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See the Editorial and the Response in this issue, p 1.

J Neurosurg 100:2–7, 2004

Surgical innovation or surgical evolution: an ethical and

practical guide to handling novel neurosurgical procedures

Division of Neurosurgery, Toronto Western Hospital, and Joint Center for Bioethics, University of
Toronto, Canada

Object. Surgical innovation is an important driver of improvements in technique and technology, which ultimately trans-
lates into improvements in patients’ outcomes. Nevertheless, patients may face new risks of morbidity and mortality when
surgical innovation is used, and well-intentioned surgical “experimentation” on patients must be regulated and monitored.
In this paper the authors examine the challenges of defining surgical innovation and briefly review the literature on this
challenging subject.
Methods. Using examples from the field of neurosurgery and in part from the personal experience of the senior author,
the authors develop a model of levels of experimental acuity of surgical procedures and offer recommendations on how
these procedures would best be regulated.
Conclusions. The authors propose guidelines for determining the need for regulation of innovation. The potential role
of institutional review boards in this process is highlighted.

KEY WORDS • institutional review board • novel therapy • surgical innovation

should be abundantly clear to every clinician that to fixation to the base ring must breach the drapes. Another

conduct research in humans investigators must obtain modification is introduced when a stereotactic frame is used
approval of the protocol from the appropriate IRB. The to drill the guide hole for the catheter, but is removed before
IRB review of a research protocol is primarily aimed at formal draping, thus avoiding breaches of sterile technique
minimizing risks to the patients from unproven therapies and decreasing the risk of infection.2 Does a surgeon require
and ensuring that the patients understand, as fully as possi- approval from the IRB or another committee or supervisor
ble, what their options and risks are. Requirement for IRB for such procedures? Similarly, the increased use of min-
approval is articulated clearly by institutions’ codes of re- imally invasive surgery has led to a trend toward shorter
search conduct and in published frameworks guiding the hospitalization stays, and certain procedures that previous-
ethical conduct of biomedical research.9,17,36,37,54 What is not ly were considered inappropriate for outpatient surgery are
so clear, however, is which surgical procedures require an now performed in that manner.7,11 Does a surgeon need ap-
IRB examination or some other form of formal regulation. proval from the IRB or another source for this type of inno-
Furthermore, there is mounting evidence that IRBs are un- vation or is this simply the natural evolution of the art and
der significant strain, exhibiting inadequate levels of per- science of surgical practice in action?
formance,5 and are in need of significant reform.46 Much of the literature on surgical innovation is commen-
When the surgical procedure is part of an RCT in which tary and/or focuses on specific cases. We propose a num-
an experimental treatment is tested, such as high-activity ber of distinct scenarios of severity, or acuity, regarding the
brachytherapy for malignant brain tumors, the requirement need for regulation of novel surgical procedures (Table 1).
of IRB approval would seem to be clear.29,44 Nevertheless, Using examples from the field of neurosurgery, and partly
most surgical innovation does not take place in the context from the personal experience of the senior author (M.B.),
of an RCT.3,24 Some innovations represent variations in an we explore the need for IRB approval and other forms of
accepted procedure, such as the application of a stereotactic regulation in surgical innovation, from an ethical and prac-
frame to the placement of intraventricular catheters; this in- tical perspective. We will attempt to construct a framework
novation is likely to facilitate a reduction in the number of that addresses essentially all situations in which surgical in-
passes through the brain, thus decreasing the risk to the pa- novators could find themselves.
tient.30 On the other hand, the use of a stereotactic frame
may increase the possibility of infection by introducing
more opportunities for a breach of sterile technique as the Practice, Innovation, or Research: Practical
frame is moved in and out of a sterile field and the points of Problems Associated With the Assessment of
Surgical Innovation
Abbreviations used in this paper: IRB = institutional review Consideration of widely accepted and binding interna-
board; RCT = research clinical trial. tional agreements on bioethical principles governing hu-

2 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 100 / January, 2004

Surgical innovation

Rating of surgical procedures according to their need for regulation*
Procedure Description Example Authors & Year

