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12, 11, 10…3, 2 …

The countdown petered down
My labors done
Stripped off Nessus’ shirt!
Down to my bones
Who should I now
Castigate to stone?

Give up the kingdom,

Oh! Prince Siddhartha!
Ah! Nirvana comes
With a price!

Is there
A Moksh!
For one does not follow
The shadow of Buddha!

Can Bodhisattva
Be Attained
By fathoming
Bottomless Pools of sins!

Is there
A Pyre
A fire
A friend
To consign
This lesser mortal!

Even damned Lucifer had

Beelzebub for a backrub!

The scarred wrists

Shall breathe unshackled
If only I rub, rub
Coax the damned
Tepid blood to return!

Cruel punishment
For the fattened black sheep
To be cast out of the manger
Sans his coat
At the anointed hour!

Ah! Sickly goat!

Remind yourself
You are a warm
Blooded mammal!

Spared the sacrifice

Re-learn lessons

The only wool

A pauper wears is
His coarse thoughts!

The winter
Has almost
Petered out!
Cover ye head then
Bald Samson!
Warm words
For clothes!

21 Feb 2011 Shyam

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