly? Vino ar legal copies made by? Wis the problem solved by steaming? © Look at the sontonces inthe table and answer. 1. How do we form passive questions? 1b. Do weusebyin every question? (When do we use the agent? © Write passive questions. how many egal video copies make evry yea? nen / the recording of Michel Jackson last etbum tne? Maroon first album release / 20047 ‘whe tele 0 cover design by? © Match the questions in exercise 9 with answers a-t No, they were. nthe past there were no CDs. Ihwas finshed a fw months before his death, No, itwasnit Thole ist album came ot in 2002 Firstthe songs ae recorded in stusioandthen coples are made Alat Iwas designed by 2 famous artist ee cer (oar ca a ie eee ee rs Ss ay ee WORD CHECK © Rewrite the questions using the passive 1. How many songs rai sata play every? ‘When i Fred Mercury release his tatalbur? ore thay ecarstbuma? How much o proses py tes singers? nat re ry ove kama ast year ‘Language Database pages 126 & 125, Baad ‘Complete the text with some of the phrases inthe box. wes held justenjOyed ut John thought wasnever was participating ‘im his st ‘amazing band isstarted was atked really was his aun anduncle as hie second name When taking about music. we al have our favourite singers and bands. Fer mony people. The Beatles ware the mest (1)ever and for many of them. Lennon was a rea here But who was ohn Winston Lennon He was born on Sth Oetaber 1940, when Great Britain (2). in Werld Wael so his parents chose Winston £2). innenourof the English Prime Mito the Aime Winton Churchill John's childhood was net very easy His father iravted aot and home Infact he was nat thom when John was bor! Aer some difetes John want tote wih Hs mum vised him land taught him Eiv Press songe andl bought) gular in 958, ohn was never a. good student He didnt ty for ‘exams. He 0) — composing music His fst band Auarrymen, was formed in 156. Lennon fist ret Paul MCeriney tthe Quarrymen's second Performance, whic @} in Wooton on hy atthe St Peter's Church garden fee. Immediately. Mcarney (1 jin the band ané sore time later. George Harrison was inited ta become the bande toad gular (10). he was to young beesues ‘si bets George was only 14 at that ne” Speaking D> Going to a concert © 4G: Listen to Kristina, Mia and Louis. Which concert does Mia want to goto? rely wantioget a) oe yuan tor nen at? ' ge wnat you mean.) Thine th concer wl bs ‘real anyway kristina “Me neler but have fn! © Practise the diatogue and act it out & Speaking Task Meteo. Her we 2) sreSmazng ott disagree. ink 2. ast ‘slum nad much beter songs Mia Yeah, tins 0, Gan yours. Louis? ~ - a ea ye go ee Why a). youcore tn” | Yay ime nstaad No, thanks! don ike ay Pony, Prepare a dialogue between you and a friend. STEP1 ‘Choose a musician or use your own ideas, STEP2 Think sbout your opinion and about your friend's responses. ister rat album was hese is think 500, Mo too. /Me neither totaly sags. STEP3 95 Viork in pars. Take turns to act out the dialogue, preferred. think © 44:2 Listen again and complete the dialogue. Writing D> A description of a musical hero @ feat and complete the text with some of the phrases in blu (x0 iesuca Cums was formin London in 1988, She (1). by her aristicname, esse) She ban Engish srg seguir age of 23 when het fst abum, Who You Ar, was released in 2011. ewent 0 umber ane nthe UK hars and ilions of * fop65 3). around "he word, Since then ha has performed lie at concerts and festa all ove the wor. 2012, she gave a spectacular perforeance atthe London (Olympics yea ate, she (8). her second album, Incrioy, se hes aso found ime to dolts of ‘amabog esity work 2013, she shaved off her hav on live TV to raise money for various chee las for. muse ae er wok {phe oer Sh tas Beer my rascal ior ir ta fe year a © ead again and answer the questions. 1. on vas Jes) en? hat nes he oe? When de he become famous? Ueto her mam mist chee? Viale dn she to? Why does the rte aire he? rere | Tine precios | eases Bah was bm 368, She ce aos 3 SicPhe. to haprtrmed econ andes ‘year trae rsd er econ ab be: @ choose the correct words. 1. Ariana Grande began her music coeer in / at the age of 18 2. “Two years last later she released har fiat album, 3, For Since then. she has ben nthe top 10 intemational charts, 4 Im/ AL 2014, she recorded a song with The Wesknd ‘andit was very successful ‘5. Apart irom singing she has done some charity ‘Work since /for more than en years, # Writing Task O Pian Make notes about the person you are ‘going to write about and include: Personal detas: name, whan and where halshe was born, what he/she dose i Musial ahievemens: is, afbu awards, performances, plane ‘ther achievements. charity work, other Conluslon: why gots aslo this prs Owrie Use the text, your notes and this structures Paragraph: Parsee dete Peragaph 2 Masel chrome Peragaph Oe achievement Praag Crcon ' © check G rrusic G the passive ciferent tenses G time expressions eA i The Sydney Opera Houle The Sydney Opera House in Australia is one of te gest cone Bldgs ofthe on century Rwoe opened m1 73 Oy" Gucen Szabeth it Ie famous forte Concerts and theatre penance inthe sb separate venues Maile ts the home of he Sydney Symons ‘Orchestra and Optra Ausiala Boe tte buses petorning aa andes the word Every youn mote tian |UD performances oe attended by aBpU to mille people: Many fas po ll land singers have ptionmad ihe Ofer House, There's sme of eh yone ‘The Metropetian Opera House, or “The [ety sin New Yor Is the home of The Metiopaltan Opera, Amerin's biggest classical musle orgenization, R has 2 young [arts programme to help young singers, ‘eval thelr careers. Luciano Povarat! became farnous ater singing there, Other argue singers such os Placido Dominge egulaly sing there. The Met nas broadcast live performances on the radio since 1931 ‘nd how they are streamed crectly to smattahones, © 402% Read and listen, Then answer the ‘The Syney Opera House is called The Met questions. Live performances have been brosdcae for mare 1. What can youse at he Sydney Opera House than a contr, apart rom opera? 2, How many people goto performances at me i$ ABOUT YOU What music venues are Sydney Opera House every year? there in your town/country? What kind of Whatis The Met? ‘music are they for? Are the performances Whatis the young aists programme for? broadcast live? Wl ua you watch on your smarpnons? @ Read again and correct the wrong © wesouest information. ‘The Sydney Opera House became an icon in the {vestigate any important Opers Houses in Europe or South America Wit down some information on them, Shar the information wa your elassmates 1th carry “hare are more than four venues inside Not many performances ae ald there annually Progress check » Music @ Match beginnings 1-6 with endings af tomake phrases. 1. release a, sta concert ; 2. record = aband 3. playlve a eongintne stuslo 4 6. anewalbum 5. goto fe. number one 6. form . ontour = Negative prefixes © complete the sntances wth the negative forms of the words in brackets. Use un i- 1 Kate isnot very ereative at al. she's really. imaginative) 2. Petar hates wating. Hes very... patient new (aventura) 4, Those children never say hel’ They Ateenaty You cant depend on them. Theyre (eustworth That doesnt make sence. (ogiead % The passive: present and past simple © Rewrite the sentences using the passive. Start with the underlined words. Omit by when possibi 1. famous artist designed the album cover 2. Mytriend wrte that sone 3. People played music thousands of years 990 44 Students use computesin many schools. 5. Edison invented many machines, 6, ‘They give music lessons inal British schools 17. My friends formed a band at schocL, 8. My slster downloaded many song ast week © write the verbs in brackets inthe correct form. 1, C06... use to store musi 2. Wats Wonderful Word. asualy play on the ra, 3, DVDs. nat sa in many shops This museum... Wt by more than tn thousand ope lat yer 5. Millon of videos. (dwelod ast yea © Write passive questions 1 How many ables sel! your county every year? What colour /your classroom / paint last May? When the new band form? Iyries /put onthe ever? Whe / mp3 player invent by? Integration Choose the correct words. [Aubrey Orake Graham (1s usually know ‘usually knows by hs arte ame Drake He @) i/ was aCanadin rapper record producer. songwriter andacior He ist) became was becoming popular n 209 with Soar Gone’ his frat big-time mite, n 2010 he ) was released! released his album Thank Inter whch ee = reavaicaestaa ‘short time. His album aces ip Sie one ncn breakingseveratchan’ | z reemisinepresss, Seatmoae | | 4d: seein BD! Sonmwnee £) AO Be Awards and some a arent nan ar, START @e- . Spielberg's films. The Weeknd W... tWO a... at the 58th My neighbours are eee “having lots ofa... these days. Idon't think they get on. ick Jagger played In for the first time along time ago. Ican't make p.. about the future! “Our new teacher FINISH 2@ seems to be very ; if we don't finish “aoe our work soon. My friend Mike is a's He has done dangerous scenes insome of — < -He gets angry Mi Bit u.... He always says| a The band will meet at ther... 5, at7 am ni Wednesday. My boyfriend is a very | “good Pecans ~he'll’be on time but he never is! - = one ee Pe rag Pate eer aan reer nt i Themusicsavery imponant par of afin fitisa rrr fim ike crear the museca ke you ore What were Duke Elington and Leonard Baretein 4 Vinat cores has John Willams eompesod? 5. Wiatie the us ofunes o themes? Find words in the text for these definitions. 1. behave a paricular way because someting has happened te you sheet nese unkcc meow rar ndanat tin tohave musi: vem’ & tumup iveat the cierna while the people weed tefl Then sound was seduced ad rial Lenset fim soundtracks became his. inthe 1940s nd 1950s many meus composers relieg Duke Elington ad Leonard Sense wate Fmscores Usual decors usethe sem cormpesers formos: ofthe ms For xml f Steven Solberg swans score wll erly okt Villa Willa has writen the mus ras efameus ms ning Str Wars andthe ary Pater andthe dana Jones sagas Hehe incon the Dear Bes rind Sere ve tes Many flee client tunes ot clled theres fr rmpotantharactarsFameusearplesfths tect zethetharestor Dart ade Like Slywaller and Princes ain ohn lias coe theaudence oar seingtoarrear ‘Sar Wars We he ase thay row the character _Ahauch mast people agree that neta fs wen’ needany must isco willbe posite Can you imagine Bondiheve ruse? @ Read the article and answer the questions, 1. How ean the music of fim affect, the audience? 2. What kindof ls oi people watchin the 17a? pecamepopular. Correct the sentences. 1h met you atthe cinema at 7pm tomorow 2. Tmsureyou pass your exam. You only have to sty hard 3. My cousins arent going to going on haley tis year They havent saved encugh mone. Where you going to spend your net holidays? 5. How ong you wil ty at the cinema? ® Complete the sentences. 1 ttyou don stuay hac you 2. Wewil all watcha good fm if we 3. the ator dase’ study the erp. he 4 What will you se ifyou 7 5. Ifyou don't do your homework? Rewrite the sentences using the beginnings sven 1. Willam Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Jit Romeo and Jule. 2. Radio stations play alto songs every day Aat of songs 3. Rihannss atest itis payed on every ado station be 4. Milios of ours vist our hometown every your. ‘ur hometown 5. Theband recorded thee songs wo days 450 Theee songs @ Choose the correct words and match questions 1-5 with answers a-« 1. How much money i spent/is spending / {is going to spend on music festivals every yeor? 2. Whatkind of musi is downloading usually {is usually downlosded usually dowmload trom YouTube? 3. Whore was the Harry Pattor aga film films / ‘How many Osears was given George Lucas / was George Lucas given/is George Lucas sven for Star Wars? 5. Does/Was/ Did his phot taken bya protessionat?| Investigate a fm you the and ake notes about it Wot eis? 2 GROUP Wonk {What kin of ln 2 = {When was itreleasee? re Your information win ‘Wn is the aretor? YR group and vote for one fi, ‘Who are the main ators? Foenze he ideas ios pater ‘he was the sounded composes STEVE acne on More oectve Get poten Posten re | PRESENTATION at your work and make the final version ofthe poster Show ito your classmates. ‘olustate your No. ook with my new camera Some scenes Were medina college in Oxford, Pop. most fortune Four or vw. 