A new procedure (never performed previously)

elective neuronal cell transplant Kondziolka, et al., 2000
urgent MCA anastomosis Steiger, 2001
leaving pattie to stop bleeding no specific publication†
B fairly new procedure that is part of an RCT brachytherapy Laperriere, et al., 1998
C amendment to the technique microsurgical lumbar discectomy Williams, 1978
of an established op
D amendment to other features outpatient brain tumor surgery Bernstein, 2001
of an established op
E new procedure to an individual surgeon surgeonʼs first complex no specific publication
instrumented spinal fusion
* MCA = middle cerebral artery.
† This maneuver was performed by the senior author circa 1990, but may have been performed by other surgeons as well.

man research helps shed some light on the ethical obliga- One example with a legislative basis can be found in a para-
tions of the clinician seeking innovation.36,37,54 The concept graph from the Civil Code of Quebec; it states: “care con-
of innovative care as it appears in these documents is dis- sidered by the ethics committee to be innovative care re-
tinct from clinical practice or research.36,54 This distinction quired by the state of health of the person concerned does
first appears in The Belmont Report,36 in which innovative not constitute an experiment” (Article 21, Paragraph 4, Civ-
care is characterized as a “practice that departs significant- il Code of Quebec).12
ly from the standard or accepted.” Innovative care does not, When innovative care does not constitute a formal re-
in itself, constitute research, even though the treatment may search protocol, the cost of care is covered by hospital bud-
be new, untested, or different. Nevertheless, it must be gets.12,39 This has several implications. In an era of techno-
made the object of formal research “at an early stage” to logical advances with an ever-increasing pressure on finite
determine its safety and efficacy if it is to be adopted as health care resources, there is a growing demand to ra-
conventional care. This gives rise to a new question: Who tionalize clinical practice.4,10,15,19,20,32,39,45,50 Apart from the
defines what constitutes a significant departure from stan- obvious obligation to apply the most scientifically sound
dard or accepted practice and, by inference, an innovation? treatment available to the patient’s problem,18,24,35 public ac-
Every application of a surgical procedure may raise differ- countability is an important consideration when resources
ent challenges, requiring an instant innovation. Drawing the might be diverted from other worthy social causes.17 Mini-
line between what would be an experimental form of care mization of the potential impact of conflict of interest on the
and what is merely a slight alteration, which could be clas- part of the innovator (for example, potential publication or
sified under the rubric of standard care, may be difficult. financial gain) can be addressed by third-party adjudication
According to The Belmont Report36 the responsibility for of outcome parameters3 and by rigorous peer review by
incorporating an innovation into a formal research project journal editors, reviewers, and members of the profession
rests with the IRB; however, if the surgeon performs an while innovation is in the development stage.21 Confound-
innovation in isolation, the IRB can have no knowledge that ing factors at this stage include the tendencies for an in-
a potentially innovative therapy has been undertaken. novative technology or technique to evolve, its applications
The designation “research” implies the formal testing of to be altered, and the experience of innovators to increase
a hypothesis, which permits a conclusion to be drawn. This with improved performance (progression along the learning
activity is designed to contribute to generalizable knowl- curve).3,38 Although undertaking a formal assessment at too
edge.36,54 Clinical practice refers to interventions designed early a stage may give a distorted picture that is biased
solely to enhance the well being of an individual patient against the new technology or technique,38 in the interest of
and ones that are associated with a reasonable expectation patient safety, the IRB should insist that the surgical inno-
of success.36 It is also recognized that research is required to vation be tested in a formal research study.36,54 The degree of
improve prophylactic, diagnostic, and therapeutic proce- urgency should be determined by how radical the new pro-
dures54 and may be combined with clinical practice to eval- cedure is.36.
uate the safety and efficacy of an innovative therapy.5,36 It is useful to differentiate between an innovation in tech-
The term “innovation” would apply to a novel therapy, nology and one in technique.40,50 Before the former can be
which eventually is shown to be effective and is something introduced into surgical practice rigorous training is re-
that the public needs or wants.36,39 A useful definition of in- quired, such as taking defined courses to study the equip-
novative surgery for our purposes is “a novel procedure, a ment, visiting a center where the equipment is currently
significant modification of a standard technique, a new ap- being used, acclimating oneself to the equipment with the
plication of or new indication for an established technique, aid of a proctor, and finally independent operating with
or an alternative combination of an established technique review.26,32,33,34,53 The surgeon’s institution should require
with another therapeutic modality that was developed and any combination of the aforementioned training as a mini-
tested for the first time.”40 mum for an innovation in technology. Innovation of tech-
Several suggestions for the regulation of innovative care nique, when conducted by an experienced surgeon, prob-
in medicine have been made.1,3,5,6,14,18,20,21,24,31,32,34,35,39–42,47,50 ably does not require the same degree, rigor, or urgency

