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socially ; a failure to recognise would -be friends

in the streets and elsewhere , as if from a proud
independence , or as if they were inferior mortals

and beneath you , often gives unmeant offence ,

destroys all warmth toward a physician , and
usually causes their possessor to fail to inspire

either friendly likingsor faith ; and a physician

who cannot in some way make friends or awaken
faith in himself cannot fail to fail . The reputa
A very
nice man . ' tion even of being & " very nice man ” makes
friends of everybody , and is even more potent
with many than skill. Tact , delicacy of per

ception , the power of winning the patient 's con

fidence , of allaying his fears, and comforting him
in pain , and , at the same time, keeping clear of

his prejudices , are essentialities of vital import

ance , and should be assiduously cultivated ; for
both personal appearance and manners are much
in medicine, and a power in practice , and worthy of

a serious consideration they seldom get . '

Your face Dr . Cathell also advises us further : 1 School
should not

betray yourself till you can prevent your thoughts


embarrassments and opinions from showing


your countenance during anxiety and emergen

cies and above all discipline your features and


Cathell The Physician himself



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