'm aot sure Lis @ 4022 Liston to Ellie and Steve, Correct the ‘wrong information. li and Steve ae going tothe theatre aay lie says thatthe fim has no special eects, Stove hates James Bond fms. The film was released as yearn the USA. Elie’ str never downloads muse for ree, lie wants to go bowing before the fm, Upgrade for Exams | << | @ Read and complete the text about Leona) Imagine you sawa film called This Bond Lewis with only one word. Rocks. The reviews were good but you di tke the film at all Use the nates and your own ideas to write a new but negative review to upload onto your personal blog. not ThisBand Rocks 345< Tis Band eke ieafarascie Fim His firse film! cholas Wilson, the famous, esas Srevsvetinde ie teles tala! 7 Neatly Blasts Gree) sb pp anges ste id il Nella lesa Gh tineusn 206 yhersheventneTVaimy CULT, watchers te shaw The X Factor Since then. she has became se money to pay for is treatment, top-selling artist She was ()..for afew sothecther ‘Grammy Awards but she dda’ (4). any band decide So far, Leona has (5). we albums. Every day her songs are downloaded by thousands of people all). the world. In fact, ner first single, Just an excuse. “AMoment Like This. became the fastest-seling 19 promote the snbersofthe 199 They ther frst albu launched, cineides with the > day Wleris operated. UK single after twas dovwnleaded over 50.000 and’smusic. is Band Roclshasa times only 30 minutes afer it was releasedt Hor second single, Bleeding Love's(7) umber oy simple! Too ‘one in over 30'countres. When she released “fev characters raphy. ahighquaty Run, an incredible 89.244 copies ofthe song ‘and very poor scurdtackand sound (8). Sold just two days! Her ates tour was ‘datogue! (9). 2016. 110. vry successfull The bard may Novhing © Complete the questions about the text in ones eel exercise 1 and answer them, te airs audience. 1. When .farmous? ot goodatall pvervthing is How eng. atop-seting arts? predictable. 2 3. What..ofherfrtsingle?’ 4. How many. justo days when Run was released? p> ‘7’ | Good friends Vocabulary 1 D> Making friends ° @ Match pictures 1-5 with some of the phrases in blue. © 402 Listen and repeat. 4, Peter Browm is rally rude, He always trie to point at friends /telljokes /jump the queue © Which of the actions in exercise 1 have you ‘because he wants to get onthe Bus firs inorder done today? In which context? togeta seat 5. Stop yawning. Donte palite be rude / © Choose the correct words. shake hands, 1 Tm sorry tobe polite interrupt your conversation tell jokes bu you've got an © 444 Listen to Megan and Dan. Who has Dan | Urgent phone cl shaken hands with? 2. As Seon as Larived atthe house, my new Japanese friend asked meta peint at his mum — @ JB" | ABOUT YOU Do you take your shoes off take off my shoes Jump the queue belore when you walk into your house? When do walking into the ing rar, That’ their way of you shake hands? De you kiss a person when aroging nesses you meet him/her for the first ime? What is 3._Insome counties considered rude to ‘considered rude in your country? lick your fingers / shake hands / drink a toast Reading1 @ Read the text quickly. Are any of these customs simit lar in your country? pam! CULTURAL INTELLIGENCE ie ey ce) Cae Aris &Ciltue In France, men and women usually Wes each other an the cheek ut men shake hhonds. tn the UK, Germany and the USA, Iassing is common between friends but Uyoushouléshoke hands with strangers, In Russi, you shouldn't shoke hondsin the dooruiay of a house its bad lek. Inthe UK, you dont have ka bring 9 present, ine towers or chocolates, but people il be pleases if you doin Germany, Japan or the {Uk you mustn' be late 1 ery rude In Mexico, Youshoutd be ates oral in Jopon, china ‘ond Scandinavia you must the your shoes off when you arrive, 0 you should wer clean socks! coy Cie i More cor Ete cc i In most Evropecn countries, you burped © 435 Read again and isten. Check your answers to exercise 7 Then match headings ‘-4with paragraphs A-D. 1. Eating tiuete sting people's homes Tear ot omersation © retngs @ Read the toxt again and answer the questions. 1. What shoul you do when you meet someone for he fist ime in Germany? In which country is OK to be ate? i 2 Pet rl arate CMe accents ofter a meat, people would De offended, However, in China oT they would be pleased because t shows thot you enjoyed the food. In India, you mustn ect with yur left hand because isunclean, In Mexico, fs aceptobie to eat with your hands, but in Chile ts the ‘opposite! In Frdnce, you should cide ‘restaurant bill, You shoul paythe bill yourself or wot for someone eset pau!) Insome countries, its OK to interrupt someone a conversation, dul you should in Japon, the USA oF the UK Germans enjoy having serious conversations in socal situations, but they orent heen on smal. talk, In France, you mustn't @rmmerarreara tale about maney ‘atthetable es very rude urged ‘Were itn considered correct to eat ith yourhande? Vint topic of conversation is unacceptable atmeasin France? 9% Work in pairs. What ther cultural rules do you know? hunk that in ind, you should yea with your ht hand ‘eal? dot know that Weounde afeut Grammar 1 > Obligation, prohil obligation Yu must ake your shoes of when you ative Yeu have takiss women wic onthe cheek absence of obligation prohibition ‘You mustn't bate ‘You mustn't jump quoves ‘You should shake hands with your host. You shouldnt tell jokes atthe table, © Look at the sentences inthe tables and complete the rules. a. Whan the speaker thinks something isnot 20 Important. we use don/dasn have too show absence of We use must ana havo to show thinks somethings very impatan. shouldand ~1he spot Its essential not to do something we use probiiton. 2) You musta /hove to tie expensive pudye 3 You must / dont hove talkin bed © Peopleneed to step, 1 You musint / dont hove to make jour bed 3 You on choose. 3 You have to / dorit have to look ofter the hey SD teyourroom 3 Vou must / musint belle, Classes start D atea0om Children don't have to take of thei shoes, are used for atvice and suggestions. © complete the diatogue using must/have to, don't have to or mustn't. Jim Cant ga camping this weekend? Mum Yes, but thee are some rls. You (0) stay with your ends, You 2 {90 anywhere on yur own, Jim No, Mum, Mum Andou .wesr clean clothes cera dy. Mum —Andyou tnt. ts very dangerous. Jim No, Mar, Murm And you) ina campsite, IResater, Jim Yes. Mum, Mum Butyou (6. phone home every evening ~ ony if you want. Jim Thanks, Mur, © 44 Listen and check your answors. (herr haat tae of oy shoes ser © Choose the correct words. ‘or Tin reoly lucky becouse (shouldnt / dont have to ‘walt to talk to my best rend at schoot My best [lend ismy older sister, Koren, ond we shore bedroom. However we do nove some rules. For ‘example, there are borrowing rules. |(2) mustn't / don't have to borrow her clothes and she (3}hasto/ doesnt have to ask me when she was ko use my tablet, We also have olher rales for our becroom, We both (4) mustn't / have to hep our stuf ily We hhave one more rule- Because Karens oie than me, she (5} doesn’t have to / mustn't goto bec when | do, bt when she comest bed, she (6) doesnt hove to / mustn't wake me up ifm aseep! Luckily she's really kind, so she never does. (7) should / don't have to be more tke er! © | Work in pairs. Ask and answer about Marcus and Amelia are Maria's friends rom ‘obligation using the phrases in blue. a school be home before mihights take of your shoes at home * be the bosch aaa ._herneighbourkood. 1. Maria belive fiends 1 have to see each aher every dy 3. should se each ether every day don thave to see each ather every doy 8. FarMaria tis important hat he fend re a. creative, funny © honest ‘Do you hve tobe at ome before might? es, do. My parents dont allow moo arrive nome ae, Danguage Database pages 125.8 126 Listening >> My gang @ Give your opinion: Which is better ~te have just one or two best friends or to have a group of friends? Why? ea ‘A. One word is missing in each sentence, Write the missing words ip the correct places. Friendship is important isue now, \We often read atls itensengs about frondehip, chat with and abou rend, the present ‘Thae important friendships in istry 38 wel, For example, moat ue have rea The Lord of the Rings. and ts writer had avery famous friend. CS Lew the father Narnia ‘The twe men had something in common: thay 2. Whats Alex tke? ‘rated imaginary world and they shared 1. approachable and rot nl their interest iterature but also thee sociable religous bis, b. tommy ult andcrenve 3. Tojcin Marys group of fiends you must, © 035 Listen and choose the correct answers, 1. Harry and his riends 1 going a partion i. playing basketball drawing and pintng, Rewrite the sentences using the beginnings given. a ove fatal. Peter became my frend fhe years apo. 1. support Manchester Unites Poterhas suppor Liverpeet. |a@vce you to study had 4. What music do Harry and his ends ike? You dance mosie iy dont wo drink toast to cur friendship? ». hiphop Lets fst guitar mosic Maria ha ats of rind from a. secondary eehoo . lots of iferent paces primary seheot. ‘They saw Marys rand in the park ary’ tend Vocabulary 2 @ Match pictures 1-4 ith some of the phrases inblue, @ 40> Listen and repeat, © Match beginnings 1-6 with endings a-t. 1 always tro give my beat rend ome pact 2. Macy's new boyriendis vey honest He never 3. Isiteasyfryouto make 4% Thetwopresidents ved in he samecty and they 5. Whe do yeu generally sek 6, Have you everhad. 3, for atvice when you arein trouble? frends? seca but she never titans tome 4. anargument wth your best rend? 2. remained finds forever tals tes. © complete the sentences with verbs from exercise 1. 1. Doyou ever. fr advice to your parents? 2. Wen didyou tat. an argument with your boygitrena? Ibitever to. ale? ‘Susan baioves Alice and her wil. ends forever Winy dont you stp... your time and stat sueyng? ‘Aslly comment. an argument an. nthe ene ‘ne police arested the two men 7. ove. wih my cousin Becky We always fun togethec 8, What do you usualy. your meney on? © SF Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions 1,2, Sand 8 from in exercise 4 SPRONUNCIATION a jet ‘A, 42» Listen and repeat the words. ly adic, ima tidy Jeu! make, same. waste, wake 1B. 402 Listen and repeat the sentences. Reading 2 G Read the questionnaire on page 83. Choose thee ite, 2 Bonin ae mre impr? fo Bends on gtd what woud oust @ 44% Read again and listen. Then choose the best answers or you © compare your answers with your classmate Have boys and girls got the same answers? Questionnaire | tryoe wantes to go out with BS JAY, eboy/ie, would you. ) 0 give hiner a presen? | base him/her to go out ono date? ska fiend to talkto inves? 35 your giri/boyfriend’s birthday, would you 4. do nothing? glue her/him a present? oskeher/him out for dinner? If you didn ike your boy/ gitlfriene’s best friend, you 2 do nathing because they are best friends? b. tell your boy/ginilend the truth? ask your boy/gitriend to sop spending time with his/her frend? | ttyour boy/girfriend ‘lie, woula you ‘9. do nothing because you tink itis nat important? asehim/her to tel you the truth? € wat forhim/ner to apologise? ne | argument with Ed would you had | your dou/gi 40. apologigeimmediotely? by stort going out with «new boy/aie? & sive nim/nero present ail Grammar 2 D> Second con Se IHwehad an argument, [would apologize | | tide tke my boyind’s best rend, woul tlt Nn what thik wouldnt go doncng it ft sick "you hag an argument wth your grind, ‘would you apologize Immediately? What would you do fyouwon the tery? © Look at the sentences in the table and answer the questions. 1. What tense do wo se inthe ifcause? 2. Whatonse do we use inthe consequence cause? 3. Canthe consequence clause be used atthe begining? int do the fve examples express? 1 Reason and consewuence in the future Hypothetical reason and consequence. ‘&Aconsequence oa past event © choose the correct words, 1. Wht woul ey 25 your best rind wa vould te met ou? 2, Dana would go went ou with Mike. he wouter play fetal the tie 2, Whe told wutdtall ea. | wouldnt be / wast hops Wout youtel/ id youtetihe rth ioe tidn't/ would ike fiend been ‘@ write questions using the second conditional. 1. Where /you gp Jit you have money? 2. What’ you do/ your friend tel you Fae? 3. What/ you do/i/you/ finda wallet inthe 4. Who /you invite it/ you! win lida fort? 5. Where you ve /t/ you be /amilinaie? © * Workin pars. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 11. (DLanguage Database pages 126 & 127 Speaking > A party @ How often do you go to parties? Do you think they are a good way to meet people? What ‘makes a good party? Hy, Mike! Wat was te poviy Saray? ‘Greta? Where's she rom? (On youh? So. whats she tke? ‘And what does she). he? What dows she tke ()..? Yu should al hor @ Practise the diatogue and act it out. Speaking Task © Prepare a dialogue between you and a friend. © 442: Listen to Abbie and Mike. When Is Mike going to see Greta again? © 4425 Listen again and complete the dialogue twas great 12). aot of fn and met his gi called reo tae ‘Shes Norwegian. ut eho Tie here for years ‘Shes trendy. funny and @)..tatkatve. | Mike ‘She's alan she's got brown eyes and Blonde har nd we've got 9 common. ‘She kes paying tennis and (8). fms. | aid We're meoting next weaken STEP2 Think about the questions you ask and thelr answers. srep1 Wats he's heat dosh ok Choose fc orus our own es. ter Wt es see song? tthe’ lindane HS tes eevee eerey Mt Pe eLEDbA ST sms fare iy ena, — Ansa Name ab B® Workin pairs. Take turns toact out Personality generous and aby Neonat: Giaman the dialogue. aoe retaken pewmaty boyd a ee a oops ans ite vies opdlrey ype pt aire ote Writing >> A formal letter © Read the letter and answer the questions. 