J. Neurosurg. / Volume 100 / January, 2004 3

M. Bernstein and J. Bampoe

of institutional review.2,7,11,22,25,43,52 Nevertheless, it is the re- years ago by the senior author without any knowledge of
sponsibility of the institution and the profession at large to whether it had been performed previously. It would be con-
scrutinize the procedure in the interests of patient safety. In sidered unorthodox at minimum and definitely would intro-
a situation in which the innovation has achieved sufficient duce some risk of infection due to a retained foreign body.
success such that there is uncertainty as to which therapy These innovations could not possibly be assessed by an
(novel or standard) constitutes the best treatment, an RCT IRB because of the urgency of the situation. The recom-
should be conducted to compare the two therapies.20,24 mended course of action taken to address the problem
In certain instances the pressure to obtain institutional or would be discussion with an experienced colleague if pos-
peer review of an innovative therapy is not as rigorous as it sible. Some objectivity and experience could be introduced
should be. This may occur more often in privately funded to help solve the problem, and the principles of nonmal-
surgical practice than in publicly funded practice.40 Regula- feasance and beneficence would be honored, although in-
tion of innovative surgery and, as a result, patient protection formed consent would not be possible. The procedure ul-
is then achieved only by the apparent necessity of avoiding timately undertaken in the emergency case was, in the
malpractice litigation.40 This is unsatisfactory because the surgeon’s judgment, the one least likely to be associated
fiduciary relationship between a physician and patient is with complications, even though there was a some risk in-
damaged when avoidance of litigation rather than benefi- volved in its undertaking.
cence is the motivator for regulation of innovation. Litiga- The surgeon’s mandate should be to do the best for the
tion tends to set only the minimum standards for acceptable patient, using the best clinical judgment tempered by clini-
patient care.21 cal experience and knowledge of one’s surgical limitations.
If time and opportunity allow, requesting feedback and sup-
port from an experienced colleague is highly desirable to
Possible Scenarios provide a more objective assessment of the problem and its
A New Procedure (Procedure A) possible solutions.47
This type of procedure is new to all surgeons (Table 1). It Arm of an RCT (Procedure B)
is imperative to subdivide this scenario into elective and ur-
gent situations. In the first case, we must ask: Should IRB The surgical arm of an RCT represents the archetypal or
approval be required for an elective novel procedure such as “paradigm” case requiring IRB approval (Table 1). In any
transplantation of cultured human neuronal cells to treat pa- situation in which there is clinical uncertainty about which
tients with major stroke?27 The obvious answer would be of two or more treatments is superior and patients are ran-
“yes.” The demonstration in preclinical studies that the pro- domly assigned to treatment groups, the most rigorous safe-
cedure has potential value and a favorable risk/benefit ratio guards must be in place to protect patient safety and au-
and the assessment that the procedure is the sole therapeu- tonomy. The legitimacy of the RCT should be based on
tic option are all prerequisites for IRB approval.17,36,37,54 In evidence of systematic preclinical development, the perfor-
such a scenario the IRB would be placed in a position to mance of phase I and II clinical studies, and the availability
examine a novel and exciting treatment and contribute to of appropriate technology. Neurosurgical examples would
the initiative by ensuring an optimum risk/benefit ratio and include the study of extracranial–intracranial arterial bypass
the best possible informed consent process, as well as pro- as a treatment for cerebral ischemia16,28 and the two ran-
viding ongoing monitoring. domized studies of the use of interstitial brachytherapy as a
Some could argue that an alternate approach would be radiation “boost” for de novo malignant gliomas.23,29,44 The
for respected peers of the surgeon to endorse the proposed IRB should fill an important role in addressing the ethics of
procedure and for formal permission to be obtained from the standard therapy arm in an RCT, particularly vis-à-vis
the surgeon-in-chief. Unfortunately, this approach could the use of placebo controls.51
certainly be associated with some bias depending on the Eventually many novel procedures undergo proper sci-
surgeon-in-chief’s attitude, level of conservatism, and trust entific testing in the setting of an RCT; however, many pro-
in the track record of the surgeon involved in the inno- cedures do not, for a variety of reasons including the tre-
vation. Appropriate informed consent from each patient mendous difficulty and expenditure of time, energy, and
would be a prerequisite and the IRB should be sent a copy resources required for the proper conception and execution
of this form. Oversight of the surgeon’s experience with the of an RCT.
new procedure by a committee or a respected individual
Amendment to the Technique of an Established Operation
(perhaps a senior surgical innovator) would be necessary.
(Procedure C)
In an emergency situation, the decision to undertake
a novel neurosurgical procedure that involves significant Should IRB approval be required for an amendment to an
risk cannot wait for IRB approval because of the extreme- established operative technique (Table 1)? Common sense
ly short time lines available. Numerous examples exist in would suggest that it would depend on how major or radi-
everyday practice such as the first time a dental mirror was cal the amendment is.36 For example, the stereotactic tech-
introduced into the operative field so that the surgeon could nique is basic to neurosurgical practice. Its application to
see around a corner deep in the brain, and stopping an in- the insertion of an Ommaya reservoir would be expected to
tractable hemorrhage from a hole on the side of an artery increase the accuracy of catheter placement with very little
with a cloth surgical pattie because it is the only thing that additional risk to the patient, except, perhaps, the possible
worked. In the latter case the hole was created by an aneu- increased risk of infection.30 The risk of infection can be
rysm clip, which tore off a small but wide-based aneurysm addressed by appropriate adjustments, that is, further tech-
from the parent artery. The maneuver was performed some nical amendments that ultimately remove the frame from