4. Who is Raj weling to? 2. Wis he wrting other? 3. Why doce Rj thnk thal Jo shaud be given the ‘Young Achievers Aware? Menton thee reasons Se 4 25 Chand Torace 50 Futhawtone Shut Tendon Ni a Young Aches Dent tide Sethe Yang Acie tema Be Henley hor the Young Aiough Jssily 15, ta hehachined wb i kG tho alk. abn She date ekang 1 nll tha be maple ah Hong congas PIPL Y i 3 wo cated tdeet . Furthermore, Jo has raised over.£3,500 for charity “Y Re ere cline he hur inland and ean oie a ls Met i chock. Most um Jo ts « fantastic. frien i Weabaags hati ndneroushove Yel uma " Foul the etn hk euthadl gue Jothe | ong Ach haan ; Yours fuithhobly, pee Po OTE RA but atheugh however ‘though eon Tooke hes ace Powover she neve empans td utermore in adon Forthrore Je aerated ver £350 fer chai @ identity elements a-n in the letter. a. body/main paragraphs. opening signature 1 dosing © ete 9. greting 4. writers adress 1 eonlusion © Rewrite the sentences including the words inbrackets. 1. Mike i bt shy. H's very renay(athough) 2. Sophie is vary talkative. She's not very confident however 2. Mybretheris realy good at sport. He's very lever urtrermere) 4, a can alrady speak wo languages She's now learning Chinese. in action) # Writing Task Oran Reason for wring name of the person, name of the award Achievements special things that he/she doce or has done What he/she is Uke. character and personal guetives Other interesting information, hobbies, free-time activities O write Use the text, your notes and this structure: Paragraph 1: Reason for wing Paragraph 2: Achievernents Paragraph 3 Other interesting information Paragraph & Conclusion O check B obligation, prohibition, advice Grating triends, verb end noun collacations 1B tinkers of edition and contrast John lennon and Poul McCarney grew up in Liverpool. They formed their band the Bestes wher they were leonoges. They become ono of the mos! gocessl songuting partnerships fn the history of pop musta Joho lennon was bor on 9th October 1940. He had a cfiut chlchood. Hi ater let he fomiy when he was fve and his mater, Jl, es not ‘ery good ot looking afer him. She modo him lve wi sour! Jobn wes a cifcul child He lover bt lazy, soe fled his exoms, Lucky, he ‘wos good ater ard got «place ai Liverpool Ar Collage, where he sated bond Foul MeCoriey was born an TBth June 1942. His Foner played he piano in joze band and ‘encovogod Poult pay the guitar. ih 1956, his mother dled. Paul was very unhoppy, soe eck fimzll fo move He spent al hietine tng ‘ond writing song © 442 Road and listen. Answer the questions. 1 Where John and Paul ve when they were young? We was Jui? Who payed the pian ina jaz band? Who was the angrier of the mo, John or Paul? How ong The Best © Find words 1-6 in the text and match them with definitions a 2. compose 1b. hele, be supportive 3. lookater —e._estremely upset 4% encouraged. separate in 1957, Poul and John met ta church festive! and Pou Joined Jon's band. wos 0 sherge Hand omen erul sense of honour Hannay wos cle ond more postve, But they both loved rock ond oll mesic Then, n 1958, Johys mother died in'a car occiden ond John wos devestted. Paul understood his feslings. The death of bo he boys’ mothers brought hem closer. Together hey formed now band, The Beates, and composed songs. Tha was in 1960. ‘And in’1963, The Bocls released ‘hi rs ebm Pease Please Me wth eight ou of fourteen songs by lennon and MeCoriney. Aor soven very success yeors, John and Poul Storied having orgs nd The Bec spit up in'1970, Tragically 0 meray fon shot Joh Lennon decd Now York on bth Dacomber 1960, Poul McCartney has coninsed wih his musical career and isthe mot succossh songwriter inthe Wstory of populor musi. 5, devstated ——_@,_ change rom beng a baby tobeing an alder chia & sptup fake caret © 2% ABOUT YOU Are there any famous friendships in your country? © wesovesr Investigate ether rendships that became famous in history. Take down fomeinermation ang then share ith your dassmates Progress check Maing friends © complete the text with the correct form of some of the verbs in blue. Your Trp to England hen gou meet your British host omy. remember this acuie! (2. ands withthe parents, Remember itis aa a Bish ration to (2). strangers ook at whot your exchenge portne does, Ifhe Q)..fs shoes, you should do ‘S000. I's OK to (4)..okes white aving dinner but remember i's nota good ideato be rude. In Englona is considered very rude to (5). ot pcopiein the treet so doit doitf your host Family toke you toa restourent, don (6). your Fingers to call tne waters impolite © Match verbs 1-5 with nouns 2- 1. hvtask or 2. anergument 2. te b. ime 4 spendiwaste 8. ends 5 have/esutin fe. esthetruth * Obligation, prohibition and advice © choose the correct words. 1 Abest friend mustn't’ should alvaye be henest nat usthe tah 2. Jane doesn’ have to / mustn't do any homework. tenight She otal st ight 2. Youdon't have to / mustn't ial ina oud vice a the school ibrar. 4, We should / had to return heme erty yesterday cause we eceved an emergency phone call 5. Youhave to / don't have to Keep Monica's secre. ‘She thinks yu are extremely honest You shouldnt tether down Second conditional Correct the sentences. 1. What do you doi you sam your best find steating? 2. tfyouhave an argument with your best rend ‘would you apaogize firs 3. tSteve gave me. present, lask him out "be wery ange my bos rend wouldnt be honest wth me 5. Ifill be tamous, etl spond time wih ny frend {6 Leon would be sad ital i the uth, Integration Choose the correct arewers. Penny Hey, Mum says can havea birthday party Sian Gees You () ite me. lence! Penny Ofcourse! Who else shoul invite? Slan You. ve Gly. realy tke him. Penny Butyou Gh ..Bob too. Sion No, Glynis. than Bob. Penny OK. Andi have to vite Clara because went tober pay. Sian Onyeah. eld go. wae). Penny Itwas a great party. Realy amazing! ‘Sian twere my party. Brian. Hes goo fn, Penny invite Brian fl). him, but weve never met. ‘lan When @)..the pay? Penny Intwo weeks 1a. must should mustnt 2 a. haveto —B. donthavetoc. shouldnt 3. a havetked b. tke were king % a funnier — by thefunniest —€. mere funny 5. a, enough —b. notenough €. too 6 a. ‘dinvle—b. Winvte— nviteg 7 a know b. knew cveknown Ba wilyou —b. doyou © areyou have have sing to have Vocabulary 1 >> Phrasal verbs @ Match some of the phrasal verbs in blue with pictures 1-4 pass ule make au» bred down» bring up 2. Our plane... aS pm but ha to return tothe airport ‘because ane of the engines caught fre. 3. When | saw the boareing announcement. got on the plane but. my coat. a the airport cafeteria, ‘4. When the old lady heard that her fight was. cancelled, she... and police officer called the irport doctor. Fertunately it was nothing serious. 5. A Have you .. smoking? BB No, Lhaver't but smoking isnt alowed in airperts. (6. Canyou what this sign means? B Yes, it means fasten your seat bolt © 40% Listen and repeat. © 44 Listen to Mary and Callum, Answer @ Match some of the phrasal verbs in exercise 1 the questions. with their meanings. 1. Where wae Mary brought up? 1 escape 2, Whatie she looking forward to ding for her 2, tose consciousness summer holidays? 2 leave the grou 4% oper your eye © WY Work inpairs. Ask and answer asin 5. understand the exampl 6 stop working 1 ‘© Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs ‘She cant wat 9 ge sing tere Reading1 tofindin the text? feNenton any Person he south of England When se mare ua, rons egieer fom Age, he tothe USA because gota god jb there lane wll xe forget te fg ta tha USA or te reasons Fst ofa as erst Tg experience scandy, aoa he was looking forsard to bre New Yr, he vas ein ab he ‘arly 2 pon hry etna Honey, what mage het fig unergetteas what actly happened hen they wer ae the Atete Oeein, TOE 1 fell seep mand eo op Iwas car rig. The lane tok oon ime and afer few mits, 35 Seeds the, the psn heard re apt speating. She said er nae was Sah Roberts 2g tha that wa et is: neratona fight. Mos passengers eughod thing itwasajoke, et itwasy, Te fight tendas walesd ‘lor the ale andl te posers tat Sarah vas a9 ‘perirced pit ard hat he wes exten cell. Thee ws no reed owen. © 49% Read and listen. Check your predictions. Then answer the questions. 1. Why i Jane and an decide to move tothe USA? 2. How do you think Jane felt whan she gt onthe Plane? Jsty your answer 3. Wiy dd some of the pasongers start aughing hen they heard the captain's announcement? 4 What was Jane thinking about hen she ried there waa srange ight on one of he wings? 5, What waste ulaing Uke? {5 What explanation can you tn or hi osu vent ‘liner sie igh atondnt capa sete @ Look at the picture. What is unusual about it? Which ofthe phrasal verbs in exercise 1 do you expect ‘abut 10, daner was send arden by ite, rs ofthe pasenges el aeen butane didnot Se ote through the wow ad row about he ew fe in New York. Suen she a Something val What wa i She wake he husband up imthat someting was wrong wth the wing bc theres astange ight ont He eck nd a dunn. wasnt jist gh. bul twas iu ome out what i was ats. Then He yours couplereazed hae was afer buldngin tne wd se! They cole’ elee theres Wee Wan ad ane rang Tha oko ates other in en. windows, sighs ana igh en coor She nas ger tocal te fgh aterdan ange rth ete as bldg curhere bit he husbagsald wa bate ora at a forthe pln oan fey © Labet the parts of the plane using the words inblue Grammar 1 D> Reported speech: say and tell eported speech: say and tell ‘She said her name was Sarah Roberts They tld the passengers that Sarah was» highly experienced pt ‘She told me she dt tke fying bp planes, @ Look at the sentences in the table and match them with the actual words. 3. “don the yng big lanes b, “Mynameis Sarah Robert. “Sarah is highly experience plot. © Look at the sentences in the table again and answer the questions. 1. Whatisthediference between say and tll 2. Dowe aways use that ater sayor tl 3. What verb changes do you notice in he reported speech sentences? © Choose the correct words. 1. The plot sald / told he had very ite experince. 2 The fight attendant tla / sai us that the drinks were very hot 3. passenger tld the fight attendant thathe can / ‘could s90 smoke coming trom the bak of the cabin ° 44. My leer sid here is/was a spec fer for plane tickets othe USA, 5. Sarahtold me she wasm't/ didnt ke traveling in bad weather constons 4. Maryanne old me her husban flew /lown commercial planes, @ Match beginnings 1-5 with endings a- 1. My rather tld ‘The lot sai at The aiine attendant One ofthe members ofa famous rock ba sroupofeperters ‘2 that they preferred t rave in the evering 1. thatthe pilot didnot usally goo the bin, :mymmum he fet bitsek 4. told us that our bags were tos heary ©. the aport was clase, © Rewrite the sentences using the beginnings siven. 1. “one traveling by pane said Mary Mary said 2. The weather is not good enough for fying explained te young plot thi rien The young pot tld ice 4. “leant ole yous beter sat sld the airing attendant tothe customer The aitine tendant tla 5. -Wealways meet the arprt commented the ight tendant The fight attendant sid 6. "Weare ying at an altitude of 32.000 feet. commented he plat tthe passengers The ptt tal G PRONUNCIATION />//2:) /ou! A. Write the words inthe box under the correct sound. 9F0W Tolé of broke oor forward offer brought cockpit shop go saw tal Fe B. 402» Listen, check and repeat, Add two words to each set, LC DLanguage Database page 127 Listening OY © You are going to listen to part of a TV programme about amazing stories. Before you listen, use the three pictures to predict today’s story. @ 40: Listen and check your predictions. Tick (/1 the actions you hear, Henry Witkin ke a spider. Peter had three spider inh bedroom, One ofthe spiders bt Pater Henry mum killed he spider Peter was dvento hospital, Peters mum prayed Peter hada temperature Petr tiny opened his ees. © 40>» Listen again and complete the sentences. 1 Intoday's elton of our story amazes us. they have 2. Henry told a story about 3 Unee Peter caught ‘% One day. UnctePator decided take 5. Hetook he biggest spider and {6 Although his mum drove hi to hospital ight away the doctors sa 17. Thanks to his mums prayers, Peter EAU |A. Complete the text with only one word: Rose willbe 59 next Saturday A longtime 20 infact. 30 years ag.) her auger Mal was bo, Rose dd the housawork quickly every rmorring 2). inthe afternoon she ezoked the ies that her hushand old inthe market the feliowing doy. That was ther ob One day, while Rese was (9) the dishes. he ard her baby crying. (6). she hurried up and ‘went the baby room, She picked Metnds {and gave her he bot. She played withthe baby (6). 2 few minutes andlthen she ried that her wedding rag. ising, Where was She onto the ktchen = adn fin itthere, Rese was ver sad ‘esterday. ater althese years, Rose (9). DapDY agsin when her dog Ruts wate ino the Bing ‘oom with her wedking rng in its rout, Where i the dog Find he rng? Rase (10 never know B. Complete the conversation, Melinda 2 Rose Because Rufs found my wedding rng Melinda? Rose Three days ago Melinda 2 Rose | was realty surprised as Ithought Ihwould never see my ring agin, Metinds 7 Rose Well. mact wearing itnow because itdoesnt Fm anymore Melinda? Rose No. tmnt Yourfather aye hots going io buy ‘a newone for me. Vocabulary 2 > crime © 44 Match pictures 1-4 with some of the ‘words and phrases in blue. Then listen and repeat. @ complete the sentences with words or phrases from exercise 1 in the correct form. 1 wa having lunch with my friend when a man her house and old us to give him al our money 2. Myneighbouris a... He usually takes things rom the shelves atthe supermarket and doe pay for therm! He pus them in is packets. 3. “Good morning ofc mere to... Aman \wooring a mask grabbed my mabe phone a 4, Therobbers wee notcarefu. They et thelr. all ove the pace. 5. Ifyou nave seen he accent, you must come to the police tation noe. Youare 8 eather Reading 2 © Read the toxt quickly. Find the following 1. three things Monica ad inher handbag wha the lady wanted o buy Monica Sanders is a shopassitn near the bape department stores inthe UX Fe ‘monthsaga Monica Seas wating forthe Insta gotowere whevamanona bcjel stoppedtoask het or dretons to gotothe iva station Meni ny tabi totar eh atthe tafe gts Se bow eter Stree when she saw theman was oti ther Hetodharnatto shout Hecrdered ers Aiuto ake her wallet ov co the thie gab handbag andran avy a Monica was desperate Shehad money credit «at harpastport inher blackestherhandbg Wha cold shed? First, she eared down aid tha ‘went tothe nearest police station to reper th he | Ferunatiy a wtnass lao went tothe pallet gavea detailed description oftheran so an ident vas drawn and cranial | | alped the pice ooo Toman ater th inert Morice was inthe shop when aaupiewaluadn Theo od pairefboots Monicahad the sing ohh the he ep on ooking a him whl thea ed ea thecustomer said che wes buyinatheboots and le oncsto peters big Then coutan expensive wallet. Imagine a surprise when sherealed as rot thea Q 46: Read again and listen. Then answer the questions. 1. When edhe incident happen? 2. Whore di the hit sy he wanted to go? 3. Why did he grab Monica's bag? 4 Did anyoody see the hier? 5. Wy di Monica have the feeling she knew the man inthe shop? 6, What surprised Meniea? @ Read the text again and find words for these ‘meanings, 4 became more relaxed 2. someone who see a crime, accident or anyother event nappen 3. pleasant event 4. aliced © Imagine what Monica Sanders did when the ‘couple left the shop. Write about 50 words to sive the story a new ending Grammar 2 D> Reported speech: orders and requests 1 eee) “The woman asked Monica to put the bool na bag, Ho ordered her to give him her wale. He tld her notte shout. 2 @ Look at the sentences inthe table and complete the rules. 2. Toreport a request we use '. Toreper an erder we use ‘& Torepert a negative order we use not + © Match the direct speech sentences 1-5 with the reported sentences a~ AL “Dont sand up 2. “Please be quiet: i. 53. “Givome your passport. plaase: 4. “Dontlook atm. please 1 5. Take he book and give it tothe head 1, Thethle asked the poor man atta look at him. Tho alice offcer ordered the criminal nat to standup “The leacher asked usto be quiet. One af he afcers asked meto give him my The ibraian tol the boy to take the book and give © Rewrite the sentences using the beginnings siven ;Putyour bag onthe leo ordered he young fice othe tie “The young oficer Please come with me tothe cinema’ my rend ssidtome, My rend Don't open the window, please sa the teacher. ‘ur teachor Don't be rude to me! sadthe angry ftherto his on. The angry father ase read a story to me: sald the tte child to bie mum. Tha ite ci. Don't send any mee ema tody! sal Brown to his secretary. Me Brown ‘Lek the door andl witch of height sid Henry tohis son Henry told his son ‘PD Language Database page 127 Speaking be Telling a story © 4G» Listen to Molly’ story. What is it about? @ 40+ Listen again and complete the dialogue. ‘What do you talk about when you meet your friends? My grandma a () stories every) night bere going to bed pid you tke them? Tobe honest. they wore the best ‘tories 2) heard Mel Mu ves ting one say in prtulr. allbegan 2) my cousin Aca asked her Manes te meat her aml Molly Wen was thi? 4 30 years ago, The young man went te Alce’s house and ae” hada) "time tere At crt moment Ales ‘mother showed him same famiy photos. sudden be loked @)and oked. Whos ths on he beath?” i ‘tees mother eid tras her husband andthe aby was Patricia ‘Acs. Bu he boy aa that he could se («mann te ‘ehareuna holding a Bay Theater man ase father naihe baby wes Nm! © Practise Molly's story and tell it to your friends. Speaking Task Tatts story to your classmates. STEP1 STEP3 (Choose a story that your parentstotd you when Tell your story tothe cass. you were younger or invent one, The story ‘may include information on: some relatives, Imaginary characters, famous people in certain STEP2 Make notes about the main facts inthe story: What king of story isi? What iit about? Where Aid it happen? When? Thnk of the language you need to tel the story 8 weirdromantc/ad/umusual story Itallbegan when Suen Inthe ena Writing > Astory © Read the text and choose the correct words. ‘Make up a weed story, submit it and win an e-book! That's what friends are for yyoung student Gyat/ or nodern High Bhool in Chester she ‘usually @) had / ‘went to sooo! by bus and every morning, she Tet Julian a the bus stop. Julien (3) was / has been 2 year older and looked respectful fand (4) Ind /Idndly. Rit eed hen (5) but / 0 ho just sald allot her. One day, nowever, hey were al: the bus stop (©) what / when a storm brok ovt. Rita nad ther umbrella bt dubian dicate the bus was (tate / earty 90 mite invited him to share ‘her new umbrella, When the bus nally oame, ‘ita and Julian (6) goton / got off anc taliced ‘ll the way to achoal. Tay talod sbout their favourite subjects, about now much Julian loved rosie and about his rock band, Bvensuslly, ‘lian asked Rita to (8) group / meet him for ‘enioo croam in the evening Ofcourse ita accepted ‘Sequencing werd Ralp you mak our wring resin, | sinceyeukeep te atenton af yourreeders | One a © Read again. Are the statements true, false or ot mentioned? 1. We don't know how old Rta was, | 2. She walked to school three times 8 week 2 ita olan she Uked hi aot 4 duien ved modern house bythe bridge. 5. When the storm broke ot Julian was wearing his new raincoat 6, ite and Juan have been friends since March 71. Rta wae keen on rock 8. ita was happy athe end ofthe sory @ write sentences. 1 one day /her/ andthe / on Lcy/ cousin / beach concert /2 attended 2. ond ends met Lucy became eader/ 14th othe hey 2. eventually omar / hey /in ove fll/ decided and get 4. nowadays /happily house J 2/ they ve in # Writing Task @ Pian Make notes fora story including Thecanteds how the ory begins, the people involved im i, the relations berwaan the characters devi Owrite Use the text, your notes and this structure: Paragraph Ihe conta Paragraph 2 action © Check Ouse orverse vocabulary related tote story adjectives to make a narrative more interesting O tinkers expressing sequence il CULTURE Sir Arthur Conan Boyle = ‘ic Arthur Conan Dayle ‘deg le paiva ut without rc uc fe started witb is significant pice, A Study in Scarlet se publi {he beginning of Shes and Watson ‘Sherlock Holmes is tional character who ‘worked a London as a consting detective is ables wote absolutely fantatic. He le ‘now fr his astute logial reasoning and his use a forensic science sil to salve dieu caces: This detective oppeared in 56 short tors. n them, the author gives 1s Ie information sbou Holmes, We get to know that he hod biographer called Watson, who became his fiend ane great helper Witson described Holmes as bohemian habits ad festyl, cold and unsociable [According to im, Holmes wos sent He smoked his pipe and ate st unos Imes. He was alsa described 08 patot {2ctng on behalf ofthe government n matters of natlonal secu @ Read the toxt quickly. What kind of literary @_B* ABOUT YOU Do you know about any work did Sir Arthur Conan Doyle write? fictional character like Holmes in your country? © 44: Read again and listen. Are the statements true, false or not mentioned? Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Walzon became good tends © wesouest Shaviack Homes was one of Doyle's patents Investigate the kind of house Holmes and Doyle id starthis private practice in Sela Watson ben andthe posession yeu Sheviack Holmes worked ia Portemouth 25 can ee Inthe house turin The Sherlock a physician. Holmes Museum in London, Take dovn Watson was also born in Stand ‘as much iformatian as possible and then Sherlock Holmes dvorced sts wile afer hare wih your dassmates years of marriage. i Progress check ™ Phrasal verbs © Complete the sentences with some of the phrasal verbs in blue in the correct form. (oak arvana» leave behind = 4. A., doing on your ext holidays? 1B Vmnot sure yot My parents re planing to goto the beach but would ke odo something diferent hs year. 2. |. garlythis morning because! elt oid and realized my bodroom windows were open. I closed them and went on slang. Can you make an effort oimprove your handwriting? can. what you write A Whyarethere so many patrol carsin the neighbourhood? Apparat wo dangerous thieves have ‘and he ple ar trying a cach them, (Ohno have to walk stony up the sars again. This oli — again mata we wai have to changeit soon, Crime @ Rewrite the words and phrases in bold in the correct place, A young boy wearing a mask broke int the Browns house yesterday evening, He pints guna Mr and Mes Brown and ordered ther to give him al he Jewels and mane in he house When Mrs Brown ‘was opening the safe box te boy) fingerprints the box withthe owels andra away, “The tay quick phoned the pote to identikit thethattand hee detecves area the house fe minutes ate ook or) grabbed and oer cvicence Bob Brown the eda on. saw eventing rom hs decom, He wae 3 report. ohne was able give etal abouthe young criminal an he police were abet draw i 5 witness. Reported speech: sayand tell © Rewrite the sentences using the beginnings siven. 1. "Youare nt very punctual’ said the manager to his secretary The manage told. 2. "Tam tired because always do my homework and yours said Alice, Alc aid 3. “don't break into people's houses sald the young mina The young criminal eth plice 4 "Thevilag looks quit but itis not’ sid the shop cwner. The shop owner said 5. ‘Alot of strange things happen here said an ld lady tothe police officer. nod lady tla ™ Reported speech: orders and requests © What did Mr Richardson, the new manager, tell the employees? Write the sentences. 1. "Mary. ash the cups. Then clean theofe 2. “Pater come at Sam on Monday. please. 3 "Tom. dont use your mobilephone inthe office Integration ‘Complete the story with the correct form of the verbs in Blue, Brighton i beaut yin the south of England with some lovely contruction ike the Royal Paviion or the Pier as wellas The Lanes, These 1) some narrow pedestrian streets with unusual shops. These shops (2).antques, pictures, od records, rightan (2). famaus forts Language schools. In fat alotof students choose the ctf take a course and (@ «their English as they enjoy 2 month inthe UK ‘Ths is whel my fend Lucy did but something realy weird) toher in Brighton. something that she ll never forget! She (the house ware she was staying ater 2 ring day ou Vsing estes ond ‘monuments when she (7.2 strange ight in hes. ‘She thought twas a plane but she (8). careuly and saw thatthe sirango light was moving. She was eared Winat was? She never) _ Mothers usually. | a 3) good Their conversation ee aie. hast... inana.. My car has b... d.... Can you come and help me, please? If you are aw. you | e ~ ‘must report what ‘you,| i } puke aeenare B haveseen, | = \ i | Reading @ Read the text and correct the wrong information. 