4 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 100 / January, 2004

Surgical innovation

the operative field.2 No mandatory requirement for IRB ap- as an experiential foundation, the evolution to a 0-night stay
proval is probably necessary if the innovations are not rad- in the hospital (or outpatient brain tumor surgery) does not
ical and are performed by a surgeon with established expe- seem as radical as it did at first glance.
rience in stereotactic technique, thus resulting in a favorable This type of innovation might simply be viewed as an
risk/benefit ratio for the patients.2,17 The same situation ap- evolution in modern surgical practice; the median duration
plies to the introduction of the operating microscope for of stay is decreasing for most surgical procedures and, in
routine neurosurgical procedures, such as microsurgical this case, it evolutionally decreased to zero. One could ar-
lumbar discectomy.52 What is required of such an innova- gue that such an innovation, even though it sounds quite
tion is the surgeon’s demonstrable familiarity with the tech- extreme, does not require IRB approval. Furthermore, it is
nology, which can be enhanced with a period of training, entirely possible that IRB approval would be impossible to
proctoring, or supervision mandated and regulated by a pro- obtain for such a protocol, thus blocking an innovation that
fessional or local training body.28,31 This simple but elegant has been demonstrated to represent a safe and viable treat-
innovation revolutionized the technique of an exceedingly ment alternative.7,11 An alternative approach to appropriate
common procedure performed by neurosurgeons and ortho- regulation of such an amendment might be the use of local
pedic surgeons. peer review and permission from the surgeon-in-chief, as
Also within this category is the introduction of novel described earlier in Procedure A, Elective.
technology to enhance a standard neurosurgical operation.
An example of this would be the introduction of open mag- New Procedure to an Individual Surgeon (Procedure E)
nets located within the operating room so that real-time Once neurosurgeons have been licensed by fulfilling the
magnetic resonance imaging can help guide the removal of requirements of a recognized residency training program
a brain tumor.8 This novel technology is associated with ob- and passing the requisite examinations, they are qualified to
vious surgical advantages for patients. It is beneficial for the function independently in the jurisdiction covered by their
surgeons as well because it allows them to view changes in licensing body. Does this imply that the neurosurgeon is
real time that would be difficult with the naked eye, which qualified to undertake all neurosurgical procedures? Neuro-
is such a crude tool for distinguishing the interface between surgery is becoming increasingly specialized and complex,
normal brain and intraaxial tumors. Nevertheless, IRB ap- and not every training program exposes neurosurgical train-
proval would likely be required, partly because of the pos- ees to every surgical procedure. Many residents who have
sibility of risks and complications not previously encoun- recently completed their training are not competent to deal
tered, such as a missile injury to the patient or staff if a with certain complex neurosurgery cases independently. A
magnetic object is accidentally introduced into the field of resident may not have performed a particular procedure a