1. Martin and Nick went tothe disco by car 2. They ware cating whan the thieves appeared, 3 Thetwo young criminal had no guns 4 Martins conversation with the that ended Inan argument 5. Martin asked Nik parents fr advice, A friend in need isa friend indeed! Mastin phone his bs rend Nik and invited him to celebrate his birthday at lca dco The two bays agro meet athe bu stop Jhey goto the bs ond kad abou the plas forthe Chvistnas holidays began towalk towards the dco whe suddely two yourg boys appeared fer behind tre he chives The ung erminal got sare are red hisgun Mekewas aay hur. Two witnesses sa wh ldanurgent operation Martinphoned Nicks mum andexpained the probe Then he phoned his parents and asked om yor es rind needed rans 408 coursel would Why doy sk? That was he necessany et hi and eee him he Tocwalongstony shor thee ant zn Phe operation wes per Grammar © Choose the correct words. 1 You have to/ must’ shouldn't att your work before giving tt the teacher You don’ have to / should / mustn't eat ess fastfood f you want tobe heathy. Passengers must/had to shouldn't show their passport the oer athe des, announced the ating attendant, We must haveto/ had to take tvwe planes to Snaly get to our hod destination last summer Students mustn't must / should write heir examin nk lin pone. © Complete the sentences. 1 If nad money fora plane tet. | 2. ithenoweateaay we a 5 What would you dif you.? "would gt very angry ify bet rend Wh would yeu ealit.? © rite the sentences in reported speech. 1 2 3 4 5 "Your teachers angry with you" Mum oid me. Your car neds a service the mechanic ai “Yeu dentin goodin those trousers, Tessa told he friend ‘Dogs dont at bananas: Laura sid Danie never does his homework the teacher si © what aid the police officer tell you? Write using reported speech. Respect speed lite Dont erin bser bere ‘eving Wear your eat bell Dont ark on Yolo tinge Stop athe, redight © 40> Listen to the conversation between Mary and her friend Bob and answer the questions. 1 What id Bob do net Saturday? 21 What waste name ofthe programme? 3. How many guest wore there? 4 Where was the first guest rom? 5. Where aid she se he statutas? & 1. What did te statuettes do? What the second guest tak abou? What evidence ai this man show? 40: Listen again and tick (/1 only the sentences connected tothe conversation. 1. Bob da go outwit his rend on Saturday evening. 2. Stories ofthe unusualieaTV programme. 4 1nens hoese a book tat tla good Soy and ake nates bau sale the tory about? ‘men and where dit avec Ae are the prolagonss? ‘ati ne cman? How dhe story ona i 2 oROUP WORK piseuss your note with your SroUP End vate for the best stony Gt of make good pisures to Mustrate your work Bob and Mary usualy buy their cinema tickets nti Bob old Mary that some othe stories sounded toga Marys neighbour isan expert on mythology. Mary sounds abit sceptical when taking about Fos. Correct the sentences. My teacher tot study har Alc ai that was tired ater the marathon, My seer slg that she not want ogo to the cinema. Our maths teacher asked us be que 5. The young actor ll the pres that he ee lsappoined. ‘Organize your nates into paragraphs and wre the sory paying speci attention {othe use oftenses and linkers. Use past simple ane fast conlinooos, reported Speech, ee Gh your ‘workan orginal tle, ; jour work and read the Sse raat VI the mast orginal one Upgrade for Exams | << | @ Read the text and choose the correct words. Yestarday was an unusual night for Tom Broyin, He (Il after along yr lesson, 50 he decided [2] ' sandwich in is badroom and goto bed early. [AL midnight, Tom (2. soundly when a strange light illuminated his bedroom, He opened Fis ‘yes slowly because he was seared. 4) this before, What ist” he thought 1 schoel feeling really exhausted 1 [A ameatou [Bf eamensce FB vohola B todrink c steps B warsteepng € have never seen JB) wilate c cpposte, = away c sant 8 looktioush makes |B mating & 81k on ip in c 3D technology ts appedred in 1994, 2. In 3D fms, wo images are combine nto one imoge lo creat a eonstion of depth ‘Theft 20 fs were freien ‘The film Beowulf was the second 20 fim for adults ot up, walked tothe window ane looked to he garden His parents were sleeping, se he honed his bestfriend Michael who lives {5]..nis house. He told him to (6. the window but his friend said, Dont worry, My brather and 10). a small hot-air balloon and we ace trying to make it fy. an experiment (8). a shoot project! cameround —[] cameo tweat D. toheep to steep stooping hadtosee —(Bamsecing out Drom wate DB took remaking Dts made * Dt © Ge Listen and tick V1. Are the statements true, false oF not mentioned? Next yor atleast 15 2 fms ae going to be released 1 2 a 4. Thefitm Monster House came oun 2007 5. 1 Jane thinks that one day we'lbe able o watch 30 fms without lasses. © Use the pictures to write a story. dooooon & oooonoo0 & ooo ES eT eet rsa ‘minutes comparing the three objects in the picture. You may use the adjectives in blue. Once you have finished, compare your answers with your partner and find out how many different sentences you have written, as many sentences 38 possible in e & practical © Mark and Daniet are thieves and they were fast caught by the police. Read the sentences 1 small {and tell your partner what the thieves told ccolgleal the police. Then listen to your partner and ‘compare his/her information with yours. How many statements are different? Who do you beliove, Daniel or Mark? Mark ‘man innocent man, Daniel “Mark's seria ler Mark Thave a decent jb in a small vilage Daniel “I dont want to go to prison. ™ Mark ‘Dooie tein es: C © Your partner has got.a similar emait but with 2 few differences. Answer your partner's ‘questions to discover them, @ Find outit your partner has done any of the actions in the pictures and, if he/she has, ask when, where and what it was like. Then, ‘answer your partner's questions. © Look at the pictures, describe what has happened to you and ask your partner for advice. Then listen to what has happened to your partner and give him/her some advice. Social studies Cities and their history San Francisca isa large city northern Callarnia. population is more than 800,000, shops and restaurants, Chinatown has the largest Chinese outside Ana Projact: Special neighbourinoode STEP1 (Choose Chinatown or Lit tat in New York City] and get information about: ietocain onthe map its population + teenaracteretis iehistony San Francisco Bay's Galden Gate is an American ican onnects the city of San Francisco with northern California. Al ay, we find The Rack ~ prison uni San to many large Valleys 50 00k and eBay" which. STEP2 Select the most interesting materia and ‘organize into paragraphs to write an article for the school magazine. Get or make pictures to illustrate your work and think ofan orginal tte for the article STEP Write an article in about 150 words, eit it ‘carefully and share itwith your classmates, Science The aman system all day Earth's axis ionit straight tisat an angle o a esult.ciferent parts of Earth receive diferent amounts of sunlight during the yea. This creates te fours system The: restofthe ar system consists ofplanets rmaons, dw planets asteroids, comets sp rocks and dust TheSun containsan incredb ofall the material inthe solar system Ithasa powerful That means that everything el round. or obits the Project: filme about a jou STEP . STEP3. Investigate fits about unusual journeys to Write an intial draft Eit your work lr space. Use these questions a& guide: carefully, write the final version and plan Wins the name of the fm? how to present to your classmates. Make Witte fm about? Wino ae the ators? We ae the main characters? Describe them \Whatis the most interesting moment? Wat happens atthe end? your presentation. STEP 2 {Choose one of the films and organize the Information into paragraphs. Get phatos to itustrate your werk. Decide how you would like to present the material to your classmates. could be thraugh an article for the school magazin, a poster, an oral presontation with Photos, a digital presentation, etc, You may also ‘work in group ané act out part ofthe film, Jazz and its instruments Janz style: -with a strong rhythm One ofthe most famous janz musi the world was Louis Armstrang Barnia New Orleans in 190%, he rst played the com school when he was 12. Then he started aying in bands himself Armstrong was cellent singer and had many hit records Somecfther are stl papular ‘What a Wonderful Wert varnale New Orleans s especially famous forits az ruse Infact, itis fe because azz originated there among rican A sirming ofthe 20th century. led the azz city Arnericans a the Inatypica jazz band, there are instru from zach ofthe four categories of music: instruments - brass instruments the trump ithe trarnbone), woodwind instruments [the ne and th lthe doub) Project: A piature poster of your favourite banel STEP1 {Choose abana that you tke and investigate it. STEP3 Edit your work carefully. Make sure you have Make notes and get enough pictures to illustrate used time expressions and linkers 35 well the bands professional career Use these ‘questions asa guide 2 eats the band's name? Wat king of music do they play? Winen asthe band formed? hat was hai rat hi? Have they won any awards? When? hich one? + Whats your favourite songby them? Whatieit abou? information into paragraphs and ‘choose the pictures that go with them, Try to include passive voice where appropriate. as correct punctuation marks and suitable tenses, Present yeur work to your classmates and vote forthe best picture poster. eR e-Commerce Flectronic commerce or e-commerce, isthe process ofbuying goods onthe internet Todo this, you abviously need accese hutyoualsoneed a bank account and 'sbecarning more and more popular. Mast of the are: Find in eran and cies a 5 can shop online However, some shons. ndseling ily onlyenst online Advantages Disadvantages Online shopping s very converient. Youcan s at your leisurein the comfort ofyour onmhamet mn gain accesste your whatevertimea day orright Websites dontclosel personal details and your credit card number, and then steal your identity can aften get value for money There are price hat shaw theshaps that You hotos ofthe product Yo entprices By _carit seer tauch the product before you buy hebest dal so the quality might not be as g ¢Insome cases a designer actually bea ke You can retum the usually ha ( Project: Famous shops in my town youre ey dan fi, but you feta pay to post them STEP Investigate famous shops in your town Laok for information about when they opened, who they ore openee by, what they sald at the boginnins, wat they sell now, ete. Make note STEP2 ‘Organize your notes into paragraphs, provide an your work. STEP3 Eat your work carefully and write your fnat copy a8 an article forthe school magazine. Read your article to your classmates, © Write as many sentences as possible in three minutes comparing the three objects in the picture. You may use the adjectives in blue. Once you have finished, compare your ‘answers with your partner and find out how many different sentences you have written. % Inoxpensne practeal slow big ecological © Find out ityour partner has done any of the actions in the pictures and, it he/she has, ask when, where and what it was like, Then answer your partner's questions. cicken regent? © Look at the pictures, describe what has happened to you and ask your partner for advice. Then listen to what has happened to your partner and give him/her some advice. @ Mark and Daniel are thieves and they wore ‘aught by the police. Read the sentences and tell your partner what the thieves told the police. Then listen to your partner and compare his/her sentences with yours. How many statements are different? Who do you believe, Daniel or Mark? Daniel "vm an inecen! man: Mark “Daniels a hard-working person, Daniet “Iam nota thet ma doctor Mark My rend and Ihave go 000 families absolutly ery! © Your partner has got a similar email but with, 2a few differences, Answer your partner's ‘questions to discover them. setaing heplaetoM ove wllten Correction code word ising wrong tense punctuation CAP capitation PREP: PusiNs prepostion plural or singular form? ‘wrong word wrong vers word order speting transfer rom Lt comparator suprave orm redundnt reference register » Correct these writing pieces. 2 ragre uate ace termite Wl sboayr nr by peltcen 1 created him but now he more faious than tn, All the peopl atound word ze Fania ithe, Hare Power but few remember my name, JK Rowing. My al ane is Joana Rowling Twas born is Jly Sse My sun sign Lea. Unt was 4 star when Twas @ chil, Lvasaquie and uouhltc gl. Wit stories was me favours hobby. At the age of 6, Twente iy fre aowe. 1 wanted to bea write and I ialy nous write and a mlimilionste bot ‘wring remains me Fvote pce ove sit in sen o feu shop, creating ries and inventing new characters ean sight in expensive hotels and lamar seaside resorts but prefer the sal fle shop. Ist inthe window, watch the people into the set and suddenly his fees change and become vias and witches and nex argoments develop in yi. b. Write an email to your fend recommending _W youre? te youbse onhaliaysths summer bers da inher During the contac ‘raise There iafimlietoromrend Themes ‘pme Tells bac fee a wre Faspense Be Raed ars garment, ralucsyeat Hewat nea olds peri theta he thin Suey anise ins hu paceefa can Sasoahiran er Melo! fnaiegherowprescrohurtmenAsyauean irate Rarsbrdonnsnet rl otal euthe frat Now sycurtumtorecaneend a ese [cea adtrce necro can lp onary pers dure an art of GO wr re oud fa prosthetic hana was around 4 Able co his parents coulain’ afford rough the platforms “Limbs anc to their great surprise they ean. ebtained @ ° prostheto nant for oly 20 dallas. Now Falipels happy bey niente a enifeand forkand. thas more hetan cher now bike Gao the tender of the stom Lab am, Protas prothtiecon2> prncisfor fre his alvin ifettisto help pple leing witht limits ote, help ooo pepe Agente with pystal ‘eatly and tanonplan tobe espe arian hemo te Yg proplatieehedoa aifformte i hecan write ina ixonly 22 and A ite asta aca rt, s0-she soto ‘having tne may foeer Qove her a hele etling doy, te shee sue, | onal fds after sie years by, bzarne wk decor bn may selghenarrood other very pul of Tau ne lay she FULL. we ie may lreptments, She Racer condition were strious but she struggled valiantly, “ill get meet becouse yo te bast deter i he ‘wor she saya to ve That olay Ile atthe lcd avon. ep vei tears ies eyes Tage the shop winclw 1a te ving hal cen ll nny eon my suchen: fang my heave bee nt ope th etch, as env in uy ple ven etl oy ac watt i ashe ee vee rem man oul | |e vars gieapir tte Re Bay nech | ces wht aletereconmenig he cissnteyos corer ete campeon Dar ie oer eg Be dy ‘ur ed ae li ae pl andre ofp Nea sre yr Last inh fo se, oe tae May ion Aes vrs eae er cat at al a er acta ay 3 ew a Sarge a ale | ain hy cle the mao or ew corp | od sten we af Nae pws ot aps | coh He boner | eatery einer td at a Ws ea 1 are verve at ipbra ange oe ory | tet b ets is he nd evga hey, |e peor a na aks oi a aad ern nb dd ge Beat | ot oe nash rach endo sesicimer ty ln a ese ag he Landon sib ga0Yomor xin of rei aca crit an fel sary eng Als my fend, ld eth her grand uo tui we aus nce young, ron Ets Winona oui, lar Shop evn dy can fie ence of pint Alex chad ne tose, ewan guns n ore tue pace ine edn ngs ne ih sony qasenes stor foes Fe Sette tc chomtr athe brand tes note ren “he char y ont mum cut and a Nexon on tutor sed we wes epee ye a ea att. Sepa ete rte of ses a Cee fall neo vent aad fl lt ine fer a To some children and teenagers video games are great fun. To parents and teachers, however, they have been an issue ‘of great concem over recent years, Many people think video games may damage the tyes and weaken the brain and most adults believe that shoating games generate aggressiveness in children Itis true, according to the research carried out by the American Psychological ‘Association, that there isa ‘consistent relation’ between violent games and ‘aggressive behaviour. But it has also been proved that prolonged ‘exposure to the screen does not damage ‘eyosight.On the contrary research Confirms that a é0-hour exposure to the screen over a period of two weeks may improve weak eyesight and develop the gamers perception of detail as wel © cassity these statements about video games into ‘Advantages’ and ‘Disadvantages’. damage eyesight ovolop perception of deta weaken the brain . 4. generate violence develop set-esteem improve attention control 5. develop confet-resolton capacity Brain scientist Dr Daphne Bavelir studied he impact of video games on the brain and concluded that playing action games develops conflict-resolution capacity. The gamer can resolve conflicts more ewifly in eal tfe. Dr BBavelior also observed that attention control becomes more efficent in gamers than in rnen-gamers, However, not all video games display these beneficial qualities. For this reason, there ‘are specialized groups of researchers investigating the educational potential cof each video game category We are slowly moving work to a culture of play. Not play as fun but play as a transformative force, rough play we can develop cognitive abilities, survival strategies and even gain sell-esteom, Self-esteem thraugh video games sounds too good tobe true, Stanford University has been doing research an this for five years row and has concluded that, by playing © Match the opposite ideas. ‘game with an idealized avatar, we may year ie ee ase) Fics inter aa ee te 2. weaken the brain ~ —b, create problems eral reaohe coniets «improve eyesight sity 4. harmtut benefit 2. dovlap meniat abies © fread the text and choose the correct answers, © Match words 1-5 with definitions a. {Wy dopa sit weryabutvdagamest 1 Be a. Because they are fun. a arnyact b. Because they can't resolve conflicts. ia as harmful ay 2 ehaencan ih eserves, |, omaha sd oe 7 al ©. spread before the view 3. Which capaety do acon games develop? a. Thecapaciy to resolve problems. 1b. Thecapacty ta work mere quickly The capacity fo help rend. 4. How can video games help your seltesteen? a, The avatarhas sel-steem, . Yeucan buldan avatar @ Your turn (choose a vdeo game. Describe how to pay it Reflect on the mental andlor physical strategies that ae at ‘ark white you play. eg; focus on detail concentration, {quick response, instantaneous decisions, quick eye/ hand movement {Through the avatar you can change your vision ofthe wert, We are everyday heroes D Literature, history, films and cartoons are crowded with heroes that overcome obstacles, survive tragedies and save people. Actually, their heroic deeds serve as inspiration tous when ‘wo mst face certain challenges, (oisaucesentrettoty te Sipeman right an evi rmpirelike Luke Skywalker splay the ower of mage Hay Pate. What ve admis rot ther power but rather their Superman gen withthe human race, by Luke Skywalher's hisfriends and by Harry Potters hese heroes stands ole models for usin o/ay be Like thar, we must resolve Tictsiethem, we must help thers We stall andi iether oo and ke ther, ‘Aswe ive we leam and understandthe wer larnthat we all sur. that we all me hat we all reed lve Weed sa much! sympathy we need help, we need cormpary How canwebecome everyday heroes ther? © Read the text and fi ‘the nouns that refer to @ Read the text again and answer the questions. ahero’s virtues, 1. How do heroes inapice usin general? 2. Dowe admire the her’ power? @ Read again and correct the statements. 3. Inwhat way do we resemble heroes? 1. Weare role-madas forthe hroes {What do human beinge nese? 2. Tebecome a heo we must perform heroic deeds. 3. Only heroes perform good actions. © Write three questions you would like to ask “4 Harry Potter never helps people in he aifrent the hero you admire the most. store 2 5. Itisqute impossible for heroes tolove peoplein. = 2.7 genera ao canvery in ations Allwenee sword Let's consider a few examples: Pack nd Hayley are weak am isvery good ati Hayley, soe ofers to do exercises wt class this is unconitonal helps her'sirtue rows he can he Tokethe case af Mary and Jane justelassmates est and Mary novices that | her pencitcase. so sh ckpack, ap hands her over the pen heros quality tony tales loveto make aero eevee © Put the words in bold in the correct sentences. 1. Her husband as fonunately considered the loss | otis mother, are usually admire by the generosity and loyaty ofthe superheroes. 8 We has realized hat tis nthat easy to devoted cafes inthe new tei, ‘4. They hae overcome the new plan but eannet came oan agreement 5: Everybody says shee resolve friend. She eserves the firs prize, 4 really inspired his abit to come to terms with realy, @ Your turn In what way can you become an everyday hera? Describe biel * your virtues * the impact you can make onthe te of your Femi friends and on the community where you lve @ Rea the story and answer the questions. 1. How many sisters has Max got? Whe ae they? Whatis Maxtke? Whatie Max's oie tke? Wy is Max gram? Di ney win tne man? Wy do Max anh sites come back tothe beach with Uncle Robert? 7. What was the unexpected eeu? © order the sentences chronologically 1 The blachaired gir went tote disco with nerd, Maxjoined the volleyball team. Max forgot is guitar. Thay went back tothe beach with Uncle Robert ‘The singer fainted and Max played inthis pace. One of Max's sisters made finds wth the blak haired it The Unexpected o Ossie i i si pain Hei seventeen He play the guitar ike the great rock sears and a gor a beau oie ow, vibrant, powerful, My ster Sophie and I prefer sports. When we go on holidays, we play ‘oleyball on the beach but Max peters to play the guitar and sng inthe rent ta summer hee the unexposed happened Mat kel the utr bend. Imagine his bad tempt Fors whole wel ms grumpy refed come tthe bach with sr He trained at home on the sls eating Hedda {pede ete Isr ey cobarasing treats we er arg hn he Bach ad ‘wae aloe ac home, Filly hee cme the dey when he appeared onthe beach nis rand ‘er swimming rank Tha yay sister and vere enteng lal chumponhip ad we Zesdal one more payer on ou em oye sed Maro join ue "You know Tim noe good a spores’ he sd bathe sgreod 0 play all he ame and he ened out vo be ou lucky charm, Among the spectators there was group ofgiels that jumped and chocrd ws throughout the, game. Max asked my ss‘ Who that black Fried gil? “We Pees cousin’ she sid, We didn imagine hae the gil had cae a spell on him, “Tam days afer our vllballvicrory we tated bck home, Mavs mood had changed completly His eyes smiled ad he had a good sense of, humour We were unpacking our unease when, suddenly, Max confesied,‘T have fallen in lve “Why didnt you inte her out othe disco afer the match asked. "Yu now Tim very shy b My ser heard our conversation and ims ‘organized pan to help Ma Let ask Uncle Robert take sto the beach ‘on Saturday. [wll make fends with the gi and invite her to ch disco with her friends. Then, at the disco, Max ean dance with “Thats a goed plan I said, So we went othe beach with Unele Robert and, according o plan, my sister made fiends with the black-haited gi and invited her and her group offends vo the Aisco, Max was very exited! Unfortunately | ‘could go wo che disco because Ia a stoke, So waited anxiously ac home with Une Rober. Mar and my sie artved at unsise. What was like? Tasked in ectement, “Teas an unfngerable nigh! sid Max So youve gor gielend now; Isai hurriedly “Tim afd noe. She s going out with Tom, he coplined. 2 my sister shouted hat Mas has become a firmus rock sa “Bau the good news happily, “A rock sarin afew hours?’ L wondered. ‘Yu The singer of che rock bund fined during the performance. He had sun soe like you, nd ‘Mas offered fo stan for him. When the people at the disco head Max’ voice, they began to cer loudly, ‘Bravo! Encore! And Max sag on and on unl dawn. You see, he has got ielrend bur hes gor fame and hundreds of fans overnight! By Zoe © complete the text withthe adjectives in blue {A ow minstes ater the show had started, the Singer of the bond fainted infront ofthe pub. That ‘as an (1). moment forthe Band Although Maxis generally. he hurriedly took the guitar and began toplay and sing loudly, He was ver ... When the rts heard his Id). voce, they cheered oualy Fo Max that vas 5} night! choose another title for the story. Justity 22. Famous overnight surprise » c Thebesch Unforgettable holidays ‘@ Your turn Write a diferent ending forthe story. Share itwith your classmates, plores the relation between techn read a port of one ofthe first ni ofthis 9 peculations about time and society ‘THE TIME MACHINE By Ha Wats ‘The novel begin with an English scleatist \ecussing the conoepo tie with a group of pofeesonals "Time is the fourth dimension,” he ed a device the lover of of his invention, He hase rel to the future. He prt se machanism and, toeveryone's erp, sme machine is gone. This scents: sa'Time Traveller. He announoss thas he wily hi ‘experiment and ina weeks time he wil share The following weok, the professionals meet inthe scientist's home again andthe Time Traveler ecives late, disheveled and in torn hee. H to describe to his quests his our ature He expla oh stopped his time me ara become of ADD the soe he wanted Yo 00 Ho arrived in a couriey of small manos called ll. They had conqueted nature with technoboay and int ood to work: tharlore, they led ae of Tsisure and had no cisepline or curios, ha place, be found a downing ‘name of Woena, He saved hae empanied him on hie explovstion Me Mariola had hicden neeroeath astatne. Apparenty,evitation in vhs ca wae vice lasoos: tha 1pperclas Hol, who were peacefl and weak, and lived onthe ero, anc the Morlock, che hntal vwotking-clas, uho ved underground in eaves and wo fd oa tho B.A the Morlocks were aed ia, thay came tothe surface at night oath the ey, ad disappeared © Read the text, Are the statements true, ‘or not mentioned? 