the magnet. sufficient number of times to achieve competency and/or
the procedure may be so complex that it is primarily per-
Amendment to Other Features of an Established Operation formed by staff neurosurgeons alone or in teams. Examples
(Procedure D) would include removal of a complex arteriovenous mal-
An example in this category (Table 1) would be the com- formation, major brachial plexus reconstruction, odontoid
bination of a standard neurosurgical operation such as cra- screw placement, and endoscopic third ventriculostomy.
niotomy for tumor resection and a stereotactic brain tumor For general neurosurgeons who are not fully comfortable
biopsy performed on an outpatient basis.11 Is this surgi- with such an unfamiliar procedure, it would be unethical to
cal innovation or purely evolution of the art and science of perform it and expose the patient to unnecessary risk.31,32
neurosurgery, and what should be the role of the IRB or The same argument would hold for a situation in which a
other formal regulation? In this case the senior author has resident, who is supervised by a staff surgeon, undertakes
already demonstrated a remarkably low complication rate a procedure with which he or she is not yet comfortable.
when awake craniotomy is performed for tumor resec- There would be no role for an IRB in sorting out this issue;
tion.13,48 With this operation, over an 8-year period he has the problem is one of surgical qualification and not inno-
progressively reduced the median duration of the hospital vation or research. Additional training, such as a clinical
stay from 4 days in the first quartile of patients to 1 day in fellowship with recognized experts may be required for
the last quartile.48 Additional information from the literature some procedures, and for others tutelage by an experienced
shows that the main complication of a craniotomy, postop- colleague on a number of cases might suffice. Ultimately
erative hematoma, expresses itself clinically in essentially permission could be obtained from one’s senior peers and
all cases within 6 hours.49 Therefore, patients undergoing the surgeon-in-chief as described earlier in Procedure A,
outpatient craniotomy would only be discharged home if Elective.
they were stable 6 hours postoperatively; all would have
quick access to the hospital in the event of a complication
and stay in the company of a responsible adult; and an even- Recommendations
ing visit by a home-care nurse would be arranged in all cas- When considering surgical innovation the verdict of his-
es.7 The importance of patient autonomy must be recog- tory would argue against initial rigid control. Nevertheless,
nized; that is, the patient must receive a detailed explanation the great benefits of heart surgery, total hip replacement,
of the procedure in which its possible outcomes and com- transplant surgery, and numerous neurosurgical examples
plications are stressed. Importantly, patients should never have not been achieved without the costs of patient morbid-
be treated as outpatients against their will—it should be ity and mortality. Many previous innovations would pos-
completely voluntary. With all these precautions in place sibly not be acceptable to today’s IRBs. The benefits of
and with the personal experience of the author48 and others49 increased scientific knowledge and technology should and

J. Neurosurg. / Volume 100 / January, 2004 5

M. Bernstein and J. Bampoe

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