1. The cenit believes ha times the fourth dimension 2. The scent has inventeda machine travel tothe hture 2. The ecient has not mentioned his fact to his family, 4 Wha the professionals me the following week he is dressed in ragged ch the scintit ‘5. When arrvadin a county inthe utr, he met three kinds of human 16. ‘Weera returns othe prosenttime with he 7. He made trinds with tres Eli humanoids, @ In your folder, write the characteristics and type of life ofthe Mortocks and the Eloi the Mecacis wete ou fo hunt mn so hep rset ar with matches. Heit afr to fighton them away. Many these underground moneters were killed bat unforun died 200. The scientist tok shelter in a en the Mococes we about to catch i ‘echine and rocketed of He then traveled 90 dato tha fare, and, to hi sappeinment fon Barth was a bot with = oe on 10 descipton “Tha flowing day, ne vita the Time havelet and ss him get on the men the now fish thro yoars have gone by sine that day and the Time Travel not come back, © Match words 1-5 with some of the definitions @ Analyze and answer. wh. 1. Iman adventure, there 9 1 nae crnstrs anthers sero 2 wer Inat wy The Tne Machina abe? 2 dered 2. Ino top, eventing unpleasant and there is aharsyng etre of he re a vey tig Inwtatway The Te Machine soit b. creoy 3._Ascene-ftan novel ears th elton naong Setweenesnlogy an sel Wha mes this ntl retort tes story scien noel ¢. sempyenaver reduces se Stage amount srahing aan that you plo ps fo make © Your turn bh forthat reason Investigate other science-tion novels, Choose one and write a summary to share with your © undortine the expressions inthe text that classmates. refer to science > too/enough + enough means ess than necessary *+ to goes before ajectves and adverbs while enough goes ater adjectives and adverbs, We alo use enough before nouns, Lets stay home. 0 ted Icantunderstand you You are speoking too fast You are nat euning quiet enough. You se the ace + Aer to/eneugh we can use or + bj rine. Thi sweaters to big for her ‘She isn't young enough to marry that man. + Weean use to/encugh + fos object + tnfntve, The new fats too smal or use ther, The dessin lang enough for hero wera the party © complete the sentences using too or enough and the words in brackets. 1. Susan is nt. tovoteat school. (oe) 2, Thetable was ~ fr me to move along. heer Benin. 1oreach th top shel inthe lean, ald 4, She spoke for he students to understand what she was saying. quiet) 5. Tho weather is..o goto the park Lets watch afi, ach 6, Theclothes mum boughtme are. ttm. bi G> as... as/not so (as)... as + Wevse (ota... 2810 compare two people or things. The adjective comes between asand as. + We usually use sain he negative Ferme. maths isa dificul a physics. What abou you? She isnot sas borin as her brother is. ‘© Complete the sentences using as ime adjectives in blue. asand My brother's new car fas This copyie ae yestrday, Today itis notso ast was yesterday. Luke sas a8 his ele rote (Olga works as. 2s her mates inthe ofce “This ed acket ss . a the Bs on as my father's car asthe one you handedin po eon a cd Gi» Tense review: present simple + tomeans ‘mere than necessary oF mor tans good, + We use he present simple for habits androutines, play car with my ends on Saturday. der ‘Adverbs frequency go before the verb, but ater he ‘orb be Teby never cheats when heploys a borrd game. affirmative negative interrozative win? Gm Tense review: past simple Wo use the past simple to describe finished actions or stuatons inthe pat We played cards last Saturday snd | won ca guessed... | Yount Didhe guess. | guess 7 Gm Gerunds We use the gerund (-ing form) ater verbs for kes or tes. and ater prepositions, ove paying football ‘Shes good 2 leaning languoges © Complete the sentences with a suitable verb. Julia loves _pleying board games, 1. My sceris interested in. 8 god tennis player 2. Does Jae tke. videos 3t home on rainy days? 4 hate. on crowded buses, un Fide ening © Write sentences using a gerund, Ema /enoy travel abrosd, ‘ona enjoys travelling abroad. 1 brother ie do karate 2. yourfriend/ hte / tra tis? 3. Nck/be good at pay musica instruments (Am Past simple and continuous ‘+ We otlen use the past continuous andthe past simple inthe same sentence Wen she was falling. her parachute dnt open 4+ Weuse the past continuous for ction nprogressin the past andthe pat spl for evens which interrupt the ation in progress. Joh was watching TV when Beth arrived, ‘+ Weaso use he past simple fora sequence of cons inthe past Joan erashed and got seriously hurt. ast continuous RAs Fast simple ¥ Vom v pastsimple —_pastsimple ew Gh» when and while en He was running away whon the bear atacked, Whe he was runing au. the bear ached 1+ We use he past simple ater when + Wes the past continuous ater while © choose the correct words. saw the aeient white walked / Was wal tosehoo 1. Abus was eaming along the read when a og ran/ was running in ont oft 2. Thesrver saw was seeing the dog and aveldedit |. While the driver avoided / was aveiging the dog. he drove into tree. 44 Some binds sat/ were sitting inthe re and they suddenly fa aay © complete the sentences withthe correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the past simple or the past continuous. Someone _wzat ino theirreom while they ware + slegping (90! step) 1. Wh cas he i leg st break 24 tome when — a 50 note run na 3. We — nen te teacher : In hat come. 4 bed a photo of us while we (ake ave, @ Complete the sentences with when or white. was surprised_when I hoaedthe nos, 1. They sew dolphins — they wer sailing 2. Westayed inside Iwas aining 3, __hesawtha bear he was walling inthe forest, 44 The deg was running towards me suddenly stopped © complete the text withthe correct form of the ‘verbs in blue. Use the past simple or the past continuous, | as doing my homework at 9 o'elck last right hadte write a blog, but) what to wrt abot. Than while 2 infront of my computer. heard noise ouside 1 @ otf my ght ané looked out of he window, Three foxes (a) in ourgarden, 1 them fren minutes and hen Stared writing my blo! i> Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives cn revilabie adjectives [A targe lovely ea Digger than elder than larger ran lovatier han ST the biggest the oldest the largest ee the loveliest ending -y famous Pend more famous. | the most than famous better than ‘wore than further than the best the worst We use comparative adjectives to compare we things, people or paces. Pans bigger than Malaga, + We form comparatves by adding ero adjectives with one sylable or alocves with two afables ending ny. John is elder than Deborah, Sh ie happier than im + Foraclecves with mare than one alable we use more + adjective New York e more famous than Brisa + Wouse than ater comparative adjectives, The caves al Lascaux are oldr than Paris. ‘St Petersburg is more Besul than Moscow. ‘+ Wouse superlative adjectives compare three or ‘more things, people or places. The Taj Mahal the loveliest palace inthe word + We orm superlatives by ading -estto adjectives with only one elle and adjectives with two syiables ending in. {2m the youngest person in my clas. ‘+ Foradecives wah mere than one lable we use most adjective. The Alhambra the most beautiful building in Spain. + Weuse te botoresuperaie adjectives Whats the most interesting place you know? + good. badane fr are regular adjectives and they havea diferent comparative and superative form, Ty Sory3'is better than ‘Shrek 3: Now Yorks the best city nthe word © compete te word sats with the correct words sce fat Comparati —fattar_than ‘pera th atest 1 aac pert th east 2, dec — compara beterhan 24 ae: nay superaive, ‘@ complete the sentences with the comparative ‘or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. think history is sucre interesting than geography interesting 1. Paulana Robert are cur clas. rosy) people in 2 Fm than youat football baad 3. Gimbing up 2 mountain is than walking down a mounian. tring) 4 They vein — house inthe vilage.darge i> Present perfect Cs ern Hersh has been ‘seen Wervourthey have been. | vobe We us the present perfect talk about experiences ‘or actionsin the past when we den mention or we dont know the exact tine. He has bought a raf ticket We form the afemativ ofthe present perfect with hhave/has + the past parcpeof he verb, My dd has built a swimming pot negative as) {ou have not don haven't done Herat has not done hasntdone Wervourthy have not done | havent done ‘+ Wetorm the negative wih haven has’ + the post participle ofthe vers, We haven't collected any money or an animal chart, es Have you ever seen. es, yu have No, youl haven Has helshefl (ver seen .? Yes helsheit has No, helshert hasnt Have weryourtey over seen.? Yes. youweltheyhave No, youltwe/they havent + We orm questions wih havfhas + subject + pat partipe, ‘What have you done? ‘+ We ten use ever with the present perfecto ask ‘questions about experiences inthe past. Have you ever sold rafletckets for chai? O ( + We use present perfect + never tak about experiences we havent had ve never been to Rome. ‘+ Forraguar verbs tha pat partciple isthe same as the past simple 1+ Use the irregular verbs ist on page 12810 learn regular past partes. ‘@ complete the sentences with a suitable ver inthe present perfect. Then rewrite them in the negative form. ‘ey ave built a new Vrary ‘ey_aven’t built anew bray, a _—armistoke. 2. Gemma — ‘ew ba, 3. The students voluntary work & Wea good time totay 5. My brother the Tower of Londen ® Write questions in the present perfect. Then anewor them, you / ever meet 2 scintst? Have you ever me a szientise? No. haven't, 1. your parents sell/theichouse? (V7) 2. Miss Martinez / gv you any homework? Un 3. you! ever J eat shark? on 4 Chatiewash his das ea? 1 Elm forand since lenminutes twohours [2010 2pm fourdays—threewesks | Apel themoming [Uiwas born Saturday Uae night, armonh year ‘ong time ‘+ We use How ong wih prasent perfect questions to ak about the duration ofan ae oF situation, How long has she been in Pars? 4+ Weuse forth durations of ime, 5 She's been in Paris for more than a year 4+ Weuse since with starting pins in tine (when he actly commenced, ‘She's ben in Paria since Augut 2009, 5 ths week inthe as week ever when I as young recently ‘® complete the table with the time expressions inblue. tne beginning ofthe century «2 few mines Cee ‘© complete the sentences with for or since. My mum hasn't worked flr —_tenyears, 1. How long has there been a cathedral here?” rmorethan ve centuries, 2. We've known each other Christmas, 3. Henry has wanted to bean actor he 2s youn, 4 They havent seen Katy — wo weeks. 5. A How long haveyou hada headache? e 1 got up thi morning, {> Present perfect and past simple past simple yesterday tastyear in 2009 Wo us the present prtct tak about continuing situations when the tie prio nt frished He as had that mp player for sie months We also use the present perfect for things that have happened once or a numberof ies ina certin ime period ve Been othe gym tice his Wook ‘Wie use the prosent perfect ak about experiences inthe past when we dent know or dont mention the They have been tothe USA We never use the present perfec fr something that happened specif timein the past. we use the @ past simple inthis case We wont othe cinema last Saturday + We seth pact simple talk about completed actions ata daft mein th pat They ment to te USA In 2009, ‘+ Weuuse the presen periec oak questions about cxperioncesin the part. Have you ever eon tothe USA? + We use past simple quetions to ak fer more information about the experience When did you go othe USA? @ choose the correct words. My parents ove having adventures, So every year We go traveling. We've sees! saw some amating places 0 ar Wo(I) "Ve been /went a Ac, stalls and South America. and last summer we (2) "ve stayed / stayed in the Arctic for three weeks! We) haven't stayed / didn’ stayin ahotel we went camping Over the as ve yors. we d)'ve met / met some realy interesting people and my mum Shas bought / Bought some unusual sowenis! © complete the sentences with the present perfect or the past simple form of the verbs inbrackets We bought toy) 2 guidebook when we were in the eatharal 1. That man ten minutes age. 2. We hours now. (get onthe train (be) onthe coach for sx 3. How yu tot when you ware at the topo the mountain? Exhausted! 4 dames — ‘nce 2008 (wor in Australia D complete the distoyue with the present perfect or the past simple form of the verbs in brackets, ‘A Haws you ever__scen (see one atthe Natural Wonders ofthe Wore? B Yes. (have. tit) — (vst he Grand Caryn in the USA A. Really? When 2) —__you (ga) there? B18) (92) ast year when was visting my aunt and uncle in Las Vegas. They w A What was ke? Bitwas amazing ts the best experience ©. ever (have) 16) photos when Iwas there! — tie) there ort years, (take) hundreds ot Gl» quantifiers ‘We uee come, any 2 oto few lite, much and ‘manyte talk about quantities of things. Wie use alot of with purat countable nouns and uncountable nouns oak about large quantity. They ea lt of rut and vegeteties, ‘ie use somein affirmative sentences wih plural unable nouns and uncountable nouns otal about a medium quantity All students will nee bring some warm clehes ie use afew in atirmative sentences with plrat ‘countable nouns oak about small quantity. Pack afew extra socks asthe camp i coda nigh. We use ate in alfrmative sentences vith neountable nouns to tak about smal quantity. Yeu ean bring a Uitte money ‘We use manyin negative sentences wih plurat countable nouns total abut mal quantity. I ont have many fends, We use much in negative sentences with uncountable rouns tak about a smal quanti She doesnt have much time. We use anyin negative zonteces with pura ounlabe nouns and uncountable nouns tak about zero quantity. Studer dnt need bring any fod, We use How many ..? wth plural countable nouns ‘and How much .? with uncountable nouns to ask questions about uanity, ow many tends have you got? How much ful have you eaten today? ‘© complete the sentences with some, any, much or many. How many. diferent cauntishave you been to? 1. He dint sane osteards rom New “ork =not nel 2 tvegat amazing photos trom my trip a 3. We dt buy. souvenirs —just one feodhave you gtin the sutease? © complete the pairs of sentences with the correct words, snueh many Thereisnt_ muuch to dointhe evenings “here arent range things odoin the town afew ale | 1 Ivegot____ money. 2. Tvegot ats in my purse alot many 3 There arent new teachers t theschoot 4, Theware now stents Gi» Future tenses: will affirmative \YoulHelsheit WervouTey negative | You/He/Sheit wil tg (wont WerYourThey ey | Will yeurharshelwalyoutey go? | ‘Yes, youlhe/sheivweyoulthey wi Ne. youlna/seitiwelyouthey wer, ‘ie use willwon + the infiitve without toto make predictions forthe futur, in tat lm wil wn a lt of awards, + Wecan use coftey when we ae certain about something in the future and probaly when we think | something is kel. That fim definitely wont win any awardst Most is wil probably be i 30 nftre ® Write predictions for the future with will or won't. Include the words in brackets. people ven the moon robaby) eaple wil probably live on the moon. 1. mybrother be /a fm star (defintely) 2. that fm not win/ an award etntey) 4. schoolchildren not we books (probably @ Write questions with wit, Then write true short answers. (our ad) be Pre Mitr Wil oe dad be Prive Miniter? fia, ben 1. yuan our rind makea cary CO 2. (jou gp out fora mato aureay 3. (our acho be open tran im Future tenses: be going to fo See Tam going to make im going to make ‘Youare going to make. Hesse is going tomake Werrourthey are going to make. re olng to make ‘going to make re going to make a contracted form am not going win im natgolng to win You ace not acing to wn. HerShet is nat going to Isnt going twin WertoulThey ae nt going owin ari going te win ee ‘Am | going 090? Yes. you are No,youaren't Areyou going to 90? ‘es Tam No. am not Is elshet ening to go? Yes he/she, No. helsheft ian. ‘Are weiyouthey going to go? ‘es youtwerhey are. No, youweithey aren, 1+ Weuse be going tote ak bout future intentions + We ls use be going whan there is vin inthe ‘resent that something i very kel to happen 1+ Weform sanences wth be + (no + going to» They aren't going to wateh afm @ Complete the sentences withthe correct form ‘of be going to and the verbs in brackets, Tria ta build anon owe, tid 1 any mere DVDs, (nota Lok ut Your book an the oar. tld Sera___ as a stuntwoman? (work 4 Matt maths at university. et stu) Gm First conditional cr es situation Itt dont wi consequence ‘+ We use the first conditional ak about possible ‘+ Toform frst conditional sentences we use + subject + resent simple le the situation subject + wiliwon + infin without oo the consequence) 4+ tthe situation comes rt we need a comma. {tthe weather good lg othe beach. + We don't put comma the consequence comes irl ‘She'll got we she decent take an umavela, B® choose the correct words. lam bbe surrey ena enoy hat fim 1 en comes wil come tere aren't tombe enough sete 2 they wrk U work har they pss pase thar exams 2. Wehove/ "have aborbecie iit doesn ran/ wo'tain 4, Hig goto London. send sendyoo some pictures, ® write questions and answer them. your mother get angry if! you tlle? amcor cat ansrt Egos 2 hat yeu de if rain weekeng? 2. yu attend pop concert you /be 3. yeu! buy Japanese cari you have / enough mone? 44 your best rind wrk /chariy t/heshe / have /time? Gm The passive: present simple | minted Taminwited Wervourthey seinvted, | ‘eines Hehe invited, ‘inte negative rey not pala aren't paid lon paid Lam net pai WertourThey are not pid HeiSheits not pid See ‘am Vwi? Yes, you ae ‘Are wovyourtey invited? Yes, youlwelthey are. Ishefehe/t ited? Yes, he/she No, you aren No, you'werthey arent, No. he/she in. ‘+The present simple passives formed withthe present of be + the past particle ofthe ver. ‘+ Forpast participles ofiregular verbs. ee the Irregular vert ist on page 128 ® complete the sentences with the present imple passive form of the verbs in brackets. Thatchureh i used _(use) for concerts. 1. Records notte) here any ere Muse ___townioas ‘rom he intemet. 3. Chines not speak 4, “wo thousand songs (store on my mobilephone ® Write questions in the present simple passive, ‘Then write the correct short answer. his blog read by thousands? (is his blog read by thousands?\V) Yes itis ‘he song ries / writen Spanish? w 2._sexophones play onthe souncrac? ——_» 3 CDs [produce in hat building? “ Gm The passive: past simple affirmative eri was nied WerYourThey were invited. negative ie/She was not pai and WervourThey were not paid. | werent pa eee) Yes Uhelshelt was Were weryurhey ines? ‘Yes. youlerthy Were No. be/shert wasnt No. youwethey werent ‘+The past simple passives formed wit the past of Bo + the pat patiple of the vert @ complete the text withthe past simple passive form of the verbs in brackets. ‘Anbey Road studies are in house that was built (oun London in 1813 The buling » (buy by ecard ‘eompany in 1891, ane the rooms 2) ‘convert ina recrding suse. 81 frat pap musie G) not record there only classical music was, However, In 1056, theft eck’ singe outs the USA. w —__ (make) there twas called Mave) oot ng} by The Bests. twa by Cif Richard andthe Driers no later bacame Te Shadows. Dwrite questions using the past simple passive. Thon answer them, Wen / Abbey Road / build? edhen was Abbey Road baile? 1 i redesign / a8 recording studios? 2. What king of music’ play there at re 3 ater kinds of musi record thre ltr? Wha Move’ sing / by? Gi» Active and passive “+ Aatve sentences start wit the subject the subjet is the peron thing that dos the action. The Beatles wrote the song. + We use the passive nen the ation ofa sntene ie important not the person who does it or when we do not knew whe does the action, (sare made fom plastic. “We use the passive in wring more than in peaking. 1+ We len use the pasié in wring describe a proces > obligation SI oulHershert rust stop WerveurTey averha o stop ‘+ We use mustand have foto show obligation. ‘+ Inquestons about obligation we only use have Do have to do my homework? > Absence of obligation rey Wow do nat have to. dont have to Heisheit doasnathaveto WorYouThey do not have to want have te ont have to + We use dont have toto show there sno abigaton ot that something let necossary. ‘She doesnt have o prepare dnner trig. an \WoulHershest ‘musta op. WertourTey tmstn sto) + Weuse mustn't shew prhiion. dots nat mean the same as don have fa You mustn't be late for schoo, > Advice cs ‘WYoumershest es should come Wvou/elShert ‘should nat come, (shouldnt come) ‘Should Wyouhelshoivweyoulhey invite Bob? Yes, youl/he/she/tiyou'worthey shoul No, youlha/sherilyouwelthey shouldn't + Weuse shoula/shouc'tta gv adie You should eat more rut ® Read the sentences and tick (1 the correct meaning. Lessons mus lat at o'clock obligation [Z) 6. nobiigation 1. Wehave to stand up when the teacher arrives, 8, ebigaon []—b. sosbligaton 2. Doyou have to wear schol uniform? a. obigaton []——b. noabiigation () '3,_Students don't have to have lunch a choo 2. cbigatin (_] no obligation 4, Sara doasn' have to walk choot obligation] b, nobiigation ® choose the correct words. "'m exhausted. [must/ don’ have to go to bed. 1. We havent gt ime, We must don't have tohury. 2, The guidebook isn free. You have to / dont have to pay frit 3. Hecan bring towers, but he doesnt don'thavet, 4 They havent gt any plane for tomerrow so they ‘must / don't have to get up ery, pews © completo the sentences with mustn’tand the verbs in blue. Haye you seen that all man over there? ‘Anna, you _suusta't point _athim. Ws rade! 1.6 Patric’ they nox week, We to end him a card 2. Jackie only ix she that vdeo games to violent Yu tae 4% Mum! Mum ‘Seh! Fm on he phone and its important You me @© complete the sentences with should or ‘shouldn't and the verbs in blue, You should arrive ten minutes beers the fim tas, 1. Yeu Your mobilephone ort annoy people 2 You od uit 3 You toudyto your fronds during he fm vou your eet onthe seat front of you > Second conditional err er I bought he a pres she would be happy consequence cr Ifehe had some meney ‘+ We use the second condtona talk about events in the present anlfuture that are una to happen + Toform second cononal sentonces, we use subject ‘est snp Gr the stasio, subjet + weularaeutnt + ifnve without oor te consequence + When the situation comes frst, wa use a comma, ‘as famous. buy abi house. + We dont use a eamma ifthe consequence comes rst Lon woutd be sa if a the rath, ‘+ Weform questions wih (question word « would + subject + inne without f+ i+ subjet «past simple What would you do if you ha an argument wth your est rin? ‘She would buy some shoes + Wo often use were instead of was ater f werbie preferred in formal sve Mi was/were famous. buy a big house ® choose the correct words. INKidn't wouldn't work hard dnt woul pase my exams 1. Ihe played /" play 2 musica instrument he chose /'d choose the saxophone. 2. Where aid would you te ifyou moved! ‘drove to ancther county? 4. My parents were / would be delighted fl went / '4.go to univers, 4 Hyeu nad /"dhave €10000. what did would you spend ton? ‘@ complete the first half of the sentences with the past simple or would/wouldn’t+ infinitive. ‘Then match the sentence halves, 1. 124.66 extremely rich, a 2. What ou cy. 2 2 ite have) an argument. CI ei (wotinow) where twat.) 5. My parent —tcomplain) c a. fa stranger kissed you? if they dit tke te ood a resturant we woulda? be happy. 4. itt won the tory. «8. daektor directions G1» Reported speech: say and tell + We us reported speech el somebody someting that somebody else sai + We use ifterentrepring verbs tl at + Weuse 597% (h90 rfall somebody + (had reported speech Cer ported speech Tmtied” esis Allee, | Ace sald had she was ‘We never got the beach forcurhoiays” suid Me Brow, Me Brom ol his end that they never west the beach fr their holidays. | Matin saa (thaw his site dnt want anew dress, Wy sister doesn't wont 2 new ress” Marin sud Nobody can itis Information’ sad one of the students ‘One o the students tld the teacher that nobody could find that ifermation ‘© Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. ove collecting stamps said Sara Sarah sold (that) she loved collecting stamps don't feel tke sting hr todo ead Sam ‘canta fetal ofa. stueying. ay ld Mi Tho reoree is haying a rest my lather sae ‘1m going tobe late tonight. my uncle sad "im buying jst afew books my mater tld me, G1» Reported speech: orders and requests 1+ Toreport orders or requests we use Ml order or ask + somebory + (n00 fini cer Sy ‘Come here at once said the angry mother ‘The angry mother ordered hor sonto go there at oee Posse dont me nather le Peter sathe teacher. ‘The eachar asked Peter nota tllner anther, Hand in your tests, please,’ | The teacher asked the saith lnchor asst hand in thei tas © Write the missing words in each sentence. Theteacher asked hime be quis 1. |____ yeas ring mse othe ary, 2 Gu her brother notte speak so loudly while ahe was onthe phone 3, Andrew andhis brother ime otto go their house today. 4% Thomas ___hie sister to fateh some water for him 5. Mya eto stop talking nonsense. aC ETT

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